diff options
authorRobert Bays <>2010-12-04 17:40:57 -0800
committerRobert Bays <>2010-12-14 11:13:27 -0800
commitea52ad11d9e07843ed74b1cfa16122ff09e092f1 (patch)
parent3b0c4cbb7412c38f222abd8ef38f1b0cf293e376 (diff)
clean up code
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Vyatta/Quagga/ b/lib/Vyatta/Quagga/
index f3ac8de0..59a8f219 100644
--- a/lib/Vyatta/Quagga/
+++ b/lib/Vyatta/Quagga/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ sub _reInitialize {
sub returnQuaggaCommands {
my ($self, $arrayref) = @_;
- foreach my $key (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %_vtyshdel) {
+ foreach my $key (reverse sort keys %_vtyshdel) {
foreach my $string (@{$_vtyshdel{$key}}) {
push @{$arrayref}, "$string";
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ sub _pdebug {
# input: $1 - level of the tree to start at
# $2 - delete bool
# $3 - recursive bool
-# $4 - arrays of strings to skip
+# $4 - array of strings to skip
+# $5 - array of strings to order the input to quagga
# output: none, return failure if needed
sub _setConfigTree {
my ($level, $delete, $recurse, $skip, $ordered) = @_;
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ sub _setConfigTree {
$sortfunc = \&cmpb;
- _pdebug(3, "_setConfigTree - enter - level: $level\tdelete: $delete\trecurse: $recurse\tskip: @skip_list\tordered_list\t@ordered_list");
+ _pdebug(3, "_setConfigTree - enter - level: $level\tdelete: $delete\trecurse: $recurse\tskip: @skip_list\tordered_list: @ordered_list");
# This loop walks the arrays of quagga commands and builds list to send to quagga
foreach my $key (keys %$vtyshref) {
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ sub _setConfigTree {
foreach my $cmd (@{$vtyshref->{$key}}) {
_pdebug(2, "_setConfigTree - key: $key \t cmd: $cmd");
- push @com_array, "$cmd !!?? $noerr";
+ push @com_array, "$cmd \036 $noerr";
# remove this command so we don't hit it again in another Recurse call
delete ${$vtyshref->{$key}}[$index];
@@ -225,10 +226,8 @@ sub _setConfigTree {
# remove the ordered_list sorting meta-data
$line =~ s/\s+\d+:::/ /;
- # remove the sort order prepend
- ($order, $command) = split / !!!\?\?\? /, $line;
- # split for our noeer info
- ($command, $noerr) = split / !!\?\? /, $command;
+ # split our commands into individual components
+ ($order, $command, $noerr) = split / \036 /, $line;
if (! _sendQuaggaCommand("$command", "$noerr")) { return 0; }
@@ -460,14 +459,14 @@ sub _qtree {
if (defined $vals[0]) {
foreach my $val (@vals) {
my $var = _qVarReplace("$level $node $val", $qcom->{$qcommand}->{$action});
- push @{$vtysh->{"$qcommand"}}, "$level $node $val !!!??? $var";
+ push @{$vtysh->{"$qcommand"}}, "$level $node $val \036 $var";
_pdebug(1, "_qtree leaf node command: set $level $action $node $val \n\t\t\t\t\t$var");
else {
my $var = _qVarReplace("$level $node", $qcom->{$qcommand}->{$action});
- push @{$vtysh->{"$qcommand"}}, "$level $node !!!??? $var";
+ push @{$vtysh->{"$qcommand"}}, "$level $node \036 $var";
_pdebug(1, "_qtree node command: set $level $action $node \n\t\t\t\t$var");