path: root/src/
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2016-12-14 10:21:27 +0600
committerDaniil Baturin <>2016-12-14 10:21:27 +0600
commit42307e6b1a240f6378ab309b45ee308e97b5ff1a (patch)
treec9ac6bdbeb68e422ef78429195654676675a3833 /src/
parenta3c11884b97e89e93ac55f47c0d9c412b645ba5d (diff)
T210: use TOML for the vyconf config file.
Add an example of the file too.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 92fcbb0..21c23ee 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,14 +1,72 @@
+exception Missing_field of string
type vyconf_config = {
app_name: string;
- app_dir: string;
+ data_dir: string;
+ program_dir: string;
config_dir: string;
primary_config: string;
fallback_config: string;
socket: string;
-} [@@deriving yojson]
+ pid_file: string;
+ log_file: string option;
+} [@@deriving show]
+(* XXX: there should be a better way than to fully initialize it
+ with garbage just to update it later *)
+let empty_config = {
+ app_name = "";
+ data_dir = "";
+ program_dir = "";
+ config_dir = "";
+ primary_config = "";
+ fallback_config = "";
+ socket = "";
+ pid_file = "";
+ log_file = None;
+(* XXX: We assume that nesting in TOML config files never goes beyond two levels *)
+let get_field conf tbl_name field_name =
+ (* NB: TomlLenses module uses "table" and "field" names for function names,
+ hence tbl_name and field_name
+ *)
+ TomlLenses.(get conf (key tbl_name |-- table |-- key field_name |-- string))
+let mandatory_field conf table field =
+ let value = get_field conf table field in
+ match value with
+ | Some value -> value
+ | None -> raise @@ Missing_field (Printf.sprintf "Invalid config: Missing mandatory field \"%s\" in section [%s]" field table)
+let optional_field default conf table field =
+ let value = get_field conf table field in
+ match value with
+ | Some value -> value
+ | None -> default
let load filename =
- try Yojson.Safe.from_file filename |> vyconf_config_of_yojson
- with Sys_error msg -> Result.Error msg
+ try
+ let open Defaults in
+ let conf_toml = Toml.Parser.from_filename filename |> Toml.Parser.unsafe in
+ let conf = empty_config in
+ (* Mandatory fields *)
+ let conf = {conf with app_name = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "name"} in
+ let conf = {conf with data_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "data_dir"} in
+ let conf = {conf with config_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "config_dir"} in
+ let conf = {conf with program_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "program_dir"} in
+ let conf = {conf with primary_config = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "primary_config"} in
+ let conf = {conf with fallback_config = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "fallback_config"} in
+ (* Optional fields *)
+ let conf = {conf with pid_file = optional_field defaults.pid_file conf_toml "vyconf" "pid_file"} in
+ let conf = {conf with socket = optional_field defaults.socket conf_toml "vyconf" "socket"} in
+ (* log_file is already string option, so we don't need to unwrap *)
+ let conf = {conf with log_file = get_field conf_toml "vyconf" "log_file"} in
+ Result.Ok conf
+ with
+ | Sys_error msg -> Result.Error msg
+ | Toml.Parser.Error (msg, _) -> Result.Error msg
+let dump = show_vyconf_config