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3 files changed, 22 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/attr.c b/src/attr.c
index fcb5e4a..f77f239 100644
--- a/src/attr.c
+++ b/src/attr.c
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ uint16_t mnl_attr_get_payload_len(const struct nlattr *attr)
* mnl_attr_get_payload - get pointer to the attribute payload
+ * \param attr pointer to netlink attribute
- * This function return a pointer to the attribute payload
+ * This function return a pointer to the attribute payload.
void *mnl_attr_get_payload(const struct nlattr *attr)
@@ -75,11 +76,11 @@ void *mnl_attr_get_payload(const struct nlattr *attr)
* mnl_attr_ok - check if there is room for an attribute in a buffer
- * \param nattr attribute that we want to check if there is room for
+ * \param attr attribute that we want to check if there is room for
* \param len remaining bytes in a buffer that contains the attribute
* This function is used to check that a buffer, which is supposed to contain
- * an attribute, has enough room for the attribute that it stores, ie. this
+ * an attribute, has enough room for the attribute that it stores, i.e. this
* function can be used to verify that an attribute is neither malformed nor
* truncated.
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ static const size_t mnl_attr_data_type_len[MNL_TYPE_MAX] = {
* The validation is based on the data type. Specifically, it checks that
* integers (u8, u16, u32 and u64) have enough room for them. This function
- * returns -1 in case of error and errno is explicitly set.
+ * returns -1 in case of error, and errno is explicitly set.
int mnl_attr_validate(const struct nlattr *attr, enum mnl_attr_data_type type)
@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ int mnl_attr_validate2(const struct nlattr *attr,
* usually happens at this stage or you can use any other data structure (such
* as lists or trees).
- * This function propagates the return value of the callback that can be
+ * This function propagates the return value of the callback, which can be
int mnl_attr_parse(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, unsigned int offset,
@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ int mnl_attr_parse(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, unsigned int offset,
* usually happens at this stage or you can use any other data structure (such
* as lists or trees).
- * This function propagates the return value of the callback that can be
+ * This function propagates the return value of the callback, which can be
int mnl_attr_parse_nested(const struct nlattr *nested,
@@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ uint32_t mnl_attr_get_u32(const struct nlattr *attr)
* \param attr pointer to netlink attribute
* This function returns the 64-bit value of the attribute payload. This
- * function is align-safe since accessing 64-bit Netlink attributes is a
+ * function is align-safe, since accessing 64-bit Netlink attributes is a
* common source of alignment issues.
uint64_t mnl_attr_get_u64(const struct nlattr *attr)
@@ -453,7 +454,7 @@ void mnl_attr_put_str(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, uint16_t type, const void *data)
* \param type netlink attribute type
* \param data pointer to string data that is stored by the new attribute
- * This function is similar to mnl_attr_put_str but it includes the NULL
+ * This function is similar to mnl_attr_put_str, but it includes the NUL
* terminator at the end of the string.
* This function updates the length field of the Netlink message (nlmsg_len)
diff --git a/src/nlmsg.c b/src/nlmsg.c
index 3cec2a2..535f4b5 100644
--- a/src/nlmsg.c
+++ b/src/nlmsg.c
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ int mnl_nlmsg_seq_ok(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, unsigned int seq)
* \param nlh current netlink message that we are handling
* \param seq netlink portid that we want to check
- * This functions return 1 if the origin is fulfilled, otherwise
+ * This functions returns 1 if the origin is fulfilled, otherwise
* 0 is returned. We skip the tracking for netlink message whose portID
* is zero since it is reserved for event-based kernel notifications. On the
- * other hand, if portid is set but the message PortID is not set (i.e. this
+ * other hand, if portid is set but the message PortID is not (i.e. this
* is an event message coming from kernel-space), then we also skip the
* tracking. This approach is good if we use the same socket to send commands
* to kernel-space (that we want to track) and to listen to events (that we
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ int mnl_nlmsg_portid_ok(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, unsigned int portid)
* mnl_nlmsg_fprintf - print netlink message to file
* \param nlh pointer to netlink message that we want to print
- * This function prints the netlink header to a file. This function may be
- * useful for debugging purposes.
+ * This function prints the netlink header to a file handle.
+ * It may be useful for debugging purposes.
void mnl_nlmsg_fprintf(FILE *fd, const struct nlmsghdr *nlh)
diff --git a/src/socket.c b/src/socket.c
index 9250c27..6ca3d3e 100644
--- a/src/socket.c
+++ b/src/socket.c
@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@
"Simplify, simplify" -- Henry David Thoureau. Walden (1854)
- * The acronim libmnl stands for LIBrary Minimalistic NetLink.
+ * The acronym libmnl stands for LIBrary Minimalistic NetLink.
* (temporary) libmnl homepage is:
* \section features Main Features
- * - Small: the shared library requires around 30KB in a x86-based computer.
+ * - Small: the shared library requires around 30KB for an x86-based computer.
* - Simple: this library avoids complex abstractions that tend to hide Netlink
* details. It avoids elaborated object-oriented infrastructure and complex
* callback-based workflow.
* - Easy to use: the library simplifies the work for Netlink-wise developers.
* It provides functions to make socket handling, message building,
- * validating, parsing, and sequence tracking, easier.
+ * validating, parsing and sequence tracking, easier.
* - Easy to re-use: you can use this library to build your own abstraction
* layer upon this library, if you want to provide another library that
* hides Netlink details to your users.
* - Decoupling: the interdependency of the main bricks that compose this
- * library is reduced, ie. the library provides many helpers but the
+ * library is reduced, i.e. the library provides many helpers, but the
* programmer is not forced to use them.
* \section Dependencies
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
* \section using Using libmnl
- * You can access several examples files under examples/ in the libmnl source
+ * You can access several example files under examples/ in the libmnl source
* code tree.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ unsigned int mnl_socket_get_portid(const struct mnl_socket *nl)
* mnl_socket_open - open a netlink socket
- * \param unit the netlink socket bus ID (see NETLINK_* constants)
+ * \param bus the netlink socket bus ID (see NETLINK_* constants)
* On error, it returns -1 and errno is appropriately set. Otherwise, it
* returns a valid pointer to the mnl_socket structure.
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ int mnl_socket_bind(struct mnl_socket *nl, int groups, int pid)
* mnl_socket_sendto - send a netlink message of a certain size
* \param nl netlink socket obtained via mnl_socket_open()
* \param buf buffer containing the netlink message to be sent
- * \param bufsiz number of bytes in the buffer that you want to send
+ * \param len number of bytes in the buffer that you want to send
* On error, it returns -1 and errno is appropriately set. Otherwise, it
* returns the number of bytes sent.
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ int mnl_socket_sendto(const struct mnl_socket *nl, const void *buf, size_t len)
* On error, it returns -1 and errno is appropriately set. If errno is set
* to ENOSPC, it means that the buffer that you have passed to store the
- * netlink message is too small so you have received a truncated message.
- * To avoid this you have to allocate a buffer of MNL_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE
+ * netlink message is too small, so you have received a truncated message.
+ * To avoid this, you have to allocate a buffer of MNL_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE
* (which is 8KB, see linux/netlink.h for more information). Using this
* buffer size ensures that your buffer is big enough to store the netlink
* message without truncating it.