path: root/main.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main.cpp')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 8bf1bd00..0ba75814 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
@@ -53,6 +54,9 @@
#include "node/Defaults.hpp"
#include "node/Utils.hpp"
#include "node/Node.hpp"
+#include "node/Condition.hpp"
+#include "node/C25519.hpp"
+#include "node/Identity.hpp"
using namespace ZeroTier;
@@ -62,13 +66,308 @@ static void printHelp(const char *cn,FILE *out)
fprintf(out,"ZeroTier One version %d.%d.%d"ZT_EOL_S"(c)2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC"ZT_EOL_S,Node::versionMajor(),Node::versionMinor(),Node::versionRevision());
fprintf(out,"Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3"ZT_EOL_S""ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out,"Auto-update enabled build, will update from URL:"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," %s"ZT_EOL_S,ZT_DEFAULTS.updateLatestNfoURL.c_str());
+ fprintf(out,"Update authentication signing authorities: "ZT_EOL_S);
+ int no = 0;
+ for(std::map< Address,Identity >::const_iterator sa(ZT_DEFAULTS.updateAuthorities.begin());sa!=ZT_DEFAULTS.updateAuthorities.end();++sa) {
+ if (no == 0)
+ fprintf(out," %s",sa->first.toString().c_str());
+ else fprintf(out,", %s",sa->first.toString().c_str());
+ if (++no == 6) {
+ fprintf(out,ZT_EOL_S);
+ no = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(out,ZT_EOL_S""ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out,"Auto-updates not enabled on this build. You must update manually."ZT_EOL_S""ZT_EOL_S);
fprintf(out,"Usage: %s [-switches] [home directory]"ZT_EOL_S""ZT_EOL_S,cn);
fprintf(out,"Available switches:"ZT_EOL_S);
- fprintf(out," -h - Display this help"ZT_EOL_S);
- fprintf(out," -p<port> - Bind to this port for network I/O"ZT_EOL_S);
- fprintf(out," -c<port> - Bind to this port for local control packets"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -h - Display this help"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -v - Show version"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -p<port> - Bind to this port for network I/O"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -c<port> - Bind to this port for local control packets"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -q - Send a query to a running service (zerotier-cli)"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -i - Run idtool command (zerotier-idtool)"ZT_EOL_S);
+namespace ZeroTierCLI { // ---------------------------------------------------
+static void printHelp(FILE *out,const char *exename)
+ fprintf(out,"Usage: %s [-switches] <command>"ZT_EOL_S,exename);
+ fprintf(out,ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out,"Available switches:"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -c<port> - Communicate with daemon over this local port"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -t<token> - Specify token on command line"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," -T<file> - Read token from file"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out,ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out,"Use the 'help' command to get help from ZeroTier One itself."ZT_EOL_S);
+static volatile unsigned int numResults = 0;
+static Condition doneCondition;
+static void resultHandler(void *arg,unsigned long id,const char *line)
+ ++numResults;
+ if (strlen(line))
+ fprintf(stdout,"%s"ZT_EOL_S,line);
+ else doneCondition.signal();
+// Runs instead of rest of main() if process is called zerotier-cli or if
+// -q is specified as an option.
+#ifdef __WINDOWS__
+static int main(int argc,_TCHAR* argv[])
+static int main(int argc,char **argv)
+ if (argc <= 1) {
+ printHelp(stdout,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::string authToken;
+ std::string command;
+ bool pastSwitches = false;
+ unsigned int controlPort = 0;
+ for(int i=1;i<argc;++i) {
+ if ((argv[i][0] == '-')&&(!pastSwitches)) {
+ if (strlen(argv[i]) <= 1) {
+ printHelp(stdout,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ switch(argv[i][1]) {
+ case 'q': // does nothing, for invocation without binary path name aliasing
+ if (argv[i][2]) {
+ printHelp(argv[0],stderr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ controlPort = Utils::strToUInt(argv[i] + 2);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ authToken.assign(argv[i] + 2);
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ if (!Utils::readFile(argv[i] + 2,authToken)) {
+ fprintf(stdout,"FATAL ERROR: unable to read token from '%s'"ZT_EOL_S,argv[i] + 2);
+ return -2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pastSwitches = true;
+ if (command.length())
+ command.push_back(' ');
+ command.append(argv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!command.length()) {
+ printHelp(stdout,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!authToken.length()) {
+ const char *home = getenv("HOME");
+ if (home) {
+ std::string dotZeroTierAuthToken(home);
+ dotZeroTierAuthToken.push_back(ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ dotZeroTierAuthToken.append(".zerotierOneAuthToken");
+ if (!Utils::readFile(dotZeroTierAuthToken.c_str(),authToken)) {
+#ifndef __WINDOWS__
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ const char *systemAuthTokenPath = "/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One/authtoken.secret";
+ const char *systemAuthTokenPath = "/var/lib/zerotier-one/authtoken.secret";
+ if (!Utils::readFile(systemAuthTokenPath,authToken)) {
+ fprintf(stdout,"FATAL ERROR: no token specified on command line and could not read '%s' or '%s'"ZT_EOL_S,dotZeroTierAuthToken.c_str(),systemAuthTokenPath);
+ return -2;
+ }
+#else // __WINDOWS__
+ fprintf(stdout,"FATAL ERROR: no token specified on command line and could not read '%s'"ZT_EOL_S,dotZeroTierAuthToken.c_str());
+ return -2;
+#endif // __WINDOWS__
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!authToken.length()) {
+ fprintf(stdout,"FATAL ERROR: could not find auth token"ZT_EOL_S);
+ return -2;
+ }
+ Node::LocalClient client(authToken.c_str(),controlPort,&resultHandler,(void *)0);
+ client.send(command.c_str());
+ doneCondition.wait(1000);
+ if (!numResults) {
+ fprintf(stdout,"ERROR: no results received. Is ZeroTier One running?"ZT_EOL_S);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} // namespace ZeroTierCLI ---------------------------------------------------
+namespace ZeroTierIdTool { // ------------------------------------------------
+static void printHelp(FILE *out,const char *pn)
+ fprintf(out,"Usage: %s <command> [<args>]"ZT_EOL_S""ZT_EOL_S"Commands:"ZT_EOL_S,pn);
+ fprintf(out," generate [<identity.secret>] [<identity.public>]"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," validate <identity.secret/public>"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," getpublic <identity.secret>"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," sign <identity.secret> <file>"ZT_EOL_S);
+ fprintf(out," verify <identity.secret/public> <file> <signature>"ZT_EOL_S);
+static Identity getIdFromArg(char *arg)
+ Identity id;
+ if ((strlen(arg) > 32)&&(arg[10] == ':')) { // identity is a literal on the command line
+ if (id.fromString(arg))
+ return id;
+ } else { // identity is to be read from a file
+ std::string idser;
+ if (Utils::readFile(arg,idser)) {
+ if (id.fromString(idser))
+ return id;
+ }
+ }
+ return Identity();
+// Runs instead of rest of main() if process is called zerotier-idtool or if
+// -i is specified as an option.
+#ifdef __WINDOWS__
+static int main(int argc,_TCHAR* argv[])
+static int main(int argc,char **argv)
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ printHelp(stderr,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(argv[1],"generate")) {
+ Identity id;
+ id.generate();
+ std::string idser = id.toString(true);
+ if (argc >= 3) {
+ if (!Utils::writeFile(argv[2],idser)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to %s"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ } else printf("%s written"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ if (argc >= 4) {
+ idser = id.toString(false);
+ if (!Utils::writeFile(argv[3],idser)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to %s"ZT_EOL_S,argv[3]);
+ return -1;
+ } else printf("%s written"ZT_EOL_S,argv[3]);
+ }
+ } else printf("%s",idser.c_str());
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[1],"validate")) {
+ if (argc < 3) {
+ printHelp(stderr,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Identity id = getIdFromArg(argv[2]);
+ if (!id) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!id.locallyValidate()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s FAILED validation."ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ } else printf("%s is a valid identity"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[1],"getpublic")) {
+ if (argc < 3) {
+ printHelp(stderr,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Identity id = getIdFromArg(argv[2]);
+ if (!id) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printf("%s",id.toString(false).c_str());
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[1],"sign")) {
+ if (argc < 4) {
+ printHelp(stderr,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Identity id = getIdFromArg(argv[2]);
+ if (!id) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!id.hasPrivate()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s does not contain a private key (must use private to sign)"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::string inf;
+ if (!Utils::readFile(argv[3],inf)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s is not readable"ZT_EOL_S,argv[3]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ C25519::Signature signature = id.sign(,inf.length());
+ printf("%s",Utils::hex(,signature.size()).c_str());
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[1],"verify")) {
+ if (argc < 4) {
+ printHelp(stderr,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Identity id = getIdFromArg(argv[2]);
+ if (!id) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s"ZT_EOL_S,argv[2]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::string inf;
+ if (!Utils::readFile(argv[3],inf)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s is not readable"ZT_EOL_S,argv[3]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::string signature(Utils::unhex(argv[4]));
+ if ((signature.length() > ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH)&&(id.verify(,inf.length(),,signature.length()))) {
+ printf("%s signature valid"ZT_EOL_S,argv[3]);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s signature check FAILED"ZT_EOL_S,argv[3]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printHelp(stderr,argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} // namespace ZeroTierIdTool ------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
static void sighandlerQuit(int sig)
@@ -119,6 +418,11 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv)
+ if ((strstr(argv[0],"zerotier-cli"))||(strstr(argv[0],"ZEROTIER-CLI")))
+ return ZeroTierCLI::main(argc,argv);
+ if ((strstr(argv[0],"zerotier-idtool"))||(strstr(argv[0],"ZEROTIER-IDTOOL")))
+ return ZeroTierIdTool::main(argc,argv);
const char *homeDir = (const char *)0;
unsigned int port = 0;
unsigned int controlPort = 0;
@@ -129,16 +433,29 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv)
port = Utils::strToUInt(argv[i] + 2);
if (port > 65535) {
- return -1;
+ return 1;
+ case 'v':
+ printf("%s"ZT_EOL_S,Node::versionString());
+ return 0;
case 'c':
controlPort = Utils::strToUInt(argv[i] + 2);
if (controlPort > 65535) {
- return -1;
+ return 1;
+ case 'q':
+ if (argv[i][2]) {
+ printHelp(argv[0],stderr);
+ return 0;
+ } else return ZeroTierCLI::main(argc,argv);
+ case 'i':
+ if (argv[i][2]) {
+ printHelp(argv[0],stderr);
+ return 0;
+ } else return ZeroTierIdTool::main(argc,argv);
case 'h':
case '?':
@@ -159,24 +476,55 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv)
homeDir = ZT_DEFAULTS.defaultHomePath.c_str();
#ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
+ if (getuid()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: must be run as root (uid==0)\n",argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
mkdir(homeDir,0755); // will fail if it already exists
+ {
+ char pidpath[4096];
+ Utils::snprintf(pidpath,sizeof(pidpath),"%s/",homeDir);
+ FILE *pf = fopen(pidpath,"w");
+ if (pf) {
+ fprintf(pf,"%ld",(long)getpid());
+ fclose(pf);
+ }
+ }
int exitCode = 0;
- node = new Node(homeDir,port,controlPort);
- const char *termReason = (char *)0;
- switch(node->run()) {
- exitCode = -1;
- termReason = node->reasonForTermination();
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: abnormal termination: %s\n",argv[0],(termReason) ? termReason : "(unknown reason)");
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ try {
+ node = new Node(homeDir,port,controlPort);
+ switch(node->run()) {
+#ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
+ const char *upgPath = node->reasonForTermination();
+ if (upgPath)
+ execl(upgPath,upgPath,"-s",(char *)0); // -s = (re)start after install/upgrade
+ exitCode = 2;
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: abnormal termination: unable to execute update at %s\n",argv[0],(upgPath) ? upgPath : "(unknown path)");
+ } break;
+ exitCode = 3;
+ const char *termReason = node->reasonForTermination();
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: abnormal termination: %s\n",argv[0],(termReason) ? termReason : "(unknown reason)");
+ } break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ delete node;
+ node = (Node *)0;
+ } catch ( ... ) {}
+#ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
+ {
+ char pidpath[4096];
+ Utils::snprintf(pidpath,sizeof(pidpath),"%s/",homeDir);
+ Utils::rm(pidpath);
- delete node;
- node = (Node *)0;
return exitCode;