path: root/src/
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authorDaniil Baturin <>2024-11-07 18:02:08 +0000
committerGitHub <>2024-11-07 18:02:08 +0000
commit196fdd7fdf6dcf751b7364c59e34278bfd0193e3 (patch)
treecfeff0991481c8281e24cf1698b20a76854059a4 /src/
parentdd9271b4304c6b1a5a2576821d1b2b8fd3aa6bf5 (diff)
parent9b90d3cc4da72c13ef4270150e4b547ff03fc813 (diff)
Merge pull request #11 from jestabro/vyconf-minimal
T6718: use the vyconf daemon for validation of set commands
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e2750..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-type 'a t = {
- name: string;
- data: 'a;
- children: 'a t list
-} [@@deriving yojson]
-type position = Before of string | After of string | End | Default
-exception Empty_path
-exception Duplicate_child
-exception Nonexistent_path
-exception Insert_error of string
-let make data name = { name = name; data = data; children = [] }
-let make_full data name children = { name = name; data = data; children = children }
-let name_of_node node =
-let data_of_node node =
-let children_of_node node = node.children
-let insert_immediate ?(position=Default) node name data children =
- let new_node = make_full data name children in
- let children' =
- match position with
- | Default -> new_node :: node.children
- | End -> node.children @ [new_node]
- | Before s -> Vylist.insert_before (fun x -> = s) new_node node.children
- | After s -> Vylist.insert_after (fun x -> = s) new_node node.children
- in { node with children = children' }
-let delete_immediate node name =
- let children' = Vylist.remove (fun x -> = name) node.children in
- { node with children = children' }
-let adopt node child =
- { node with children = child :: node.children }
-let replace node child =
- let children = node.children in
- let name = in
- let children' = Vylist.replace (fun x -> = name) child children in
- { node with children = children' }
-let replace_full node child name =
- let children = node.children in
- let children' = Vylist.replace (fun x -> = name) child children in
- { node with children = children' }
-let find node name =
- Vylist.find (fun x -> = name) node.children
-let find_or_fail node name =
- let child = find node name in
- match child with
- | None -> raise Nonexistent_path
- | Some child' -> child'
-let list_children node =
- (fun x -> node.children
-let rec do_with_child fn node path =
- match path with
- | [] -> raise Empty_path
- | [name] -> fn node name
- | name :: names ->
- let next_child = find_or_fail node name in
- let new_node = do_with_child fn next_child names in
- replace node new_node
-let rec insert ?(position=Default) ?(children=[]) node path data =
- match path with
- | [] -> raise Empty_path
- | [name] ->
- (let last_child = find node name in
- match last_child with
- | None -> insert_immediate ~position:position node name data children
- | (Some _) -> raise Duplicate_child)
- | name :: names ->
- let next_child = find node name in
- match next_child with
- | Some next_child' ->
- let new_node = insert ~position:position ~children:children next_child' names data in
- replace node new_node
- | None ->
- raise (Insert_error "Path does not exist")
-(** Given a node N check if it has children with duplicate names,
- and merge subsequent children's children into the first child by
- that name.
- While all insert functions maintain the "every child has unique name"
- invariant, for nodes constructed manually with make/make_full and adopt
- it may not hold, and constructing nodes this way is a sensible approach
- for config parsing. Depending on the config format, duplicate node names
- may be normal and even expected, such as "ethernet eth0" and "ethernet eth1"
- in the "curly" format.
- *)
-let merge_children merge_data node =
- (* Given a node N and a list of nodes NS, find all nodes in NS that
- have the same name as N and merge their children into N *)
- let rec merge_into n ns =
- match ns with
- | [] -> n
- | n' :: ns' ->
- if = n'.name then
- let children = List.append n.children n'.children in
- let data = merge_data n'.data in
- let n = {n with children=children; data=data} in
- merge_into n ns'
- else merge_into n ns'
- in
- (* Given a list of nodes, for every node, find subsequent children with
- the same name and merge them into the first node, then delete remaining
- nodes from the list *)
- let rec aux ns =
- match ns with
- | [] -> []
- | n :: ns ->
- let n = merge_into n ns in
- let ns = List.filter (fun x -> <> ns in
- n :: (aux ns)
- in {node with children=(aux node.children)}
-(* When inserting at a path that, entirely or partially,
- does not exist yet, create missing nodes on the way with default data *)
-let rec insert_multi_level default_data node path_done path_remaining data =
- match path_remaining with
- | [] | [_] -> insert node (path_done @ path_remaining) data
- | name :: names ->
- let path_done = path_done @ [name] in
- let node = insert node path_done default_data in
- insert_multi_level default_data node path_done names data
-let delete node path =
- do_with_child delete_immediate node path
-let rename node path newname =
- let rename_immediate newname' node' name' =
- let child = find_or_fail node' name' in
- let child = { child with name=newname' } in
- replace_full node' child name'
- in do_with_child (rename_immediate newname) node path
-let update node path data =
- let update_data data' node' name =
- let child = find_or_fail node' name in
- let child = { child with data=data' } in
- replace node' child
- in do_with_child (update_data data) node path
-let rec get node path =
- match path with
- | [] -> raise Empty_path
- | [name] -> find_or_fail node name
- | name :: names -> get (find_or_fail node name) names
-let get_data node path = data_of_node @@ get node path
-let exists node path =
- try ignore (get node path); true
- with Nonexistent_path -> false
-let get_existent_path node path =
- let rec aux node path acc =
- match path with
- | [] -> acc
- | name :: names ->
- let child = find node name in
- match child with
- | None -> acc
- | Some c -> aux c names (name :: acc)
- in List.rev (aux node path [])
-let children_of_path node path =
- let node' = get node path in
- list_children node'
-let sorted_children_of_node cmp node =
- let names = list_children node in
- let names = List.sort cmp names in
- (find_or_fail node) names
-let copy node old_path new_path =
- if exists node new_path then raise Duplicate_child else
- let child = get node old_path in
- insert ~position:End ~children:child.children node new_path
-let move node path position =
- let child = get node path in
- let node = delete node path in
- insert ~position:position ~children:child.children node path