diff options
authorAdam Ierymenko <>2015-05-25 11:55:27 -0700
committerAdam Ierymenko <>2015-05-25 11:55:27 -0700
commitd29f2ce858297efa8b350439002541d14402f21f (patch)
parentaf1d29cc6f02545c1c359c3adf7006041b07d699 (diff)
Clean up attic/
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/attic/http-tunnel-proxy.js b/attic/http-tunnel-proxy.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a47a7d3..00000000
--- a/attic/http-tunnel-proxy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-// Note: this is unfinished and not currently used. Stashed in case we resurrect this idea.
-var UDP_PORT_START = 9994;
-var UDP_PORT_COUNT = 16384;
-var HTTP_PORT = 8080;
-var http = require('http');
-var dgram = require('dgram');
-// clients[token] = [ most recent HTTP activity, assigned UDP socket ]
-var clients = {};
-// GETs[token] = [ [ request, timestamp ], ... ]
-var GETs = {};
-// mappings[localPort+'/'+remoteIp+'/'+remotePort] = { ZT source: [ token ] }
-var mappings = {};
-// Array of available UDP sockets to assign randomly to clients
-var udpSocketPool = [];
-function onIncomingUdp(socket,message,remoteIp,remotePort)
- if (message.length > 16) {
- var mappingKey = socket.localPort + '/' + remoteIp + '/' + remotePort;
- var mapping = mappings[mappingKey];
- if (mapping) {
- var ztDestination = message.readUIntBE(8,5);
- if (ztDestination in mapping) {
- }
- }
- }
-function onOutgoingUdp(token,socket,message,remoteIp,remotePort)
- if (message.length > 16) {
- var ztDestination = message.readUIntBE(8,5);
- var ztSource = (message.length >= 28) ? message.readUIntBE(13,5) ? 0;
- if ((ztSource & 0xff00000000) == 0xff00000000) // fragment
- ztSource = 0;
- if ((ztDestination !== 0)&&((ztDestination & 0xff00000000) !== 0xff00000000)) {
- socket.send(message,0,message.length,remotePort,remoteIp);
- }
- }
-function doHousekeeping()
-for(var udpPort=UDP_PORT_START;udpPort<(UDP_PORT_START+UDP_PORT_COUNT)++udpPort) {
- var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4',function(message,rinfo) { onIncomingUdp(socket,message,rinfo.address,rinfo.port); });
- socket.on('listening',function() {
- console.log('Listening on '+socket.localPort);
- udpSocketPool.push(socket);
- }
- socket.on('error',function() {
- console.log('Error listening on '+socket.localPort);
- socket.close();
- })
- socket.bind(udpPort);
-server = http.createServer(function(request,response) {
- console.log(request.socket.remoteAddress+" "+request.method+" "+request.url);
- try {
- // /<proxy token>/<ignored>/...
- var urlSp = request.url.split('/');
- if ((urlSp.length >= 3)&&(udpSocketPool.length > 0)) {
- var token = urlSp[1]; // urlSp[0] == '' since URLs start with /
- if (token.length >= 8) {
- var client = clients[token];
- if (!Array.isArray(client)) {
- client = [,udpSocketPool[Math.floor(Math.random() * udpSocketPool.length)] ];
- clients[token] = client;
- } else client[0] =;
- if (request.method === "GET") {
- // /<proxy token>/<ignored> ... waits via old skool long polling
- } else if (request.method === "POST") {
- // /<proxy token>/<ignored>/<dest ip>/<dest port>
- if (urlSp.length === 5) {
- var ipSp = urlSp[3].split('.');
- var port = parseInt(urlSp[4],10);
- // Note: do not allow the use of this proxy to talk to privileged ports
- if ((ipSp.length === 4)&&(port >= 1024)&&(port <= 0xffff)) {
- var ip = [ parseInt(ipSp[0]),parseInt(ipSp[1]),parseInt(ipSp[2]),parseInt(ipSp[3]) ];
- if ( (ip[0] > 0)
- &&(ip[0] < 240)
- &&(ip[0] !== 127)
- &&(ip[1] >= 0)
- &&(ip[1] <= 255)
- &&(ip[2] >= 0)
- &&(ip[2] <= 255)
- &&(ip[3] > 0)
- &&(ip[3] < 255) ) {
- var postData = null;
- request.on('data',function(chunk) {
- postData = ((postData === null) ? chunk : Buffer.concat([ postData,chunk ]));
- });
- request.on('end',function() {
- if (postData !== null)
- onOutgoingUdp(token,client[1],postData,urlSp[3],port);
- response.writeHead(200,{'Content-Length':0,'Pragma':'no-cache','Cache-Control':'no-cache'});
- response.end();
- });
- return; // no 400 -- read from stream
- } // else 400
- } // else 400
- } // else 400
- } // else 400
- } // else 400
- } // else 400
- } catch (e) {} // 400
- response.writeHead(400,{'Content-Length':0,'Pragma':'no-cache','Cache-Control':'no-cache'});
- response.end();
- return;