diff options
authorAdam Ierymenko <>2017-03-07 13:53:11 -0800
committerAdam Ierymenko <>2017-03-07 13:53:11 -0800
commit22f86df6065ced3f0d7bbbb57ae2286cde06ce38 (patch)
parent712e8e828be368fc7e5e1c67ae4faa04a69a26cc (diff)
Merge ControlPlane into OneService to make variable access simpler.
5 files changed, 521 insertions, 696 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 427024eb..74efc337 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ OBJS=\
osdep/Http.o \
osdep/OSUtils.o \
service/ClusterGeoIpService.o \
- service/ControlPlane.o \
diff --git a/service/ControlPlane.cpp b/service/ControlPlane.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e0be5f77..00000000
--- a/service/ControlPlane.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
- * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 ZeroTier, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "ControlPlane.hpp"
-#include "OneService.hpp"
-#include "../version.h"
-#include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h"
-#include <http_parser.h>
-#include "../ext/http-parser/http_parser.h"
-#include "../ext/json/json.hpp"
-#include "../controller/EmbeddedNetworkController.hpp"
-#include "../node/InetAddress.hpp"
-#include "../node/Node.hpp"
-#include "../node/Utils.hpp"
-#include "../node/World.hpp"
-#include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp"
-namespace ZeroTier {
-namespace {
-static void _networkToJson(nlohmann::json &nj,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nc,const std::string &portDeviceName,const OneService::NetworkSettings &localSettings)
- char tmp[256];
- const char *nstatus = "",*ntype = "";
- switch(nc->status) {
- case ZT_NETWORK_STATUS_OK: nstatus = "OK"; break;
- case ZT_NETWORK_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: nstatus = "NOT_FOUND"; break;
- case ZT_NETWORK_STATUS_PORT_ERROR: nstatus = "PORT_ERROR"; break;
- }
- switch(nc->type) {
- case ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE: ntype = "PRIVATE"; break;
- case ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PUBLIC: ntype = "PUBLIC"; break;
- }
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.16llx",nc->nwid);
- nj["id"] = tmp;
- nj["nwid"] = tmp;
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x",(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 40) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 32) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 24) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 16) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 8) & 0xff),(unsigned int)(nc->mac & 0xff));
- nj["mac"] = tmp;
- nj["name"] = nc->name;
- nj["status"] = nstatus;
- nj["type"] = ntype;
- nj["mtu"] = nc->mtu;
- nj["dhcp"] = (bool)(nc->dhcp != 0);
- nj["bridge"] = (bool)(nc->bridge != 0);
- nj["broadcastEnabled"] = (bool)(nc->broadcastEnabled != 0);
- nj["portError"] = nc->portError;
- nj["netconfRevision"] = nc->netconfRevision;
- nj["portDeviceName"] = portDeviceName;
- nj["allowManaged"] = localSettings.allowManaged;
- nj["allowGlobal"] = localSettings.allowGlobal;
- nj["allowDefault"] = localSettings.allowDefault;
- nlohmann::json aa = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<nc->assignedAddressCount;++i) {
- aa.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(nc->assignedAddresses[i]))->toString());
- }
- nj["assignedAddresses"] = aa;
- nlohmann::json ra = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<nc->routeCount;++i) {
- nlohmann::json rj;
- rj["target"] = reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(nc->routes[i].target))->toString();
- if (nc->routes[i].via.ss_family == nc->routes[i].target.ss_family)
- rj["via"] = reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(nc->routes[i].via))->toIpString();
- else rj["via"] = nlohmann::json();
- rj["flags"] = (int)nc->routes[i].flags;
- rj["metric"] = (int)nc->routes[i].metric;
- ra.push_back(rj);
- }
- nj["routes"] = ra;
-static void _peerToJson(nlohmann::json &pj,const ZT_Peer *peer)
- char tmp[256];
- const char *prole = "";
- switch(peer->role) {
- case ZT_PEER_ROLE_LEAF: prole = "LEAF"; break;
- case ZT_PEER_ROLE_MOON: prole = "MOON"; break;
- case ZT_PEER_ROLE_PLANET: prole = "PLANET"; break;
- }
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.10llx",peer->address);
- pj["address"] = tmp;
- pj["versionMajor"] = peer->versionMajor;
- pj["versionMinor"] = peer->versionMinor;
- pj["versionRev"] = peer->versionRev;
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%d.%d.%d",peer->versionMajor,peer->versionMinor,peer->versionRev);
- pj["version"] = tmp;
- pj["latency"] = peer->latency;
- pj["role"] = prole;
- nlohmann::json pa = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<peer->pathCount;++i) {
- nlohmann::json j;
- j["address"] = reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(peer->paths[i].address))->toString();
- j["lastSend"] = peer->paths[i].lastSend;
- j["lastReceive"] = peer->paths[i].lastReceive;
- j["trustedPathId"] = peer->paths[i].trustedPathId;
- j["linkQuality"] = (double)peer->paths[i].linkQuality / (double)ZT_PATH_LINK_QUALITY_MAX;
- j["active"] = (bool)(peer->paths[i].expired == 0);
- j["expired"] = (bool)(peer->paths[i].expired != 0);
- j["preferred"] = (bool)(peer->paths[i].preferred != 0);
- pa.push_back(j);
- }
- pj["paths"] = pa;
-static void _moonToJson(nlohmann::json &mj,const World &world)
- char tmp[64];
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.16llx",;
- mj["id"] = tmp;
- mj["timestamp"] = world.timestamp();
- mj["signature"] = Utils::hex(world.signature().data,(unsigned int)world.signature().size());
- mj["updatesMustBeSignedBy"] = Utils::hex(world.updatesMustBeSignedBy().data,(unsigned int)world.updatesMustBeSignedBy().size());
- nlohmann::json ra = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(std::vector<World::Root>::const_iterator r(world.roots().begin());r!=world.roots().end();++r) {
- nlohmann::json rj;
- rj["identity"] = r->identity.toString(false);
- nlohmann::json eps = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(std::vector<InetAddress>::const_iterator a(r->stableEndpoints.begin());a!=r->stableEndpoints.end();++a)
- eps.push_back(a->toString());
- rj["stableEndpoints"] = eps;
- ra.push_back(rj);
- }
- mj["roots"] = ra;
- mj["waiting"] = false;
-} // anonymous namespace
-ControlPlane::ControlPlane(OneService *svc,Node *n) :
- _svc(svc),
- _node(n),
- _controller((EmbeddedNetworkController *)0)
-unsigned int ControlPlane::handleRequest(
- const InetAddress &fromAddress,
- unsigned int httpMethod,
- const std::string &path,
- const std::map<std::string,std::string> &headers,
- const std::string &body,
- std::string &responseBody,
- std::string &responseContentType)
- char tmp[256];
- unsigned int scode = 404;
- nlohmann::json res;
- std::vector<std::string> ps(OSUtils::split(path.c_str(),"/","",""));
- std::map<std::string,std::string> urlArgs;
- Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
- /* Note: this is kind of restricted in what it'll take. It does not support
- * URL encoding, and /'s in URL args will screw it up. But the only URL args
- * it really uses in ?jsonp=funcionName, and otherwise it just takes simple
- * paths to simply-named resources. */
- if (ps.size() > 0) {
- std::size_t qpos = ps[ps.size() - 1].find('?');
- if (qpos != std::string::npos) {
- std::string args(ps[ps.size() - 1].substr(qpos + 1));
- ps[ps.size() - 1] = ps[ps.size() - 1].substr(0,qpos);
- std::vector<std::string> asplit(OSUtils::split(args.c_str(),"&","",""));
- for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator a(asplit.begin());a!=asplit.end();++a) {
- std::size_t eqpos = a->find('=');
- if (eqpos == std::string::npos)
- urlArgs[*a] = "";
- else urlArgs[a->substr(0,eqpos)] = a->substr(eqpos + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- bool isAuth = false;
- {
- std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator ah(headers.find("x-zt1-auth"));
- if ((ah != headers.end())&&(_authTokens.count(ah->second) > 0)) {
- isAuth = true;
- } else {
- ah = urlArgs.find("auth");
- if ((ah != urlArgs.end())&&(_authTokens.count(ah->second) > 0))
- isAuth = true;
- }
- }
-#ifdef __SYNOLOGY__
- #include <stdlib.h>
- // Authenticate via Synology's built-in cgi script
- if (!isAuth) {
- /*
- fprintf(stderr, "path = %s\n", path.c_str());
- fprintf(stderr, "headers.size=%d\n", headers.size());
- std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it(headers.begin());
- while(it != headers.end()) {
- fprintf(stderr,"header[%s] = %s\n", (it->first).c_str(), (it->second).c_str());
- it++;
- }
- */
- // parse out url args
- int synotoken_pos = path.find("SynoToken");
- int argpos = path.find("?");
- if(synotoken_pos != std::string::npos && argpos != std::string::npos) {
- std::string cookie = path.substr(argpos+1, synotoken_pos-(argpos+1));
- std::string synotoken = path.substr(synotoken_pos);
- std::string cookie_val = cookie.substr(cookie.find("=")+1);
- std::string synotoken_val = synotoken.substr(synotoken.find("=")+1);
- // Set necessary env for auth script
- std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator ah2(headers.find("x-forwarded-for"));
- setenv("HTTP_COOKIE", cookie_val.c_str(), true);
- setenv("HTTP_X_SYNO_TOKEN", synotoken_val.c_str(), true);
- setenv("REMOTE_ADDR", ah2->second.c_str(),true);
- //fprintf(stderr, "HTTP_COOKIE: %s\n",std::getenv ("HTTP_COOKIE"));
- //fprintf(stderr, "HTTP_X_SYNO_TOKEN: %s\n",std::getenv ("HTTP_X_SYNO_TOKEN"));
- //fprintf(stderr, "REMOTE_ADDR: %s\n",std::getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR"));
- // check synology web auth
- char user[256], buf[1024];
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- bzero(user, 256);
- fp = popen("/usr/syno/synoman/webman/modules/authenticate.cgi", "r");
- if(!fp)
- isAuth = false;
- else {
- bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
- fread(buf, 1024, 1, fp);
- if(strlen(buf) > 0) {
- snprintf(user, 256, "%s", buf);
- isAuth = true;
- }
- }
- pclose(fp);
- }
- }
- if (httpMethod == HTTP_GET) {
- if (isAuth) {
- if (ps[0] == "status") {
- ZT_NodeStatus status;
- _node->status(&status);
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.10llx",status.address);
- res["address"] = tmp;
- res["publicIdentity"] = status.publicIdentity;
- res["online"] = (bool)( != 0);
- res["tcpFallbackActive"] = _svc->tcpFallbackActive();
- res["versionMajor"] = ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR;
- res["versionMinor"] = ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR;
- res["versionBuild"] = ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_BUILD;
- res["version"] = tmp;
- res["clock"] = OSUtils::now();
- World planet(_node->planet());
- res["planetWorldId"] =;
- res["planetWorldTimestamp"] = planet.timestamp();
- nlohmann::json cj;
- ZT_ClusterStatus cs;
- _node->clusterStatus(&cs);
- if (cs.clusterSize >= 1) {
- nlohmann::json cja = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<cs.clusterSize;++i) {
- nlohmann::json cjm;
- cjm["id"] = (int)cs.members[i].id;
- cjm["msSinceLastHeartbeat"] = cs.members[i].msSinceLastHeartbeat;
- cjm["alive"] = (bool)(cs.members[i].alive != 0);
- cjm["x"] = cs.members[i].x;
- cjm["y"] = cs.members[i].y;
- cjm["z"] = cs.members[i].z;
- cjm["load"] = cs.members[i].load;
- cjm["peers"] = cs.members[i].peers;
- cja.push_back(cjm);
- }
- cj["members"] = cja;
- cj["myId"] = (int)cs.myId;
- cj["clusterSize"] = cs.clusterSize;
- }
- res["cluster"] = cj;
- res["cluster"] = nlohmann::json();
- scode = 200;
- } else if (ps[0] == "moon") {
- std::vector<World> moons(_node->moons());
- if (ps.size() == 1) {
- // Return [array] of all moons
- res = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(std::vector<World>::const_iterator m(moons.begin());m!=moons.end();++m) {
- nlohmann::json mj;
- _moonToJson(mj,*m);
- res.push_back(mj);
- }
- scode = 200;
- } else {
- // Return a single moon by ID
- const uint64_t id = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
- for(std::vector<World>::const_iterator m(moons.begin());m!=moons.end();++m) {
- if (m->id() == id) {
- _moonToJson(res,*m);
- scode = 200;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (ps[0] == "network") {
- ZT_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks();
- if (nws) {
- if (ps.size() == 1) {
- // Return [array] of all networks
- res = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
- OneService::NetworkSettings localSettings;
- _svc->getNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
- nlohmann::json nj;
- _networkToJson(nj,&(nws->networks[i]),_svc->portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid),localSettings);
- res.push_back(nj);
- }
- scode = 200;
- } else if (ps.size() == 2) {
- // Return a single network by ID or 404 if not found
- const uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
- if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) {
- OneService::NetworkSettings localSettings;
- _svc->getNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
- _networkToJson(res,&(nws->networks[i]),_svc->portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid),localSettings);
- scode = 200;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else scode = 404;
- _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws);
- } else scode = 500;
- } else if (ps[0] == "peer") {
- ZT_PeerList *pl = _node->peers();
- if (pl) {
- if (ps.size() == 1) {
- // Return [array] of all peers
- res = nlohmann::json::array();
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<pl->peerCount;++i) {
- nlohmann::json pj;
- _peerToJson(pj,&(pl->peers[i]));
- res.push_back(pj);
- }
- scode = 200;
- } else if (ps.size() == 2) {
- // Return a single peer by ID or 404 if not found
- uint64_t wantp = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<pl->peerCount;++i) {
- if (pl->peers[i].address == wantp) {
- _peerToJson(res,&(pl->peers[i]));
- scode = 200;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else scode = 404;
- _node->freeQueryResult((void *)pl);
- } else scode = 500;
- } else {
- if (_controller) {
- scode = _controller->handleControlPlaneHttpGET(std::vector<std::string>(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType);
- } else scode = 404;
- }
- } else scode = 401; // isAuth == false
- } else if ((httpMethod == HTTP_POST)||(httpMethod == HTTP_PUT)) {
- if (isAuth) {
- if (ps[0] == "moon") {
- if (ps.size() == 2) {
- uint64_t seed = 0;
- try {
- nlohmann::json j(OSUtils::jsonParse(body));
- if (j.is_object()) {
- seed = Utils::hexStrToU64(OSUtils::jsonString(j["seed"],"0").c_str());
- }
- } catch ( ... ) {
- // discard invalid JSON
- }
- std::vector<World> moons(_node->moons());
- const uint64_t id = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
- for(std::vector<World>::const_iterator m(moons.begin());m!=moons.end();++m) {
- if (m->id() == id) {
- _moonToJson(res,*m);
- scode = 200;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((scode != 200)&&(seed != 0)) {
- char tmp[64];
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.16llx",id);
- res["id"] = tmp;
- res["roots"] = nlohmann::json::array();
- res["timestamp"] = 0;
- res["signature"] = nlohmann::json();
- res["updatesMustBeSignedBy"] = nlohmann::json();
- res["waiting"] = true;
- _node->orbit(id,seed);
- }
- } else scode = 404;
- } else if (ps[0] == "network") {
- if (ps.size() == 2) {
- uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
- _node->join(wantnw,(void *)0); // does nothing if we are a member
- ZT_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks();
- if (nws) {
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
- if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) {
- OneService::NetworkSettings localSettings;
- _svc->getNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
- try {
- nlohmann::json j(OSUtils::jsonParse(body));
- if (j.is_object()) {
- nlohmann::json &allowManaged = j["allowManaged"];
- if (allowManaged.is_boolean()) localSettings.allowManaged = (bool)allowManaged;
- nlohmann::json &allowGlobal = j["allowGlobal"];
- if (allowGlobal.is_boolean()) localSettings.allowGlobal = (bool)allowGlobal;
- nlohmann::json &allowDefault = j["allowDefault"];
- if (allowDefault.is_boolean()) localSettings.allowDefault = (bool)allowDefault;
- }
- } catch ( ... ) {
- // discard invalid JSON
- }
- _svc->setNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
- _networkToJson(res,&(nws->networks[i]),_svc->portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid),localSettings);
- scode = 200;
- break;
- }
- }
- _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws);
- } else scode = 500;
- } else scode = 404;
- } else {
- if (_controller)
- scode = _controller->handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(std::vector<std::string>(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType);
- else scode = 404;
- }
- } else scode = 401; // isAuth == false
- } else if (httpMethod == HTTP_DELETE) {
- if (isAuth) {
- if (ps[0] == "moon") {
- if (ps.size() == 2) {
- _node->deorbit(Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str()));
- res["result"] = true;
- scode = 200;
- } // else 404
- } else if (ps[0] == "network") {
- ZT_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks();
- if (nws) {
- if (ps.size() == 2) {
- uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
- for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
- if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) {
- _node->leave(wantnw,(void **)0);
- res["result"] = true;
- scode = 200;
- break;
- }
- }
- } // else 404
- _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws);
- } else scode = 500;
- } else {
- if (_controller)
- scode = _controller->handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(std::vector<std::string>(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType);
- else scode = 404;
- }
- } else scode = 401; // isAuth = false
- } else {
- scode = 400;
- }
- if (responseBody.length() == 0) {
- if ((res.is_object())||(res.is_array()))
- responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(res);
- else responseBody = "{}";
- responseContentType = "application/json";
- }
- // Wrap result in jsonp function call if the user included a jsonp= url argument.
- // Also double-check isAuth since forbidding this without auth feels safer.
- std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator jsonp(urlArgs.find("jsonp"));
- if ((isAuth)&&(jsonp != urlArgs.end())&&(responseContentType == "application/json")) {
- if (responseBody.length() > 0)
- responseBody = jsonp->second + "(" + responseBody + ");";
- else responseBody = jsonp->second + "(null);";
- responseContentType = "application/javascript";
- }
- return scode;
-} // namespace ZeroTier
diff --git a/service/ControlPlane.hpp b/service/ControlPlane.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f743cb..00000000
--- a/service/ControlPlane.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 ZeroTier, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h"
-#include "../node/Mutex.hpp"
-namespace ZeroTier {
-class OneService;
-class Node;
-class EmbeddedNetworkController;
-struct InetAddress;
- * HTTP control plane and static web server
- */
-class ControlPlane
- ControlPlane(OneService *svc,Node *n);
- /**
- * Set controller, which will be available under /controller
- *
- * @param c Network controller instance
- */
- inline void setController(EmbeddedNetworkController *c)
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
- _controller = c;
- }
- /**
- * Add an authentication token for API access
- */
- inline void addAuthToken(const char *tok)
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_lock);
- _authTokens.insert(std::string(tok));
- }
- /**
- * Handle HTTP request
- *
- * @param fromAddress Originating IP address of request
- * @param httpMethod HTTP method (as defined in ext/http-parser/http_parser.h)
- * @param path Request path
- * @param headers Request headers
- * @param body Request body
- * @param responseBody Result parameter: fill with response data
- * @param responseContentType Result parameter: fill with content type
- * @return HTTP response code
- */
- unsigned int handleRequest(
- const InetAddress &fromAddress,
- unsigned int httpMethod,
- const std::string &path,
- const std::map<std::string,std::string> &headers,
- const std::string &body,
- std::string &responseBody,
- std::string &responseContentType);
- OneService *const _svc;
- Node *const _node;
- EmbeddedNetworkController *_controller;
- std::set<std::string> _authTokens;
- Mutex _lock;
-} // namespace ZeroTier
diff --git a/service/OneService.cpp b/service/OneService.cpp
index 8d8856a2..eec9ac96 100644
--- a/service/OneService.cpp
+++ b/service/OneService.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "../node/InetAddress.hpp"
#include "../node/MAC.hpp"
#include "../node/Identity.hpp"
+#include "../node/World.hpp"
#include "../osdep/Phy.hpp"
#include "../osdep/Thread.hpp"
@@ -48,11 +49,24 @@
#include "../osdep/ManagedRoute.hpp"
#include "OneService.hpp"
-#include "ControlPlane.hpp"
#include "ClusterGeoIpService.hpp"
#include "ClusterDefinition.hpp"
#include "SoftwareUpdater.hpp"
+#ifdef __WINDOWS__
+#include <WinSock2.h>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <ShlObj.h>
+#include <netioapi.h>
+#include <iphlpapi.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <http_parser.h>
@@ -75,20 +89,6 @@ using json = nlohmann::json;
#include "../controller/EmbeddedNetworkController.hpp"
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-#include <WinSock2.h>
-#include <Windows.h>
-#include <ShlObj.h>
-#include <netioapi.h>
-#include <iphlpapi.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ifaddrs.h>
// Include the right tap device driver for this platform -- add new platforms here
@@ -170,6 +170,122 @@ static std::string _trimString(const std::string &s)
return s.substr(start,end - start);
+static void _networkToJson(nlohmann::json &nj,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nc,const std::string &portDeviceName,const OneService::NetworkSettings &localSettings)
+ char tmp[256];
+ const char *nstatus = "",*ntype = "";
+ switch(nc->status) {
+ case ZT_NETWORK_STATUS_OK: nstatus = "OK"; break;
+ case ZT_NETWORK_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: nstatus = "NOT_FOUND"; break;
+ case ZT_NETWORK_STATUS_PORT_ERROR: nstatus = "PORT_ERROR"; break;
+ }
+ switch(nc->type) {
+ case ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE: ntype = "PRIVATE"; break;
+ case ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PUBLIC: ntype = "PUBLIC"; break;
+ }
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.16llx",nc->nwid);
+ nj["id"] = tmp;
+ nj["nwid"] = tmp;
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x",(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 40) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 32) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 24) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 16) & 0xff),(unsigned int)((nc->mac >> 8) & 0xff),(unsigned int)(nc->mac & 0xff));
+ nj["mac"] = tmp;
+ nj["name"] = nc->name;
+ nj["status"] = nstatus;
+ nj["type"] = ntype;
+ nj["mtu"] = nc->mtu;
+ nj["dhcp"] = (bool)(nc->dhcp != 0);
+ nj["bridge"] = (bool)(nc->bridge != 0);
+ nj["broadcastEnabled"] = (bool)(nc->broadcastEnabled != 0);
+ nj["portError"] = nc->portError;
+ nj["netconfRevision"] = nc->netconfRevision;
+ nj["portDeviceName"] = portDeviceName;
+ nj["allowManaged"] = localSettings.allowManaged;
+ nj["allowGlobal"] = localSettings.allowGlobal;
+ nj["allowDefault"] = localSettings.allowDefault;
+ nlohmann::json aa = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<nc->assignedAddressCount;++i) {
+ aa.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(nc->assignedAddresses[i]))->toString());
+ }
+ nj["assignedAddresses"] = aa;
+ nlohmann::json ra = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<nc->routeCount;++i) {
+ nlohmann::json rj;
+ rj["target"] = reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(nc->routes[i].target))->toString();
+ if (nc->routes[i].via.ss_family == nc->routes[i].target.ss_family)
+ rj["via"] = reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(nc->routes[i].via))->toIpString();
+ else rj["via"] = nlohmann::json();
+ rj["flags"] = (int)nc->routes[i].flags;
+ rj["metric"] = (int)nc->routes[i].metric;
+ ra.push_back(rj);
+ }
+ nj["routes"] = ra;
+static void _peerToJson(nlohmann::json &pj,const ZT_Peer *peer)
+ char tmp[256];
+ const char *prole = "";
+ switch(peer->role) {
+ case ZT_PEER_ROLE_LEAF: prole = "LEAF"; break;
+ case ZT_PEER_ROLE_MOON: prole = "MOON"; break;
+ case ZT_PEER_ROLE_PLANET: prole = "PLANET"; break;
+ }
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.10llx",peer->address);
+ pj["address"] = tmp;
+ pj["versionMajor"] = peer->versionMajor;
+ pj["versionMinor"] = peer->versionMinor;
+ pj["versionRev"] = peer->versionRev;
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%d.%d.%d",peer->versionMajor,peer->versionMinor,peer->versionRev);
+ pj["version"] = tmp;
+ pj["latency"] = peer->latency;
+ pj["role"] = prole;
+ nlohmann::json pa = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<peer->pathCount;++i) {
+ nlohmann::json j;
+ j["address"] = reinterpret_cast<const InetAddress *>(&(peer->paths[i].address))->toString();
+ j["lastSend"] = peer->paths[i].lastSend;
+ j["lastReceive"] = peer->paths[i].lastReceive;
+ j["trustedPathId"] = peer->paths[i].trustedPathId;
+ j["linkQuality"] = (double)peer->paths[i].linkQuality / (double)ZT_PATH_LINK_QUALITY_MAX;
+ j["active"] = (bool)(peer->paths[i].expired == 0);
+ j["expired"] = (bool)(peer->paths[i].expired != 0);
+ j["preferred"] = (bool)(peer->paths[i].preferred != 0);
+ pa.push_back(j);
+ }
+ pj["paths"] = pa;
+static void _moonToJson(nlohmann::json &mj,const World &world)
+ char tmp[64];
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.16llx",;
+ mj["id"] = tmp;
+ mj["timestamp"] = world.timestamp();
+ mj["signature"] = Utils::hex(world.signature().data,(unsigned int)world.signature().size());
+ mj["updatesMustBeSignedBy"] = Utils::hex(world.updatesMustBeSignedBy().data,(unsigned int)world.updatesMustBeSignedBy().size());
+ nlohmann::json ra = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(std::vector<World::Root>::const_iterator r(world.roots().begin());r!=world.roots().end();++r) {
+ nlohmann::json rj;
+ rj["identity"] = r->identity.toString(false);
+ nlohmann::json eps = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(std::vector<InetAddress>::const_iterator a(r->stableEndpoints.begin());a!=r->stableEndpoints.end();++a)
+ eps.push_back(a->toString());
+ rj["stableEndpoints"] = eps;
+ ra.push_back(rj);
+ }
+ mj["roots"] = ra;
+ mj["waiting"] = false;
class OneServiceImpl;
static int SnodeVirtualNetworkConfigFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,void **nuptr,enum ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation op,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nwconf);
@@ -261,6 +377,7 @@ public:
// begin member variables --------------------------------------------------
const std::string _homePath;
+ std::string _authToken;
EmbeddedNetworkController *_controller;
Phy<OneServiceImpl *> _phy;
Node *_node;
@@ -299,9 +416,6 @@ public:
PhySocket *_v4TcpControlSocket;
PhySocket *_v6TcpControlSocket;
- // JSON API handler
- ControlPlane *_controlPlane;
// Time we last received a packet from a global address
uint64_t _lastDirectReceiveFromGlobal;
@@ -371,7 +485,6 @@ public:
,_updater((SoftwareUpdater *)0)
- ,_controlPlane((ControlPlane *)0)
@@ -420,16 +533,15 @@ public:
virtual ReasonForTermination run()
try {
- std::string authToken;
- std::string authTokenPath(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "authtoken.secret");
- if (!OSUtils::readFile(authTokenPath.c_str(),authToken)) {
+ const std::string authTokenPath(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "authtoken.secret");
+ if (!OSUtils::readFile(authTokenPath.c_str(),_authToken)) {
unsigned char foo[24];
- authToken = "";
+ _authToken = "";
for(unsigned int i=0;i<sizeof(foo);++i)
- authToken.push_back("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"[(unsigned long)foo[i] % 36]);
- if (!OSUtils::writeFile(authTokenPath.c_str(),authToken)) {
+ _authToken.push_back("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"[(unsigned long)foo[i] % 36]);
+ if (!OSUtils::writeFile(authTokenPath.c_str(),_authToken)) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m);
_fatalErrorMessage = "authtoken.secret could not be written";
@@ -438,8 +550,8 @@ public:
+ _authToken = _trimString(_authToken);
- authToken = _trimString(authToken);
// Clean up any legacy files if present
OSUtils::rm((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "").c_str());
@@ -690,10 +802,6 @@ public:
- _controlPlane = new ControlPlane(this,_node);
- _controlPlane->addAuthToken(authToken.c_str());
- _controlPlane->setController(_controller);
{ // Load existing networks
std::vector<std::string> networksDotD(OSUtils::listDirectory((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "networks.d").c_str()));
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator f(networksDotD.begin());f!=networksDotD.end();++f) {
@@ -831,8 +939,6 @@ public:
- delete _controlPlane;
- _controlPlane = (ControlPlane *)0;
delete _updater;
_updater = (SoftwareUpdater *)0;
delete _node;
@@ -862,11 +968,6 @@ public:
else return std::string();
- virtual bool tcpFallbackActive() const
- {
- return (_tcpFallbackTunnel != (TcpConnection *)0);
- }
virtual void terminate()
@@ -912,6 +1013,385 @@ public:
// Internal implementation methods -----------------------------------------
+ inline unsigned int handleControlPlaneHttpRequest(
+ const InetAddress &fromAddress,
+ unsigned int httpMethod,
+ const std::string &path,
+ const std::map<std::string,std::string> &headers,
+ const std::string &body,
+ std::string &responseBody,
+ std::string &responseContentType)
+ {
+ char tmp[256];
+ unsigned int scode = 404;
+ json res;
+ std::vector<std::string> ps(OSUtils::split(path.c_str(),"/","",""));
+ std::map<std::string,std::string> urlArgs;
+ /* Note: this is kind of restricted in what it'll take. It does not support
+ * URL encoding, and /'s in URL args will screw it up. But the only URL args
+ * it really uses in ?jsonp=funcionName, and otherwise it just takes simple
+ * paths to simply-named resources. */
+ if (ps.size() > 0) {
+ std::size_t qpos = ps[ps.size() - 1].find('?');
+ if (qpos != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string args(ps[ps.size() - 1].substr(qpos + 1));
+ ps[ps.size() - 1] = ps[ps.size() - 1].substr(0,qpos);
+ std::vector<std::string> asplit(OSUtils::split(args.c_str(),"&","",""));
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator a(asplit.begin());a!=asplit.end();++a) {
+ std::size_t eqpos = a->find('=');
+ if (eqpos == std::string::npos)
+ urlArgs[*a] = "";
+ else urlArgs[a->substr(0,eqpos)] = a->substr(eqpos + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool isAuth = false;
+ {
+ std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator ah(headers.find("x-zt1-auth"));
+ if ((ah != headers.end())&&(_authToken == ah->second)) {
+ isAuth = true;
+ } else {
+ ah = urlArgs.find("auth");
+ if ((ah != urlArgs.end())&&(_authToken == ah->second))
+ isAuth = true;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __SYNOLOGY__
+ // Authenticate via Synology's built-in cgi script
+ if (!isAuth) {
+ /*
+ fprintf(stderr, "path = %s\n", path.c_str());
+ fprintf(stderr, "headers.size=%d\n", headers.size());
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it(headers.begin());
+ while(it != headers.end()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"header[%s] = %s\n", (it->first).c_str(), (it->second).c_str());
+ it++;
+ }
+ */
+ // parse out url args
+ int synotoken_pos = path.find("SynoToken");
+ int argpos = path.find("?");
+ if(synotoken_pos != std::string::npos && argpos != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string cookie = path.substr(argpos+1, synotoken_pos-(argpos+1));
+ std::string synotoken = path.substr(synotoken_pos);
+ std::string cookie_val = cookie.substr(cookie.find("=")+1);
+ std::string synotoken_val = synotoken.substr(synotoken.find("=")+1);
+ // Set necessary env for auth script
+ std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator ah2(headers.find("x-forwarded-for"));
+ setenv("HTTP_COOKIE", cookie_val.c_str(), true);
+ setenv("HTTP_X_SYNO_TOKEN", synotoken_val.c_str(), true);
+ setenv("REMOTE_ADDR", ah2->second.c_str(),true);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "HTTP_COOKIE: %s\n",std::getenv ("HTTP_COOKIE"));
+ //fprintf(stderr, "HTTP_X_SYNO_TOKEN: %s\n",std::getenv ("HTTP_X_SYNO_TOKEN"));
+ //fprintf(stderr, "REMOTE_ADDR: %s\n",std::getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR"));
+ // check synology web auth
+ char user[256], buf[1024];
+ FILE *fp = NULL;
+ bzero(user, 256);
+ fp = popen("/usr/syno/synoman/webman/modules/authenticate.cgi", "r");
+ if(!fp)
+ isAuth = false;
+ else {
+ bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ fread(buf, 1024, 1, fp);
+ if(strlen(buf) > 0) {
+ snprintf(user, 256, "%s", buf);
+ isAuth = true;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (httpMethod == HTTP_GET) {
+ if (isAuth) {
+ if (ps[0] == "status") {
+ ZT_NodeStatus status;
+ _node->status(&status);
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.10llx",status.address);
+ res["address"] = tmp;
+ res["publicIdentity"] = status.publicIdentity;
+ res["online"] = (bool)( != 0);
+ res["tcpFallbackActive"] = (_tcpFallbackTunnel != (TcpConnection *)0);
+ res["versionMajor"] = ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR;
+ res["versionMinor"] = ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR;
+ res["versionBuild"] = ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_BUILD;
+ res["version"] = tmp;
+ res["clock"] = OSUtils::now();
+ World planet(_node->planet());
+ res["planetWorldId"] =;
+ res["planetWorldTimestamp"] = planet.timestamp();
+ json cj;
+ ZT_ClusterStatus cs;
+ _node->clusterStatus(&cs);
+ if (cs.clusterSize >= 1) {
+ json cja = json::array();
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<cs.clusterSize;++i) {
+ json cjm;
+ cjm["id"] = (int)cs.members[i].id;
+ cjm["msSinceLastHeartbeat"] = cs.members[i].msSinceLastHeartbeat;
+ cjm["alive"] = (bool)(cs.members[i].alive != 0);
+ cjm["x"] = cs.members[i].x;
+ cjm["y"] = cs.members[i].y;
+ cjm["z"] = cs.members[i].z;
+ cjm["load"] = cs.members[i].load;
+ cjm["peers"] = cs.members[i].peers;
+ cja.push_back(cjm);
+ }
+ cj["members"] = cja;
+ cj["myId"] = (int)cs.myId;
+ cj["clusterSize"] = cs.clusterSize;
+ }
+ res["cluster"] = cj;
+ #else
+ res["cluster"] = json();
+ #endif
+ scode = 200;
+ } else if (ps[0] == "moon") {
+ std::vector<World> moons(_node->moons());
+ if (ps.size() == 1) {
+ // Return [array] of all moons
+ res = json::array();
+ for(std::vector<World>::const_iterator m(moons.begin());m!=moons.end();++m) {
+ json mj;
+ _moonToJson(mj,*m);
+ res.push_back(mj);
+ }
+ scode = 200;
+ } else {
+ // Return a single moon by ID
+ const uint64_t id = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
+ for(std::vector<World>::const_iterator m(moons.begin());m!=moons.end();++m) {
+ if (m->id() == id) {
+ _moonToJson(res,*m);
+ scode = 200;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ps[0] == "network") {
+ ZT_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks();
+ if (nws) {
+ if (ps.size() == 1) {
+ // Return [array] of all networks
+ res = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
+ OneService::NetworkSettings localSettings;
+ getNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
+ nlohmann::json nj;
+ _networkToJson(nj,&(nws->networks[i]),portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid),localSettings);
+ res.push_back(nj);
+ }
+ scode = 200;
+ } else if (ps.size() == 2) {
+ // Return a single network by ID or 404 if not found
+ const uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
+ for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
+ if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) {
+ OneService::NetworkSettings localSettings;
+ getNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
+ _networkToJson(res,&(nws->networks[i]),portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid),localSettings);
+ scode = 200;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else scode = 404;
+ _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws);
+ } else scode = 500;
+ } else if (ps[0] == "peer") {
+ ZT_PeerList *pl = _node->peers();
+ if (pl) {
+ if (ps.size() == 1) {
+ // Return [array] of all peers
+ res = nlohmann::json::array();
+ for(unsigned long i=0;i<pl->peerCount;++i) {
+ nlohmann::json pj;
+ _peerToJson(pj,&(pl->peers[i]));
+ res.push_back(pj);
+ }
+ scode = 200;
+ } else if (ps.size() == 2) {
+ // Return a single peer by ID or 404 if not found
+ uint64_t wantp = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
+ for(unsigned long i=0;i<pl->peerCount;++i) {
+ if (pl->peers[i].address == wantp) {
+ _peerToJson(res,&(pl->peers[i]));
+ scode = 200;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else scode = 404;
+ _node->freeQueryResult((void *)pl);
+ } else scode = 500;
+ } else {
+ if (_controller) {
+ scode = _controller->handleControlPlaneHttpGET(std::vector<std::string>(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType);
+ } else scode = 404;
+ }
+ } else scode = 401; // isAuth == false
+ } else if ((httpMethod == HTTP_POST)||(httpMethod == HTTP_PUT)) {
+ if (isAuth) {
+ if (ps[0] == "moon") {
+ if (ps.size() == 2) {
+ uint64_t seed = 0;
+ try {
+ json j(OSUtils::jsonParse(body));
+ if (j.is_object()) {
+ seed = Utils::hexStrToU64(OSUtils::jsonString(j["seed"],"0").c_str());
+ }
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ // discard invalid JSON
+ }
+ std::vector<World> moons(_node->moons());
+ const uint64_t id = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
+ for(std::vector<World>::const_iterator m(moons.begin());m!=moons.end();++m) {
+ if (m->id() == id) {
+ _moonToJson(res,*m);
+ scode = 200;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((scode != 200)&&(seed != 0)) {
+ char tmp[64];
+ Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%.16llx",id);
+ res["id"] = tmp;
+ res["roots"] = json::array();
+ res["timestamp"] = 0;
+ res["signature"] = json();
+ res["updatesMustBeSignedBy"] = json();
+ res["waiting"] = true;
+ _node->orbit(id,seed);
+ }
+ } else scode = 404;
+ } else if (ps[0] == "network") {
+ if (ps.size() == 2) {
+ uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
+ _node->join(wantnw,(void *)0); // does nothing if we are a member
+ ZT_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks();
+ if (nws) {
+ for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
+ if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) {
+ OneService::NetworkSettings localSettings;
+ getNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
+ try {
+ json j(OSUtils::jsonParse(body));
+ if (j.is_object()) {
+ json &allowManaged = j["allowManaged"];
+ if (allowManaged.is_boolean()) localSettings.allowManaged = (bool)allowManaged;
+ json &allowGlobal = j["allowGlobal"];
+ if (allowGlobal.is_boolean()) localSettings.allowGlobal = (bool)allowGlobal;
+ json &allowDefault = j["allowDefault"];
+ if (allowDefault.is_boolean()) localSettings.allowDefault = (bool)allowDefault;
+ }
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ // discard invalid JSON
+ }
+ setNetworkSettings(nws->networks[i].nwid,localSettings);
+ _networkToJson(res,&(nws->networks[i]),portDeviceName(nws->networks[i].nwid),localSettings);
+ scode = 200;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws);
+ } else scode = 500;
+ } else scode = 404;
+ } else {
+ if (_controller)
+ scode = _controller->handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(std::vector<std::string>(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType);
+ else scode = 404;
+ }
+ } else scode = 401; // isAuth == false
+ } else if (httpMethod == HTTP_DELETE) {
+ if (isAuth) {
+ if (ps[0] == "moon") {
+ if (ps.size() == 2) {
+ _node->deorbit(Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str()));
+ res["result"] = true;
+ scode = 200;
+ } // else 404
+ } else if (ps[0] == "network") {
+ ZT_VirtualNetworkList *nws = _node->networks();
+ if (nws) {
+ if (ps.size() == 2) {
+ uint64_t wantnw = Utils::hexStrToU64(ps[1].c_str());
+ for(unsigned long i=0;i<nws->networkCount;++i) {
+ if (nws->networks[i].nwid == wantnw) {
+ _node->leave(wantnw,(void **)0);
+ res["result"] = true;
+ scode = 200;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } // else 404
+ _node->freeQueryResult((void *)nws);
+ } else scode = 500;
+ } else {
+ if (_controller)
+ scode = _controller->handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(std::vector<std::string>(ps.begin()+1,ps.end()),urlArgs,headers,body,responseBody,responseContentType);
+ else scode = 404;
+ }
+ } else scode = 401; // isAuth = false
+ } else {
+ scode = 400;
+ }
+ if (responseBody.length() == 0) {
+ if ((res.is_object())||(res.is_array()))
+ responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(res);
+ else responseBody = "{}";
+ responseContentType = "application/json";
+ }
+ // Wrap result in jsonp function call if the user included a jsonp= url argument.
+ // Also double-check isAuth since forbidding this without auth feels safer.
+ std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator jsonp(urlArgs.find("jsonp"));
+ if ((isAuth)&&(jsonp != urlArgs.end())&&(responseContentType == "application/json")) {
+ if (responseBody.length() > 0)
+ responseBody = jsonp->second + "(" + responseBody + ");";
+ else responseBody = jsonp->second + "(null);";
+ responseContentType = "application/javascript";
+ }
+ return scode;
+ }
// Must be called after _localConfig is read or modified
void applyLocalConfig()
@@ -1170,7 +1650,9 @@ public:
- // Handlers for Node and Phy<> callbacks -----------------------------------
+ // =========================================================================
+ // Handlers for Node and Phy<> callbacks
+ // =========================================================================
inline void phyOnDatagram(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,const struct sockaddr *localAddr,const struct sockaddr *from,void *data,unsigned long len)
@@ -1780,9 +2262,7 @@ public:
if (allow) {
try {
- if (_controlPlane)
- scode = _controlPlane->handleRequest(tc->from,tc->parser.method,tc->url,tc->headers,tc->body,data,contentType);
- else scode = 500;
+ scode = handleControlPlaneHttpRequest(tc->from,tc->parser.method,tc->url,tc->headers,tc->body,data,contentType);
} catch (std::exception &exc) {
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: unexpected exception processing control HTTP request: %s" ZT_EOL_S,exc.what());
scode = 500;
diff --git a/service/OneService.hpp b/service/OneService.hpp
index 442471ad..3390f2ac 100644
--- a/service/OneService.hpp
+++ b/service/OneService.hpp
@@ -132,11 +132,6 @@ public:
virtual std::string portDeviceName(uint64_t nwid) const = 0;
- * @return True if TCP fallback is currently active
- */
- virtual bool tcpFallbackActive() const = 0;
- /**
* Terminate background service (can be called from other threads)
virtual void terminate() = 0;