path: root/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'node/IncomingPacket.cpp')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/node/IncomingPacket.cpp b/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
index 131659f9..9140c502 100644
--- a/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
+++ b/node/IncomingPacket.cpp
@@ -115,8 +115,6 @@ bool IncomingPacket::tryDecode(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr)
case Packet::VERB_MULTICAST_GATHER: return _doMULTICAST_GATHER(RR,tPtr,peer);
case Packet::VERB_MULTICAST_FRAME: return _doMULTICAST_FRAME(RR,tPtr,peer);
case Packet::VERB_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS: return _doPUSH_DIRECT_PATHS(RR,tPtr,peer);
- case Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST: return _doCIRCUIT_TEST(RR,tPtr,peer);
- case Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT: return _doCIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT(RR,tPtr,peer);
case Packet::VERB_USER_MESSAGE: return _doUSER_MESSAGE(RR,tPtr,peer);
} else {
@@ -1252,196 +1250,6 @@ bool IncomingPacket::_doPUSH_DIRECT_PATHS(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPt
return true;
-bool IncomingPacket::_doCIRCUIT_TEST(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer)
- try {
- const Address originatorAddress(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH),ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH);
- SharedPtr<Peer> originator(RR->topology->getPeer(tPtr,originatorAddress));
- if (!originator) {
- RR->sw->requestWhois(tPtr,originatorAddress);
- return false;
- }
- const unsigned int flags = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 5);
- const uint64_t timestamp = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 7);
- const uint64_t testId = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 15);
- // Tracks total length of variable length fields, initialized to originator credential length below
- unsigned int vlf;
- // Originator credentials -- right now only a network ID for which the originator is controller or is authorized by controller is allowed
- const unsigned int originatorCredentialLength = vlf = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 23);
- uint64_t originatorCredentialNetworkId = 0;
- if (originatorCredentialLength >= 1) {
- switch((*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 25]) {
- case 0x01: { // 64-bit network ID, originator must be controller
- if (originatorCredentialLength >= 9)
- originatorCredentialNetworkId = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 26);
- } break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- // Add length of "additional fields," which are currently unused
- vlf += at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 25 + vlf);
- // Verify signature -- only tests signed by their originators are allowed
- const unsigned int signatureLength = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 27 + vlf);
- if (!originator->identity().verify(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,27 + vlf),27 + vlf,field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 29 + vlf,signatureLength),signatureLength)) {
- TRACE("dropped CIRCUIT_TEST from %s(%s): signature by originator %s invalid",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str(),originatorAddress.toString().c_str());
- peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
- return true;
- }
- vlf += signatureLength;
- // Save this length so we can copy the immutable parts of this test
- // into the one we send along to next hops.
- const unsigned int lengthOfSignedPortionAndSignature = 29 + vlf;
- // Add length of second "additional fields" section.
- vlf += at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 29 + vlf);
- uint64_t reportFlags = 0;
- // Check credentials (signature already verified)
- if (originatorCredentialNetworkId) {
- SharedPtr<Network> network(RR->node->network(originatorCredentialNetworkId));
- if ((!network)||(!network->config().circuitTestingAllowed(originatorAddress))) {
- TRACE("dropped CIRCUIT_TEST from %s(%s): originator %s specified network ID %.16llx as credential, and we don't belong to that network or originator is not allowed'",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str(),originatorAddress.toString().c_str(),originatorCredentialNetworkId);
- peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
- return true;
- }
- if (network->gate(tPtr,peer))
- } else {
- TRACE("dropped CIRCUIT_TEST from %s(%s): originator %s did not specify a credential or credential type",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str(),originatorAddress.toString().c_str());
- peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
- return true;
- }
- const uint64_t now = RR->node->now();
- unsigned int breadth = 0;
- Address nextHop[256]; // breadth is a uin8_t, so this is the max
- InetAddress nextHopBestPathAddress[256];
- unsigned int remainingHopsPtr = ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 33 + vlf;
- if ((ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 31 + vlf) < size()) {
- // unsigned int nextHopFlags = (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 31 + vlf]
- breadth = (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 32 + vlf];
- for(unsigned int h=0;h<breadth;++h) {
- nextHop[h].setTo(field(remainingHopsPtr,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH),ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH);
- remainingHopsPtr += ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
- SharedPtr<Peer> nhp(RR->topology->getPeer(tPtr,nextHop[h]));
- if (nhp) {
- SharedPtr<Path> nhbp(nhp->getBestPath(now,false));
- if ((nhbp)&&(nhbp->alive(now)))
- nextHopBestPathAddress[h] = nhbp->address();
- }
- }
- }
- // Report back to originator, depending on flags and whether we are last hop
- if ( ((flags & 0x01) != 0) || ((breadth == 0)&&((flags & 0x02) != 0)) ) {
- Packet outp(originatorAddress,RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT);
- outp.append((uint64_t)timestamp);
- outp.append((uint64_t)testId);
- outp.append((uint64_t)0); // field reserved for future use
- outp.append((uint8_t)ZT_VENDOR_ZEROTIER);
- outp.append((uint8_t)ZT_PROTO_VERSION);
- outp.append((uint8_t)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR);
- outp.append((uint8_t)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR);
- outp.append((uint16_t)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION);
- outp.append((uint16_t)ZT_PLATFORM_UNSPECIFIED);
- outp.append((uint16_t)ZT_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED);
- outp.append((uint16_t)0); // error code, currently unused
- outp.append((uint64_t)reportFlags);
- outp.append((uint64_t)packetId());
- peer->address().appendTo(outp);
- outp.append((uint8_t)hops());
- _path->localAddress().serialize(outp);
- _path->address().serialize(outp);
- outp.append((uint16_t)_path->linkQuality());
- outp.append((uint8_t)breadth);
- for(unsigned int h=0;h<breadth;++h) {
- nextHop[h].appendTo(outp);
- nextHopBestPathAddress[h].serialize(outp); // appends 0 if null InetAddress
- }
- RR->sw->send(tPtr,outp,true);
- }
- // If there are next hops, forward the test along through the graph
- if (breadth > 0) {
- Packet outp(Address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST);
- outp.append(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,lengthOfSignedPortionAndSignature),lengthOfSignedPortionAndSignature);
- outp.append((uint16_t)0); // no additional fields
- if (remainingHopsPtr < size())
- outp.append(field(remainingHopsPtr,size() - remainingHopsPtr),size() - remainingHopsPtr);
- for(unsigned int h=0;h<breadth;++h) {
- if (RR->identity.address() != nextHop[h]) { // next hops that loop back to the current hop are not valid
- outp.newInitializationVector();
- outp.setDestination(nextHop[h]);
- RR->sw->send(tPtr,outp,true);
- }
- }
- }
- peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
- } catch ( ... ) {
- TRACE("dropped CIRCUIT_TEST from %s(%s): unexpected exception",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str());
- }
- return true;
-bool IncomingPacket::_doCIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer)
- try {
- ZT_CircuitTestReport report;
- memset(&report,0,sizeof(report));
- report.current = peer->address().toInt();
- report.upstream = Address(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 52,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH),ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH).toInt();
- report.testId = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 8);
- report.timestamp = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD);
- report.sourcePacketId = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 44);
- report.flags = at<uint64_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 36);
- report.sourcePacketHopCount = (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 57]; // end of fixed length headers: 58
- report.errorCode = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 34);
- report.vendor = (enum ZT_Vendor)((*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 24]);
- report.protocolVersion = (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 25];
- report.majorVersion = (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 26];
- report.minorVersion = (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 27];
- report.revision = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 28);
- report.platform = (enum ZT_Platform)at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 30);
- report.architecture = (enum ZT_Architecture)at<uint16_t>(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 32);
- const unsigned int receivedOnLocalAddressLen = reinterpret_cast<InetAddress *>(&(report.receivedOnLocalAddress))->deserialize(*this,ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 58);
- const unsigned int receivedFromRemoteAddressLen = reinterpret_cast<InetAddress *>(&(report.receivedFromRemoteAddress))->deserialize(*this,ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 58 + receivedOnLocalAddressLen);
- unsigned int ptr = ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 58 + receivedOnLocalAddressLen + receivedFromRemoteAddressLen;
- if (report.protocolVersion >= 9) {
- report.receivedFromLinkQuality = at<uint16_t>(ptr); ptr += 2;
- } else {
- report.receivedFromLinkQuality = ZT_PATH_LINK_QUALITY_MAX;
- ptr += at<uint16_t>(ptr) + 2; // this field was once an 'extended field length' reserved field, which was always set to 0
- }
- report.nextHopCount = (*this)[ptr++];
- if (report.nextHopCount > ZT_CIRCUIT_TEST_MAX_HOP_BREADTH) // sanity check, shouldn't be possible
- report.nextHopCount = ZT_CIRCUIT_TEST_MAX_HOP_BREADTH;
- for(unsigned int h=0;h<report.nextHopCount;++h) {
- report.nextHops[h].address = Address(field(ptr,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH),ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH).toInt(); ptr += ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
- ptr += reinterpret_cast<InetAddress *>(&(report.nextHops[h].physicalAddress))->deserialize(*this,ptr);
- }
- RR->node->postCircuitTestReport(&report);
- peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
- } catch ( ... ) {
- TRACE("dropped CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT from %s(%s): unexpected exception",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str());
- }
- return true;
bool IncomingPacket::_doUSER_MESSAGE(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer)
try {
@@ -1453,9 +1261,9 @@ bool IncomingPacket::_doUSER_MESSAGE(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,con
um.length = size() - (ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 8);
RR->node->postEvent(tPtr,ZT_EVENT_USER_MESSAGE,reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&um));
- peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
+ peer->received(tPtr,_path,hops(),packetId(),Packet::VERB_USER_MESSAGE,0,Packet::VERB_NOP,false);
} catch ( ... ) {
- TRACE("dropped CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT from %s(%s): unexpected exception",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str());
+ TRACE("dropped USER_MESSAGE from %s(%s): unexpected exception",source().toString().c_str(),_path->address().toString().c_str());
return true;