path: root/src/adapter/
diff options
authorJohn Estabrook <>2024-10-23 18:50:46 -0500
committerJohn Estabrook <>2024-10-27 21:49:53 -0500
commit4aee642874a29f4f77704c97286f201d3c4bd2c3 (patch)
tree0cee5e4c65c1fa18530f01ee98b599d1c2dbea16 /src/adapter/
parentb8dbd4d03ebb058aaf1e8ddd9261b0628e520e8b (diff)
T6718: move vyos1x-adapter into subdirectory
The vyos1x-adapter provides access to the legacy CStore set/delete functions using ctypes. Developed as a separate package, include as a subdir, to be retired when full replacements are available.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/adapter/')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/adapter/ b/src/adapter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fb29aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+let legacy = ref false
+let no_set = ref false
+let valid = ref false
+let output = ref ""
+let path_opt = ref []
+let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " [options]"
+let read_path p =
+ path_opt := p::!path_opt
+let speclist = [
+ ("--legacy", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> legacy := true), "Use legacy validation");
+ ("--no-set", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> no_set := true), "Do not set path");
+ ]
+let format_out l =
+ let fl = List.filter (fun s -> (String.length s) > 0) l in
+ String.concat "\n\n" fl
+let is_valid v =
+ match v with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some _ -> false
+let valid_err v =
+ Option.value v ~default:""
+let () =
+ let () = Arg.parse speclist read_path usage in
+ let path_list = List.rev !path_opt in
+ let () =
+ if List.length path_list = 0 then
+ (Printf.printf "no path specified\n"; exit 1)
+ in
+ let handle =
+ if !legacy || not !no_set then
+ let h = Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_init () in
+ if not (Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_in_config_session_handle h) then
+ (Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_free h;
+ Printf.printf "not in config session\n"; exit 1)
+ else Some h
+ else None
+ in
+ let valid =
+ if not !legacy then
+ Vyos1x_adapter.vyconf_validate_path path_list
+ else
+ begin
+ let out =
+ match handle with
+ | Some h -> Vyos1x_adapter.legacy_validate_path h path_list
+ | None -> "missing session handle"
+ in
+ match out with
+ | "" -> None
+ | _ -> Some out
+ end
+ in
+ let res =
+ if not !no_set && (is_valid valid) then
+ match handle with
+ | Some h ->
+ Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_set_path h path_list
+ | None -> "missing session handle"
+ else ""
+ in
+ let ret =
+ if (is_valid valid) && (res = "") then 0
+ else 1
+ in
+ let output = format_out [(valid_err valid); res] in
+ let () =
+ match handle with
+ | Some h -> Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_free h
+ | None -> ()
+ in
+ let () = print_endline output in
+ exit ret