path: root/scripts
diff options
authorStephen Hemminger <>2008-01-30 12:19:39 -0800
committerStephen Hemminger <>2008-01-30 12:19:39 -0800
commit86fc4e7801919a1da123f34500218a69a30c2059 (patch)
treeb74d8bc3df7acc298420667710f4d60447504dff /scripts
Initial version of vyatta-cfg-qosdebian/0.1
This the initial checkin prior to integration
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
7 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d943db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package VyattaQosFairQueue;
+@ISA = qw/VyattaQosPolicy/;
+# This is a wrapper around Stochastic Fair Queue(SFQ) queue discipline
+# Since SFQ is a hard to explain, use the name fair-queue since SFQ
+# is most similar to Weighted Fair Queue (WFQ) on Cisco IOS.
+use strict;
+require VyattaConfig;
+# Fair Queue
+# Uses SFQ which is similar to (but not same as) WFQ
+my %fields = (
+ _perturb => undef,
+ _limit => undef,
+sub new {
+ my ( $that, $config ) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($that) || $that;
+ my $self = {%fields};
+ $self->{_perturb} = $config->returnValue("rekey-interval");
+ $self->{_limit} = $config->returnValue("queue-limit");
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub commands {
+ my ( $self, $out, $dev ) = @_;
+ print {$out} "qdisc add dev $dev root sfq";
+ print {$out} " perturb $self->{_perturb}" if ( defined $self->{_perturb} );
+ print {$out} " limit $self->{_limit}" if ( defined $self->{_limit} );
+ print "\n";
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index 0000000..72f7a36
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+package VyattaQosMatch;
+require VyattaConfig;
+use VyattaQosUtil;
+use strict;
+my %fields = (
+ _dev => undef,
+ _vlan => undef,
+ _ip => {
+ _src => undef,
+ _dst => undef,
+ _dsfield => undef,
+ _protocol => undef,
+ _sport => undef,
+ _dport => undef,
+ }
+sub new {
+ my ( $that, $config ) = @_;
+ my $self = {%fields};
+ my $class = ref($that) || $that;
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->_define($config);
+ return $self;
+sub _tos {
+ my $tos = shift;
+ my $ret = undef;
+ if ( defined $tos ) {
+ $ret = VyattaQosUtil::getDsfield($tos);
+ if ( !defined $ret ) {
+ $tos = hex($tos);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub _define {
+ my ( $self, $config ) = @_;
+ my $level=$config->setLevel();
+ $self->{_vlan} = $config->returnValue("vif");
+ $self->{_dev} = $config->returnValue("interface");
+ $self->{_ip}->{_tos} = _tos( $config->returnValue("ip tos") );
+ $self->{_ip}->{_protocol} = $config->returnValue("ip protocol");
+ $self->{_ip}->{_src} = $config->returnValue("ip source address");
+ $self->{_ip}->{_dst} = $config->returnValue("ip destination address");
+ $self->{_ip}->{_sport} = $config->returnValue("ip source port");
+ $self->{_ip}->{_dport} = $config->returnValue("ip source dport");
+sub filter {
+ my ( $self, $out, $dev, $id ) = @_;
+ print {$out} "filter add dev $dev parent 1:0 prio 10";
+ # TODO match on vlan, device, ...
+ if (defined $self->{_ip}) {
+ print {$out} " u32";
+ print {$out} " match ip tos $self->{_ip}->{_tos} 0xff"
+ if defined $self->{_ip}->{_tos};
+ print {$out} " match ip protocol $self->{_ip}->{_protcol} 0xff"
+ if defined $self->{_ip}->{_protocol};
+ print {$out} " match ip src $self->{_ip}->{_src}"
+ if defined $self->{_ip}->{_src};
+ print {$out} " match ip sport $self->{_ip}->{_sport}"
+ if defined $self->{_ip}->{_sport};
+ print {$out} " match ip dst $self->{_ip}->{_dst}"
+ if defined $self->{_ip}->{_dst};
+ print {$out} " match ip dport $self->{_ip}->{_dport}"
+ if defined $self->{_ip}->{_dport};
+ }
+ print {$out} " classid $id\n";
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+package VyattaQosPolicy;
+use strict;
+require VyattaConfig;
+use VyattaQosTrafficShaper;
+use VyattaQosFairQueue;
+# Main class for all QoS policys
+# It is a base class, and actual policies are subclass instances.
+# Build a new traffic shaper of the proper type based
+# on the configuration information.
+sub config {
+ my ( $class, $config, $type ) = @_;
+ my $object = undef;
+ ( $type eq 'fair-queue' ) && do {
+ $object = new VyattaQosFairQueue($config);
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ ( $type eq 'traffic-shaper' ) && do {
+ $object = new VyattaQosTrafficShaper($config);
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ die "Unknown policy type \"$type\"\n";
+ }
+ return $object;
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+# Traffic shaper
+# This is a extended form of Hierarchal Token Bucket with
+# more admin friendly features. Similar in spirt to other shaper scripts
+# such as wondershaper.
+ package ShaperClass;
+ use strict;
+ require VyattaConfig;
+ use VyattaQosMatch;
+ my %fields = (
+ id => undef,
+ _priority => undef,
+ _rate => undef,
+ _ceiling => undef,
+ _burst => undef,
+ _match => undef,
+ );
+ sub new {
+ my ( $that, $config, $id ) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($that) || $that;
+ my $self = {%fields};
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->_define($config, $id);
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub _define {
+ my ( $self, $config, $id ) = @_;
+ my $level = $config->setLevel();
+ my @matches = ();
+ $self->{_id} = sprintf "%04x", $id;
+ $self->{_priority} = $config->returnValue("priority");
+ $self->{_rate} = $config->returnValue("rate");
+ $self->{_ceiling} = $config->returnValue("ceiling");
+ $self->{_burst} = $config->returnValue("burst");
+ foreach my $match ($config->listNodes("match")) {
+ $config->setLevel("$level match $match");
+ push @matches, new VyattaQosMatch($config);
+ }
+ $self->{_match} = \@matches;
+ }
+ sub _getPercentRate {
+ my ($rate, $speed) = @_;
+ if ( ! defined $rate ) {
+ return; # leave rate undef
+ }
+ # Rate might be a percentage of speed
+ if ( $rate =~ /%$/ ) {
+ my $percent = substr( $rate, 0, length($rate) - 1 );
+ if ( $percent < 0 || $percent > 100 ) {
+ die "Invalid percentage bandwidth\n";
+ }
+ $rate = ( $percent * $speed ) / 100.;
+ } else {
+ $rate = VyattaQosUtil::getRate($rate);
+ }
+ return $rate;
+ }
+ sub commands {
+ my ( $self, $out, $dev, $speed ) = @_;
+ my $rate = _getPercentRate($self->{_rate}, $speed);
+ my $ceil = _getPercentRate($self->{_ceiling}, $speed);
+ my $id = $self->{_id};
+ my $matches = $self->{_match};
+ die "Rate is not defined\n" if (! defined $rate );
+ die "Class $id rate $rate > shaper rate $speed\n" if ($rate > $speed);
+ # create the class
+ my $cmd ="class add dev $dev parent 1:1 classid 1:$id htb rate $rate";
+ if ( defined $ceil) {
+ if ($ceil < $rate ) {
+ die "Rate limit (ceiling) $ceil < base rate $rate\n";
+ }
+ $cmd .= " ceil $ceil";
+ }
+ $cmd .= " burst $self->{_burst}" if ( defined $self->{_burst} );
+ $cmd .= " prio $self->{_priority}" if ( defined $self->{_priority} );
+ print {$out} $cmd . "\n";
+ # create leaf qdisc
+ print {$out} "qdisc add dev $dev parent 1:$id sfq\n";
+ foreach my $match (@$matches) {
+ $match->filter( $out, $dev, $id );
+ }
+ }
+package VyattaQosTrafficShaper;
+@ISA = qw/VyattaQosPolicy/;
+use strict;
+require VyattaConfig;
+use VyattaQosUtil;
+my $defaultId = 0x4000;
+my %fields = (
+ _rate => undef,
+ _classes => undef,
+# new VyattaQosTrafficShaper($config)
+# Create a new instance based on config information
+sub new {
+ my ( $that, $config ) = @_;
+ my $self = {%fields};
+ my $class = ref($that) || $that;
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->_define($config);
+ return $self;
+# Rate can be something like "auto" or "10.2mbit"
+sub _getAutoRate {
+ my ($rate, $dev) = @_;
+ if ( $rate eq "auto" ) {
+ my $rate = VyattaQosUtil::interfaceRate($dev);
+ if ( ! defined $rate ) {
+ die "Auto speed setting but can't get rate from $dev\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $rate = VyattaQosUtil::getRate($rate);
+ }
+ return $rate;
+# Setup new instance.
+# Assumes caller has done $config->setLevel to "traffic-shaper $name"
+sub _define {
+ my ( $self, $config ) = @_;
+ my $level = $config->setLevel();
+ my @classes = ( );
+ $self->{_rate} = $config->returnValue("rate");
+ $config->setLevel("$level default");
+ push @classes, new ShaperClass( $config, $defaultId);
+ $config->setLevel($level);
+ foreach my $id ( $config->listNodes("class") ) {
+ $config->setLevel("$level class $id");
+ push @classes, new ShaperClass( $config, $id );
+ }
+ $self->{_classes} = \@classes;
+sub commands {
+ my ( $self, $out, $dev ) = @_;
+ my $rate = _getAutoRate($self->{_rate}, $dev);
+ my $classes = $self->{_classes};
+ my @tc = ( );
+ print {$out} "qdisc add dev $dev root handle 1: htb default $defaultId\n";
+ print {$out} "class add dev $dev parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $rate\n";
+ foreach my $class (@$classes) {
+ $class->commands( $out, $dev, $rate );
+ }
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+package VyattaQosUtil;
+use POSIX;
+require Exporter;
+@EXPORT = qw/getRate getSize getProtocol getDsfield interfaceRate/;
+sub get_num {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ # clear errno
+ $! = 0;
+ ($num, $unparsed) = POSIX::strtod($str);
+ if (($str eq '') || $!) {
+ die "Non-numeric input \"$str\"" . ($! ? ": $!\n" : "\n");
+ }
+ if ($unparsed > 0) { return $num, substr($str, -$unparsed); }
+ else { return $num; }
+## get_rate("10mbit")
+# convert rate specification to number
+# from tc/tc_util.c
+sub getRate {
+ my ($num, $suffix) = get_num(@_);
+ if (defined $suffix) {
+ ($suffix eq 'bit') && do { last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'kibit') && do { $num *= 1024.; last SWITCH };
+ ($suffix eq 'kbit') && do { $num *= 1000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'mibit') && do { $num *= 1048576.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'mbit') && do { $num *= 1000000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'gibit') && do { $num *= 1073741824.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'gbit') && do { $num *= 1000000000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'tibit') && do { $num *= 1099511627776.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'tbit') && do { $num *= 1000000000000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'bps') && do { $num *= 8.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'kibps') && do { $num *= 8192.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'kbps') && do { $num *= 8000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'mibps') && do { $num *= 8388608.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'mbps') && do { $num *= 8000000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'gibps') && do { $num *= 8589934592.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'gbps') && do { $num *= 8000000000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'tibps') && do { $num *= 8796093022208.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'tbps') && do { $num *= 8000000000000.,; last SWITCH; };
+ die "Rate must be a number followed by a optional suffix (kbit, mbps, ...)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ die "Negative rate not allowed\n" if ($num < 0);
+ return $num;
+sub getSize {
+ my ($num, $suffix) = get_num(@_);
+ if (defined $suffix) {
+ ($suffix eq 'b') && do { $num *= 1.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'k') && do { $num *= 1024.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'kb') && do { $num *= 1024.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'kbit') && do { $num *= 128.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'm') && do { $num *= 1048576.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'mb') && do { $num *= 1048576.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'mbit') && do { $num *= 131072.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'g') && do { $num *= 1073741824.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'gb') && do { $num *= 1073741824.,; last SWITCH; };
+ ($suffix eq 'gbit') && do { $num *= 134217728.,; last SWITCH; };
+ die "Unknown suffix \"$suffix\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ die "Negative size not allowed\n" if ($num < 0);
+ return $num;
+sub getProtocol {
+ my ($p) = @_;
+ if ($p =~ /^([0-9]+)|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$/) {
+ if ($p < 0 || $p > 255) {
+ die "$p is not a valid protocol number\n";
+ }
+ return $p;
+ }
+ ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname($p);
+ (defined $proto) or die "\"$p\" unknown protocol\n";
+ return $proto;
+# Parse /etc/iproute/rt_dsfield
+# return a hex string "0x10" or undefined
+sub getDsfield {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ my $match = undef;
+ my $dsFileName = '/etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield';
+ if ($str =~ /^([0-9]+)|(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)$/) {
+ if ($str < 0 || $str > 255) {
+ die "$str is not a valid dsfield value\n";
+ }
+ return $str;
+ }
+ open(DSFIELD,"<$dsFileName") || die "Can't open $dsFileName, $!\n";
+ while (<DSFIELD>) {
+ next if /^#/;
+ chomp;
+ @fields = split;
+ if ($str eq $fields[1]) {
+ $match = $fields[0];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(DSFIELD);
+ return $match;
+# Utility routines
+## interfaceRate("eth0")
+# return result in bits per second
+sub interfaceRate {
+ my ($interface) = @_;
+ my $rate = undef;
+ my $config = new VyattaConfig;
+ $config->setLevel("interfaces ethernet");
+ if ($config->exists("$interface")) {
+ my $speed = $config->returnValue("$interface speed");
+ if (defined($speed) && $speed != "auto") {
+ return $speed * 1000000;
+ }
+ }
+ $rate = ethtoolRate($interface);
+ if (! defined $rate) {
+ die "Interace speed for $interface unknown\n";
+ }
+ return $rate * 1000000;
+## ethtoolRate("eth0")
+# Fetch actual rate using ethtool and format to valid tc rate
+sub ethtoolRate {
+ my ($dev) = @_;
+ my $rate = undef;
+ open(ETHTOOL, "sudo ethtool $dev |") or return $rate;
+ # ethtool produces:
+ #
+ # Settings for eth1:
+ # Supported ports: [ TP ]
+ # ...
+ # Speed: 1000Mb/s
+ while (<ETHTOOL>) {
+ my @line = split;
+ if ($line[0] =~ /^Speed/) {
+ $rate = $line[1];
+ $rate =~ s/Mb\/s/000000/;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(ETHTOOL);
+ return $rate;
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index 0000000..5dd869f
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Utility routines for validating input
+# These functions don't change existing QoS parameters
+use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/";
+use VyattaQosUtil;
+use Getopt::Long;
+ "rate=s" => \$rate,
+ "burst=s" => \$burst,
+ "protocol=s" => \$protocol,
+ "dsfield=s" => \$dsfield,
+if ( defined $rate ) {
+ my $r = VyattaQosUtil::getRate($rate);
+ exit 0;
+if ( defined $burst ) {
+ my $b = VyattaQosUtil::getSize($burst);
+ exit 0;
+if ( defined $protocol ) {
+ my $p = VyattaQosUtil::getProtocol($protocol);
+ exit 0;
+if ( defined $dsfield ) {
+ my $d = VyattaQosUtil::getDsfield($dsfield);
+ exit 0;
+print <<EOF;
+usage: --rate rate
+ --burst size
+ --protocol protocol
+ --dsfield tos|dsfield
+exit 1;
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index 0000000..86a0c62
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/";
+use VyattaConfig;
+use VyattaQosPolicy;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $qosNode = 'qos-policy';
+my @update = ();
+my @delete = ();
+my $debug = $ENV{"DEBUG"};
+my $list = undef;
+ "debug" => \$debug,
+ "list" => \$list,
+ "update=s{3}" => \@update,
+ "delete=s{2}" => \@delete,
+## list available qos policy names
+sub list_available {
+ my $config = new VyattaConfig;
+ my @nodes = ();
+ foreach my $policy ( $config->listNodes($qosNode) ) {
+ foreach my $name ( $config->listNodes("$qosNode $policy") ) {
+ push @nodes, $name;
+ }
+ }
+ print join( ' ', @nodes ), "\n";
+## delete_interface('eth0', 'out')
+# remove all filters and qdisc's
+sub delete_interface {
+ my ( $interface, $direction ) = @_;
+ if ( $direction =~ /^out/ ) {
+ # delete old qdisc - will give error if no policy in place
+ system("tc qdisc del dev $interface root 2>/dev/null");
+ system("tc filter del dev $interface 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+## update_interface('eth0', 'out', 'my-shaper')
+# update policy to interface
+sub update_interface {
+ my ( $interface, $direction, $name ) = @_;
+ my $config = new VyattaConfig;
+ # TODO: add support for ingress
+ ( $direction =~ /^out/ ) or die "Only out direction supported";
+ foreach my $policy ( $config->listNodes($qosNode) ) {
+ if ( $config->exists("$qosNode $policy $name") ) {
+ $config->setLevel("$qosNode $policy $name");
+ my $policy = VyattaQosPolicy->config( $config, $policy );
+ defined $policy or die "undefined policy";
+ # When doing debugging just echo the commands
+ if (defined $debug) {
+ open (my $out, ">&STDOUT");
+ } else {
+ open( my $out, "|sudo tc -batch -" )
+ or die "Tc setup failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ $policy->commands($out, $interface);
+ close $out or die "Tc command failed: $!\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ }
+ die "Unknown $qosNode $name\n";
+if ( defined $list ) {
+ list_available();
+ exit 0;
+if ( $#delete == 1 ) {
+ delete_interface(@delete);
+ exit 0;
+if ( $#update == 2 ) {
+ update_interface(@update);
+ exit 0;
+print <<EOF;
+usage: --list
+ --update interface direction policy
+ --delete interface direction
+exit 1;