path: root/windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceBase.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceBase.cpp')
1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceBase.cpp b/windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceBase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59d384c5
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+++ b/windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceBase.cpp
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+/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
+* Module Name: ServiceBase.cpp
+* Project: CppWindowsService
+* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+* Provides a base class for a service that will exist as part of a service
+* application. CServiceBase must be derived from when creating a new service
+* class.
+* This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License.
+* See
+* All other rights reserved.
+#pragma region Includes
+#include "ServiceBase.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <strsafe.h>
+#include <string>
+#pragma endregion
+#pragma region Static Members
+// Initialize the singleton service instance.
+CServiceBase *CServiceBase::s_service = NULL;
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::Run(CServiceBase &)
+// PURPOSE: Register the executable for a service with the Service Control
+// Manager (SCM). After you call Run(ServiceBase), the SCM issues a Start
+// command, which results in a call to the OnStart method in the service.
+// This method blocks until the service has stopped.
+// * service - the reference to a CServiceBase object. It will become the
+// singleton service instance of this service application.
+// RETURN VALUE: If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the
+// function fails, the return value is FALSE. To get extended error
+// information, call GetLastError.
+BOOL CServiceBase::Run(CServiceBase &service)
+ s_service = &service;
+ SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA serviceTable[] =
+ {
+ { service.m_name, ServiceMain },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+ };
+ // Connects the main thread of a service process to the service control
+ // manager, which causes the thread to be the service control dispatcher
+ // thread for the calling process. This call returns when the service has
+ // stopped. The process should simply terminate when the call returns.
+ return StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(serviceTable);
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::ServiceMain(DWORD, PWSTR *)
+// PURPOSE: Entry point for the service. It registers the handler function
+// for the service and starts the service.
+// * dwArgc - number of command line arguments
+// * lpszArgv - array of command line arguments
+void WINAPI CServiceBase::ServiceMain(DWORD dwArgc, PSTR *pszArgv)
+ assert(s_service != NULL);
+ // Register the handler function for the service
+ s_service->m_statusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(
+ s_service->m_name, ServiceCtrlHandler);
+ if (s_service->m_statusHandle == NULL)
+ {
+ throw GetLastError();
+ }
+ // Start the service.
+ s_service->Start(dwArgc, pszArgv);
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD)
+// PURPOSE: The function is called by the SCM whenever a control code is
+// sent to the service.
+// * dwCtrlCode - the control code. This parameter can be one of the
+// following values:
+// This parameter can also be a user-defined control code ranges from 128
+// to 255.
+void WINAPI CServiceBase::ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD dwCtrl)
+ switch (dwCtrl)
+ {
+ case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: s_service->Stop(); break;
+ case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: s_service->Pause(); break;
+ case SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: s_service->Continue(); break;
+ case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: s_service->Shutdown(); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+#pragma region Service Constructor and Destructor
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::CServiceBase(PWSTR, BOOL, BOOL, BOOL)
+// PURPOSE: The constructor of CServiceBase. It initializes a new instance
+// of the CServiceBase class. The optional parameters (fCanStop,
+/// fCanShutdown and fCanPauseContinue) allow you to specify whether the
+// service can be stopped, paused and continued, or be notified when system
+// shutdown occurs.
+// * pszServiceName - the name of the service
+// * fCanStop - the service can be stopped
+// * fCanShutdown - the service is notified when system shutdown occurs
+// * fCanPauseContinue - the service can be paused and continued
+CServiceBase::CServiceBase(PSTR pszServiceName,
+ BOOL fCanStop,
+ BOOL fCanShutdown,
+ BOOL fCanPauseContinue)
+ // Service name must be a valid string and cannot be NULL.
+ m_name = (pszServiceName == NULL) ? "" : pszServiceName;
+ m_statusHandle = NULL;
+ // The service runs in its own process.
+ m_status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS;
+ // The service is starting.
+ m_status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING;
+ // The accepted commands of the service.
+ DWORD dwControlsAccepted = 0;
+ if (fCanStop)
+ dwControlsAccepted |= SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP;
+ if (fCanShutdown)
+ dwControlsAccepted |= SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN;
+ if (fCanPauseContinue)
+ m_status.dwControlsAccepted = dwControlsAccepted;
+ m_status.dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR;
+ m_status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
+ m_status.dwCheckPoint = 0;
+ m_status.dwWaitHint = 0;
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::~CServiceBase()
+// PURPOSE: The virtual destructor of CServiceBase.
+#pragma endregion
+#pragma region Service Start, Stop, Pause, Continue, and Shutdown
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::Start(DWORD, PWSTR *)
+// PURPOSE: The function starts the service. It calls the OnStart virtual
+// function in which you can specify the actions to take when the service
+// starts. If an error occurs during the startup, the error will be logged
+// in the Application event log, and the service will be stopped.
+// * dwArgc - number of command line arguments
+// * lpszArgv - array of command line arguments
+void CServiceBase::Start(DWORD dwArgc, PSTR *pszArgv)
+ try
+ {
+ // Tell SCM that the service is starting.
+ // Perform service-specific initialization.
+ OnStart(dwArgc, pszArgv);
+ // Tell SCM that the service is started.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING);
+ }
+ catch (DWORD dwError)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteErrorLogEntry("Service Start", dwError);
+ // Set the service status to be stopped.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED, dwError);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteEventLogEntry("Service failed to start.", EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);
+ // Set the service status to be stopped.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED);
+ }
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::OnStart(DWORD, PWSTR *)
+// PURPOSE: When implemented in a derived class, executes when a Start
+// command is sent to the service by the SCM or when the operating system
+// starts (for a service that starts automatically). Specifies actions to
+// take when the service starts. Be sure to periodically call
+// CServiceBase::SetServiceStatus() with SERVICE_START_PENDING if the
+// procedure is going to take long time. You may also consider spawning a
+// new thread in OnStart to perform time-consuming initialization tasks.
+// * dwArgc - number of command line arguments
+// * lpszArgv - array of command line arguments
+void CServiceBase::OnStart(DWORD dwArgc, PSTR *pszArgv)
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::Stop()
+// PURPOSE: The function stops the service. It calls the OnStop virtual
+// function in which you can specify the actions to take when the service
+// stops. If an error occurs, the error will be logged in the Application
+// event log, and the service will be restored to the original state.
+void CServiceBase::Stop()
+ DWORD dwOriginalState = m_status.dwCurrentState;
+ try
+ {
+ // Tell SCM that the service is stopping.
+ // Perform service-specific stop operations.
+ OnStop();
+ // Tell SCM that the service is stopped.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED);
+ }
+ catch (DWORD dwError)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteErrorLogEntry("Service Stop", dwError);
+ // Set the orginal service status.
+ SetServiceStatus(dwOriginalState);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteEventLogEntry("Service failed to stop.", EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);
+ // Set the orginal service status.
+ SetServiceStatus(dwOriginalState);
+ }
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::OnStop()
+// PURPOSE: When implemented in a derived class, executes when a Stop
+// command is sent to the service by the SCM. Specifies actions to take
+// when a service stops running. Be sure to periodically call
+// CServiceBase::SetServiceStatus() with SERVICE_STOP_PENDING if the
+// procedure is going to take long time.
+void CServiceBase::OnStop()
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::Pause()
+// PURPOSE: The function pauses the service if the service supports pause
+// and continue. It calls the OnPause virtual function in which you can
+// specify the actions to take when the service pauses. If an error occurs,
+// the error will be logged in the Application event log, and the service
+// will become running.
+void CServiceBase::Pause()
+ try
+ {
+ // Tell SCM that the service is pausing.
+ // Perform service-specific pause operations.
+ OnPause();
+ // Tell SCM that the service is paused.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_PAUSED);
+ }
+ catch (DWORD dwError)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteErrorLogEntry("Service Pause", dwError);
+ // Tell SCM that the service is still running.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteEventLogEntry("Service failed to pause.", EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);
+ // Tell SCM that the service is still running.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING);
+ }
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::OnPause()
+// PURPOSE: When implemented in a derived class, executes when a Pause
+// command is sent to the service by the SCM. Specifies actions to take
+// when a service pauses.
+void CServiceBase::OnPause()
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::Continue()
+// PURPOSE: The function resumes normal functioning after being paused if
+// the service supports pause and continue. It calls the OnContinue virtual
+// function in which you can specify the actions to take when the service
+// continues. If an error occurs, the error will be logged in the
+// Application event log, and the service will still be paused.
+void CServiceBase::Continue()
+ try
+ {
+ // Tell SCM that the service is resuming.
+ // Perform service-specific continue operations.
+ OnContinue();
+ // Tell SCM that the service is running.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING);
+ }
+ catch (DWORD dwError)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteErrorLogEntry("Service Continue", dwError);
+ // Tell SCM that the service is still paused.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_PAUSED);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteEventLogEntry("Service failed to resume.", EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);
+ // Tell SCM that the service is still paused.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_PAUSED);
+ }
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::OnContinue()
+// PURPOSE: When implemented in a derived class, OnContinue runs when a
+// Continue command is sent to the service by the SCM. Specifies actions to
+// take when a service resumes normal functioning after being paused.
+void CServiceBase::OnContinue()
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::Shutdown()
+// PURPOSE: The function executes when the system is shutting down. It
+// calls the OnShutdown virtual function in which you can specify what
+// should occur immediately prior to the system shutting down. If an error
+// occurs, the error will be logged in the Application event log.
+void CServiceBase::Shutdown()
+ try
+ {
+ // Perform service-specific shutdown operations.
+ OnShutdown();
+ // Tell SCM that the service is stopped.
+ SetServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED);
+ }
+ catch (DWORD dwError)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteErrorLogEntry("Service Shutdown", dwError);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ // Log the error.
+ WriteEventLogEntry("Service failed to shut down.", EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);
+ }
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::OnShutdown()
+// PURPOSE: When implemented in a derived class, executes when the system
+// is shutting down. Specifies what should occur immediately prior to the
+// system shutting down.
+void CServiceBase::OnShutdown()
+#pragma endregion
+#pragma region Helper Functions
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::SetServiceStatus(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD)
+// PURPOSE: The function sets the service status and reports the status to
+// the SCM.
+// * dwCurrentState - the state of the service
+// * dwWin32ExitCode - error code to report
+// * dwWaitHint - estimated time for pending operation, in milliseconds
+void CServiceBase::SetServiceStatus(DWORD dwCurrentState,
+ DWORD dwWin32ExitCode,
+ DWORD dwWaitHint)
+ static DWORD dwCheckPoint = 1;
+ // Fill in the SERVICE_STATUS structure of the service.
+ m_status.dwCurrentState = dwCurrentState;
+ m_status.dwWin32ExitCode = dwWin32ExitCode;
+ m_status.dwWaitHint = dwWaitHint;
+ m_status.dwCheckPoint =
+ ((dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) ||
+ (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED)) ?
+ 0 : dwCheckPoint++;
+ // Report the status of the service to the SCM.
+ ::SetServiceStatus(m_statusHandle, &m_status);
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::WriteEventLogEntry(PWSTR, WORD)
+// PURPOSE: Log a message to the Application event log.
+// * pszMessage - string message to be logged.
+// * wType - the type of event to be logged. The parameter can be one of
+// the following values.
+void CServiceBase::WriteEventLogEntry(PSTR pszMessage, WORD wType)
+ HANDLE hEventSource = NULL;
+ LPCSTR lpszStrings[2] = { NULL, NULL };
+ hEventSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, m_name);
+ if (hEventSource)
+ {
+ lpszStrings[0] = m_name;
+ lpszStrings[1] = pszMessage;
+ ReportEvent(hEventSource, // Event log handle
+ wType, // Event type
+ 0, // Event category
+ 0, // Event identifier
+ NULL, // No security identifier
+ 2, // Size of lpszStrings array
+ 0, // No binary data
+ lpszStrings, // Array of strings
+ NULL // No binary data
+ );
+ DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource);
+ }
+// FUNCTION: CServiceBase::WriteErrorLogEntry(PWSTR, DWORD)
+// PURPOSE: Log an error message to the Application event log.
+// * pszFunction - the function that gives the error
+// * dwError - the error code
+void CServiceBase::WriteErrorLogEntry(PSTR pszFunction, DWORD dwError)
+ char szMessage[260];
+ StringCchPrintf(szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage),
+ "%s failed w/err 0x%08lx", pszFunction, dwError);
+ WriteEventLogEntry(szMessage, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);
+#pragma endregion \ No newline at end of file