path: root/src/vytree
diff options
authorDaniil Baturin <>2015-02-28 09:01:01 +0600
committerDaniil Baturin <>2015-02-28 09:01:01 +0600
commitb99887811733fef23ada237d0cfb6ab4708ee04c (patch)
treedcfa5e4e3bd5c448d04b66d2390d06565ad9d3e0 /src/vytree
parent8e52169fb45931873679b85491bbf179cc18c0d2 (diff)
Move vytree to its own subdir.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vytree')
2 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vytree/ b/src/vytree/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a97211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vytree/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+type 'a vyconf_tree = {
+ name: string;
+ data: 'a;
+ children: 'a vyconf_tree list
+type 'a t = 'a vyconf_tree
+exception Empty_path
+exception Duplicate_child
+exception Nonexistent_path
+let make name data = { name = name; data = data; children = [] }
+let make_full name data children = { name = name; data = data; children = children }
+let name_of_node node =
+let data_of_node node =
+let children_of_node node = node.children
+let insert_immediate_child node name data =
+ let new_node = make name data in
+ let children' = node.children @ [new_node] in
+ { node with children = children' }
+let delete_immediate_child node name =
+ let children' = Vylist.remove (fun x -> = name) node.children in
+ { node with children = children' }
+let adopt_child node child =
+ { node with children = (node.children @ [child]) }
+let replace_child node child =
+ let children = node.children in
+ let name = in
+ let children' = Vylist.replace (fun x -> = name) child children in
+ { node with children = children' }
+let find_child node name =
+ Vylist.find (fun x -> = name) node.children
+let rec extract_names children =
+ (fun x -> children
+let list_children node =
+ extract_names node.children
+let rec insert_child default_data node path data =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> raise Empty_path
+ | [name] ->
+ begin
+ (* Check for duplicate item *)
+ let last_child = find_child node name in
+ match last_child with
+ | None -> insert_immediate_child node name data
+ | (Some _) -> raise Duplicate_child
+ end
+ | name :: names ->
+ let next_child = find_child node name in
+ match next_child with
+ | Some next_child' ->
+ let new_node = insert_child default_data next_child' names data in
+ replace_child node new_node
+ | None ->
+ let next_child' = make name default_data in
+ let new_node = insert_child default_data next_child' names data in
+ adopt_child node new_node
+let rec delete_child node path =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> raise Empty_path
+ | [name] -> delete_immediate_child node name
+ | name :: names ->
+ let next_child = find_child node name in
+ match next_child with
+ | None -> raise Nonexistent_path
+ | Some next_child' ->
+ let new_node = delete_child next_child' names in
+ replace_child node new_node
diff --git a/src/vytree/vytree.mli b/src/vytree/vytree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b42de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vytree/vytree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+type 'a t
+exception Empty_path
+exception Duplicate_child
+exception Nonexistent_path
+val make : string -> 'a -> 'a t
+val make_full : string -> 'a -> ('a t) list -> 'a t
+val name_of_node : 'a t -> string
+val data_of_node : 'a t -> 'a
+val children_of_node : 'a t -> 'a t list
+val insert_child :
+ 'a -> 'a t -> string list -> 'a -> 'a t
+val delete_child : 'a t -> string list -> 'a t
+val list_children : 'a t -> string list