path: root/ext/lwip/test/unit/etharp/test_etharp.c
diff options
authorJoseph Henry <>2015-09-10 13:56:01 -0400
committerJoseph Henry <>2015-09-10 13:56:01 -0400
commit750352836f72c5dc0136b6aae96ec28f8fe356cb (patch)
tree934d15eec15cf2c1bcf4bb60970e274d07ddd57f /ext/lwip/test/unit/etharp/test_etharp.c
parenta43c3fbf2e03f99c51383123423d86656ac252bf (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/lwip/test/unit/etharp/test_etharp.c')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/lwip/test/unit/etharp/test_etharp.c b/ext/lwip/test/unit/etharp/test_etharp.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbbc9502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/lwip/test/unit/etharp/test_etharp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#include "test_etharp.h"
+#include "lwip/udp.h"
+#include "netif/etharp.h"
+#include "lwip/stats.h"
+#error "This tests needs UDP-, MEMP- and ETHARP-statistics enabled"
+#error "This test needs ETHARP_SUPPORT_STATIC_ENTRIES enabled"
+static struct netif test_netif;
+static ip_addr_t test_ipaddr, test_netmask, test_gw;
+struct eth_addr test_ethaddr = {1,1,1,1,1,1};
+struct eth_addr test_ethaddr2 = {1,1,1,1,1,2};
+struct eth_addr test_ethaddr3 = {1,1,1,1,1,3};
+struct eth_addr test_ethaddr4 = {1,1,1,1,1,4};
+static int linkoutput_ctr;
+/* Helper functions */
+static void
+ int i;
+ /* call etharp_tmr often enough to have all entries cleaned */
+ for(i = 0; i < 0xff; i++) {
+ etharp_tmr();
+ }
+static err_t
+default_netif_linkoutput(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p)
+ fail_unless(netif == &test_netif);
+ fail_unless(p != NULL);
+ linkoutput_ctr++;
+ return ERR_OK;
+static err_t
+default_netif_init(struct netif *netif)
+ fail_unless(netif != NULL);
+ netif->linkoutput = default_netif_linkoutput;
+ netif->output = etharp_output;
+ netif->mtu = 1500;
+ netif->hwaddr_len = ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN;
+ return ERR_OK;
+static void
+ IP4_ADDR(&test_gw, 192,168,0,1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&test_ipaddr, 192,168,0,1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&test_netmask, 255,255,0,0);
+ fail_unless(netif_default == NULL);
+ netif_set_default(netif_add(&test_netif, &test_ipaddr, &test_netmask,
+ &test_gw, NULL, default_netif_init, NULL));
+ netif_set_up(&test_netif);
+static void
+ fail_unless(netif_default == &test_netif);
+ netif_remove(&test_netif);
+static void
+create_arp_response(ip_addr_t *adr)
+ int k;
+ struct eth_hdr *ethhdr;
+ struct etharp_hdr *etharphdr;
+ struct pbuf *p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, sizeof(struct eth_hdr) + sizeof(struct etharp_hdr), PBUF_RAM);
+ if(p == NULL) {
+ }
+ ethhdr = (struct eth_hdr*)p->payload;
+ etharphdr = (struct etharp_hdr*)(ethhdr + 1);
+ ethhdr->dest = test_ethaddr;
+ ethhdr->src = test_ethaddr2;
+ ethhdr->type = htons(ETHTYPE_ARP);
+ etharphdr->hwtype = htons(/*HWTYPE_ETHERNET*/ 1);
+ etharphdr->proto = htons(ETHTYPE_IP);
+ etharphdr->hwlen = ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN;
+ etharphdr->protolen = sizeof(ip_addr_t);
+ etharphdr->opcode = htons(ARP_REPLY);
+ SMEMCPY(&etharphdr->sipaddr, adr, sizeof(ip_addr_t));
+ SMEMCPY(&etharphdr->dipaddr, &test_ipaddr, sizeof(ip_addr_t));
+ k = 6;
+ while(k > 0) {
+ k--;
+ /* Write the ARP MAC-Addresses */
+ etharphdr->shwaddr.addr[k] = test_ethaddr2.addr[k];
+ etharphdr->dhwaddr.addr[k] = test_ethaddr.addr[k];
+ /* Write the Ethernet MAC-Addresses */
+ ethhdr->dest.addr[k] = test_ethaddr.addr[k];
+ ethhdr->src.addr[k] = test_ethaddr2.addr[k];
+ }
+ ethernet_input(p, &test_netif);
+/* Setups/teardown functions */
+static void
+ etharp_remove_all();
+ default_netif_add();
+static void
+ etharp_remove_all();
+ default_netif_remove();
+/* Test functions */
+ err_t err;
+ s8_t idx;
+ ip_addr_t *unused_ipaddr;
+ struct eth_addr *unused_ethaddr;
+ struct udp_pcb* pcb;
+ if (netif_default != &test_netif) {
+ fail("This test needs a default netif");
+ }
+ linkoutput_ctr = 0;
+ pcb = udp_new();
+ fail_unless(pcb != NULL);
+ if (pcb != NULL) {
+ ip_addr_t adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE + 2];
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < ARP_TABLE_SIZE + 2; i++) {
+ IP4_ADDR(&adrs[i], 192,168,0,i+2);
+ }
+ /* fill ARP-table with dynamic entries */
+ for(i = 0; i < ARP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
+ struct pbuf *p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, 10, PBUF_RAM);
+ fail_unless(p != NULL);
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ err_t err = udp_sendto(pcb, p, &adrs[i], 123);
+ fail_unless(err == ERR_OK);
+ /* etharp request sent? */
+ fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == (2*i) + 1);
+ pbuf_free(p);
+ /* create an ARP response */
+ create_arp_response(&adrs[i]);
+ /* queued UDP packet sent? */
+ fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == (2*i) + 2);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[i], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == i);
+ etharp_tmr();
+ }
+ }
+ linkoutput_ctr = 0;
+ /* create one static entry */
+ err = etharp_add_static_entry(&adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE], &test_ethaddr3);
+ fail_unless(err == ERR_OK);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == 0);
+ fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == 0);
+ linkoutput_ctr = 0;
+ /* fill ARP-table with dynamic entries */
+ for(i = 0; i < ARP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
+ struct pbuf *p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, 10, PBUF_RAM);
+ fail_unless(p != NULL);
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ err_t err = udp_sendto(pcb, p, &adrs[i], 123);
+ fail_unless(err == ERR_OK);
+ /* etharp request sent? */
+ fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == (2*i) + 1);
+ pbuf_free(p);
+ /* create an ARP response */
+ create_arp_response(&adrs[i]);
+ /* queued UDP packet sent? */
+ fail_unless(linkoutput_ctr == (2*i) + 2);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[i], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ if (i < ARP_TABLE_SIZE - 1) {
+ fail_unless(idx == i+1);
+ } else {
+ /* the last entry must not overwrite the static entry! */
+ fail_unless(idx == 1);
+ }
+ etharp_tmr();
+ }
+ }
+ /* create a second static entry */
+ err = etharp_add_static_entry(&adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE+1], &test_ethaddr4);
+ fail_unless(err == ERR_OK);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == 0);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE+1], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == 2);
+ /* and remove it again */
+ err = etharp_remove_static_entry(&adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE+1]);
+ fail_unless(err == ERR_OK);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == 0);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE+1], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == -1);
+ /* check that static entries don't time out */
+ etharp_remove_all();
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == 0);
+ /* remove the first static entry */
+ err = etharp_remove_static_entry(&adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE]);
+ fail_unless(err == ERR_OK);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == -1);
+ idx = etharp_find_addr(NULL, &adrs[ARP_TABLE_SIZE+1], &unused_ethaddr, &unused_ipaddr);
+ fail_unless(idx == -1);
+ udp_remove(pcb);
+ }
+/** Create the suite including all tests for this module */
+Suite *
+ TFun tests[] = {
+ test_etharp_table
+ };
+ return create_suite("ETHARP", tests, sizeof(tests)/sizeof(TFun), etharp_setup, etharp_teardown);