path: root/src/
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2018-06-04 23:20:57 +0700
committerDaniil Baturin <>2018-06-04 23:20:57 +0700
commit7f26d95164265b0ffd345afd510bf03ee98cd1d8 (patch)
treea675fab9dc64ef674b44c4e88d641edaef3f4db8 /src/
parentfb6d3f6dfdbc3601a9af99263ec233bbd3a46e50 (diff)
Initial implementation of the commands formatter.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 131eff4..c6fddb4 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -256,6 +256,60 @@ struct
| None -> render_node 0 config_tree
| Some rt -> render_node_rt 0 None rt config_tree
+ (* Rendering configs as set commands *)
+ let render_set_path path value =
+ let v = Printf.sprintf "\'%s\'" value in
+ List.append path [v] |> String.concat " " |> Printf.sprintf "set %s"
+ let rec render_commands ?(reftree=None) ?(alwayssort=false) path ct =
+ let new_path = List.append path [Vytree.name_of_node ct] in
+ let new_path_str = String.concat " " new_path in
+ let data = Vytree.data_of_node ct in
+ (* Get the node comment, if any *)
+ let comment = BatOption.default "" data.comment in
+ let comment_cmd = (if comment = "" then "" else Printf.sprintf "comment %s \'%s\'" new_path_str comment) in
+ (* Sort child names, if required *)
+ let child_names = Vytree.list_children ct in
+ let child_names =
+ begin
+ match reftree with
+ | Some rt ->
+ if ((RT.get_keep_order rt path) && (not alwayssort)) then child_names
+ else (List.sort BatString.numeric_compare child_names)
+ | None ->
+ if alwayssort then (List.sort BatString.numeric_compare child_names)
+ else child_names
+ end
+ in
+ (* Now handle the different cases for nodes with and without children *)
+ match child_names with
+ | [] ->
+ (* This is a leaf node *)
+ let values = data.values in
+ let cmds =
+ begin
+ match values with
+ | [] ->
+ (* Valueless leaf node *)
+ String.concat " " new_path |> Printf.sprintf "set %s"
+ | [v] ->
+ (* Single value, just one command *)
+ render_set_path new_path v
+ | vs ->
+ (* A leaf node with multiple values *)
+ (render_set_path new_path) vs |> String.concat "\n"
+ end
+ in
+ if comment_cmd = "" then cmds else Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s" cmds comment_cmd
+ | children ->
+ (* A node with children *)
+ let children = (fun n -> Vytree.get ct [n]) child_names in
+ let rendered_children = (render_commands ~reftree:reftree ~alwayssort:alwayssort new_path) children in
+ let cmds = String.concat "\n" rendered_children in
+ if comment_cmd = "" then cmds else Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s" cmds comment_cmd
end (* Renderer *)
let render = Renderer.render
@@ -276,3 +330,13 @@ let render_at_level
let children = Vytree.children_of_node node in
let child_configs = (render ~indent:indent ~reftree:reftree ~cmp:cmp ~showephemeral:showephemeral ~showinactive:showinactive) children in
List.fold_left (Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s") "" child_configs
+let render_commands ?(reftree=None) ?(alwayssort=false) node path =
+ let node =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> node
+ | _ -> Vytree.get node path
+ in
+ let children = Vytree.children_of_node node in
+ let commands = (Renderer.render_commands ~reftree:reftree ~alwayssort:alwayssort path) children in
+ String.concat "\n" commands