diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2015-04-26 15:03:19 +0600
committerDaniil Baturin <>2015-04-26 15:03:19 +0600
commit727deb901e3090653644a135c238c2f2878a4d8e (patch)
parent35bbd44f54b2738027869d67c99f55c742945a5e (diff)
Add path validation functionality.
4 files changed, 129 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8c42bd5..4cd124a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t
exception Bad_interface_definition of string
+exception Validation_error of string
let default_data = {
node_type = Vytree.Other;
constraints = [];
@@ -104,3 +106,53 @@ let load_from_xml reftree file =
let xml = Xml.parse_file file in
xml_to_reftree xml reftree
+(* Validation function *)
+(* A path can be created in the config tree unless:
+ 1. It's a tag node without a child
+ 2. It's a non-valueless leaf node without a value
+ 3. It's a valueless node with a value
+ 4. It's a non-valueless leaf node with garbage after the value
+ 5. It's a non-leaf, non-tag node with a name that doesn't exist
+ in the reference tree
+ *)
+let rec validate_path validators node path =
+ let show_path p = Util.string_of_path (List.rev p) in
+ let rec aux node path acc =
+ let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in
+ match data.node_type with
+ | Vytree.Leaf ->
+ (match path with
+ | [] ->
+ if data.valueless then (List.rev acc, None)
+ else raise (Validation_error
+ (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s\" requires a value" (show_path acc) ))
+ | [p] ->
+ if not data.valueless then
+ (if (Value_checker.validate_any validators data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, Some p)
+ else raise (Validation_error data.constraint_error_message))
+ else raise (Validation_error
+ (Printf.sprintf "Node %s cannot have a value" (show_path acc)))
+ | p :: ps -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is too long" (show_path acc))))
+ | Vytree.Tag ->
+ (match path with
+ | p :: p' :: ps ->
+ if (Value_checker.validate_any validators data.constraints p) then
+ let child = Vytree.find node p' in
+ (match child with
+ | Some c -> aux c ps (p' :: p :: acc)
+ | None -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p')))
+ else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a valid child name for node %s" p (show_path acc)))
+ | [p] -> if (Value_checker.validate_any validators data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, None)
+ else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p))
+ | _ -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc))))
+ | Vytree.Other ->
+ (match path with
+ | [] -> (List.rev acc, None)
+ | p :: ps ->
+ let child = Vytree.find node p in
+ (match child with
+ | Some c -> aux c ps (p :: acc)
+ | None -> raise (Validation_error ((Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc))))))
+ in aux node path []
diff --git a/src/reference_tree.mli b/src/reference_tree.mli
index f588144..701adf0 100644
--- a/src/reference_tree.mli
+++ b/src/reference_tree.mli
@@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ type ref_node_data = {
owner: string option;
+exception Validation_error of string
type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t
val default_data : ref_node_data
val load_from_xml : t -> string -> t
+val validate_path : (string, string) Hashtbl.t -> t -> string list -> string list * string option
diff --git a/test/data/interface_definition_sample.xml b/test/data/interface_definition_sample.xml
index b74a415..26f4c80 100644
--- a/test/data/interface_definition_sample.xml
+++ b/test/data/interface_definition_sample.xml
@@ -1,23 +1,34 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <node name="login" owner="login">
+ <node name="system">
- <tagNode name="user">
- <properties>
- <help>User name</help>
- <constraint>
- <regex>[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]+</regex>
- </constraint>
- <constraintErrorMessage>User name must start with a letter and consist of letters and digits</constraintErrorMessage>
- </properties>
+ <node name="login" owner="login">
- <leafNode name="full-name">
+ <tagNode name="user">
- <help>User full name</help>
+ <help>User name</help>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>User name must start with a letter and consist of letters and digits</constraintErrorMessage>
- </leafNode>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="full-name">
+ <properties>
+ <help>User full name</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </tagNode>
- </tagNode>
+ </node>
+ <leafNode name="host-name">
+ <properties>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 52e5a8d..8c969ab 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,14 +1,62 @@
open OUnit2
open Reference_tree
+let validators = Hashtbl.create 256
+let () = Hashtbl.add validators "anything" "true";
+ Hashtbl.add validators "nothing" "false"
+let raises_validation_error f =
+ try f (); false
+ with Validation_error _ -> true
let test_load_valid_definition test_ctxt =
let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
- assert_equal (Vytree.list_children r) ["login"]
+ assert_equal (Vytree.list_children r) ["system"]
+(* Path validation tests *)
+let test_validate_path_leaf_valid test_ctxt =
+ let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
+ let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
+ assert_equal (validate_path validators r ["system"; "host-name"; "test"]) (["system"; "host-name"], Some "test")
+let test_validate_path_leaf_invalid test_ctxt =
+ let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
+ let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> validate_path validators r ["system"; "host-name"; "1234"])) true
+let test_validate_path_leaf_incomplete test_ctxt =
+ let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
+ let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> validate_path validators r ["system"; "host-name"])) true
+let test_validate_path_tag_node_complete_valid test_ctxt =
+ let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
+ let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
+ assert_equal (validate_path validators r ["system"; "login"; "user"; "test"; "full-name"; "test user"])
+ (["system"; "login"; "user"; "test"; "full-name";], Some "test user")
+let test_validate_path_tag_node_invalid_name test_ctxt =
+ let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
+ let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> validate_path validators r ["system"; "login"; "user"; "999"; "full-name"; "test user"]))
+ true
+let test_validate_path_tag_node_incomplete test_ctxt =
+ let r = Vytree.make default_data "root" in
+ let r = load_from_xml r (in_testdata_dir test_ctxt ["interface_definition_sample.xml"]) in
+ assert_equal (raises_validation_error (fun () -> validate_path validators r ["system"; "login"; "user"])) true
let suite =
"Util tests" >::: [
"test_load_valid_definition" >:: test_load_valid_definition;
+ "test_validate_path_leaf_valid" >:: test_validate_path_leaf_valid;
+ "test_validate_path_leaf_invalid" >:: test_validate_path_leaf_invalid;
+ "test_validate_path_leaf_incomplete" >:: test_validate_path_leaf_incomplete;
+ "test_validate_path_tag_node_complete_valid" >:: test_validate_path_tag_node_complete_valid;
+ "test_validate_path_tag_node_invalid_name" >:: test_validate_path_tag_node_invalid_name;
+ "test_validate_path_tag_node_incomplete" >:: test_validate_path_tag_node_incomplete;
let () =