path: root/attic/oldcontrol/NodeControlService.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'attic/oldcontrol/NodeControlService.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/attic/oldcontrol/NodeControlService.cpp b/attic/oldcontrol/NodeControlService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f14764b..00000000
--- a/attic/oldcontrol/NodeControlService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- * --
- *
- * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
- * are available at:
- *
- * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
- * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
- * LLC. Start here:
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "NodeControlService.hpp"
-#include "NodeControlClient.hpp"
-#include "../node/Constants.hpp"
-#include "../node/MAC.hpp"
-#include "../node/Node.hpp"
-#include "../node/Utils.hpp"
-namespace ZeroTier {
-NodeControlService::NodeControlService(Node *node,const char *authToken) :
- _node(node),
- _listener((IpcListener *)0),
- _authToken(authToken),
- _running(true),
- _thread(Thread::start(this))
- _running = false;
- Thread::join(_thread);
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_connections_m);
- for(std::map< IpcConnection *,bool >::iterator c(_connections.begin());c!=_connections.end();++c)
- delete c->first;
- _connections.clear();
- }
- delete _listener;
-void NodeControlService::threadMain()
- throw()
- char tmp[1024];
- try {
- while (_running) {
- if (!_node->running()) {
- if (_node->started())
- break;
- } else if ((_node->initialized())&&(_node->address())) {
- Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s%.10llx",ZT_IPC_ENDPOINT_BASE,(unsigned long long)_node->address());
- _listener = new IpcListener(tmp,ZT_IPC_TIMEOUT,&_CBcommandHandler,this);
- break;
- }
- Thread::sleep(100); // wait for Node to start
- }
- } catch ( ... ) {
- delete _listener;
- _listener = (IpcListener *)0;
- }
-void NodeControlService::_CBcommandHandler(void *arg,IpcConnection *ipcc,IpcConnection::EventType event,const char *commandLine)
- switch(event) {
- case IpcConnection::IPC_EVENT_COMMAND: {
- if ((!((NodeControlService *)arg)->_running)||(!commandLine)||(!commandLine[0]))
- return;
- ((NodeControlService *)arg)->_doCommand(ipcc,commandLine);
- } break;
- case IpcConnection::IPC_EVENT_NEW_CONNECTION: {
- Mutex::Lock _l(((NodeControlService *)arg)->_connections_m);
- ((NodeControlService *)arg)->_connections[ipcc] = false; // not yet authenticated
- } break;
- case IpcConnection::IPC_EVENT_CONNECTION_CLOSED: {
- Mutex::Lock _l(((NodeControlService *)arg)->_connections_m);
- ((NodeControlService *)arg)->_connections.erase(ipcc);
- delete ipcc;
- } break;
- }
-void NodeControlService::_doCommand(IpcConnection *ipcc,const char *commandLine)
- std::vector<std::string> r;
- std::vector<std::string> cmd(Utils::split(commandLine,"\r\n \t","\\","'"));
- if ((cmd.empty())||(cmd[0] == "help")) {
- ipcc->printf("200 help help"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help auth <token>"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help info"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help listpeers"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help listnetworks"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help join <network ID>"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help leave <network ID>"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help terminate [<reason>]"ZT_EOL_S);
- ipcc->printf("200 help updatecheck"ZT_EOL_S);
- } else if (cmd[0] == "auth") {
- if ((cmd.size() > 1)&&(_authToken.length() > 0)&&(_authToken == cmd[1])) {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_connections_m);
- _connections[ipcc] = true;
- ipcc->printf("200 auth OK"ZT_EOL_S);
- } else ipcc->printf("403 auth failed"ZT_EOL_S);
- } else {
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_connections_m);
- if (!_connections[ipcc]) {
- ipcc->printf("403 %s unauthorized"ZT_EOL_S"."ZT_EOL_S,cmd[0].c_str());
- return;
- }
- }
- if (cmd[0] == "info") {
- ipcc->printf("200 info %.10llx %s %s"ZT_EOL_S,_node->address(),(_node->online() ? "ONLINE" : "OFFLINE"),Node::versionString());
- } else if (cmd[0] == "listpeers") {
- ipcc->printf("200 listpeers <ztaddr> <paths> <latency> <version> <role>"ZT_EOL_S);
- ZT1_Node_PeerList *pl = _node->listPeers();
- if (pl) {
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<pl->numPeers;++i) {
- ipcc->printf("200 listpeers %.10llx ",(unsigned long long)pl->peers[i].rawAddress);
- if (pl->peers[i].numPaths == 0)
- ipcc->printf("-");
- else {
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<pl->peers[i].numPaths;++j) {
- if (j > 0)
- ipcc->printf(",");
- switch(pl->peers[i].paths[j].type) {
- default:
- ipcc->printf("unknown;");
- break;
- case ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_UDP:
- ipcc->printf("udp;");
- break;
- case ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_TCP_OUT:
- ipcc->printf("tcp_out;");
- break;
- case ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_TCP_IN:
- ipcc->printf("tcp_in;");
- break;
- case ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_ETHERNET:
- ipcc->printf("eth;");
- break;
- }
- ipcc->printf("%s/%d;%ld;%ld;%ld;%s",
- pl->peers[i].paths[j].address.ascii,
- (int)pl->peers[i].paths[j].address.port,
- pl->peers[i].paths[j].lastSend,
- pl->peers[i].paths[j].lastReceive,
- pl->peers[i].paths[j].lastPing,
- (pl->peers[i].paths[j].fixed ? "fixed" : (pl->peers[i].paths[j].active ? "active" : "inactive")));
- }
- }
- const char *rolestr;
- switch(pl->peers[i].role) {
- case ZT1_Node_Peer_SUPERNODE: rolestr = "SUPERNODE"; break;
- case ZT1_Node_Peer_HUB: rolestr = "HUB"; break;
- case ZT1_Node_Peer_NODE: rolestr = "NODE"; break;
- default: rolestr = "?"; break;
- }
- ipcc->printf(" %u %s %s"ZT_EOL_S,
- pl->peers[i].latency,
- ((pl->peers[i].remoteVersion[0]) ? pl->peers[i].remoteVersion : "-"),
- rolestr);
- }
- _node->freeQueryResult(pl);
- }
- } else if (cmd[0] == "listnetworks") {
- ipcc->printf("200 listnetworks <nwid> <name> <mac> <status> <config age> <type> <dev> <ips>"ZT_EOL_S);
- ZT1_Node_NetworkList *nl = _node->listNetworks();
- if (nl) {
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<nl->numNetworks;++i) {
- ipcc->printf("200 listnetworks %s %s %s %s %ld %s %s ",
- nl->networks[i].nwidHex,
- nl->networks[i].name,
- nl->networks[i].macStr,
- nl->networks[i].statusStr,
- nl->networks[i].configAge,
- (nl->networks[i].isPrivate ? "private" : "public"),
- nl->networks[i].device);
- if (nl->networks[i].numIps > 0) {
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<nl->networks[i].numIps;++j) {
- if (j > 0)
- ipcc->printf(",");
- ipcc->printf("%s/%d",nl->networks[i].ips[j].ascii,(int)nl->networks[i].ips[j].port);
- }
- } else ipcc->printf("-");
- ipcc->printf(ZT_EOL_S);
- }
- _node->freeQueryResult(nl);
- }
- } else if (cmd[0] == "join") {
- if (cmd.size() > 1) {
- uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(cmd[1].c_str());
- _node->join(nwid);
- ipcc->printf("200 join %.16llx OK"ZT_EOL_S,(unsigned long long)nwid);
- } else {
- ipcc->printf("400 join requires a network ID (>0) in hexadecimal format"ZT_EOL_S);
- }
- } else if (cmd[0] == "leave") {
- if (cmd.size() > 1) {
- uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(cmd[1].c_str());
- _node->leave(nwid);
- ipcc->printf("200 leave %.16llx OK"ZT_EOL_S,(unsigned long long)nwid);
- } else {
- ipcc->printf("400 leave requires a network ID (>0) in hexadecimal format"ZT_EOL_S);
- }
- } else if (cmd[0] == "terminate") {
- if (cmd.size() > 1)
- _node->terminate(Node::NODE_NORMAL_TERMINATION,cmd[1].c_str());
- else _node->terminate(Node::NODE_NORMAL_TERMINATION,"terminate via IPC command");
- } else if (cmd[0] == "updatecheck") {
- if (_node->updateCheck()) {
- ipcc->printf("500 software updates are not enabled"ZT_EOL_S);
- } else {
- ipcc->printf("200 OK"ZT_EOL_S);
- }
- } else {
- ipcc->printf("404 %s No such command. Use 'help' for help."ZT_EOL_S,cmd[0].c_str());
- }
- }
- ipcc->printf("."ZT_EOL_S);
-} // namespace ZeroTier