path: root/node
diff options
authorAdam Ierymenko <>2015-01-08 14:27:55 -0800
committerAdam Ierymenko <>2015-01-08 14:27:55 -0800
commit64ba596e0b8d5ee4f3c7630a6315f884f09e1cab (patch)
treeba09819878bfaa2a6e86ebdcc2a34d2de9791e04 /node
parent60fb28a90a5e7b01e58b2a93351658195651e8eb (diff)
C++ network config master ready to test.
Diffstat (limited to 'node')
8 files changed, 277 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/node/IncomingPacket.cpp b/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
index 44511c13..ded83d67 100644
--- a/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
+++ b/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "Peer.hpp"
#include "NodeConfig.hpp"
#include "SoftwareUpdater.hpp"
+#include "NetworkConfigMaster.hpp"
namespace ZeroTier {
@@ -713,6 +714,24 @@ bool IncomingPacket::_doNETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,cons
try {
+ unsigned int metaDataLength = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PROTO_VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST_IDX_DICT_LEN);
+ Dictionary metaData((const char *)field(ZT_PROTO_VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST_IDX_DICT,metaDataLength),metaDataLength);
+ uint64_t haveTimestamp = 0;
+ if ((ZT_PROTO_VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST_IDX_DICT + metaDataLength + 8) <= size())
+ haveTimestamp = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PROTO_VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST_IDX_DICT + metaDataLength);
+ if (RR->netconfMaster) {
+ RR->netconfMaster->doNetworkConfigRequest(_remoteAddress,packetId(),source(),nwid,metaData,haveTimestamp);
+ } else {
+ Packet outp(source(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_ERROR);
+ outp.append((unsigned char)Packet::VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST);
+ outp.append(packetId());
+ outp.append((unsigned char)Packet::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION);
+ outp.append(nwid);
+ outp.armor(peer->key(),true);
+ _fromSock->send(_remoteAddress,,outp.size());
+ }
} catch (std::exception &exc) {
TRACE("dropped NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST from %s(%s): unexpected exception: %s",source().toString().c_str(),_remoteAddress.toString().c_str(),exc.what());
@@ -725,6 +744,14 @@ bool IncomingPacket::_doNETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,cons
bool IncomingPacket::_doNETWORK_CONFIG_REFRESH(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer)
try {
+ unsigned int ptr = ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD;
+ while ((ptr + 8) <= size()) {
+ uint64_t nwid = at<uint64_t>(ptr);
+ SharedPtr<Network> nw(RR->nc->network(nwid));
+ if ((nw)&&(source() == nw->controller()))
+ nw->requestConfiguration();
+ ptr += 8;
+ }
} catch (std::exception &exc) {
TRACE("dropped NETWORK_CONFIG_REFRESH from %s(%s): unexpected exception: %s",source().toString().c_str(),_remoteAddress.toString().c_str(),exc.what());
diff --git a/node/InetAddress.cpp b/node/InetAddress.cpp
index 18c7f031..a27182a0 100644
--- a/node/InetAddress.cpp
+++ b/node/InetAddress.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void InetAddress::set(const std::string &ip,unsigned int port)
} else {
_sa.sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
_sa.sin.sin_port = Utils::hton((uint16_t)port);
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET,ip.c_str(),(void *)&(_sa.sin.sin_addr.s_addr)) <= 0)
+ if (inet_pton(AF_INET,ip.c_str(),(void *)&(_sa.sin.sin_addr.s_addr)) <= 0)
_sa.saddr.sa_family = 0;
diff --git a/node/InetAddress.h b/node/InetAddress.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/node/InetAddress.h
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/node/NetworkConfigMaster.cpp b/node/NetworkConfigMaster.cpp
index 3311dc65..cbf7252c 100644
--- a/node/NetworkConfigMaster.cpp
+++ b/node/NetworkConfigMaster.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
#include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp"
#include "Switch.hpp"
#include "Packet.hpp"
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ NetworkConfigMaster::~NetworkConfigMaster()
void NetworkConfigMaster::doNetworkConfigRequest(const InetAddress &fromAddr,uint64_t packetId,const Address &member,uint64_t nwid,const Dictionary &metaData,uint64_t haveTimestamp)
- char memberKey[256],nwids[24],addrs[16],nwKey[256];
+ char memberKey[128],nwids[24],addrs[16],nwKey[128],revKey[128];
Dictionary memberRecord;
std::string revision,tmps2;
@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ void NetworkConfigMaster::doNetworkConfigRequest(const InetAddress &fromAddr,uin
Utils::snprintf(addrs,sizeof(addrs),"%.10llx",(unsigned long long)member.toInt());
+ Utils::snprintf(revKey,sizeof(revKey),"zt1:network:%s:revision",nwids);
TRACE("netconf: request from %s for %s (if newer than %llu)",addrs,nwids,(unsigned long long)haveTimestamp);
@@ -107,8 +111,8 @@ void NetworkConfigMaster::doNetworkConfigRequest(const InetAddress &fromAddr,uin
- if (!_hget(nwKey,"revision",revision)) {
- LOG("netconf: Redis error retrieving %s/revision",nwKey);
+ if (!_get(revKey,revision)) {
+ LOG("netconf: Redis error retrieving %s",revKey);
if (!revision.length())
@@ -311,6 +315,54 @@ bool NetworkConfigMaster::_hset(const char *key,const char *hashKey,const char *
return true;
+bool NetworkConfigMaster::_get(const char *key,std::string &value)
+ if (!_rc) {
+ if (!_reconnect())
+ return false;
+ }
+ redisReply *reply = (redisReply *)redisCommand(_rc,"GET %s",key);
+ if (!reply) {
+ if (_reconnect())
+ return _get(key,value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING)&&(reply->str))
+ value = reply->str;
+ else value = "";
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ return true;
+bool NetworkConfigMaster::_smembers(const char *key,std::vector<std::string> &sdata)
+ if (!_rc) {
+ if (!_reconnect())
+ return false;
+ }
+ redisReply *reply = (redisReply *)redisCommand(_rc,"SMEMBERS %s",key);
+ if (!reply) {
+ if (_reconnect())
+ return _smembers(key,sdata);
+ return false;
+ }
+ sdata.clear();
+ if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) {
+ for(long i=0;i<reply->elements;++i) {
+ if (reply->element[i]->str)
+ sdata.push_back(reply->element[i]->str);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
bool NetworkConfigMaster::_initNewMember(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,const Dictionary &metaData,Dictionary &memberRecord)
char memberKey[256],nwids[24],addrs[16],nwKey[256];
@@ -351,13 +403,17 @@ bool NetworkConfigMaster::_initNewMember(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,con
bool NetworkConfigMaster::_generateNetconf(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,const Dictionary &metaData,std::string &netconf,uint64_t &ts)
- char memberKey[256],nwids[24],addrs[16],tss[24],nwKey[256];
+ char memberKey[256],nwids[24],addrs[16],tss[24],nwKey[256],revKey[128],abKey[128],ipaKey[128];
Dictionary networkRecord,memberRecord,nc;
+ std::string revision;
+ Utils::snprintf(memberKey,sizeof(memberKey),"zt1:network:%s:member:%s:~",nwids,addrs);
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)nwid);
Utils::snprintf(addrs,sizeof(addrs),"%.10llx",(unsigned long long)member.toInt());
- Utils::snprintf(memberKey,sizeof(memberKey),"zt1:network:%s:member:%s:~",nwids,addrs);
+ Utils::snprintf(revKey,sizeof(revKey),"zt1:network:%s:revision",nwids);
+ Utils::snprintf(abKey,sizeof(revKey),"zt1:network:%s:activeBridges",nwids);
+ Utils::snprintf(ipaKey,sizeof(revKey),"zt1:network:%s:ipAssignments",nwids);
if (!_hgetall(nwKey,networkRecord)) {
LOG("netconf: Redis error retrieving %s",nwKey);
@@ -373,11 +429,18 @@ bool NetworkConfigMaster::_generateNetconf(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,c
return false;
- uint64_t revision = networkRecord.getHexUInt("revision",0);
+ if (!_get(revKey,revision)) {
+ LOG("netconf: Redis error retrieving %s",revKey);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!revision.length())
+ revision = "0";
bool isPrivate = networkRecord.getBoolean("private",true);
ts = Utils::now();
+ // Core configuration
@@ -387,33 +450,180 @@ bool NetworkConfigMaster::_generateNetconf(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,c
nc[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ENABLE_BROADCAST] = networkRecord.getBoolean("enableBroadcast",true) ? "1" : "0";
nc[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ALLOW_PASSIVE_BRIDGING] = networkRecord.getBoolean("allowPassiveBridging",false) ? "1" : "0";
nc[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ALLOWED_ETHERNET_TYPES] = networkRecord.get("etherTypes","");
- nc[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_RATES] = networkRecord.get("multicastRates","");
+ // Multicast options
+ nc[ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_RATES] = networkRecord.get("multicastRates","");
uint64_t ml = networkRecord.getHexUInt("multicastLimit",0);
if (ml > 0)
- std::string activeBridgeList;
- if (activeBridgeList.length() > 0)
+ // Active bridge configuration
+ {
+ std::string activeBridgeList;
+ std::vector<std::string> activeBridgeSet;
+ if (!_smembers(abKey,activeBridgeSet)) {
+ LOG("netconf: Redis error retrieving set %s",abKey);
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::sort(activeBridgeSet.begin(),activeBridgeSet.end());
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i(activeBridgeSet.begin());i!=activeBridgeSet.end();++i) {
+ if (i->length() == 10) {
+ if (activeBridgeList.length() > 0)
+ activeBridgeList.push_back(',');
+ activeBridgeList.append(*i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (activeBridgeList.length() > 0)
+ }
+ // IP address assignment and auto-assign using the ZeroTier-internal mechanism (not DHCP, etc.)
+ {
+ std::string ipAssignments(memberRecord.get("ipAssignments",""));
+ // Get sorted, separated lists of IPv4 and IPv6 IP address assignments already present
+ std::vector<InetAddress> ip4s,ip6s;
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> ips(Utils::split(ipAssignments.c_str(),",","",""));
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i(ips.begin());i!=ips.end();++i) {
+ InetAddress a(*i);
+ if (a.isV4())
+ ip4s.push_back(a);
+ else if (a.isV6())
+ ip6s.push_back(a);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(ip4s.begin(),ip4s.end());
+ std::unique(ip4s.begin(),ip4s.end());
+ std::sort(ip6s.begin(),ip6s.end());
+ std::unique(ip6s.begin(),ip6s.end());
+ // If IPv4 assignment mode is 'zt', send them to the client
+ if (networkRecord.get("v4AssignMode","") == "zt") {
+ // If we have no IPv4 addresses and we have an assignment pool, auto-assign
+ if (ip4s.empty()) {
+ InetAddress v4AssignPool(networkRecord.get("v4AssignPool",""));
+ uint32_t pnet = Utils::ntoh(*((const uint32_t *)v4AssignPool.rawIpData()));
+ unsigned int pbits = v4AssignPool.netmaskBits();
+ if ((v4AssignPool.isV4())&&(pbits > 0)&&(pbits < 32)&&(pnet != 0)) {
+ uint32_t pmask = 0xffffffff << (32 - pbits); // netmask over network part
+ uint32_t invmask = ~pmask; // netmask over "random" part
+ // Begin exploring the IP space by generating an IP from the ZeroTier address
+ uint32_t first = (((uint32_t)(member.toInt() & 0xffffffffULL)) & invmask) | (pnet & pmask);
+ if ((first & 0xff) == 0)
+ first |= 1;
+ else if ((first & 0xff) == 0xff)
+ first &= 0xfe;
+ // Start by trying this first IP
+ uint32_t abcd = first;
+ InetAddress ip;
+ bool gotone = false;
+ unsigned long sanityCounter = 0;
+ do {
+ // Convert to IPv4 InetAddress
+ uint32_t abcdNetworkByteOrder = Utils::hton(abcd);
+ ip.set(&abcdNetworkByteOrder,4,pbits);
+ // Is 'ip' already assigned to another node?
+ std::string assignment;
+ if (!_hget(ipaKey,ip.toString().c_str(),assignment)) {
+ LOG("netconf: Redis error checking IP allocation in %s",ipaKey);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((assignment.length() != 10)||(assignment == member.toString())) {
+ gotone = true;
+ break; // not taken!
+ }
+ // If we made it here, the IP was taken so increment and mask and try again
+ ++abcd;
+ abcd &= invmask;
+ abcd |= (pnet & pmask);
+ if ((abcd & 0xff) == 0)
+ abcd |= 1;
+ else if ((abcd & 0xff) == 0xff)
+ abcd &= 0xfe;
+ // Don't spend insane amounts of time here -- if we have to try this hard, the user
+ // needs to allocate a larger IP block.
+ if (++sanityCounter >= 65535)
+ break;
+ } while (abcd != first); // keep going until we loop back around to 'first'
+ // If we got one, add to IP list and claim in database
+ if (gotone) {
+ ip4s.push_back(ip);
+ _hset(ipaKey,ip.toString().c_str(),member.toString().c_str());
+ if (ipAssignments.length() > 0)
+ ipAssignments.push_back(',');
+ ipAssignments.append(ip.toString());
+ _hset(memberKey,"ipAssignments",ipAssignments.c_str());
+ } else {
+ LOG("netconf: failed to allocate IP in %s for %s in network %s, need a larger pool!",v4AssignPool.toString().c_str(),addrs,nwids);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create comma-delimited list to send to client
+ std::string v4s;
+ for(std::vector<InetAddress>::iterator i(ip4s.begin());i!=ip4s.end();++i) {
+ if (v4s.length() > 0)
+ v4s.push_back(',');
+ v4s.append(i->toString());
+ }
+ if (v4s.length())
+ }
+ if (networkRecord.get("v6AssignMode","") == "zt") {
+ // TODO: IPv6 auto-assign ... not quite baked yet. :)
- std::string v4s,v6s;
- if (v4s.length())
- if (v6s.length())
+ std::string v6s;
+ for(std::vector<InetAddress>::iterator i(ip6s.begin());i!=ip6s.end();++i) {
+ if (v6s.length() > 0)
+ v6s.push_back(',');
+ v6s.append(i->toString());
+ }
+ if (v6s.length())
+ }
+ }
+ // If this is a private network, generate a signed certificate of membership
if (isPrivate) {
- CertificateOfMembership com(revision,2,nwid,member);
- if (com.sign(RR->identity))
+ CertificateOfMembership com(Utils::strToU64(revision.c_str()),1,nwid,member);
+ if (com.sign(RR->identity)) // basically can't fail unless our identity is invalid
+ else {
+ LOG("netconf: failure signing certificate (identity problem?)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Sign netconf dictionary itself
+ if (!nc.sign(RR->identity)) {
+ LOG("netconf: failure signing dictionary (identity problem?)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Convert to string-serialized form into result paramter
netconf = nc.toString();
- _hset(memberKey,"netconf",netconf.c_str());
- _hset(memberKey,"netconfTimestamp",tss);
- _hset(memberKey,"netconfRevision",networkRecord.get("revision","0").c_str());
+ // Record new netconf in database for re-use on subsequent repeat queries
+ {
+ Dictionary upd;
+ upd["netconf"] = netconf;
+ upd["netconfTimestamp"] = tss;
+ upd["netconfRevision"] = revision;
+ if (!_hmset(memberKey,upd)) {
+ LOG("netconf: Redis error writing to key %s",memberKey);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/node/NetworkConfigMaster.hpp b/node/NetworkConfigMaster.hpp
index 29aada27..70391882 100644
--- a/node/NetworkConfigMaster.hpp
+++ b/node/NetworkConfigMaster.hpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
+#include <vector>
#include "Address.hpp"
#include "Dictionary.hpp"
@@ -105,6 +106,8 @@ private:
bool _hmset(const char *key,const Dictionary &hdata);
bool _hget(const char *key,const char *hashKey,std::string &value);
bool _hset(const char *key,const char *hashKey,const char *value);
+ bool _get(const char *key,std::string &value);
+ bool _smembers(const char *key,std::vector<std::string> &sdata);
bool _initNewMember(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,const Dictionary &metaData,Dictionary &memberRecord);
bool _generateNetconf(uint64_t nwid,const Address &member,const Dictionary &metaData,std::string &netconf,uint64_t &ts);
diff --git a/node/Node.cpp b/node/Node.cpp
index f79d6402..291af590 100644
--- a/node/Node.cpp
+++ b/node/Node.cpp
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
#include "AntiRecursion.hpp"
#include "RoutingTable.hpp"
#include "HttpClient.hpp"
+#include "NetworkConfigMaster.hpp"
namespace ZeroTier {
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ struct _NodeImpl
volatile bool started;
volatile bool running;
volatile bool resynchronize;
volatile bool disableRootTopologyUpdates;
std::string overrideRootTopology;
@@ -100,15 +102,16 @@ struct _NodeImpl
running = false;
- delete renv.updater; renv.updater = (SoftwareUpdater *)0;
- delete; = (NodeConfig *)0; // shut down all networks, close taps, etc.
- delete renv.topology; renv.topology = (Topology *)0; // now we no longer need routing info
- delete; = (Multicaster *)0;
- delete renv.antiRec; renv.antiRec = (AntiRecursion *)0;
- delete renv.sw; renv.sw = (Switch *)0; // order matters less from here down
- delete renv.http; renv.http = (HttpClient *)0;
- delete renv.prng; renv.prng = (CMWC4096 *)0;
- delete renv.log; renv.log = (Logger *)0; // but stop logging last of all
+ delete renv.updater; renv.updater = (SoftwareUpdater *)0;
+ delete; = (NodeConfig *)0; // shut down all networks, close taps, etc.
+ delete renv.topology; renv.topology = (Topology *)0; // now we no longer need routing info
+ delete; = (Multicaster *)0;
+ delete renv.antiRec; renv.antiRec = (AntiRecursion *)0;
+ delete renv.sw; renv.sw = (Switch *)0; // order matters less from here down
+ delete renv.netconfMaster; renv.netconfMaster = (NetworkConfigMaster *)0;
+ delete renv.http; renv.http = (HttpClient *)0;
+ delete renv.prng; renv.prng = (CMWC4096 *)0;
+ delete renv.log; renv.log = (Logger *)0; // but stop logging last of all
return reasonForTermination;
diff --git a/node/Packet.hpp b/node/Packet.hpp
index d7f7fd60..4b82c2cc 100644
--- a/node/Packet.hpp
+++ b/node/Packet.hpp
@@ -603,72 +603,7 @@ public:
- /* A multicast frame [old multicast protocol, deprecated]:
- * <[2] 16-bit propagation depth or 0xffff for "do not forward">
- * <[320] propagation FIFO>
- * <[1024] propagation bloom filter>
- * [... begin signed portion ...]
- * <[1] 8-bit flags, currently unused and must be 0>
- * <[8] 64-bit network ID>
- * <[2] 16-bit random propagation bloom filter nonce>
- * <[1] number of significant bits in propagation restrict prefix>
- * <[1] propagation restriction prefix (sig bits right to left)>
- * <[5] ZeroTier address of node of origin>
- * <[3] 24-bit multicast ID, together with origin forms GUID>
- * <[6] source MAC address>
- * <[6] destination multicast group MAC address>
- * <[4] destination multicast group ADI field>
- * <[2] 16-bit frame ethertype>
- * <[2] 16-bit length of payload>
- * <[...] ethernet frame payload>
- * [... end of signed portion ...]
- * <[2] 16-bit length of signature>
- * <[...] signature (currently Ed25519/SHA-512, 96 bytes in length)>
- * [<[...] network membership certificate (optional)>]
- *
- * Flags:
- * 0x01 - Multicast frame includes network membership certificate
- * for original sender for this network.
- *
- * When a multicast frame is received:
- *
- * (1) Check the signature of the signed portion of packet, discard on fail
- * (2) Check for duplicate multicast, STOP if duplicate
- * (3) Check rate limits, STOP if over limit
- * (4) Inject into tap if member of network and packet passes other checks
- * (5) Increment propagation depth, STOP if over limit
- * (6) Pop topmost element off FIFO -- this is next hop
- * (7) Push suggested next hops onto FIFO until full -- set corresponding
- * bits in bloom filter
- * (8) Send to next hop, or to a supernode if none
- *
- * When choosing next hops, exclude addresses corresponding to bits already
- * set in the bloom filter and addresses outside the propagation restrict
- * prefix.
- *
- * Active bridges on a network are always added as next hops for all
- * multicast and broadcast traffic, as if they "like" all groups.
- *
- * Algorithm for setting bits in bloom filter:
- *
- * (1) Place the address in the least significant 40 bits of a 64-bit int.
- * (2) Add the bloom filter nonce to this value.
- * (3) XOR the least significant 13 bits of this value with the next most
- * significant 13 bits and so on, 4 times.
- * (4) This value ANDed with 0x1fff is the bit to set in the bloom filter.
- * (5) Set this bit via: byte[bit >> 3] |= (0x80 >> (bit & 7))
- *
- * To check bits in bloom filter perform the same computation but mask the
- * bit instead of ORing it.
- *
- * Propagation occurs within a restrict prefix. The restrict prefix is
- * applied to the least significant 16 bits of an address. The original
- * sender of the multicast sets the restrict prefix and sends 2^N copies
- * of the multicast frame, one for each address prefix.
- *
- * ERROR may be generated if a membership certificate is needed for a
- * closed network. Payload will be network ID.
- */
+ /* DEPRECATED -- legacy support only, will go away completely soon */
/* Announce interest in multicast group(s):
diff --git a/node/RuntimeEnvironment.hpp b/node/RuntimeEnvironment.hpp
index a7b7a99b..ad241535 100644
--- a/node/RuntimeEnvironment.hpp
+++ b/node/RuntimeEnvironment.hpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class AntiRecursion;
class EthernetTapFactory;
class RoutingTable;
class HttpClient;
+class NetworkConfigMaster;
* Holds global state for an instance of ZeroTier::Node
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ public:
log((Logger *)0),
prng((CMWC4096 *)0),
http((HttpClient *)0),
+ netconfMaster((NetworkConfigMaster *)0),
sw((Switch *)0),
mc((Multicaster *)0),
antiRec((AntiRecursion *)0),
@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ public:
Logger *log; // null if logging is disabled
CMWC4096 *prng;
HttpClient *http;
+ NetworkConfigMaster *netconfMaster;
Switch *sw;
Multicaster *mc;
AntiRecursion *antiRec;