path: root/scripts
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2024-02-08 16:11:24 +0000
committerGitHub <>2024-02-08 16:11:24 +0000
commit0949fdbf93cd76d7f8c65ed56cdfc27a43c1944f (patch)
treedd4401900444d1888ff3a04bfa23feb823e27450 /scripts
parent6a0b841718bb83cffbbb198c788f7d634c4c9dc0 (diff)
parent6e94def372856437d6e2fd6252ae272cc502c87e (diff)
Merge pull request #84 from erkin/current
op-mode: T4038: Remove legacy ``
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index d654a22..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Getopt::Long;
-use lib "/opt/vyatta/share/perl5/";
-use strict;
-use IO::Prompt;
-my ($show, $delete, $updateone);
-my @copy;
-my @update;
- "show=s" => \$show,
- "delete=s" => \$delete,
- "update=s{2}" => \@update,
- "updateone=s" => \$updateone,
- "copy=s{2}" => \@copy
-if (defined $show){
- show($show);
-if (defined $delete){
- delete_file($delete);
-if (@update){
- update(@update);
-if (defined($updateone)){
- update($updateone, "running");
-if (@copy){
- copy(@copy);
-sub conv_file {
- my $file = " ";
- my $filein = pop(@_);
- $file = $filein;
- my $topdir;
- if ($file =~ /(.+?):\/\/(.*)/){
- $topdir = $1;
- $file = $2;
- } elsif ($file =~ /^\//) {
- $topdir = "running";
- } else {
- print "File: $filein not found \n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ($topdir eq "running") {
- $file = "/$file";
- } elsif (lc($topdir) eq 'disk-install') {
- $file = "/lib/live/mount/persistence/$file";
- } elsif (grep { lc($topdir) eq $_ } ("ftp", "tftp", "http", "https", "scp", "sftp")) {
- $file = $filein;
- $topdir = 'url';
- } else {
- if (!-d "/lib/live/mount/persistence/boot/$topdir/rw"){
- print "Image $topdir not found!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- $file = "/lib/live/mount/persistence/boot/$topdir/rw/$file";
- }
- return ($topdir, $file);
-sub conv_file_to_rel {
- my ($topdir, $filename) = @_;
- if ($topdir eq "running"){
- $filename =~ s?/?$topdir://?;
- } elsif ($topdir eq "disk-install") {
- $filename =~ s?/lib/live/mount/persistence/?$topdir://?;
- } else {
- $filename =~ s?/lib/live/mount/persistence/boot/$topdir/rw/?$topdir://?;
- }
- return $filename;
-sub delete_file {
- my ($file) = @_;
- (my $topdir, $file) = conv_file($file);
- if ($topdir eq 'url'){
- print "Cannot delete files from a url\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if (-d $file){
- my $print_dir = conv_file_to_rel($topdir,$file);
- if (y_or_n("Do you want to erase the entire $print_dir directory?")){
- system("rm -rf $file");
- print("Directory erased\n");
- }
- } elsif (-f $file) {
- my $print_file = conv_file_to_rel($topdir,$file);
- if (y_or_n("Do you want to erase the $print_file file?")){
- system("rm -rf $file");
- print("File erased\n");
- }
- }
-sub url_copy {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- my ($f_topdir, $t_topdir);
- ($f_topdir, $from) = conv_file($from);
- ($t_topdir, $to) = conv_file($to);
- if ($t_topdir eq 'url' && $f_topdir eq 'url'){
- print "Cannot copy a url to a url\n";
- exit 1;
- } elsif($t_topdir eq 'url') {
- if (-d $from){
- print "Cannot upload an entire directory to url\n";
- exit 1;
- } elsif ($to =~ /http/){
- print "Cannot upload to http url\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- upload($from, $to);
- } elsif ($f_topdir eq 'url') {
- if (-d $to){
- $from =~ /.*\/(.*)/;
- my $from_file = $1;
- $to = "$to/$from_file";
- if (-f "$to") {
- if (!y_or_n("This file exists; overwrite if needed?")){
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- }
- print "Downloading...\n";
- download($from, $to);
- print "Download complete.\n";
- }
- exit 0;
-sub copy {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- my ($f_topdir, $t_topdir);
- ($f_topdir, $from) = conv_file($from);
- if ($f_topdir eq 'url'){
- url_copy($from, $to);
- }
- ($t_topdir, $to) = conv_file($to);
- if ($t_topdir eq 'url'){
- url_copy($from, $to);
- }
- $from =~ /.*\/(.*)/;
- my $from_file = $1;
- if (-d $from && -e $to && !(-d $to)){
- print "Cannot copy a directory to a file.\n";
- return 1;
- } elsif (-f $to || (-d $to && -f "$to/$from_file")) {
- if (y_or_n("This file exists; overwrite if needed?")){
- rsync($from, $to);
- }
- } elsif (-d $to && -d $from){
- if (y_or_n("This directory exists; would you like to merge?")){
- rsync($from, $to);
- }
- } else {
- rsync($from, $to);
- }
-sub update {
- my ($to, $from) = @_;
- my ($t_topdir, $f_topdir);
- ($f_topdir, $from) = conv_file("$from://");
- if ($f_topdir eq 'url'){
- print "Cannot clone from a url\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- ($t_topdir, $to) = conv_file("$to://");
- if ($t_topdir eq 'running'){
- print "Cannot clone to running\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ($t_topdir eq 'disk-install'){
- print "Cannot clone to disk-install\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ($t_topdir eq 'url'){
- print "Cannot clone to a url\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my $print_from = conv_file_to_rel($f_topdir, $from);
- my $print_to = conv_file_to_rel($t_topdir, $to);
- my $msg = "WARNING: This is a destructive copy of the /config directories\n".
- "This will erase all data in the ".$print_to."config directory\n".
- "This data will be replaced with the data from ".$print_from."config\n".
- "The current config data will be backed up in ".$print_to."config.preclone\n".
- "Do you wish to continue?";
- if (y_or_n("$msg")){
- system("rm -rf $to/config.preclone");
- system("mv $to/config $to/config.preclone") if (-d "$to/config");
- my $confdir="config";
- $confdir="opt/vyatta/etc/config" if ($f_topdir eq "disk-install");
- if (rsync("$from/$confdir", $to) > 0){
- print "Clone Failed!\nRestoring old config\n";
- system("mv $to/config.preclone $to/config");
- }
- }
-sub rsync {
- my ($from,$to) = @_;
- system("rsync -a --progress --exclude '.wh.*' $from $to");
- return $?;
-sub upload {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- system("python3 -c 'from vyos.remote import upload; upload(\"$from\", \"$to\")'")
-sub download {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- system("python3 -c 'from vyos.remote import download; download(\"$to\", \"$from\", progressbar=True, check_space=True)'");
-sub y_or_n {
- my ($msg) = @_;
- my $process_client = $ENV{'VYATTA_PROCESS_CLIENT'};
- if (defined $process_client){
- return 1 if ($process_client =~ /gui2_rest/);
- }
- print "$msg (Y/N): ";
- my $input = <>;
- return 1 if ($input =~ /Y|y/);
- return 0;
-sub show {
- my ($topdir, $file) = conv_file(pop(@_));
- my $output = "";
- if ($topdir eq 'url'){
- print "Cannot show files from a url\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if (-d $file) {
- print "########### DIRECTORY LISTING ###########\n";
- system("ls -lGph --group-directories-first $file");
- } elsif (-T $file) {
- print "########### FILE INFO ###########\n";
- my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file);
- print "File Name: $filename\n";
- print "Text File: \n";
- my $lsstr = `ls -lGh $file`;
- parsels($lsstr);
- print " Description:\t";
- system("file -sb $file");
- print "\n########### FILE DATA ###########\n";
- system("cat $file");
- } elsif ($file =~ /.*\.pcap/){
- print "########### FILE INFO ###########\n";
- my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file);
- print "File Name: $filename\n";
- print "Binary File: \n";
- my $lsstr = `ls -lGh $file`;
- parsels($lsstr);
- print " Description:\t";
- system("file -sb $file");
- print "\n########### FILE DATA ###########\n";
- system("sudo tshark -r $file | less");
- } elsif (-B $file) {
- print "########### FILE INFO ###########\n";
- my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file);
- print "File Name: $filename\n";
- print "Binary File: \n";
- my $lsstr = `ls -lGh $file`;
- parsels($lsstr);
- print " Description:\t";
- system("file -sb $file");
- print "\n########### FILE DATA ###########\n";
- system("hexdump -C $file| less");
- } else {
- my $filename = conv_file_to_rel($topdir, $file);
- print "File: $filename not found\n";
- }
-sub parsels {
- my $lsout = pop(@_);
- my @ls = split(' ', $lsout);
- print " Permissions: $ls[0]\n";
- print " Owner:\t$ls[2]\n";
- print " Size:\t\t$ls[3]\n";
- print " Modified:\t$ls[4] $ls[5] $ls[6]\n";