path: root/src/
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2018-02-12 17:09:49 +0700
committerDaniil Baturin <>2018-02-12 17:09:49 +0700
commitb105c925241fb99cebcc087110b88c395e1d723d (patch)
treeb7072033ad4b584a954dfaa93a77e36142c748d9 /src/
parent668e7e3ef3d31666b053a8d7cd7c01d7c853c053 (diff)
Add support for the idempotent config read functions to vyconfd.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e1423be..3f0c62b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ open Lwt
open Defaults
open Vyconf_config
open Vyconf_pb
+open Vyconf_types
module FP = FilePath
@@ -40,12 +41,17 @@ let make_session_token () =
Sha1.string (string_of_int (Random.bits ())) |> Sha1.to_hex
let setup_session world req =
+ let () = print_endline "Setting up a new session" in
let token = make_session_token () in
let user = "unknown user" in
let client_app = BatOption.default "unknown client" req.client_application in
+ let () = print_endline "Adding session to the list" in
let () = Hashtbl.add sessions token (Session.make world client_app user) in
+ let () = Printf.printf "New session %s\n" token in
{response_tmpl with output=(Some token)}
+let find_session token = Hashtbl.find sessions token
let enter_conf_mode req token =
let open Session in
let aux token session =
@@ -84,8 +90,45 @@ let teardown_session token =
with Not_found ->
{response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some "Session not found")}
-let rec handle_connection world ic oc () =
- let open Vyconf_pb in
+let exists world token (req: request_exists) =
+ if Session.exists world (find_session token) req.path then response_tmpl
+ else {response_tmpl with status=Fail}
+let get_value world token (req: request_get_value) =
+ try
+ let value = Session.get_value world (find_session token) req.path in
+ let fmt = BatOption.default Out_plain req.output_format in
+ let value_str =
+ (match fmt with
+ | Out_plain -> value
+ | Out_json -> Yojson.Safe.to_string @@ `String value)
+ in {response_tmpl with output=(Some value_str)}
+ with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
+let get_values world token (req: request_get_values) =
+ try
+ let values = Session.get_values world (find_session token) req.path in
+ let fmt = BatOption.default Out_plain req.output_format in
+ let values_str =
+ (match fmt with
+ | Out_plain -> Util.string_of_list values
+ | Out_json -> Util.json_of_list values)
+ in {response_tmpl with output=(Some values_str)}
+ with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
+let list_children world token (req: request_list_children) =
+ try
+ let children = Session.list_children world (find_session token) req.path in
+ let fmt = BatOption.default Out_plain req.output_format in
+ let children_str =
+ (match fmt with
+ | Out_plain -> Util.string_of_list children
+ | Out_json -> Util.json_of_list children)
+ in {response_tmpl with output=(Some children_str)}
+ with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
+let rec handle_connection world ic oc fd () =
let%lwt req_msg = ic in
let%lwt req =
@@ -106,6 +149,7 @@ let rec handle_connection world ic oc () =
| Some t, Teardown _ -> teardown_session t
| Some t, Configure r -> enter_conf_mode r t
| Some t, Exit_configure -> exit_conf_mode world t
+ | Some t, Exists r -> exists world t r
| _ -> failwith "Unimplemented"
end) |> Lwt.return
@@ -113,16 +157,16 @@ let rec handle_connection world ic oc () =
let%lwt () = encode_response resp enc |> return in
let%lwt resp_msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc |> return in
let%lwt () = Message.write oc resp_msg in
- handle_connection world ic oc ()
+ handle_connection world ic oc fd ()
- | Failure e -> Lwt_log.error e >>= handle_connection world ic oc
- | End_of_file -> "Connection closed" >>= return
+ | Failure e -> Lwt_log.error e >>= handle_connection world ic oc fd
+ | End_of_file -> "Connection closed" >>= return
let accept_connection world conn =
let fd, _ = conn in
let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd Lwt_io.Input fd in
let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd Lwt_io.Output fd in
- Lwt.on_failure (handle_connection world ic oc ()) (fun e -> Lwt_log.ign_error (Printexc.to_string e));
+ Lwt.on_failure (handle_connection world ic oc fd ()) (fun e -> Lwt_log.ign_error (Printexc.to_string e)); "New connection" >>= return
let main_loop basepath world () =
@@ -160,4 +204,3 @@ let () =
(FP.concat vc.config_dir vc.fallback_config) in
let world = Session.{world with running_config=config} in @@ main_loop !basepath world ()