path: root/ext/librethinkdbxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/librethinkdbxx')
151 files changed, 0 insertions, 13394 deletions
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index e2843d4c..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <rethinkdb.h>
-namespace R = RethinkDB;
-std::unique_ptr<R::Connection> conn;
-int main() {
- signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
- try {
- conn = R::connect();
- } catch(const R::Error& error) {
- printf("FAILURE: could not connect to localhost:28015: %s\n", error.message.c_str());
- return 1;
- }
- try {
- printf("running test...\n");
- auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- R::Datum d = R::range(1, 1000000)
- .map([]() { return R::object("test", "hello", "data", "world"); })
- .run(*conn);
- auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- auto diff = end - start;
- printf("result size: %d\n", (int)d.get_array()->size());
- printf("completed in %f ms\n", std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(diff).count());
- } catch (const R::Error& error) {
- printf("FAILURE: uncaught exception: %s\n", error.message.c_str());
- return 1;
- }
-#include <iostream>
-#include <rethinkdb.h>
-namespace R = RethinkDB;
-int main() {
- auto conn = R::connect();
- if (!conn) {
- std::cerr << "Could not connect to server\n";
- return 1;
- }
- std::cout << "Connected" << std::endl;
- R::Cursor databases = R::db_list().run(*conn);
- for (R::Datum const& db : databases) {
- std::cout << *db.get_string() << '\n';
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 220bb5a2..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv
-from re import sub
-print("#include \"testlib.h\"");
-print("void run_upstream_tests() {")
-for path in argv[1:]:
- name = sub('/', '_', path.split('.')[0])
- print(" extern void %s();" % name)
- print(" clean_slate();")
- print(" %s();" % name)
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5ca2fc..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "testlib.h"
-extern void run_upstream_tests();
-void test_json(const char* string, const char* ret = "") {
- TEST_EQ(R::Datum::from_json(string).as_json().c_str(), ret[0] ? ret : string);
-void test_json_parse_print() {
- enter_section("json");
- test_json("-0.0", "-0.0");
- test_json("null");
- test_json("1.2");
- test_json("1.2e20", "1.2e+20");
- test_json("true");
- test_json("false");
- test_json("\"\"");
- test_json("\"\\u1234\"", "\"\u1234\"");
- test_json("\"\\\"\"");
- test_json("\"foobar\"");
- test_json("[]");
- test_json("[1]");
- test_json("[1,2,3,4]");
- test_json("{}");
- test_json("{\"a\":1}");
- test_json("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":3}");
- exit_section();
-void test_reql() {
- enter_section("reql");
- TEST_EQ((R::expr(1) + 2).run(*conn), R::Datum(3));
- TEST_EQ(R::range(4).count().run(*conn), R::Datum(4));
- TEST_EQ(R::js("Math.abs")(-1).run(*conn), 1);
- exit_section();
-void test_cursor() {
- enter_section("cursor");
- R::Cursor cursor = R::range(10000).run(*conn);
- TEST_EQ(, 0);
- R::Array array = cursor.to_array();
- TEST_EQ(array.size(), 9999);
- TEST_EQ(*array.begin(), 1);
- TEST_EQ(*array.rbegin(), 9999);
- int i = 0;
- R::range(3).run(*conn).each([&i](R::Datum&& datum){
- TEST_EQ(datum, i++); });
- exit_section();
-void test_encode(const char* str, const char* b) {
- TEST_EQ(R::base64_encode(str), b);
-void test_decode(const char* b, const char* str) {
- std::string out;
- TEST_EQ(R::base64_decode(b, out), true);
- TEST_EQ(out, str);
-#define TEST_B64(a, b) test_encode(a, b); test_decode(b, a)
-void test_binary() {
- enter_section("base64");
- TEST_B64("", "");
- TEST_B64("foo", "Zm9v");
- exit_section();
-void test_issue28() {
- enter_section("issue #28");
- std::vector<std::string> expected{ "rethinkdb", "test" };
- std::vector<std::string> dbs;
- R::Cursor databases = R::db_list().run(*conn);
- for (R::Datum const& db : databases) {
- dbs.push_back(*db.get_string());
- }
- TEST_EQ(dbs, expected);
- exit_section();
-int main() {
- signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
- srand(time(NULL));
- try {
- conn = R::connect();
- } catch(const R::Error& error) {
- printf("FAILURE: could not connect to localhost:28015: %s\n", error.message.c_str());
- return 1;
- }
- try {
- //test_binary();
- //test_json_parse_print();
- //test_reql();
- //test_cursor();
- test_issue28();
- run_upstream_tests();
- } catch (const R::Error& error) {
- printf("FAILURE: uncaught expception: %s\n", error.message.c_str());
- return 1;
- }
- if (!failed) {
- printf("SUCCESS: %d tests passed\n", count);
- } else {
- printf("DONE: %d of %d tests failed\n", failed, count);
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc9cc27..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <regex>
-#include <thread>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "testlib.h"
-int verbosity = 0;
-int failed = 0;
-int count = 0;
-std::vector<std::pair<const char*, bool>> section;
-std::unique_ptr<R::Connection> conn;
-// std::string to_string(const R::Cursor&) {
-// return "<Cursor>";
-// }
-std::string to_string(const R::Term& query) {
- return to_string(query.get_datum());
-std::string to_string(const R::Datum& datum) {
- return datum.as_json();
-std::string to_string(const R::Object& object) {
- auto it = object.find("special");
- if (it != object.end()) {
- std::string type = *(it->second).get_string();
- auto bag = object.find(type);
- if (bag != object.end()) {
- return to_string((R::Datum)bag->second);
- }
- }
- return to_string((R::Datum)object);
-std::string to_string(const R::Error& error) {
- return "Error(\"" + error.message + "\")";
-void enter_section(const char* name) {
- if (verbosity == 0) {
- section.emplace_back(name, true);
- } else {
- printf("%sSection %s\n", indent(), name);
- section.emplace_back(name, false);
- }
-void section_cleanup() {
- R::db("test").table_list().for_each([=](R::Var table) {
- return R::db("test").table_drop(*table);
- }).run(*conn);
-void exit_section() {
- section.pop_back();
-std::string to_string(const err& error) {
- return "Error(\"" + error.convert_type() + ": " + error.message + "\")";
-bool equal(const R::Error& a, const err& b) {
- // @TODO: I think the proper solution to this proble is to in fact create
- // a hierarchy of exception types. This would not only simplify these
- // error cases, but could be of great use to the user.
- std::string error_type = b.convert_type();
- if (error_type == "ReqlServerCompileError" &&
- a.message.find("ReqlCompileError") != std::string::npos) {
- return true;
- }
- return b.trim_message(a.message) == (error_type + ": " + b.message);
-bool match(const char* pattern, const char* string) {
- return std::regex_match(string, std::regex(pattern));
-bool equal(const R::Error& a, const err_regex& b) {
- if (b.message == "Object keys must be strings" &&
- a.message == "runtime error: Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.") {
- return true;
- }
- return match(b.regex().c_str(), a.message.c_str());
-std::string to_string(const err_regex& error) {
- return "err_regex(" + error.type + ", " + error.message + ")";
-R::Object partial(R::Object&& object) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "partial"}, {"partial", std::move(object)}};
-R::Datum uuid() {
- return R::Object{{"special", "uuid"}};
-R::Object arrlen(int n, R::Datum&& datum) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "arrlen"},{"len",n},{"of",datum}};
-R::Object arrlen(int n) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "arrlen"},{"len",n}};
-std::string repeat(std::string&& s, int n) {
- std::string string;
- string.reserve(n * s.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- string.append(s);
- }
- return string;
-R::Term fetch(R::Cursor& cursor, int count, double timeout) {
- // printf("fetch(..., %d, %lf)\n", count, timeout);
- R::Array array;
- int deadline = time(NULL) + int(timeout);
- for (int i = 0; count == -1 || i < count; ++i) {
- // printf("fetching next (%d)\n", i);
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- if (now > deadline) break;
- try {
- array.emplace_back( - now));
- // printf("got %s\n", write_datum(array[array.size()-1]).c_str());
- } catch (const R::Error &e) {
- if (e.message != "next: No more data") {
- throw e; // rethrow
- }
- break;
- } catch (const R::TimeoutException &e){
- // printf("fetch timeout\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- return expr(std::move(array));
-R::Object bag(R::Array&& array) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "bag"}, {"bag", std::move(array)}};
-R::Object bag(R::Datum&& d) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "bag"}, {"bag", std::move(d)}};
-std::string string_key(const R::Datum& datum) {
- const std::string* string = datum.get_string();
- if (string) return *string;
- return datum.as_json();
-bool falsey(R::Datum&& datum) {
- bool* boolean = datum.get_boolean();
- if (boolean) return !*boolean;
- double* number = datum.get_number();
- if (number) return *number == 0;
- return false;
-bool equal(const R::Datum& got, const R::Datum& expected) {
- const std::string* string = expected.get_string();
- if (string) {
- const R::Binary* binary = got.get_binary();
- if (binary) {
- return *binary == R::Binary(*string);
- }
- }
- if (expected.get_object() && expected.get_field("$reql_type$")) {
- if (!got.get_field("$reql_type$")) {
- R::Datum datum = got.to_raw();
- if (datum.get_field("$reql_type$")) {
- return equal(datum, expected);
- }
- }
- }
- if (got.get_object() && got.get_field("$reql_type$")) {
- const std::string* type = got.get_field("$reql_type$")->get_string();
- if (type && *type == "GROUPED_DATA" &&
- (!expected.get_object() || !expected.get_field("$reql_type$"))) {
- const R::Array* data = got.get_field("data")->get_array();
- R::Object object;
- for (R::Datum it : *data) {
- object.emplace(string_key(it.extract_nth(0)), it.extract_nth(1));
- }
- return equal(object, expected);
- }
- }
- do {
- if (!expected.get_object()) break;
- if(!expected.get_field("special")) break;
- const std::string* type = expected.get_field("special")->get_string();
- if (!type) break;
- if (*type == "bag") {
- const R::Datum* bag_datum = expected.get_field("bag");
- if (!bag_datum || !bag_datum->get_array()) {
- break;
- }
- R::Array bag = *bag_datum->get_array();
- const R::Array* array = got.get_array();
- if (!array) {
- return false;
- }
- if (bag.size() != array->size()) {
- return false;
- }
- for (const auto& it : *array) {
- auto ref = std::find(bag.begin(), bag.end(), it);
- if (ref == bag.end()) return false;
- bag.erase(ref);
- }
- return true;
- } else if (*type == "arrlen") {
- const R::Datum* len_datum = expected.get_field("len");
- if (!len_datum) break;
- const double *len = len_datum->get_number();
- if (!len) break;
- const R::Array* array = got.get_array();
- if (!array) break;
- return array->size() == *len;
- } else if (*type == "partial") {
- const R::Object* object = got.get_object();
- if (object) {
- const R::Datum* partial_datum = expected.get_field("partial");
- if (!partial_datum) break;
- const R::Object* partial = partial_datum->get_object();
- if (!partial) break;
- for (const auto& it : *partial) {
- if (!object->count(it.first) || !equal((*object).at(it.first), it.second)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- const R::Array* array = got.get_array();
- if (array) {
- const R::Datum* partial_datum = expected.get_field("partial");
- if (!partial_datum) break;
- const R::Array* partial = partial_datum->get_array();
- if (!partial) break;
- for (const auto& want : *partial) {
- bool match = false;
- for (const auto& have : *array) {
- if (equal(have, want)) {
- match = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (match == false) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- } else if(*type == "uuid") {
- const std::string* string = got.get_string();
- if (string && string->size() == 36) {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (*type == "regex") {
- const R::Datum* regex_datum = expected.get_field("regex");
- if (!regex_datum) break;
- const std::string* regex = regex_datum->get_string();
- if (!regex) break;
- const std::string* str = got.get_string();
- if (!str) break;
- return match(regex->c_str(), str->c_str());
- }
- } while(0);
- const R::Object* got_object = got.get_object();
- const R::Object* expected_object = expected.get_object();
- if (got_object && expected_object) {
- R::Object have = *got_object;
- for (const auto& it : *expected_object) {
- auto other = have.find(it.first);
- if (other == have.end()) return false;
- if (!equal(other->second, it.second)) return false;
- have.erase(other);
- }
- for (auto& it : have) {
- if (!falsey(std::move(it.second))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- const R::Array* got_array = got.get_array();
- const R::Array* expected_array = expected.get_array();
- if (got_array && expected_array) {
- if (got_array->size() != expected_array->size()) return false;
- for (R::Array::const_iterator i = got_array->begin(), j = expected_array->begin();
- i < got_array->end();
- i++, j++) {
- if(!equal(*i, *j)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return got == expected;
-R::Object partial(R::Array&& array) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "partial"}, {"partial", std::move(array)}};
-R::Object regex(const char* pattern) {
- return R::Object{{"special", "regex"}, {"regex", pattern}};
-void clean_slate() {
- R::table_list().for_each([](R::Var t){ return R::table_drop(*t); });
- R::db("rethinkdb").table("_debug_scratch").delete_().run(*conn);
-const char* indent() {
- static const char spaces[] = " ";
- return spaces + sizeof(spaces) - 1 - 2 * section.size();
-std::string truncate(std::string&& string) {
- if (string.size() > 200) {
- return string.substr(0, 197) + "...";
- }
- return string;
-int len(const R::Datum& d) {
- const R::Array* arr = d.get_array();
- if (!arr) throw ("testlib: len: expected an array but got " + to_string(d));
- return arr->size();
-R::Term wait(int n) {
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(n));
- return R::expr(n);
-R::Datum nil = R::Nil();
-R::Array append(R::Array lhs, R::Array rhs) {
- if (lhs.empty()) {
- return rhs;
- }
- lhs.reserve(lhs.size() + rhs.size());
- std::move(std::begin(rhs), std::end(rhs), std::back_inserter(lhs));
- return lhs;
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/testlib.h b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/testlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b795436..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/testlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <stack>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <regex>
-#include <rethinkdb.h>
-namespace R = RethinkDB;
-extern std::vector<std::pair<const char*, bool>> section;
-extern int failed;
-extern int count;
-extern std::unique_ptr<R::Connection> conn;
-extern int verbosity;
-const char* indent();
-void enter_section(const char* name);
-void section_cleanup();
-void exit_section();
-#define TEST_DO(code) \
- if (verbosity > 1) fprintf(stderr, "%sTEST: %s\n", indent(), #code); \
- code
-#define TEST_EQ(code, expected) \
- do { \
- if (verbosity > 1) fprintf(stderr, "%sTEST: %s\n", indent(), #code); \
- try { test_eq(#code, (code), (expected)); } \
- catch (const R::Error& error) { test_eq(#code, error, (expected)); } \
- } while (0)
-struct err {
- err(const char* type_, std::string message_, R::Array&& backtrace_ = {}) :
- type(type_), message(message_), backtrace(std::move(backtrace_)) { }
- std::string convert_type() const {
- return type;
- }
- static std::string trim_message(std::string msg) {
- size_t i = msg.find(":\n");
- if (i != std::string::npos) {
- return msg.substr(0, i + 1);
- }
- return msg;
- }
- std::string type;
- std::string message;
- R::Array backtrace;
-struct err_regex {
- err_regex(const char* type_, const char* message_, R::Array&& backtrace_ = {}) :
- type(type_), message(message_), backtrace(std::move(backtrace_)) { }
- std::string type;
- std::string message;
- R::Array backtrace;
- std::string regex() const {
- return type + ": " + message;
- }
-R::Object regex(const char* pattern);
-bool match(const char* pattern, const char* string);
-R::Object partial(R::Object&& object);
-R::Object partial(R::Array&& array);
-R::Datum uuid();
-R::Object arrlen(int n, R::Datum&& datum);
-R::Object arrlen(int n);
-R::Term new_table();
-std::string repeat(std::string&& s, int n);
-R::Term fetch(R::Cursor& cursor, int count = -1, double timeout = 1);
-R::Object bag(R::Array&& array);
-R::Object bag(R::Datum&& d);
-struct temp_table {
- temp_table() {
- char chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
- char name_[15] = "temp_";
- for (unsigned int i = 5; i + 1 < sizeof name_; ++i) {
- name_[i] = chars[random() % (sizeof chars - 1)];
- }
- name_[14] = 0;
- R::table_create(name_).run(*conn);
- name = name_;
- }
- ~temp_table() {
- try {
- R::table_drop(name).run(*conn);
- } catch (const R::Error &e) {
- if(!strstr(e.message.c_str(), "does not exist")){
- printf("error dropping temp_table: %s\n", e.message.c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- R::Term table() { return R::table(name); }
- std::string name;
-void clean_slate();
-// std::string to_string(const R::Cursor&);
-std::string to_string(const R::Term&);
-std::string to_string(const R::Datum&);
-std::string to_string(const R::Error&);
-std::string to_string(const err_regex&);
-std::string to_string(const err&);
-bool equal(const R::Datum&, const R::Datum&);
-bool equal(const R::Error&, const err_regex&);
-bool equal(const R::Error&, const err&);
-template <class T>
-bool equal(const T& a, const err& b) {
- return false;
-template <class T>
-bool equal(const T& a, const err_regex& b) {
- return false;
-template <class T>
-bool equal(const R::Error& a, const T& b) {
- return false;
-std::string truncate(std::string&&);
-template <class T, class U>
-void test_eq(const char* code, const T val, const U expected) {
- try {
- count ++;
- if (!equal(val, expected)) {
- failed++;
- for (auto& it : section) {
- if (it.second) {
- printf("%sSection: %s\n", indent(), it.first);
- it.second = false;
- }
- }
- try {
- printf("%sFAILURE in ‘%s’:\n%s Expected: ‘%s’\n%s but got: ‘%s’\n",
- indent(), code,
- indent(), truncate(to_string(expected)).c_str(),
- indent(), truncate(to_string(val)).c_str());
- } catch (const R::Error& e) {
- printf("%sFAILURE: Failed to print failure description: %s\n", indent(), e.message.c_str());
- } catch (...) {
- printf("%sFAILURE: Failed to print failure description\n", indent());
- }
- }
- } catch (const std::regex_error& rx_err) {
- printf("%sSKIP: error with regex (likely a buggy regex implementation): %s\n", indent(), rx_err.what());
- }
-template <class U>
-void test_eq(const char* code, const R::Cursor& val, const U expected) {
- try {
- R::Datum result = val.to_datum();
- test_eq(code, result, expected);
- } catch (R::Error& error) {
- test_eq(code, error, expected);
- }
-int len(const R::Datum&);
-R::Term wait(int n);
-#define PacificTimeZone() (-7 * 3600)
-#define UTCTimeZone() (0)
-extern R::Datum nil;
-inline R::Cursor maybe_run(R::Cursor& c, R::Connection&, R::OptArgs&& o = {}) {
- return std::move(c);
-inline R::Cursor maybe_run(R::Term q, R::Connection& c, R::OptArgs&& o = {}) {
- return, std::move(o));
-inline int operator+(R::Datum a, int b) {
- return a.extract_number() + b;
-inline R::Array operator*(R::Array arr, int n) {
- R::Array ret;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- for(const auto& it: arr) {
- ret.push_back(it);
- }
- }
- return ret;
-inline R::Array array_range(int x, int y) {
- R::Array ret;
- for(int i = x; i < y; ++i) {
- ret.push_back(i);
- }
- return ret;
-template <class F>
-inline R::Array array_map(F f, R::Array a){
- R::Array ret;
- for(R::Datum& d: a) {
- ret.push_back(f(d.extract_number()));
- }
- return ret;
-R::Array append(R::Array lhs, R::Array rhs);
-template <class T>
-std::string str(T x){
- return to_string(x);
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/aggregation.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/aggregation.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e0ec9c8..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/aggregation.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests that manipulation data in tables
-table_variable_name: tbl tbl2 tbl3 tbl4
- # Set up some data
- - cd: r.range(100).for_each(tbl.insert({'id':r.row, 'a':r.row.mod(4)}))
- rb: tbl.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4 } })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100}
- - cd: r.range(100).for_each(tbl2.insert({'id':r.row, 'a':r.row.mod(4)}))
- rb: tbl2.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :b => i % 4 } })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100}
- - cd: r.range(100).for_each(tbl3.insert({'id':r.row, 'a':r.row.mod(4), 'b':{'c':r.row.mod(5)}}))
- rb: tbl3.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4, :b => { :c => i % 5 } } })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100}
- - def:
- cd: time1 = 1375115782.24
- js: time1 = 1375115782.24 * 1000
- - def:
- cd: time2 = 1375147296.68
- js: time2 = 1375147296.68 * 1000
- - cd:
- - tbl4.insert({'id':0, 'time':r.epoch_time(time1)})
- - tbl4.insert({'id':1, 'time':r.epoch_time(time2)})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1}
- # GMR
- - cd: tbl.sum('a')
- ot: 150
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.sum()
- py: row:row['a']).sum()
- js:{return row('a')}).sum()
- ot: 150
- - cd:'a').sum('id')
- ot:
- cd: ({0:1200, 1:1225, 2:1250, 3:1275})
- js: ([{'group':0,'reduction':1200},{'group':1,'reduction':1225},{'group':2,'reduction':1250},{'group':3,'reduction':1275}])
- - cd: tbl.avg('a')
- ot: 1.5
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.avg()
- py: row:row['a']).avg()
- js:{return row('a')}).avg()
- ot: 1.5
- - cd:'a').avg('id')
- ot:
- cd: {0:48, 1:49, 2:50, 3:51}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':48},{'group':1,'reduction':49},{'group':2,'reduction':50},{'group':3,'reduction':51}]
- - cd: tbl.min('a')['a']
- js: tbl.min('a')('a')
- ot: 0
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').min('a')
- ot: {'a':0, 'id':0}
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.min()
- py: row:row['a']).min()
- js:{return row('a')}).min()
- ot: 0
- - cd:'a').min('id')
- ot:
- cd: {0:{'a':0, 'id':0}, 1:{'a':1, 'id':1}, 2:{'a':2, 'id':2}, 3:{'a':3, 'id':3}}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':{'a':0, 'id':0}},{'group':1,'reduction':{'a':1, 'id':1}},{'group':2,'reduction':{'a':2, 'id':2}},{'group':3,'reduction':{'a':3, 'id':3}}]
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').max('a')
- ot: {'a':3, 'id':3}
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.max()
- py: row:row['a']).max()
- js:{return row('a')}).max()
- ot: 3
- - cd:'a').max('id')
- ot:
- cd: {0:{'a':0, 'id':96}, 1:{'a':1, 'id':97}, 2:{'a':2, 'id':98}, 3:{'a':3, 'id':99}}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':{'a':0, 'id':96}},{'group':1,'reduction':{'a':1, 'id':97}},{'group':2,'reduction':{'a':2, 'id':98}},{'group':3,'reduction':{'a':3, 'id':99}}]
- - cd: tbl.min()
- ot: {"a":0, "id":0}
- - cd:'a').min()
- ot:
- cd: {0:{"a":0, "id":0}, 1:{"a":1, "id":1}, 2:{"a":2, "id":2}, 3:{"a":3, "id":3}}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':{"a":0,"id":0}},{'group':1,'reduction':{"a":1,"id":1}},{'group':2,'reduction':{"a":2,"id":2}},{'group':3,'reduction':{"a":3,"id":3}}]
- - cd: tbl.max()
- ot: {"a":3, "id":99}
- - cd:'a').max()
- ot:
- cd: {0:{'a':0, 'id':96}, 1:{'a':1, 'id':97}, 2:{'a':2, 'id':98}, 3:{'a':3, 'id':99}}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':{"a":0,"id":96}},{'group':1,'reduction':{"a":1,"id":97}},{'group':2,'reduction':{"a":2,"id":98}},{'group':3,'reduction':{"a":3,"id":99}}]
- - rb: tbl.sum{|row| row['a']}
- py:
- - tbl.sum(lambda row:row['a'])
- - tbl.sum(r.row['a'])
- js:
- - tbl.sum(function(row){return row('a')})
- - tbl.sum(r.row('a'))
- ot: 150
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.sum()
- py: row:row['a']).sum()
- js:{return row('a')}).sum()
- ot: 150
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.sum{|row| row['id']}
- py: row:row['a']).sum(lambda row:row['id'])
- js:{return row('a')}).sum(function(row){return row('id')})
- ot:
- cd: {0:1200, 1:1225, 2:1250, 3:1275}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':1200},{'group':1,'reduction':1225},{'group':2,'reduction':1250},{'group':3,'reduction':1275}]
- - rb:
- - tbl.avg{|row| row['a']}
- py:
- - tbl.avg(lambda row:row['a'])
- - tbl.avg(r.row['a'])
- js:
- - tbl.avg(function(row){return row('a')})
- - tbl.avg(r.row('a'))
- ot: 1.5
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.avg()
- py: row:row['a']).avg()
- js:{return row('a')}).avg()
- ot: 1.5
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.avg{|row| row['id']}
- py: row:row['a']).avg(lambda row:row['id'])
- js:{return row('a')}).avg(function(row){return row('id')})
- ot:
- cd: {0:48, 1:49, 2:50, 3:51}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':48},{'group':1,'reduction':49},{'group':2,'reduction':50},{'group':3,'reduction':51}]
- - rb: tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min{|row| row['a']}
- py:
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(lambda row:row['a'])
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(r.row['a'])
- js:
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(function(row){return row('a')})
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(r.row('a'))
- ot: {'a':0, 'id':96}
- - rb:
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min{|row| row['a']}['a']
- py:
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(lambda row:row['a'])['a']
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(r.row['a'])['a']
- js:
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(function(row){return row('a')})('a')
- - tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).min(r.row('a'))('a')
- ot: 0
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.min()
- py: row:row['a']).min()
- js:{return row('a')}).min()
- ot: 0
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.min{|row| row['id']}['id']
- py: row:row['a']).min(lambda row:row['id'])['id']
- js:{return row('a')}).min(function(row){return row('id')})('id')
- ot:
- cd: {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':0},{'group':1,'reduction':1},{'group':2,'reduction':2},{'group':3,'reduction':3}]
- - rb:
- - tbl.max{|row| row['a']}['a']
- py:
- - tbl.max(lambda row:row['a'])['a']
- - tbl.max(r.row['a'])['a']
- js:
- - tbl.max(function(row){return row('a')})('a')
- - tbl.max(r.row('a'))('a')
- ot: 3
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.max()
- py: row:row['a']).max()
- js:{return row('a')}).max()
- ot: 3
- - rb:{|row| row['a']}.max{|row| row['id']}['id']
- py: row:row['a']).max(lambda row:row['id'])['id']
- js:{return row('a')}).max(function(row){return row('id')})('id')
- ot:
- cd: {0:96, 1:97, 2:98, 3:99}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':96},{'group':1,'reduction':97},{'group':2,'reduction':98},{'group':3,'reduction':99}]
- - rb:{|row| row[:a]}.map{|row| row[:id]}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
- py: row:row['a']).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- js:{return row('a')}).map(function(row){return row('id')}).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- ot:
- cd: {0:1200, 1:1225, 2:1250, 3:1275}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':1200},{'group':1,'reduction':1225},{'group':2,'reduction':1250},{'group':3,'reduction':1275}]
- - rb:{|row| row[:a]}.map{|row| row[:id]}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- py:
- - row:row['a']).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- -['a']).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- js:
- -{return row('a')}).map(function(row){return row('id')}).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- -'a')).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 1200], [1, 1225], [2, 1250], [3, 1275]]}
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1}]).filter(true).limit(1).group('a')
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[1, [{'a':1}]]]}
- # GMR
- - cd:'a').type_of()
- - cd:'a').count().type_of()
- - cd:'a').coerce_to('ARRAY').type_of()
- - rb: tbl.orderby(index:'id').filter{|row| row['id'].lt(10)}.group('a').map{|row| row['id']}.coerce_to('ARRAY')
- py: tbl.order_by(index='id').filter(lambda row:row['id'] < 10).group('a').map(lambda row:row['id']).coerce_to('ARRAY')
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).filter(function(row){return row('id').lt(10)}).group('a').map(function(row){return row('id')}).coerce_to('ARRAY')
- ot:
- cd: {0:[0,4,8],1:[1,5,9],2:[2,6],3:[3,7]}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':[0,4,8]},{'group':1,'reduction':[1,5,9]},{'group':2,'reduction':[2,6]},{'group':3,'reduction':[3,7]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter{|row| row['id'].lt(10)}.group('a').count().do{|x| x*x}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['id'] < 10).group('a').count().do(lambda x:x*x)
- js: tbl.filter(function(row){return row('id').lt(10)}).group('a').count().do(function(x){return x.mul(x)})
- ot:
- cd: {0:9,1:9,2:4,3:4}
- js: [{'group':0,'reduction':9},{'group':1,'reduction':9},{'group':2,'reduction':4},{'group':3,'reduction':4}]
- - rb: tbl.union(tbl).group('a').map{|x| x['id']}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- py:
- - tbl.union(tbl).group(lambda row:row['a']).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- - tbl.union(tbl).group(r.row['a']).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- js:
- - tbl.union(tbl).group(function(row){return row('a')}).map(function(row){return row('id')}).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- - tbl.union(tbl).group(r.row('a')).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 2400], [1, 2450], [2, 2500], [3, 2550]]}
- # GMR
- - rb: tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).group('a').map{|x| x['id']}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- py:
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).group(lambda row:row['a']).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).group(r.row['a']).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- js:
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).group(function(row){return row('a')}).map(function(row){return row('id')}).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).group(r.row('a')).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 2400], [1, 2450], [2, 2500], [3, 2550]]}
- # GMR
- - rb: tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).group('a').map{|x| x['id']}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- py:
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).group(lambda row:row['a']).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).group(r.row['a']).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- js:
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).group(function(row){return row('a')}).map(function(row){return row('id')}).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).group(r.row('a')).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 2400], [1, 2450], [2, 2500], [3, 2550]]}
- - py:
- - row:row['a']).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- -['a']).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a + b)
- js:
- -{return row('a')}).map(function(row){return row('id')}).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- -'a')).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- -'a').map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b){return a.add(b)})
- rb:'a').map{|x| x['id']}.reduce{|a,b| a+b}
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 1200], [1, 1225], [2, 1250], [3, 1275]]}
- # undefined...
- - js:
- -{})
- -{})
- - tbl.reduce(function(row){})
- -'a')).group(function(row){})
- -'a')).map(function(row){})
- -'a')).reduce(function(row){})
- -'id')).group(function(row){})
- -'id')).map(function(row){})
- -'id')).reduce(function(row){})
- - tbl.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).group(function(row){})
- - tbl.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).map(function(row){})
- - tbl.reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).reduce(function(row){})
- ot: err('ReqlDriverCompileError', 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [0])
- # GroupBy
- - cd:'a').count()
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 25], [1, 25], [2, 25], [3, 25]]}
- # SUM
- - cd:'a').sum('id')
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 1200], [1, 1225], [2, 1250], [3, 1275]]}
- # AVG
- - cd:'a').avg('id')
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 48], [1, 49], [2, 50], [3, 51]]}
- # Pattern Matching
- - rb:{|row| row['b']['c']}.count()
- py: row:row['b']['c']).count()
- js:{return row('b')('c')}).count()
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 20], [1, 20], [2, 20], [3, 20], [4, 20]]}
- # Multiple keys
- - rb:'a', lambda {|row| row['id']%3}).count()
- py:'a', lambda row:row['id'].mod(3)).count()
- js:'a', function(row){return row('id').mod(3)}).count()
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[[0, 0], 9], [[0, 1], 8], [[0, 2], 8], [[1, 0], 8], [[1, 1], 9], [[1, 2], 8], [[2, 0], 8], [[2, 1], 8], [[2, 2], 9], [[3, 0], 9], [[3, 1], 8], [[3, 2], 8]]}
- # Grouping by time
- - rb:'time').coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- time_format: 'raw'
- ot:
- rb: {{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375115782.24,"timezone":"+00:00"}:[{"id":0,"time":{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375115782.24,"timezone":"+00:00"}}],{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375147296.68,"timezone":"+00:00"}:[{"id":1,"time":{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375147296.68,"timezone":"+00:00"}}]}
- py: {frozenset([('$reql_type$','TIME'),('timezone','+00:00'),('epoch_time',1375115782.24)]):[{'id':0,'time':{'timezone':'+00:00','$reql_type$':'TIME','epoch_time':1375115782.24}}],frozenset([('$reql_type$','TIME'),('timezone','+00:00'),('epoch_time',1375147296.68)]):[{'id':1,'time':{'timezone':'+00:00','$reql_type$':'TIME','epoch_time':1375147296.68}}]}
- js: [{'group':{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375115782240,"timezone":"+00:00"},'reduction':[{"id":0,"time":{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375115782240,"timezone":"+00:00"}}]},{'group':{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375147296680,"timezone":"+00:00"},'reduction':[{"id":1,"time":{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1375147296680,"timezone":"+00:00"}}]}]
- # Distinct
- - py: row:row['a']).distinct().count()
- js: { return row('a'); }).distinct().count()
- rb:{ |row| row[:a] }.distinct.count
- ot: 4
- - cd: tbl.distinct().type_of()
- ot: "STREAM"
- - cd: tbl.distinct().count()
- ot: 100
- - cd: tbl.distinct({index:'id'}).type_of()
- py: tbl.distinct(index='id').type_of()
- ot: "STREAM"
- - cd: tbl.distinct({index:'id'}).count()
- py: tbl.distinct(index='id').count()
- ot: 100
- - cd: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('m', multi:true){|row| [row['a'], row['a']]}
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('m2', multi:true){|row| [1, 2]}
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('a').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'index':'a','ready':true}]
- - rb: tbl.index_wait('m').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'index':'m','ready':true}]
- - rb: tbl.index_wait('m2').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'index':'m2','ready':true}]
- - cd: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'a'}).distinct().count()
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='a').distinct().count()
- ot: 25
- - cd: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'a'}).distinct({index:'id'}).count()
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='a').distinct(index='id').count()
- ot: 25
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'m'}).count()
- ot: 50
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'m'}).distinct().count()
- ot: 25
- - rb: tbl.orderby({index:'m'}).count()
- ot: 200
- - rb: tbl.orderby({index:'m'}).distinct().count()
- ot: 100
- - rb: tbl.orderby({index:r.desc('m')}).count()
- ot: 200
- - rb: tbl.orderby({index:r.desc('m')}).distinct().count()
- ot: 100
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 3, {index:'m2'}).count()
- ot: 200
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 3, {index:'m2'}).distinct().count()
- ot: 100
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 3, {index:'m2'}).orderby(index:r.desc('m2')).distinct().count()
- ot: 100
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'m'}).count()
- ot: 50
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'m'}).distinct().count()
- ot: 25
- - cd: tbl.distinct({index:'a'}).type_of()
- py: tbl.distinct(index='a').type_of()
- ot: "STREAM"
- - cd: tbl.distinct({index:'a'}).count()
- py: tbl.distinct(index='a').count()
- ot: 4
- - cd:
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot group by nothing.', [])
- - py:'id').count()
- js:{index:'id'}).count()
- cd:'id').count
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [8, 1], [9, 1], [10, 1], [11, 1], [12, 1], [13, 1], [14, 1], [15, 1], [16, 1], [17, 1], [18, 1], [19, 1], [20, 1], [21, 1], [22, 1], [23, 1], [24, 1], [25, 1], [26, 1], [27, 1], [28, 1], [29, 1], [30, 1], [31, 1], [32, 1], [33, 1], [34, 1], [35, 1], [36, 1], [37, 1], [38, 1], [39, 1], [40, 1], [41, 1], [42, 1], [43, 1], [44, 1], [45, 1], [46, 1], [47, 1], [48, 1], [49, 1], [50, 1], [51, 1], [52, 1], [53, 1], [54, 1], [55, 1], [56, 1], [57, 1], [58, 1], [59, 1], [60, 1], [61, 1], [62, 1], [63, 1], [64, 1], [65, 1], [66, 1], [67, 1], [68, 1], [69, 1], [70, 1], [71, 1], [72, 1], [73, 1], [74, 1], [75, 1], [76, 1], [77, 1], [78, 1], [79, 1], [80, 1], [81, 1], [82, 1], [83, 1], [84, 1], [85, 1], [86, 1], [87, 1], [88, 1], [89, 1], [90, 1], [91, 1], [92, 1], [93, 1], [94, 1], [95, 1], [96, 1], [97, 1], [98, 1], [99, 1]]})
- - py:'a').count()
- js:{index:'a'}).count()
- rb:'a').count
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[0, 25], [1, 25], [2, 25], [3, 25]]}
- - py:'a', index='id').count()
- js:'a', {index:'id'}).count()
- rb:'a', index:'id').count
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[[0, 0], 1], [[0, 4], 1], [[0, 8], 1], [[0, 12], 1], [[0, 16], 1], [[0, 20], 1], [[0, 24], 1], [[0, 28], 1], [[0, 32], 1], [[0, 36], 1], [[0, 40], 1], [[0, 44], 1], [[0, 48], 1], [[0, 52], 1], [[0, 56], 1], [[0, 60], 1], [[0, 64], 1], [[0, 68], 1], [[0, 72], 1], [[0, 76], 1], [[0, 80], 1], [[0, 84], 1], [[0, 88], 1], [[0, 92], 1], [[0, 96], 1], [[1, 1], 1], [[1, 5], 1], [[1, 9], 1], [[1, 13], 1], [[1, 17], 1], [[1, 21], 1], [[1, 25], 1], [[1, 29], 1], [[1, 33], 1], [[1, 37], 1], [[1, 41], 1], [[1, 45], 1], [[1, 49], 1], [[1, 53], 1], [[1, 57], 1], [[1, 61], 1], [[1, 65], 1], [[1, 69], 1], [[1, 73], 1], [[1, 77], 1], [[1, 81], 1], [[1, 85], 1], [[1, 89], 1], [[1, 93], 1], [[1, 97], 1], [[2, 2], 1], [[2, 6], 1], [[2, 10], 1], [[2, 14], 1], [[2, 18], 1], [[2, 22], 1], [[2, 26], 1], [[2, 30], 1], [[2, 34], 1], [[2, 38], 1], [[2, 42], 1], [[2, 46], 1], [[2, 50], 1], [[2, 54], 1], [[2, 58], 1], [[2, 62], 1], [[2, 66], 1], [[2, 70], 1], [[2, 74], 1], [[2, 78], 1], [[2, 82], 1], [[2, 86], 1], [[2, 90], 1], [[2, 94], 1], [[2, 98], 1], [[3, 3], 1], [[3, 7], 1], [[3, 11], 1], [[3, 15], 1], [[3, 19], 1], [[3, 23], 1], [[3, 27], 1], [[3, 31], 1], [[3, 35], 1], [[3, 39], 1], [[3, 43], 1], [[3, 47], 1], [[3, 51], 1], [[3, 55], 1], [[3, 59], 1], [[3, 63], 1], [[3, 67], 1], [[3, 71], 1], [[3, 75], 1], [[3, 79], 1], [[3, 83], 1], [[3, 87], 1], [[3, 91], 1], [[3, 95], 1], [[3, 99], 1]]}
- - py:'a', index='a').count()
- js:'a', {index:'a'}).count()
- rb:'a', index:'a').count
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[[0, 0], 25], [[1, 1], 25], [[2, 2], 25], [[3, 3], 25]]}
- - rb:'a', lambda {|row| 'f'}, lambda {|row| []}, lambda {|row| [{}, [0], null, 0]}, multi:true).count
- py:'a', lambda row:'f', lambda row:[], lambda row:[{}, [0], null, 0], multi=True).count()
- js:'a', function(row){return 'f';}, function(row){return [];}, function(row){return [{}, [0], null, 0];}, {multi:true}).count()
- runopts:
- group_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GROUPED_DATA', 'data':[[[0, "f", null, [0]], 25], [[0, "f", null, null], 25], [[0, "f", null, 0], 25], [[0, "f", null, {}], 25], [[1, "f", null, [0]], 25], [[1, "f", null, null], 25], [[1, "f", null, 0], 25], [[1, "f", null, {}], 25], [[2, "f", null, [0]], 25], [[2, "f", null, null], 25], [[2, "f", null, 0], 25], [[2, "f", null, {}], 25], [[3, "f", null, [0]], 25], [[3, "f", null, null], 25], [[3, "f", null, 0], 25], [[3, "f", null, {}], 25]]}
- - cd:'a').count().ungroup()
- ot: [{'group':0, 'reduction':25}, {'group':1, 'reduction':25}, {'group':2, 'reduction':25}, {'group':3, 'reduction':25}]
- - cd:'a').ungroup()['group']
- js:'a').ungroup()('group')
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').limit(16).group('a','a').map(r.row['id']).sum().ungroup()
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'id'}).limit(16).group('a','a').map(r.row('id')).sum().ungroup()
- rb: tbl.order_by(index:'id').limit(16).group('a','a').map{|row| row['id']}.sum().ungroup()
- ot: [{'group':[0,0],'reduction':24},{'group':[1,1],'reduction':28},{'group':[2,2],'reduction':32},{'group':[3,3],'reduction':36}]
- - cd:'a', null).count().ungroup()
- ot: [{'group':[0,null],'reduction':25},{'group':[1,null],'reduction':25},{'group':[2,null],'reduction':25},{'group':[3,null],'reduction':25}]
- - py:'a', lambda row:[1,'two'], multi=True).count().ungroup()
- js:'a', function(row){return [1,'two']},{multi:true}).count().ungroup()
- rb:'a', lambda {|row| [1,'two']}, multi:true).count().ungroup()
- ot: [{'group':[0,1],'reduction':25},{'group':[0,'two'],'reduction':25},{'group':[1,1],'reduction':25},{'group':[1,'two'],'reduction':25},{'group':[2,1],'reduction':25},{'group':[2,'two'],'reduction':25},{'group':[3,1],'reduction':25},{'group':[3,'two'],'reduction':25}]
- # proper test for seq.count()
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 100
- - js: tbl.filter(r.row('a').ne(1).and(r.row('id').gt(10))).update({'b':r.row('a').mul(10)})
- py: tbl.filter(r.row['a'].ne(1).and_(r.row['id'].gt(10))).update({'b':r.row['a'] * 10})
- rb: tbl.filter{|row| row['a'].ne(1).and(row['id'].gt(10))}.update{|row| {'b'=>row['a'] * 10}}
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':67})
- - cd:'b').count()
- ot:
- cd: {null:33, 0:22, 20:22, 30:23}
- js: [{"group":null, "reduction":33}, {"group":0, "reduction":22}, {"group":20, "reduction":22}, {"group":30, "reduction":23}]
- - cd:'a').sum('b')
- ot:
- cd: {0:0, 2:440, 3:690}
- js: [{"group":0, "reduction":0}, {"group":2, "reduction":440}, {"group":3, "reduction":690}]
- - cd:'a').avg('b')
- ot:
- cd: {0:0, 2:20, 3:30}
- js: [{"group":0, "reduction":0}, {"group":2, "reduction":20}, {"group":3, "reduction":30}]
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').group('a').min('b')
- ot:
- cd: {0:{"a":0, "b":0, "id":12}, 2:{"a":2, "b":20, "id":14}, 3:{"a":3, "b":30, "id":11}}
- js: [{"group":0, "reduction":{"a":0, "b":0, "id":12}}, {"group":2, "reduction":{"a":2, "b":20, "id":14}}, {"group":3, "reduction":{"a":3, "b":30, "id":11}}]
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').group('a').min('id')
- ot:
- cd: {0:{"a":0, "id":0}, 1:{"a":1, "id":1}, 2:{"a":2, "id":2}, 3:{"a":3, "id":3}}
- js: [{"group":0, "reduction":{"a":0, "id":0}}, {"group":1, "reduction":{"a":1, "id":1}}, {"group":2, "reduction":{"a":2, "id":2}}, {"group":3, "reduction":{"a":3, "id":3}}]
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').group('a').max('b')
- ot:
- cd: {0:{"a":0, "b":0, "id":12}, 2:{"a":2, "b":20, "id":14}, 3:{"a":3, "b":30, "id":11}}
- js: [{"group":0, "reduction":{"a":0,"b":0, "id":12}}, {"group":2, "reduction":{"a":2, "b":20, "id":14}}, {"group":3, "reduction":{"a":3, "b":30, "id":11}}]
- - cd: tbl.min()
- ot: {'a':0,'id':0}
- - py: tbl.min(index='id')
- rb: tbl.min(index:'id')
- js: tbl.min({index:'id'})
- ot: {'a':0,'id':0}
- - py: tbl.min(index='a')
- rb: tbl.min(index:'a')
- js: tbl.min({index:'a'})
- ot: {'a':0,'id':0}
- - cd: tbl.max().without('b')
- ot: {'a':3,'id':99}
- - py: tbl.max(index='id').without('b')
- rb: tbl.max(index:'id').without('b')
- js: tbl.max({index:'id'}).without('b')
- ot: {'a':3,'id':99}
- - py: tbl.max(index='a').without('b')
- rb: tbl.max(index:'a').without('b')
- js: tbl.max({index:'a'}).without('b')
- ot: {'a':3,'id':99}
- # Infix
- - cd:[ 1, 1, 2 ], r.row).count().ungroup()
- rb:[ 1, 1, 2 ]) {|row| row}.count().ungroup()
- ot: [ {'group': 1, 'reduction': 2}, {'group': 2, 'reduction': 1} ]
- - cd:
- - r.count([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.count([ 1, 2 ],
- rb:
- - r.count([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.count([ 1, 2 ]) {|row|}
- ot: 2
- - cd:
- - r.sum([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.sum([ 1, 2 ], r.row)
- rb: r.sum([ 1, 2 ])
- ot: 3
- - cd:
- - r.avg([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.avg([ 1, 2 ], r.row)
- rb: r.avg([ 1, 2 ])
- ot: 1.5
- - cd:
- - r.min([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.min([ 1, 2 ], r.row)
- rb: r.min([ 1, 2 ])
- ot: 1
- - cd:
- - r.max([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.max([ 1, 2 ], r.row)
- rb: r.max([ 1, 2 ])
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.distinct([ 1, 1 ])
- ot: [ 1 ]
- - cd:
- - r.contains([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.contains([ 1, 2 ],
- rb:
- - r.contains([ 1, 2 ])
- - r.contains([ 1, 2 ]) {|row|}
- ot: true
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/arity.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/arity.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8197fe44..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/arity.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test the arity of every function
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # TODO: add test for slice (should require one or two arguments)
- # Set up some data
- - def: db = r.db('test')
- - def: obj = r.expr({'a':1})
- - def: array = r.expr([1])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 0 arguments but found 1.", [])
- cd: r.db_list(1)
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- cd:
- -
- - tbl.is_empty(1)
- - obj.keys(1)
- - cd: tbl.distinct(1)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 0 arguments (not including options) but found 1.", [])
- - cd: tbl.delete(1)
- ot:
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 0 arguments (not including options) but found 1.", [])
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- - rb: db.table_list(1)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 0 and 1 arguments but found 2.", [])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
- cd:
- - r.db_create()
- - r.db_drop()
- - r.db()
- - r.floor()
- - r.ceil()
- - r.round()
- - cd: r.error()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Empty ERROR term outside a default block.", [])
- - cd: r.js()
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- - cd: r.expr()
- ot:
- py3.3: err_regex('TypeError', '.* missing 1 required positional argument.*', [])
- py3.4: err_regex('TypeError', '.* missing 1 required positional argument.*', [])
- py3.5: err_regex('TypeError', '.* missing 1 required positional argument.*', [])
- py: err_regex('TypeError', ".* takes at least 1 (?:positional )?argument \(0 given\)", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 0.", [])
- rb: err("ArgumentError", 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)', [])
- rb2: err("ArgumentError", 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..2)', [])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- cd:
- - tbl.concat_map()
- - tbl.skip()
- - tbl.limit()
- - array.append()
- - array.prepend()
- - array.difference()
- - array.set_insert()
- - array.set_union()
- - array.set_intersection()
- - array.set_difference()
- - tbl.nth()
- - tbl.for_each()
- - tbl.get()
- - r.expr([]).sample()
- - tbl.offsets_of()
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- cd:
- - r.db_create(1,2)
- - r.db_drop(1,2)
- - r.db(1,2)
- - r.floor(1, 2)
- - r.ceil(1, 2)
- - r.round(1, 2)
- - cd: tbl.filter()
- ot:
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- - cd: r.error(1, 2)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 0 and 1 arguments but found 2.", [])
- - cd: db.table_drop()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
- - cd: db.table_create()
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- - cd: r.js(1,2)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- cd:
- - tbl.concat_map(1,2)
- - tbl.skip(1,2)
- - tbl.limit(1,2)
- - array.append(1,2)
- - array.prepend(1,2)
- - array.difference([], [])
- - array.set_insert(1,2)
- - array.set_union([1],[2])
- - array.set_intersection([1],[2])
- - array.set_difference([1],[2])
- - tbl.nth(1,2)
- - tbl.for_each(1,2)
- - tbl.get(1,2)
- - r.expr([]).sample(1,2)
- - tbl.offsets_of(1,2)
- - cd: tbl.filter(1,2,3)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 4.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 3.", [])
- - cd: db.table_drop(1,2)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - cd: r.expr([]).delete_at()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 2 and 3 arguments but found 1.", [])
- - cd: db.table_create(1,2)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [])
- - cd: tbl.count(1,2)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- cd:
- - tbl.update()
- - tbl.replace()
- - tbl.insert()
- - cd: db.table()
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- - cd: tbl.reduce()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- - cd: tbl.eq_join()
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 1.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 1.", [])
- cd:
- - tbl.inner_join()
- - tbl.outer_join()
- - r.expr([]).insert_at()
- - r.expr([]).splice_at()
- - r.expr([]).change_at()
- - cd: tbl.eq_join(1)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 2.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 1.", [])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 2.", [])
- cd:
- - tbl.inner_join(1)
- - tbl.outer_join(1)
- - r.expr([]).insert_at(1)
- - r.expr([]).splice_at(1)
- - r.expr([]).change_at(1)
- - cd: tbl.eq_join(1,2,3,4)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 5.", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 4.", [])
- - ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 4.", [])
- cd:
- - tbl.inner_join(1,2,3)
- - tbl.outer_join(1,2,3)
- - r.expr([]).insert_at(1, 2, 3)
- - r.expr([]).splice_at(1, 2, 3)
- - r.expr([]).change_at(1, 2, 3)
- - cd:
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlCompileError', "Expected 2 or more arguments but found 1.", [])
- js: err('ReqlCompileError', "Expected 1 or more arguments but found 0.", [])
- - cd: r.branch(1,2)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 or more arguments but found 2.", [])
- - cd: r.branch(1,2,3,4)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `branch` term with an even number of arguments.", [])
- - cd: r.expr({})[1,2]
- js: r.expr({})(1,2)
- ot:
- js: err('ReqlCompileError', "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- py: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected NUMBER or STRING as second argument to `bracket` but found ARRAY.')
- rb: err('ArgumentError', 'wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)')
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0},{'id':1},{'id':2},{'id':3},{'id':4},{'id':5},{'id':6},{'id':7},{'id':8},{'id':9}]).get_field('inserted')
- ot: 10
- - cd: tbl.get_all(0, 1, 2).get_field('id')
- ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- - cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([]), 0, 1, 2).get_field('id')
- ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- - cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0]), 1, 2).get_field('id')
- ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- - cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0, 1]), 2).get_field('id')
- ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- - cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0, 1, 2])).get_field('id')
- ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- - cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0]), 1, r.args([2])).get_field('id')
- ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- # Make sure partial-evaluation still works
- - cd: r.branch(true, 1, r.error("a"))
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(r.args([true, 1]), r.error("a"))
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(true).branch(1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(r.args([true, 1, r.error("a")]))
- ot: err("ReqlUserError", "a", [])
- # Make sure our grouped data hack still works
- - rb:{|row| row['id'] % 2}.count({'id':0}).ungroup()
- py: row:row['id'].mod(2)).count({'id':0}).ungroup()
- js:'id').mod(2)).count({'id':0}).ungroup()
- ot: ([{'group':0, 'reduction':1}])
- - rb:{|row| row['id'] % 2}.count(r.args([{'id':0}])).ungroup()
- py:['id'].mod(2)).count(r.args([{'id':0}])).ungroup()
- js:'id').mod(2)).count(r.args([{'id':0}])).ungroup()
- ot: ([{'group':0, 'reduction':1}])
- # Make sure `r.literal` still works
- - cd: r.expr({'a':{'b':1}}).merge(r.args([{'a':r.literal({'c':1})}]))
- ot: ({'a':{'c':1}})
- - cd: r.http("","bad_param")
- ot:
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [])
- rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- py: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3.0: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3.1: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3.2: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given", [])
- - cd: r.binary("1", "2")
- ot:
- py: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(2 given\)", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- py3.0: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3.1: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3.2: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
- py3: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given", [])
- - cd: r.binary()
- ot:
- py: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(0 given\)", [])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
- rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
- py3.0: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(0 given\)", [])
- py3.1: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(0 given\)", [])
- py3.2: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(0 given\)", [])
- py3: err_regex('TypeError', ".* missing 1 required positional argument.*", [])
- # TODO: Math and logic
- # TODO: Upper bound on optional arguments
- # TODO: between, merge, slice
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('idx')
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 3 arguments but found 2.',[])
- js: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 1.',[])
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('idx','idx2','idx3')
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 3 arguments but found 4.',[])
- js: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 3.',[])
- - cd:
- -'foo')
- -[1,2,3]))
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError','NOW does not accept any args.')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/edge.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/edge.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e66b6847..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/edge.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test edge cases of changefeed operations
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - def: common_prefix = r.expr([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
- - js: tbl.indexCreate('sindex', function (row) { return common_prefix.append(row('value')); })
- py: tbl.index_create('sindex', lambda row:common_prefix.append(row['value']))
- rb: tbl.index_create('sindex'){ |row| common_prefix.append(row['value']) }
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('sindex')
- # create target values
- - cd: pre = r.range(7).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(10,70).coerce_to('array')).append(100).map(r.row.coerce_to('string'))
- rb: pre = r.range(7).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(10,70).coerce_to('array')).append(100).map{ |row| row.coerce_to('string') }
- - cd: mid = r.range(2,9).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(20,90).coerce_to('array')).map(r.row.coerce_to('string'))
- rb: mid = r.range(2,9).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(20,90).coerce_to('array')).map{ |row| row.coerce_to('string') }
- - cd: post = r.range(3,10).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(30,100).coerce_to('array')).map(r.row.coerce_to('string'))
- rb: post = r.range(3,10).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(30,100).coerce_to('array')).map{ |row| row.coerce_to('string') }
- - cd: erroredres = r.range(2).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(10, 20).coerce_to('array')).append(100).map(r.row.coerce_to('string'))
- rb: erroredres = r.range(2).coerce_to('array').add(r.range(10, 20).coerce_to('array')).append(100).map{ |val| val.coerce_to('string') }
- # Start overlapping changefeeds
- - js: pre_changes = tbl.between(r.minval, commonPrefix.append('7'), {index:'sindex'}).changes({squash:false}).limit(pre.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: pre_changes = tbl.between(r.minval, common_prefix.append('7'), index='sindex').changes(squash=False).limit(len(pre))['new_val']['value']
- rb: pre_changes = tbl.between(r.minval, common_prefix.append('7'), index:'sindex').changes(squash:false).limit(pre.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: mid_changes = tbl.between(commonPrefix.append('2'), common_prefix.append('9'), {index:'sindex'}).changes({squash:false}).limit(post.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: mid_changes = tbl.between(common_prefix.append('2'), common_prefix.append('9'), index='sindex').changes(squash=False).limit(len(post))['new_val']['value']
- rb: mid_changes = tbl.between(common_prefix.append('2'), common_prefix.append('9'), index:'sindex').changes(squash:false).limit(post.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: post_changes = tbl.between(commonPrefix.append('3'), r.maxval, {index:'sindex'}).changes({squash:false}).limit(mid.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: post_changes = tbl.between(common_prefix.append('3'), r.maxval, index='sindex').changes(squash=False).limit(len(mid))['new_val']['value']
- rb: post_changes = tbl.between(common_prefix.append('3'), r.maxval, index:'sindex').changes(squash:false).limit(mid.length)['new_val']['value']
- # Start changefeeds with non-existence errors
- - js: premap_changes1 ='value').lt('2'), r.row, r.row("dummy"))).changes({squash:false}).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: premap_changes1 =['value'].lt('2'), r.row, r.row["dummy"])).changes(squash=False).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: premap_changes1 ={ |row| r.branch(row['value'].lt('2'), row, row["dummy"]) }.changes(squash:false).limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: postmap_changes1 = tbl.changes({squash:false}).map(r.branch(r.row('new_val')('value').lt('2'), r.row, r.row("dummy"))).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: postmap_changes1 = tbl.changes(squash=False).map(r.branch(r.row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), r.row, r.row["dummy"])).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: postmap_changes1 = tbl.changes(squash:false).map{ |row| r.branch(row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), row, row["dummy"]) }.limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: prefilter_changes1 = tbl.filter(r.branch(r.row('value').lt('2'), true, r.row("dummy"))).changes({squash:false}).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: prefilter_changes1 = tbl.filter(r.branch(r.row['value'].lt('2'), True, r.row["dummy"])).changes(squash=False).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: prefilter_changes1 = tbl.filter{ |row| r.branch(row['value'].lt('2'), true, row["dummy"]) }.changes(squash:false).limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: postfilter_changes1 = tbl.changes({squash:false}).filter(r.branch(r.row('new'+'_'+'val')('value').lt('2'), true, r.row("dummy"))).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: postfilter_changes1 = tbl.changes(squash=False).filter(r.branch(r.row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), True, r.row["dummy"])).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: postfilter_changes1 = tbl.changes(squash:false).filter{ |row| r.branch(row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), true, row["dummy"]) }.limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- # Start changefeeds with runtime errors
- - js: premap_changes2 ='value').lt('2'), r.row, r.expr([]).nth(1))).changes({squash:false}).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: premap_changes2 =['value'].lt('2'), r.row, r.expr([])[1])).changes(squash=False).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: premap_changes2 ={ |row| r.branch(row['value'].lt('2'), row, r.expr([])[1]) }.changes(squash:false).limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: postmap_changes2 = tbl.changes({squash:false}).map(r.branch(r.row('new'+'_'+'val')('value').lt('2'), r.row, r.expr([]).nth(1))).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: postmap_changes2 = tbl.changes(squash=False).map(r.branch(r.row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), r.row, r.expr([])[1])).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: postmap_changes2 = tbl.changes(squash:false).map{ |row| r.branch(row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), row, r.expr([])[1]) }.limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: prefilter_changes2 = tbl.filter(r.branch(r.row('value').lt('2'), true, r.expr([]).nth(1))).changes({squash:false}).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: prefilter_changes2 = tbl.filter(r.branch(r.row['value'].lt('2'), True, r.expr([])[1])).changes(squash=False).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: prefilter_changes2 = tbl.filter{ |row| r.branch(row['value'].lt('2'), true, r.expr([])[1]) }.changes(squash:false).limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- - js: postfilter_changes2 = tbl.changes({squash:false}).filter(r.branch(r.row('new'+'_'+'val')('value').lt('2'), true, r.expr([]).nth(1))).limit(erroredres.length)('new_val')('value')
- py: postfilter_changes2 = tbl.changes(squash=False).filter(r.branch(r.row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), True, r.expr([])[1])).limit(len(erroredres))['new_val']['value']
- rb: postfilter_changes2 = tbl.changes(squash:false).filter{ |row| r.branch(row['new_val']['value'].lt('2'), true, r.expr([])[1]) }.limit(erroredres.length)['new_val']['value']
- # Start non-deterministic changefeeds - very small chance of these hanging due to not enough results
- - def:
- py: nondetermmap = r.branch(r.random().gt(0.5), r.row, r.error("dummy"))
- js: nondetermmap = function (row) { return r.branch(r.random().gt(0.5), row, r.error("dummy")); }
- rb: nondetermmap = { |row| r.branch(r.random().gt(0.5), row, r.error("dummy")) }
- - def:
- py: nondetermfilter = lambda row:r.random().gt(0.5)
- js: nondetermfilter = function (row) { return r.random().gt(0.5); }
- rb: nondetermfilter = { |row| r.random().gt(0.5) }
- - rb:
- js:{squash:false})
- py:
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot call `changes` after a non-deterministic function.')
- - rb: postmap_changes3 = tbl.changes(squash:false).map(nondetermmap).limit(100)
- js: postmap_changes3 = tbl.changes({squash:false}).map(nondetermmap).limit(100)
- py: postmap_changes3 = tbl.changes(squash=False).map(nondetermmap).limit(100)
- - rb: tbl.filter(nondetermfilter).changes(squash:false)
- js: tbl.filter(nondetermfilter).changes({squash:false})
- py: tbl.filter(nondetermfilter).changes(squash=False)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot call `changes` after a non-deterministic function.')
- - rb: postfilter_changes3 = tbl.changes(squash:false).filter(nondetermfilter).limit(4)
- js: postfilter_changes3 = tbl.changes({squash:false}).filter(nondetermfilter).limit(4)
- py: postfilter_changes3 = tbl.changes(squash=False).filter(nondetermfilter).limit(4)
- # Insert several rows that will and will not be returned
- - cd: tbl.insert(r.range(101).map({'id':r.uuid().coerce_to('binary').slice(0,r.random(4,24)).coerce_to('string'),'value':r.row.coerce_to('string')}))
- rb: tbl.insert(r.range(101).map{ |row| {'id'=>r.uuid().coerce_to('binary').slice(0,r.random(4,24)).coerce_to('string'),'value'=>row.coerce_to('string')}})
- ot: ({'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'replaced':0,'inserted':101})
- # Check that our limited watchers have been satified
- - cd: pre_changes
- ot: bag(pre)
- - cd: mid_changes
- ot: bag(mid)
- - cd: post_changes
- ot: bag(post)
- - cd: premap_changes1
- ot: bag(erroredres)
- - cd: premap_changes2
- ot: bag(erroredres)
- - cd: postmap_changes1
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', "No attribute `dummy` in object:")
- - cd: postmap_changes2
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', "Index out of bounds:" + " 1")
- - cd: postmap_changes3
- ot: err('ReqlUserError', "dummy")
- - cd: prefilter_changes1
- ot: bag(erroredres)
- - cd: prefilter_changes2
- ot: bag(erroredres)
- - cd: postfilter_changes1
- ot: bag(erroredres)
- - cd: postfilter_changes2
- ot: bag(erroredres)
- - ot: arrlen(postfilter_changes3)
- ot: 4
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/geo.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/geo.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7755ff96..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/geo.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-desc: Geo indexed changefeed operations
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.index_create('L', {geo: true})
- ot: partial({'created': 1})
- - rb: tbl.index_wait().count
- ot: 1
- - def: obj11 = {id: "11", L: r.point(1,1)}
- - def: obj12 = {id: "12", L: r.point(1,2)}
- - def: obj21 = {id: "21", L: r.point(2,1)}
- - def: obj22 = {id: "22", L: r.point(2,2)}
- # A distance of 130,000 meters from 1,1 is enough to cover 1,2 and 2,1 (~110km
- # distance) but not 2,2 (~150km distance.)
- #
- # This is useful because the S2LatLngRect bounding box passed to the shards contains
- # 2,2 yet it should not be returned in the changefeed results.
- - rb: feed = tbl.get_intersecting(,1), 130000), {index: "L"}).get_field("id").changes(include_initial: true)
- - rb: tbl.insert([obj11, obj12, obj21, obj22])
- ot: partial({'errors': 0, 'inserted': 4})
- - rb: fetch(feed, 3)
- ot: bag([{"new_val" => "11", "old_val" => nil}, {"new_val" => "12", "old_val" => nil}, {"new_val" => "21", "old_val" => nil}])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/idxcopy.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/idxcopy.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7110ab1..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/idxcopy.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test duplicate indexes with squashing
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: partial({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('a')
- - py: feed = tbl.order_by(index='a').limit(10).changes(squash=2)
- rb: feed = tbl.orderby(index:'a').limit(10).changes(squash:2).limit(9)
- js: feed = tbl.orderBy({index:'a'}).limit(10).changes({squash:2}).limit(9)
- runopts:
- # limit the number of pre-fetched rows
- max_batch_rows: 1
- - py: tbl.insert(r.range(0, 12).map({'id':r.row, 'a':5}))
- rb: tbl.insert(r.range(0, 12).map{|row| {'id':row, 'a':5}})
- js: tbl.insert(r.range(0, 12).map(function(row){ return {'id':row, 'a':5}; }))
- ot: partial({'inserted':12, 'errors':0})
- - py: tbl.get_all(1, 8, 9, index='id').delete()
- rb: tbl.get_all(1, 8, 9, index:'id').delete()
- js: tbl.get_all(1, 8, 9, {index:'id'}).delete()
- ot: partial({'deleted':3, 'errors':0})
- # should be replaced with a noreplyWait
- - cd: wait(2)
- - cd: fetch(feed)
- ot: bag([
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":0}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":2}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":3}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":4}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":5}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":6}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":7}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":10}, "old_val":nil},
- {"new_val":{"a":5, "id":11}, "old_val":nil}])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/include_states.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/include_states.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68dadb08..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/include_states.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test `include_states`
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.changes(squash=true, include_states=true).limit(1)
- rb: tbl.changes(squash:true, include_states:true).limit(1)
- js: tbl.changes({squash:true, includeStates:true}).limit(1)
- ot: [{'state':'ready'}]
- - py: tbl.get(0).changes(squash=true, include_states=true, include_initial=true).limit(3)
- rb: tbl.get(0).changes(squash:true, include_states:true, include_initial:true).limit(3)
- js: tbl.get(0).changes({squash:true, includeStates:true, includeInitial:true}).limit(3)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'}, {'new_val':null}, {'state':'ready'}]
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').limit(10).changes(squash=true, include_states=true, include_initial=true).limit(2)
- rb: tbl.order_by(index:'id').limit(10).changes(squash:true, include_states:true, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).limit(10).changes({squash:true, includeStates:true, includeInitial:true}).limit(2)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'}, {'state':'ready'}]
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':1})
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').limit(10).changes(squash=true, include_states=true, include_initial=true).limit(3)
- rb: tbl.order_by(index:'id').limit(10).changes(squash:true, include_states:true, include_initial:true).limit(3)
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).limit(10).changes({squash:true, includeStates:true, includeInitial:true}).limit(3)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'}, {'new_val':{'id':1}}, {'state':'ready'}]
- - py: tblchanges = tbl.changes(squash=true, include_states=true)
- rb: tblchanges = tbl.changes(squash:true, include_states:true)
- js: tblchanges = tbl.changes({squash:true, includeStates:true})
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':2})
- - cd: fetch(tblchanges, 2)
- ot: [{'state':'ready'},{'new_val':{'id':2},'old_val':null}]
- - py: getchanges = tbl.get(2).changes(include_states=true, include_initial=true)
- rb: getchanges = tbl.get(2).changes(include_states:true, include_initial:true)
- js: getchanges = tbl.get(2).changes({includeStates:true, includeInitial:true})
- - cd: tbl.get(2).update({'a':1})
- - cd: fetch(getchanges, 4)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'}, {'new_val':{'id':2}}, {'state':'ready'}, {'old_val':{'id':2},'new_val':{'id':2,'a':1}}]
- - py: limitchanges = tbl.order_by(index='id').limit(10).changes(include_states=true, include_initial=true)
- rb: limitchanges = tbl.order_by(index:'id').limit(10).changes(include_states:true, include_initial:true)
- js: limitchanges = tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).limit(10).changes({includeStates:true, includeInitial:true})
- - py: limitchangesdesc = tbl.order_by(index=r.desc('id')).limit(10).changes(include_states=true, include_initial=true)
- rb: limitchangesdesc = tbl.order_by(index:r.desc('id')).limit(10).changes(include_states:true, include_initial:true)
- js: limitchangesdesc = tbl.orderBy({index:r.desc('id')}).limit(10).changes({includeStates:true, includeInitial:true})
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':3})
- - cd: fetch(limitchanges, 5)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'}, {'new_val':{'id':1}}, {'new_val':{'a':1, 'id':2}}, {'state':'ready'}, {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':3}}]
- - cd: fetch(limitchangesdesc, 5)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'}, {'new_val':{'a':1, 'id':2}}, {'new_val':{'id':1}}, {'state':'ready'}, {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':3}}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/point.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/point.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a444a73d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/point.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test point changebasics
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # -- basic
- # start a feed
- - cd: basic = tbl.get(1).changes({include_initial:true})
- py: basic = tbl.get(1).changes(include_initial=True)
- # - inital return
- - cd: fetch(basic, 1)
- ot: [{'new_val':null}]
- # - inserts
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':1})
- - cd: fetch(basic, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':1}}]
- # - updates
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'update':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: fetch(basic, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1}, 'new_val':{'id':1,'update':1}}]
- # - deletions
- - cd: tbl.get(1).delete()
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'deleted':1})
- - cd: fetch(basic, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1,'update':1}, 'new_val':null}]
- # - closing
- - cd: basic.close()
- rb: def pass; end
- # the ruby test driver currently has to mangle cursors, so we can't close them properly
- # -- filter
- - py: filter = tbl.get(1).changes(squash=false,include_initial=True).filter(r.row['new_val']['update'].gt(2))['new_val']['update']
- rb: filter = tbl.get(1).changes(squash:false,include_initial:true).filter{|row| row['new_val']['update'].gt(2)}['new_val']['update']
- js: filter = tbl.get(1).changes({squash:false,include_initial:true}).filter(r.row('new_val')('update').gt(2))('new_val')('update')
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':1, 'update':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'update':4})
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'update':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'update':7})
- - cd: fetch(filter, 2)
- ot: [4,7]
- # -- pluck on values
- - py: pluck = tbl.get(3).changes(squash=false,include_initial=True).pluck({'new_val':['red', 'blue']})['new_val']
- rb: pluck = tbl.get(3).changes(squash:false,include_initial:true).pluck({'new_val':['red', 'blue']})['new_val']
- js: pluck = tbl.get(3).changes({squash:false,include_initial:true}).pluck({'new_val':['red', 'blue']})('new_val')
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':3, 'red':1, 'green':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(3).update({'blue':2, 'green':3})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(3).update({'green':4})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(3).update({'blue':4})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: fetch(pluck, 4)
- ot: [{'red': 1}, {'blue': 2, 'red': 1}, {'blue': 2, 'red': 1}, {'blue': 4, 'red': 1}]
- # -- virtual tables
- # - rethinkdb._debug_scratch
- - def: dtbl = r.db('rethinkdb').table('_debug_scratch')
- - cd: debug = dtbl.get(1).changes({include_initial:true})
- py: debug = dtbl.get(1).changes(include_initial=True)
- - cd: fetch(debug, 1)
- ot: [{'new_val':null}]
- - cd: dtbl.insert({'id':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':1})
- - cd: fetch(debug, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':1}}]
- - cd: dtbl.get(1).update({'update':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: fetch(debug, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1}, 'new_val':{'id':1,'update':1}}]
- - cd: dtbl.get(1).delete()
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'deleted':1})
- - cd: fetch(debug, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1,'update':1}, 'new_val':null}]
- - cd: dtbl.insert({'id':5, 'red':1, 'green':1})
- ot: {'skipped':0, 'deleted':0, 'unchanged':0, 'errors':0, 'replaced':0, 'inserted':1}
- - py: dtblPluck = dtbl.get(5).changes(include_initial=True).pluck({'new_val':['red', 'blue']})['new_val']
- rb: dtblPluck = dtbl.get(5).changes(include_initial:true).pluck({'new_val':['red', 'blue']})['new_val']
- js: dtblPluck = dtbl.get(5).changes({include_initial:true}).pluck({'new_val':['red', 'blue']})('new_val')
- # disabled because inital value is not being reported correctly, so goes missing. see #3723
- - cd: fetch(dtblPluck, 1)
- ot: [{'red':1}]
- - cd: dtbl.get(5).update({'blue':2, 'green':3})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: fetch(dtblPluck, 1)
- ot: [{'blue':2, 'red':1}]
- # - rethinkdb.table_status bad optargs
- # disabled, re-enable once #3725 is done
- # - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').changes(squash=False)
- # rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').changes(squash:False)
- # js: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').changes({squash:False})
- # ot: err('ReqlRuntimeError', 'replace with error message decided in \#3725')
- # - rethinkdb.table_status
- - cd: tableId =['id']
- js: tableId ='id')
- - cd: rtblPluck = r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').get(tableId).changes({include_initial:true})
- py: rtblPluck = r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').get(tableId).changes(include_initial=True)
- - cd: fetch(rtblPluck, 1)
- ot: partial([{'new_val':partial({'db':'test'})}])
- - py: tbl.reconfigure(shards=3, replicas=1)
- rb: tbl.reconfigure(shards:3, replicas:1)
- js: tbl.reconfigure({shards:3, replicas:1})
- - py: fetch(rtblPluck, 1, 2)
- js: fetch(rtblPluck, 1, 2)
- rb: fetch(rtblPluck, 1)
- ot: partial([{'old_val':partial({'db':'test'}), 'new_val':partial({'db':'test'})}])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/sindex.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/sindex.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85ef969d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/sindex.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test basic changefeed operations
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Fill in some data
- - rb: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: partial({'created':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_wait().count
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.insert([{id:1, a:8}, {id:2, a:7}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':2})
- - rb: idmin = tbl.min(index:'id').changes(squash:false, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: idmax = tbl.max(index:'id').changes(squash:false, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: amin = tbl.min(index:'a').changes(squash:false, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: amax = tbl.max(index:'a').changes(squash:false, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: idmin2 = tbl.min(index:'id').changes(squash:true, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: idmax2 = tbl.max(index:'id').changes(squash:true, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: amin2 = tbl.min(index:'a').changes(squash:true, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: amax2 = tbl.max(index:'a').changes(squash:true, include_initial:true).limit(2)
- - rb: tbl.insert([{id:0, a:9}, {id:3, a:6}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':2})
- - rb: idmin.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>9, "id"=>0}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}])
- - rb: idmax.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>6, "id"=>3}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}])
- - rb: amin.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>6, "id"=>3}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}])
- - rb: amax.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>9, "id"=>0}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}])
- - rb: idmin2.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>9, "id"=>0}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}])
- - rb: idmax2.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>6, "id"=>3}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}])
- - rb: amin2.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>6, "id"=>3}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>7, "id"=>2}}])
- - rb: amax2.to_a
- ot: ([{"new_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}, {"new_val"=>{"a"=>9, "id"=>0}, "old_val"=>{"a"=>8, "id"=>1}}])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/squash.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/squash.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4ad7f0..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/squash.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test changefeed squashing
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Check type
- - py: tbl.changes(squash=true).type_of()
- rb: tbl.changes(squash:true).type_of()
- js: tbl.changes({squash:true}).typeOf()
- ot: ("STREAM")
- # comparison changes
- - cd: normal_changes = tbl.changes().limit(2)
- - py: false_squash_changes = tbl.changes(squash=False).limit(2)
- js: false_squash_changes = tbl.changes({squash:false}).limit(2)
- rb: false_squash_changes = tbl.changes(squash:false).limit(2)
- - py: long_squash_changes = tbl.changes(squash=0.5).limit(1)
- js: long_squash_changes = tbl.changes({squash:0.5}).limit(1)
- rb: long_squash_changes = tbl.changes(squash:0.5).limit(1)
- - py: squash_changes = tbl.changes(squash=true).limit(1)
- js: squash_changes = tbl.changes({squash:true}).limit(1)
- rb: squash_changes = tbl.changes(squash:true).limit(1)
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':100})['inserted']
- js: tbl.insert({'id':100})('inserted')
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.get(100).update({'a':1})['replaced']
- js: tbl.get(100).update({'a':1})('replaced')
- ot: 1
- - cd: normal_changes
- ot: ([{'new_val':{'id':100}, 'old_val':null},
- {'new_val':{'a':1, 'id':100}, 'old_val':{'id':100}}])
- - cd: false_squash_changes
- ot: ([{'new_val':{'id':100}, 'old_val':null},
- {'new_val':{'a':1, 'id':100}, 'old_val':{'id':100}}])
- - cd: long_squash_changes
- ot: ([{'new_val':{'a':1, 'id':100}, 'old_val':null}])
- - cd: squash_changes
- ot:
- js: ([{'new_val':{'a':1, 'id':100}, 'old_val':null}])
- cd: ([{'new_val':{'id':100}, 'old_val':null}])
- # Bad squash values
- - py: tbl.changes(squash=null)
- rb: tbl.changes(squash:null)
- js: tbl.changes({squash:null})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected BOOL or NUMBER but found NULL.')
- - py: tbl.changes(squash=-10)
- rb: tbl.changes(squash:-10)
- js: tbl.changes({squash:-10})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected BOOL or a positive NUMBER but found a negative NUMBER.')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/table.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/table.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c089abc9..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/changefeeds/table.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test changefeeds on a table
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # ==== regular tables
- # - start feeds
- - cd: all = tbl.changes()
- # - note: no initial values from table changefeeds
- # - inserts
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':1}, {'id':2}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':2})
- - cd: fetch(all, 2)
- ot: bag([{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':1}}, {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':2}}])
- # - updates
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'version':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: fetch(all, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1}, 'new_val':{'id':1, 'version':1}}]
- # - deletions
- - cd: tbl.get(1).delete()
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'deleted':1})
- - cd: fetch(all, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1, 'version':1}, 'new_val':null}]
- # - pluck on values
- - cd: pluck = tbl.changes().pluck({'new_val':['version']})
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':5, 'version':5}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':1})
- - cd: fetch(pluck, 1)
- ot: [{'new_val':{'version':5}}]
- # - order by
- - cd: tbl.changes().order_by('id')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', "Cannot call a terminal (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) on an infinite stream (such as a changefeed).")
-# ToDo: enable this when #4067 is done
-# - js: orderedLimit = tbl.changes().limit(5).order_by(r.desc('id'))('new_val')('id')
-# cd: orderedLimit = tbl.changes().limit(5).order_by(r.desc('id'))['new_val']['id']
-# - js: tbl.range(100, 105).map(function (row) { return {'id':row} })
-# py: tbl.range(100, 105).map({'id':r.row})
-# rb: tbl.range(100, 105).map{|row| {'id':row}}
-# - cd: fetch(orderedLimit)
-# ot: [104, 103, 102, 101, 100]
- # - changes overflow
- - cd: overflow = tbl.changes()
- runopts:
- changefeed_queue_size: 100
- # add enough entries to make sure we get the overflow error
- - js: tbl.insert(r.range(200).map(function(x) { return({}); }))
- py: tbl.insert(r.range(200).map(lambda x: {}))
- rb: tbl.insert(r.range(200).map{|x| {}})
- - cd: fetch(overflow, 90)
- ot: partial([{'error': regex('Changefeed cache over array size limit, skipped \d+ elements.')}])
- # ==== virtual tables
- - def: vtbl = r.db('rethinkdb').table('_debug_scratch')
- - cd: allVirtual = vtbl.changes()
- # - inserts
- - cd: vtbl.insert([{'id':1}, {'id':2}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':2})
- - cd: fetch(allVirtual, 2)
- ot: bag([{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':1}}, {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':2}}])
- # - updates
- - cd: vtbl.get(1).update({'version':1})
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'replaced':1})
- - cd: fetch(allVirtual, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1}, 'new_val':{'id':1, 'version':1}}]
- # - deletions
- - cd: vtbl.get(1).delete()
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'deleted':1})
- - cd: fetch(allVirtual, 1)
- ot: [{'old_val':{'id':1, 'version':1}, 'new_val':null}]
- # - pluck on values
- - cd: vpluck = vtbl.changes().pluck({'new_val':['version']})
- - cd: vtbl.insert([{'id':5, 'version':5}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':1})
- - cd: fetch(vpluck, 1)
- ot: [{'new_val':{'version':5}}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/control.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/control.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 248d070a..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/control.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests RQL control flow structures
-table_variable_name: tbl, tbl2
- ## FunCall
- - py: r.expr(1).do(lambda v: v * 2)
- js: r.expr(1).do(function(v) { return v.mul(2); })
- rb: r.expr(1).do{|v| v * 2 }
- ot: 2
- - py: r.expr([0, 1, 2]).do(lambda v: v.append(3))
- js: r([0, 1, 2]).do(function(v) { return v.append(3); })
- rb: r([0, 1, 2]).do{ |v| v.append(3) }
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - py:, 2, lambda x, y: x + y)
- js:, 2, function(x, y) { return x.add(y); })
- rb:, 2) {|x, y| x + y}
- ot: 3
- - py: 1)
- js: { return 1; })
- rb:{1}
- ot: 1
- # do error cases
- - py:, 2, lambda x: x)
- js:, 2, function(x) { return x; })
- rb:, 2) {|x| x}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 2 arguments but found function with 1 argument.', [1])
- - py:, 2, 3, lambda x, y: x + y)
- js:, 2, 3, function(x, y) { return x.add(y); })
- rb:, 2, 3) {|x, y| x + y}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 3 arguments but found function with 2 arguments.', [1])
- - cd:
- ot: 1
- - js:, function(x) {})
- ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [1])
- - js:, function(x) { return undefined; })
- ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [1])
- - cd:
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Expected 1 or more arguments but found 0.', [1])
- # FunCall errors
- - py: r.expr('abc').do(lambda v: v.append(3))
- js: r('abc').do(function(v) { return v.append(3); })
- rb: r('abc').do{ |v| v.append(3) }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type ARRAY but found STRING.", [1, 0])
- - py: r.expr('abc').do(lambda v: v + 3)
- js: r('abc').do(function(v) { return v.add(3); })
- rb: r('abc').do{ |v| v + 3 }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [1, 1])
- - py: r.expr('abc').do(lambda v: v + 'def') + 3
- js: r('abc').do(function(v) { return v.add('def'); }).add(3)
- rb: r('abc').do{ |v| v + 'def' } + 3
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [1])
- - py: r.expr(0).do(lambda a,b: a + b)
- js: r(0).do(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: r(0).do{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 1 argument but found function with 2 arguments.', [1])
- - py:, 2, lambda a: a)
- js:,2, function(a) { return a; })
- rb:, 2) { |a| a }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected function with 2 arguments but found function with 1 argument.', [1])
- - cd: r.expr(5).do(r.row)
- rb: r(5).do{ |row| row }
- ot: 5
- ## Branch
- - cd: r.branch(True, 1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(False, 1, 2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.branch(1, 'c', False)
- ot: ("c")
- - cd: r.branch(null, {}, [])
- ot: ([])
- - cd: r.branch(r.db('test'), 1, 2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
- - cd: r.branch(tbl, 1, 2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found TABLE:", [])
- - cd: r.branch(r.error("a"), 1, 2)
- ot: err("ReqlUserError", "a", [])
- - cd: r.branch([], 1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch({}, 1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch("a", 1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(1.2, 1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(True, 1, True, 2, 3)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(True, 1, False, 2, 3)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.branch(False, 1, True, 2, 3)
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.branch(False, 1, False, 2, 3)
- ot: 3
- - cd: r.branch(True, 1, True, 2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `branch` term with an even number of arguments.")
- # r.error()
- - cd: r.error('Hello World')
- ot: err("ReqlUserError", "Hello World", [0])
- - cd: r.error(5)
- # we might want to allow this eventually
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [0])
- # r.filter
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter()
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [0])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(1, 2)
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 3.", [0])
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [0])
- # r.js()
- - cd: r.js('1 + 1')
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.js('1 + 1; 2 + 2')
- ot: 4
- - cd:, 2, r.js('(function(a, b) { return a + b; })'))
- ot: 3
- - cd: r.expr(1).do(r.js('(function(x) { return x + 1; })'))
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { return x + "bar"; })'))
- ot: 'foobar'
- # js timeout optarg shouldn't be triggered
- - cd: r.js('1 + 2', {timeout:1.2})
- py: r.js('1 + 2', timeout=1.2)
- ot: 3
- # js error cases
- - cd: r.js('(function() { return 1; })')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Query result must be of type DATUM, GROUPED_DATA, or STREAM (got FUNCTION).", [0])
- - cd: r.js('function() { return 1; }')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "SyntaxError: Unexpected token (", [0])
- # Play with the number of arguments in the JS function
- - cd:, 2, r.js('(function(a) { return a; })'))
- ot: 1
- - cd:, 2, r.js('(function(a, b, c) { return a; })'))
- ot: 1
- - cd:, 2, r.js('(function(a, b, c) { return c; })'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert javascript `undefined` to ql::datum_t.", [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(r.js('(function(a) { return a >= 2; })'))
- ot: ([2, 3])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).map(r.js('(function(a) { return a + 1; })'))
- ot: ([2, 3, 4])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).map(r.js('1'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type FUNCTION but found DATUM:", [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(r.js('(function(a) {})'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert javascript `undefined` to ql::datum_t.", [0])
- # What happens if we pass static values to things that expect functions
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).map(1)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type FUNCTION but found DATUM:", [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter('foo')
- ot: ([1, 2, 3])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 4]).filter([])
- ot: ([1, 2, 4])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).filter(null)
- ot: ([])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 4]).filter(False)
- rb: r([1, 2, 4]).filter(false)
- ot: ([])
- # forEach
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 0
- # Insert three elements
- - js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return tbl.insert({ id:row }) })
- py: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(lambda row:tbl.insert({ 'id':row }))
- rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| tbl.insert({ :id => row }) }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3})
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 3
- # Update each row to add additional attribute
- - js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return tbl.update({ foo:row }) })
- py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda row:tbl.update({'foo':row}))
- rb: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each{ |row| tbl.update({ :foo => row }) }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':9,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # Insert three more elements (and error on three)
- - js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return [tbl.insert({ id:row }), tbl.insert({ id:row.mul(10) })] })
- py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda row:[tbl.insert({ 'id':row }), tbl.insert({ 'id':row*10 })])
- rb: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each{ |row| [tbl.insert({ :id => row}), tbl.insert({ :id => row*10})] }
- ot: {'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"foo\":\t3,\n\t\"id\":\t1\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t1\n}",'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':3,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3}
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 6
- - cd: tableCount = tbl2.count()
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each( tbl2.insert({}) )
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'generated_keys':arrlen(3,uuid()),'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3})
- # inserts only a single document per #3700
- - cd: tbl2.count()
- ot: tableCount + 1
- # We have six elements, update them 6*2*3=36 times
- - js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return [tbl.update({ foo:row }), tbl.update({ bar:row })] })
- py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda row:[tbl.update({'foo':row}), tbl.update({'bar':row})])
- rb: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each{ |row| [tbl.update({:foo => row}), tbl.update({:bar => row})]}
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':36,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # forEach negative cases
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each( tbl2.insert({ 'id':r.row }) )
- rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| tbl2.insert({ 'id':row }) }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':3})
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(1)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries. Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [0])
- - py: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(lambda x:x)
- js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (x) { return x; })
- rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |x| x }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries. Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [1, 1])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(r.row)
- rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| row }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries. Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [1, 1])
- - js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) { return tbl; })
- py: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).for_each(lambda row:tbl)
- rb: r([1, 2, 3]).for_each{ |row| tbl }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "FOR_EACH expects one or more basic write queries.", [1, 1])
- # This is only relevant in JS -- what happens when we return undefined
- - js: r([1, 2, 3]).forEach(function (row) {})
- ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", 'Anonymous function returned `undefined`. Did you forget a `return`?', [1])
- # Make sure write queries can't be nested into stream ops
- - cd: r.expr(1).do(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
- rb: r(1).do{ |row| tbl.insert({ :foo => row }) }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1})
- - py: r.expr([1, 2])[0].do(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
- js: r.expr([1, 2]).nth(0).do(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
- rb: r([1, 2])[0].do{ |row| tbl.insert({ :foo => row }) }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1})
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}))
- rb: r([1, 2]).map{ |row| tbl.insert({ :foo => row }) }
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(r.db('test').table_create('table_create_failure'))
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}).get_field('inserted'))
- rb: r.expr([1, 2]).map{|x| tbl.insert({'foo':x}).get_field('inserted')}
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).map(tbl.insert({'foo':r.row}).get_field('inserted').add(5))
- rb: r.expr([1, 2]).map{|x| tbl.insert({'foo':x}).get_field('inserted').add(5)}
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Cannot nest writes or meta ops in stream operations. Use FOR_EACH instead.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr(1).do(r.db('test').table_create('table_create_success'))
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/array.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/array.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d16f943..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/array.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests conversion to and from the RQL array type
- - cd:
- - r.expr([])
- - r([])
- py: r.expr([])
- ot: []
- - py: r.expr([1])
- js: r([1])
- rb: r([1])
- ot: [1]
- - py: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5])
- js: r([1,2,3,4,5])
- rb: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5])
- ot: [1,2,3,4,5]
- - cd: r.expr([]).type_of()
- ot: 'ARRAY'
- # test coercions
- - cd:
- - r.expr([1, 2]).coerce_to('string')
- - r.expr([1, 2]).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: '[1,2]'
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).coerce_to('array')
- ot: [1, 2]
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).coerce_to('number')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot coerce ARRAY to NUMBER.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]).coerce_to('object')
- ot: {'a':1,'b':2}
- - cd: r.expr([[]]).coerce_to('object')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected array of size 2, but got size 0.')
- - cd: r.expr([['1',2,3]]).coerce_to('object')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected array of size 2, but got size 3.')
- # Nested expression
- - cd: r.expr([r.expr(1)])
- ot: [1]
- - cd: r.expr([1,3,4]).insert_at(1, 2)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([2,3]).insert_at(0, 1)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(-1, 4)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(3, 4)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - py: r.expr(3).do(lambda x: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(x, 4))
- - js: r.expr(3).do(function (x) { return r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(x, 4); })
- - rb: r.expr(3).do{|x| r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(x, 4)}
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(4, 5)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index `4` out of bounds for array of size: `3`.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(-5, -1)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index out of bounds: -5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(1.5, 1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number not an integer: 1.5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).insert_at(null, 1)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,4]).splice_at(1, [2,3])
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([3,4]).splice_at(0, [1,2])
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(2, [3,4])
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(-1, [3,4])
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - py: r.expr(2).do(lambda x: r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(x, [3,4]))
- - js: r.expr(2).do(function (x) { return r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(x, [3,4]); })
- - rb: r.expr(2).do{|x| r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(x, [3,4])}
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(3, [3,4])
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index `3` out of bounds for array of size: `2`.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2]).splice_at(-4, [3,4])
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index out of bounds: -4', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).splice_at(1.5, [1])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number not an integer: 1.5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).splice_at(null, [1])
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,4]).splice_at(1, 2)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(0)
- ot: [2,3,4]
- - py: r.expr(0).do(lambda x: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(x))
- - js: r.expr(0).do(function (x) { return r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(x); })
- - rb: r.expr(0).do{|x| r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(x)}
- ot: [2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(-1)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(1,3)
- ot: [1,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(4,4)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([]).delete_at(0,0)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(1,-1)
- ot: [1,4]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(4)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index `4` out of bounds for array of size: `4`.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(-5)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index out of bounds: -5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).delete_at(1.5)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number not an integer: 1.5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).delete_at(null)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([0,2,3]).change_at(0, 1)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - py: r.expr(1).do(lambda x: r.expr([0,2,3]).change_at(0,x))
- - js: r.expr(1).do(function (x) { return r.expr([0,2,3]).change_at(0,x); })
- - rb: r.expr(1).do{|x| r.expr([0,2,3]).change_at(0,x)}
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: r.expr([1,0,3]).change_at(1, 2)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,0]).change_at(2, 3)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).change_at(3, 4)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index `3` out of bounds for array of size: `3`.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).change_at(-5, 1)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Index out of bounds: -5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).change_at(1.5, 1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number not an integer: 1.5', [0])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).change_at(null, 1)
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/binary.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/binary.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6236a457..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/binary.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests of converstion to and from the RQL binary type
- # Short binary data from 0 to 12 characters
- # Not fully implemented for JS as comparing Buffer objects is non-trivial
- - def:
- rb: s = "".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b''
- js: s = Buffer("", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 0
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x00".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x00'
- js: s = Buffer("\x00", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 1
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x00\x42".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x00\x42'
- js: s = Buffer("\x00\x42", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 2
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x00\xfe\x7a".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x00\xfe\x7a'
- js: s = Buffer("\x00\xfe\x7a", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 3
- - def:
- rb: s = "\xed\xfe\x00\xba".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\xed\xfe\x00\xba'
- js: s = Buffer("\xed\xfe\x00\xba", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 4
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x50\xf9\x00\x77\xf9".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x50\xf9\x00\x77\xf9'
- js: s = Buffer("\x50\xf9\x00\x77\xf9", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 5
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x2f\xe3\xb5\x57\x00\x92".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x2f\xe3\xb5\x57\x00\x92'
- js: s = Buffer("\x2f\xe3\xb5\x57\x00\x92", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 6
- - def:
- rb: s = "\xa9\x43\x54\xe9\x00\xf8\xfb".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\xa9\x43\x54\xe9\x00\xf8\xfb'
- js: s = Buffer("\xa9\x43\x54\xe9\x00\xf8\xfb", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 7
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x57\xbb\xe5\x82\x8b\xd3\x00\xf9".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x57\xbb\xe5\x82\x8b\xd3\x00\xf9'
- js: s = Buffer("\x57\xbb\xe5\x82\x8b\xd3\x00\xf9", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 8
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x44\x1b\x3e\x00\x13\x19\x29\x2a\xbf".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x44\x1b\x3e\x00\x13\x19\x29\x2a\xbf'
- js: s = Buffer("\x44\x1b\x3e\x00\x13\x19\x29\x2a\xbf", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 9
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x8a\x1d\x09\x00\x5d\x60\x6b\x2e\x70\xd9".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x8a\x1d\x09\x00\x5d\x60\x6b\x2e\x70\xd9'
- js: s = Buffer("\x8a\x1d\x09\x00\x5d\x60\x6b\x2e\x70\xd9", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 10
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x00\xaf\x47\x4b\x38\x99\x14\x8d\x8f\x10\x51".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x00\xaf\x47\x4b\x38\x99\x14\x8d\x8f\x10\x51'
- js: s = Buffer("\x00\xaf\x47\x4b\x38\x99\x14\x8d\x8f\x10\x51", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 11
- - def:
- cd: s = "\x45\x39\x00\xf7\xc2\x37\xfd\xe0\x38\x82\x40\xa9".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x45\x39\x00\xf7\xc2\x37\xfd\xe0\x38\x82\x40\xa9'
- js: s = Buffer("\x45\x39\x00\xf7\xc2\x37\xfd\xe0\x38\x82\x40\xa9", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.binary(s).count()
- ot: 12
- # Test comparisons
- # Binary objects to use, in order of increasing value
- - def:
- js: a = Buffer("\x00", 'binary')
- rb: a = "\x00".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: a = b'\x00'
- - def:
- js: b = Buffer("\x00\x01", 'binary')
- rb: b = "\x00\x01".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: b = b'\x00\x01'
- - def:
- js: c = Buffer("\x01", 'binary')
- rb: c = "\x01".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: c = b'\x01'
- - def:
- js: d = Buffer("\x70\x22", 'binary')
- rb: d = "\x70\x22".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: d = b'\x70\x22'
- - def:
- js: e = Buffer("\x80", 'binary')
- rb: e = "\x80".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: e = b'\x80'
- - def:
- js: f = Buffer("\xFE", 'binary')
- rb: f = "\xFE".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: f = b'\xFE'
- # a -> a
- - cd: r.binary(a).eq(r.binary(a))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(a).le(r.binary(a))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(a).ge(r.binary(a))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(a).ne(r.binary(a))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(a).lt(r.binary(a))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(a).gt(r.binary(a))
- ot: false
- # a -> b
- - cd: r.binary(a).ne(r.binary(b))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(a).lt(r.binary(b))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(a).le(r.binary(b))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(a).ge(r.binary(b))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(a).gt(r.binary(b))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(a).eq(r.binary(b))
- ot: false
- # b -> c
- - cd: r.binary(b).ne(r.binary(c))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(b).lt(r.binary(c))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(b).le(r.binary(c))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(b).ge(r.binary(c))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(b).gt(r.binary(c))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(b).eq(r.binary(c))
- ot: false
- # c -> d
- - cd: r.binary(c).ne(r.binary(d))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(c).lt(r.binary(d))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(c).le(r.binary(d))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(c).ge(r.binary(d))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(c).gt(r.binary(d))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(c).eq(r.binary(d))
- ot: false
- # d -> e
- - cd: r.binary(d).ne(r.binary(e))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(d).lt(r.binary(e))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(d).le(r.binary(e))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(d).ge(r.binary(e))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(d).gt(r.binary(e))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(d).eq(r.binary(e))
- ot: false
- # e -> f
- - cd: r.binary(e).ne(r.binary(f))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(e).lt(r.binary(f))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(e).le(r.binary(f))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(e).ge(r.binary(f))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(e).gt(r.binary(f))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(e).eq(r.binary(f))
- ot: false
- # f -> f
- - cd: r.binary(f).eq(r.binary(f))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(f).le(r.binary(f))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(f).ge(r.binary(f))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.binary(f).ne(r.binary(f))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(f).lt(r.binary(f))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.binary(f).gt(r.binary(f))
- ot: false
- # Test encodings
- - py:
- cd: r.binary(u'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム'.encode('utf-8'))
- ot: u'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム'.encode('utf-8')
- py3:
- cd: r.binary(str('イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム').encode('utf-8'))
- ot: str('イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム').encode('utf-8')
- - py:
- cd: r.binary(u'ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏ'.encode('utf-16'))
- ot: u'ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏ'.encode('utf-16')
- py3:
- cd: r.binary(str('ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏ').encode('utf-16'))
- ot: str('ƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏ').encode('utf-16')
- - py:
- cd: r.binary(u'lorem ipsum'.encode('ascii'))
- ot: u'lorem ipsum'.encode('ascii')
- py3:
- cd: r.binary(str('lorem ipsum').encode('ascii'))
- ot: str('lorem ipsum').encode('ascii')
- # Test coercions
- - py: r.binary(b'foo').coerce_to('string')
- ot: 'foo'
- - py:
- cd: r.binary(u'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム'.encode('utf-8')).coerce_to('string')
- ot: u'イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム'
- py3:
- cd: r.binary(str('イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム').encode('utf-8')).coerce_to('string')
- ot: str('イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム')
- - py:
- cd: r.binary(u'lorem ipsum'.encode('ascii')).coerce_to('string')
- ot: u'lorem ipsum'
- py3:
- cd: r.binary(str('lorem ipsum').encode('ascii')).coerce_to('string')
- ot: str('lorem ipsum')
- - py: r.expr('foo').coerce_to('binary')
- ot: b'foo'
- - cd: r.binary(a).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
- - py: r.binary(b'foo').coerce_to('binary')
- ot: b'foo'
- # Test slice
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(-3,-1)
- ot: b'ef'
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(0, 2)
- ot: b'ab'
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(3, -1)
- ot: b'def'
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(-5, 5)
- ot: b'cde'
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(-8, 2)
- ot: b'ab'
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(5, 7)
- ot: b'fg'
- # Left side out-of-bound should clamp to index 0
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(-9, 2)
- ot: b'ab'
- # Right side out-of-bound should return the valid subset of the range
- - py: r.binary(b'abcdefg').slice(5, 9)
- ot: b'fg'
- # Test binary_format optarg
- - cd: r.binary(b)
- runopts:
- binary_format: "native"
- ot: b
- - cd: r.binary(b)
- runopts:
- binary_format: "raw"
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'BINARY','data':'AAE='}
- # Test r.binary of nested terms
- - cd: r.binary(r.expr("data"))
- ot:
- js: Buffer("data", "binary")
- rb: "data"
- py: b"data"
- - cd: r.binary(r.expr({}))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type STRING but found OBJECT.', [])
- - cd: r.binary(r.expr([]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type STRING but found ARRAY.', [])
- # Test errors
- # Missing 'data' field
- - py: r.expr({'$reql_type$':'BINARY'})
- rb: r.expr({'$reql_type$':'BINARY'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Invalid binary pseudotype:'+' lacking `data` key.',[])
- # Invalid base64 format
- - py: r.expr({'$reql_type$':'BINARY','data':'ABCDEFGH==AA'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Invalid base64 format, data found after padding character \'=\'.',[])
- - py: r.expr({'$reql_type$':'BINARY','data':'ABCDEF==$'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Invalid base64 format, data found after padding character \'=\'.',[])
- - py: r.expr({'$reql_type$':'BINARY','data':'A^CDEFGH'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Invalid base64 character found:'+' \'^\'.',[])
- - py: r.expr({'$reql_type$':'BINARY','data':'ABCDE'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Invalid base64 length:'+' 1 character remaining, cannot decode a full byte.',[])
- # Invalid coercions
- - cd: r.binary(a).coerce_to('array')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot coerce BINARY to ARRAY.',[])
- - cd: r.binary(a).coerce_to('object')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot coerce BINARY to OBJECT.',[])
- - cd: r.binary(a).coerce_to('number')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot coerce BINARY to NUMBER.',[])
- - cd: r.binary(a).coerce_to('nu'+'ll')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot coerce BINARY to NULL.',[])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/bool.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/bool.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0aa11f..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/bool.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests of conversion to and from the RQL bool type
- - py: r.expr(True)
- js:
- - r.expr(true)
- - r(true)
- rb: r true
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(False)
- js:
- - r.expr(false)
- - r(false)
- rb: r false
- ot: false
- - cd: r.expr(False).type_of()
- ot: 'BOOL'
- # test coercions
- - cd: r.expr(True).coerce_to('string')
- ot: 'true'
- - cd: r.expr(True).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
- - cd: r.expr(False).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: False
- - cd: r.expr(null).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: False
- - cd: r.expr(0).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
- - cd: r.expr('false').coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
- - cd: r.expr('foo').coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
- - cd: r.expr([]).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
- - cd: r.expr({}).coerce_to('bool')
- ot: True
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/null.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/null.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f8e95464..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/null.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests of conversion to and from the RQL null type
- - cd:
- - r(null)
- - r.expr(null)
- py: r.expr(null)
- ot: (null)
- - cd: r.expr(null).type_of()
- rb: r(null).type_of()
- ot: 'NULL'
- # test coercions
- - cd: r.expr(null).coerce_to('string')
- ot: 'null'
- - cd: r.expr(null).coerce_to('null')
- ot: null
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/number.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/number.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 09c48d15..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/number.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# desc will be included in a comment to help identify test groups
-desc: Tests of conversion to and from the RQL number type
- # Simple integers
- - cd: r.expr(1)
- js:
- - r(1)
- - r.expr(1)
- rb:
- - r 1
- - r(1)
- - r.expr(1)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(-1)
- js:
- - r(-1)
- - r.expr(-1)
- rb:
- - r -1
- - r(-1)
- - r.expr(-1)
- ot: -1
- - cd: r.expr(0)
- js:
- - r(0)
- - r.expr(0)
- rb:
- - r 0
- - r(0)
- - r.expr(0)
- ot: 0
- # Floats
- - cd: r.expr(1.0)
- js:
- - r(1.0)
- - r.expr(1.0)
- rb:
- - r 1.0
- - r(1.0)
- - r.expr(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.expr(1.5)
- js:
- - r(1.5)
- - r.expr(1.5)
- rb:
- - r 1.5
- - r(1.5)
- - r.expr(1.5)
- ot: 1.5
- - cd: r.expr(-0.5)
- js:
- - r(-0.5)
- - r.expr(-0.5)
- rb:
- - r -0.5
- - r(-0.5)
- - r.expr(-0.5)
- ot: -0.5
- - cd: r.expr(67498.89278)
- js:
- - r(67498.89278)
- - r.expr(67498.89278)
- rb:
- - r 67498.89278
- - r(67498.89278)
- - r.expr(67498.89278)
- ot: 67498.89278
- # Big numbers
- - cd: r.expr(1234567890)
- js:
- - r(1234567890)
- - r.expr(1234567890)
- rb:
- - r 1234567890
- - r(1234567890)
- - r.expr(1234567890)
- ot: 1234567890
- - cd: r.expr(-73850380122423)
- js:
- - r.expr(-73850380122423)
- - r(-73850380122423)
- rb:
- - r -73850380122423
- - r.expr(-73850380122423)
- - r(-73850380122423)
- ot: -73850380122423
- # Test that numbers round-trip correctly
- - py:
- cd: r.expr(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890)
- ot: float(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890)
- js:
- cd: r.expr(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890)
- ot: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- - cd: r.expr(123.4567890123456789012345678901234567890)
- ot: 123.4567890123456789012345678901234567890
- - cd: r.expr(1).type_of()
- ot: 'NUMBER'
- # test coercions
- - cd: r.expr(1).coerce_to('string')
- ot: '1'
- - cd: r.expr(1).coerce_to('number')
- ot: 1
- # The drivers now convert to an int (where relevant) if we think the result
- # looks like an int (result % 1.0 == 0.0)
- - py: r.expr(1.0)
- rb: r 1.0
- ot: int_cmp(1)
- - py: r.expr(45)
- rb: r 45
- ot: int_cmp(45)
- - py: r.expr(1.2)
- rb: r 1.2
- ot: float_cmp(1.2)
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/object.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/object.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b3cbf4..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/object.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests conversion to and from the RQL object type
- - cd:
- - r({})
- - r.expr({})
- py: r.expr({})
- ot: {}
- - cd:
- - r({a:1})
- - r.expr({'a':1})
- py: r.expr({'a':1})
- ot: {'a':1}
- - cd:
- - r({a:1, b:'two', c:True})
- - r.expr({'a':1, 'b':'two', 'c':True})
- py: r.expr({'a':1, 'b':'two', 'c':True})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':'two', 'c':True}
- # Nested expressions
- - cd: r.expr({'a':r.expr(1)})
- ot: {'a':1}
- - cd: r.expr({'a':{'b':[{'c':2}, 'a', 4]}})
- ot: {'a':{'b':[{'c':2}, 'a', 4]}}
- - cd: r.expr({'a':1}).type_of()
- ot: 'OBJECT'
- # test coercions
- - cd: r.expr({'a':1}).coerce_to('string')
- ot:
- cd: '{"a":1}'
- - cd: r.expr({'a':1}).coerce_to('object')
- ot: {'a':1}
- - cd: r.expr({'a':1}).coerce_to('array')
- ot: [['a',1]]
- # Error cases
- - cd: r.expr({12:'a'})
- # JavaScript auto-converts keys for us
- js:
- ot: err_regex("ReqlCompileError", "Object keys must be strings.*")
- - cd: r.expr({'a':{12:'b'}})
- # JavaScript auto-converts keys for us
- js:
- ot: err_regex("ReqlCompileError", "Object keys must be strings.*")
- - js: r({'a':undefined})
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Object field 'a' may not be undefined")
- - js: r({'a':{'b':undefined}})
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Object field 'b' may not be undefined")
- - cd: r.expr({}, "foo")
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Second argument to `r.expr` must be a number.")
- js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Second argument to `r.expr` must be a number or undefined.")
- - js: r.expr({}, NaN)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Second argument to `r.expr` must be a number or undefined.")
- # r.object
- - cd: r.object()
- ot: {}
- - cd: r.object('a', 1, 'b', 2)
- ot: {'a':1,'b':2}
- - cd: r.object('c'+'d', 3)
- ot: {'cd':3}
- - cd: r.object('o','d','d')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "OBJECT expects an even number of arguments (but found 3).", [])
- - cd: r.object(1, 1)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError","Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.",[])
- - cd: r.object('e', 4, 'e', 5)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError","Duplicate key \"e\" in object. (got 4 and 5 as values)",[])
- - cd: r.object('g', r.db('test'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError","Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:",[])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/string.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/string.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c518175d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/string.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests of converstion to and from the RQL string type
- - def:
- cd: japanese_hello = 'こんにちは'
- # Python supports unicode strings with the u'' pattern, except 3.0-3.2
- py: japanese_hello = u'こんにちは'
- py3.0: japanese_hello = 'こんにちは'
- py3.1: japanese_hello = 'こんにちは'
- py3.2: japanese_hello = 'こんにちは'
- # Simple strings
- - cd:
- - r('str')
- - r.expr('str')
- py: r.expr('str')
- ot: "str"
- - cd:
- - r("str")
- - r.expr("str")
- py: r.expr("str")
- ot: "str"
- # Unicode
- - cd:
- py:
- cd: r.expr(u'str')
- ot: u'str'
- py3.0: r.expr('str')
- py3.1: r.expr('str')
- py3.2: r.expr('str')
- ot: 'str'
- - cd: r.expr(japanese_hello)
- ot:
- cd: 'こんにちは'
- py: u'こんにちは'
- py3.0: 'こんにちは'
- py3.1: 'こんにちは'
- py3.2: 'こんにちは'
- - cd: r.expr('foo').type_of()
- ot: 'STRING'
- # test coercions
- - cd: r.expr('foo').coerce_to('string')
- ot: 'foo'
- - cd: r.expr('-1.2').coerce_to('NUMBER')
- ot: -1.2
- - cd: r.expr('--1.2').coerce_to('NUMBER')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Could not coerce `--1.2` to NUMBER.", [])
- - cd: r.expr('-1.2-').coerce_to('NUMBER')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Could not coerce `-1.2-` to NUMBER.", [])
- - cd: r.expr('0xa').coerce_to('NUMBER')
- ot: 10
- - cd: r.expr('inf').coerce_to('NUMBER')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Non-finite number: inf", [])
- # count is defined as the number of unicode codepoints
- - cd: r.expr('hello, world!').count()
- ot: 13
- - cd: r.expr(japanese_hello).count()
- ot: 5
- # slice is defined on unicode codepoints
- - cd: r.expr('hello').slice(1)
- ot: 'ello'
- - cd: r.expr('hello').slice(-1)
- ot: 'o'
- - cd: r.expr('hello').slice(-4,3)
- ot: 'el'
- - cd: r.expr('hello').slice(-99)
- ot: 'hello'
- - cd: r.expr('hello').slice(0)
- ot: 'hello'
- - cd: r.expr(japanese_hello).slice(1)
- ot:
- cd: 'んにちは'
- py: u'んにちは'
- py3.0: 'んにちは'
- py3.1: 'んにちは'
- py3.2: 'んにちは'
- - cd: r.expr(japanese_hello).slice(1,2)
- ot:
- cd: 'ん'
- py: u'ん'
- py3.0: 'ん'
- py3.1: 'ん'
- py3.2: 'ん'
- - cd: r.expr(japanese_hello).slice(-3)
- ot:
- cd: 'にちは'
- py: u'にちは'
- py3.0: 'にちは'
- py3.1: 'にちは'
- py3.2: 'にちは'
- # This is how these edge cases are handled in Python.
- - cd: r.expr('').split()
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr('').split(null)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr('').split(' ')
- ot: ['']
- - cd: r.expr('').split('')
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr('').split(null, 5)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr('').split(' ', 5)
- ot: ['']
- - cd: r.expr('').split('', 5)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split()
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ')
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', '', 'cccc', '']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('')
- ot: ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', ' ', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', ' ', ' ', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', ' ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b')
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', '', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb')
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ')
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb')
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d ', ' e ', '', ' f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ')
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ')
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null, 3)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ', 5)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', '', 'cccc', '']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('', 5)
- ot: ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', ' ', 'bbbb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b', 5)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', '', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb', 3)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb', 6)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d ', ' e ', '', ' f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 3)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null, 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr("a b ").split(null, 2)
- ot: ["a", "b"]
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ', 4)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', '', 'cccc', '']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('', 4)
- ot: ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', ' bbbb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b', 4)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', '', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ', 1)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb', 5)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d ', ' e ', '', ' f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 1)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null, 1)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('', 2)
- ot: ['a', 'a', 'aa bbbb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', 'bb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr('aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr(' ').split()
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr(' ').split(null)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr(' ').split(' ')
- ot: ['', '', '']
- - cd: r.expr(' ').split(null, 5)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.expr(' ').split(' ', 5)
- ot: ['', '', '']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split()
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ')
- ot: ['', '', 'aaaa', 'bbbb', '', 'cccc', '']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b')
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', '', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb')
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ')
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb')
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d ', ' e ', '', ' f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ')
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ')
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null, 3)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ', 5)
- ot: ['', '', 'aaaa', 'bbbb', '', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b', 5)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', '', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb', 3)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb', 6)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d ', ' e ', '', ' f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 3)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null, 2)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr("a b ").split(null, 2)
- ot: ["a", "b"]
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ', 4)
- ot: ['', '', 'aaaa', 'bbbb', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b', 4)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', '', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ', 1)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb', 5)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d ', ' e ', '', ' f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 1)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(null, 1)
- ot: ['aaaa', 'bbbb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' ', 2)
- ot: ['', '', 'aaaa bbbb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('b', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', 'bb cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split('bb', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc ').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc ']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split('bb', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa ', '', ' cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e bbbb f']
- - cd: r.expr(' aaaa bbbb cccc b d bb e bbbb f').split(' bbbb ', 2)
- ot: [' aaaa', 'cccc b d bb e', 'f']
- - cd: r.expr("abc-dEf-GHJ").upcase()
- ot: "ABC-DEF-GHJ"
- - cd: r.expr("abc-dEf-GHJ").downcase()
- ot: "abc-def-ghj"
- # Same 3.0-3.2 caveats
- - py:
- cd: r.expr(u"f\u00e9oo").split("")
- ot: [u"f", u"\u00e9", u"o", u"o"]
- py3.0: r.expr("f\u00e9oo").split("")
- py3.1: r.expr("f\u00e9oo").split("")
- py3.2: r.expr("f\u00e9oo").split("")
- cd: r.expr("f\u00e9oo").split("")
- ot: ["f", "\u00e9", "o", "o"]
- - py:
- cd: r.expr(u"fe\u0301oo").split("")
- ot: [u"f", u"e\u0301", u"o", u"o"]
- py3.0: r.expr("fe\u0301oo").split("")
- py3.1: r.expr("fe\u0301oo").split("")
- py3.2: r.expr("fe\u0301oo").split("")
- cd: r.expr("fe\u0301oo").split("")
- ot: ["f", "e\u0301", "o", "o"]
- ## Unicode spacing characters.
- ## original set from previous work:
- - cd: r.expr("foo bar\tbaz\nquux\rfred\u000bbarney\u000cwilma").split()
- py:
- cd: r.expr(u"foo bar\tbaz\nquux\rfred\u000bbarney\u000cwilma").split()
- ot: ["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "fred", "barney", "wilma"]
- py3.0: r.expr("foo bar\tbaz\nquux\rfred\u000bbarney\u000cwilma").split()
- py3.1: r.expr("foo bar\tbaz\nquux\rfred\u000bbarney\u000cwilma").split()
- py3.2: r.expr("foo bar\tbaz\nquux\rfred\u000bbarney\u000cwilma").split()
- ot: ["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "fred", "barney", "wilma"]
- ## some specialized Unicode horrors:
- ## - U+00A0 is nonbreaking space and is in the Zs category
- ## - U+0085 is the next line character and is not in the Zs category but is considered whitespace
- ## - U+2001 is em quad space and is in the Zs category
- ## - U+200B is a zero width space and is not in the Zs category and is not considered whitespace
- ## - U+2060 is a word joining zero width nonbreaking space and is NOT in any of the Z categories
- ## - U+2028 is a line separator and is in the Zl category
- ## - U+2029 is a paragraph separator and is in the Zp category
- - py:
- cd: r.expr(u"foo\u00a0bar\u2001baz\u2060quux\u2028fred\u2028barney\u2029wilma\u0085betty\u200b").split()
- ot: ["foo", "bar", u"baz\u2060quux", "fred", "barney", "wilma", u"betty\u200b"]
- py3.0: r.expr("foo\u00a0bar\u2001baz\u2060quux\u2028fred\u2028barney\u2029wilma\u0085betty\u200b").split()
- py3.1: r.expr("foo\u00a0bar\u2001baz\u2060quux\u2028fred\u2028barney\u2029wilma\u0085betty\u200b").split()
- py3.2: r.expr("foo\u00a0bar\u2001baz\u2060quux\u2028fred\u2028barney\u2029wilma\u0085betty\u200b").split()
- cd: r.expr("foo\u00a0bar\u2001baz\u2060quux\u2028fred\u2028barney\u2029wilma\u0085betty\u200b").split()
- ot: ["foo", "bar", "baz\u2060quux", "fred", "barney", "wilma", "betty\u200b"]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/typeof.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/typeof.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f03f53e..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/typeof.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-desc: These tests test the type of command
- # Method form
- - cd: r.expr(null).type_of()
- ot: 'NULL'
- # Prefix form
- - cd: r.type_of(null)
- ot: 'NULL'
- # Error cases
- - js: r(null).typeOf(1)
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 1 argument but found 2.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/uuid.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/uuid.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 003e8604..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/datum/uuid.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test that UUIDs work
- - cd: r.uuid()
- ot: uuid()
- - cd: r.expr(r.uuid())
- ot: uuid()
- - cd: r.type_of(r.uuid())
- ot: 'STRING'
- - cd: r.uuid().ne(r.uuid())
- ot: true
- - cd: r.uuid('magic')
- ot: ('97dd10a5-4fc4-554f-86c5-0d2c2e3d5330')
- - cd: r.uuid('magic').eq(r.uuid('magic'))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.uuid('magic').ne(r.uuid('beans'))
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).map(lambda u:r.uuid()).distinct().count()
- js: r([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).map(function(u) {return r.uuid();}).distinct().count()
- rb: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).map {|u| r.uuid()}.distinct().count()
- ot: 10
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/default.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/default.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ba44c0..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/default.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests r.default
- - cd: r.expr(1).default(2)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(null).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.expr({})['b'].default(2)
- js: r.expr({})('b').default(2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.expr(r.expr('a')['b']).default(2)
- js: r.expr(r.expr('a')('b')).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot perform bracket on a non-object non-sequence `\"a\"`.", [])
- - rb: r.expr([]).reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default(2)
- py: r.expr([]).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(2)
- js: r.expr([]).reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - rb: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default(2)
- py: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(2)
- js: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - rb: r.expr('a').reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default(2)
- py: r.expr('a').reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(2)
- js: r.expr('a').reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert STRING to SEQUENCE", [])
- - cd: (r.expr(null) + 5).default(2)
- js: (r.expr(null).add(5)).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: (5 + r.expr(null)).default(2)
- js: (r.expr(5).add(null)).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: (5 - r.expr(null)).default(2)
- js: (r.expr(5).sub(null)).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: (r.expr(null) - 5).default(2)
- js: (r.expr(null).sub(5)).default(2)
- ot: 2
- - cd: (r.expr('a') + 5).default(2)
- js: (r.expr('a').add(5)).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [])
- - cd: (5 + r.expr('a')).default(2)
- js: (r.expr(5).add('a')).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
- - cd: (r.expr('a') - 5).default(2)
- js: (r.expr('a').sub(5)).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
- - cd: (5 - r.expr('a')).default(2)
- js: (r.expr(5).sub('a')).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
- - cd: r.expr(1).default(r.error())
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(null).default(r.error())
- ot: (null)
- - cd: r.expr({})['b'].default(r.error())
- js: r.expr({})('b').default(r.error())
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "No attribute `b` in object:", [])
- - rb: r.expr([]).reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default(r.error)
- py: r.expr([]).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(r.error)
- js: r.expr([]).reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(r.error)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Cannot reduce over an empty stream.", [])
- - rb: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default(r.error)
- py: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(r.error)
- js: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(r.error)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Cannot reduce over an empty stream.", [])
- - cd: (r.expr(null) + 5).default(r.error)
- js: (r.expr(null).add(5)).default(r.error)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.", [])
- - cd: (5 + r.expr(null)).default(r.error)
- js: (r.expr(5).add(null)).default(r.error)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.", [])
- - cd: (5 - r.expr(null)).default(r.error)
- js: (r.expr(5).sub(null)).default(r.error)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.", [])
- - cd: (r.expr(null) - 5).default(r.error)
- js: (r.expr(null).sub(5)).default(r.error)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.", [])
- - rb: r.expr(1).default{|e| e}
- py: r.expr(1).default(lambda e:e)
- js: r.expr(1).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(null).default{|e| e}
- py: r.expr(null).default(lambda e:e)
- js: r.expr(null).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: (null)
- - cd: r.expr({})['b'].default{|e| e}
- py: r.expr({})['b'].default(lambda e:e)
- js: r.expr({})('b').default(function(e){return e})
- ot: "No attribute `b` in object:\n{}"
- - cd: r.expr([]).reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default{|e| e}
- py: r.expr([]).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(lambda e:e)
- js: r.expr([]).reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: ("Cannot reduce over an empty stream.")
- - cd: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce{|a,b| a+b}.default{|e| e}
- py: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b).default(lambda e:e)
- js: r.expr([]).union([]).reduce(function(a,b){return a+b}).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: ("Cannot reduce over an empty stream.")
- - cd: (r.expr(null) + 5).default{|e| e}
- py: (r.expr(null) + 5).default(lambda e:e)
- js: (r.expr(null).add(5)).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: ("Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.")
- - cd: (5 + r.expr(null)).default{|e| e}
- py: (5 + r.expr(null)).default(lambda e:e)
- js: (r.expr(5).add(null)).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: ("Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.")
- - cd: (5 - r.expr(null)).default{|e| e}
- py: (5 - r.expr(null)).default(lambda e:e)
- js: (r.expr(5).sub(null)).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: ("Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.")
- - cd: (r.expr(null) - 5).default{|e| e}
- py: (r.expr(null) - 5).default(lambda e:e)
- js: (r.expr(null).sub(5)).default(function(e){return e})
- ot: ("Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.")
- - def: arr = r.expr([{'a':1},{'a':null},{}]).order_by('a')
- - cd: arr.filter{|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1))
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => false){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=False)
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {'default':false})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => true){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=True)
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {'default':true})
- ot: [{}, {'a':1}]
- # `null` compares not equal to 1 with no error
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => r.js('true')){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=r.js('true'))
- js: arr.filter(function(x) { return x('a').eq(1) }, { 'default':r.js('true') })
- ot: [{}, {'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => r.js('false')){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=r.js('false'))
- js: arr.filter(function(x) { return x('a').eq(1) }, { 'default':r.js('false') })
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => r.error){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=r.error())
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {'default':r.error()})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "No attribute `a` in object:", [])
- - cd: r.expr(false).do{|d| arr.filter(:default => d){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}}
- py: r.expr(False).do(lambda d:arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=d))
- js: r.expr(false).do(function(d){return arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {default:d})})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: r.expr(true).do{|d| arr.filter(:default => d){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}}.orderby('a')
- py: r.expr(True).do(lambda d:arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=d)).order_by('a')
- js: r.expr(true).do(function(d){return arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {default:d})}).orderBy('a')
- ot: [{}, {'a':1}]
- # `null` compares not equal to 1 with no error
- - cd: arr.filter{|x| x['a'].default(0).eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(0).eq(1))
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(0).eq(1)})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter{|x| x['a'].default(1).eq(1)}.orderby('a')
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(1).eq(1)).order_by('a')
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(1).eq(1)}).orderBy('a')
- ot: ([{}, {'a':null}, {'a':1}])
- - cd: arr.filter{|x| x['a'].default(r.error).eq(1)}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(r.error()).eq(1))
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(r.error()).eq(1)})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- # gets caught by `filter` default
- - cd: r.expr(0).do{|i| arr.filter{|x| x['a'].default(i).eq(1)}}
- py: r.expr(0).do(lambda i:arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(i).eq(1)))
- js: r.expr(0).do(function(i){return arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(i).eq(1)})})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: r.expr(1).do{|i| arr.filter{|x| x['a'].default(i).eq(1)}}.orderby('a')
- py: r.expr(1).do(lambda i:arr.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(i).eq(1))).order_by('a')
- js: r.expr(1).do(function(i){return arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(i).eq(1)})}).orderBy('a')
- ot: ([{},{'a':null},{'a':1}])
- - cd: arr.filter{|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)))
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => false){|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)), default=False)
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))}, {default:false})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => true){|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}.orderby('a')
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)), default=True).order_by('a')
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))}, {default:true}).orderBy('a')
- ot: ([{}, {'a':null}, {'a':1}])
- - cd: arr.filter(:default => r.error){|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}
- py: arr.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)), default=r.error())
- js: arr.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))}, {default:r.error()})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "No attribute `a` in object:", [])
- - cd: r.table_create('default_test')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: r.table('default_test').insert(arr)
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'generated_keys':arrlen(3,uuid()),'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':3})
- - def: tbl = r.table('default_test').order_by('a').pluck('a')
- - cd: tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1))
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: tbl.filter(:default => false){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=False)
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {'default':false})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: tbl.filter(:default => true){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=True)
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {'default':true})
- ot: [{}, {'a':1}]
- # `null` compares not equal to 1 with no error
- - cd: tbl.filter(:default => r.error){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=r.error())
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {'default':r.error()})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "No attribute `a` in object:", [])
- - cd: r.expr(false).do{|d| tbl.filter(:default => d){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}}
- py: r.expr(False).do(lambda d:tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=d))
- js: r.expr(false).do(function(d){return tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {default:d})})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: r.expr(true).do{|d| tbl.filter(:default => d){|x| x['a'].eq(1)}}.orderby('a')
- py: r.expr(True).do(lambda d:tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].eq(1), default=d)).order_by('a')
- js: r.expr(true).do(function(d){return tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1)}, {default:d})}).orderBy('a')
- ot: [{}, {'a':1}]
- # `null` compares not equal to 1 with no error
- - cd: tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].default(0).eq(1)}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(0).eq(1))
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(0).eq(1)})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].default(1).eq(1)}.orderby('a')
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(1).eq(1)).order_by('a')
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(1).eq(1)}).orderBy('a')
- ot: ([{}, {'a':null}, {'a':1}])
- - cd: tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].default(r.error).eq(1)}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(r.error()).eq(1))
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(r.error()).eq(1)})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- # gets caught by `filter` default
- - cd: r.expr(0).do{|i| tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].default(i).eq(1)}}
- py: r.expr(0).do(lambda i:tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(i).eq(1)))
- js: r.expr(0).do(function(i){return tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(i).eq(1)})})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: r.expr(1).do{|i| tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].default(i).eq(1)}}.orderby('a')
- py: r.expr(1).do(lambda i:tbl.filter(lambda x:x['a'].default(i).eq(1))).order_by('a')
- js: r.expr(1).do(function(i){return tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').default(i).eq(1)})}).orderBy('a')
- ot: ([{},{'a':null},{'a':1}])
- - cd: tbl.filter{|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)))
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: tbl.filter(:default => false){|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)), default=False)
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))}, {default:false})
- ot: [{'a':1}]
- - cd: tbl.filter(:default => true){|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}.orderby('a')
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)), default=True).order_by('a')
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))}, {default:true}).orderBy('a')
- ot: ([{}, {'a':null}, {'a':1}])
- - cd: tbl.filter(:default => r.error){|x| x['a'].eq(1).or(x['a']['b'].eq(2))}
- py: tbl.filter(lambda x:r.or_(x['a'].eq(1), x['a']['b'].eq(2)), default=r.error())
- js: tbl.filter(function(x){return x('a').eq(1).or(x('a')('b').eq(2))}, {default:r.error()})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "No attribute `a` in object:", [])
- - cd: r.table_drop('default_test')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/constructors.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/constructors.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9991c582..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/constructors.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test geo constructors
- # Point
- - cd: r.point(0, 0)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point'})
- - cd: r.point(0, -90)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[0, -90], 'type':'Point'})
- - cd: r.point(0, 90)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[0, 90], 'type':'Point'})
- - cd: r.point(-180, 0)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[-180, 0], 'type':'Point'})
- - cd: r.point(180, 0)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[180, 0], 'type':'Point'})
- - cd: r.point(0, -91)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Latitude must be between -90 and 90. Got -91.', [0])
- - cd: r.point(0, 91)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Latitude must be between -90 and 90. Got 91.', [0])
- - cd: r.point(-181, 0)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Longitude must be between -180 and 180. Got -181.', [0])
- - cd: r.point(181, 0)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Longitude must be between -180 and 180. Got 181.', [0])
- # Line
- - cd: r.line()
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 2 or more arguments but found 0.', [0])
- - cd: r.line([0,0])
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 2 or more arguments but found 1.', [0])
- - cd: r.line([0,0], [0,0])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Invalid LineString. Are there antipodal or duplicate vertices?', [0])
- - cd: r.line([0,0], [0,1])
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[0,0], [0,1]], 'type':'LineString'})
- - cd: r.line([0,0], [1])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected point coordinate pair. Got 1 element array instead of a 2 element one.', [0])
- - cd: r.line([0,0], [1,0,0])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected point coordinate pair. Got 3 element array instead of a 2 element one.', [0])
- - cd: r.line([0,0], [0,1], [0,0])
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[0,0], [0,1], [0,0]], 'type':'LineString'})
- - cd: r.line(r.point(0,0), r.point(0,1), r.point(0,0))
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[0,0], [0,1], [0,0]], 'type':'LineString'})
- - cd: r.line(r.point(0,0), r.point(1,0), r.line([0,0], [1,0]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected geometry of type `Point` but found `LineString`.', [0])
- # Polygon
- - cd: r.polygon()
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 3 or more arguments but found 0.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0])
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 3 or more arguments but found 1.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,0])
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 3 or more arguments but found 2.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Invalid LinearRing. Are there antipodal or duplicate vertices? Is it self-intersecting?', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,0])
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,0]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,0])
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,0]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [-1,0.5])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Invalid LinearRing. Are there antipodal or duplicate vertices? Is it self-intersecting?', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [0])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected point coordinate pair. Got 1 element array instead of a 2 element one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [0,1,0])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected point coordinate pair. Got 3 element array instead of a 2 element one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon(r.point(0,0), r.point(0,1), r.line([0,0], [0,1]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected geometry of type `Point` but found `LineString`.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/geojson.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/geojson.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cc0be877..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/geojson.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test geoJSON conversion
- # Basic conversion
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point'})
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point'})
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[[0,0], [0,1]], 'type':'LineString'})
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[0,0], [0,1]], 'type':'LineString'})
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[[[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,0]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,0]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- # Wrong / missing fields
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[[], 0], 'type':'Point'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found ARRAY.', [0])
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':true, 'type':'Point'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type ARRAY but found BOOL.', [0])
- - cd: r.geojson({'type':'Point'})
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'No attribute `coordinates` in object:', [0])
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0]})
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'No attribute `type` in object:', [0])
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'foo'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Unrecognized GeoJSON type `foo`.', [0])
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point', 'foo':'wrong'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Unrecognized field `foo` found in geometry object.', [0])
- # Unsupported features
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point', 'crs':null})
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point', 'crs':null})
- - js: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'Point', 'crs':{'type':'name', 'properties':{'name':'test'}}})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Non-default coordinate reference systems are not supported in GeoJSON objects. Make sure the `crs` field of the geometry is null or non-existent.', [0])
- - cd: r.geojson({'coordinates':[0, 0], 'type':'MultiPoint'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'GeoJSON type `MultiPoint` is not supported.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/indexing.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/indexing.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 059f2929..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/indexing.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test ReQL interface to geo indexes
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - def: rows = [{'id':0, 'g':r.point(10,10), 'm':[r.point(0,0),r.point(1,0),r.point(2,0)]},
- {'id':1, 'g':r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0])},
- {'id':2, 'g':r.line([0.000002,-1], [-0.000001,1])}]
- - cd: tbl.insert(rows)
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'inserted':3,'skipped':0,'errors':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0})
- - rb: tbl.index_create('g', :geo=>true)
- py: tbl.index_create('g', geo=true)
- js: tbl.indexCreate('g', {'geo':true})
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('m', :geo=>true, :multi=>true)
- py: tbl.index_create('m', geo=true, multi=true)
- js: tbl.indexCreate('m', {'geo':true, 'multi':true})
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_create('other')
- ot: {'created':1}
- # r.point is deterministic and can be used in an index function
- - rb: tbl.index_create('point_det'){ |x| r.point(x, x) }
- py: tbl.index_create('point_det', lambda x: r.point(x, x) )
- js: tbl.indexCreate('point_det', function(x) {return r.point(x, x);} )
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait()
- # r.line (and friends) are non-deterministic across servers and should be disallowed
- # in index functions
- - rb: tbl.index_create('point_det'){ |x| r.line(x, x) }
- py: tbl.index_create('point_det', lambda x: r.line(x, x) )
- js: tbl.indexCreate('point_det', function(x) {return r.line(x, x);} )
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Could not prove function deterministic. Index functions must be deterministic.')
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'other'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='other').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'other').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Index `other` is not a geospatial index. get_intersecting can only be used with a geospatial index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'missing'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='missing').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'missing').count()
- ot: err_regex('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Index `missing` was not found on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]', [0])
- - cd: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0)).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'get_intersecting requires an index argument.', [0])
- - js: tbl.get_all(0, {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_all(0, index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(0, :index=>'g').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Index `g` is a geospatial index. Only get_nearest and get_intersecting can use a geospatial index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.between(0, 1, {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index=>'g').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Index `g` is a geospatial index. Only get_nearest and get_intersecting can use a geospatial index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.order_by({'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.order_by(index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index=>'g').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Index `g` is a geospatial index. Only get_nearest and get_intersecting can use a geospatial index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.between(0, 1).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.between(0, 1).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.between(0, 1).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found TABLE_SLICE:', [0])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'Between' object has no attribute 'get_intersecting'")
- - js: tbl.get_all(0).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_all(0).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(0).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found SELECTION:', [0])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'GetAll' object has no attribute 'get_intersecting'")
- - js: tbl.order_by({'index':'id'}).get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.order_by(index='id').get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index=>'id').get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found TABLE_SLICE:', [0])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'OrderBy' object has no attribute 'get_intersecting'")
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'id'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='id').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'id').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'get_intersecting cannot use the primary index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(10,10), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(10,10), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(10,10), :index=>'g').count()
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0.5,0.5), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0.5,0.5), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0.5,0.5), :index=>'g').count()
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(20,20), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(20,20), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(20,20), :index=>'g').count()
- ot: 0
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]), :index=>'g').count()
- ot: 2
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.line([0,0], [10,10]), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.line([0,0], [10,10]), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.line([0,0], [10,10]), :index=>'g').count()
- ot: 3
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).type_of()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').type_of()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').type_of()
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).filter(true).type_of()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').filter(true).type_of()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').filter(true).type_of()
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).map(r.row).type_of()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='g').map(r.row).type_of()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').map{|x|x}.type_of()
- ot: ("STREAM")
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), {'index':'m'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), index='m').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(0,0), :index=>'m').count()
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(1,0), {'index':'m'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(1,0), index='m').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(1,0), :index=>'m').count()
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(2,0), {'index':'m'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(2,0), index='m').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(2,0), :index=>'m').count()
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(3,0), {'index':'m'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(3,0), index='m').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.point(3,0), :index=>'m').count()
- ot: 0
- # The document is emitted once for each match.
- - js: tbl.get_intersecting(r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0]), {'index':'m'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_intersecting(r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0]), index='m').count()
- rb: tbl.get_intersecting(r.polygon([0,0], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0]), :index=>'m').count()
- ot: 2
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'other'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='other')
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'other')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Index `other` is not a geospatial index. get_nearest can only be used with a geospatial index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'missing'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='missing')
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'missing')
- ot: err_regex('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Index `missing` was not found on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]', [0])
- - cd: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'get_nearest requires an index argument.', [0])
- - js: tbl.between(0, 1).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.between(0, 1).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.between(0, 1).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found TABLE_SLICE:', [0])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'Between' object has no attribute 'get_nearest'")
- - js: tbl.get_all(0).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_all(0).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(0).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found SELECTION:', [0])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'GetAll' object has no attribute 'get_nearest'")
- - js: tbl.order_by({'index':'id'}).get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).count()
- py: tbl.order_by(index='id').get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g').count()
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index=>'id').get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found TABLE_SLICE:', [0])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'OrderBy' object has no attribute 'get_nearest'")
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'id'}).count()
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='id').count()
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'id').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'get_nearest cannot use the primary index.', [0])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: ([{'dist':0,'doc':{'id':1}},{'dist':0.055659745396754216,'doc':{'id':2}}])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(-0.000001,1), {'index':'g'}).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(-0.000001,1), index='g').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(-0.000001,1), :index=>'g').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: ([{'dist':0,'doc':{'id':2}},{'dist':0.11130264976984369,'doc':{'id':1}}])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g', 'max_dist':1565110}).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g', max_dist=1565110).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g', :max_dist=>1565110).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: ([{'dist':0,'doc':{'id':1}},{'dist':0.055659745396754216,'doc':{'id':2}},{'dist':1565109.0992178896,'doc':{'id':0}}])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g', 'max_dist':1565110, 'max_results':2}).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g', max_dist=1565110, max_results=2).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g', :max_dist=>1565110, :max_results=>2).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: ([{'dist':0,'doc':{'id':1}},{'dist':0.055659745396754216,'doc':{'id':2}}])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g', 'max_dist':10000000}).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g', max_dist=10000000).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g', :max_dist=>10000000).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The distance has become too large for continuing the indexed nearest traversal. Consider specifying a smaller `max_dist` parameter. (Radius must be smaller than a quarter of the circumference along the minor axis of the reference ellipsoid. Got 10968937.995244588703m, but must be smaller than 9985163.1855612862855m.)', [0])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g', 'max_dist':1566, 'unit':'km'}).pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g', max_dist=1566, unit='km').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g', :max_dist=>1566, :unit=>'km').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: ([{'dist':0,'doc':{'id':1}},{'dist':0.00005565974539675422,'doc':{'id':2}},{'dist':1565.1090992178897,'doc':{'id':0}}])
- - py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g', max_dist=1, geo_system='unit_sphere').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g', :max_dist=>1, :geo_system=>'unit_sphere').pluck('dist', {'doc':'id'})
- ot: ([{'dist':0, 'doc':{'id':1}}, {'dist':8.726646259990191e-09, 'doc':{'id':2}}, {'dist':0.24619691677893205, 'doc':{'id':0}}])
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).type_of()
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g').type_of()
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').type_of()
- ot: ("ARRAY")
- - js: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), {'index':'g'}).map(r.row).type_of()
- py: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), index='g').map(r.row).type_of()
- rb: tbl.get_nearest(r.point(0,0), :index=>'g').map{|x|x}.type_of()
- ot: ("ARRAY")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/intersection_inclusion.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/intersection_inclusion.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a643a0..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/intersection_inclusion.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test intersects and includes semantics
- # Intersects
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.point(1.5,1.5))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.point(2.5,2.5))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).intersects(r.point(1.5,1.5))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).intersects(r.point(1.05,1.05))
- ot: true
- # Our current semantics: we define polygons as closed, so points that are exactly *on* the outline of a polygon do intersect
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.point(2,2))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.point(2,1.5))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.line([1.5,1.5], [2,2]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.line([1.5,1.5], [2,1.5]))
- ot: true
- # (...with holes in the polygon being closed with respect to the polygon, i.e. the set cut out is open)
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).intersects(r.point(1.1,1.1))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).intersects(r.point(1.5,1.1))
- ot: true
- # ... lines are interpreted as closed sets as well, so even if they meet only at their end points, we consider them as intersecting.
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.line([2,2], [3,3]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.line([2,1.5], [3,3]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.line([1.5,1.5], [3,3]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.polygon([1.2,1.2], [1.8,1.2], [1.8,1.8], [1.2,1.8]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.polygon([1.5,1.5], [2.5,1.5], [2.5,2.5], [1.5,2.5]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).intersects(r.polygon([1.2,1.2], [1.8,1.2], [1.8,1.8], [1.2,1.8]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).intersects(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9]))
- ot: false
- # Polygons behave like lines in that respect
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.polygon([2,1.1], [3,1.1], [3,1.9], [2,1.9]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).intersects(r.polygon([2,2], [3,2], [3,3], [2,3]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.point(1,1).intersects(r.point(1.5,1.5))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.point(1,1).intersects(r.point(1,1))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.line([1,1], [2,1]).intersects(r.point(1,1))
- ot: true
- # This one currently fails due to numeric precision problems.
- #- cd: r.line([1,0], [2,0]).intersects(r.point(1.5,0))
- # ot: true
- - cd: r.line([1,1], [1,2]).intersects(r.point(1,1.8))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.line([1,0], [2,0]).intersects(r.point(1.8,0))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.line([1,1], [2,1]).intersects(r.point(1.5,1.5))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.line([1,1], [2,1]).intersects(r.line([2,1], [3,1]))
- ot: true
- # intersects on an array/stream
- - cd: r.expr([r.point(1, 0), r.point(3,0), r.point(2, 0)]).intersects(r.line([0,0], [2, 0])).count()
- ot: 2
- # Includes
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.point(1.5,1.5))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.point(2.5,2.5))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).includes(r.point(1.5,1.5))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).includes(r.point(1.05,1.05))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.point(2,2))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.point(2,1.5))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.line([1.5,1.5], [2,2]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.line([1.5,1.5], [2,1.5]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).includes(r.point(1.1,1.1))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).includes(r.point(1.5,1.1))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.line([2,2], [3,3]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.line([2,1.5], [2,2]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.line([2,1], [2,2]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.line([1.5,1.5], [3,3]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.polygon([1.2,1.2], [1.8,1.2], [1.8,1.8], [1.2,1.8]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.polygon([1.5,1.5], [2,1.5], [2,2], [1.5,2]))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.polygon([1.5,1.5], [2.5,1.5], [2.5,2.5], [1.5,2.5]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).includes(r.polygon([1.2,1.2], [1.8,1.2], [1.8,1.8], [1.2,1.8]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [1.9,1.1], [1.9,1.9], [1.1,1.9])).includes(r.polygon([1.1,1.1], [2,1.1], [2,2], [1.1,2]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.polygon([2,1.1], [3,1.1], [3,1.9], [2,1.9]))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.polygon([1,1], [2,1], [2,2], [1,2]).includes(r.polygon([2,2], [3,2], [3,3], [2,3]))
- ot: false
- # includes on an array/stream
- - cd: r.expr([r.polygon([0,0], [1,1], [1,0]), r.polygon([0,1], [1,2], [1,1])]).includes(r.point(0,0)).count()
- ot: 1
- # Wrong geometry type arguments (the first one must be a polygon)
- - cd: r.point(0,0).includes(r.point(0,0))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected geometry of type `Polygon` but found `Point`.')
- - cd: r.line([0,0], [0,1]).includes(r.point(0,0))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected geometry of type `Polygon` but found `LineString`.')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/operations.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/operations.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e07e93..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/operations.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test basic geometry operators
- # Distance
- # coerce_to('STRING') because the test utility has some issues with rounding and I'm too lazy to investigate that now.
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37)).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("89011.26253835332")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-122, 36)).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("110968.30443995494")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-122, 36)).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 36), r.point(-122, 37)))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.point(-122, 37).distance(r.point(-123, 37)).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("89011.26253835332")
- - def: someDist = r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37))
- js: someDist.eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {unit:'m'}))
- py: someDist.eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), unit='m'))
- rb: someDist.eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :unit=>'m'))
- ot: true
- - js: someDist.mul(1.0/1000.0).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {unit:'km'}))
- py: someDist.mul(1.0/1000.0).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), unit='km'))
- rb: someDist.mul(1.0/1000.0).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :unit=>'km'))
- ot: true
- - js: someDist.mul(1.0/1609.344).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {unit:'mi'}))
- py: someDist.mul(1.0/1609.344).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), unit='mi'))
- rb: someDist.mul(1.0/1609.344).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :unit=>'mi'))
- ot: true
- - js: someDist.mul(1.0/0.3048).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {unit:'ft'}))
- py: someDist.mul(1.0/0.3048).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), unit='ft'))
- rb: someDist.mul(1.0/0.3048).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :unit=>'ft'))
- ot: true
- - js: someDist.mul(1.0/1852.0).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {unit:'nm'}))
- py: someDist.mul(1.0/1852.0).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), unit='nm'))
- rb: someDist.mul(1.0/1852.0).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :unit=>'nm'))
- ot: true
- - js: someDist.eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {'geo_system':'WGS84'}))
- py: someDist.eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), geo_system='WGS84'))
- rb: someDist.eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :geo_system=>'WGS84'))
- ot: true
- # Mearth is a small planet, just 1/10th of earth's size.
- - js: someDist.div(10).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {'geo_system':{'a':637813.7, 'f':(1.0/298.257223563)}}))
- py: someDist.div(10).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), geo_system={'a':637813.7, 'f':(1.0/298.257223563)}))
- rb: someDist.div(10).eq(r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :geo_system=>{'a':637813.7, 'f':(1.0/298.257223563)}))
- ot: true
- - py: r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), geo_system='unit_sphere').coerce_to('STRING')
- rb: r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), :geo_system=>'unit_sphere').coerce_to('STRING')
- js: r.distance(r.point(-122, 37), r.point(-123, 37), {'geo_system':'unit_sphere'}).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("0.01393875509649327")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.point(0, 0)).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("0")
- # These two give the earth's circumference through the poles
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.point(180, 0)).mul(2).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("40007862.917250897")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, -90), r.point(0, 90)).mul(2).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("40007862.917250897")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.line([0,0], [0,1])).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("0")
- - cd: r.distance(r.line([0,0], [0,1]), r.point(0, 0)).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("0")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.line([0.1,0], [1,0])).eq(r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.point(0.1, 0)))
- ot: true
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.line([5,-1], [4,2])).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("492471.4990055255")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.polygon([5,-1], [4,2], [10,10])).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("492471.4990055255")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0, 0), r.polygon([0,-1], [0,1], [10,10])).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("0")
- - cd: r.distance(r.point(0.5, 0.5), r.polygon([0,-1], [0,1], [10,10])).coerce_to('STRING')
- ot: ("0")
- # Fill
- - js:[0,0], 1, {fill:false}).eq([0,0], 1, {fill:true}))
- py:[0,0], 1, fill=false).eq([0,0], 1, fill=true))
- rb:[0,0], 1, :fill=>false).eq([0,0], 1, :fill=>true))
- ot: false
- - js:[0,0], 1, {fill:false}).fill().eq([0,0], 1, {fill:true}))
- py:[0,0], 1, fill=false).fill().eq([0,0], 1, fill=true))
- rb:[0,0], 1, :fill=>false).fill().eq([0,0], 1, :fill=>true))
- ot: true
- # Subtraction
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0.1,0.1], [0.9,0.1], [0.9,0.9], [0.1,0.9]))
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]],[[0.1,0.1],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.9],[0.1,0.9],[0.1,0.1]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0.1,0.9], [0.9,0.0], [0.9,0.9], [0.1,0.9]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The second argument to `polygon_sub` is not contained in the first one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0], [2,0], [2,2], [0,2]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The second argument to `polygon_sub` is not contained in the first one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,-2], [1,-2], [-1,1], [0,-1]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The second argument to `polygon_sub` is not contained in the first one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,-1], [1,-1], [1,0], [0,0]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The second argument to `polygon_sub` is not contained in the first one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0.1,-1], [0.9,-1], [0.9,0.5], [0.1,0.5]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The second argument to `polygon_sub` is not contained in the first one.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0],[0.1,0.9],[0.9,0.9],[0.9,0.1]))
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]],[[0,0],[0.1,0.9],[0.9,0.9],[0.9,0.1],[0,0]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0],[0.1,0.9],[0.9,0.9],[0.9,0.1]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0.2,0.2],[0.5,0.8],[0.8,0.2])))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected a Polygon with only an outer shell. This one has holes.', [0])
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1]).polygon_sub(r.line([0,0],[0.9,0.1],[0.9,0.9],[0.1,0.9]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected a Polygon but found a LineString.', [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/primitives.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/primitives.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd2c0e0..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/geo/primitives.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test geometric primitive constructors
- # Circle
- - js:[0,0], 1, {num_vertices:3})
- py:[0,0], 1, num_vertices=3)
- rb:[0,0], 1, :num_vertices=>3)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0, -9.04369477050382e-06], [-7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [0, -9.04369477050382e-06]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - js:,0), 1, {num_vertices:3})
- py:,0), 1, num_vertices=3)
- rb:,0), 1, :num_vertices=>3)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0, -9.04369477050382e-06], [-7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [0, -9.04369477050382e-06]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - js:[0,0], 1, {num_vertices:3, fill:false})
- py:[0,0], 1, num_vertices=3, fill=false)
- rb:[0,0], 1, :num_vertices=>3, :fill=>false)
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[0, -9.04369477050382e-06], [-7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [0, -9.04369477050382e-06]], 'type':'LineString'})
- - js:[0,0], 14000000, {num_vertices:3})
- py:[0,0], 14000000, num_vertices=3)
- rb:[0,0], 14000000, :num_vertices=>3)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Radius must be smaller than a quarter of the circumference along the minor axis of the reference ellipsoid. Got 14000000m, but must be smaller than 9985163.1855612862855m.', [0])
- - js:[0,0], 1, {num_vertices:3, geo_system:'WGS84'})
- py:[0,0], 1, num_vertices=3, geo_system='WGS84')
- rb:[0,0], 1, :num_vertices=>3, :geo_system=>'WGS84')
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0, -9.04369477050382e-06], [-7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [0, -9.04369477050382e-06]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - js:[0,0], 2, {num_vertices:3, geo_system:'unit_'+'sphere'})
- py:[0,0], 2, num_vertices=3, geo_system='unit_sphere')
- rb:[0,0], 2, :num_vertices=>3, :geo_system=>'unit_sphere')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Radius must be smaller than a quarter of the circumference along the minor axis of the reference ellipsoid. Got 2m, but must be smaller than 1.570796326794896558m.', [0])
- - js:[0,0], 0.1, {num_vertices:3, geo_system:'unit_'+'sphere'})
- py:[0,0], 0.1, num_vertices=3, geo_system='unit_sphere')
- rb:[0,0], 0.1, :num_vertices=>3, :geo_system=>'unit_sphere')
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0, -5.729577951308232], [-4.966092947444857, 2.861205754495701], [4.966092947444857, 2.861205754495701], [0, -5.729577951308232]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- testopts:
- precision: 0.0000000000001
- - js:[0,0], 1.0/1000.0, {num_vertices:3, unit:'km'})
- py:[0,0], 1.0/1000.0, num_vertices=3, unit='km')
- rb:[0,0], 1.0/1000.0, :num_vertices=>3, :unit=>'km')
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0, -9.04369477050382e-06], [-7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [0, -9.04369477050382e-06]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
- - js:[0,0], 1.0/1609.344, {num_vertices:3, unit:'mi'})
- py:[0,0], 1.0/1609.344, num_vertices=3, unit='mi')
- rb:[0,0], 1.0/1609.344, :num_vertices=>3, :unit=>'mi')
- ot: ({'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY', 'coordinates':[[[0, -9.04369477050382e-06], [-7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [7.779638566553426e-06, 4.5218473852518965e-06], [0, -9.04369477050382e-06]]], 'type':'Polygon'})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/joins.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/joins.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ffed50..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/joins.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests that manipulation data in tables
-table_variable_name: tbl, tbl2, senders, receivers, messages, otbl, otbl2
- # Setup some more tables
- - py: r.db('test').table_create('test3', primary_key='foo')
- rb: r.db('test').table_create('test3', {:primary_key=>'foo'})
- js: r.db('test').tableCreate('test3', {'primaryKey':'foo'})
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - def: tbl3 = r.db('test').table('test3')
- - py: tbl.insert(r.range(0, 100).map({'id':r.row, 'a':r.row % 4}))
- rb: tbl.insert(r.range(0, 100).map{|row| {'id':row, a:row % 4}})
- js: tbl.insert(r.range(0, 100).map(function (row) { return {'id':row, 'a':row.mod(4)}; }))
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':100})
- - py: tbl2.insert(r.range(0, 100).map({'id':r.row, 'b':r.row % 4}))
- rb: tbl2.insert(r.range(0, 100).map{|row| {'id':row, b:row % 4}})
- js: tbl2.insert(r.range(0, 100).map(function (row) { return {'id':row, 'b':row.mod(4)}; }))
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':100})
- - py: tbl3.insert(r.range(0, 100).map({'foo':r.row, 'b':r.row % 4}))
- rb: tbl3.insert(r.range(0, 100).map{|row| {'foo':row, b:row % 4}})
- js: tbl3.insert(r.range(0, 100).map(function (row) { return {'foo':row, 'b':row.mod(4)}; }))
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':100})
- - py: otbl.insert(r.range(1,100).map({'id': r.row, 'a': r.row}))
- - py: otbl2.insert(r.range(1,100).map({'id': r.row, 'b': 2 * r.row}))
- # Inner-Join
- - def:
- py: ij = tbl.inner_join(tbl2, lambda x,y:x['a'] == y['b']).zip()
- js: ij = tbl.innerJoin(tbl2, function(x, y) { return x('a').eq(y('b')); }).zip()
- rb: ij = tbl.inner_join(tbl2){ |x, y| x[:a].eq y[:b] }.zip
- - cd: ij.count()
- ot: 2500
- - py: ij.filter(lambda row:row['a'] != row['b']).count()
- js: ij.filter(function(row) { return row('a').ne(row('b')); }).count()
- rb: ij.filter{ |row| row[:a].ne row[:b] }.count
- ot: 0
- # Outer-Join
- - def:
- py: oj = tbl.outer_join(tbl2, lambda x,y:x['a'] == y['b']).zip()
- js: oj = tbl.outerJoin(tbl2, function(x, y) { return x('a').eq(y('b')); }).zip()
- rb: oj = tbl.outer_join(tbl2){ |x, y| x[:a].eq y[:b] }.zip
- - cd: oj.count()
- ot: 2500
- - py: oj.filter(lambda row:row['a'] != row['b']).count()
- js: oj.filter(function(row) { return row('a').ne(row('b')); }).count()
- rb: oj.filter{ |row| row[:a].ne row[:b] }.count
- ot: 0
- # Ordered eq_join
- - py: blah = otbl.order_by("id").eq_join(r.row['id'], otbl2, ordered=True).zip()
- ot: [{'id': i, 'a': i, 'b': i * 2} for i in range(1, 100)]
- - py: blah = otbl.order_by(r.desc("id")).eq_join(r.row['id'], otbl2, ordered=True).zip()
- ot: [{'id': i, 'a': i, 'b': i * 2} for i in range(99, 0, -1)]
- - py: blah = otbl.order_by("id").eq_join(r.row['a'], otbl2, ordered=True).zip()
- ot: [{'id': i, 'a': i, 'b': i * 2} for i in range(1, 100)]
- # Eq-Join
- - cd: tbl.eq_join('a', tbl2).zip().count()
- ot: 100
- - cd: tbl.eq_join('fake', tbl2).zip().count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.eq_join(lambda x:x['a'], tbl2).zip().count()
- rb: tbl.eq_join(lambda{|x| x['a']}, tbl2).zip().count()
- js: tbl.eq_join(function(x) { return x('a'); }, tbl2).zip().count()
- ot: 100
- - py: tbl.eq_join(lambda x:x['fake'], tbl2).zip().count()
- rb: tbl.eq_join(lambda{|x| x['fake']}, tbl2).zip().count()
- js: tbl.eq_join(function(x) { return x('fake'); }, tbl2).zip().count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.eq_join(lambda x:null, tbl2).zip().count()
- rb: tbl.eq_join(lambda{|x| null}, tbl2).zip().count()
- js: tbl.eq_join(function(x) { return null; }, tbl2).zip().count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.eq_join(lambda x:x['a'], tbl2).count()
- rb: tbl.eq_join(lambda {|x| x[:a]}, tbl2).count()
- js: tbl.eq_join(function(x) { return x('a'); }, tbl2).count()
- ot: 100
- # eqjoin where id isn't a primary key
- - cd: tbl.eq_join('a', tbl3).zip().count()
- ot: 100
- - py: tbl.eq_join(lambda x:x['a'], tbl3).count()
- rb: tbl.eq_join(lambda {|x| x[:a]}, tbl3).count()
- js: tbl.eq_join(function(x) { return x('a'); }, tbl3).count()
- ot: 100
- # eq_join with r.row
- - py: tbl.eq_join(r.row['a'], tbl2).count()
- js: tbl.eq_join(r.row('a'), tbl2).count()
- ot: 100
- # test an inner-join condition where inner-join differs from outer-join
- - def: left = r.expr([{'a':1},{'a':2},{'a':3}])
- - def: right = r.expr([{'b':2},{'b':3}])
- - py: left.inner_join(right, lambda l, r:l['a'] == r['b']).zip()
- js: left.innerJoin(right, function(l, r) { return l('a').eq(r('b')); }).zip()
- rb: left.inner_join(right){ |lt, rt| lt[:a].eq(rt[:b]) }.zip
- ot: [{'a':2,'b':2},{'a':3,'b':3}]
- # test an outer-join condition where outer-join differs from inner-join
- - py: left.outer_join(right, lambda l, r:l['a'] == r['b']).zip()
- js: left.outerJoin(right, function(l, r) { return l('a').eq(r('b')); }).zip()
- rb: left.outer_join(right){ |lt, rt| lt[:a].eq(rt[:b]) }.zip
- ot: [{'a':1},{'a':2,'b':2},{'a':3,'b':3}]
- - rb: senders.insert({id:1, sender:'Sender One'})['inserted']
- ot: 1
- - rb: receivers.insert({id:1, receiver:'Receiver One'})['inserted']
- ot: 1
- - rb: messages.insert([{id:10, sender_id:1, receiver_id:1, msg:'Message One'}, {id:20, sender_id:1, receiver_id:1, msg:'Message Two'}, {id:30, sender_id:1, receiver_id:1, msg:'Message Three'}])['inserted']
- ot: 3
- - rb: messages.orderby(index:'id').eq_join('sender_id', senders).without({right:{id:true}}).zip.eq_join('receiver_id', receivers).without({right:{id:true}}).zip
- ot: [{'id':10,'msg':'Message One','receiver':'Receiver One','receiver_id':1,'sender':'Sender One','sender_id':1},{'id':20,'msg':'Message Two','receiver':'Receiver One','receiver_id':1,'sender':'Sender One','sender_id':1},{'id':30,'msg':'Message Three','receiver':'Receiver One','receiver_id':1,'sender':'Sender One','sender_id':1}]
- # Clean up
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('test3')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/json.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/json.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a896cd4..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/json.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests RQL json parsing
- - cd: r.json("[1,2,3]")
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: r.json("1")
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.json("{}")
- ot: {}
- - cd: r.json('"foo"')
- ot: "foo"
- - cd: r.json("[1,2")
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Failed to parse "[1,2" as JSON:' + ' Missing a comma or \']\' after an array element.', [0])
- - cd: r.json("[1,2,3]").to_json_string()
- ot: '[1,2,3]'
- - js: r.json("[1,2,3]").toJSON()
- py: r.json("[1,2,3]").to_json()
- ot: '[1,2,3]'
- - cd: r.json("{\"foo\":4}").to_json_string()
- ot: '{"foo":4}'
- - js: r.json("{\"foo\":4}").toJSON()
- py: r.json("{\"foo\":4}").to_json()
- ot: '{"foo":4}'
- # stress test: data is from
- - def: text = '[{"id":1,"first_name":"Harry","last_name":"Riley","email":"","country":"Andorra","ip_address":""},{"id":2,"first_name":"Bonnie","last_name":"Anderson","email":"","country":"Tuvalu","ip_address":""},{"id":3,"first_name":"Marie","last_name":"Schmidt","email":"","country":"Iraq","ip_address":""},{"id":4,"first_name":"Phillip","last_name":"Willis","email":"","country":"Montenegro","ip_address":""}]'
- - def: sorted = '[{"country":"Andorra","email":"","first_name":"Harry","id":1,"ip_address":"","last_name":"Riley"},{"country":"Tuvalu","email":"","first_name":"Bonnie","id":2,"ip_address":"","last_name":"Anderson"},{"country":"Iraq","email":"","first_name":"Marie","id":3,"ip_address":"","last_name":"Schmidt"},{"country":"Montenegro","email":"","first_name":"Phillip","id":4,"ip_address":"","last_name":"Willis"}]'
- - cd: r.json(text).to_json_string()
- ot: sorted
- - cd: r.expr(r.minval).to_json_string()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert `r.minval` to JSON.')
- - cd: r.expr(r.maxval).to_json_string()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert `r.maxval` to JSON.')
- - cd: r.expr(r.minval).coerce_to('string')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert `r.minval` to JSON.')
- - cd: r.expr(r.maxval).coerce_to('string')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert `r.maxval` to JSON.')
- - cd: r.time(2014,9,11, 'Z')
- runopts:
- time_format: 'raw'
- ot: {'timezone':'+00:00','$reql_type$':'TIME','epoch_time':1410393600}
- - cd: r.time(2014,9,11, 'Z').to_json_string()
- ot: '{"$reql_type$":"TIME","epoch_time":1410393600,"timezone":"+00:00"}'
- - cd: r.point(0,0)
- ot: {'$reql_type$':'GEOMETRY','coordinates':[0,0],'type':'Point'}
- - cd: r.point(0,0).to_json_string()
- ot: '{"$reql_type$":"GEOMETRY","coordinates":[0,0],"type":"Point"}'
- - def:
- rb: s = "\x66\x6f\x6f".force_encoding('BINARY')
- py: s = b'\x66\x6f\x6f'
- js: s = Buffer("\x66\x6f\x6f", 'binary')
- - cd: r.binary(s)
- ot: s
- - cd: r.expr("foo").coerce_to("binary").to_json_string()
- ot: '{"$reql_type$":"BINARY","data":"Zm9v"}'
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/limits.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/limits.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41316df2..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/limits.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests array limit variations
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # test simplistic array limits
- - cd: r.expr([1,1,1,1]).union([1, 1, 1, 1])
- runopts:
- array_limit: 8
- ot: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).union([5, 6, 7, 8])
- runopts:
- array_limit: 4
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Array over size limit `4`.", [0])
- # test array limits on query creation
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
- runopts:
- array_limit: 4
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Array over size limit `4`.", [0])
- # test bizarre array limits
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
- runopts:
- array_limit: -1
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Illegal array size limit `-1`. (Must be >= 1.)", [])
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
- runopts:
- array_limit: 0
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Illegal array size limit `0`. (Must be >= 1.)", [])
- # make enormous > 100,000 element array
- - def: ten_l = r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
- - def:
- js: ten_f = function(l) { return ten_l }
- py: ten_f = lambda l:list(range(1,11))
- - def:
- js: huge_l = r.expr(ten_l).concatMap(ten_f).concatMap(ten_f).concatMap(ten_f).concatMap(ten_f)
- py: huge_l = r.expr(ten_l).concat_map(ten_f).concat_map(ten_f).concat_map(ten_f).concat_map(ten_f)
- rb: huge_l = r.expr(ten_l).concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}
- - cd: huge_l.append(1).count()
- runopts:
- array_limit: 100001
- ot: 100001
- # attempt to insert enormous array
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':0, 'array':huge_l.append(1)})
- runopts:
- array_limit: 100001
- ot: partial({'errors':1, 'first_error':"Array too large for disk writes (limit 100,000 elements)."})
- - cd: tbl.get(0)
- runopts:
- array_limit: 100001
- ot: (null)
- # attempt to read array that violates limit from disk
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':1, 'array':ten_l})
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(1)
- runopts:
- array_limit: 4
- ot: ({'array':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],'id':1})
- # Test that the changefeed queue size actually causes changes to be sent early.
- - cd: tbl.delete().get_field('deleted')
- ot: 1
- - cd: c = tbl.changes({squash:1000000, changefeed_queue_size:10})
- py: c = tbl.changes(squash=1000000, changefeed_queue_size=10)
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0}, {'id':1}, {'id':2}, {'id':3}, {'id':4}, {'id':5}, {'id':6}]).get_field('inserted')
- ot: 7
- - py: fetch(c, 7)
- rb: fetch(c, 7)
- ot: bag([{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':0}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':1}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':2}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':3}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':4}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':5}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':6}}])
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':7}, {'id':8}, {'id':9}, {'id':10}, {'id':11}, {'id':12}, {'id':13}]).get_field('inserted')
- ot: 7
- - py: fetch(c, 7)
- rb: fetch(c, 7)
- ot: bag([{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':7}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':8}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':9}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':10}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':11}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':12}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':13}}])
- - cd: tbl.delete().get_field('deleted')
- ot: 14
- - cd: c2 = tbl.changes({squash:1000000})
- py: c2 = tbl.changes(squash=1000000)
- runopts:
- changefeed_queue_size: 10
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0}, {'id':1}, {'id':2}, {'id':3}, {'id':4}, {'id':5}, {'id':6}]).get_field('inserted')
- ot: 7
- - py: fetch(c2, 7)
- rb: fetch(c2, 7)
- ot: bag([{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':0}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':1}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':2}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':3}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':4}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':5}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':6}}])
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':7}, {'id':8}, {'id':9}, {'id':10}, {'id':11}, {'id':12}, {'id':13}]).get_field('inserted')
- ot: 7
- - py: fetch(c2, 7)
- rb: fetch(c2, 7)
- ot: bag([{'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':7}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':8}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':9}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':10}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':11}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':12}},
- {'old_val':null, 'new_val':{'id':13}}])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/match.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/match.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55e33801..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/match.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for match
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: r.expr("abcdefg").match("a(b.e)|b(c.e)")
- ot: ({'str':'bcde','groups':[null,{'start':2,'str':'cde','end':5}],'start':1,'end':5})
- - cd: r.expr("abcdefg").match("a(b.e)|B(c.e)")
- ot: (null)
- - cd: r.expr("abcdefg").match("(?i)a(b.e)|B(c.e)")
- ot: ({'str':'bcde','groups':[null,{'start':2,'str':'cde','end':5}],'start':1,'end':5})
- - cd: r.expr(["aba", "aca", "ada", "aea"]).filter{|row| row.match("a(.)a")[:groups][0][:str].match("[cd]")}
- py: r.expr(["aba", "aca", "ada", "aea"]).filter(lambda row:row.match("a(.)a")['groups'][0]['str'].match("[cd]"))
- js: r.expr(["aba", "aca", "ada", "aea"]).filter(function(row){return row.match("a(.)a")('groups').nth(0)('str').match("[cd]")})
- ot: (["aca", "ada"])
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0,'a':'abc'},{'id':1,'a':'ab'},{'id':2,'a':'bc'}])
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':3})
- - cd: tbl.filter{|row| row['a'].match('b')}.orderby('id')
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['a'].match('b')).order_by('id')
- js: tbl.filter(function(row){return row('a').match('b')}).order_by('id')
- ot: ([{'id':0,'a':'abc'},{'id':1,'a':'ab'},{'id':2,'a':'bc'}])
- - cd: tbl.filter{|row| row['a'].match('ab')}.orderby('id')
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['a'].match('ab')).order_by('id')
- js: tbl.filter(function(row){return row('a').match('ab')}).order_by('id')
- ot: ([{'id':0,'a':'abc'},{'id':1,'a':'ab'}])
- - cd: tbl.filter{|row| row['a'].match('ab$')}.orderby('id')
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['a'].match('ab$')).order_by('id')
- js: tbl.filter(function(row){return row('a').match('ab$')}).order_by('id')
- ot: ([{'id':1,'a':'ab'}])
- - cd: tbl.filter{|row| row['a'].match('^b$')}.orderby('id')
- py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['a'].match('^b$')).order_by('id')
- js: tbl.filter(function(row){return row('a').match('^b$')}).order_by('id')
- ot: ([])
- - cd: r.expr("").match("ab\\9")
- ot: |
- err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Error in regexp `ab\\9` (portion `\\9`): invalid escape sequence: \\9", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/add.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/add.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e956aaa7..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/add.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for basic usage of the add operation
- - cd: r.add(1, 1)
- ot: 2
- - js: r(1).add(1)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) + 1
- - 1 + r.expr(1)
- - r.expr(1).add(1)
- rb:
- - r(1) + 1
- - r(1).add(1)
- ot: 2
- - py: r.expr(-1) + 1
- js: r(-1).add(1)
- rb: (r -1) + 1
- ot: 0
- - py: r.expr(1.75) + 8.5
- js: r(1.75).add(8.5)
- rb: (r 1.75) + 8.5
- ot: 10.25
- # Add is polymorphic on strings
- - py: r.expr('') + ''
- js: r('').add('')
- rb: (r '') + ''
- ot: ''
- - py: r.expr('abc') + 'def'
- js: r('abc').add('def')
- rb: (r 'abc') + 'def'
- ot: 'abcdef'
- # Add is polymorphic on arrays
- - cd: r.expr([1,2]) + [3] + [4,5] + [6,7,8]
- js: r([1,2]).add([3]).add([4,5]).add([6,7,8])
- ot: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
- # All arithmetic operations (except mod) actually support arbitrary arguments
- # but this feature can't be accessed in Python because it's operators are binary
- - js: r(1).add(2,3,4,5)
- ot: 15
- - js: r('a').add('b', 'c', 'd')
- ot: 'abcd'
- # Type errors
- - cd: r(1).add('a')
- py: r.expr(1) + 'a'
- rb: r(1) + 'a'
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [1])
- - cd: r('a').add(1)
- py: r.expr('a') + 1
- rb: r('a') + 1
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [1])
- - cd: r([]).add(1)
- py: r.expr([]) + 1
- rb: r([]) + 1
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.", [1])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/aliases.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/aliases.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f1181f87..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/aliases.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test named aliases for math and logic operators
- - cd:
- - r.expr(0).add(1)
- - r.add(0, 1)
- - r.expr(2).sub(1)
- - r.sub(2, 1)
- - r.expr(2).div(2)
- - r.div(2, 2)
- - r.expr(1).mul(1)
- - r.mul(1, 1)
- - r.expr(1).mod(2)
- - r.mod(1, 2)
- ot: 1
- - cd:
- - r.expr(True).and(True)
- - r.expr(True).or(True)
- - r.and(True, True)
- - r.or(True, True)
- - r.expr(False).not()
- - r.not(False)
- py:
- - r.expr(True).and_(True)
- - r.expr(True).or_(True)
- - r.and_(True, True)
- - r.or_(True, True)
- - r.expr(False).not_()
- - r.not_(False)
- ot: True
- - cd:
- - r.expr(1).eq(1)
- - r.expr(1).ne(2)
- - r.expr(1).lt(2)
- - r.expr(1).gt(0)
- - r.expr(1).le(1)
- - r.expr(1).ge(1)
- - r.eq(1, 1)
- -, 2)
- -, 2)
- -, 0)
- - r.le(1, 1)
- -, 1)
- ot: True
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/comparison.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/comparison.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fed54a9..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/comparison.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests of comparison operators
- ### Numeric comparisons
- ## basic <
- - cd: r(1).lt(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) < 2
- - 1 < r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).lt(2)
- rb:
- - r(1) < 2
- - r(1).lt(2)
- - 1 < r(2)
- ot: true
- - cd: r(3).lt(2)
- py: r.expr(3) < 2
- rb: r(3) < 2
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(2) < 2
- js: r(2).lt(2)
- rb: r(2) < 2
- ot: false
- # All Comparisons can take an arbitrary number of arguments though
- # the functionality is only available in JS at the moment
- - js: r(1).lt(2, 3, 4)
- ot: true
- - js: r(1).lt(2, 3, 2)
- ot: false
- ## basic >
- - cd: r(1).gt(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) > 2
- - 1 > r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).gt(2)
- rb:
- - r(1) > 2
- - r(1).gt(2)
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(3) > 2
- js: r(3).gt(2)
- rb: r(3) > 2
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(2) > 2
- js: r(2).gt(2)
- rb: r(2) > 2
- ot: false
- - js: r(4).gt(3, 2, 1)
- ot: true
- - js: r(4).gt(3, 2, 3)
- ot: false
- ## basic ==
- - cd: r(1).eq(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) == 2
- - 1 == r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).eq(2)
- rb: r(1).eq 2
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(3) == 2
- js: r(3).eq(2)
- rb: r(3).eq 2
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(2) == 2
- js: r(2).eq(2)
- rb: r(2).eq 2
- ot: true
- - js: r(1).eq(1, 1, 1)
- ot: true
- - js: r(1).eq(1, 2, 1)
- ot: false
- ## basic !=
- - cd: r(1).ne(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) != 2
- - 1 != r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).ne(2)
- rb: r(1).ne 2
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(3) != 2
- js: r(3).ne(2)
- rb: r(3).ne 2
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(2) != 2
- js: r(2).ne(2)
- rb: r(2).ne 2
- ot: false
- - js: r(1).ne(3, 2, 4)
- ot: true
- - js: r(1).ne(3, 2, 3)
- ot: true
- ## basic <=
- - js: r(1).le(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) <= 2
- - 1 <= r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).le(2)
- rb:
- - r(1) <= 2
- - r(1).le(2)
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(3) <= 2
- js: r(3).le(2)
- rb: r(3) <= 2
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(2) <= 2
- js: r(2).le(2)
- rb: r(2) <= 2
- ot: true
- - js: r(1).le(1, 2, 2)
- ot: true
- - js: r(1).le(1, 3, 2)
- ot: false
- ## basic >=
- - cd: r(1).ge(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) >= 2
- - 1 >= r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).ge(2)
- rb:
- - r(1) >= 2
- - r(1).ge(2)
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(3) >= 2
- js: r(3).ge(2)
- rb: r(3) >= 2
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(2) >= 2
- js: r(2).ge(2)
- rb: r(2) >= 2
- ot: true
- - js: r(4).ge(4, 2, 2)
- ot: true
- - js: r(4).ge(4, 2, 3)
- ot: false
- # Comparisons for NULL
- - cd: r(null).eq(null)
- py:
- - r.expr(null) == null
- - null == r.expr(null)
- ot: true
- - cd: r(null).lt(null)
- py:
- - r.expr(null) < null
- - null < r.expr(null)
- - r.expr(null).lt(null)
- rb: r(null) < null
- ot: false
- - cd: r(null).gt(null)
- py:
- - r.expr(null) > null
- - null > r.expr(null)
- - r.expr(null).gt(null)
- rb: r(null) > null
- ot: false
- # Comparisons for STRING
- # STRING comparison should be lexicagraphical
- - py: r.expr('a') == 'a'
- cd: r('a').eq('a')
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('a') == 'aa'
- cd: r('a').eq('aa')
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr('a') < 'aa'
- cd: r('a').lt('aa')
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('a') < 'bb'
- cd: r('a').lt('bb')
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('bb') > 'a'
- cd: r('bb').gt('a')
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('abcdef') < 'abcdeg'
- cd: r('abcdef').lt('abcdeg')
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('abcdefg') > 'abcdeg'
- cd: r('abcdefg').gt('abcdeg')
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr('A quick brown fox') > 'A quick brawn fox'
- js: r('A quick brown fox').gt('A quick brawn fox')
- rb: r('A quick brown fox') > 'A quick brawn fox'
- ot: true
- # Comparisons for ARRAY
- # Also lexicographical
- - py: r.expr([1]) < [2]
- js: r([1]).lt([2])
- rb: r([1]) < [2]
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1]) > [2]
- js: r([1]).gt([2])
- rb: r([1]) > [2]
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr([1, 0]) < [2]
- js: r([1, 0]).lt([2])
- rb: r([1, 0]) < [2]
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1, 0]) < [1]
- js: r([1, 0]).lt([1])
- rb: r([1, 0]) < [1]
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr([1, 0]) > [0]
- js: r([1, 0]).gt([0])
- rb: r([1, 0]) > [0]
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1, 'a']) < [1, 'b']
- js: r([1, 'a']).lt([1, 'b'])
- rb: r([1, 'a']) < [1, 'b']
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([0, 'z']) < [1, 'b']
- js: r([0, 'z']).lt([1, 'b'])
- rb: r([0, 'z']) < [1, 'b']
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1, 1, 1]) < [1, 0, 2]
- js: r([1, 1, 1]).lt([1, 0, 2])
- rb: r([1, 1, 1]) < [1, 0, 2]
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr([1, 0, 2]) < [1, 1, 1]
- js: r([1, 0, 2]).lt([1, 1, 1])
- rb: r([1, 0, 2]) < [1, 1, 1]
- ot: true
- # Comparisons for OBJECT
- - py: r.expr({'a':0}) == {'a':0}
- cd: r({'a':0}).eq({'a':0})
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1}) == {'b':1, 'a':0}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1}).eq({'b':1, 'a':0})
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}) == {'b':1, 'a':0}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}).eq({'b':1, 'a':0})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1}) == {'b':1, 'a':0, 'c':2}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1}).eq({'b':1, 'a':0, 'c':2})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1, 'd':2}) == {'b':1, 'a':0, 'c':2}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1, 'd':2}).eq({'b':1, 'a':0, 'c':2})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0}) < {'b':0}
- cd: r({'a':0}).lt({'b':0})
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr({'a':1}) < {'b':0}
- cd: r({'a':1}).lt({'b':0})
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr({'b':1}) < {'b':0}
- cd: r({'b':1}).lt({'b':0})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'b':1}) < {'a':0}
- cd: r({'b':1}).lt({'a':0})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}) < {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}).lt({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3}) < {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3}).lt({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}) < {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}).lt({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3})
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'c':2}) < {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'c':2}).lt({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2})
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr({'a':0, 'c':2}) > {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}
- cd: r({'a':0, 'c':2}).gt({'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2})
- ot: true
- # Comparisons across types
- # RQL primitive types compare as if mapped to the following numbers
- # MINVAL: 0
- # ARRAY: 1
- # BINARY: 2
- # BOOLEAN: 3
- # NULL: 4
- # NUMBER: 5
- # OBJECT: 6
- # STRING: 7
- # MAXVAL: 8
- - def:
- py: everything = r.expr([[],,r.binary(b"\x00"),false,null,-5,{},"a",r.maxval])
- js: everything = r.expr([[],,r.binary(Buffer("\x00")),false,null,-5,{},"a",r.maxval])
- rb: everything = r.expr([[],,r.binary("\x00"),false,null,-5,{},"a",r.maxval])
- - js: r.and(r.args(, r.row))))
- py: r.and_(r.args(, r.row))))
- rb: r.and(r.args({|x|, x)}))
- ot: true
- - js: r.or(r.args(, r.row))))
- py: r.or_(r.args(, r.row))))
- rb: r.or(r.args({|x|, x)}))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.eq(r.minval, r.minval)
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([]) < True
- js: r([]).lt(true)
- rb: r([]) < true
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1,2]) < False
- js: r([1,2]).lt(false)
- rb: r([1,2]) < false
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(False) < []
- js: r(false).lt([])
- rb: r(false) < []
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr([]) < r.binary(b"\xAE")
- js: r([]).lt(r.binary(Buffer("\x00")))
- rb: r([]) < r.binary("")
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr([1,2]) < r.binary(b"\xAE")
- js: r([1,2]).lt(r.binary(Buffer("\x00")))
- rb: r([1,2]) < r.binary("")
- ot: true
- - py: True < r.expr(null)
- js: r(true).lt(null)
- rb: r(true) < null
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(null) > []
- js: r(null).gt([])
- rb: r(null) > []
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(null) < 12
- js: r(null).lt(12)
- rb: r(null) < 12
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(null) < -2
- js: r(null).lt(-2)
- rb: r(null) < -2
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(-12) < {}
- js: r(-12).lt({})
- rb: r(-12) < {}
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(100) < {'a':-12}
- js: r(100).lt({a:-12})
- rb: r(100) < { :a => 12 }
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(r.binary(b"\xAE")) < 12
- js: r(r.binary(Buffer("\x00"))).lt(12)
- rb: r(r.binary("")) < 12
- ot: false
- - py: r.binary(b"0xAE") < 'abc'
- js: r.binary(Buffer("0x00")).lt('abc')
- rb: r.binary("") < 'abc'
- ot: true
- - py: r.binary(b"0xAE") >
- js: r.binary(Buffer("0x00")).gt(
- rb: r.binary("") >
- ot: false
- - cd: > 12
- js:
- ot: true
- - cd: > 'abc'
- js:'abc')
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr("abc") > {'a':-12}
- js: r('abc').gt({a:-12})
- rb: r('abc') > { :a => 12 }
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr("abc") > {'abc':'abc'}
- js: r('abc').gt({abc:'abc'})
- rb: r('abc') > { :abc => 'abc' }
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('zzz') > 128
- js: r('zzz').gt(128)
- rb: r('zzz') > 128
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr('zzz') > {}
- js: r('zzz').gt({})
- rb: r('zzz') > {}
- ot: true
- - py: 'zzz' > r.expr(-152)
- js: r('zzz').gt(-152)
- rb: r('zzz') > -152
- ot: true
- - py: 'zzz' > r.expr(null)
- js: r('zzz').gt(null)
- rb: r('zzz') > null
- ot: true
- - py: 'zzz' > r.expr([])
- js: r('zzz').gt([])
- rb: r('zzz') > []
- ot: true
- - def:
- rb: everything2 = r.expr([r.minval,[],,r.binary("\x00"),false,null,-5,{},"a"])
- py: everything2 = r.expr([r.minval,[],,r.binary(b"\x00"),false,null,-5,{},"a"])
- js: everything2 = r.expr([r.minval,[],,r.binary(Buffer("\x00")),false,null,-5,{},"a"])
- - js: r.and(r.args(, r.row))))
- py: r.and_(r.args(, r.row))))
- rb: r.and(r.args({|x|, x)}))
- ot: true
- - js: r.or(r.args(, r.row))))
- py: r.or_(r.args(, r.row))))
- rb: r.or(r.args({|x|, x)}))
- ot: false
- - cd: r.eq(r.maxval, r.maxval)
- ot: true
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/div.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/div.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ffca4156..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/div.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for the basic usage of the division operation
- - cd: r(4).div(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(4) / 2
- - 4 / r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(4).div(2)
- rb:
- - (r 4) / 2
- - r(4).div 2
- - 4 / r(2)
- ot: 2
- - py: r.expr(-1) / -2
- js: r(-1).div(-2)
- rb: (r -1) / -2
- ot: 0.5
- - py: r.expr(4.9) / 0.7
- js: r(4.9).div(0.7)
- rb: (r 4.9) / 0.7
- ot: 4.9 / 0.7
- - cd: r.expr(1).div(2,3,4,5)
- ot: 1.0/120
- # Divide by zero test
- - cd:
- - r(1).div(0)
- - r(2.0).div(0)
- - r(3).div(0.0)
- - r(4.0).div(0.0)
- - r(0).div(0)
- - r(0.0).div(0.0)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) / 0
- - r.expr(2.0) / 0
- - r.expr(3) / 0.0
- - r.expr(4.0) / 0.0
- - r.expr(0) / 0
- - r.expr(0.0) / 0.0
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot divide by zero.', [1])
- # Type errors
- - py: r.expr('a') / 0.8
- cd: r('a').div(0.8)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- - py: r.expr(1) / 'a'
- cd: r(1).div('a')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [1])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/floor_ceil_round.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/floor_ceil_round.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d32526f5..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/floor_ceil_round.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-desc: tests for `floor`, `ceil`, and `round`, tests inspired by the Python test suite
- - cd: r.floor(1.0).type_of()
- ot: "NUMBER"
- - cd: r.floor(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.expr(1.0).floor()
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.floor(0.5)
- ot: 0.0
- - cd: r.floor(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.floor(1.5)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.floor(-0.5)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.floor(-1.0)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.floor(-1.5)
- ot: -2.0
- - cd: r.expr('X').floor()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
- - cd: r.ceil(1.0).type_of()
- ot: "NUMBER"
- - cd: r.ceil(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.expr(1.0).ceil()
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.ceil(0.5)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.ceil(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.ceil(1.5)
- ot: 2.0
- - cd: r.ceil(-0.5)
- ot: 0.0
- - cd: r.ceil(-1.0)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.ceil(-1.5)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.expr('X').ceil()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
- - cd: r.round(1.0).type_of()
- ot: "NUMBER"
- - cd: r.round(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.expr(1.0).round()
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.round(0.5)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.round(-0.5)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.round(0.0)
- ot: 0.0
- - cd: r.round(1.0)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.round(10.0)
- ot: 10.0
- - cd: r.round(1000000000.0)
- ot: 1000000000.0
- - cd: r.round(1e20)
- ot: 1e20
- - cd: r.round(-1.0)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.round(-10.0)
- ot: -10.0
- - cd: r.round(-1000000000.0)
- ot: -1000000000.0
- - cd: r.round(-1e20)
- ot: -1e20
- - cd: r.round(0.1)
- ot: 0.0
- - cd: r.round(1.1)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.round(10.1)
- ot: 10.0
- - cd: r.round(1000000000.1)
- ot: 1000000000.0
- - cd: r.round(-1.1)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.round(-10.1)
- ot: -10.0
- - cd: r.round(-1000000000.1)
- ot: -1000000000.0
- - cd: r.round(0.9)
- ot: 1.0
- - cd: r.round(9.9)
- ot: 10.0
- - cd: r.round(999999999.9)
- ot: 1000000000.0
- - cd: r.round(-0.9)
- ot: -1.0
- - cd: r.round(-9.9)
- ot: -10.0
- - cd: r.round(-999999999.9)
- ot: -1000000000.0
- - cd: r.expr('X').round()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/logic.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/logic.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 84dbc574..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/logic.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-desc: These tests are aimed at &&, ||, and !
- ## basic operator usage
- # Python overloads '&' for 'and'
- - py:
- - r.expr(true) & true
- - true & r.expr(true)
- - r.and_(true,true)
- - r.expr(true).and_(true)
- rb:
- - r(true) & true
- - r(true) & r(true)
- - r.and(true,true)
- - r(true).and(true)
- js:
- - r.and(true,true)
- - r(true).and(true)
- ot: true
- - py:
- - r.expr(true) & false
- - r.expr(false) & false
- - true & r.expr(false)
- - false & r.expr(false)
- - r.and_(true,false)
- - r.and_(false,false)
- - r.expr(true).and_(false)
- - r.expr(false).and_(false)
- rb:
- - r(true) & false
- - r(false) & false
- - r(true) & r(false)
- - r(false) & r(false)
- - r.and(true,false)
- - r.and(false,false)
- - r(true).and(false)
- - r(false).and(false)
- js:
- - r.and(true,false)
- - r.and(false,false)
- - r(true).and(false)
- - r(false).and(false)
- ot: false
- # Python overloads '|' for 'or'
- - py:
- - r.expr(true) | true
- - r.expr(true) | false
- - true | r.expr(true)
- - true | r.expr(false)
- - r.or_(true,true)
- - r.or_(true,false)
- - r.expr(true).or_(true)
- - r.expr(true).or_(false)
- rb:
- - r(true) | true
- - r(true) | false
- - r(true) | r(true)
- - r(true) | r(false)
- - r.or(true,true)
- - r.or(true,false)
- - r(true).or(true)
- - r(true).or(false)
- js:
- - r.or(true,true)
- - r.or(true,false)
- - r(true).or(true)
- - r(true).or(false)
- ot: true
- - py:
- - r.expr(false) | false
- - false | r.expr(false)
- - r.and_(false,false)
- - r.expr(false).and_(false)
- rb:
- - r(false) | false
- - r(false) | r(false)
- - r.and(false,false)
- - r(false).and(false)
- js:
- - r.and(false,false)
- - r(false).and(false)
- ot: false
- # Python overloads '~' for 'not'
- - py:
- - ~r.expr(True)
- - r.not_(True)
- cd: r(true).not()
- ot: false
- - py:
- - ~r.expr(False)
- - r.not_(False)
- cd: r(false).not()
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(True).not_()
- cd: r(true).not()
- ot: false
- - py: r.expr(False).not_()
- cd: r(false).not()
- ot: true
- ## DeMorgan's rules!
- - py:
- - ~r.and_(True, True) == r.or_(~r.expr(True), ~r.expr(True))
- - ~r.and_(True, False) == r.or_(~r.expr(True), ~r.expr(False))
- - ~r.and_(False, False) == r.or_(~r.expr(False), ~r.expr(False))
- - ~r.and_(False, True) == r.or_(~r.expr(False), ~r.expr(True))
- cd:
- - r(true).and(true).not().eq(r(true).not().or(r(true).not()))
- - r(true).and(false).not().eq(r(true).not().or(r(false).not()))
- - r(false).and(false).not().eq(r(false).not().or(r(false).not()))
- - r(false).and(true).not().eq(r(false).not().or(r(true).not()))
- ot: true
- # Test multiple arguments to 'and' and 'or'
- - cd: r(true).and(true, true, true, true)
- py: r.and_(True, True, True, True, True)
- ot: true
- - cd: r(true).and(true, true, false, true)
- py: r.and_(True, True, True, False, True)
- ot: false
- - cd: r(true).and(false, true, false, true)
- py: r.and_(True, False, True, False, True)
- ot: false
- - cd: r(false).or(false, false, false, false)
- py: r.or_(False, False, False, False, False)
- ot: false
- - cd: r(false).or(false, false, true, false)
- py: r.or_(False, False, False, True, False)
- ot: true
- - cd: r(false).or(true, false, true, false)
- py: r.or_(False, True, False, True, False)
- ot: true
- # Test that precedence errors are detected
- - js: r.expr(r.expr('a')('b')).default(2)
- py: r.expr(r.expr('a')['b']).default(2)
- rb: r(r('a')['b']).default(2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot perform bracket on a non-object non-sequence `\"a\"`.", [])
- - py: r.expr(r.expr(True) & r.expr(False) == r.expr(False) | r.expr(True))
- ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", "Calling '==' on result of infix bitwise operator:", [])
- - py: r.expr(r.and_(True, False) == r.or_(False, True))
- ot: False
- - rb: r.expr(r.expr(True) & r.expr(False) >= r.expr(False) | r.expr(True))
- py: r.expr(r.expr(True) & r.expr(False) >= r.expr(False) | r.expr(True))
- ot: err("ReqlDriverCompileError", "Calling '>=' on result of infix bitwise operator:", [])
- - cd: r.expr(r.and(True, False) >= r.or(False, True))
- py: r.expr(r.and_(True, False) >= r.or_(False, True))
- ot: False
- # Type errors
- - py: r.expr(1) & True
- cd: r(1).and(true)
- ot: true
- - py: r.expr(False) | 'str'
- cd: r(false).or('str')
- ot: ("str")
- - py: ~r.expr(1)
- cd: r(1).not()
- ot: false
- - py: ~r.expr(null)
- cd: r(null).not()
- ot: true
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/math.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/math.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5010ac51..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/math.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests of nested arithmetic expressions
- - py: (((4 + 2 * (r.expr(26) % 18)) / 5) - 3)
- js: r(4).add(r(2).mul(r(26).mod(18))).div(5).sub(3)
- rb:
- - ((((r 4) + (r 2) * ((r 26) % 18)) / 5) -3)
- - (((4 + 2 * ((r 26) % 18)) / 5) -3)
- ot: 1
- # Prescedence set by host langauge
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/mod.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/mod.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 80a0a32c..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/mod.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for the basic usage of the mod operation
- - cd: r.expr(10).mod(3)
- py:
- - r.expr(10) % 3
- - 10 % r.expr(3)
- - r.expr(10).mod(3)
- rb:
- - (r 10) % 3
- - r(10).mod 3
- - 10 % (r 3)
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(-10).mod(-3)
- py: r.expr(-10) % -3
- rb: (r -10) % -3
- ot: -1
- # Type errors
- - cd: r.expr(4).mod('a')
- py: r.expr(4) % 'a'
- rb: r(4) % 'a'
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [1])
- - cd: r.expr('a').mod(1)
- py: r.expr('a') % 1
- rb: r('a') % 1
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr('a').mod('b')
- py: r.expr('a') % 'b'
- rb: r('a') % 'b'
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/mul.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/mul.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ba9b3f9d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/mul.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for the basic usage of the multiplication operation
- - cd: r.expr(1).mul(2)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) * 2
- - 1 * r.expr(2)
- - r.expr(1).mul(2)
- rb:
- - (r 1) * 2
- - r(1).mul(2)
- - 1 * (r 2)
- ot: 2
- - py: r.expr(-1) * -1
- js: r(-1).mul(-1)
- rb: (r -1) * -1
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(1.5).mul(4.5)
- py: r.expr(1.5) * 4.5
- rb: (r 1.5) * 4.5
- ot: 6.75
- - py: r.expr([1,2,3]) * 3
- js: r([1,2,3]).mul(3)
- rb: (r [1,2,3]) * 3
- ot: [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
- - cd: r.expr(1).mul(2,3,4,5)
- ot: 120
- - cd: r(2).mul([1,2,3], 2)
- py: # this form does not work in Python
- ot: [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
- - cd: r([1,2,3]).mul(2, 2)
- py: # this form does not work in Python
- ot: [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
- - cd: r(2).mul(2, [1,2,3])
- py: # this form does not work in Python
- ot: [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
- # Type errors
- - py: r.expr('a') * 0.8
- cd: r('a').mul(0.8)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- - py: r.expr(1) * 'a'
- cd: r(1).mul('a')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [1])
- - py: r.expr('b') * 'a'
- cd: r('b').mul('a')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- - py: r.expr([]) * 1.5
- cd: r([]).mul(1.5)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number not an integer: 1.5', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/sub.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/sub.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c91bdaa..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/math_logic/sub.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for basic usage of the subtraction operation
- - cd: r.expr(1).sub(1)
- py:
- - r.expr(1) - 1
- - 1 - r.expr(1)
- - r.expr(1).sub(1)
- rb:
- - (r 1) - 1
- - 1 - (r 1)
- - r(1).sub(1)
- - r.expr(1).sub(1)
- ot: 0
- - cd: r.expr(-1).sub(1)
- py: r.expr(-1) - 1
- rb: (r -1) - 1
- ot: -2
- - cd: r.expr(1.75).sub(8.5)
- py: r.expr(1.75) - 8.5
- rb: (r 1.75) - 8.5
- ot: -6.75
- - cd: r.expr(1).sub(2,3,4,5)
- ot: -13
- # Type errors
- - cd: r.expr('a').sub(0.8)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr(1).sub('a')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [1])
- - cd: r.expr('b').sub('a')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a8cf5b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests meta operations in composite queries
- - py: r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(r.db_create('db_' + r.row.coerce_to('string')))
- ot: ({'dbs_created':3,'config_changes':arrlen(3)})
- - py: |
- r.db_list().set_difference(["rethinkdb", "test"]).for_each(lambda db_name:
- r.expr([1,2,3]).for_each(lambda i:
- r.db(db_name).table_create('tbl_' + i.coerce_to('string'))))
- ot: partial({'tables_created':9})
- - py: r.db_list().set_difference(["rethinkdb", "test"]).for_each(r.db_drop(r.row))
- ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':3,'tables_dropped':9})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/dbs.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/dbs.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c49460e3..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/dbs.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests meta queries for databases
- # We should always start out with a 'test' database and the special 'rethinkdb'
- # database
- - cd: r.db_list()
- ot: bag(['rethinkdb', 'test'])
- ## DB create
- - cd: r.db_create('a')
- ot: partial({'dbs_created':1})
- - cd: r.db_create('b')
- ot: partial({'dbs_created':1})
- ## DB list
- - cd: r.db_list()
- ot: bag(['rethinkdb', 'a', 'b', 'test'])
- ## DB config
- - cd: r.db('a').config()
- ot: {'name':'a','id':uuid()}
- ## DB drop
- - cd: r.db_drop('b')
- ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':1})
- - cd: r.db_list()
- ot: bag(['rethinkdb', 'a', 'test'])
- - cd: r.db_drop('a')
- ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':1})
- - cd: r.db_list()
- ot: bag(['rethinkdb', 'test'])
- ## DB errors
- - cd: r.db_create('bar')
- ot: partial({'dbs_created':1})
- - cd: r.db_create('bar')
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Database `bar` already exists.', [0])
- - cd: r.db_drop('bar')
- ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':1})
- - cd: r.db_drop('bar')
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Database `bar` does not exist.', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 940a9d27..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/meta/table.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests meta queries for creating and deleting tables
- - def: db = r.db('test')
- - cd: db.table_list()
- ot: []
- - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').info()
- ot: ({'type':'DB','name':'rethinkdb','id':null})
- - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').table('stats').info()
- ot: partial({'db':{'type':'DB','name':'rethinkdb','id':null},
- 'type':'TABLE','id':null,'name':'stats',
- 'indexes':[],'primary_key':'id'})
- # Table create
- - cd: db.table_create('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_list()
- ot: ['a']
- - cd: db.table_create('b')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_list()
- ot: bag(['a', 'b'])
- # Table drop
- - cd: db.table_drop('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: db.table_list()
- ot: ['b']
- - cd: db.table_drop('b')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: db.table_list()
- ot: []
- # Table create options
- - py: db.table_create('ab', durability='soft')
- js: db.table_create('ab', {durability:'soft'})
- rb: db.table_create('ab', :durability => 'soft')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1,'config_changes':[partial({'new_val':partial({'durability':'soft'})})]})
- - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - py: db.table_create('ab', durability='hard')
- js: db.table_create('ab', {durability:'hard'})
- rb: db.table_create('ab', :durability => 'hard')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1,'config_changes':[partial({'new_val':partial({'durability':'hard'})})]})
- - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - py: db.table_create('ab', durability='fake')
- js: db.table_create('ab', {durability:'fake'})
- rb: db.table_create('ab', :durability => 'fake')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Durability option `fake` unrecognized (options are "hard" and "soft").')
- - py: db.table_create('ab', primary_key='bar', shards=2, replicas=1)
- js: db.tableCreate('ab', {primary_key:'bar', shards:2, replicas:1})
- rb: db.table_create('ab', {:primary_key => 'bar', :shards => 1, :replicas => 1})
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - py: db.table_create('ab', primary_key='bar', primary_replica_tag='default')
- js: db.tableCreate('ab', {primary_key:'bar', primaryReplicaTag:'default'})
- rb: db.table_create('ab', {:primary_key => 'bar', :primary_replica_tag => 'default'})
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - py: db.table_create('ab', nonvoting_replica_tags=['default'])
- js: db.tableCreate('ab', {nonvotingReplicaTags:['default']})
- rb: db.table_create('ab', {:nonvoting_replica_tags => ['default']})
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('ab')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- # Table reconfigure
- - cd: db.table_create('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=1)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:1})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 1)
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":1}, nonvoting_replica_tags=['default'], primary_replica_tag='default')
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:1}, nonvoting_replica_tags:['default'], primary_replica_tag:'default'})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 1}, :nonvoting_replica_tags => ['default'], :primary_replica_tag => 'default')
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=1, dry_run=True)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:1, dry_run:true})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 1, :dry_run => true)
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':0})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback")
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback"})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback")
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'This table doesn\'t need to be repaired.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback", dry_run=True)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback", dry_run:true})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback", :dry_run => true)
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'This table doesn\'t need to be repaired.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback_or_erase")
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback_or_erase"})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback_or_erase")
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'This table doesn\'t need to be repaired.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair=None, shards=1, replicas=1, dry_run=True)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:null, shards:1, replicas:1, dry_run:true})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => null, :shards => 1, :replicas => 1, :dry_run => true)
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':0})
- - cd: db.table_drop('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- # Table errors
- - cd: db.table_create('foo')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_create('foo')
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `` already exists.', [0])
- - cd: db.table_drop('foo')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('foo')
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `` does not exist.', [0])
- - cd: db.table_create('nonsense', 'foo')
- ot:
- js: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.', [])
- rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- py: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - js: db.table_create('nonsense', {'foo':'bar'})
- py: db.table_create('nonsense', foo='bar')
- rb: db.table_create('nonsense', :foo => 'bar')
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', "Unrecognized optional argument `foo`.", [])
- # RSI(reql_admin): Add tests for table_create() with configuration parameters
- # Table reconfigure errors
- - cd: db.table_create('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=0, replicas=1)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:0, replicas:1})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 0, :replicas => 1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Every table must have at least one shard.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":1}, primary_replica_tag="foo")
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:1}, primary_replica_tag:"foo"})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 1}, :primary_replica_tag => "foo")
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Can\'t use server tag `foo` for primary replicas because you specified no replicas in server tag `foo`.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":1}, primary_replica_tag="default", nonvoting_replica_tags=["foo"])
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{"default":1}, primary_replica_tag:"default", nonvoting_replica_tags:["foo"]})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 1}, :primary_replica_tag => "default", :nonvoting_replica_tags => ["foo"])
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'You specified that the replicas in server tag `foo` should be non-voting, but you didn\'t specify a number of replicas in server tag `foo`.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"foo":0}, primary_replica_tag="foo")
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{foo:0}, primary_replica_tag:"foo"})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:foo => 0}, :primary_replica_tag => "foo")
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'You must set `replicas` to at least one. `replicas` includes the primary replica; if there are zero replicas, there is nowhere to put the data.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":0})
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:0}})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 0})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`primary_replica_tag` must be specified when `replicas` is an OBJECT.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":-3}, primary_replica_tag='default')
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:-3}, primary_replica_tag:'default'})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => -3}, :primary_replica_tag => 'default')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Can\'t have a negative number of replicas', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=3, primary_replica_tag='foo')
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:3, primary_replica_tag:'foo'})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 3, :primary_replica_tag => 'foo')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`replicas` must be an OBJECT if `primary_replica_tag` is specified.', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=3, nonvoting_replica_tags=['foo'])
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:3, nonvoting_replica_tags:['foo']})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 3, :nonvoting_replica_tags => ['foo'])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`replicas` must be an OBJECT if `nonvoting_replica_tags` is specified.', [])
- - py: db.reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback")
- js: db.reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback"})
- rb: db.reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Can\'t emergency repair an entire database at once; instead you should run `reconfigure()` on each table individually.')
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="foo")
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"foo"})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "foo")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`emergency_repair` should be "unsafe_rollback" or "unsafe_rollback_or_erase"', [])
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(emergency_repair="unsafe_rollback", shards=1, replicas=1)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({emergency_repair:"unsafe_rollback", shards:1, replicas:1})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:emergency_repair => "unsafe_rollback", :shards => 1, :replicas => 1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'In emergency repair mode, you can\'t specify shards, replicas, etc.')
- # Test reconfigure auto-sharding without data
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=2, replicas=1)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:2, replicas:1})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 2, :replicas => 1)
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
- - py: db.table('a').wait(wait_for="all_replicas_ready")
- js: db.table('a').wait({"waitFor":"all_replicas_ready"})
- rb: db.table('a').wait(:wait_for=>"all_replicas_ready")
- ot: {"ready":1}
- # Insert some data so that `reconfigure()` can pick shard points
- - py: db.table('a').insert([{"id":1}, {"id":2}, {"id":3}, {"id":4}])
- js: db.table('a').insert([{id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}, {id:4}])
- rb: db.table('a').insert([{"id" => 1}, {"id" => 2}, {"id" => 3}, {"id" => 4}])
- ot: partial({"inserted":4})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=2, replicas=1)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:2, replicas:1})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 2, :replicas => 1)
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':1})
- - py: db.table('a').reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=2)
- js: db.table('a').reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:2})
- rb: db.table('a').reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 2)
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Can\'t put 2 replicas on servers with the tag `default` because there are only 1 servers with the tag `default`. It\'s impossible to have more replicas of the data than there are servers.', [])
- # Test wait and rebalance
- - py: db.table('a').wait(wait_for="all_replicas_ready")
- js: db.table('a').wait({"waitFor":"all_replicas_ready"})
- rb: db.table('a').wait(:wait_for=>"all_replicas_ready")
- ot: {"ready":1}
- - cd: db.table('a').rebalance()
- ot: partial({'rebalanced':1})
- - py: db.wait(wait_for="all_replicas_ready")
- js: db.wait({"waitFor":"all_replicas_ready"})
- rb: db.wait(:wait_for=>"all_replicas_ready")
- ot: {"ready":1}
- - cd: db.rebalance()
- ot: partial({'rebalanced':1})
- - cd: r.wait()
- ot:
- py: err('AttributeError', "'module' object has no attribute 'wait'", [])
- # different sub-versions of node have different messages #5617
- js: err('TypeError')
- rb: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`wait` can only be called on a table or database.', [])
- - cd: r.rebalance()
- ot:
- py: err('AttributeError', "'module' object has no attribute 'rebalance'", [])
- # different sub-versions of node have different messages #5617
- js: err('TypeError')
- rb: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`rebalance` can only be called on a table or database.', [])
- - cd: db.table_drop('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- # Reconfiguring all tables in a database
- - cd: db.table_create('a')
- - cd: db.table_create('b')
- - cd: db.table_create('c')
- - py: db.reconfigure(shards=0, replicas=1)
- js: db.reconfigure({shards:0, replicas:1})
- rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 0, :replicas => 1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Every table must have at least one shard.', [])
- - py: db.reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":0})
- js: db.reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:0}})
- rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => 0})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`primary_replica_tag` must be specified when `replicas` is an OBJECT.', [])
- - py: db.reconfigure(shards=1, replicas={"default":-3}, primary_replica_tag='default')
- js: db.reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:{default:-3}, primary_replica_tag:'default'})
- rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => {:default => -3}, :primary_replica_tag => 'default')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Can\'t have a negative number of replicas', [])
- - py: db.reconfigure(shards=1, replicas=3, primary_replica_tag='foo')
- js: db.reconfigure({shards:1, replicas:3, primary_replica_tag:'foo'})
- rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 1, :replicas => 3, :primary_replica_tag => 'foo')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`replicas` must be an OBJECT if `primary_replica_tag` is specified.', [])
- - py: db.reconfigure(shards=2, replicas=1)
- js: db.reconfigure({shards:2, replicas:1})
- rb: db.reconfigure(:shards => 2, :replicas => 1)
- ot: partial({'reconfigured':3})
- - cd: db.table_drop('a')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('b')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('c')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- # table_config and table_status porcelains
- - cd: r.db_create("test2")
- ot: partial({'dbs_created':1})
- - def: db2 = r.db("test2")
- - cd: db.table_create("testA")
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db.table_create("testB")
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: db2.table_create("test2B")
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: r.table('testA').config().pluck('db','name')
- ot: {'db':'test','name':'testA'}
- - cd: r.table('doesntexist').config()
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `test.doesntexist` does not exist.', [])
- - cd: r.table('test2B').config()
- ot: err('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Table `test.test2B` does not exist.', [])
- - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config').filter({'name':'testA'}).nth(0).eq(r.table('testA').config())
- ot: True
- - cd: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_status').filter({'name':'testA'}).nth(0).eq(r.table('testA').status())
- ot: True
- - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config', identifier_format='uuid').nth(0)["db"]
- js: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config', {identifierFormat:'uuid'}).nth(0)("db")
- rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('table_config', {:identifier_format=>'uuid'}).nth(0)["db"]
- ot: uuid()
- - py: r.table('testA', identifier_format='uuid').count()
- js: r.table('testA', {identifierFormat:'uuid'}).count()
- rb: r.table('testA', {:identifier_format=>'uuid'}).count()
- ot: 0
- - py: r.wait(wait_for='all_replicas_ready', timeout=5)
- js: r.wait({waitFor:'all_replicas_ready', timeout:5})
- rb: r.wait(:wait_for=>'all_replicas_ready', :timeout => 5)
- ot:
- py: err('AttributeError', "'module' object has no attribute 'wait'", [])
- # different sub-versions of node have different messages #5617
- js: err('TypeError')
- rb: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`wait` can only be called on a table or database.', [])
- - cd: db.table_drop('testA')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: db.table_drop('testB')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: r.db_drop('test2')
- ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':1,'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/atomic_get_set.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/atomic_get_set.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1621a7..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/atomic_get_set.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests replacement of selections
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # old version of argument
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':0}, :return_vals => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.insert({'id':0}, return_vals=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':0}, {'return_vals':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Error:"+" encountered obsolete optarg `return_vals`. Use `return_changes` instead.", [0])
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':0}, :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.insert({'id':0}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':0}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[{'old_val':null,'new_val':{'id':0}}]})
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':0}, :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.insert({'id':0}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':0}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[], 'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}"})
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':0}, return_changes:'always').pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.insert({'id':0}, return_changes='always').pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':0}, {'return__changes':'always'}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}",'changes':[{'old_val':{'id':0},'new_val':{'id':0},'error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}"}]})
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':1}], :return_changes => true)
- py: tbl.insert([{'id':1}], return_changes=True)
- js: tbl.insert([{'id':1}], {'return__changes':true})
- ot: ({'changes':[{'new_val':{'id':1},'old_val':null}], 'errors':0, 'deleted':0, 'unchanged':0, 'skipped':0, 'replaced':0, 'inserted':1})
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0}], :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.insert([{'id':0}], return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.insert([{'id':0}], {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[],'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t0\n}"})
- - cd: tbl.get(0).update({'x':1}, :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.get(0).update({'x':1}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.get(0).update({'x':1}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[{'old_val':{'id':0},'new_val':{'id':0,'x':1}}]})
- - cd: tbl.get(0).update({'x':r.error("a")}, :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.get(0).update({'x':r.error("a")}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.get(0).update({'x':r.error("a")}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[],'first_error':'a'})
- - rb: tbl.update({'x':3}, :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error').do {|d| d.merge({:changes => d['changes'].order_by {|a| a['old_val']['id']}})}
- py: tbl.update({'x':3}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error').do(lambda d:d.merge({'changes':d['changes'].order_by(lambda a:a['old_val']['id'])}))
- js: tbl.update({'x':3}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error').do(function(p){return p.merge({'changes':p('changes').orderBy(function(a){return a('old__val')('id')})})})
- ot: ({'changes':[{'old_val':{'id':0, 'x':1},'new_val':{'id':0, 'x':3}}, {'old_val':{'id':1},'new_val':{'id':1, 'x':3}}]})
- - cd: tbl.get(0).replace({'id':0,'x':2}, :return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.get(0).replace({'id':0,'x':2}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.get(0).replace({'id':0,'x':2}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[{'old_val':{'id':0,'x':3},'new_val':{'id':0,'x':2}}]})
- - cd: tbl.get(0).replace(:return_changes => true){{'x':r.error('a')}}.pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.get(0).replace(lambda y:{'x':r.error('a')}, return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.get(0).replace(function(y){return {'x':r.error('a')}}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[],'first_error':'a'})
- - cd: tbl.get(0).replace(:return_changes => 'always'){{'x':r.error('a')}}.pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.get(0).replace(lambda y:{'x':r.error('a')}, return_changes='always').pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.get(0).replace(function(y){return {'x':r.error('a')}}, {'return__changes':'always'}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'first_error':'a','changes':[{'old_val':{'id':0,'x':2},'new_val':{'id':0,'x':2},'error':'a'}]})
- - rb: tbl.replace( :return_changes => true) { |d| d.without('x')}.pluck('changes', 'first_error').do {|d| d.merge({:changes => d['changes'].order_by {|a| a['old_val']['id']}})}
- py: tbl.replace(lambda y:y.without('x'), return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error').do(lambda d:d.merge({'changes':d['changes'].order_by(lambda a:a['old_val']['id'])}))
- js: tbl.replace(function(p){return p.without('x')}, {'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error').do(function(p){return p.merge({'changes':p('changes').orderBy(function(a){return a('old__val')('id')})})})
- ot: ({'changes':[{'new_val':{'id':0},'old_val':{'id':0, 'x':2}}, {'new_val':{'id':1},'old_val':{'id':1,'x':3}}]})
- - rb: tbl.replace({'x':1}, :return_changes => 'always').pluck('changes', 'first_error').do {|d| d.merge({:changes => d['changes'].order_by {|a| a['old_val']['id']}})}
- py: tbl.replace({'x':1}, return_changes='always').pluck('changes', 'first_error').do(lambda d:d.merge({'changes':d['changes'].order_by(lambda a:a['old_val']['id'])}))
- js: tbl.replace({'x':1}, {'return__changes':'always'}).pluck('changes', 'first__error').do(function(p){return p.merge({'changes':p('changes').orderBy(function(a){return a('old__val')('id')})})})
- ot: ({'first_error':"Inserted object must have primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"x\":\t1\n}", 'changes':[{'new_val':{'id':0},'old_val':{'id':0}, 'error':"Inserted object must have primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"x\":\t1\n}"}, {'new_val':{'id':1},'old_val':{'id':1},'error':"Inserted object must have primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"x\":\t1\n}"}]})
- - rb: tbl.foreach{|row| [tbl.get(0).update(null, :return_changes => true), tbl.get(0).update({a:1}, :return_changes => true)]}.pluck('changes', 'first_error').do {|d| d.merge({:changes => d['changes'].order_by {|a| a['old_val']['id']}})}
- ot: ({'changes':[{"new_val"=>{"a"=>1, "id"=>0}, "old_val"=>{"id"=>0}}]})
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({a:r.literal()})['replaced']
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({}).pluck('changes')
- ot: ({})
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({}, return_changes:true).pluck('changes')
- ot: ({'changes':[]})
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({}, return_changes:'always').pluck('changes')
- ot: ({'changes':[{'new_val':{'id':0}, 'old_val':{'id':0}}]})
- - rb: tbl.get(-1).update({}).pluck('changes')
- ot: ({})
- - rb: tbl.get(-1).update({}, return_changes:true).pluck('changes')
- ot: ({'changes':[]})
- - rb: tbl.get(-1).update({}, return_changes:'always').pluck('changes')
- ot: ({'changes':[{'new_val':null, 'old_val':null}]})
- - cd: tbl.get(0).delete(:return_changes => true).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- py: tbl.get(0).delete(return_changes=True).pluck('changes', 'first_error')
- js: tbl.get(0).delete({'return__changes':true}).pluck('changes', 'first__error')
- ot: ({'changes':[{'old_val':{'id':0},'new_val':null}]})
- - cd: tbl.delete(:return_changes => true)
- py: tbl.delete(return_changes=True)
- js: tbl.delete({'return__changes':true})
- ot: ({'deleted':1,'errors':0,'inserted':0,'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'unchanged':0,'changes':[{'new_val':null, 'old_val':{'id':1}}]})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/delete.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/delete.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b222dba9..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/delete.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests deletes of selections
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Set up some data
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id: i});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((1..100).map{ |i| {"id" => i} })
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':100})
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 100
- # Point delete
- - cd: tbl.get(12).delete()
- ot: ({'deleted':1,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':0})
- # Attempt deletion with bad durability flag.
- - js: tbl.skip(50).delete({durability:'wrong'})
- rb: tbl.skip(50).delete({ :durability => 'wrong' })
- py: tbl.skip(50).delete(durability='wrong')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Durability option `wrong` unrecognized (options are "hard" and "soft").', [0])
- # Delete selection of table, soft durability flag.
- - js: tbl.skip(50).delete({durability:'soft'})
- rb: tbl.skip(50).delete({ :durability => 'soft' })
- py: tbl.skip(50).delete(durability='soft')
- ot: ({'deleted':49,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':0})
- # Delete whole table, hard durability flag.
- - js: tbl.delete({durability:'hard'})
- rb: tbl.delete({ :durability => 'hard' })
- py: tbl.delete(durability='hard')
- ot: ({'deleted':50,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':0})
- # test deletion on a non-deletable object
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2]).delete()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type SELECTION but found DATUM:', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/insert.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/insert.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 623a6edc..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/insert.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests insertion into tables
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Set up our secondary test table
- - cd: r.db('test').table_create('test2')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - def: tbl2 = r.db('test').table('test2')
- # Single doc insert
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':0,'a':0})
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 1
- # Hard durability insert
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':1, 'a':1}, durability='hard')
- js: tbl.insert({id:1, a:1}, {durability:'hard'})
- rb: tbl.insert({ :id => 1, :a => 1 }, { :durability => 'hard' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 2
- # Soft durability insert
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':2, 'a':2}, durability='soft')
- js: tbl.insert({id:2, a:2}, {durability:'soft'})
- rb: tbl.insert({ :id => 2, :a => 2 }, { :durability => 'soft' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 3
- # Wrong durability insert
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':3, 'a':3}, durability='wrong')
- js: tbl.insert({id:3, a:3}, {durability:'wrong'})
- rb: tbl.insert({ :id => 3, :a => 3 }, { :durability => 'wrong' })
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Durability option `wrong` unrecognized (options are "hard" and "soft").', [0])
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 3
- # Cleanup.
- - cd: tbl.get(2).delete()
- ot: {'deleted':1,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':0}
- # Multi doc insert
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':2,'a':2}, {'id':3,'a':3}])
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':2}
- # Stream insert
- - cd: tbl2.insert(tbl)
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':4}
- # test pkey clash error
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':2,'b':20})
- ot: {'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"a\":\t2,\n\t\"id\":\t2\n}\n{\n\t\"b\":\t20,\n\t\"id\":\t2\n}",'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':1,'skipped':0,'inserted':0}
- # test error conflict option (object exists)
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':2,'b':20}, conflict='error')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':2,'b':20}, {conflict:'error'})
- rb: tbl.insert({:id => 2, :b => 20}, { :conflict => 'error' })
- ot: {'first_error':"Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"a\":\t2,\n\t\"id\":\t2\n}\n{\n\t\"b\":\t20,\n\t\"id\":\t2\n}",'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':1,'skipped':0,'inserted':0}
- # test error conflict option (object doesn't exist)
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':15,'b':20}, conflict='error')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':15,'b':20}, {conflict:'error'})
- rb: tbl.insert({:id => 15, :b => 20}, { :conflict => 'error' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tbl.get(15)
- ot: {'id':15,'b':20}
- # test replace conflict option (object exists)
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':2,'b':20}, conflict='replace')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':2,'b':20}, {conflict:'replace'})
- rb: tbl.insert({:id => 2, :b => 20}, { :conflict => 'replace' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':0}
- - cd: tbl.get(2)
- ot: {'id':2,'b':20}
- # test replace conflict option (object doesn't exist)
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':20,'b':20}, conflict='replace')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':20,'b':20}, {conflict:'replace'})
- rb: tbl.insert({:id => 20, :b => 20}, { :conflict => 'replace' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tbl.get(20)
- ot: {'id':20,'b':20}
- # test update conflict option (object exists)
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':2,'c':30}, conflict='update')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':2,'c':30}, {conflict:'update'})
- rb: tbl.insert({:id => 2, :c => 30}, { :conflict => 'update' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':0}
- - cd: tbl.get(2)
- ot: {'id':2, 'b':20, 'c':30}
- # test update conflict option (object doesn't exist)
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':30,'b':20}, conflict='update')
- js: tbl.insert({'id':30,'b':20}, {conflict:'update'})
- rb: tbl.insert({:id => 30, :b => 20}, { :conflict => 'update' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tbl.get(30)
- ot: {'id':30,'b':20}
- # test incorrect conflict option
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':3, 'a':3}, conflict='wrong')
- js: tbl.insert({id:3, a:3}, {conflict:'wrong'})
- rb: tbl.insert({ :id => 3, :a => 3 }, { :conflict => 'wrong' })
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Conflict option `wrong` unrecognized (options are "error", "replace" and "update").', [0])
- # test auto pkey generation
- - py: r.db('test').table_create('testpkey', primary_key='foo')
- js: r.db('test').tableCreate('testpkey', {primaryKey:'foo'})
- rb: r.db('test').table_create('testpkey', { :primary_key => 'foo' })
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- def: tblpkey = r.db('test').table('testpkey')
- - cd: tblpkey.insert({})
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: tblpkey
- ot: [{'foo':uuid()}]
- # test replace conflict pkey generation
- - py: tblpkey.insert({'b':20}, conflict='replace')
- js: tblpkey.insert({'b':20}, {conflict:'replace'})
- rb: tblpkey.insert({:b => 20}, { :conflict => 'replace' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- # test update conflict pkey generation
- - py: tblpkey.insert({'b':20}, conflict='update')
- js: tblpkey.insert({'b':20}, {conflict:'update'})
- rb: tblpkey.insert({:b => 20}, { :conflict => 'update' })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'generated_keys':arrlen(1,uuid()),'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('testpkey')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- # Insert within for each
- - py: tbl.for_each(lambda row: tbl2.insert(row.merge({'id':row['id'] + 100 })) )
- js: tbl.forEach(function(row) { return tbl2.insert(row.merge({'id':row('id').add(100)})); })
- rb: tbl.for_each(proc { |row| tbl2.insert(row.merge({'id'=>row['id'] + 100 })) })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':7}
- # Insert unwritable data
- - cd: tbl.insert({'value':r.minval})
- rb: tbl.insert({:value => r.minval})
- ot: partial({'errors':1,'first_error':'`r.minval` and `r.maxval` cannot be written to disk.'})
- - cd: tbl.insert({'value':r.maxval})
- rb: tbl.insert({:value => r.maxval})
- ot: partial({'errors':1,'first_error':'`r.minval` and `r.maxval` cannot be written to disk.'})
- # Crash 5683
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':666}, {'id':666}], return_changes="always")
- ot: {'changes': [{'new_val': {'id': 666}, 'old_val': None},{'error': 'Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t"id":\t666\n}\n{\n\t"id":\t666\n}','new_val': {'id': 666},'old_val': {'id': 666}}],'deleted': 0,'errors': 1,'first_error': 'Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t"id":\t666\n}\n{\n\t"id":\t666\n}','inserted': 1,'replaced': 0,'skipped': 0,'unchanged': 0}
- # Confirm inserts are ordered in return_changes always
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':100+i, 'ordered-num':i} for i in range(1,100)], return_changes="always")
- ot: partial({'changes':[{'old_val': None, 'new_val': {'id': 100+i, 'ordered-num': i}} for i in range(1,100)] })
- # Confirm inserts are ordered in return_changes always with complicated key
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':[1, "blah", 200+i], 'ordered-num':i} for i in range(1,100)], return_changes="always")
- ot: partial({'changes':[{'old_val': None, 'new_val': {'id': [1,"blah", 200+i], 'ordered-num': i}} for i in range(1,100)] })
- # Confirm inserts are ordered in return_changes always with return_changes=true
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':[1, "blah", 300+i], 'ordered-num':i} for i in range(1,100)], return_changes=true)
- ot: partial({'changes':[{'old_val': None, 'new_val': {'id': [1,"blah", 300+i], 'ordered-num': i}} for i in range(1,100)] })
- # Confirm errors are property returned with return_changes="always"
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':100 + i, 'ordered-num':i} for i in range(1,100)], return_changes="always")
- ot: partial({'changes':[{'old_val': {'id':100+i, 'ordered-num':i}, 'new_val': {'id':100+i, 'ordered-num':i}, 'error':'Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t"id":\t'+str(100+i)+',\n\t"ordered-num":\t'+str(i)+'\n}\n{\n\t"id":\t'+str(100+i)+',\n\t"ordered-num":\t'+str(i)+'\n}'} for i in range(1,100)]})
- # Trivial errors with return_changes="always", this has to be long test, testing order and message for this type
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':123}, {'id':'a'*500}, {'id':321}], return_changes="always")
- ot: {'changes': [{'error': 'Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t"id":\t123,\n\t"ordered-num":\t23\n}\n{\n\t"id":\t123\n}', 'new_val': {'id': 123, 'ordered-num': 23}, 'old_val': {'id': 123, 'ordered-num': 23}}, {'error': 'Primary key too long (max 127 characters): "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"', 'new_val': None, 'old_val': None}, {'new_val': {'id': 321}, 'old_val': None}], 'deleted': 0, 'errors': 2, 'first_error': 'Primary key too long (max 127 characters): "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"', 'inserted': 1, 'replaced': 0, 'skipped': 0, 'unchanged': 0}
- # No errors returned with return_changes=true
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':100 + i, 'ordered-num':i} for i in range(1,100)], return_changes=true)
- ot: partial({'changes':[]})
- - py: tbl.insert({'a':r.minval}, return_changes="always")
- ot: partial({'changes': [{'old_val': None, 'new_val': None, 'error': '`r.minval` and `r.maxval` cannot be written to disk.'}]})
- # Tests for insert conflict resolution function
- # Using a conflict function
- - cd: tbl.insert({'id':42, 'foo':1, 'bar':1})
- ot: partial({'inserted':1})
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':42, 'foo':5, 'bar':5}, conflict=lambda id, old_row, new_row: old_row.merge(new_row.pluck("bar")))
- ot: partial({'replaced':1})
- - py: tbl.get(42)
- ot: {'id':42, 'foo':1, 'bar':5}
- - rb: tbl.insert({:id=>42, :foo=>6, :bar=>6}, conflict: lambda {|id, old_row, new_row| return old_row.merge(new_row.pluck("bar"))})
- ot: partial({'replaced':1})
- - rb: tbl.get(42)
- ot: {'id':42, 'foo':1, 'bar':6}
- - js: tbl.insert({'id':42, 'foo':7, 'bar':7}, {conflict: function(id, old_row, new_row) {return old_row.merge(new_row.pluck("bar"))}})
- ot: partial({'replaced':1})
- - js: tbl.get(42)
- ot: {'id':42, 'foo':1, 'bar':7}
- # Inserting and deleting an item
- - js: tbl.insert({id: "toggle"},{conflict: function(x,y,z) { return null},returnChanges: true})
- ot: partial({'inserted': 1})
- - js: tbl.insert({id: "toggle"},{conflict: function(x,y,z) { return null},returnChanges: true})
- ot: partial({'deleted': 1})
- # Returning the wrong thing from the conflict function
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':42, 'foo':1, 'bar':1}, conflict=lambda a,b,c: 2)
- ot: partial({'first_error': 'Inserted value must be an OBJECT (got NUMBER):\n2'})
- # Incorrect Arity
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':42}, conflict=lambda a,b: a)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "The conflict function passed to `insert` should expect 3 arguments.")
- # Non atomic operation
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':42}, conflict=lambda a,b,c: tbl.get(42))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "The conflict function passed to `insert` must be deterministic.")
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':42}, conflict=lambda a,b,c: {'id':42, 'num':'424'})
- ot: partial({'replaced': 1})
- - py: tbl.get(42)
- ot: {'id':42, 'num':'424'}
- # Get unreturnable data
- - cd: r.minval
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot convert `r.minval` to JSON.')
- - cd: r.maxval
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot convert `r.maxval` to JSON.')
- # clean up
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('test2')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/replace.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/replace.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cf4f85..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/replace.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests replacement of selections
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Set up some data
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((1..100).map{ |i| {:id => i } })
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 100
- # Identity
- - py: tbl.get(12).replace(lambda row:{'id':row['id']})
- js: tbl.get(12).replace(function(row) { return {'id':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.get(12).replace{ |row| { :id => row[:id] } }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # Replace single row
- - py: tbl.get(12).replace(lambda row:{'id':row['id'], 'a':row['id']})
- js: tbl.get(12).replace(function(row) { return {'id':row('id'), 'a':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.get(12).replace{ |row| { :id => row[:id], :a => row[:id] } }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- - py: tbl.get(13).replace(lambda row:null)
- js: tbl.get(13).replace(function(row) { return null; })
- rb: tbl.get(13).replace{ |row| null }
- ot: ({'deleted':1,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # Replace selection of table
- - py: tbl.between(10, 20, right_bound='closed').replace(lambda row:{'a':1})
- js: tbl.between(10, 20, {'right_bound':'closed'}).replace(function(row) { return {'a':1}; })
- ot: ({'first_error':'Inserted object must have primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"a\":\t1\n}','deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':10,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- - py: tbl.filter(lambda row:(row['id'] >= 10) & (row['id'] < 20)).replace(lambda row:{'id':row['id'], 'a':row['id']})
- js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return row('id').ge(10).and(row('id').lt(20))}).replace(function(row) { return {'id':row('id'), 'a':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.filter{ |row|
- (row[:id] >= 10).and(row[:id] < 20)
- }.replace{ |row|
- { :id => row[:id], :a => row[:id] } }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':8,'unchanged':1,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # trying to change pkey of a document
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':2,'a':1})
- ot: ({'first_error':"Primary key `id` cannot be changed (`{\n\t\"id\":\t1\n}` -> `{\n\t\"a\":\t1,\n\t\"id\":\t2\n}`).",'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':1,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # not passing a pkey in the first place
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace({'a':1})
- ot: ({'first_error':"Inserted object must have primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"a\":\t1\n}",'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':1,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # check r.row, static value and otherwise
- - py: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':r.row['id'],'a':'b'})
- js: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':r.row('id'),'a':'b'})
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace{ |row| { :id => row[:id], :a => 'b' } }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace(r.row.merge({'a':'b'}))
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace{ |row| row.merge({'a':'b'}) }
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- # test atomicity constraints
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace(r.row.merge({'c':r.js('5')}))
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace{ |row| row.merge({'c':r.js('5')}) }
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?', [0])
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace(r.row.merge({'c':tbl.nth(0)}))
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace{ |row| row.merge({'c':tbl.nth(0)}) }
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?', [0])
- - py: tbl.get(1).replace(r.row.merge({'c':r.js('5')}), non_atomic=True)
- js: tbl.get(1).replace(r.row.merge({'c':r.js('5')}), {'nonAtomic':true})
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace({ :non_atomic => true }){ |row| row.merge({ :c => r.js('5') })}
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace({}, 'foo')
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 2 arguments but found 3.')
- js: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.')
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace({}, {'foo':'bar'})
- py: tbl.get(1).replace({}, foo='bar')
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Unrecognized optional argument `foo`.')
- # Replace whole table
- - py: tbl.replace(lambda row:null)
- js: tbl.replace(function(row) { return null; })
- rb: tbl.replace{ |row| null }
- ot: ({'deleted':99,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0})
- - cd: tbl.get('sdfjk').replace({'id':'sdfjk'})['inserted']
- js: tbl.get('sdfjk').replace({'id':'sdfjk'})('inserted')
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.get('sdfjki').replace({'id':'sdfjk'})['errors']
- js: tbl.get('sdfjki').replace({'id':'sdfjk'})('errors')
- ot: 1
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/sync.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/sync.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 789b3c47..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/sync.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests syncing tables
- # Set up our test tables
- - cd: r.db('test').table_create('test1')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: r.db('test').table_create('test1soft')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: r.db('test').table('test1soft').config().update({'durability':'soft'})
- ot: {'skipped':0, 'deleted':0, 'unchanged':0, 'errors':0, 'replaced':1, 'inserted':0}
- - def: tbl = r.db('test').table('test1')
- - def: tbl_soft = r.db('test').table('test1soft')
- - cd: tbl.index_create('x')
- ot: partial({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('x').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'ready':True, 'index':'x'}]
- # This is the only way one can use sync legally at the moment
- - cd: tbl.sync()
- ot: {'synced':1}
- - cd: tbl_soft.sync()
- ot: {'synced':1}
- - cd: tbl.sync()
- ot: {'synced':1}
- runopts:
- durability: "soft"
- - cd: tbl.sync()
- ot: {'synced':1}
- runopts:
- durability: "hard"
- # This is of type table, but sync should still fail (because it makes little sense)
- - cd: tbl.between(1, 2).sync()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE but found TABLE_SLICE:', [1])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'Between' object has no attribute 'sync'")
- # These are not even a table. Sync should fail with a different error message
- - cd: r.expr(1).sync()
- ot:
- cd: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected type TABLE but found DATUM:', [1])
- py: err('AttributeError', "'Datum' object has no attribute 'sync'")
- - js: tbl.order_by({index:'x'}).sync()
- rb: tbl.order_by({:index => 'soft'}).sync()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected type TABLE but found TABLE_SLICE:', [1])
- # clean up
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('test1')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('test1soft')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/update.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/update.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cde0f34..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/mutation/update.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests updates of selections
-table_variable_name: tbl, tbl2
- # Set up some data
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((0...100).map{ |i| { :id => i } })
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 100
- - py: tbl2.insert([{'id':i, 'foo':{'bar':i}} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl2.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i,foo:{bar:i}});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl2.insert((0...100).map{ |i| { :id => i, :foo => { :bar => i } } })
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
- - cd: tbl2.count()
- ot: 100
- # Identity
- - py: tbl.get(12).update(lambda row:row)
- js: tbl.get(12).update(function(row) { return row; })
- rb: tbl.get(12).update{ |row| row}
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # Soft durability point update
- - py: tbl.get(12).update(lambda row:{'a':row['id'] + 1}, durability='soft')
- js: tbl.get(12).update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id').add(1)}; }, {durability:'soft'})
- rb: tbl.get(12).update({ :durability => 'soft' }) { |row| { :a => row[:id] + 1 } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl.get(12)
- ot: {'id':12, 'a':13}
- # Hard durability point update
- - py: tbl.get(12).update(lambda row:{'a':row['id'] + 2}, durability='hard')
- js: tbl.get(12).update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id').add(2)}; }, {durability:'hard'})
- rb: tbl.get(12).update({ :durability => 'hard' }) { |row| { :a => row[:id] + 2 } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl.get(12)
- ot: {'id':12, 'a':14}
- # Wrong durability point update
- - py: tbl.get(12).update(lambda row:{'a':row['id'] + 3}, durability='wrong')
- js: tbl.get(12).update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id').add(3)}; }, {durability:'wrong'})
- rb: tbl.get(12).update({ :durability => 'wrong' }) { |row| { :a => row[:id] + 3 } }
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Durability option `wrong` unrecognized (options are "hard" and "soft").', [0])
- - cd: tbl.get(12)
- ot: {'id':12, 'a':14}
- # Point update
- - py: tbl.get(12).update(lambda row:{'a':row['id']})
- js: tbl.get(12).update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.get(12).update{ |row| { :a => row[:id] } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl.get(12)
- ot: {'id':12, 'a':12}
- # undo the point update
- - cd: tbl.get(12).update({'a':r.literal()})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # Update selection of table
- - py: tbl.between(10, 20).update(lambda row:{'a':row['id']})
- js: tbl.between(10, 20).update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.between(10, 20).update{ |row| { :a => row[:id] } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':10,'unchanged':0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - py: tbl.filter(lambda row:(row['id'] >= 10) & (row['id'] < 20)).update(lambda row:{'a':row['id']})
- js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return row('id').ge(10).and(row('id').lt(20))}).update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.filter{ |row| (row[:id] >= 10).and(row[:id] < 20) }.update{ |row| { :a => row[:id] } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':10,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - py: tbl.filter(lambda row:(row['id'] >= 10) & (row['id'] < 20)).update(lambda row:{'b':row['id']})
- js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return row('id').ge(10).and(row('id').lt(20))}).update(function(row) { return {'b':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.filter{ |row| (row[:id] >= 10).and(row[:id] < 20) }.update{ |row| { :b => row[:id] } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':10,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # now undo that update
- - cd: tbl.between(10, 20).update({'a':r.literal()})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':10,'unchanged':0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # trying to change pkey of a document
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'id':2,'d':1})
- ot: {'first_error':"Primary key `id` cannot be changed (`{\n\t\"id\":\t1\n}` -> `{\n\t\"d\":\t1,\n\t\"id\":\t2\n}`).",'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':1,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # check r.row, static value and otherwise
- - py: tbl.get(1).update({'id':r.row['id'],'d':'b'})
- js: tbl.get(1).update({'id':r.row('id'),'d':'b'})
- rb: tbl.get(1).update{ |row| { :id => row[:id], :d => 'b' } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # I don't we don't need the merge, just testing r.row just in case
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update(r.row.merge({'d':'b'}))
- rb: tbl.get(1).update{ |row| row.merge({'d':'b'}) }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # test atomicity constraints (positive and negative test)
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'d':r.js('5')})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?', [0])
- - cd: tbl.get(1).update({'d':tbl.nth(0)})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?', [0])
- - py: tbl.get(1).update({'d':r.js('5')}, non_atomic=True)
- js: tbl.get(1).update({'d':r.js('5')}, {'nonAtomic':true})
- rb: tbl.get(1).update({ :d => r.js('5') }, { :non_atomic => true })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':1,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - js: tbl.get(1).update({}, 'foo')
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.')
- - js: tbl.get(1).update({}, {'foo':'bar'})
- ot: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Unrecognized optional argument `foo`.')
- # Update whole table
- - py: tbl.update(lambda row:{'a':row['id']})
- js: tbl.update(function(row) { return {'a':row('id')}; })
- rb: tbl.update{ |row| { :a => row['id'] } }
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':100,'unchanged':0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # undo the update on the whole table
- - cd: tbl.update({'a':r.literal()})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':100,'unchanged':0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- # recursive merge
- - cd: tbl2.update({'foo':{'bar':2}})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':99,'unchanged':1,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl2.update({'foo':r.literal({'bar':2})})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':100,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - rb: tbl2.update{|row| {'foo':r.literal({'bar':2})}}
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':100,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl2.order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'foo':{'bar':2}}
- - cd: tbl2.update({'foo':{'buzz':2}})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':100,'unchanged':0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl2.order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'foo':{'bar':2,'buzz':2}}
- - cd: tbl2.update({'foo':r.literal(1)})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':100,'unchanged':0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':0.0}
- - cd: tbl2.order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'foo':1}
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/
deleted file mode 100755
index ce048d1b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os, re, sys
-# == globals
-printDebug = False
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
-# ==
-class yamlValue(unicode):
- linenumber = None
- def __new__(cls, value, linenumber=None):
- if isinstance(value, unicode):
- real = unicode.__new__(cls, value)
- else:
- real = unicode.__new__(cls, value, "utf-8")
- if linenumber is not None:
- real.linenumber = int(linenumber)
- return real
- def __repr__(self):
- real = super(yamlValue, self).__repr__()
- return real.lstrip('u')
-def parseYAML(source):
- def debug(message):
- if printDebug and message:
- message = str(message).rstrip()
- if message:
- print(message)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- commentLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*#')
- yamlLineRegex = re.compile('^(?P<indent> *)((?P<itemMarker>- +)(?P<itemContent>.*)|((?P<key>[\w\.]+)(?P<keyExtra>: *))?(?P<content>.*))\s*$')
- def parseYAML_inner(source, indent):
- returnItem = None
- for linenumber, line in source:
- if line == '': # no newline, so EOF
- break
- debug('line %d (%d):%s' % (linenumber, indent, line))
- if line.strip() == '' or commentLineRegex.match(line): # empty or comment line, ignore
- debug('\tempty/comment line')
- continue
- # - parse line
- parsedLine = yamlLineRegex.match(line)
- if not parsedLine:
- raise Exception('Unparseable YAML line %d: %s' % (linenumber, line.rstrip()))
- lineIndent = len('indent'))
- lineItemMarker ='itemMarker')
- lineKey ='key') or ''
- lineKeyExtra ='keyExtra') or ''
- lineContent = ('content') or'itemContent') or '').strip()
- # - handle end-of-sections
- if lineIndent < indent:
- # we have dropped out of this item, push back the line and return what we have
- source.send((linenumber, line))
- debug('\tout one level')
- return returnItem
- # - array item
- if lineItemMarker:
- debug('\tarray item')
- # item in an array
- if returnItem is None:
- debug('\tnew array, indent is %d' % lineIndent)
- returnItem = []
- indent = lineIndent
- elif not isinstance(returnItem, list):
- raise Exception('Bad YAML, got a list item while working on a %s on line %d: %s' % (returnItem.__class__.__name__, linenumber, line.rstrip()))
- indentLevel = lineIndent + len(lineItemMarker)
- source.send((linenumber, (' ' * (indentLevel) )+ lineContent))
- returnItem += [parseYAML_inner(source=source, indent=indent + 1)]
- # - dict item
- elif lineKey:
- debug('\tdict item')
- if returnItem is None:
- debug('\tnew dict, indent is %d' % lineIndent)
- # new dict
- returnItem = {}
- indent = lineIndent
- elif not isinstance(returnItem, dict):
- raise Exception('Bad YAML, got a dict value while working on a %s on line %d: %s' % (returnItem.__class__.__name__, linenumber, line.rstrip()))
- indentLevel = lineIndent + len(lineKey) + len(lineKeyExtra)
- source.send((linenumber, (' ' * indentLevel) + lineContent))
- returnItem[lineKey] = parseYAML_inner(source=source, indent=indent + 1)
- # - data - one or more lines of text
- else:
- debug('\tvalue')
- if returnItem is None:
- returnItem = yamlValue('', linenumber)
- if lineContent.strip() in ('|', '|-', '>'):
- continue # yaml multiline marker
- elif not isinstance(returnItem, yamlValue):
- raise Exception('Bad YAML, got a value while working on a %s on line %d: %s' % (returnItem.__class__.__name__, linenumber, line.rstrip()))
- if returnItem:
- returnItem = yamlValue(returnItem + "\n" + lineContent, returnItem.linenumber) # str subclasses are not fun
- else:
- returnItem = yamlValue(lineContent, linenumber)
- return returnItem
- def parseYAML_generator(source):
- if hasattr(source, 'capitalize'):
- if os.path.isfile(source):
- source = open(source, 'r')
- else:
- source = source.splitlines(True)
- elif hasattr(source, 'readlines'):
- pass # the for loop will already work
- backlines = []
- for linenumber, line in enumerate(source):
- backline = None
- usedLine = False
- while usedLine is False or backlines:
- if backlines:
- backline = yield backlines.pop()
- else:
- usedLine = True
- backline = yield (linenumber + 1, line)
- while backline: # loops returning None for every send()
- assert isinstance(backline, tuple)
- assert isinstance(backline[0], int)
- backlines.append(backline)
- backline = yield None
- return parseYAML_inner(parseYAML_generator(source), indent=0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import optparse, pprint
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="print debug information")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- printDebug = options.debug
- if len(args) < 1:
- parser.error('%s needs files to process' % os.path.basename(__file__))
- for filePath in args:
- if not os.path.isfile(filePath):
- sys.exit('target is not an existing file: %s' % os.path.basename(__file__))
- for filePath in args:
- print('=== %s' % filePath)
- pprint.pprint(parseYAML(filePath))
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/polymorphism.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/polymorphism.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 14817289..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/polymorphism.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests that manipulation data in tables
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - def: obj = r.expr({'id':0,'a':0})
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i, 'a':i} for i in xrange(3)])
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'a':i});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((0..2).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i } })
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':3})
- # Polymorphism
- - cd:
- - tbl.merge({'c':1}).nth(0)
- - obj.merge({'c':1})
- ot: ({'id':0,'c':1,'a':0})
- - cd:
- - tbl.without('a').nth(0)
- - obj.without('a')
- ot: ({'id':0})
- - cd:
- - tbl.pluck('a').nth(0)
- - obj.pluck('a')
- ot: ({'a':0})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/random.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/random.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e2cde6..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/random.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests randomization functions
-# Test sample
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(3).distinct().count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(3).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4,5,6]).sample(3).distinct().count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(4).distinct().count()
- ot: 3
- - rb: r.expr([[1,2,3], 2]).do{|x| x[0].sample(x[1])}.distinct().count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).sample(-1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Number of items to sample must be non-negative, got `-1`.', [0])
- - cd: r.expr(1).sample(1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert NUMBER to SEQUENCE', [0])
- - cd: r.expr({}).sample(1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert OBJECT to SEQUENCE', [0])
-# Test r.random with floating-point values
- # These expressions should be equivalent
- - py:
- - r.random().do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(0, 1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(1, 0, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(1),
- - r.random(r.expr(0), 1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(1, r.expr(0), float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(1),
- - r.random(r.expr(1), r.expr(0), float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(1),
- ot: True
- # Single-argument
- - py:
- - r.random(0.495, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-0.495, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(0),
- - r.random(1823756.24, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-1823756.24, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(0),
- ot: True
- # Non-zero-based random numbers
- - py:
- - r.random(10.5, 20.153, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(20.153, 10.5, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(20.153),
- - r.random(31415926.1, 31415926, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(31415926.1),
- ot: True
- # Negative random numbers
- - py:
- - r.random(-10.5, 20.153, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-20.153, -10.5, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-31415926, -31415926.1, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(-31415926),
- ot: True
- # There is a very small chance of collision here
- - py:
- - r.expr([r.random(), r.random()]).distinct().count()
- - r.expr([r.random(1, float=True), r.random(1, float=True)]).distinct().count()
- - r.expr([r.random(0, 1, float=True), r.random(0, 1, float=True)]).distinct().count()
- ot: 2
- # Zero range random
- - py:
- - r.random(0, float=True).eq(0)
- - r.random(5, 5, float=True).eq(5)
- - r.random(-499384756758, -499384756758, float=True).eq(-499384756758)
- - r.random(-93.94757, -93.94757, float=True).eq(-93.94757)
- - r.random(294.69148, 294.69148, float=True).eq(294.69148)
- ot: True
- # Test limits of doubles
- - def:
- py: float_max = sys.float_info.max
- js: float_max = Number.MAX_VALUE
- rb: float_max = Float::MAX
- - def:
- py: float_min = sys.float_info.min
- js: float_min = Number.MIN_VALUE
- rb: float_min = Float::MIN
- - py:
- - r.random(-float_max, float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(float_max, -float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(float_max),
- - r.random(float_min, float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(float_min, -float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(float_min),
- - r.random(-float_min, float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-float_min, -float_max, float=True).do(lambda x:r.and_(x.le(-float_min),
- ot: True
-# Test r.random with integer values
- - def:
- py: upper_limit = 2**53 - 1
- js: upper_limit = Math.pow(2,53) - 1
- rb: upper_limit = 2**53 - 1
- - def:
- py: lower_limit = 1 - (2**53)
- js: lower_limit = 1 - Math.pow(2,53)
- rb: lower_limit = 1 - (2**53)
- # These expressions should be equivalent
- - py:
- - r.random(256).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(0, 256).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(r.expr(256)).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(r.expr(0), 256).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(0, r.expr(256)).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(r.expr(0), r.expr(256)).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- ot: True
- # Non-zero-based random numbers
- - py:
- - r.random(10, 20).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(9347849, 120937493).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- js:
- - r.random(10, 20).do(function(x){return r.and(,})
- - r.random(9347849, 120937493).do(function(x){return r.and(,})
- rb:
- - r.random(10, 20).do{|x| r.and(,}
- - r.random(9347849, 120937493).do{|x| r.and(,}
- ot: True
- # Negative random numbers
- - py:
- - r.random(-10, 20).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-20, -10).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- - r.random(-120937493, -9347849).do(lambda x:r.and_(,
- js:
- - r.random(-10, 20).do(function(x){return r.and(,})
- - r.random(-20, -10).do(function(x){return r.and(,})
- - r.random(-120937493, -9347849).do(function(x){return r.and(,})
- rb:
- - r.random(-10, 20).do{|x| r.and(,}
- - r.random(-20, -10).do{|x| r.and(,}
- - r.random(-120937493, -9347849).do{|x| r.and(,}
- ot: True
- # There is a very small chance of collision here
- - cd: r.expr([r.random(upper_limit), r.random(upper_limit)]).distinct().count()
- ot: 2
- - py: r.expr([upper_limit,upper_limit]).map(lambda x:r.random(x)).distinct().count()
- js: r.expr([upper_limit,upper_limit]).map(function(x){return r.random(x)}).distinct().count()
- rb: r.expr([upper_limit,upper_limit]).map{|x| r.random(x)}.distinct().count()
- ot: 2
- # Error cases
- # Non-integer limits
- - cd: r.random(-0.5)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Upper bound (-0.5) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- - cd: r.random(0.25)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Upper bound (0.25) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- - cd: r.random(-10, 0.75)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Upper bound (0.75) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- - cd: r.random(-120549.25, 39458)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (-120549.25) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- - cd: r.random(-6.5, 8.125)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (-6.5) could not be safely converted to an integer.", [])
- # Forced integer random with no bounds
- - py: r.random(float=False)
- js: r.random({float:false})
- rb: r.random({:float => false})
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Generating a random integer requires one or two bounds.", [])
- # Lower bound not less than upper bound
- - cd: r.random(0)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (0) is not less than upper bound (0).", [])
- - cd: r.random(0, 0)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (0) is not less than upper bound (0).", [])
- - cd: r.random(515, 515)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (515) is not less than upper bound (515).", [])
- - cd: r.random(-956, -956)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (-956) is not less than upper bound (-956).", [])
- - cd: r.random(-10)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (0) is not less than upper bound (-10).", [])
- - cd: r.random(20, 2)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (20) is not less than upper bound (2).", [])
- - cd: r.random(2, -20)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (2) is not less than upper bound (-20).", [])
- - cd: r.random(1456, 0)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Lower bound (1456) is not less than upper bound (0).", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/range.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/range.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index da9a575f..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/range.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests RQL range generation
- - cd: r.range().type_of()
- ot: 'STREAM'
- - cd: r.range().limit(4)
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - cd: r.range(4)
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - cd: r.range(2, 5)
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - cd: r.range(0)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.range(5, 2)
- ot: []
- - cd: r.range(-5, -2)
- ot: [-5, -4, -3]
- - cd: r.range(-5, 2)
- ot: [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1]
- - cd: r.range(2, 5, 8)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 0 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - cd: r.range("foo")
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [])
- # Using 9007199254740994 instead of 9007199254740993 due to #2157
- - cd: r.range(9007199254740994)
- ot: err_regex("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Number not an integer \\(>2\\^53\\). 9007199254740994", [])
- - cd: r.range(-9007199254740994)
- ot: err_regex("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Number not an integer \\(<-2\\^53\\). -9007199254740994", [])
- - cd: r.range(0.5)
- ot: err_regex("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Number not an integer. 0\\.5", [])
- - cd: r.range().count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use an infinite stream with an aggregation function (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) or coerce it to an array.", [])
- - cd: r.range().coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use an infinite stream with an aggregation function (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) or coerce it to an array.", [])
- - cd: r.range().coerce_to("OBJECT")
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use an infinite stream with an aggregation function (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) or coerce it to an array.", [])
- - cd: r.range(4).count()
- ot: 4
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1001.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1001.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15327350..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1001.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1001 (null + between + sindexes)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert({'a':null})
- rb: tbl.insert({:a => null})
- - cd: tbl.index_create('a')
- - cd: tbl.index_create('b')
- - cd: tbl.index_wait().pluck('index', 'ready')
- - cd: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).count()
- ot: 1
- - py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'a'}).count()
- rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => 'a').count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'b'}).count()
- rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => 'b').count()
- ot: 0
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1005.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1005.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 09ab329c..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1005.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression test for issue #1005.
- - py: r.expr(str(r.table_list()))
- ot: "r.table_list()"
- - py: r.expr(str(r.table_create('a')))
- ot: "r.table_create('a')"
- - py: r.expr(str(r.table_drop('a')))
- ot: "r.table_drop('a')"
- - py: r.expr(str(r.db('a').table_list()))
- ot: "r.db('a').table_list()"
- - py: r.expr(str(r.db('a').table_create('a')))
- ot: "r.db('a').table_create('a')"
- - py: r.expr(str(r.db('a').table_drop('a')))
- ot: "r.db('a').table_drop('a')"
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1023.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1023.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c017e04..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1023.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests key sorting of all usable types in primary indexes
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Test key sorting
- - def:
- py: binary_a = r.binary(b'')
- rb: binary_a = r.binary('')
- js: binary_a = Buffer('')
- - def:
- py: binary_b = r.binary(b'5aurhbviunr')
- rb: binary_b = r.binary('5aurhbviunr')
- js: binary_b = Buffer('5aurhbviunr')
- # Define a set of rows in order of increasing sindex keys
- - def:
- cd: trows = [{'num':0,'id':[0]},
- {'num':1,'id':[1, 2, 3, 4, 0]},
- {'num':2,'id':[1, 2, 3, 4, 4]},
- {'num':3,'id':[1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]},
- {'num':4,'id':[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 1]},
- {'num':5,'id':[1, 3, r.epoch_time(0)]},
- {'num':6,'id':[1, 3, r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0)]},
- {'num':7,'id':[1, 3, r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(1)]},
- {'num':8,'id':[1, 4, 3, 4, 8, 2]},
- {'num':9,'id':False},
- {'num':10,'id':True},
- {'num':11,'id':-500},
- {'num':12,'id':500},
- {'num':13,'id':binary_a},
- {'num':14,'id':binary_b},
- {'num':15,'id':r.epoch_time(0)},
- {'num':16,'id':''},
- {'num':17,'id':' str'}]
- - def:
- cd: expected = r.range(tbl.count()).coerce_to('array')
- - cd: tbl.insert(trows)['inserted']
- js: tbl.insert(trows)('inserted')
- ot: 18
- - rb: tbl.order_by({:index => 'id'}).map{|row| row['num']}.coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'id'}).map(r.row('num')).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- py: tbl.order_by(index='id').map(r.row['num']).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- ot: true
- # Test minval and maxval
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => 'id').between(r.minval, r.maxval).map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'id'}).between(r.minval, r.maxval).map(r.row('num')).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- py: tbl.order_by(index='id').between(r.minval, r.maxval).map(r.row['num']).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- ot: true
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').between([1,2,3,4,4],[1,2,3,5]).map(r.row['num']).coerce_to('array')
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'id'}).between([1,2,3,4,4],[1,2,3,5]).map(r.row('num')).coerce_to('array')
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => 'id').between([1,2,3,4,4],[1,2,3,5]).map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- ot: [2,3,4]
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').between([1,2,3,4,4,r.minval],[1,2,3,4,4,r.maxval]).map(r.row['num']).coerce_to('array')
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'id'}).between([1,2,3,4,4,r.minval],[1,2,3,4,4,r.maxval]).map(r.row('num')).coerce_to('array')
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => 'id').between([1,2,3,4,4,r.minval],[1,2,3,4,4,r.maxval]).map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- ot: [3]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1081.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1081.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef7d2fc4..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1081.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1081 union two streams
- - rb: r.db('test').table_create('t1081')
- def: t = r.db('test').table('t1081')
- - rb: t.insert([{'id':0}, {'id':1}])
- - rb: r([]).union([]).typeof
- ot: ("ARRAY")
- - rb: t.union(t).typeof
- ot: ("STREAM")
- - rb: t.union([]).typeof
- ot: ("STREAM")
- - rb: r.db('test').table_drop('t1081')
- - rb: r.table_create('1081')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - rb: r.table('1081').insert({:password => 0})[:inserted]
- ot: 1
- - rb: r.table('1081').index_create('password')
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - rb: r.table('1081').index_wait('password').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: ([{'ready':True, 'index':'password'}])
- - rb: r.table('1081').get_all(0, :index => 'password').typeof
- - rb: r.table('1081').get_all(0, :index => 'password').without('id').typeof
- ot: ("STREAM")
- - rb: r.table('1081').get_all(0, 0, :index => 'password').typeof
- - rb: r.table('1081').get_all(0, 0, :index => 'password').without('id').typeof
- ot: ("STREAM")
- - rb: r.table_drop('1081')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1132.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1132.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6208b5d6..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1132.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1132 JSON duplicate key
- - cd: r.json('{"a":1,"a":2}')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Duplicate key \"a\" in JSON.", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1133.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1133.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 853a3566..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1133.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #1133, which concerns circular references in the drivers.
- - def: a = {}
- - def: b = {'a':a}
- - def: a['b'] = b
- - cd: r.expr(a)
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlDriverCompileError', 'Nesting depth limit exceeded.', [])
- rb: err('ReqlDriverCompileError', 'Maximum expression depth exceeded (you can override this with `r.expr(X, MAX_DEPTH)`).', [])
- - cd: r.expr({'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{}}}}}}}}, 7)
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlDriverCompileError', 'Nesting depth limit exceeded.', [])
- rb: err('ReqlDriverCompileError', 'Maximum expression depth exceeded (you can override this with `r.expr(X, MAX_DEPTH)`).', [])
- - cd: r.expr({'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{}}}}}}}}, 10)
- ot: ({'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{'a':{}}}}}}}})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1155.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1155.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 08dbb6c7..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1155.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1155 -- Empty batched_replaces_t constructed
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.insert([{:id => '2'}, {:id => '4'}])['inserted']
- ot: 2
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1179.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1179.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c04c051..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1179.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1179 -- BRACKET term
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: r.expr([1])(r.expr(0))
- py: r.expr([1])[r.expr(0)]
- rb: r.expr([1])[r.expr(0)]
- ot: 1
- - js: r.expr({"foo":1})('foo')
- ot: 1
- - js: r.expr([1])(0)
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.insert([{'id':42},{'id':4},{'id':89},{'id':6},{'id':43}]).pluck('inserted','first_error')
- ot: ({'inserted':5})
- # test [] grouped data semantics
- - js:'id')(0)
- ot: ([{"group":4,"reduction":{"id":4}},{"group":6,"reduction":{"id":6}},{"group":42,"reduction":{"id":42}},{"group":43,"reduction":{"id":43}},{"group":89,"reduction":{"id":89}}] )
- - js: tbl.coerce_to('array').group('id')(0)
- ot: ([{"group":4,"reduction":{"id":4}},{"group":6,"reduction":{"id":6}},{"group":42,"reduction":{"id":42}},{"group":43,"reduction":{"id":43}},{"group":89,"reduction":{"id":89}}] )
- # test nth grouped data semantics
- - js:'id').nth(0)
- ot: ([{"group":4,"reduction":{"id":4}},{"group":6,"reduction":{"id":6}},{"group":42,"reduction":{"id":42}},{"group":43,"reduction":{"id":43}},{"group":89,"reduction":{"id":89}}] )
- - js: tbl.coerce_to('array').group('id').nth(0)
- ot: ([{"group":4,"reduction":{"id":4}},{"group":6,"reduction":{"id":6}},{"group":42,"reduction":{"id":42}},{"group":43,"reduction":{"id":43}},{"group":89,"reduction":{"id":89}}] )
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1468.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1468.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8cfc15..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1468.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1468 -- Empty batched_replaces_t constructed
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.insert([{}, {}, {}])['inserted']
- ot: (3)
- - rb: tbl.replace(non_atomic:'true'){|row| r.js("{}")}
- ot: ({"unchanged"=>0,"skipped"=>0,"replaced"=>0,"inserted"=>0,"first_error"=>"Cannot convert javascript `undefined` to ql::datum_t.","errors"=>3,"deleted"=>0})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1789.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1789.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ad614b7..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/1789.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-desc: 1789 -- deleting a secondary index on a table that contains non-inline stored documents corrupts db
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.insert({:foo => 'a', :data => "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- ot: ({'inserted':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_create('foo')
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_wait('foo').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: ([{'index':'foo', 'ready':true}])
- - rb: tbl.index_drop('foo')
- ot: ({'dropped':1})
- - rb: tbl.coerce_to('ARRAY').count()
- ot: (1)
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2052.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2052.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c7c62bc2..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2052.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-desc: 2052 -- Verify that the server rejects bogus global options.
- - cd: r.expr(1)
- runopts:
- array_limit: 16
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr(1)
- runopts:
- obviously_bogus: 16
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Unrecognized global optional argument `obviously_bogus`.", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2399.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2399.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f646bac..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2399.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-desc: 2399 literal terms not removed under certain circumstances
-table_variable_name: t
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => r.literal({})}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a':{'b':{}}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => r.literal()}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a': {}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => {:c => {:d => r.literal({})}}}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a':{'b':{'c':{'d':{}}}}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => [[[{:c => r.literal({})}]]]}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a':{'b':[[[{'c':{}}]]]}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => [r.literal()]}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a':{'b':[]}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => {:a => 'A', :b => 'B', :c => 'C', :cc => r.literal(), :d => 'D'}}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a':{'b':{'a':'A', 'b':'B', 'c':'C', 'd':'D'}}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
- - rb: t.insert({})
- - rb: t.update({:a => {:b => {:a => 'A', :b => 'B', :c => 'C', :cc => r.literal('CC'), :d => 'D'}}})
- - rb: t.without('id').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'a':{'b':{'a':'A', 'b':'B', 'c':'C', 'cc':'CC', 'd':'D'}}}]
- - rb: t.delete()
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2639.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2639.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 70f91761..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2639.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-desc: 2639 -- Coroutine stacks should not overflow during the query compilation phase.
- - rb: r.expr({id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:{id:1}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, 1000)
- ot: partial({})
- - rb: r.expr([[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]],1000).and(nil)
- ot: nil
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2696.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2696.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ca88b55..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2696.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression test for issue 2696, delete_at with end bounds.
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).delete_at(4,4)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: r.expr([]).delete_at(0,0)
- ot: []
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2697.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2697.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ba488172..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2697.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-desc: 2697 -- Array insert and splice operations don't check array size limit.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # make enormous > 100,000 element array
- - def: ten_l = r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
- - js: tbl.insert({'id':1, 'a':r.expr(ten_l).concatMap(function(l) { return ten_l }).concatMap(function(l) { return ten_l }).concatMap(function(l) { return ten_l }).concatMap(function(l) { return ten_l })}).pluck('first_error', 'inserted')
- py: tbl.insert({'id':1, 'a':r.expr(ten_l).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11)))}).pluck('first_error', 'inserted')
- rb: tbl.insert({'id':1, 'a':r.expr(ten_l).concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}}).pluck('first_error', 'inserted')
- ot: ({'inserted':1})
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':1, 'a':r.row['a'].splice_at(0, [2])}).pluck('first_error')
- js: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':1, 'a':r.row('a').spliceAt(0, [2])}).pluck('first__error')
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace{|old| {:id => 1, :a => old['a'].splice_at(0, [2])}}.pluck('first_error')
- ot: ({'first_error':'Array over size limit `100000`.'})
- - cd: tbl.get(1)['a'].count()
- js: tbl.get(1)('a').count()
- ot: 100000
- - cd: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':1, 'a':r.row['a'].insert_at(0, [2])}).pluck('first_error')
- js: tbl.get(1).replace({'id':1, 'a':r.row('a').insertAt(0, [2])}).pluck('first__error')
- rb: tbl.get(1).replace{|old| {:id => 1, :a => old['a'].insert_at(0, [2])}}.pluck('first_error')
- ot: ({'first_error':'Array over size limit `100000`.'})
- - cd: tbl.get(1)['a'].count()
- js: tbl.get(1)('a').count()
- ot: 100000
- - js: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).spliceAt(0, [1]).count()
- py: r.expr(ten_l).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).splice_at(0, [1]).count()
- rb: r.expr(ten_l).concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.splice_at(0, [1]).count()
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Array over size limit `100000`.", [])
- - js: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).concatMap(function(l) { return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }).insertAt(0, [1]).count()
- py: r.expr(ten_l).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).concat_map(lambda l:list(range(1,11))).insert_at(0, [1]).count()
- rb: r.expr(ten_l).concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.concat_map {|l| ten_l}.insert_at(0, [1]).count()
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Array over size limit `100000`.", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2709.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2709.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a5ffe12d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2709.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-desc: 2709 -- Guarantee failed with [max_els >= min_els]
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.insert([{'result':i} for i in range(1,1000)]).pluck('first_error', 'inserted')
- runopts:
- min_batch_rows: 10
- max_batch_rows: 13
- ot: ({'inserted':999})
- - py: thing:'key').count()
- runopts:
- min_batch_rows: 10
- max_batch_rows: 13
- ot: (999)
- - py: thing:'key').count()
- runopts:
- min_batch_rows: 10
- max_batch_rows: 13
- ot: (999)
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2710.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2710.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5fa738..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2710.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test pseudo literal strings in JSON.
- - js: r.expr({"a":{"b":1, "c":2}}).merge(r.json('{"a":{"$reql_'+'type$":"LITERAL", "value":{"b":2}}}'))
- py: r.expr({"a":{"b":1, "c":2}}).merge(r.json('{"a":{"$reql_type$":"LITERAL", "value":{"b":2}}}'))
- rb: r.expr({:a => {:b => 1, :c => 2}}).merge(r.json('{"a":{"$reql_type$":"LITERAL", "value":{"b":2}}}'))
- ot: ({'a':{'b':2}})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2766.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2766.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb562fb..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2766.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-desc: Stop people treating ptypes as objects
- - cd:['epoch_time']
- js:'epoch_time')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `bracket` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd:'epoch_time')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `get_field` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd:
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `keys` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd:'epoch_time')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `pluck` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd:'epoch_time')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `without` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd:{"foo":4})
- rb:{"foo"=>4})
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `merge` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd: r.expr({"foo":4}).merge(
- rb: r.expr({"foo"=>4}).merge(
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot merge objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd:'epoch_time')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `has_fields` on objects of type `PTYPE<TIME>`.")
- - cd: r.object().has_fields(r.time(2014, 7, 7, 'Z'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Invalid path argument `1404691200`.")
- - cd: r.expr(1).keys()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `keys` on objects of type `NUMBER`.")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2767.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2767.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cafba340..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2767.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-desc: 2767 -- Evaulate secondary index function with pristine env.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.index_create('foo', lambda x:(x['a']+[1,2,3,4,5]+[6,7,8,9,10]).count())
- runopts:
- array_limit: 6
- ot: {'created':1}
- - py: tbl.index_wait()
- - py: tbl.insert({'id':1,'a':[1,2,3,4,5]})
- runopts:
- array_limit: 6
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':1}
- - py: tbl.coerce_to('array')
- ot: [{'id':1,'a':[1,2,3,4,5]}]
- - py: tbl.get_all(15, index='foo').coerce_to('array')
- ot: [{'id':1,'a':[1,2,3,4,5]}]
- - py: tbl.get_all(15, index='foo').coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- array_limit: 6
- ot: [{'id':1,'a':[1,2,3,4,5]}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2774.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2774.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 143245f1..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2774.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests key sorting of all usable types in secondary indexes
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Test key sorting
- - def:
- py: binary_a = r.binary(b'')
- rb: binary_a = r.binary('')
- js: binary_a = Buffer('')
- - def:
- py: binary_trunc1 = r.binary(b'123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
- b'123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890')
- rb: binary_trunc1 = r.binary('123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
- '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890')
- js: binary_trunc1 = Buffer('123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
- '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890')
- - def:
- py: binary_trunc2 = r.binary(b'123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
- b'123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891')
- rb: binary_trunc2 = r.binary('123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
- '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891')
- js: binary_trunc2 = Buffer('123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
- '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891')
- - def:
- py: binary_b = r.binary(b'5aurhbviunr')
- rb: binary_b = r.binary('5aurhbviunr')
- js: binary_b = Buffer('5aurhbviunr')
- - def: str_trunc1 = '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
- - def: str_trunc2 = '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891'
- # Define a set of rows in order of increasing sindex keys
- - def: trows = [ {'id':0,'idx':[0]},
- {'id':1,'idx':[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0]},
- {'id':2,'idx':[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4]},
- {'id':3,'idx':[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5]},
- {'id':4,'idx':[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1]},
- {'id':5,'idx':[1, 3, binary_trunc1]},
- {'id':6,'idx':[1, 3, binary_trunc2]},
- {'id':7,'idx':[1, 3, r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0)]},
- {'id':8,'idx':[1, 3, r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0)]},
- {'id':9,'idx':[1, 3, r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(0), r.epoch_time(1)]},
- {'id':10,'idx':[1, 3, str_trunc1, str_trunc1]},
- {'id':11,'idx':[1, 3, str_trunc1, str_trunc2]},
- {'id':12,'idx':[1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]},
- {'id':13,'idx':[binary_trunc1]},
- {'id':14,'idx':[binary_trunc2]},
- {'id':15,'idx':False},
- {'id':16,'idx':True},
- {'id':17,'idx':-500},
- {'id':18,'idx':500},
- {'id':19,'idx':binary_a},
- {'id':20,'idx':binary_trunc1},
- {'id':21,'idx':binary_trunc2},
- {'id':22,'idx':binary_b},
- {'id':23,'idx':r.epoch_time(0)},
- {'id':24,'idx':''},
- {'id':25,'idx':' str'},
- {'id':26,'idx':str_trunc1},
- {'id':27,'idx':str_trunc2}]
- - def:
- cd: expected = r.range(tbl.count()).coerce_to('array')
- - cd: tbl.insert(trows)['inserted']
- js: tbl.insert(trows)('inserted')
- ot: 28
- - cd: tbl.index_create('idx')
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('idx').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'index':'idx','ready':true}]
- - rb: tbl.order_by({:index => 'idx'}).map{|row| row['id']}.coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'idx'}).map(r.row('id')).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- py: tbl.order_by(index='idx').map(r.row['id']).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- ot: true
- # Test minval and maxval
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => 'idx').between(r.minval, r.maxval).map{|x| x['id']}.coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'idx'}).between(r.minval, r.maxval).map(r.row('id')).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- py: tbl.order_by(index='idx').between(r.minval, r.maxval).map(r.row['id']).coerce_to('array').eq(expected)
- ot: true
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='idx').between([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4],[1,2,3,4,5,6,8]).map(r.row['id']).coerce_to('array')
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'idx'}).between([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4],[1,2,3,4,5,6,8]).map(r.row('id')).coerce_to('array')
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => 'idx').between([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4],[1,2,3,4,5,6,8]).map{|x| x['id']}.coerce_to('array')
- ot: [2,3,4]
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='idx').between([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,r.minval],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,r.maxval]).map(r.row['id']).coerce_to('array')
- js: tbl.order_by({index:'idx'}).between([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,r.minval],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,r.maxval]).map(r.row('id')).coerce_to('array')
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => 'idx').between([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,r.minval],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,r.maxval]).map{|x| x['id']}.coerce_to('array')
- ot: [3]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5412b8b1..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test that return_changes fails gracefully.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.insert([{'result':i} for i in range(1,100)]).pluck('first_error', 'inserted')
- ot: {'inserted':99}
- - py: tbl.update({'foo':'bar'}, return_changes=True)['changes'].count()
- runopts:
- array_limit: 40
- ot: 40
- - py: tbl.update({'foo':'quux'}, return_changes=True)['warnings']
- runopts:
- array_limit: 40
- ot: ['Too many changes, array truncated to 40.']
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2930.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2930.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85bf1a92..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/2930.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-desc: Avoid misleading array limit error message
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i,'mod':i%5,'foo':5} for i in range(1,1000)]).pluck('first_error', 'inserted')
- ot: ({'inserted':999})
- - py: tbl.coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- array_limit: 500
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Array over size limit `500`.", [0])
- - py:'mod').coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- array_limit: 500
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Grouped data over size limit `500`. Try putting a reduction (like `.reduce` or `.count`) on the end.", [0])
- - py:'foo').coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- array_limit: 500
- ot: err("ReqlResourceLimitError", "Grouped data over size limit `500`. Try putting a reduction (like `.reduce` or `.count`) on the end.", [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3057.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3057.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c10f7b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3057.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test empty polygon special cases
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0])).intersects(r.point(0,0))
- ot: (false)
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0])).intersects(r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0]))
- ot: (false)
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0])).intersects(r.line([0,0], [0,10]))
- ot: (false)
- - cd: r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0]).intersects(r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0]).polygon_sub(r.polygon([0,0], [0,10], [10, 10], [10, 0])))
- ot: (false)
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3059.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3059.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3e16a6..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3059.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-desc: Use pseudotype name properly in `info`
- - cd: r.point(0, 1).type_of()
- - cd: r.point(0, 1).info()['type']
- js: r.point(0, 1).info()('type')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/309.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/309.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc7e9f7..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/309.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #309, using 'union' on an array and a stream doesn't seem to work
-table_variable_name: t
- # Set up a stream
- - cd: t.insert([{'id':0}, {'id':1}])
- # Try to union to an array
- - cd: t.union([2,3,4])
- ot: bag([{'id':0}, {'id':1}, 2, 3, 4])
- - cd: r.expr([2,3,4]).union(t)
- ot: bag([{'id':0}, {'id':1}, 2, 3, 4])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3444.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3444.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0357c099..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3444.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test truncated secondary key ordering under variably sized primary keys
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.index_create("3444_A") {|rec| rec['A']}
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_create("3444_Z") {|rec| rec['Z']}
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_wait("3444_A", "3444_Z").pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: (bag([{'ready':True, 'index':'3444_A'}, {'ready':True, 'index':'3444_Z'}]))
- # Insert two documents with very long keys A*1 and A*0 / Z*0 and Z*1
- # Note that the primary keys "a" and "aa" have different lengths, so
- # the secondary index key will be truncated at different places.
- # We insert a key A*[01] and a key Z*[01] because the former sorts before the appended
- # primary key (Sa / Saa), and the latter sorts after it, which are two distinct cases
- # that we have to test here.
- ot: (1)
- ot: (1)
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => r.asc('3444_A')).limit(1)['id'].coerce_to('ARRAY')
- ot: (['aa'])
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => r.desc('3444_A')).limit(1)['id'].coerce_to('ARRAY')
- ot: (['a'])
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => r.asc('3444_Z')).limit(1)['id'].coerce_to('ARRAY')
- ot: (['a'])
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => r.desc('3444_Z')).limit(1)['id'].coerce_to('ARRAY')
- ot: (['aa'])
- - rb: tbl.index_drop("3444_A")
- ot: ({'dropped':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_drop("3444_Z")
- ot: ({'dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3449.js.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3449.js.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e2f80fda..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3449.js.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-desc: 3449 -- test openness and closedness of range limits under descending ordering
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: tbl.insert([{id: 0}, {id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}])
- ot: {'skipped':0, 'deleted':0, 'unchanged':0, 'errors':0, 'replaced':0, 'inserted':4}
- # Test ascending ordering as well for completeness
- - js: tbl.between(1, 3).orderBy({index: r.asc('id')})
- ot: [{id:1}, {id:2}]
- - js: tbl.between(1, 3).orderBy({index: r.desc('id')})
- ot: [{id:2}, {id:1}]
- - js: tbl.between(1, 3, {left_bound: 'open'}).orderBy({index: r.asc('id')})
- ot: [{id:2}]
- - js: tbl.between(1, 3, {left_bound: 'open'}).orderBy({index: r.desc('id')})
- ot: [{id:2}]
- - js: tbl.between(1, 3, {left_bound: 'open', right_bound: 'closed'}).orderBy({index: r.asc('id')})
- ot: [{id:2}, {id:3}]
- - js: tbl.between(1, 3, {left_bound: 'open', right_bound: 'closed'}).orderBy({index: r.desc('id')})
- ot: [{id:3}, {id:2}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/354.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/354.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0bb19d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/354.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #354, Skip and limit should throw and error
- - def: arr = r.expr([1,2,3,4,5])
- # Correct behavior
- - cd: arr.skip(2)
- ot: [3,4,5]
- - cd: arr.skip('a')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.", [1])
- - cd: arr.skip([1,2,3])
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found ARRAY.", [1])
- - cd: arr.skip({}).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found OBJECT.", [0, 1])
- - cd: arr.skip(null)
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.", [1])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3637.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3637.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98909e09..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3637.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test that negative zero and positive zero refer to the same row
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # In order to send a `-0` from JS we need to provide raw JSON
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0.0, 'value':'abc'}, {'id':[1, -0.0], 'value':'def'}])
- js: tbl.insert([{'id':0.0, 'value':'abc'}, {'id':[1, r.json('-0.0')], 'value':'def'}])
- ot: partial({'inserted':2})
- # Test getting the rows by their original and opposite id
- - cd: tbl.get(0.0)
- ot: {'id':0.0, 'value':'abc'}
- - cd: tbl.get(-0.0)
- js: tbl.get(r.json('-0.0'))
- ot: {'id':0.0, 'value':'abc'}
- - cd: tbl.get([1, 0.0])
- ot: {'id':[1, -0.0], 'value':'def'}
- - cd: tbl.get([1, -0.0])
- js: tbl.get([1, r.json('-0.0')])
- ot: {'id':[1, -0.0], 'value':'def'}
- # Because I don't trust our test framework, test against a JSON string
- - cd: tbl.get(0.0).pluck('id').to_json_string()
- ot: '{"id":0}'
- - cd: tbl.get(-0.0).pluck('id').to_json_string()
- js: tbl.get(r.json('-0.0')).pluck('id').to_json_string()
- ot: '{"id":0}'
- - cd: tbl.get([1, 0.0]).pluck('id').to_json_string()
- ot: '{"id":[1,-0.0]}'
- - cd: tbl.get([1, -0.0]).pluck('id').to_json_string()
- js: tbl.get([1, r.json('-0.0')]).pluck('id').to_json_string()
- ot: '{"id":[1,-0.0]}'
- # Test inserting a duplicate
- - cd:
- - tbl.insert({'id':0.0})
- - tbl.insert({'id':[1,0.0]})
- ot: partial({'errors':1})
- - cd:
- - tbl.insert({'id':-0.0})
- - tbl.insert({'id':[1,-0.0]})
- js:
- - tbl.insert({'id':r.json('-0.0')})
- - tbl.insert({'id':[1,r.json('-0.0')]})
- ot: partial({'errors':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/370.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/370.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d4e5c78..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/370.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #370, calling `map` after `db_list` or `table_list`
- # Set up a stream
- - cd: r.db('test').table_create('t370')
- def: d = r.db('test')
- # Map after db_list
- - cd: r.db_list().map(r.row)
- rb:{|row| row}
- ot: (['rethinkdb', 'test'])
- # Map after table_list
- - cd: d.table_list().map(r.row)
- rb:{|row| row}
- ot: (['t370'])
- # clean up
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('t370')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3745.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3745.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3466412b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3745.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test that we do not crash on an error during a function called at unsharding
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert([ {'id':0, 'a':5}, {'id':1, 'a':6} ])
- ot: partial({'inserted':2})
- # Test bare reduce
- - rb: tbl.reduce{|x,y| r.object('a', r.add(x['a'], y['a']))}
- py: tbl.reduce(lambda x,y:r.object('a', r.add(x['a'], y['a'])))
- js: tbl.reduce(function(x,y){return r.object('a', r.add(x('a'), y('a')));})
- ot: ({'a':11})
- # Test reduce with a function that errors
- - rb: tbl.reduce{|x,y| r.expr(0)[0]}
- py: tbl.reduce(lambda x,y:r.expr(0)[0])
- js: tbl.reduce(function(x,y){return r.expr(0)(0);})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Cannot convert NUMBER to SEQUENCE')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3759.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3759.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index edd94326..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/3759.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test cleanup of cursors on the server
-table_variable_name: tbl
-# The JS test driver doesn't support noreply wait, so only test with Python and Ruby
- - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map(lambda:1)
- rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map{|x| 1}
- ot: [1]
- - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map(lambda:1)
- rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map{|x| 1}
- runopts:
- noreply: true
- ot: null
- - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map(lambda:1)
- rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map{|x| 1}
- runopts:
- noreply: true
- testopts:
- noreply_wait: true
- ot: null
- - py: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map(lambda:1)
- rb: r.db('rethinkdb').table('jobs').map{|x| 1}
- ot: [1]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4030.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4030.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a70b26..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4030.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# note: this should be converted to a full test when #4030 is completed
-desc: test that r.union is a top level function
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # == setup
- - def: data = [{'id':1}, {'id':2}, {'id':3}, {'id':4}, {'id':5}, {'id':6}]
- - def: changes = [{'id':7}, {'id':8}, {'id':9}, {'id':10}]
- - cd: tbl.insert(data)
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':6})
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: (6)
- # == tests
- # - two streams
- - cd: tbl.union(tbl)
- ot:
- cd: bag(data * 2)
- js: bag(data.concat(data))
- # - top level object
- - cd: r.union(tbl, tbl)
- ot:
- cd: bag(data * 2)
- js: bag(data.concat(data))
-# # - two changefeeds
-# - cd: unionFeed = tbl.changes().union(tbl.changes())['new_val']
-# js: unionFeed = tbl.changes().union(tbl.changes())('new_val')
-# - cd: tbl.insert(changes)
-# - cd: fetch(unionFeed, 4 * 2)
-# ot:
-# cd: bag(changes * 2)
-# js: bag(changes.concat(changes))
-# # == errors
-# # - order by
-# - cd: tbl.union(tbl).changes().order_by('id')
-# ot: err('ReqlRuntimeError', "Cannot call a terminal (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) on an infinite stream (such as a changefeed).")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4063.js.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4063.js.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index be2d953e..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4063.js.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-desc: Changefeeds on geo intersection filter
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: changefeed = tbl.filter(function(d){ return d("l").intersects(r.polygon([1,2],[2,2],[2,1],[1,1])) }).changes()
- - js: tbl.insert([{"l":r.point(1.5,1.5), "id":1}])
- ot: partial({'errors':0, 'inserted':1})
- - js: fetch(changefeed, 1)
- ot: [{"new_val":{"l":{"$reql_type$":"GEOMETRY","coordinates":[1.5,1.5],"type":"Point"}, "id":1}, "old_val":null}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4132.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4132.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c44e4c0..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4132.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue 4132
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: r.and()
- py: r.and_()
- ot: true
- - cd: r.or()
- py: r.or_()
- ot: false
- - cd: r.expr(false).or(nil)
- py: r.expr(false).or_(nil)
- ot: nil
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4146.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4146.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 805dee24..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4146.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test that multi indexes ignore values that cannot be indexed, still indexing the remaining values
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # This is testing a property of the server, so a single language (in this case JS)
- # is enough.
- - js: tbl.indexCreate("multi_idx", function(x) { return [x("a"), x("b")] }, {multi:true})
- ot: {created: 1}
- - js: tbl.indexWait("multi_idx")
- - js: tbl.insert([{a:"a", b:null}, {a:"a", b:r.point(0,0)}])("inserted")
- ot: 2
- - js: tbl.getAll("a", {index:"multi_idx"}).count()
- ot: 2
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4431.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4431.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac674516..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4431.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-desc: 4431 -- detect `use_outdated` optarg
- - cd: r.table('test')
- runopts:
- use_outdated: true
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The `use_outdated` optarg is no longer supported. Use the `read_mode` optarg instead.')
- - py: r.table('test', use_outdated=True)
- cd: r.table('test', {use_outdated:true})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'The `use_outdated` optarg is no longer supported. Use the `read_mode` optarg instead.') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4462.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4462.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 150ac085..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4462.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-desc: 4462 -- Coroutine stacks should not overflow during datum serialization
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Create a deeply nested array
- - js: tbl.insert({id:1,arr:[]})('inserted')
- ot: 1
- - js: r.range(1000).forEach(function(i) { return tbl.get(1).update(function(x) { return {arr:[x('arr')]} }, {durability:'soft'})})('replaced')
- ot: 1000
- # We don't care about the actual contents here. We just want to make sure the server
- # doesn't crash when sending the document over.
- - js: tbl.get(1)
- ot: partial({})
- - js: tbl.get(1).delete()('deleted')
- ot: 1
- # A similar test with a nested object
- - js: tbl.insert({id:1,obj:{}})('inserted')
- ot: 1
- - js: r.range(1000).forEach(function(i) { return tbl.get(1).update(function(x) { return {obj:{a:x('obj')}} }, {durability:'soft'})})('replaced')
- ot: 1000
- - js: tbl.get(1)
- ot: partial({})
- - js: tbl.get(1).delete()('deleted')
- ot: 1
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index f5dc224d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-desc: 4465 (Delete tables from table_config)
-table_variable_name: blah
- - py: r.db("rethinkdb").table("db_config").delete()
- ot: {"deleted":1,"errors":0,"inserted":0,"replaced":0,"skipped":0,"unchanged":0}
- - py: r.db("rethinkdb").table("table_status")
- ot: [] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4501.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4501.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 11390c29..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4501.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-desc: index_wait should throw on missing indexes.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.index_wait("missing")
- ot: err_regex('ReqlOpFailedError', 'Index `missing` was not found on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]', [0])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/453.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/453.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e529fa70..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/453.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-desc: Sanity Check Fails, with r.table() expression inside a map (#453)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'a':1},{'a':2}])
- ot: partial({'inserted':2})
- - js: { return tbl; })
- py: x: tbl)
- rb:{ |x| tbl }
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected type DATUM but found TABLE:', [0])
- - js: { return tbl.coerceTo('array'); }).count()
- py: x: tbl.coerce_to('array')).count()
- rb:{ |x| tbl.coerce_to('array') }.count
- ot: 2
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4582.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4582.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a899720..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4582.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-desc: 4582 -- non-deterministic arguments to `replace` and `update`.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.get(0).replace(tbl.get(0))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?')
- - cd: tbl.get(0).update(tbl.get(0))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?')
- - cd: tbl.replace(r.args([tbl.get(0)]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4591.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4591.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f77d13..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4591.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test that using r.args with order_by doesn't crash the server.
- - cd: r.expr([{"x":2},{"x":1}]).order_by(r.args(["x","y"]))
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','r.args is not supported in an order_by or union command yet.')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/46.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/46.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f34bef5..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/46.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-desc: Issue #46 -- bare table_create and table_drop
- - cd: r.table_create('46')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: r.table_list()
- ot: ['46']
- - cd: r.table_drop('46')
- ot: partial({'tables_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/469.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/469.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c399aea..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/469.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-desc: Issue #469: add pkey term
- - cd: r.db_create('d469')
- ot: partial({'dbs_created':1})
- - cd: r.db('d469').table_create('t469')
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').index_create('x')
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').index_wait('x').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'ready':True, 'index':'x'}]
- - cd:
- ot: {'type':'MINVAL'}
- - cd:
- ot: {'type':'MAXVAL'}
- - cd: r(null).info()
- py: r.expr(null).info()
- ot: {'type':'NULL'}
- - rb: r(true).info
- py: r.expr(True).info()
- js: r(true).info()
- ot: {'type':'BOOL','value':'true'}
- - rb: r(1).info
- py: r.expr(1).info()
- js: r(1).info()
- ot: {'type':'NUMBER','value':'1'}
- - rb: r('1').info
- py: r.expr('1').info()
- js: r('1').info()
- ot: {'type':'STRING','value':('"1"')}
- - rb: r([1]).info
- py: r.expr([1]).info()
- js: r([1]).info()
- ot: {'type':'ARRAY','value':"[\n\t1\n]"}
- - rb: r({:a => 1}).info
- py: r.expr({'a':1}).info()
- js: r({a:1}).info()
- ot: {'type':'OBJECT','value':"{\n\t\"a\":\t1\n}"}
- - cd: r.db('d469').info()
- ot: partial({'type':'DB','name':'d469'})
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').info()
- ot: {'type':'TABLE','name':'t469','id':uuid(),
- 'db':{'type':'DB','name':'d469','id':uuid()},
- 'primary_key':'id', 'indexes':['x'], 'doc_count_estimates':[0]}
- - rb: r.db('d469').table('t469').filter{true}.info
- py: r.db('d469').table('t469').filter(lambda x:True).info()
- js: r.db('d469').table('t469').filter(function(x) { return true; }).info()
- ot: {'type':'SELECTION<STREAM>',
- 'table':{'type':'TABLE','name':'t469','id':uuid(),
- 'db':{'type':'DB','name':'d469','id':uuid()},
- 'primary_key':'id', 'indexes':['x'], 'doc_count_estimates':[0]}}
- - rb: r.db('d469').table('t469').map{|x| 1}.info
- py: r.db('d469').table('t469').map(lambda x:1).info()
- js: r.db('d469').table('t469').map(function(x) { return 1; }).info()
- ot: {'type':'STREAM'}
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').between(0, 1).info()
- ot: {'index':'id',
- 'left_bound':0,
- 'left_bound_type':'closed',
- 'right_bound':1,
- 'right_bound_type':'open',
- 'sorting':'UNORDERED',
- 'table':{'db':{'id':uuid(), 'name':'d469', 'type':'DB'},
- 'doc_count_estimates':[0],
- 'id':uuid(),
- 'indexes':['x'],
- 'name':'t469',
- 'primary_key':'id',
- 'type':'TABLE'},
- 'type':'TABLE_SLICE'}
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').between(0, 1, {index:'a'}).info()
- py: r.db('d469').table('t469').between(0, 1, index='a').info()
- ot: {'index':'a',
- 'left_bound':0,
- 'left_bound_type':'closed',
- 'right_bound':1,
- 'right_bound_type':'open',
- 'sorting':'UNORDERED',
- 'table':{'db':{'id':uuid(), 'name':'d469', 'type':'DB'},
- 'doc_count_estimates':[0],
- 'id':uuid(),
- 'indexes':['x'],
- 'name':'t469',
- 'primary_key':'id',
- 'type':'TABLE'},
- 'type':'TABLE_SLICE'}
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').order_by({index:'a'}).between(0, 1, {index:'a'}).info()
- py: r.db('d469').table('t469').order_by(index='a').between(0, 1, index='a').info()
- ot: {'index':'a',
- 'left_bound':0,
- 'left_bound_type':'closed',
- 'right_bound':1,
- 'right_bound_type':'open',
- 'sorting':'ASCENDING',
- 'table':{'db':{'id':uuid(), 'name':'d469', 'type':'DB'},
- 'doc_count_estimates':[0],
- 'id':uuid(),
- 'indexes':['x'],
- 'name':'t469',
- 'primary_key':'id',
- 'type':'TABLE'},
- 'type':'TABLE_SLICE'}
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').between(r.minval, r.maxval).info()
- ot: {'index':'id',
- 'left_bound_type':'unbounded',
- 'right_bound_type':'unbounded',
- 'sorting':'UNORDERED',
- 'table':{'db':{'id':uuid(), 'name':'d469', 'type':'DB'},
- 'doc_count_estimates':[0],
- 'id':uuid(),
- 'indexes':['x'],
- 'name':'t469',
- 'primary_key':'id',
- 'type':'TABLE'},
- 'type':'TABLE_SLICE'}
- - cd: r.db('d469').table('t469').between(r.maxval, r.minval).info()
- ot: {'index':'id',
- 'left_bound_type':'unachievable',
- 'right_bound_type':'unachievable',
- 'sorting':'UNORDERED',
- 'table':{'db':{'id':uuid(), 'name':'d469', 'type':'DB'},
- 'doc_count_estimates':[0],
- 'id':uuid(),
- 'indexes':['x'],
- 'name':'t469',
- 'primary_key':'id',
- 'type':'TABLE'},
- 'type':'TABLE_SLICE'}
- - cd: r.db_drop('d469')
- ot: partial({'dbs_dropped':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4729.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4729.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 26d14202..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/4729.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-desc: 4729 read mode for changefeeds
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: r.table_create('test_4729')['tables_created']
- ot: 1
- - rb: r.table('test_4729', read_mode:'outdated').get_all('').changes(include_initial:true, include_states:true).limit(1)
- ot: [{"state"=>"initializing"}]
- - rb: r.table('test_4729', read_mode:'majority').get_all('').changes(include_initial:true, include_states:true).limit(1)
- ot: [{"state"=>"initializing"}]
- - rb: r.table('test_4729', read_mode:'single').get_all('').changes(include_initial:true, include_states:true).limit(1)
- ot: [{"state"=>"initializing"}]
- - rb: r.table('test_4729', read_mode:'_debug_direct').get_all('').changes(include_initial:true, include_states:true).limit(1)
- ot: err('RqlQueryLogicError','DEBUG_DIRECT is not a legal read mode for this operation (an up-to-date read mode is required).')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5092.js.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5092.js.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 24071278..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5092.js.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-desc: 5092 -- r.uuid with a string argument is deterministic
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: tbl.get(0).update({a:r.uuid()})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?')
- - js: tbl.get(0).update({a:r.uuid(r.args([]))})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?')
- # We are more cautious than necessary when it comes to `r.args`:
- - js: tbl.get(0).update({a:r.uuid(r.args(["test"]))})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?')
- - js: tbl.get(0).update({a:r.uuid("test")})
- ot: partial({skipped:1})
- - js: tbl.get(0).update({a:r.uuid(r.uuid())})
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Could not prove argument deterministic. Maybe you want to use the non_atomic flag?')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5130.js.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5130.js.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c27a1b8..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5130.js.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-desc: 5130 -- Incorrect determinism calculation of r.point
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: tbl.indexCreate("a", function (o) { return r.point(tbl.get(0)('x'), 1); })
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Could not prove function deterministic. Index functions must be deterministic.")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69ca4e1d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-desc: Skip after orderby causes use-after-free (#522)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0}, {'id':1}, {'id':2}])
- - py: tbl.order_by('id').skip(1)
- ot: [{'id':1}, {'id':2}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cfa69d5..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-desc: Can't store r.minval or r.maxval in a secondary index, even when they're in an array.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.index_create("min", lambda x: r.minval)
- ot: {"created": 1}
- - py: tbl.index_create("max", lambda x: r.maxval)
- ot: {"created": 1}
- - py: tbl.index_create("min_arr", lambda x: [r.minval])
- ot: {"created": 1}
- - py: tbl.index_create("max_arr", lambda x: [r.maxval])
- ot: {"created": 1}
- - py: tbl.index_wait("min", "max", "min_arr", "max_arr")
- - py: tbl.insert({"id": 1})
- ot: partial({"inserted": 1})
- - py: tbl.order_by(index="min").count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.order_by(index="max").count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.order_by(index="min_arr").count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.order_by(index="max_arr").count()
- ot: 0
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5241.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5241.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 11fc64c3..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5241.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-desc: Fix transformations and states on artificial tables.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - def: dtbl = r.db('rethinkdb').table('_debug_scratch')
- - rb: dtbl.changes(include_states: true).limit(1)
- ot: [{'state':'ready'}]
- - rb: dtbl.changes(include_initial: true, include_states: true).limit(2)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'},{'state':'ready'}]
- - rb: dtbl.insert({})['inserted']
- ot: 1
- - rb: dtbl.filter{false}.changes(include_states: true).limit(1)
- ot: [{'state':'ready'}]
- - rb: dtbl.filter{false}.changes(include_initial: true, include_states: true).limit(2)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'},{'state':'ready'}]
- - rb:{1}.changes(include_states: true).limit(1)
- ot: [{'state':'ready'}]
- - rb:{1}.changes(include_initial: true).limit(1)
- ot: [{'new_val':1}]
- - rb:{1}.changes(include_initial: true, include_states: true).limit(3)
- ot: [{'state':'initializing'},{'new_val':1},{'state':'ready'}]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5383.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5383.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cdb9401f..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5383.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-desc: 5383 include_offsets problems
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.index_create('datetime')
- ot: partial({'created':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_wait('datetime')
- ot: [partial({'index':'datetime', 'ready':True})]
- - rb: tbl.insert([{id:1, datetime:0}, {id:2, datetime:0}, {id:3, datetime:0}])['inserted']
- ot: 3
- - rb: c = tbl.order_by(index: 'datetime').limit(3).changes(include_initial: true)
- - rb:
- ot: {'new_val':{'id':1, 'datetime':0}}
- - rb: tbl.get(1).update({datetime: 1})['replaced']
- ot: 1
- - rb:
- ot: {'new_val':{'id':2, 'datetime':0}}
- - rb:
- ot: {'new_val':{'id':3, 'datetime':0}}
- - rb:
- ot: {'new_val':{'id':1, 'datetime':1}, 'old_val':{'id':1, 'datetime':0}}
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5438.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5438.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4016dca8..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5438.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression test for issue 5438
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.index_create('a')['created']
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.index_wait('a')['ready']
- ot: [true]
- - rb: ch = tbl.get_all(1, index: 'a').filter({b: 1}).changes
- - rb: tbl.insert({id: 0, a: 0, b: 0})['inserted']
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({a: 1})['replaced']
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({b: 1})['replaced']
- ot: 1
- - rb: fetch(ch, 1)
- ot: [{"new_val"=>{"a"=>1, "b"=>1, "id"=>0}, "old_val"=>nil}] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/545.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/545.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 09451a6f..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/545.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-desc: r.js inside reduce crashes server (#545)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0}, {'id':1}, {'id':2}])
- - js: tbl.reduce(r.js("(function(x,y){return 1;})"))
- py: tbl.reduce(r.js("(function(x,y){return 1;})"))
- rb: tbl.reduce(r.js("(function(x,y){return 1;})"))
- ot: 1
- - js: tbl.reduce(r.js("(function(x,y){return {id:x[\"id\"] + y[\"id\"]};})"))
- py: tbl.reduce(r.js("(function(x,y){return {id:x[\"id\"] + y[\"id\"]};})"))
- rb: tbl.reduce(r.js("(function(x,y){return {id:x[\"id\"] + y[\"id\"]};})"))
- ot: ({'id':3})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/546.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/546.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f10d6b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/546.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #546, variable shadowing
- # Just a single nesting level, for sanity
- - js: r(1).do(function(a) { return a; })
- py: r.expr(1).do(lambda a:a)
- ot: 1
- # Nested but returning the inner var
- - js: |-
- r(1).do(function(a) {
- return r(2).do(function(b) {
- return b;
- });
- })
- py: r.expr(1).do(lambda a:r.expr(2).do(lambda b:b))
- ot: 2
- # Nested but returning the outer var (this was the problem in 546)
- - js: |-
- r(1).do(function(a) {
- return r(2).do(function(b) {
- return a;
- });
- })
- py: r.expr(1).do(lambda a:r.expr(2).do(lambda b:a))
- ot: 1
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index ffef1a7a..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-desc: multi-stream map works even if one of the streams is empty from the beginning
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: r.range(100).map(tbl, lambda x, y: nil)
- ot: []
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5535.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5535.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index baa450de..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/5535.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression test for issue 5535
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.insert([{id: 0, a: nil}, {id: 1, a: 1}])['inserted']
- ot: 2
- - rb: ch = tbl['a'].changes(include_initial: true, include_states: true)
- - rb: fetch(ch, 3)
- ot: [{"state"=>"initializing"},{"new_val"=>1},{"state"=>"ready"}]
- - rb: tbl.get(0).update({a: 2})['replaced']
- ot: 1
- - rb: fetch(ch, 1)
- ot: [{"new_val"=>2, "old_val"=>nil}] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f93ac64..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-desc: r.minval can't be confused with an empty array. This used to crash.
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.index_create("v")
- ot: {"created": 1}
- - py: tbl.index_wait("v")
- - py: tbl.insert({"id": 1, "v": []})
- ot: partial({"inserted": 1})
- - py: tbl.between([r.minval], [r.maxval], left_bound="open", index="v").count()
- ot: 0
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/568.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/568.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 91181171..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/568.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-desc: concatmap that doesn't return stream crashes server (#568)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert({'name':'Jim Brown'})
- - js: tbl.concatMap(function(rec){return rec("name")})
- py: tbl.concat_map(lambda rec:rec["name"])
- rb: tbl.concat_map {|rec| rec[:name]}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert STRING to SEQUENCE", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/578.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/578.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e02279d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/578.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-desc: Catch obvious sindex creation/dropping errors (#578)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: tbl.index_create("578", function(rec){return 1})
- py: tbl.index_create("578", lambda rec:1)
- rb: tbl.index_create("578") {|rec| 1}
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait("578").pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'ready':True, 'index':'578'}]
- - js: tbl.index_create("578", function(rec){return 1})
- py: tbl.index_create("578", lambda rec:1)
- rb: tbl.index_create("578") {|rec| 1}
- ot: err_regex("ReqlOpFailedError", "Index `578` already exists on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]", [])
- - js: tbl.index_drop("578")
- py: tbl.index_drop("578")
- rb: tbl.index_drop("578")
- ot: {'dropped':1}
- - js: tbl.index_drop("578")
- py: tbl.index_drop("578")
- rb: tbl.index_drop("578")
- ot: err_regex("ReqlOpFailedError", "Index `578` does not exist on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/579.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/579.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e8786943..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/579.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-desc: reject non-deterministic secondary indexes (#579)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.insert({'name':'Jim Brown'})
- - js: tbl.index_create("579", function(rec){return r.js("1")})
- py: tbl.index_create("579", lambda rec:r.js("1"))
- rb: tbl.index_create("579") {|rec| r.js("1")}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Could not prove function deterministic. Index functions must be deterministic.", [])
- - js: tbl.index_create("579", function(rec){return tbl.get(0)})
- py: tbl.index_create("579", lambda rec:tbl.get(0))
- rb: tbl.index_create("579") {|rec| tbl.get(0)}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Could not prove function deterministic. Index functions must be deterministic.", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/619.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/619.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e544f40f..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/619.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression test for issue #619 "Python driver doesn't support inserting objects w/ 'self' as a key"
- - py: r.expr({"self":"foo"})
- ot: ({'self':'foo'})
- - py: r.expr(1).do(lambda x:{'self':x})
- ot: ({'self':1})
- - py: r.expr({"a":{"self":1}})
- ot: ({"a":{"self":1}})
- - py: r.expr({"self":{"self":{"self":1}}})
- ot: ({"self":{"self":{"self":1}}})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/665.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/665.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ea6caada..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/665.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #665. Makes sharding not depend on operation's region.
- # Create a table and do an insertion.
- - cd: r.db('test').table_create('t665')
- def: t = r.db('test').table('t665')
- # Keys 1 and 4 are sharded to hash shards that, of the four hash
- # shards, are not adjacent.
- - cd: t.insert([{'id':1}, {'id':4}])
- ot: ({'unchanged':0,
- 'skipped':0,
- 'replaced':0,
- 'inserted':2,
- 'errors':0,
- 'deleted':0
- })
- # clean up
- - cd: r.db('test').table_drop('t665')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/678.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/678.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 734f1a5d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/678.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-desc: fix type of `limit` and `zip` on streams (#678)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb:{|x| x}.limit(1).typeof
- ot: ("STREAM")
- - rb: r([1]).map{|x| x}.limit(1).typeof
- ot: ("ARRAY")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/718.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/718.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 392f95c6..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/718.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-desc: 718 -- another lazy crashing bug -- changed as of #1328 to allow referencing external variables
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: r(4).do{|x| tbl.index_create('718') {|row| row[:id] % x}}
- ot: ({'created':1})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/730.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/730.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b6ee02b8..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/730.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-desc: Regression tests for issue #730 (unbound ruby functions)
- - rb: r.table_Create
- ot: err_regex("NoMethodError", "undefined method `table_Create'")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/757.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/757.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d37f4c6..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/757.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-desc: 757 -- another lazy crashing bug
- - rb: r.db('test').table_create('metadata', {:primary_key => 'pagename'})
- - rb: r.table('metadata').insert({'pagename' => 'homepage', 'versions' => [1]})
- - rb: r.branch(r.table('metadata').get('homepage').has_fields('versions'), r.table('metadata').get('homepage'), r(false))
- ot: ({'pagename':'homepage', 'versions':[1]})
- - rb: r.db('test').table_drop('metadata')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/763.js.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/763.js.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e5640770..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/763.js.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-desc: issue 763 check arg count for indexCreate in JS driver
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - js: tbl.indexCreate()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 3 arguments but found 0.")
- - js: tbl.indexCreate('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 3 arguments but found 4.")
- - js: tbl.indexCreate('a', 'b')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type FUNCTION but found DATUM:")
- - js: tbl.indexCreate('a')
- ot: ({'created':1})
- # The fix also changed affected arg checking for other variable argument functions
- - js: r('a').eq()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 or more arguments but found 1.")
- - js: r('a').lt()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 or more arguments but found 1.")
- - js: r(['a']).union()
- ot: ['a']
- - js:
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 or more arguments but found 0.")
- - js: r.add()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 or more arguments but found 0.")
- - js: r.add(1)
- ot: 1
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/767.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/767.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1b0025..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/767.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-desc: 767 -- better NaN checking
- - js: r({a:NaN})
- ot: builtin_err("TypeError", "Illegal non-finite number `NaN`.")
- - js: r({a:Infinity})
- ot: builtin_err("TypeError", "Illegal non-finite number `Infinity`.")
- - py: r.expr(float('NaN'))
- ot: err_regex('ValueError', 'Out of range float values are not JSON compliant.*')
- - py: r.expr(float('Infinity'))
- ot: err_regex('ValueError', 'Out of range float values are not JSON compliant.*')
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/831.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/831.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f82edbd3..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/regression/831.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-desc: 831 -- Empty batched_replaces_t constructed
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - py: tbl.insert([True, True])
- ot: ({'first_error':'Expected type OBJECT but found BOOL.', 'skipped':0, 'deleted':0, 'unchanged':0, 'errors':2, 'replaced':0, 'inserted':0})
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/selection.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/selection.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a1ef0c..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/selection.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests that manipulation data in tables
-table_variable_name: tbl tbl2 tbl3
- # Set up tables
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i, 'a':i%4} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'a':i%4});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4 } })
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
- - py: tbl2.insert([{'id':i, 'b':i%4} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl2.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'b':i%4});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl2.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :b => i % 4 } })
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100})
- # Table type
- - cd: tbl.type_of()
- ot: 'TABLE'
- # Missing db case
- - cd: r.db('missing').table('bar')
- ot: err("ReqlOpFailedError", 'Database `missing` does not exist.', [0])
- # Missing table case
- - cd: r.db('test').table('missing')
- ot: err("ReqlOpFailedError", 'Table `test.missing` does not exist.', [0])
- # Nulls should not be allowed in primary keys
- - cd: tbl.insert({"id":"\x00"}).pluck("errors","inserted")
- ot: ({"errors":1,"inserted":0})
- - cd: tbl.insert({"id":["embedded",["null\x00"]]}).pluck("errors","inserted")
- ot: ({"errors":1,"inserted":0})
- # make sure we can insert and query json docs with arbitrary unicode attrs
- - js: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
- py: tbl3.insert({'id':u'Здравствуй','value':u'Земля!'})
- py3.0: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
- py3.1: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
- py3.2: tbl3.insert({'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'})
- rb: tbl3.insert({:id => "\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439", :value => "\u0417\u0435\u043C\u043B\u044F!"})
- ot: ({'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1})
- # make sure we can query json docs by arbitrary unicode attrs
- - cd:
- cd: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
- py: tbl3.get(u'Здравствуй')
- py3.0: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
- py3.1: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
- py3.2: tbl3.get('Здравствуй')
- ot:
- cd: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
- py: {u'id':u'Здравствуй',u'value':u'Земля!'}
- py3.0: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
- py3.1: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
- py3.2: {'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}
- - cd:
- cd: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
- py: tbl3.filter({'value':u'Земля!'})
- py3.0: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
- py3.1: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
- py3.2: tbl3.filter({'value':'Земля!'})
- ot:
- cd: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
- py: [{u'id':u'Здравствуй',u'value':u'Земля!'}]
- py3.0: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
- py3.1: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
- py3.2: [{'id':'Здравствуй','value':'Земля!'}]
- # db and table name validation
- - cd: r.db('%')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Database name `%` invalid (Use A-Za-z0-9_ only).', [0])
- - cd: r.db('test').table('%')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Table name `%` invalid (Use A-Za-z0-9_ only).', [0])
- # Access a table from default db
- - cd: tbl.count()
- ot: 100
- # Access a table using different read modes
- - def: tbl2Name ='name')
- - def: tbl2DbName ='db').get_field('name')
- - py:
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='outdated').count()
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='single').count()
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='majority').count()
- js:
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'outdated'}).count()
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'single'}).count()
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'majority'}).count()
- rb:
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'outdated'}).count()
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'single'}).count()
- - r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'majority'}).count()
- ot: 100
- # Access a table with an invalid read mode
- - py: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode=null).count()
- js: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:null}).count()
- rb: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => null}).count()
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", 'Expected type STRING but found NULL.')
- - py: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode=true).count()
- js: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:false}).count()
- rb: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => true}).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Expected type STRING but found BOOL.')
- - py: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, read_mode='fake').count()
- js: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {readMode:'fake'}).count()
- rb: r.db(tbl2DbName).table(tbl2Name, {:read_mode => 'fake'}).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", 'Read mode `fake` unrecognized (options are "majority", "single", and "outdated").')
- - cd: tbl.get(20).count()
- ot: 2
- # Get a document that exists
- - cd: tbl.get(20)
- ot: {'id':20,'a':0}
- # Get a document that doesn't exist
- - cd: tbl.get(2000)
- ot: null
- # Make sure get only takes one arg (since we used to be able to pass id)
- - cd: tbl.get()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Expected 2 arguments but found 1.', [1])
- - cd: tbl.get(10, 20)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Expected 2 arguments but found 3.', [1])
- # Create a table with a non-id primary key
- - py: r.db('test').table_create('testpkey', primary_key='foo')
- js: r.db('test').tableCreate('testpkey', {primaryKey:'foo'})
- rb: r.db('test').table_create('testpkey', { :primary_key => 'foo' })
- ot: partial({'tables_created':1})
- def: tblpkey = r.db('test').table('testpkey')
- - cd: tblpkey.insert({'foo':10,'a':10})
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':1}
- # get for table where id isn't a primary key
- - cd: tblpkey.get(10)
- ot: {'foo':10,'a':10}
- # Get all
- - cd: tbl.get_all()
- ot: []
- - cd: tbl.get_all(20)
- ot: [{"id":20,"a":0}]
- - cd: tbl.get_all().type_of()
- - cd: tbl.get_all(20).type_of()
- # Between
- - cd: tbl.between(2, 1).type_of()
- - cd: tbl.between(1, 2).type_of()
- - py: tbl.between(1, 2, index='id').type_of()
- js: tbl.between(1, 2, {'index':'id'}).typeOf()
- rb: tbl.between(1, 2, :index => 'id').type_of()
- - py: tbl.between(1, 1, right_bound='closed').type_of()
- js: tbl.between(1, 1, {'right_bound':'closed'}).typeOf()
- rb: tbl.between(1, 1, :right_bound => 'closed').type_of()
- - cd: tbl.between(2, 1).type_of()
- - py: tbl.between(2, 1, index='id').type_of()
- js: tbl.between(2, 1, {'index':'id'}).typeOf()
- rb: tbl.between(2, 1, :index => 'id').type_of()
- - cd: tbl.between(21, 20).count()
- ot: 0
- - cd: tbl.between(20, 29).count()
- ot: 9
- - cd: tbl.between(-10, 9).count()
- ot: 9
- - cd: tbl.between(80, 2000).count()
- ot: 20
- - cd: tbl.between(-2000, 2000).count()
- ot: 100
- # Between
- - cd: tbl.between(20, 29, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(20, 29, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(20, 29, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
- ot: 10
- - cd: tbl.between(-10, 9, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(-10, 9, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(-10, 9, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
- ot: 10
- - cd: tbl.between(80, 2000, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(80, 2000, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(80, 2000, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
- ot: 20
- - cd: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
- ot: 100
- # Between
- - cd: tbl.between(20, 29, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.between(20, 29, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.between(20, 29, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
- ot: 8
- - cd: tbl.between(-10, 9, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.between(-10, 9, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.between(-10, 9, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
- ot: 9
- - cd: tbl.between(80, 2000, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.between(80, 2000, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.between(80, 2000, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
- ot: 19
- - cd: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.between(-2000, 2000, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
- ot: 100
- # Between shouldn't work on arrays
- - cd: r.expr([1, 2, 3]).between(-1, 2)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE_SLICE but found DATUM:', [0])
- # test between on open intervals
- - cd: tbl.between(r.minval, 2).count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, {'right_bound':'closed'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 2, {'left_bound':'open'}).count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: tbl.between(2, r.maxval).count()
- ot: 98
- - cd: tbl.between(2).count()
- ot:
- cd: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 3 arguments but found 2.', '[]')
- js: err('ReqlCompileError', 'Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 1.', '[]')
- # test between with null bounds (allowed in old versions, now an error)
- - cd:
- - tbl.between(null, 2).count()
- - tbl.between(2, null).count()
- - tbl.between(null, null).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot use `nu' + 'll` in BETWEEN, use `r.minval` or `r.maxval` to denote unboundedness.')
- # test between table where id isn't a primary key
- - cd: tblpkey.between(9, 11).count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tblpkey.between(11, 12).count()
- ot: 0
- # Filter
- - py: tbl.filter(lambda row:row['a'] > 2).count()
- js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return row('a').gt(2); }).count()
- rb: tbl.filter{ |row| row[:a] > 2 }.count
- ot: 25
- # test not returning a boolean
- - py: tbl.filter(lambda row: 1).count()
- js: tbl.filter(function(row) { return 1; }).count()
- rb: tbl.filter{ |row| 1 }.count
- ot: 100
- # test seq.filter.filter (chaining and r.row(s))
- - py: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).filter(r.row > 2).filter(r.row > 3)
- js: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).filter(
- rb: r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).filter{|x| x > 2}.filter{|x| x > 3}
- ot: [4, 5]
- # test nesting (and r.rows(s))
- - def: nested = r.expr([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
- - py: nested.filter(lambda x: x.filter(lambda y: y >= 4).count() > 0)
- js: nested.filter(function (x) { return x.filter(function (y) { return; }).count().gt(0) })
- rb: nested.filter{ |x| x.filter{ |y| y >= 4}.count > 0 }
- ot: [[3, 4], [5, 6]]
- - py: nested.filter(r.row.filter(lambda y: y >= 4).count() > 0)
- js: nested.filter(r.row.filter(function(y) { return }).count().gt(0))
- ot: ([[3, 4], [5, 6]])
- - py: nested.filter(lambda x: x.filter(r.row >= 4).count() > 0)
- js: nested.filter(function (x) { return x.filter( })
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Cannot use r.row in nested queries. Use functions instead.', [0])
- - py: r.expr([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).filter(r.row.filter(r.row >= 4).count() > 0)
- js: nested.filter(r.row.filter(
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", 'Cannot use r.row in nested queries. Use functions instead.', [0])
- # test static value syntax for filter (make sure r.row in it works)
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':1,'b':2})
- ot: [{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':1})
- ot: [{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]
- # test static value syntax for filter with r.row
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':r.row['b']})
- js: r.expr([{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3},{'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}]).filter({'a':r.row('b')})
- rb: # r.row not supported
- ot: [{'a':1,'b':1,'c':3}]
- # test filtering for things by a missing attribute
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1}]).filter({'b':1})
- ot: []
- # Count with parameter
- - js: tbl.count(function(){ return {'a':1}; })
- rb: tbl.count{ |row| {:a => 1} }
- py: tbl.count(lambda row: {'a':1})
- ot: 25
- - js: tbl.count({'a':1})
- ot: 0
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,1]).count(1)
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.expr([null, 4, null, 'foo']).count(null)
- ot: 2
- # what the heck, let's see what happens
- - py: r.expr(5) + tbl
- js: r.expr(5).add(tbl)
- rb: r 5 + tbl
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type DATUM but found TABLE:', [0])
- - cd: tbl.has_fields('field').type_of()
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/api.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/api.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c27a538b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/api.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1348 +0,0 @@
-desc: sindex api (#602)
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - def: rows = [{'id':0, 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':0, 'm':[1,2,3]},
- {'id':1, 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':0, 'm':[4,5,6]},
- {'id':2, 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':1, 'm':7},
- {'id':3, 'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':1, 'm':[10,11,12]},
- {'id':4, 'a':4, 'b':4, 'c':4, 'm':[14,15,16]}]
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0, 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':0, 'm':[1,2,3]},
- {'id':1, 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':0, 'm':[4,5,6]},
- {'id':2, 'a':0, 'b':0, 'c':1, 'm':7},
- {'id':3, 'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':1, 'm':[10,11,12]}])
- ot: ({'deleted':0,'inserted':4,'skipped':0,'errors':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0})
- # Test index renaming
- - py: tbl.index_create('rename-foo', r.row['b'])
- js: tbl.index_create('rename-foo', r.row('b'))
- rb: tbl.index_create('rename-foo') {|x| x[:b]}
- ot: {'created':1}
- - py: tbl.index_create('rename-bar', r.row['c'])
- js: tbl.index_create('rename-bar', r.row('c'))
- rb: tbl.index_create('rename-bar') {|x| x[:c]}
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-bar')
- ot: err_regex('ReqlOpFailedError','Index `rename-foo` does not exist or index `rename-bar` already exists on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]',[])
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('rename-fake','rename-stuff')
- ot: err_regex('ReqlOpFailedError','Index `rename-fake` does not exist or index `rename-stuff` already exists on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]',[])
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('id','rename-stuff')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Index name conflict:'+' `id` is the name of the primary key.',[])
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('rename-stuff','id')
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError','Index name conflict:'+' `id` is the name of the primary key.',[])
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-foo')
- ot: {'renamed':0}
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-foo',overwrite=True)
- js: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-foo',{overwrite:true})
- rb: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-foo',:overwrite => true)
- ot: {'renamed':0}
- - py: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-bar',overwrite=True)
- js: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-bar',{overwrite:true})
- rb: tbl.index_rename('rename-foo','rename-bar',:overwrite => true)
- ot: {'renamed':1}
- - py: tbl.index_rename('rename-bar','rename-stuff',overwrite=True)
- js: tbl.index_rename('rename-bar','rename-stuff',{overwrite:true})
- rb: tbl.index_rename('rename-bar','rename-stuff',:overwrite => true)
- ot: {'renamed':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_rename('rename-stuff','rename-last')
- ot: {'renamed':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('minval'){|x| r.minval}
- py: tbl.index_create('minval', lambda:r.minval)
- js: tbl.index_create('minval', function(row){ return r.minval; })
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('maxval'){|x| r.maxval}
- py: tbl.index_create('maxval', lambda:r.maxval)
- js: tbl.index_create('maxval', function(row){ return r.maxval; })
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('rename-last', 'minval', 'maxval').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: bag([{'index':'rename-last','ready':true},
- {'index':'minval','ready':true},
- {'index':'maxval','ready':true}])
- - py: tbl.get_all(0, index='rename-last').count()
- js: tbl.get_all(0, {index:'rename-last'}).count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(0, :index => 'rename-last').count()
- ot: 3
- # minval and maxval should error, so the indexes should be empty
- - py: tbl.get_all(r.minval, index='minval').count()
- js: tbl.get_all(r.minval, {index:'minval'}).count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(r.minval, :index => 'minval').count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.get_all(r.maxval, index='maxval').count()
- js: tbl.get_all(r.maxval, {index:'maxval'}).count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(r.maxval, :index => 'maxval').count()
- ot: 0
- - py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='minval').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'minval'}).count()
- rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => 'minval').count()
- ot: 0
- - cd: tbl.index_create('rename-last-dup', tbl.index_status('rename-last').nth(0).get_field('function'))
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('rename-last-dup').pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: [{'index':'rename-last-dup','ready':true}]
- - py: tbl.get_all(0, index='rename-last-dup').count()
- js: tbl.get_all(0, {index:'rename-last-dup'}).count()
- rb: tbl.get_all(0, :index => 'rename-last-dup').count()
- ot: 3
- - cd:
- - tbl.index_drop('rename-last-dup')
- - tbl.index_drop('minval')
- - tbl.index_drop('maxval')
- ot: {'dropped':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_list()
- ot: ['rename-last']
- - cd: tbl.index_drop('rename-last')
- ot: {'dropped':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('ai') {|row| row[:a]}
- py: tbl.index_create('ai', r.row['a'])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('ai', r.row('a'))
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('ai') {|row| row[:a]}
- py: tbl.index_create('ai', r.row['a'])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('ai', r.row('a'))
- ot: err_regex("ReqlOpFailedError", "Index `ai` already exists on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]", [])
- - rb: tbl.index_create('bi') {|row| row[:b]}
- py: tbl.index_create('bi', r.row['b'])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('bi', r.row('b'))
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('ci') {|row| row[:c]}
- py: tbl.index_create('ci', r.row['c'])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('ci', r.row('c'))
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('idi') {|row| row[:id]}
- py: tbl.index_create('idi', r.row['id'])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('idi', r.row('id'))
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('kdi') {|row| [row[:id]]}
- py: tbl.index_create('kdi', [r.row['id']])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('kdi', [r.row('id')])
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('mi', :multi => True) {|row| row[:m]}
- py: tbl.index_create('mi', r.row['m'], multi=True)
- js: tbl.indexCreate('mi', r.row('m'), {"multi":true})
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('brokeni') {|row| row[:broken]}
- py: tbl.index_create('brokeni', r.row['broken'])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('brokeni', r.row('broken'))
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait().pluck('index', 'ready')
- - cd: tbl.get(true)
- py: tbl.get(True)
- # No error
- - cd: tbl.get([])
- ot: null
- - cd: tbl.get(-1)
- ot: null
- - rb: tbl.get(1)[:id]
- py: tbl.get(1)['id']
- js: tbl.get(1)('id')
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get(1).typeof
- py: tbl.get(1).type_of()
- js: tbl.get(1).typeOf()
- - rb: tbl.get(1).update{null}
- py: tbl.get(1).update(lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.get(1).update(function(x) { return null;})
- ot: {'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0,'inserted':0}
- - rb: tbl.get(1, :ai)
- cd: tbl.get(1, 'ai')
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(true, :index => :id)
- py: tbl.get_all(True, index='id')
- js: tbl.getAll(true, {index:'id'})
- # No error
- - rb: tbl.get_all(-1, :index => :id)
- py: tbl.get_all(-1, index='id')
- js: tbl.getAll(-1, {index:'id'})
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all(-1)
- py: tbl.get_all(-1)
- js: tbl.getAll(-1)
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all([-1])
- py: tbl.get_all([-1])
- js: tbl.getAll([-1])
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :id)[0][:id]
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='id')[0]['id']
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'id'}).nth(0)('id')
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1)[0][:id]
- py: tbl.get_all(1)[0]['id']
- js: tbl.getAll(1).nth(0)('id')
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1,2,3, :index => :id).map{|x| x[:id]}.coerce_to("ARRAY")
- py: tbl.get_all(1,2,3, index='id').map(lambda x:x["id"]).coerce_to("ARRAY")
- js: tbl.getAll(1,2,3, {index:'id'}).map(function (x) { return x("id"); }).coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: bag([1,2,3])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1,2,3).map{|x| x[:id]}.coerce_to("ARRAY")
- py: tbl.get_all(1,2,3).map(lambda x:x["id"]).coerce_to("ARRAY")
- js: tbl.getAll(1,2,3).map(function (x) { return x("id"); }).coerce_to("ARRAY")
- ot: bag([1,2,3])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :id).typeof
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='id').type_of()
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'id'}).typeOf()
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1).typeof
- py: tbl.get_all(1).type_of()
- js: tbl.getAll(1).typeOf()
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :id).update{null}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='id').update(lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'id'}).update(function(x) { return null; })
- ot: {'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0,'inserted':0}
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1).update{null}
- py: tbl.get_all(1).update(lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.getAll(1).update(function(x) { return null; })
- ot: {'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':1,'errors':0,'inserted':0}
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1,2,3, :index => :id).update{null}
- py: tbl.get_all(1,2,3, index='id').update(lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.getAll(1,2,3, {index:'id'}).update(function(x) { return null; })
- ot: {'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':3,'errors':0,'inserted':0}
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1,2,3).update{null}
- py: tbl.get_all(1,2,3).update(lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.getAll(1,2,3).update(function(x) { return null; })
- ot: {'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':3,'errors':0,'inserted':0}
- - rb: tbl.get_all(0, :index => :fake)
- py: tbl.get_all(0, index='fake')
- js: tbl.getAll(0, {index:'fake'})
- ot: err_regex("ReqlOpFailedError", "Index `fake` was not found on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]", [])
- - cd: tbl.get_all(r.point(0, 0))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use a geospatial index with `get_all`. Use `get_intersecting` instead.", [])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(0, :index => false)
- py: tbl.get_all(0, index=False)
- js: tbl.getAll(0, {index:false})
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found BOOL.", [])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(true, :index => :id)
- py: tbl.get_all(True, index='id')
- js: tbl.getAll(true, {index:'id'})
- # No error
- - rb: tbl.get_all([], :index => :id)
- py: tbl.get_all([], index='id')
- js: tbl.getAll([], {index:'id'})
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all(true, :index => :idi)
- py: tbl.get_all(True, index='idi')
- js: tbl.getAll(true, {index:'idi'})
- # No error
- - rb: tbl.get_all([], :index => :idi)
- py: tbl.get_all([], index='idi')
- js: tbl.getAll([], {index:'idi'})
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :id)[0][:id]
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='id')[0]['id']
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'id'}).nth(0)('id')
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :idi)[0][:id]
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='idi')[0]['id']
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'idi'}).nth(0)('id')
- ot: 1
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :ai)
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='ai')
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'ai'})
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :bi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='bi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'bi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3]
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :bi).orderby(:index => :id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='bi').order_by(index='id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'bi'}).orderBy({index:'id'}).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Indexed order_by can only be performed on a TABLE or TABLE_SLICE.', [0])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :bi).between(1, 1, :index => :id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='bi').between(1, 1, index='id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'bi'}).between(1, 1, {index:'id'}).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE_SLICE but found SELECTION:', [0])
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :ci).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='ci').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'ci'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :ci).typeof
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='ci').type_of()
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'ci'}).typeOf()
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :ci).update{null}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='ci').update(lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'ci'}).update(function(x) { return null; })
- ot: {'replaced':0,'skipped':0,'deleted':0,'unchanged':2,'errors':0,'inserted':0}
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :brokeni)
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='brokeni')
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'brokeni'})
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => :mi)
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='mi')
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'mi'})
- ot: [rows[0]]
- - rb: tbl.get_all(2, :index => :mi)
- py: tbl.get_all(2, index='mi')
- js: tbl.getAll(2, {index:'mi'})
- ot: [rows[0]]
- - rb: tbl.get_all(5, :index => :mi)
- py: tbl.get_all(5, index='mi')
- js: tbl.getAll(5, {index:'mi'})
- ot: [rows[1]]
- - rb: tbl.get_all(7, :index => :mi)
- py: tbl.get_all(7, index='mi')
- js: tbl.getAll(7, {index:'mi'})
- ot: [rows[2]]
- - rb: tbl.eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :fake)
- py: tbl.eq_join('id', tbl, index='fake')
- js: tbl.eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'fake'})
- ot: err_regex("ReqlOpFailedError", "Index `fake` was not found on table `[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+`[.]", [])
- - rb: tbl.eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => false)
- py: tbl.eq_join('id', tbl, index=False)
- js: tbl.eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:false})
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found BOOL.", [])
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 1}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :mi)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':1}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='mi')
- js: tbl.filter({id:1}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'mi'})
- ot: [{'left':rows[1],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl)
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl)
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(lambda{|x| x[:id]}, tbl)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join(lambda x:x['id'], tbl)
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin(function (x) { return x('id'); }, tbl)
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :id)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='id')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'id'})
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(lambda {|x| x[:id]}, tbl, :index => :id)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join(lambda x:x['id'], tbl, index='id')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin(function (x) { return x('id'); }, tbl, {index:'id'})
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :idi)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='idi')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'idi'})
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(lambda {|x| x[:id]}, tbl, :index => :idi)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join(lambda x:x['id'], tbl, index='idi')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin(function (x) { return x('id'); }, tbl, {index:'idi'})
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :ai).orderby(:right)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='ai').order_by('right')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('right')
- ot: [{'right':rows[0],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[1],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[2],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[3],'left':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :bi).orderby(:right)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='bi').order_by('right')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'bi'}).orderBy('right')
- ot: ([{'right':rows[0],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[1],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[2],'left':rows[0]}])
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :ci).orderby(:right)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='ci').order_by('right')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'ci'}).orderBy('right')
- ot: [{'right':rows[0],'left':rows[0]}, {'right':rows[1],'left':rows[0]}]
- - rb: tbl.filter({:id => 0}).eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :brokeni)
- py: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eq_join('id', tbl, index='brokeni')
- js: tbl.filter({'id':0}).eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'brokeni'})
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.eq_join(:c, tbl, :index => :bi).orderby(:right, :left)
- py: tbl.eq_join('c', tbl, index='bi').order_by('right', 'left')
- js: tbl.eqJoin('c', tbl, {index:'bi'}).orderBy('right', 'left')
- ot: [{'left':rows[0],'right':rows[0]},
- {'left':rows[1],'right':rows[0]},
- {'left':rows[0],'right':rows[1]},
- {'left':rows[1],'right':rows[1]},
- {'left':rows[0],'right':rows[2]},
- {'left':rows[1],'right':rows[2]},
- {'left':rows[2],'right':rows[3]},
- {'left':rows[3],'right':rows[3]}]
- - cd: tbl.index_create('id')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Index name conflict: `id` is the name of the primary key.", [])
- - cd: tbl.index_create('c')
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_create('broken')
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('broken')
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => 'c').orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.get_all(1, :index => 'broken').orderby(:broken).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.get_all(1, index='broken').order_by('broken').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.getAll(1, {index:'broken'}).orderBy('broken').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.index_create('nil') {null}
- py: tbl.index_create('nil', lambda x:null)
- js: tbl.indexCreate('nil', function(x) { return null; })
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait().pluck('index', 'ready')
- - rb: tbl.get_all(null, :index => :nil)
- py: tbl.get_all(null, index='nil')
- js: tbl.getAll(null, {index:'nil'})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Keys cannot be NULL.", [])
- - rb: tbl.insert({:id => 4, :a => 4, :b => 4, :c => 4, :m => [14,15,16]})
- cd: tbl.insert({'id':4, 'a':4, 'b':4, 'c':4, 'm':[14,15,16]})
- ot: {'deleted':0,'inserted':1,'skipped':0,'errors':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0}
- - def:
- # We test to make sure that the other indexes were updated after the insert.
- - rb: tbl.eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :c).orderby(:left, :right).coerce_to("ARRAY")
- py: tbl.eq_join('id', tbl, index='c').order_by('left', 'right').coerce_to("ARRAY")
- js: tbl.eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'c'}).orderBy('left', 'right').coerceTo("ARRAY")
- ot: [{'right':rows[0],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[1],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[2],'left':rows[1]},
- {'right':rows[3],'left':rows[1]},
- {'right':rows[4],'left':rows[4]}]
- - rb: tbl.eq_join(:id, tbl, :index => :ci).orderby(:left, :right)
- py: tbl.eq_join('id', tbl, index='ci').order_by('left', 'right')
- js: tbl.eqJoin('id', tbl, {index:'ci'}).orderBy('left', 'right')
- ot: [{'right':rows[0],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[1],'left':rows[0]},
- {'right':rows[2],'left':rows[1]},
- {'right':rows[3],'left':rows[1]},
- {'right':rows[4],'left':rows[4]}]
- # test between with null bounds (allowed in old versions, now an error)
- - py:
- - tbl.between(null, 2, index='id').count()
- - tbl.between(2, null, index='id').count()
- - tbl.between(null, null, index='id').count()
- js:
- - tbl.between(null, 2, {index:'id'}).count()
- - tbl.between(2, null, {index:'id'}).count()
- - tbl.between(r.minval, null, {index:'id'}).count()
- rb:
- - tbl.between(null, 2, :index => 'id').count()
- - tbl.between(2, null, :index => 'id').count()
- - tbl.between(null, null, :index => 'id').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot use `nu' + 'll` in BETWEEN, use `r.minval` or `r.maxval` to denote unboundedness.')
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).orderby(:index => :id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).order_by(index='id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).orderBy({index:'id'}).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).between(r.minval, r.maxval).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).between(r.minval, r.maxval).map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval).between(r.minval, r.maxval).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot perform multiple BETWEENs on the same table.', [0])
- - rb: tbl.order_by(index:'id').between(r.minval, 3).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.order_by(index='id').between(r.minval, 3).map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).between(r.minval, 3).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 5).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 5).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 5).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, 5).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, 5).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, 5).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1).order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 5, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 5, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 5, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, 5, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, 5, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, 5, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 5, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 5, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 5, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, 5, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, 5, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, 5, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :index => :id).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, index='id').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {index:'id'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 5, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 5, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 5, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, 5, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, 5, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, 5, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, index='id', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {'index':'id', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 5, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 5, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 5, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, 5, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, 5, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, 5 , {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :index => :idi).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, index='idi').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {index:'idi'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 5, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 5, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 5, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, 5, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, 5, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, 5 , {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :index => :idi, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, index='idi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {'index':'idi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 5, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 5, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 5, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 4, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 4, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 4, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 4, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 5, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 5, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 5, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 3, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 3, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 3, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 0, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 0, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 0, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 2, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 2, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 2, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 3, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 3, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 3, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 1, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 0, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 0, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 0, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 2, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 2, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 2, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 1, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, 1, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, 1, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 0, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 0, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 0, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :index => :ai).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, index='ai').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {index:'ai'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 1, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, 1, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, 1, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [4]
- - rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 0, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 0, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 0, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, -1, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, -1, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, -1, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, :index => :ai, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, index='ai', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, -1, {'index':'ai', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 1, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 1, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 1, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 1, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 1, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 1, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, r.maxval, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, r.maxval, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, r.maxval, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 1, :index => :c).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, 1, index='c').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, 1, {index:'c'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, 1, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, 1, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, 1, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, 1, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 1, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, 1, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, 1, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(0, r.maxval, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(-1, r.maxval, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(-1, r.maxval, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(-1, r.maxval, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, r.maxval, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 1, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, 1, index='c', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, 1, {'index':'c', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.index_create('bc') {|row| [row[:b], row[:c]]}
- py: tbl.index_create('bc', lambda row:[row['b'], row['c']])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('bc', function(row) { return [row('b'), row('c')]; })
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('cb') {|row| [row[:c], row[:b]]}
- py: tbl.index_create('cb', lambda row:[row['c'], row['b']])
- js: tbl.indexCreate('cb', function(row) { return [row('c'), row('b')]; })
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait().pluck('index', 'ready')
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [0, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, [1, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(r.minval, r.maxval, {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 2], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [0, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], [1, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 0], r.maxval, {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [0, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], [1, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([0, 1], r.maxval, {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [0, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], [1, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 0], r.maxval, {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, :index => :bc).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, index='bc').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, {index:'bc'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, :index => :cb).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, index='cb').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, {index:'cb'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [0, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 0], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: []
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], [1, 1], {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, :index => :bc, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, index='bc', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, {'index':'bc', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, :index => :cb, :right_bound => :closed).orderby(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, index='cb', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between([1, 1], r.maxval, {'index':'cb', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [3, 4]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 3, :index => :mi, :right_bound => :closed).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, 3, index='mi', right_bound='closed').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, 3, {'index':'mi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0,0,0]
- - rb: tbl.between(1, 16, :index => :mi, :right_bound => :closed).order_by(:id).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.between(1, 16, index='mi', right_bound='closed').order_by('id').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.between(1, 16, {'index':'mi', 'right_bound':'closed'}).orderBy('id').map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,4]
- - rb: tbl.order_by(:index => :mi).map{|x| x[:id]}
- py: tbl.order_by(index='mi').map(lambda x:x['id'])
- js: tbl.orderBy({'index':'mi'}).map(function(x) { return x('id'); })
- ot: [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,4]
- # Test open left bounds with both the primary and a secondary index
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index => :c, :right_bound => :closed, :left_bound => :open).orderby(:id)[:id]
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='c', right_bound='closed', left_bound='open').order_by('id')['id']
- js: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'c', rightBound:'closed', leftBound:'open'}).orderBy('id')('id')
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: tbl.between(0, 1, :index => :id, :right_bound => :closed, :left_bound => :open).orderby(:id)[:id]
- py: tbl.between(0, 1, index='id', right_bound='closed', left_bound='open').order_by('id')['id']
- js: tbl.between(0, 1, {index:'id', rightBound:'closed', leftBound:'open'}).orderBy('id')('id')
- ot: [1]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/nullsinstrings.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/nullsinstrings.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 81695bcf..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/nullsinstrings.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-desc: sindex nulls in strings
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - cd: tbl.index_create("key")
- ot: ({"created":1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait().pluck("ready")
- ot: ([{"ready":true}])
- # if nulls aren't escaped properly, these two "key" arrays map to the same sindex btree key
- - cd: tbl.insert([{"id":1,"key":["a","b"]},{"id":2,"key":["a\u0000Sb"]}]).pluck("inserted")
- ot: ({"inserted":2})
- - py: tbl.get_all(["a\u0000Sb"], index="key").pluck("id")
- rb: tbl.get_all(["a\u0000Sb"], :index => "key").pluck("id")
- js: tbl.get_all(["a\u0000Sb"], {"index":"key"}).pluck("id")
- ot: ([{"id":2}])
- - py: tbl.get_all(["a","b"], index="key").pluck("id")
- rb: tbl.get_all(["a","b"], :index => "key").pluck("id")
- js: tbl.get_all(["a","b"], {"index":"key"}).pluck("id")
- ot: ([{"id":1}])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/status.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/status.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 401e3ff9..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/status.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-desc: sindex status
-table_variable_name: tbl2
-# Index status test on an empty table with two indexes.
-# This is also a regression test for #4868
- - cd: tbl2.index_create("a")
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl2.index_create("b")
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl2.index_status().count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: tbl2.index_status("a").count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl2.index_status("b").count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl2.index_status("a", "b").count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: tbl2.index_drop("a")
- ot: ({'dropped':1})
- - cd: tbl2.index_drop("b")
- ot: ({'dropped':1})
-# Index status tests with bigger tables for a single index
- - py: tbl2.insert(r.range(0, 5000).map({'a':r.row}))
- rb: tbl2.insert(r.range(0, 5000).map{|row| {'a':row}})
- js: tbl2.insert(r.range(0, 5000).map(function(row){ return {'a':row}; }))
- ot: partial({'inserted':5000})
- - cd: tbl2.index_create("foo")
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - py: tbl2.index_create("bar", multi=True)
- js: tbl2.index_create("bar", {multi:true})
- rb: tbl2.index_create("bar", :multi => true)
- ot: ({'created':1})
-# notice this test is timing based, if it's failing then there's a good chance
-# the problem is just that the index creation finished before we could poll its
-# status.
- - py: tbl2.index_status().map(lambda x:x["progress"] < 1)
- rb: tbl2.index_status().map{|x| x["progress"] < 1}
- js: tbl2.index_status().map(function (x) { return x("progress").lt(1); })
- ot: [true, true]
- - py: tbl2.index_wait()['ready']
- rb: tbl2.index_wait()['ready']
- js: tbl2.index_wait()('ready')
- ot: ([true, true])
- - py: tbl2.index_wait()['geo']
- ot: bag([false, false])
- - py: tbl2.index_wait()['multi']
- ot: bag([false, true])
- - py: tbl2.index_wait()['outdated']
- ot: ([false, false])
- - cd: tbl2.index_create("quux")
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - py: tbl2.index_status("quux").do(lambda x:(x[0]["index"] == "quux") & (x[0]["progress"] < 1))
- rb: tbl2.index_status("quux").do{|x| x[0]["index"].eq("quux") & (x[0]["progress"] < 1)}
- js: tbl2.index_status("quux").do(function (x) { return x.nth(0)("index").eq("quux").and(x.nth(0)("progress").lt(1)); })
- ot: true
- - cd: tbl2.index_wait("quux").pluck('index', 'ready')
- ot: ([{'index':'quux', 'ready':true}])
- - cd: tbl2.index_wait("quux").nth(0).get_field('function').type_of()
- ot: ("PTYPE<BINARY>")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/trunc_array.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/trunc_array.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a193b1c..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/trunc_array.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-desc: sindex truncation tests
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: ({'created' => 1})
- - rb: tbl.index_create('idi'){|row| row['id']}
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - rb: tbl.index_wait()
-# Create a mix of truncated and untruncated sindex keys.
- - def:
- rb: a = (0...100).map{|i| "a"*1000 + sprintf("1%02d", i)}
- - def:
- rb: b = (0...1).map{|i| "a"*10 + "b" + sprintf("2%02d", i)}
- - def:
- rb: c = (0...100).map{|i| "b"*100 + sprintf("3%02d", i)}
- - def:
- rb: d = (0...100).map{|i| "c"*1000 + sprintf("4%02d", i)}
- - def:
- rb: e = (0...1).map{|i| "c"*1000 + sprintf("5%02d", i)}
- - def:
- rb: f = (0...1).map{|i| "d"*1000 + sprintf("6%02d", i)}
- - def:
- rb: "vals = (a+b+c+d+e+f).map{|x| {a: x, num: x.match(/[0-9]+/).to_s.to_i}}"
- - rb: tbl.insert(vals)['inserted']
- ot: 303
-# Run tests with a batch configuration that guarantees some truncated
-# keys are split across batches.
- - rb: tbl.orderby({:index => 'a'}).map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}
- - rb: tbl.orderby({:index => r.desc('a')}).map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.reverse
- - rb: tbl.between("a"*1000+"150", 'c'*1000+"450", index:'a').orderby('a').map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.select{|x| x >= 150 && x < 450}
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 'c'*1000+"450", index:'a').orderby('a').map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.select{|x| x < 450}
- - rb: tbl.between("a"*1000+"150", r.maxval, index:'a').orderby('a').map{|x| x['num']}.coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.select{|x| x >= 150}
- - rb: tbl.orderby('id').coerce_to('array').eq(tbl.orderby(index:'id').coerce_to('array'))
- ot: true
- - rb: tbl.orderby(r.desc('id')).coerce_to('array').eq(tbl.orderby(index:r.desc('id')).coerce_to('array'))
- ot: true
- - rb: result = tbl.orderby('a', index:'idi').coerce_to('array')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 100
- first_batch_scaledown_factor: 1
- max_batch_bytes: 1000000000000
- max_batch_seconds: 86399
- - rb: fetch(result).length
- ot: 303
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/truncation.rb.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/truncation.rb.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc58b18f..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/sindex/truncation.rb.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-desc: sindex truncation tests
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - rb: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: {'created' => 1}
- - rb: tbl.index_create('idi'){|row| row['id']}
- ot: {'created':1}
- - rb: tbl.index_wait()
-# Create a mix of truncated and untruncated sindex keys.
- - def: a = (0...100).map{|i| "a"*1000 + sprintf("1%02d", i)}
- - def: b = (0...1).map{|i| "a"*10 + "b" + sprintf("2%02d", i)}
- - def: c = (0...100).map{|i| "b"*100 + sprintf("3%02d", i)}
- - def: d = (0...100).map{|i| "c"*1000 + sprintf("4%02d", i)}
- - def: e = (0...1).map{|i| "c"*1000 + sprintf("5%02d", i)}
- - def: f = (0...1).map{|i| "d"*1000 + sprintf("6%02d", i)}
- - def: vals = (a+b+c+d+e+f).map{|x| {a: x, num: x.match(/[0-9]+/).to_s.to_i}}
- - rb: tbl.insert(vals)['inserted']
- ot: 303
-# Run tests with a batch configuration that guarantees some truncated
-# keys are split across batches.
- - rb: tbl.orderby({:index => 'a'}).map{|x| x['num']}
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}
- - rb: tbl.orderby({:index => r.desc('a')}).map{|x| x['num']}
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.reverse
- - rb: tbl.between("a"*1000+"150", 'c'*1000+"450", index:'a').orderby('a').map{|x| x['num']}
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.select{|x| x >= 150 && x < 450}
- - rb: tbl.between(r.minval, 'c'*1000+"450", index:'a').orderby('a').map{|x| x['num']}
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.select{|x| x < 450}
- - rb: tbl.between("a"*1000+"150", r.maxval, index:'a').orderby('a').map{|x| x['num']}
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 10
- ot:{|x| x[:num]}.select{|x| x >= 150}
- - rb: result = tbl.orderby('a', index:'idi')
- runopts:
- max_batch_rows: 100
- first_batch_scaledown_factor: 1
- max_batch_bytes: 1000000000000
- max_batch_seconds: 86399
- - rb: fetch(result).length
- ot: 303
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/timeout.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/timeout.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e162b81a..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/timeout.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests timeouts.
- # js timeout tests
- # Should timeout after the default of 5 seconds
- - cd: r.js('while(true) {}')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "JavaScript query `while(true) {}` timed out after 5.000 seconds.", [0])
- - py: r.js('while(true) {}', timeout=1.3)
- js: r.js('while(true) {}', {timeout:1.3})
- rb: r.js('while(true) {}', :timeout => 1.3)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "JavaScript query `while(true) {}` timed out after 1.300 seconds.", [0])
- - py: r.js('while(true) {}', timeout=8)
- js: r.js('while(true) {}', {timeout:8})
- rb: r.js('while(true) {}', :timeout => 8)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "JavaScript query `while(true) {}` timed out after 8.000 seconds.", [0])
- - cd: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "JavaScript query `(function(x) { while(true) {} })` timed out after 5.000 seconds.", [0])
- - py: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })', timeout=1.3))
- js: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })', {timeout:1.3}))
- rb: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })', :timeout => 1.3))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "JavaScript query `(function(x) { while(true) {} })` timed out after 1.300 seconds.", [0])
- - py: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })', timeout=8))
- js: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })', {timeout:8}))
- rb: r.expr('foo').do(r.js('(function(x) { while(true) {} })', :timeout => 8))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "JavaScript query `(function(x) { while(true) {} })` timed out after 8.000 seconds.", [0])
- # http timeout tests
- - py: r.http('', timeout=0.8)
- js: r.http('', {timeout:0.8})
- rb: r.http('', {:timeout => 0.8})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Error in HTTP GET of ``:" + " timed out after 0.800 seconds.", [])
- - py: r.http('', method='PUT', timeout=0.0)
- js: r.http('', {method:'PUT', timeout:0.0})
- rb: r.http('', {:method => 'PUT', :timeout => 0.0})
- ot: err("ReqlNonExistenceError", "Error in HTTP PUT of ``:" + " timed out after 0.000 seconds.", [])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/api.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/api.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc9fe56..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/api.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-desc: date/time api (#977)
-# Type shims -- see shim.yaml
- - def: rt1 = 1375147296.6812
- - def: t1 = r.epoch_time(rt1)
- - def: t2 = r.epoch_time(rt1 + 1000)
-# Arithmetic
- - cd: (t1 + 1000).to_epoch_time()
- js: t1.add(1000).toEpochTime()
- ot: (1375148296.681)
- - cd: (t1 - 1000).to_epoch_time()
- js: t1.sub(1000).toEpochTime()
- ot: (1375146296.681)
- - cd: (t1 - (t1 - 1000))
- js: t1.sub(t1.sub(1000))
- ot: 1000
-# Comparisons
- - cd: (t1 < t1)
- js:
- ot: false
- - cd: (t1 <= t1)
- js: t1.le(t1)
- ot: true
- - cd: (t1.eq(t1))
- py: (t1 == t1)
- ot: true
- - cd: (
- py: (t1 != t1)
- ot: false
- - cd: (t1 >= t1)
- js:
- ot: true
- - cd: (t1 > t1)
- js:
- ot: false
- - cd: (t1 < t2)
- js:
- ot: true
- - cd: (t1 <= t2)
- js: t1.le(t2)
- ot: true
- - cd: (t1.eq(t2))
- py: (t1 == t2)
- ot: false
- - cd: (
- py: (t1 != t2)
- ot: true
- - cd: (t1 >= t2)
- js:
- ot: false
- - cd: (t1 > t2)
- js:
- ot: false
-# Predicates
- - cd: t1.during(t1, t1 + 1000)
- js: t1.during(t1, t1.add(1000))
- ot: true
- - rb: t1.during(t1, t1 + 1000, :left_bound => :open)
- py: t1.during(t1, t1 + 1000, left_bound='open')
- js: t1.during(t1, t1.add(1000), {leftBound:'open'})
- ot: false
- - cd: t1.during(t1, t1)
- ot: false
- - rb: t1.during(t1, t1, :right_bound => :closed)
- py: t1.during(t1, t1, right_bound='closed')
- js: t1.during(t1, t1, {rightBound:'closed'})
- ot: true
-# Time Zone Manipulation -- see timezones.yaml
-# Portion Retrieval
- - cd:
- ot: 1375142400
- - cd: t1.time_of_day()
- ot: (4896.681)
- - cd: t1.year()
- ot: 2013
- - cd: t1.month()
- ot: 7
- - cd:
- ot: 30
- - cd: t1.day_of_week()
- ot: 2
- - cd: t1.day_of_year()
- ot: 211
- - cd: t1.hours()
- ot: 1
- - cd: t1.minutes()
- ot: 21
- - cd: t1.seconds()
- ot: 36.681
-# Construction/Conversion
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23, 30, 0.1, "-07:00").to_epoch_time()
- ot: (1375165800.1)
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23, 30, 0.1, "-07:00").timezone()
- ot: ("-07:00")
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23, 30, 0.1).to_epoch_time()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Got 6 arguments to TIME (expected 4 or 7).", [])
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23, 30, 0.1).timezone()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Got 6 arguments to TIME (expected 4 or 7).", [])
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23, 30).to_epoch_time()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Got 5 arguments to TIME (expected 4 or 7).", [])
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23).to_epoch_time()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type STRING but found NUMBER.", [])
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, "-07:00").to_epoch_time()
- ot: 1375081200
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29, "-07:00").timezone()
- ot: ("-07:00")
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29).to_epoch_time()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 4 and 7 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - cd: r.time(2013, r.july, 29).timezone()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 4 and 7 arguments but found 3.", [])
- - cd: r.iso8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05-07:00").to_epoch_time()
- js: r.ISO8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05-07:00").to_epoch_time()
- ot: 1375242965
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1375242965).in_timezone("-07:00").to_iso8601()
- js: r.epochTime(1375242965).inTimezone("-07:00").toISO8601()
- ot: ("2013-07-30T20:56:05-07:00")
- - cd:
- ot: ("PTYPE<TIME>")
- - cd: ( -
- js:
- ot: 0
-# Default Time Zones
- - cd: r.iso8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05").to_iso8601()
- js: r.ISO8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05").toISO8601()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "ISO 8601 string has no time zone, and no default time zone was provided.", [])
- - cd: r.iso8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05", :default_timezone => '-07').to_iso8601()
- py: r.iso8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05", default_timezone='-07').to_iso8601()
- js: r.ISO8601("2013-07-30T20:56:05", {"default_timezone":"-07"}).toISO8601()
- ot: ("2013-07-30T20:56:05-07:00")
- - cd: r.expr([r.monday, r.tuesday, r.wednesday, r.thursday, r.friday, r.saturday, r.sunday])
- ot: ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
- - cd: r.expr([r.january, r.february, r.march, r.april, r.may, r.june,
- r.july, r.august, r.september, r.october, r.november, r.december])
- ot: ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/constructors.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/constructors.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 761f9e99..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/constructors.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test basic time arithmetic
-# Test driver time pseudotype conversion
-# Note that JS Date comparison doesn't work, these are implemented in the connection tests
- - cd: r.expr(r.epoch_time(896571240))
- ot:
- py: datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))
- rb:
- js: 0
- - cd: r.expr({'stuff':r.epoch_time(896571240), 'more':[r.epoch_time(996571240)]})
- ot:
- py: {'stuff':datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), 'more':[datetime.fromtimestamp(996571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))]}
- rb: {'stuff'=>, 'more'=>[]}
- js: 0
- - cd: r.expr([r.epoch_time(796571240), r.epoch_time(896571240), {'stuff':r.epoch_time(996571240)}])
- ot:
- py: [datetime.fromtimestamp(796571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), {'stuff':datetime.fromtimestamp(996571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))}]
- rb: [,, {'stuff'=>}]
- js: 0
- - cd: r.expr({'nested':{'time':r.epoch_time(896571240)}})
- ot:
- py: {'nested':{'time':datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00'))}}
- rb: {'nested'=>{'time'=>}}
- js: 0
- - cd: r.expr([1, "two", ["a", r.epoch_time(896571240), 3]])
- ot:
- py: [1, "two", ["a", datetime.fromtimestamp(896571240, r.ast.RqlTzinfo('00:00')), 3]]
- rb: [1, "two", ["a",, 3]]
- js: 0
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1).to_epoch_time()
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.epoch_time(-1).to_epoch_time()
- ot: -1
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1.4444445).to_epoch_time()
- ot: 1.444
-# Any manipulation truncates to 6 digits
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1.4444445).to_iso8601()
- js: r.epochTime(1.4444445).toISO8601()
- ot: "1970-01-01T00:00:01.444+00:00"
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1.4444445).seconds()
- ot: 1.444
- - cd: r.epoch_time(253430000000).year()
- ot: 10000
- - cd: r.epoch_time(253430000000).to_iso8601()
- js: r.epochTime(253430000000).toISO8601()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Year `10000` out of valid ISO 8601 range [0, 9999].", [])
- - cd: r.epoch_time(253440000000).year()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Error in time logic: Year is out of valid range: 1400..10000.", [])
- - cd: r.epoch_time(253440000000).to_epoch_time()
- ot: 253440000000
- - cd: r.epoch_time(-17980000000).year()
- ot: 1400
- - cd: r.epoch_time(-17990000000).year()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Error in time logic: Year is out of valid range: 1400..10000.", [])
- - cd: r.epoch_time(-17990000000).to_epoch_time()
- ot: -17990000000
-# Check that we parse valid dates (couldn't hurt to add more here).
- - def: cdate = "2013-01-01"
- - def: dates = ["2013", "2013-01", "2013-01-01", "20130101", "2013-001", "2013001"]
- - def: ctime = "13:00:00"
- - def: times = ["13", "13:00", "1300", "13:00:00", "13:00:00.000000", "130000.000000"]
- - def: ctz = "+00:00"
- - def: tzs = ["Z", "+00", "+0000", "+00:00"]
- - def: cdt = [cdate+"T"+ctime+ctz]
- - rb: dts ={|d|{|t|{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- - rb: r(dts).map{|x| r.iso8601(x).to_iso8601}.distinct
- ot: cdt
-# Check that we can put a valid date into any valid timezone.
- - rb: r(dts).concat_map{|x|{|tz| r.epoch_time(r.iso8601(x).to_epoch_time).in_timezone(tz).to_iso8601}}.distinct
- ot: cdt
-# Check that we don't parse invalid dates (couldn't hurt to add more here).
- - def: bad_dates = ["201301", "2013-0101", "2a13", "2013+01", "2013-01-01.1"]
- - def: bad_times = ["a3", "13:0000", "13:000", "13:00.00", "130000.00000000a"]
- - def: bad_tzs = ["X", "-7", "-07:-1", "+07+01", "PST", "UTC", "Z+00"]
- - rb: bad_dts1 ={|d|{|t|{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- - rb: bad_dts2 ={|d|{|t|{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- - rb: bad_dts3 ={|d|{|t|{|tz| d+"T"+t+tz}}}.flatten
- - rb: bad_dts = bad_dts1 + bad_dts2 + bad_dts3
- - rb:{|x| begin; r.expr({:s => x, :d => r.iso8601(x)}).run($reql_conn); rescue RethinkDB::ReqlQueryLogicError => e; nil; end}.select{|x| x != nil};
- ot: []
-# Check that we can't put a valid date into any invalid timezone.
- - rb: bad_dts_in_tz = r.expr({|dt|{|tz| {:dt => dt, :tz => tz}}}.flatten)
- - rb:{ |x| begin; r.expr({:dt => x[:dt], :tz => x[:tz], :s => r.iso8601(x[:dt]).to_epoch_time.epoch_time.in_timezone(x[:tz])$reql_conn)}); rescue RethinkDB::ReqlQueryLogicError => e; nil; end }.select{|x| x != nil}
- ot: []
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/index.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/index.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 013f4270..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/index.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-desc: secondary indexes on times
-table_variable_name: tbl
- - def:
- rb: ts={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445162.0872,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: ts={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445162.0872,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: ts={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445162.0872,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: t1={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445163.0872,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: t1={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.0872,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: t1={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.0872,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: t2={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445163.08832,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: t2={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.08832,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: t2={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.08832,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: t3={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445163.08943,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: t3={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.08943,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: t3={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.08943,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: t4={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445163.09055,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: t4={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.09055,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: t4={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.09055,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: t5={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445163.09166,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: t5={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.09166,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: t5={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445163.09166,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: te={"timezone"=>"-07:00","epoch_time"=>1375445164.0872,"$reql_type$"=>"TIME"}
- py: te={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445164.0872,"$reql_type$":"TIME"}
- js: te={"timezone":"-07:00","epoch_time":1375445164.0872,"$reql__type$":"TIME"}
- - def:
- rb: trows = [{:id => t1}, {:id => t2}, {:id => t3}, {:id => t4}, {:id => t5}]
- cd: trows = [{'id':t1}, {'id':t2}, {'id':t3}, {'id':t4}, {'id':t5}]
- - cd: tbl.insert(trows)['inserted']
- js: tbl.insert(trows)('inserted')
- ot: 5
- - def: bad_insert = [{'id':r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z")}]
- - cd: tbl.insert(bad_insert)['first_error']
- js: tbl.insert(badInsert)('first__error')
- ot: ("Duplicate primary key `id`:\n{\n\t\"id\":\t{\n\t\t\"$reql_type$\":\t\"TIME\",\n\t\t\"epoch_time\":\t1375445163.087,\n\t\t\"timezone\":\t\"-07:00\"\n\t}\n}\n{\n\t\"id\":\t{\n\t\t\"$reql_type$\":\t\"TIME\",\n\t\t\"epoch_time\":\t1375445163.087,\n\t\t\"timezone\":\t\"+00:00\"\n\t}\n}")
- - cd: tbl.between(ts, te).count()
- ot: 5
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, t4).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, t4, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, t4, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, t4, {rightBound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 4
- - cd: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).in_timezone("+06:00"), te).count()
- ot: 5
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).in_timezone("+08:00")).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z"), t4, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z"), t4, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).inTimezone("Z"), t4, {rightBound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 4
- - cd: tbl.update{|row| {:a => row[:id]}}['replaced']
- py: tbl.update(lambda row:{'a':row['id']})['replaced']
- js: tbl.update(function(row) {return {'a':row('id')}})('replaced')
- ot: 5
- - cd: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('a').count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.between(ts, te, :index => 'a').count()
- py: tbl.between(ts, te, index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(ts, te, {index:'a'}).count()
- ot: 5
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, t4, :index => 'a').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, t4, index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, t4, {index:'a'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, t4, :right_bound => 'closed', :index => 'a').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, t4, right_bound='closed', index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, t4, {rightBound:'closed', index:'a'}).count()
- ot: 4
- - cd: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).in_timezone("+06:00"), te, :index => 'a').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).in_timezone("+06:00"), te, index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).inTimezone("+06:00"), te, {index:'a'}).count()
- ot: 5
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).in_timezone("+08:00"), :index => 'a').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).in_timezone("+08:00"), index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).inTimezone("+08:00"), {index:'a'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z"), t4, :right_bound => 'closed', :index => 'a').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z"), t4, right_bound='closed', index='a').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).inTimezone("Z"), t4, {rightBound:'closed', index:'a'}).count()
- ot: 4
- - cd: tbl.index_create('b'){|row| r.branch(row[:id] < t4, row[:a], null)}
- py: tbl.index_create('b', lambda row:r.branch(row['id'] < t4, row['a'], null))
- js: tbl.indexCreate('b', function(row) { return r.branch(row('id').lt(t4), row('a'), null); })
- ot: ({'created':1})
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('b').count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.index_wait('b').count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.between(ts, te, :index => 'b').count()
- py: tbl.between(ts, te, index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(ts, te, {index:'b'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, t4, :index => 'b').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, t4, index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, t4, {index:'b'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, t4, :right_bound => 'closed', :index => 'b').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, t4, right_bound='closed', index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, t4, {rightBound:'closed', index:'b'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).in_timezone("+06:00"), te, :index => 'b').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).in_timezone("+06:00"), te, index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.expr(ts).inTimezone("+06:00"), te, {index:'b'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).in_timezone("+08:00"), :index => 'b').count()
- py: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).in_timezone("+08:00"), index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(t1, r.expr(t4).inTimezone("+08:00"), {index:'b'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - cd: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z"), t4, :right_bound => 'closed', :index => 'b').count()
- py: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).in_timezone("Z"), t4, right_bound='closed', index='b').count()
- js: tbl.between(r.expr(t1).inTimezone("Z"), t4, {rightBound:'closed', index:'b'}).count()
- ot: 3
- - def:
- rb: oldtime =
- py: oldtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(1375147296.681, PacificTimeZone())
- js: oldtime = (new Date(1375147296.681*1000))
- - def:
- rb: curtime =
- py: curtime =
- js: curtime = (new Date())
- - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':oldtime}])['inserted']
- js: tbl.insert([{'id':oldtime}])('inserted')
- ot: 1
- # - cd: tbl.insert([{'id':oldtime}, {'id':curtime}])['inserted']
- # ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.get(oldtime)['id'].type_of()
- js: tbl.get(oldtime)('id').typeOf()
- ot: ("PTYPE<TIME>")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/portions.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/portions.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b2612c5a..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/portions.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-desc: accessing portions
- - def: rt1 = 1375147296.681
- - def: rt2 = 1375147296.682
- - def: rt3 = 1375147297.681
- - def: rt4 = 2375147296.681
- - def: rts = [rt1, rt2, rt3, rt4]
- - def: t1 = r.epoch_time(rt1)
- - def: t2 = r.epoch_time(rt2)
- - def: t3 = r.epoch_time(rt3)
- - def: t4 = r.epoch_time(rt4)
- - def: ts = r.expr([t1, t2, t3, t4])
- - rb:{|x|}.map{|x| x.to_epoch_time}
- py: x:x.to_epoch_time())
- js:
- ot: ([1375142400, 1375142400, 1375142400, 2375136000])
- - rb:{|x|}
- py:
- js:
- ot: ([0, 0, 0, 0])
- - rb:{|x| x.time_of_day}
- py: x:x.time_of_day())
- js:
- ot: ([4896.681, 4896.682, 4897.681, 11296.681])
- - rb:{|x| [x.year, x.month,, x.hours, x.minutes, x.seconds]}
- py: x:[x.year(), x.month(),, x.hours(), x.minutes(), x.seconds()])
- js:[r.row.year(), r.row.month(),, r.row.hours(), r.row.minutes(), r.row.seconds()])
- ot: ([[2013, 7, 30, 1, 21, 36.681],
- [2013, 7, 30, 1, 21, 36.682],
- [2013, 7, 30, 1, 21, 37.681],
- [2045, 4, 7, 3, 8, 16.681]])
- - rb:{|x| r.time(x.year, x.month,, x.hours, x.minutes, x.seconds, x.timezone)}.map{|x| x.to_epoch_time}
- py: x:r.time(x.year(), x.month(),, x.hours(), x.minutes(), x.seconds(), x.timezone())).map(lambda x:x.to_epoch_time())
- js:, r.row.month(),, r.row.hours(), r.row.minutes(), r.row.seconds(), r.row.timezone())).map(r.row.toEpochTime())
- ot: rts
- - rb:{|x| r.time(x.year, x.month,, x.hours, x.minutes, x.seconds, x.timezone)}.union(ts).map{|x| x.to_iso8601}.distinct.count.sub(ts.count)
- py: x:r.time(x.year(), x.month(),, x.hours(), x.minutes(), x.seconds(), x.timezone())).union(ts).map(lambda x:x.to_iso8601()).distinct().count().sub(ts.count())
- js:, r.row.month(),, r.row.hours(), r.row.minutes(), r.row.seconds(), r.row.timezone())).union(ts).map(r.row.toISO8601()).distinct().count().sub(ts.count())
- ot: 0
- - rb:{|x| [x.day_of_week, x.day_of_year]}
- cd:[r.row.day_of_week(), r.row.day_of_year()])
- ot: [[2, 211], [2, 211], [2, 211], [5, 97]]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/shim.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/shim.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f6e5eaf..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/shim.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test the native shims.
- - def:
- cd: t = 1375147296.68
- js: t = 1375147296.68 * 1000
- - rb: r('-07:00')).to_iso8601
- py: r.expr(datetime.fromtimestamp(t, PacificTimeZone())).to_iso8601()
- js: r(new Date(t)).inTimezone("-07:00").toISO8601()
- ot: ("2013-07-29T18:21:36.680-07:00")
- - rb: r(
- py: r.expr(datetime.fromtimestamp(t, UTCTimeZone())).to_iso8601()
- js: r(new Date(t)).toISO8601()
- ot: ("2013-07-30T01:21:36.680+00:00")
- - rb: r(
- py: r.expr(datetime.fromtimestamp(t, PacificTimeZone())).to_epoch_time()
- js: r(new Date(t)).toEpochTime()
- ot: (1375147296.68)
- - rb: r(
- py: r.expr(datetime.fromtimestamp(t, UTCTimeZone())).to_epoch_time()
- js: r(new Date(t)).toEpochTime()
- ot: (1375147296.68)
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/time_arith.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/time_arith.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7584fe8a..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/time_arith.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test basic time arithmetic
- - def: rt1 = 1375147296.681
- - def: rt2 = 1375147296.682
- - def: rt3 = 1375147297.681
- - def: rt4 = 2375147296.681
- - def: rts = [rt1, rt2, rt3, rt4]
- - def: t1 = r.epoch_time(rt1)
- - def: t2 = r.epoch_time(rt2)
- - def: t3 = r.epoch_time(rt3)
- - def: t4 = r.epoch_time(rt4)
- - def: ts = r.expr([t1, t2, t3, t4])
- # We run into double precision with the first one
- - rb: ((t2 - t1) * 1000).do{|x| (x > 0.99) & (x < 1.01)}
- py: ((t2 - t1) * 1000).do(lambda x:(x > 0.99) & (x < 1.01))
- js: t2.sub(t1).mul(1000).do(
- ot: true
- - cd: t3 - t1
- js: t3.sub(t1)
- ot: 1
- - cd: t4 - t1
- js: t4.sub(t1)
- ot: 1000000000
- - rb: ((t1 - t2) * 1000).do{|x| (x < -0.99) & (x > -1.01)}
- py: ((t1 - t2) * 1000).do(lambda x:(x < -0.99) & (x > -1.01))
- js: t1.sub(t2).mul(1000).do(
- ot: true
- - cd: t1 - t3
- js: t1.sub(t3)
- ot: -1
- - cd: t1 - t4
- js: t1.sub(t4)
- ot: -1000000000
- - rb:{|x| t1 + (x - t1)}.map{|x| x.to_epoch_time}
- py: x:t1 + (x - t1)).map(lambda x:x.to_epoch_time())
- js:
- ot: ([rt1, rt2, rt3, rt4])
- - rb:{|x| (t1 + x) - t1}.map{|x| x.to_epoch_time}
- py: x:(t1 + x) - t1).map(lambda x:x.to_epoch_time())
- js:
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type NUMBER but found PTYPE<TIME>.", [])
- - rb:{|x| t1 - (t1 - x)}.map{|x| x.to_epoch_time}
- py: x:t1 - (t1 - x)).map(lambda x:x.to_epoch_time())
- js:
- ot: ([rt1, rt2, rt3, rt4])
- - rb:{|x|{|y| [x < y, x <= y, x.eq(y),, x >= y, x > y]}}
- py: y:[x < y, x <= y, x == y, x != y, x >= y, x > y]))
- js: { return { return [, x.le(y), x.eq(y),,,]; }); })
- ot: ([[[false, true, true, false, true, false],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [false, true, true, false, true, false],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [false, true, true, false, true, false],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [false, true, true, false, true, false]]])
- - def:
- rb: datum_types = r([null, true, false, 1, "1", [1], {"1" => 1}, r.binary('')])
- py: datum_types = r.expr([null, true, false, 1, "1", [1], {"1":1}, r.binary(b'')])
- js: datum_types = r([null, true, false, 1, "1", [1], {"1":1}, r.binary(Buffer(0))])
-# Test comparisons, from both directions (there was a problem where
-# the directions had different behavior).
- - rb:{|x| [[x, t1], [t1, x]].map{|xy| xy[0].do{|x| xy[1].do{|y| [x < y, x <= y, x.eq(y),, x >= y, x > y]}}}}
- py: x:r.expr([[x, t1], [t1, x]]).map(lambda xy:xy[0].do(lambda x2:xy[1].do(lambda y:[x2 < y, x2 <= y, x2 == y, x2 != y, x2 >= y, x2 > y]))))
- js: { return r([[x, t1], [t1, x]]).map(function(xy) { return xy.nth(0).do(function(x) { return xy.nth(1).do(function(y) { return [, x.le(y), x.eq(y),,,]; }); }); }); })
- ot: ([[[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]],
- [[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]],
- [[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]],
- [[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]],
- [[false, false, false, true, true, true],
- [true, true, false, true, false, false]],
- [[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]],
- [[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]],
- [[true, true, false, true, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true, true, true]]])
- - rb:{|a|{|b|{|c| b.during(a, c)}}}
- py: c:b.during(a, c))))
- js: { return { return { return b.during(a, c); }); }); })
- ot: ([[[false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true],
- [false, false, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true],
- [false, false, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true],
- [false, false, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false]]])
- - rb:{|a|{|b|{|c| b.during(a, c, :left_bound => :open)}}}
- py: c:b.during(a, c, left_bound='open'))))
- js: { return { return { return b.during(a, c, {leftBound:'open'}); }); }); })
- ot: ([[[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true],
- [false, false, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true],
- [false, false, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false]]])
- - rb:{|a|{|b|{|c| b.during(a, c, :right_bound => :closed)}}}
- py: c:b.during(a, c, right_bound='closed'))))
- js: { return { return { return b.during(a, c, {rightBound:'closed'}); }); }); })
- ot: ([[[true, true, true, true],
- [false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true]]])
- - rb:{|a|{|b|{|c| b.during(a, c, :left_bound => :open, :right_bound => :closed)}}}
- py: c:b.during(a, c, left_bound='open', right_bound='closed'))))
- js: { return { return { return b.during(a, c, {leftBound:'open', rightBound:'closed'}); }); }); })
- ot: ([[[false, false, false, false],
- [false, true, true, true],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, true, true],
- [false, false, false, true]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, true]],
- [[false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false],
- [false, false, false, false]]])
- - rb:{|x| + x.time_of_day}.map{|x| x.to_epoch_time}
- py: + x.time_of_day()).map(lambda x:x.to_epoch_time())
- js:
- ot: rts
- # Test time interaction with r.js
- - rb: r.epoch_time(rt1).do(r.js("(function(data){return data})")).to_epoch_time()
- py: r.epoch_time(rt1).do(r.js("(function(data){return data})")).to_epoch_time()
- js: r.epoch_time(rt1).do(r.js("(function(data){return data})")).toEpochTime()
- ot: rt1
- - rb:"new Date('2012-08-01')")).to_iso8601()
- py:"new Date('2012-08-01')")).to_iso8601()
- js:"new Date('2012-08-01')")).toISO8601()
- ot: ("2012-08-01T00:00:00+00:00")
- - rb:"(function(x){doc = new Object(); = new Date('2012-08-01'); return doc;})"))["date"].to_iso8601()
- py:"(function(x){doc = new Object(); = new Date('2012-08-01'); return doc;})"))["date"].to_iso8601()
- js:"(function(x){doc = new Object(); = new Date('2012-08-01'); return doc;})"))("date").toISO8601()
- ot: ("2012-08-01T00:00:00+00:00")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/timezones.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/timezones.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d32a5674..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/times/timezones.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-desc: Test basic timezone manipulation
- - def: t1 = r.time(2013, r.july, 29, 23, 30, 0, "+00:00")
- - def: tutc1 = t1.in_timezone("Z")
- - def: tutc2 = t1.in_timezone("+00:00")
- - def: tutc3 = t1.in_timezone("+00")
- - def: tutcs = r.expr([tutc1, tutc2, tutc3])
- - def: tm1 = t1.in_timezone("-00:59")
- - def: tm2 = t1.in_timezone("-01:00")
- - def: tm3 = t1.in_timezone("-01:01")
- - def: tms = r.expr([tm1, tm2, tm3])
- - def: tp1 = t1.in_timezone("+00:59")
- - def: tp2 = t1.in_timezone("+01:00")
- - def: tp3 = t1.in_timezone("+01:01")
- - def: tps = r.expr([tp1, tp2, tp3])
- - def: ts = tutcs.union(tms).union(tps).union([t1])
- - rb:{|x| [x.timezone,]}
- py: x:[x.timezone(),])
- js:[r.row.timezone(),])
- ot: ([["+00:00", 29], ["+00:00", 29], ["+00:00", 29]])
- - rb:{|x| [x.timezone,]}
- py: x:[x.timezone(),])
- js:[r.row.timezone(),])
- ot: ([["-00:59", 29], ["-01:00", 29], ["-01:01", 29]])
- - rb:{|x| [x.timezone,]}
- py: x:[x.timezone(),])
- js:[r.row.timezone(),])
- ot: ([["+00:59", 30], ["+01:00", 30], ["+01:01", 30]])
- # They're all the same time, just in different timezones.
- - rb: ts.concat_map{|x|{|y| x - y}}.distinct
- py: ts.concat_map(lambda y:x - y)).distinct()
- js: ts.concatMap(function(x) { return { return x.sub(y); }); }).distinct()
- ot: ([0])
- # Invalid timezones
- - cd:"")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Timezone `` does not start with `-` or `+`.')
- - cd:"-00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`-00` is not a valid time offset.')
- - cd:"-00:00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`-00:00` is not a valid time offset.')
- - cd:"UTC+00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Timezone `UTC+00` does not start with `-` or `+`.')
- - cd:"+00:60")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Minutes out of range in `+00:60`.')
- - cd:"+25:00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Hours out of range in `+25:00`.')
- - cd: r.time(2013, 1, 1, "")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Timezone `` does not start with `-` or `+`.')
- - cd: r.time(2013, 1, 1, "-00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`-00` is not a valid time offset.')
- - cd: r.time(2013, 1, 1, "-00:00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', '`-00:00` is not a valid time offset.')
- - cd: r.time(2013, 1, 1, "UTC+00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Timezone `UTC+00` does not start with `-` or `+`.')
- - cd: r.time(2013, 1, 1, "+00:60")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Minutes out of range in `+00:60`.')
- - cd: r.time(2013, 1, 1, "+25:00")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Hours out of range in `+25:00`.')
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1436428422.339).in_timezone('-08:00').date().to_iso8601()
- js: r.epoch_time(1436428422.339).in_timezone('-08:00').date().toISO8601()
- ot: ("2015-07-08T00:00:00-08:00")
- - cd: r.epoch_time(1436428422.339).in_timezone('-07:00').date().to_iso8601()
- js: r.epoch_time(1436428422.339).in_timezone('-07:00').date().toISO8601()
- ot: ("2015-07-09T00:00:00-07:00")
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/array.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/array.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f95b360..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/array.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests manipulation operations on arrays
- # Define a sequence to work with
- - def: arr = r.expr([1, 2, 3])
- - def: dupe_arr = r.expr([1, 1, 2, 3])
- - def: objArr = r.expr([{'a':1, 'b':'a'}, {'a':2, 'b':'b'}, {'a':3, 'b':'c'}])
- - def: nestedObjArr = r.expr([{'a':1, 'b':{'c':1}}, {'a':2, 'b':{'c':2}}, {'a':3, 'b':{'c':3}}])
- ## Append
- - cd: arr.append(4)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: arr.append('a')
- ot: [1,2,3,'a']
- ## Prepend
- - cd: arr.prepend(0)
- ot: [0,1,2,3]
- - cd: arr.prepend('a')
- ot: ['a',1,2,3]
- ## Difference
- - cd: arr.difference([1,2,2])
- ot: [3]
- - cd: arr.difference([])
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: arr.difference(["foo", "bar"])
- ot: [1,2,3]
- ## Set operations
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_insert(1)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_insert(4)
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_union([3,4,5,5])
- ot: [1,2,3,4,5]
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_union([5,6])
- ot: [1,2,3,5,6]
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_intersection([1,1,1,2,2])
- ot: [1,2]
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_intersection(["foo"])
- ot: []
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_difference([1,1,1,10])
- ot: [2,3]
- - cd: dupe_arr.set_difference([2])
- ot: [1,3]
- ## Slice
- # Python uses the slice syntax
- - py:
- - arr[1:3]
- - arr.slice(1, 3)
- - arr.slice(1, 2, right_bound='closed')
- js:
- - arr.slice(1,3)
- - arr.slice(1, 2, {right_bound:'closed'})
- rb:
- - arr[(1..2)]
- - arr[(1...3)]
- - arr.slice(1, 2, :right_bound => 'closed')
- ot: [2, 3]
- # One ended slices
- - py:
- - arr[:2]
- - arr.slice(0,2)
- js: arr.slice(0,2)
- rb:
- - arr[(0..1)]
- - arr[(0...2)]
- - arr.slice(0,2)
- ot: [1,2]
- - py:
- - arr[1:]
- - arr.slice(1)
- js: arr.slice(1)
- rb: arr.slice(1)
- ot: [2,3]
- # Negative indicies
- # Python 2.x doesn't handle negative indicies properly
- - cd: arr.slice(-2, -1)
- rb: arr[(-2...-1)]
- ot: [2]
- ## Skip
- - cd: arr.skip(1)
- ot: [2,3]
- - cd: arr.skip(2)
- ot: [3]
- - cd: arr.skip(12)
- ot: []
- ## Limit
- - cd: arr.limit(2)
- ot: [1,2]
- - cd: arr.limit(0)
- ot: []
- - cd: arr.limit(12)
- ot: [1,2,3]
- ## Pluck
- - cd: objArr.pluck('a', 'b')
- ot: [{'a':1, 'b':'a'}, {'a':2, 'b':'b'}, {'a':3, 'b':'c'}]
- - cd: objArr.pluck('a')
- ot: [{'a':1}, {'a':2}, {'a':3}]
- - cd: objArr.pluck()
- ot: [{}, {}, {}]
- ## With_Fields
- - def: wftst = objArr.union(objArr.pluck('a')).union(objArr.pluck('b')).union([{'a':null}])
- - cd: wftst.with_fields('a')
- ot: ([{'a':1},{'a':2},{'a':3},{'a':1},{'a':2},{'a':3}])
- - cd: wftst.with_fields('b')
- ot: ([{'b':'a'},{'b':'b'},{'b':'c'},{'b':'a'},{'b':'b'},{'b':'c'}])
- - cd: wftst.with_fields('a', 'b')
- ot: ([{'a':1,'b':'a'},{'a':2,'b':'b'},{'a':3,'b':'c'}])
- - cd: wftst.with_fields()
- ot: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]
- - def: wftst2 = nestedObjArr.union(objArr.pluck({'b':'missing'})).union(nestedObjArr.pluck({'b':'c'}))
- - cd: wftst2.with_fields({'b':'c'})
- ot: ([{'b':{'c':1}}, {'b':{'c':2}}, {'b':{'c':3}}, {'b':{'c':1}}, {'b':{'c':2}}, {'b':{'c':3}}])
- - cd: wftst.with_fields(1)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Invalid path argument `1`.", [])
- - cd: r.expr(1).with_fields()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot perform has_fields on a non-object non-sequence `1`.", [])
- ## Without
- - cd: objArr.without('a', 'b')
- ot: [{}, {}, {}]
- - cd: objArr.without('a')
- ot: [{'b':'a'}, {'b':'b'}, {'b':'c'}]
- - cd: objArr.without()
- ot: [{'a':1, 'b':'a'}, {'a':2, 'b':'b'}, {'a':3, 'b':'c'}]
- ## Map
- - py: v: v + 1)
- js: { return v.add(1); })
- rb:{ |v| v + 1 }
- ot: [2,3,4]
- #- py:['b'])
- # js:'b'))
- # ot: ['a', 'b', 'c']
- ## Reduce
- - py: arr.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
- js: arr.reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: arr.reduce{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 6
- - py: arr.reduce(lambda a, b:a + b)
- js: arr.reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: arr.reduce(){ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 6
- - py: arr.union(arr).reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
- js: arr.union(arr).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: arr.union(arr).reduce{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 12
- - py: arr.union(arr).reduce(lambda a, b:a + b)
- js: arr.union(arr).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: arr.union(arr).reduce(){ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 12
- ## Filter
- - py: objArr.filter(lambda row: row['b'] == 'b')
- js: objArr.filter(function(row) { return row('b').eq('b'); })
- rb: objArr.filter{ |row| row[:b].eq 'b' }
- ot: [{'a':2, 'b':'b'}]
- ## ConcatMap
- - py: arr.concat_map(lambda v: [1,2])
- js: arr.concatMap(function(v) { return [1,2]; })
- rb: arr.concat_map{ |v| [1,2] }
- ot: [1,2,1,2,1,2]
- - py: arr.concat_map(lambda v: [{'v':v}, {'v2':v + 1}])
- js: arr.concatMap(function(v) { return [{'v':v}, {'v2':v.add(1)}]; })
- rb: arr.concat_map{ |v| [{:v => v}, {:v2 => v + 1}] }
- ot: [{'v':1}, {'v2':2}, {'v':2}, {'v2':3}, {'v':3}, {'v2':4}]
- ## OrderBy
- - cd: objArr.order_by('b')
- rb: objArr.order_by :b
- ot: [{'a':1, 'b':'a'}, {'a':2, 'b':'b'}, {'a':3, 'b':'c'}]
- - cd: objArr.order_by(r.desc('b'))
- ot: [{'a':3, 'b':'c'}, {'a':2, 'b':'b'}, {'a':1, 'b':'a'}]
- - cd: r.expr([{'-a':1},{'-a':2}]).order_by('-a')
- rb: r.expr([{ '-a' => 1}, {'-a' => 2}]).order_by('-a')
- ot:
- cd: [{'-a':1},{'-a':2}]
- rb: [{'-a'=>1},{'-a'=>2}]
- ## Distinct
- - cd: r.expr([1,1,2,2,2,3,4]).distinct()
- ot: [1,2,3,4]
- ## Count
- - cd: arr.count()
- ot: 3
- cd: objArr.count()
- ot: 3
- ## Union
- - cd: arr.union(objArr)
- ot: [1, 2, 3, {'a':1, 'b':'a'}, {'a':2, 'b':'b'}, {'a':3, 'b':'c'}]
- ## Nth
- - cd:
- - arr[1]
- - arr.nth(1)
- js: arr.nth(1)
- ot: 2
- - py: arr[0]
- rb: arr[0]
- js: arr.nth(0)
- ot: 1
- ## Is Empty
- - cd: r.expr([]).is_empty()
- ot: true
- - cd: arr.is_empty()
- ot: false
- ## Contains
- - cd: arr.contains(2)
- ot: true
- - cd: arr.contains(2, 3)
- ot: true
- - cd: arr.contains(4)
- ot: false
- - cd: arr.contains(2, 4)
- ot: false
- - cd: arr.contains(2, 2)
- ot: false
- - cd: arr.union(arr).contains(2, 2)
- ot: true
- - cd: arr.contains{|x| x.eq(2)}
- py: arr.contains(lambda x:x == 2)
- js: arr.contains(function(x){return x.eq(2);})
- ot: true
- - cd: arr.contains(lambda {|x| x.eq(2)}, lambda {|x| x.eq(3)})
- py: arr.contains(lambda x:x == 2, lambda x:x==3)
- js: arr.contains(function(x){return x.eq(2);}, function(x){return x.eq(3);})
- ot: true
- - cd: arr.contains{|x| x.eq(4)}
- py: arr.contains(lambda x:x == 4)
- js: arr.contains(function(x){return x.eq(4);})
- ot: false
- - cd: arr.contains(lambda {|x| x.eq(2)}, lambda {|x| x.eq(4)})
- py: arr.contains(lambda x:x == 2, lambda x:x==4)
- js: arr.contains(function(x){return x.eq(2);}, function(x){return x.eq(4);})
- ot: false
- - cd: arr.contains(lambda {|x| x.eq(2)}, lambda {|x| x.eq(2)})
- py: arr.contains(lambda x:x == 2, lambda x:x==2)
- js: arr.contains(function(x){return x.eq(2);}, function(x){return x.eq(2);})
- ot: false
- - cd: arr.union(arr).contains(lambda {|x| x.eq(2)}, lambda {|x| x.eq(2)})
- py: arr.union(arr).contains(lambda x:x == 2, lambda x:x==2)
- js: arr.union(arr).contains(function(x){return x.eq(2);}, function(x){return x.eq(2);})
- ot: true
- ## Get Field
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1},{'b':2},{'a':3,'c':4}])['a']
- js: r.expr([{'a':1},{'b':2},{'a':3,'c':4}])('a')
- ot: [1, 3]
- - cd: r.expr([{'a':1},'a',{'b':2},{'a':3,'c':4}])['a']
- js: r.expr([{'a':1},'a',{'b':2},{'a':3,'c':4}])('a')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot perform bracket on a non-object non-sequence `\"a\"`.", [])
- ## Grouped Map Reduce
- ## Group by
- ## Inner Join
- ## Outer Join
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/fold.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/fold.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ec147d..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/fold.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for the fold term
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Set up some data
- - py: tbl.insert(r.range(100).map(lambda i: {'id':i, 'a':i%4}).coerce_to("array"))
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'a':i%4});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4 } })
- ot: {'deleted':0,'replaced':0,'unchanged':0,'errors':0,'skipped':0,'inserted':100}
- # Fold
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1))
- js: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, function(acc, row) { return acc.add(1); })
- rb: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda{|acc, row|(acc.add(1))})
- ot: 10
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), final_emit=lambda acc: acc.mul(2))
- js: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, function(acc, row) { return acc.add(1); }, {"final_emit": function(acc) {return acc.mul(2);}})
- rb: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda{|acc, row|(acc.add(1))}, :final_emit=>lambda{|acc|(acc.mul(2))})
- ot: 20
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: [row]).coerce_to("array")
- js: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, function(acc, row) { return acc.add(1); }, {"emit": function(old,row,acc) {return [row];}}).coerce_to("array")
- rb: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda{|acc, row|(acc.add(1))}, :emit=>lambda{|old,row,acc|([row])}).coerce_to("array")
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: r.branch(acc.mod(3).eq(0),[row],[]),final_emit=lambda acc: [acc]).coerce_to("array")
- js: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, function(acc, row) {return acc.add(1);}, {"emit":function(old,row,n) {return r.branch(n.mod(3).eq(0),[row],[])}, "final_emit" : function (acc) {return [acc]}}).coerce_to("array")
- rb: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda{|acc,row|(acc.add(1))}, :emit=> lambda{|old,row,acc|(r.branch(acc.mod(3).eq(0),[row],[]))}, :final_emit=> lambda{|acc|([acc])}).coerce_to("array")
- ot: [2, 5, 8, 10]
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold([1, 1], lambda acc, row: [acc[1], acc[0].add(acc[1])], emit=lambda old,row,acc: [acc[0]]).coerce_to("array")
- ot: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc, emit=lambda old,row,acc: acc).type_of()
- ot: "STREAM"
- - py: tbl.filter("id").fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: r.branch(old.mod(20).eq(0),[row],[])).coerce_to("array")
- ot: [{'a': 0, 'id': 20}, {'a': 3, 'id': 15}, {'a': 2, 'id': 46}, {'a': 2, 'id': 78}, {'a': 2, 'id': 90}]
- - py: r.range().fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: [acc]).limit(10)
- ot: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
- - py: r.range().fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: [acc]).map(lambda doc: 1).reduce(lambda l, r: l+r)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use an infinite stream with an aggregation function (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) or coerce it to an array.")
- - py: r.range(0, 1000).fold(0, lambda acc, row: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: [acc]).coerce_to("array")
- ot: [x for x in range(1, 1001)]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/map.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/map.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b31741f7..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/map.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests the RQL `map` function
- # Type_of
- - js: r.range().map(r.range(), function(x, y){return [x, y]}).type_of()
- py: r.range().map(r.range(), lambda x, y:(x, y)).type_of()
- rb: r.range().map(r.range()){|x, y| [x, y]}.type_of()
- ot: 'STREAM'
- - js: r.range().map(r.expr([]), function(x, y){return [x, y]}).type_of()
- py: r.range().map(r.expr([]), lambda x, y:(x, y)).type_of()
- rb: r.range().map(r.expr([])){|x, y| [x, y]}.type_of()
- ot: 'STREAM'
- - js: r.expr([]).map(r.expr([]), function(x, y){return [x, y]}).type_of()
- py: r.expr([]).map(r.expr([]), lambda x, y:(x, y)).type_of()
- rb: r.expr([]).map(r.expr([])){|x, y| [x, y]}.type_of()
- ot: 'ARRAY'
- # Arity
- - js: r.range(3).map(function(){return 0})
- py: r.range(3).map(lambda:0)
- rb:{0}
- ot: [0, 0, 0]
- - js: r.range(3).map(r.range(4), function(){return 0})
- py: r.range(3).map(r.range(4), lambda x,y:0)
- rb: r.range(3).map(r.range(4)){0}
- ot: [0, 0, 0]
- - js: r.expr([1]).map(function(x){return [x]})
- py: r.expr([1]).map(lambda x:(x,))
- rb:[1])){|x| [x]}
- ot: [[1]]
- - js: r.expr([1]).map(r.expr([1]), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.expr([1]).map(r.expr([1]), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:[1]), r.expr([1])){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: [[1, 1]]
- - js: r.expr([1]).map(r.expr([1]), r.expr([1]), function(x, y, z){return [x, y, z]})
- py: r.expr([1]).map(r.expr([1]), r.expr([1]), lambda x, y, z:(x, y, z))
- rb:[1]), r.expr([1]), r.expr([1])){|x, y, z| [x, y, z]}
- ot: [[1, 1, 1]]
- # Incorrect arity
- - js: r.expr([1]).map(function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.expr([1]).map(lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:[1])){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "The function passed to `map` expects 2 arguments, but 1 sequence was found.", [])
- - js: r.expr([1]).map(r.expr([1]), function(x){return [x]})
- py: r.expr([1]).map(r.expr([1]), lambda x:(x,))
- rb:[1]), r.expr([1])){|x| [x]}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "The function passed to `map` expects 1 argument, but 2 sequences were found.", [])
- # Length
- - js: r.range().map(r.expr([]), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.range().map(r.expr([]), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:, r.expr([])){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: []
- - js: r.expr([1, 2]).map(r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4]), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.expr([1, 2]).map(r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4]), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:[1, 2]), r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4])){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: [[1, 1], [2, 2]]
- - js: r.range(2).map(r.range(4), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.range(2).map(r.range(4), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:, r.range(4)){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: [[0, 0], [1, 1]]
- - js: r.range().map(r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4]), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.range().map(r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4]), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:, r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4])){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]
- # Javascript
- - cd: r.range(3).map(r.range(5), r.js("(function(x, y){return [x, y];})"))
- ot: [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]]
- # Types
- - js: r.range().map(r.expr(1), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py: r.range().map(r.expr(1), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:, r.expr(1)){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot convert NUMBER to SEQUENCE", [])
- # Range interaction
- - js: r.range().map(r.range(), function(x, y){return [x, y]}).count()
- py: r.range().map(r.range(), lambda x, y:(x, y)).count()
- rb:, r.range()){|x, y| [x, y]}.count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use an infinite stream with an aggregation function (`reduce`, `count`, etc.) or coerce it to an array.", [])
- # Prefix notation
- - js:, function(x){return [x]})
- py:, lambda x:(x,))
- rb:, lambda {|x| [x]})
- ot: [[0], [1], [2]]
- - js:, r.row.add(1))
- py:, r.row + 1)
- ot: [1, 2, 3]
- - js:, r.range(5), function(x, y){return [x, y]})
- py:, r.range(5), lambda x, y:(x, y))
- rb:, r.range(5)){|x, y| [x, y]}
- ot: [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/object.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/object.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f9aa91..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/object.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests manipulation operations on objects
- # Define some objects to work with
- - def: obj = r.expr({'a':1, 'b':2,'c':"str",'d':null,'e':{'f':'buzz'}})
- ## Get attr
- - cd: obj['a']
- js:
- - obj('a')
- - obj.getField('a')
- ot: 1
- - cd: obj['c']
- js:
- - obj('c')
- - obj.getField('c')
- ot: 'str'
- ## Has_Fields
- - cd: obj.has_fields('b')
- ot: true
- - cd: obj.keys().contains('d')
- ot: true
- - cd: obj.has_fields('d')
- ot: false
- - cd: obj.has_fields({'e':'f'})
- ot: true
- - cd: obj.has_fields({'e':'g'})
- ot: false
- - cd: obj.has_fields('f')
- ot: false
- # Has_Fields is variadic
- - cd: obj.has_fields('a', 'b')
- ot: true
- - cd: obj.has_fields('a', 'd')
- ot: false
- - cd: obj.has_fields('a', 'f')
- ot: false
- - cd: obj.has_fields('a', {'e':'f'})
- ot: true
- # Has_Fields is polymorphic
- - cd: r.expr([obj, obj.pluck('a', 'b')]).has_fields('a', 'b').count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: r.expr([obj, obj.pluck('a', 'b')]).has_fields('a', 'c').count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: r.expr([obj, obj.pluck('a', 'e')]).has_fields('a', {'e':'f'}).count()
- ot: 2
- ## Pluck
- - cd: obj.pluck('a')
- ot: {'a':1}
- - cd: obj.pluck('a', 'b')
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2}
- ## Without
- - cd: obj.without('a')
- ot: {'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{'f':'buzz'}}
- - cd: obj.without('a', 'b')
- ot: {'c':'str', 'd':null,'e':{'f':'buzz'}}
- - cd: obj.without('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
- ot: {'e':{'f':'buzz'}}
- - cd: obj.without({'e':'f'})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{}}
- - cd: obj.without({'e':'buzz'})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{'f':'buzz'}}
- ## Merge
- #obj = r.expr({'a':1, 'b':2,'c':"str",'d':null,'e':{'f':'buzz'}})
- # complete replacement
- - cd: obj.merge(1)
- ot: 1
- # add attr
- - cd: obj.merge({'e':-2})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':-2}
- # delete attr
- - cd: obj.merge({'e':r.literal()})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null}
- # recursive merge
- - cd: obj.merge({'e':{'f':'quux'}})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{'f':'quux'}}
- - cd: obj.merge({'e':{'g':'quux'}})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{'f':'buzz', 'g':'quux'}}
- - cd: obj.merge({'e':r.literal({'g':'quux'})})
- ot: {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{'g':'quux'}}
- # overwrite
- - cd: obj.merge({'a':-1})
- ot: {'a':-1, 'b':2, 'c':'str', 'd':null, 'e':{'f':'buzz'}}
- - def: errmsg = 'Stray literal keyword found:'+' literal is only legal inside of the object passed to merge or update and cannot nest inside other literals.'
- # errors
- - cd: r.literal('foo')
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", errmsg, [])
- - cd: obj.merge(r.literal('foo'))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", errmsg, [])
- - cd: obj.merge({'foo':r.literal(r.literal('foo'))})
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", errmsg, [])
- - def: o = r.expr({'a':{'b':1, 'c':2}, 'd':3})
- - cd: o.merge({'e':4}, {'f':5})
- ot: ({'a':{'b':1, 'c':2}, 'd':3, 'e':4, 'f':5})
- - rb: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge{|row| {'e':row['d']}}
- py: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge(lambda row:{'e':row['d']})
- js: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge(function(row){return {'e':row('d')}})
- ot: ([{'a':{'b':1, 'c':2}, 'd':3, 'e':3}, {'a':{'b':1, 'c':2}, 'd':4, 'e':4}])
- - py: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge({'e':r.row['d']})
- js: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge({'e':r.row('d')})
- ot: ([{'a':{'b':1, 'c':2}, 'd':3, 'e':3}, {'a':{'b':1, 'c':2}, 'd':4, 'e':4}])
- - rb: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge{|row| {'a':{'b':2}}}
- py: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge(lambda row:{'a':{'b':2}})
- js: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge(function(row){return {'a':{'b':2}}})
- ot: ([{'a':{'b':2, 'c':2}, 'd':3}, {'a':{'b':2, 'c':2}, 'd':4}])
- - rb: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge{|row| {'a':r.literal({'b':2})}}
- py: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge(lambda row:{'a':r.literal({'b':2})})
- js: r.expr([o, o.merge({'d':4})]).merge(function(row){return {'a':r.literal({'b':2})}})
- ot: ([{'a':{'b':2}, 'd':3}, {'a':{'b':2}, 'd':4}])
- ## keys
- - cd: obj.keys()
- ot: (['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
- - cd: obj.values()
- ot: ([1, 2, 'str', null, {'f':'buzz'}])
- ## count
- - cd: obj.count()
- ot: 5
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/table.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/table.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f14c90a..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/table.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests manipulation operations on tables
-table_variable_name: tbl
- # Add some data
- - cd: tbl.insert([{"a":["k1","v1"]},{"a":["k2","v2"]}])
- # Coerce to an object (after map)
- - js:"a")).coerce_to("object")
- rb:{|row| row["a"]}.coerce_to("object")
- py:["a"]).coerce_to("object")
- ot: {"k1":"v1","k2":"v2"}
- # Coerce to an array
- - cd: tbl.limit(1).type_of()
- - cd: tbl.limit(1).coerce_to('array').type_of()
- ot: "ARRAY"
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/unordered_map.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/unordered_map.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f70f8b2c..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transform/unordered_map.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests for ordered_union
-table_variable_name: even odd odd2
- # Set up some data
- - cd: odd.insert([{"id":1, "num":1}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":5, "num":5}])
- - cd: even.insert([{"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":6, "num":6}])
- - cd: odd2.insert([{"id":7, "num":1}, {"id":8, "num":3}, {"id":9, "num":2}])
- # Test left to right union
- - py: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), interleave = false)
- js: odd.orderBy("num").union(even.orderBy("num"), {"interleave" : false})
- rb: odd.order_by('num').union(even.order_by('num'), :interleave => False)
- ot: [{"id":1, "num":1}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":5, "num":5}, {"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":6, "num":6}]
- - py: even.order_by("num").union(odd.order_by("num"), interleave = false)
- js: even.orderBy("num").union(odd.orderBy("num"), {"interleave" : false})
- rb: even.order_by('num').union(odd.order_by('num'), :interleave => False)
- ot: [{"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":6, "num":6}, {"id":1, "num":1}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":5, "num":5}]
- # Test merge sort on "num" term
- - py: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), interleave="num")
- js: odd.orderBy("num").union(even.orderBy("num"), {"interleave": "num"})
- rb: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), :interleave => "num")
- ot: [{"id":1, "num":1}, {"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":5, "num":5}, {"id":6, "num":6}]
- # Enforce ordering in merge step
- - py: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), interleave=r.desc("num"))
- js: odd.orderBy("num").union(even.orderBy("num"), {"interleave": r.desc("num")})
- rb: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), :interleave => r.desc("num"))
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError","The streams given as arguments are not ordered by given ordering.")
- # Selector function in merge sort
- - py: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), interleave=lambda x: x["num"])
- js: odd.orderBy("num").union(even.orderBy("num"), {"interleave": function(x) {return x("num");}})
- rb: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), :interleave => lambda{|x|(x["num"])})
- ot: [{"id":1, "num":1}, {"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":5, "num":5}, {"id":6, "num":6}]
- # Array of selectors, as well as function as selector
- - py: odd2.order_by("num", r.desc("id")).union(even.order_by("num", r.desc("id")), interleave=[lambda x: x["num"], lambda x: x["id"]])
- js: odd2.orderBy("num", r.desc("id")).union(even.orderBy("num", r.desc("id")), {"interleave": [function(x) {return x("num");}, function(x) {return x("id");} ]})
- rb: odd2.order_by("num", r.desc("id")).union(even.order_by("num", r.desc("id")), :interleave => [lambda{|x|(x["num"])}, lambda{|x|(x["id"])}])
- ot: [{"id": 7, "num": 1}, {"id": 2, "num": 2}, {"id": 9, "num": 2}, {"id": 8, "num": 3}, {"id": 4, "num": 4}, {"id": 6, "num": 6}]
- # DESC isn't allowed inside a function
- - py: odd.order_by("num").union(even.order_by("num"), interleave=lambda x: r.desc(x["num"]))
- ot: err("ReqlServerCompileError", "DESC may only be used as an argument to ORDER_BY or UNION.")
- # Wrap a function with DESC
- - py: odd.order_by(r.desc("num")).union(even.order_by(r.desc("num")), interleave= [r.desc(lambda x: x["num"])])
- ot: [{"id":6, "num":6}, {"id":5, "num":5}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":1, "num":1}]
- # More than two streams
- - py: odd.order_by("num", "id").union(even.order_by("num", "id"), odd2.order_by("num", "id"), interleave= ["num", "id"])
- ot: [{"id":1, "num":1}, {"id":7, "num":1}, {"id":2, "num":2}, {"id":9, "num":2}, {"id":3, "num":3}, {"id":8, "num":3}, {"id":4, "num":4}, {"id":5, "num":5}, {"id":6, "num":6}, ]
- # Enforce ordering on more than two streams
- - py: odd.order_by("num", "id").union(even.order_by("num", "id"), odd2.order_by(r.desc("num"), "id"), interleave= ["num", "id"])
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError","The streams given as arguments are not ordered by given ordering.")
- # Large stream
- - py: r.range().limit(10000).union([1,2,3], interleave= false)
- ot: [x for x in range(0,10000)] + [1, 2, 3]
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transformation.yaml b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transformation.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a30f693b..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/upstream/transformation.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-desc: Tests that manipulation data in tables
-table_variable_name: tbl tbl2 tbl3
- # Set up some data
- - py: tbl.insert([{'id':i, 'a':i%4} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'a':i%4});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4 } })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100}
- - cd: tbl.index_create('a')
- ot: {'created':1}
- - py: tbl.index_create('truncated_a', lambda x: ['a' * 300, x['a']])
- ot: {'created':1}
- - py: tbl.index_create('error_prone', lambda x: 1/x['a'])
- ot: {'created':1}
- - cd: tbl.index_wait().pluck('index', 'ready')
- - py: tbl2.insert([{'id':i, 'b':i%4} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl2.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'b':i%4});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl2.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :b => i % 4 } })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100}
- - py: tbl3.insert([{'id':i, 'a':i%4, 'b':{'c':i%5}} for i in xrange(100)])
- js: |
- tbl3.insert(function(){
- var res = []
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- res.push({id:i, 'a':i%4, 'b':{'c':i%5}});
- }
- return res;
- }())
- rb: tbl3.insert((0..99).map{ |i| { :id => i, :a => i % 4, :b => { :c => i % 5 } } })
- ot: {'deleted':0.0,'replaced':0.0,'unchanged':0.0,'errors':0.0,'skipped':0.0,'inserted':100}
- # Map-Reduce
- - py:
- - row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- -['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- js:
- - { return row('id'); }).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- -'id')).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb:{ |row| row[:id] }.reduce{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 4950
- # Map-Reduce
- - py:
- - tbl.union(tbl).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- - tbl.union(tbl).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- js:
- - tbl.union(tbl).map(function(row) { return row('id'); }).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- - tbl.union(tbl).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: tbl.union(tbl).map{ |row| row[:id] }.reduce{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 9900
- # Map-Reduce
- - py:
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- js:
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).map(function(row) { return row('id'); }).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- - tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: tbl.coerce_to("array").union(tbl).map{ |row| row[:id] }.reduce{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 9900
- # Map-Reduce
- - py:
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).map(lambda row:row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).map(r.row['id']).reduce(lambda a,b:a+b)
- js:
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).map(function(row) { return row('id'); }).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- - tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).map(r.row('id')).reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b); })
- rb: tbl.union(tbl.coerce_to("array")).map{ |row| row[:id] }.reduce{ |a, b| a + b }
- ot: 9900
- # Empty stream test.
- - py: tbl.get_all().fold(0, lambda acc, _: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: [acc])
- ot: []
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, _: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: acc)
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type ARRAY but found NUMBER.")
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, _: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: r.range())
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found SEQUENCE:")
- - py: r.range(0, 10).fold(0, lambda acc, _: acc.add(1), emit=lambda old,row,acc: [acc]).changes()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `changes` on an eager stream.")
- # Return array from final_emit
- - js: r.expr(["a"]).fold(null, function() {return null;}, {emit: function() {return [0]}, finalEmit: function() {return [1, 2, 3]} })
- ot: [0, 1, 2, 3]
- # Concat-map
- - py: tbl.concat_map(lambda row:[])
- js: tbl.concatMap(function(row) { return []; })
- rb: tbl.concat_map{ |row| [] }
- ot: []
- - def:
- py: ccm = tbl.concat_map(lambda row:[row['a'], (row['a'] + 1) % 4])
- js: ccm = tbl.concatMap(function(row) { return [row('a'), row('a').add(1).mod(4)]; })
- rb: ccm = tbl.concat_map{ |row| [row[:a], (row[:a] + 1) % 4] }
- - cd: ccm.count()
- ot: 200
- - py: ccm.reduce(lambda a,b:(a+b) % 4)
- js: ccm.reduce(function(a,b) { return a.add(b).mod(4); })
- rb: ccm.reduce{ |a, b| (a + b) % 4 }
- ot: 0
- # Order by
- - py: tbl.order_by('id')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy('id').nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(:id)[0]
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by([1,2,3])
- js: tbl.orderBy([1,2,3])
- rb: tbl.order_by([1,2,3])
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type STRING but found ARRAY.', [0])
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by('a', :index => :id)[0]
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id')[0].update({'a':0})['unchanged']
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).nth(0).update({a:0})('unchanged')
- rb: tbl.order_by('a', :index => :id)[0].update({a:0})['unchanged']
- ot: 1
- - py: tbl.get_all(0).update({'a':0})['unchanged']
- js: tbl.getAll(0).update({a:0})('unchanged')
- rb: tbl.get_all(0).update({a:0})['unchanged']
- ot: 1
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').order_by(index='id')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).orderBy({index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => :id).order_by(:index => :id)[0]
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot perform multiple indexed ORDER_BYs on the same table.', [0])
- - py: tbl.order_by(index='id').order_by(index='id')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy({index:'id'}).orderBy({index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => :id).order_by(:index => :id)[0]
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot perform multiple indexed ORDER_BYs on the same table.', [0])
- - py: tbl.order_by('id').order_by(index='id')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy('id').orderBy({index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(:id).order_by(:index => :id)[0]
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Indexed order_by can only be performed on a TABLE or TABLE_SLICE.', [0])
- - py: tbl.order_by('id').order_by(index='a')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy('id').orderBy({index:'a'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(:id).order_by(:index => :a)[0]
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Indexed order_by can only be performed on a TABLE or TABLE_SLICE.', [0])
- - py: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, index='id').order_by(index='id')[0]
- js: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, {index:'id'}).orderBy({index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.between(5, r.maxval, :index => :id).order_by('a', :index => :id)[0]
- ot: {'id':5, 'a':1}
- - py: tbl.order_by('a', index='id').between(5, r.maxval, index='id')[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy('a', {index:'id'}).between(5, r.maxval, {index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by('a', :index => :id).between(5, r.maxval, :index => :id)[0]
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type TABLE_SLICE but found SELECTION:', [0])
- - py: tbl.order_by(lambda x: x['id'])[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy(function (x) { return x('id'); }).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by{|x| x[:id]}[0]
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - cd: tbl.order_by('a', 'id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by('id', index='a').nth(0)
- js: tbl.orderBy('id', {index:'a'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by('id', :index => :a).nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by('id', index='truncated_a').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by('id', index='error_prone').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':3,'a':3}
- - py: tbl.order_by(lambda x: [x['a'], x['id']])[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy(function (x) { return [x('a'), x('id')]; }).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by{|x| [x[:a], x[:id]]}[0]
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - cd: tbl.order_by(r.desc('a'), r.asc('id')).nth(0)
- ot: {'id':3,'a':3}
- - py: tbl.order_by('id', index=r.desc('a')).nth(0)
- js: tbl.orderBy('id', {index:r.desc('a')}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by('id', :index => r.desc(:a)).nth(0)
- ot: {'id':3,'a':3}
- - py: tbl.order_by(r.desc(lambda x: x['a']), lambda x: x['id'])[0]
- js: tbl.orderBy(r.desc(function (x) { return x('a'); }), function (x) { return x('id'); }).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(r.desc{|x| x[:a]}, lambda {|x| x[:id]})[0]
- ot: {'id':3, 'a':3}
- - cd: tbl.order_by(r.asc('a'), r.desc('id')).nth(0)
- ot: {'id':96,'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by(r.desc('id'), index='a').nth(0)
- js: tbl.orderBy(r.desc('id'), {index:'a'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by(r.desc('id'), :index => :a).nth(0)
- ot: {'id':96,'a':0}
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').type_of()
- - cd: tbl.order_by('missing').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by('missing').order_by(index='id').nth(0)
- js: tbl.order_by('missing').order_by({index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by('missing').order_by(:index => :id).nth(0)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Indexed order_by can only be performed on a TABLE or TABLE_SLICE.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id', 'missing').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by('missing', index='id').nth(0)
- js: tbl.order_by('missing', {index:'id'}).nth(0)
- rb: tbl.order_by('missing', :index => :id).nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'a':0}
- - py: tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).coerce_to('ARRAY') == tbl.order_by(lambda x: 0 - x['id']).coerce_to('ARRAY')
- rb: tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).coerce_to("ARRAY").eq(tbl.order_by{|x| 0 - x[:id]}.coerce_to("ARRAY"))
- js: tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).coerce_to("ARRAY").eq(tbl.order_by(function (x) { return r.expr(0).sub(x('id')); }).coerce_to("ARRAY"))
- ot: true
- - py: tbl.order_by(index=r.desc('id')).coerce_to('ARRAY') == tbl.order_by(lambda x: 0 - x['id']).coerce_to('ARRAY')
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => r.desc(:id)).coerce_to("ARRAY").eq(tbl.order_by{|x| 0 - x[:id]}.coerce_to("ARRAY"))
- js: tbl.order_by({index:r.desc('id')}).coerce_to("ARRAY").eq(tbl.order_by(function (x) { return r.expr(0).sub(x('id')); }).coerce_to("ARRAY"))
- ot: true
- - py: tbl.order_by(index=r.desc('id')).coerce_to('ARRAY') == tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).coerce_to('ARRAY')
- rb: tbl.order_by(:index => r.desc(:id)).coerce_to("ARRAY").eq(tbl.order_by(r.desc(:id)).coerce_to("ARRAY"))
- js: tbl.order_by({index:r.desc('id')}).coerce_to("ARRAY").eq(tbl.order_by(r.desc('id')).coerce_to("ARRAY"))
- ot: true
- # test skip
- - cd: tbl.skip(1).count()
- ot: 99
- - cd: tbl.skip(-1).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot use a negative left index on a stream.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.skip('foo').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- # test limit
- - cd: tbl.limit(1).count()
- ot: 1
- - cd: tbl.limit(-1).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'LIMIT takes a non-negative argument (got -1)', [0])
- - cd: tbl.limit('foo').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- # test slice
- - cd: tbl.slice(1, 3).count()
- ot: 2
- - cd: tbl.slice(5).count()
- ot: 95
- - cd: tbl.slice(-1, -3).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot use a negative left index on a stream.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.slice(0, -3).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot use a right index < -1 on a stream.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.slice(0, -1).count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot slice to an open right index of -1 on a stream.', [])
- - cd: tbl.slice('foo', 'bar').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.slice(1, null).count()
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.slice(null, 1).count()
- ot: err('ReqlNonExistenceError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found NULL.', [0])
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, 20).count()
- ot: 8
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, 20, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.slice(12, 20, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.slice(12, 20, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 9
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, 20, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.slice(12, 20, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.slice(12, 20, {left_bound:'open'}).count()
- ot: 7
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, 20, :left_bound => 'open', :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.slice(12, 20, left_bound='open', right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.slice(12, 20, {left_bound:'open', right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 8
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, -1).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot slice to an open right index of -1 on a stream.", [])
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, -1, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.slice(12, -1, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.slice(12, -1, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 88
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, -2).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use a right index < -1 on a stream.", [])
- - cd: tbl.slice(12, -2, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.slice(12, -2, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.slice(12, -2, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use a right index < -1 on a stream.", [])
- - cd: tbl.slice(-12, -2).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use a negative left index on a stream.", [])
- - cd: tbl.slice(-12, -2, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.slice(-12, -2, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.slice(-12, -2, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot use a negative left index on a stream.", [])
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20).count()
- ot: 8
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 9
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, :left_bound => 'open').count()
- py: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, left_bound='open').count()
- js: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, {left_bound:'open'}).count()
- ot: 7
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, :left_bound => 'open', :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, left_bound='open', right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, 20, {left_bound:'open', right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 8
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -1).count()
- ot: 87
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -1, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -1, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -1, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 88
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -2).count()
- ot: 86
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -2, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -2, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(12, -2, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 87
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(-12, -2).count()
- ot: 10
- - cd: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(-12, -2, :right_bound => 'closed').count()
- py: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(-12, -2, right_bound='closed').count()
- js: tbl.coerce_to('array').slice(-12, -2, {right_bound:'closed'}).count()
- ot: 11
- - def: arr = r.expr([1,2,3,4,5])
- - rb: arr[1..3]
- ot: [2, 3, 4]
- - rb: arr[1...3]
- py: arr[1:3]
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: arr[1..-3]
- ot: [2, 3]
- - rb: arr[1...-3]
- py: arr[1:-3]
- ot: [2]
- - rb: arr[1..-1]
- py: arr[1:]
- ot: [2,3,4,5]
- - rb: arr[1...-1]
- py: arr[1:-1]
- ot: [2,3,4]
- # test nth
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').nth(1)
- ot: {'id':1,'a':1}
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').nth(-1)
- ot: {'id':99,'a':3}
- - cd: tbl.order_by('id').nth('foo').count()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type NUMBER but found STRING.', [0])
- # test is_empty
- - cd: tbl.is_empty()
- ot: false
- - cd: tbl.limit(0).is_empty()
- ot: true
- - cd: r.expr(1).is_empty()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert NUMBER to SEQUENCE', [])
- - cd: r.expr("").is_empty()
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot convert STRING to SEQUENCE', [])
- # Pluck
- - cd: tbl3.pluck().nth(0)
- ot: {}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck({}).nth(0)
- ot: {}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck([]).nth(0)
- ot: {}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck('id').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck(['id']).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - py: tbl3.pluck({'id':True}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- js: tbl3.pluck({'id':true}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- rb: tbl3.pluck({'id'=>true}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck('id', 'a').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck(['id', 'a']).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - py: tbl3.pluck({'id':True, 'a':True}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- js: tbl3.pluck({'id':true, 'a':true}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- rb: tbl3.pluck({'id'=>true, 'a'=>true}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck('id', 'missing').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck(['id', 'missing']).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - py: tbl3.pluck({'id':True, 'missing':True}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- js: tbl3.pluck({'id':true, 'missing':true}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- rb: tbl3.pluck({'id'=>true, 'missing'=>true}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck('id', {'b':'c'}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'b':{'c':0}}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck(['id', {'b':'c'}]).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'b':{'c':0}}
- - cd: tbl3.pluck(1)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Invalid path argument `1`.', [])
- - py: r.expr([[{"foo":1}]]).pluck("foo")
- js: r.expr([[{"foo":1}]]).pluck("foo")
- rb: r.expr([[{"foo" => 1}]]).pluck("foo")
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Cannot perform pluck on a sequence of sequences.', [])
- - py: r.expr(['a','b']).map(lambda x:r.expr({'a':1,'b':2}).pluck(x))
- js: r.expr(['a','b']).map(function (x) { return r.expr({'a':1,'b':2}).pluck(x); })
- rb: r.expr(['a','b']).map{|x| r.expr({'a'=>1,'b'=>2}).pluck(x)}
- ot: [{'a':1},{'b':2}]
- - py: r.expr({"foo":{"bar":1}}).pluck({"foo":{"bar":"buzz"}})
- ot: {"foo":{}}
- # without
- - cd: tbl.without().order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0,'a':0}
- - cd: tbl.without('a').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl.without('id', 'a').nth(0)
- ot: {}
- - cd: tbl.without('a', 'missing').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl3.without('a', {'b':'c'}).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'b':{}}
- - cd: tbl3.without(['a', {'b':'c'}]).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'b':{}}
- - cd: tbl3.without(['a', {'b':'d'}]).order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0, 'b':{'c':0}}
- # Union
- - cd: tbl.union(tbl2).count()
- ot: 200
- - cd: tbl.union([1,2,3]).count()
- ot: 103
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3]).union(tbl2).count()
- ot: 103
- ## Offsets Of
- - def: ord = tbl.order_by('id')
- js: ord.offsetsOf(r.row('id').lt(2))
- py: ord.offsets_of(r.row['id'] < 2)
- rb: ord.offsets_of{ |row| row['id'] < 2 }
- ot: [0,1]
- - cd: r.expr([1,2,3,4]).offsets_of(3)
- ot: [2]
- - cd: r.expr([1]).offsets_of(tbl)
- ot: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected type DATUM but found TABLE:', [])
- - py: r.expr(1).do(lambda x: r.expr([2,1,0]).offsets_of(x))
- js: r.expr(1).do(function(x){ return r.expr([2,1,0]).offsets_of(x); })
- rb: r(1).do{ |x| r([2,1,0]).offsets_of x }
- ot: [1]
- # Contains
- - cd: tbl.contains(tbl[0])
- js: tbl.contains(tbl.nth(0))
- ot: true
- - cd: tbl.contains(tbl[0].pluck('id'))
- js: tbl.contains(tbl.nth(0).pluck('id'))
- ot: false
- # Difference
- - rb:{|x| x['a']}.difference([0,1,2,3]).count()
- ot: 0
- - rb:{|x| x['a']}.difference([0,1,2]).nth(0)
- ot: 3
- # Filter
- - cd: tbl3.filter({'b':{'c':0}}).pluck('id').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
- - cd: tbl3.filter({'b':{'c':6}})
- ot: []
- - cd: tbl3.filter(r.literal({'id':0}))
- ot: []
- - cd: tbl3.filter({'b':r.literal({'c':0})}).pluck('id').order_by('id').nth(0)
- ot: {'id':0}
diff --git a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/ b/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf6e4bfe..00000000
--- a/ext/librethinkdbxx/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-from sys import argv, stderr, float_info
-import sys
-from upstream.parsePolyglot import parseYAML
-from os import walk
-from os.path import join
-from re import sub, match, split, DOTALL
-from collections import namedtuple
-import ast
-verbosity = 1
- NameConstant = ast.NameConstant
- NameConstant = lambda a: a
-class Discard(Exception):
- pass
-class Unhandled(Exception):
- pass
-failed = False
-Ctx = namedtuple('Ctx', ['vars', 'context', 'type'])
-def convert(python, prec, file, type):
- try:
- expr = ast.parse(python, filename=file, mode='eval').body
- cxx = to_cxx(expr, prec, Ctx(vars=[], type=type, context=None))
- return sub('" \\+ "', '', cxx)
- except (Unhandled, AssertionError):
- print("While translating: " + python, file=stderr)
- raise
- except SyntaxError as e:
- raise Unhandled("syntax error: " + str(e) + ": " + repr(python))
-def py_str(py):
- def maybe_unstr(s):
- if '(' in s:
- return s
- else:
- return repr(s)
- if type(py) is dict:
- return '{' + ', '.join([repr(k) + ': ' + maybe_str(py[k]) for k in py]) + '}'
- if not isinstance(py, "".__class__):
- return repr(py)
- return py
-def rename(id):
- return {
- 'R::default': 'R::default_',
- 'default': 'default_',
- 'R::do': 'R::do_',
- 'do': 'do_',
- 'union': 'union_',
- 'False': 'false',
- 'True': 'true',
- 'xrange': 'R::range',
- 'None': 'R::Nil()',
- 'null': 'R::Nil()',
- 'delete': 'delete_',
- 'float': 'double',
- 'int_cmp': 'int',
- 'float_cmp': 'double',
- 'range': 'R::range',
- 'list': '',
- 'R::union': 'R::union_'
- }.get(id, id)
-def to_cxx_str(expr):
- if type(expr) is ast.Str:
- return string(expr.s)
- if type(expr) is ast.Num:
- return string(str(expr.n))
- if 'frozenset' in ast.dump(expr):
- raise Discard("frozenset not supported")
- if type(expr) is ast.Name:
- raise Discard("dict with non-string key")
- raise Unhandled("not string expr: " + ast.dump(expr))
-def is_null(expr):
- return (type(expr) is ast.Name and in ['None', 'null']
- or type(expr) is NameConstant and expr.value == None)
-def is_bool(expr):
- return (type(expr) is ast.Name and in ['true', 'false', 'True', 'False']
- or type(expr) is NameConstant and expr.value in [True, False])
-def to_cxx_expr(expr, prec, ctx):
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- if type(expr) in [ast.Str, ast.Num] or is_null(expr) or is_bool(expr):
- return "R::expr(" + to_cxx(expr, 17, ctx) + ")"
- return to_cxx(expr, prec, ctx)
-def to_cxx(expr, prec, ctx, parentType=None):
- context = ctx.context
- ctx = Ctx(vars=ctx.vars, type=ctx.type, context=None)
- try:
- t = type(expr)
- if t == ast.Num:
- if abs(expr.n) > 4503599627370496:
- f = repr(expr.n)
- if "e" in f:
- return f
- else:
- return f + ".0"
- else:
- return repr(expr.n)
- elif t == ast.Call:
- #assert not expr.kwargs
- #assert not expr.starargs
- return to_cxx(expr.func, 2, ctx_set(ctx, context='function')) + to_args(expr.func, expr.args, expr.keywords, ctx)
- elif t == ast.Attribute:
- if type(expr.value) is ast.Name:
- if == 'r':
- if expr.attr == 'error' and context != 'function':
- return "R::error()"
- if expr.attr == 'binary':
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- return 'R::binary'
- else:
- return 'R::Binary'
- return rename("R::" + expr.attr)
- elif == 'datetime':
- if expr.attr == 'fromtimestamp':
- return "R::Time"
- elif expr.attr == 'now':
- return "R::Time::now"
- if expr.attr == 'RqlTzinfo':
- return 'R::Time::parse_utc_offset'
- if expr.attr in ['encode', 'close']:
- raise Discard(expr.attr + " not supported")
- return to_cxx_expr(expr.value, 2, ctx) + "." + rename(expr.attr)
- elif t == ast.Name:
- if in ['frozenset']:
- raise Discard("frozenset not supported")
- elif in ctx.vars:
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- return parens(prec, 3, "*" +
- else:
- return
- elif ( == 'range' or == 'xrange') and ctx.type != 'query':
- return 'array_range'
- elif == 'nil' and ctx.type == 'query':
- return 'R::expr(nil)'
- return rename(
- elif t == NameConstant:
- if expr.value == True:
- return "true"
- elif expr.value == False:
- return "false"
- elif expr.value == None:
- return "R::Nil()"
- else:
- raise Unhandled("constant: " + repr(expr.value))
- elif t == ast.Subscript:
- st = type(expr.slice)
- if st == ast.Index:
- return to_cxx(expr.value, 2, ctx) + "[" + to_cxx(expr.slice.value, 17, ctx) + "]"
- if st == ast.Slice:
- assert not expr.slice.step
- if not expr.slice.upper:
- return to_cxx(expr.value, 2, ctx) + ".slice(" + to_cxx(expr.slice.lower, 17, ctx) + ")"
- if not expr.slice.lower:
- return to_cxx(expr.value, 2, ctx) + ".limit(" + to_cxx(expr.slice.upper, 17, ctx) + ")"
- return to_cxx(expr.value, 2, ctx) + ".slice(" + to_cxx(expr.slice.lower, 17, ctx) + ", " + to_cxx(expr.slice.upper, 17, ctx) + ")"
- else:
- raise Unhandled("slice type: " + repr(st))
- elif t == ast.Dict:
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- return "R::object(" + ', '.join([to_cxx(k, 17, ctx) + ", " + to_cxx(v, 17, ctx) for k, v in zip(expr.keys, expr.values)]) + ")"
- else:
- return "R::Object{" + ', '.join(["{" + to_cxx_str(k) + ", " + to_cxx(v, 17, ctx) + "}" for k, v in zip(expr.keys, expr.values)]) + "}"
- elif t == ast.Str:
- return string(expr.s, ctx)
- elif t == ast.List:
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- return "R::array(" + ', '.join([to_cxx(el, 17, ctx) for el in expr.elts]) + ")"
- else:
- if parentType == ast.List:
- return "{ R::Array{" + ', '.join([to_cxx(el, 17, ctx, t) for el in expr.elts]) + "} }"
- else:
- return "R::Array{" + ', '.join([to_cxx(el, 17, ctx, t) for el in expr.elts]) + "}"
- elif t == ast.Lambda:
- assert not expr.args.vararg
- assert not expr.args.kwarg
- ctx = ctx_set(ctx, vars = ctx.vars + [arg.arg for arg in expr.args.args])
- return "[=](" + ', '.join(['R::Var ' + arg.arg for arg in expr.args.args]) + "){ return " + to_cxx_expr(expr.body, 17, ctx_set(ctx, type='query')) + "; }"
- elif t == ast.BinOp:
- if type(expr.op) is ast.Mult and type(expr.left) is ast.Str:
- return "repeat(" + to_cxx(expr.left, 17, ctx) + ", " + to_cxx(expr.right, 17, ctx) + ")"
- ll = type(expr.left) is ast.List or type(expr.left) is ast.ListComp
- rl = type(expr.right) is ast.List or type(expr.right) is ast.ListComp
- op, op_prec = convert_op(expr.op)
- if type(expr.op) is ast.Add and ll and rl:
- return "append(" + to_cxx_expr(expr.left, op_prec, ctx) + ", " + to_cxx(expr.right, op_prec, ctx) + ")"
- if op_prec:
- return parens(prec, op_prec, to_cxx_expr(expr.left, op_prec, ctx) + " " + op + " " + to_cxx(expr.right, op_prec, ctx))
- else:
- return op + "(" + to_cxx(expr.left, 17, ctx) + ", " + to_cxx(expr.right, 17, ctx) + ")"
- elif t == ast.ListComp:
- assert len(expr.generators) == 1
- assert type(expr.generators[0]) == ast.comprehension
- assert type(expr.generators[0].target) == ast.Name
- assert expr.generators[0].ifs == []
- seq = to_cxx(expr.generators[0].iter, 2, ctx)
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- var = expr.generators[0]
- body = to_cxx(expr.elt, 17, ctx_set(ctx, vars = ctx.vars + [var]))
- return seq + ".map([=](R::Var " + var + "){ return " + body + "; })"
- else:
- var = expr.generators[0]
- body = to_cxx(expr.elt, 17, ctx_set(ctx, vars = ctx.vars + [var]))
- # assume int
- return "array_map([=](int " + var + "){ return " + body + "; }, " + seq + ")"
- elif t == ast.Compare:
- assert len(expr.ops) == 1
- assert len(expr.comparators) == 1
- op, op_prec = convert_op(expr.ops[0])
- return parens(prec, op_prec, to_cxx_expr(expr.left, op_prec, ctx) + op + to_cxx(expr.comparators[0], op_prec, ctx))
- elif t == ast.UnaryOp:
- op, op_prec = convert_op(expr.op)
- return parens(prec, op_prec, op + to_cxx(expr.operand, op_prec, ctx))
- elif t == ast.Bytes:
- return string(expr.s, ctx)
- elif t == ast.Tuple:
- if ctx.type == 'query':
- return "R::array(" + ', '.join([to_cxx(el, 17, ctx) for el in expr.elts]) + ")"
- else:
- return "R::Array{" + ', '.join([to_cxx(el, 17, ctx) for el in expr.elts]) + "}"
- else:
- raise Unhandled('ast type: ' + repr(t) + ', fields: ' + str(expr._fields))
- except Unhandled:
- print("While translating: " + ast.dump(expr), file=stderr)
- raise
-def ctx_set(ctx, context=None, vars=None, type=None):
- if context is None:
- context = ctx.context
- if vars is None:
- vars = ctx.vars
- if type is None:
- type = ctx.type
- return Ctx(vars=vars, type=type, context=context)
-def convert_op(op):
- t = type(op)
- if t == ast.Add:
- return '+', 6
- if t == ast.Sub:
- return '-', 6
- if t == ast.Mod:
- return '%', 5
- if t == ast.Mult:
- return '*', 5
- if t == ast.Div:
- return '/', 5
- if t == ast.Pow:
- return 'pow', 0
- if t == ast.Eq:
- return '==', 9
- if t == ast.NotEq:
- return '!=', 9
- if t == ast.Lt:
- return '<', 8
- if t == ast.Gt:
- return '>', 8
- if t == ast.GtE:
- return '>=', 8
- if t == ast.LtE:
- return '<=', 8
- if t == ast.USub:
- return '-', 3
- if t == ast.BitAnd:
- return '&&', 13
- if t == ast.BitOr:
- return '||', 14
- if t == ast.Invert:
- return '!', 3
- else:
- raise Unhandled('op type: ' + repr(t))
-def to_args(func, args, optargs, ctx):
- it = func
- while type(it) is ast.Attribute:
- it = it.value
- if type(it) is ast.Call:
- ctx = ctx_set(ctx, type='query')
- break
- if type(it) is ast.Name and == 'r':
- ctx = ctx_set(ctx, type='query')
- ret = "("
- ret = ret + ', '.join([to_cxx(arg, 17, ctx) for arg in args])
- o = list(optargs)
- if o:
- out = []
- for f in o:
- out.append("{" + string(f.arg) + ", R::expr(" + to_cxx(f.value, 17, ctx) + ")}")
- if args:
- ret = ret + ", "
- ret = ret + "R::OptArgs{" + ', '.join(out) + "}"
- return ret + ")"
-def string(s, ctx=None):
- was_hex = False
- wrap = ctx and ctx.type == 'string'
- if type(s) is str:
- s = s.encode('utf8')
- if type(s) is bytes:
- def string_escape(c):
- nonlocal wrap
- nonlocal was_hex
- if c == 0:
- wrap = True
- if c < 32 or c > 127 or (was_hex and chr(c) in "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"):
- was_hex = True
- return '\\x' + ('0' + hex(c)[2:])[-2:]
- was_hex = False
- if c == 34:
- return '\\"'
- if c == 92:
- return '\\\\'
- else:
- return chr(c)
- else:
- raise Unhandled("string type: " + repr(type(s)))
- e = '"' + ''.join([string_escape(c) for c in s]) + '"'
- if wrap:
- return "std::string(" + e + ", " + str(len(s)) + ")"
- return e
-def parens(prec, in_prec, cxx):
- if in_prec >= prec:
- return "(" + cxx + ")"
- else:
- return cxx
-print("// auto-generated by from " + argv[1])
-print("#include \"testlib.h\"")
-indent = 0
-def p(s):
- print((indent * " ") + s);
-def enter(s = ""):
- if s:
- p(s)
- global indent
- indent = indent + 1
-def exit(s = ""):
- global indent
- indent = indent - 1
- if s:
- p(s)
-def get(o, ks, d):
- try:
- for k in ks:
- if k in o:
- return o[k]
- except:
- pass
- return d
-def python_tests(tests):
- for test in tests:
- runopts = get(test, ['runopts'], None)
- try:
- ot = py_str(get(test['ot'], ['py', 'cd'], test['ot']))
- except:
- try:
- ot = py_str(test['py']['ot'])
- except:
- ot = None
- if 'def' in test:
- py = get(test['def'], ['py', 'cd'], test['def'])
- if py and type(py) is not dict:
- yield py_str(py), None, 'def', runopts
- py = get(test, ['py', 'cd'], None)
- if py:
- if isinstance(py, "".__class__):
- yield py, ot, 'query', runopts
- elif type(py) is dict and 'cd' in py:
- yield py_str(py['cd']), ot, 'query', runopts
- else:
- for t in py:
- yield py_str(t), ot, 'query', runopts
-def maybe_discard(py, ot):
- if ot is None:
- return
- if match(".*Expected .* argument", ot):
- raise Discard("argument checks not supported")
- if match(".*argument .* must", ot):
- raise Discard("argument checks not supported")
- if match(".*infix bitwise", ot):
- raise Discard("infix bitwise not supported")
- if match(".*Object keys must be strings", ot):
- raise Discard("string object keys tests not supported")
- if match(".*Got .* argument", ot):
- raise Discard("argument checks not supported")
- if match(".*AttributeError.*", ot):
- raise Discard("attribute checks not supported, will cause a compiler error")
-data = parseYAML(open(argv[1]).read())
-name = sub('/', '_', argv[1].split('.')[0])
-enter("void %s() {" % name)
-p("enter_section(\"%s: %s\");" % (name, data['desc'].replace('"', '\\"')))
-if 'table_variable_name' in data:
- for var in split(" |, ", data['table_variable_name']):
- p("temp_table %s_table;" % var)
- p("R::Term %s = %s_table.table();" % (var, var))
-defined = []
-for py, ot, tp, runopts in python_tests(data["tests"]):
- try:
- maybe_discard(py, ot)
- assignment = match("\\A(\\w+) *= *([^=].*)\\Z", py, DOTALL)
- if runopts:
- args = ", R::optargs(" + ', '.join(['"' + k + '", ' + convert(py_str(runopts[k]), 17, name, 'value') for k in runopts]) + ")"
- else:
- args = ''
- if assignment:
- var =
- if var == 'float_max':
- p('auto float_max = ' + repr(float_info.max) + ";")
- elif var == 'float_min':
- p('auto float_min = ' + repr(float_info.min) + ";")
- else:
- if tp == 'def' and var not in ['bad_insert', 'trows']:
- val = convert(, 15, name, 'string')
- post = ""
- else:
- val = convert(, 15, name, 'query')
- post = ".run(*conn" + args + ")"
- if var in defined:
- dvar = var
- else:
- defined.append(var);
- dvar = "auto " + var
- p("TEST_DO(" + dvar + " = (" + val + post + "));")
- elif ot:
- p("TEST_EQ(maybe_run(%s, *conn%s), (%s));" % (convert(py, 2, name, 'query'), args, convert(ot, 17, name, 'datum')))
- else:
- p("TEST_DO(maybe_run(%s, *conn%s));" % (convert(py, 2, name, 'query'), args))
- except Discard as exc:
- if verbosity >= 1:
- print("Discarding %s (%s): %s" % (repr(py), repr(ot), str(exc)), file=stderr)
- pass
- except Unhandled as e:
- failed = True
- print(argv[1] + ": could not translate: " + str(e), file=stderr)
-if failed:
- sys.exit(1)