diff options
12 files changed, 754 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/data/dune b/data/dune
index e5ffaa6..df63152 100644
--- a/data/dune
+++ b/data/dune
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- (files vyconfd.conf vyconf.proto)
+ (files vyconfd.conf vyconf.proto vycall.proto)
(section share))
diff --git a/data/vycall.proto b/data/vycall.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0af67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/vycall.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+message Status {
+ required bool success = 1;
+ required string out = 2;
+message Call {
+ required string script_name = 1;
+ optional string tag_value = 2;
+ optional string arg_value = 3;
+ optional Status reply = 4;
+message Commit {
+ required string session_id = 1;
+ // optional explicit load;
+ // otherwise, session configs are loaded from cached internal
+ // representation, specified by session id value
+ optional string named_active = 2;
+ optional string named_proposed = 3;
+ //
+ required bool dry_run = 4;
+ required bool atomic = 5;
+ required bool background = 6;
+ optional Status init = 7;
+ repeated Call calls = 8;
diff --git a/data/vyconfd.conf b/data/vyconfd.conf
index bcde860..d1ae247 100644
--- a/data/vyconfd.conf
+++ b/data/vyconfd.conf
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ data_dir = "/usr/share/vyos/vyconf"
program_dir = "/usr/libexec/vyos"
config_dir = "/usr/libexec/vyos/vyconf/config"
reftree_dir = "/usr/libexec/vyos/vyconf/reftree"
+session_dir = "/usr/libexec/vyos/vyconf/session"
# paths relative to config_dir
primary_config = "config.boot"
@@ -14,6 +15,12 @@ fallback_config = "config.failsafe"
# paths relative to reftree_dir
reference_tree = "reftree.cache"
+# paths relative to session_dir
+running_cache = "running_cache"
+session_cache = "session_cache"
+commitd_socket = "/var/run/vyos-commitd.sock"
socket = "/var/run/vyconfd.sock"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3c593fd..a2b9f6e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -4,21 +4,58 @@ module CD = Vyos1x.Config_diff
module RT = Vyos1x.Reference_tree
module FP = FilePath
-type commit_data = {
- script: string option;
+type tree_source = DELETE | ADD
+let tree_source_to_yojson = function
+ | DELETE -> `String "DELETE"
+ | ADD -> `String "ADD"
+type status = {
+ success : bool;
+ out : string;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+type node_data = {
+ script_name: string;
priority: int;
tag_value: string option;
arg_value: string option;
path: string list;
-} [@@deriving yojson]
+ source: tree_source;
+ reply: status option;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
-let default_commit_data = {
- script = None;
+let default_node_data = {
+ script_name = "";
priority = 0;
tag_value = None;
arg_value = None;
path = [];
+ source = ADD;
+ reply = Some { success = false; out = ""; };
+type commit_data = {
+ session_id: string;
+ named_active : string option;
+ named_proposed : string option;
+ dry_run: bool;
+ atomic: bool;
+ background: bool;
+ init: status option;
+ node_list: node_data list;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+let default_commit_data = {
+ session_id = "";
+ named_active = None;
+ named_proposed = None;
+ dry_run = false;
+ atomic = false;
+ background = false;
+ init = Some { success = false; out = ""; };
+ node_list = [];
let lex_order c1 c2 =
@@ -33,7 +70,7 @@ let lex_order c1 c2 =
| _ as a -> a
module CI = struct
- type t = commit_data
+ type t = node_data
let compare a b =
match compare a.priority b.priority with
| 0 -> lex_order a b
@@ -41,24 +78,21 @@ module CI = struct
module CS = Set.Make(CI)
-let owner_args_from_data p s =
- match s with
- | None -> None, None
- | Some o ->
+let owner_args_from_data p o =
let oa = Pcre.split o in
let owner = FilePath.basename (List.nth oa 0) in
- if List.length oa < 2 then Some owner, None
+ if List.length oa < 2 then owner, None
let var = List.nth oa 1 in
let res = Pcre.extract_all ~pat:"\\.\\./" var in
let var_pos = Array.length res in
let arg_value = Vyos1x.Util.get_last_n p var_pos
- in Some owner, arg_value
+ in owner, arg_value
let add_tag_instance cd cs tv =
CS.add { cd with tag_value = Some tv; } cs
-let get_commit_data rt ct (path, cs') t =
+let get_node_data rt ct src (path, cs') t =
if Vyos1x.Util.is_empty path then
(path, cs')
@@ -78,14 +112,16 @@ let get_commit_data rt ct (path, cs') t =
| Some s -> int_of_string s
let owner = RT.get_owner rt rt_path in
- if owner = None then (path, cs')
- else
- let (own, arg) = owner_args_from_data rpath owner in
- let c_data = { default_commit_data with
- script = own;
+ match owner with
+ | None -> (path, cs')
+ | Some owner_str ->
+ let (own, arg) = owner_args_from_data rpath owner_str in
+ let c_data = { default_node_data with
+ script_name = own;
priority = priority;
arg_value = arg;
- path = rpath; }
+ path = rpath;
+ source = src; }
let tag_values =
match RT.is_tag rt rt_path with
@@ -98,8 +134,8 @@ let get_commit_data rt ct (path, cs') t =
| _ -> List.fold_left (add_tag_instance c_data) cs' tag_values
in (path, cs)
-let get_commit_set rt ct =
- snd (VT.fold_tree_with_path (get_commit_data rt ct) ([], CS.empty) ct)
+let get_commit_set rt ct src =
+ snd (VT.fold_tree_with_path (get_node_data rt ct src) ([], CS.empty) ct)
(* for initial consistency with the legacy ordering of delete and add
queues, enforce the following subtlety: if a path in the delete tree is
@@ -123,11 +159,23 @@ let calculate_priority_lists rt at wt =
let diff = CD.diff_tree [] at wt in
let del_tree = CD.get_tagged_delete_tree diff in
let add_tree = CT.get_subtree diff ["add"] in
- let cs_del' = get_commit_set rt del_tree in
- let cs_add' = get_commit_set rt add_tree in
+ let cs_del' = get_commit_set rt del_tree DELETE in
+ let cs_add' = get_commit_set rt add_tree ADD in
let cs_del, cs_add = legacy_order del_tree cs_del' cs_add' in
List.rev (CS.elements cs_del), CS.elements cs_add
+let commit_store c_data =
+ let out =
+ let func acc nd =
+ match nd.reply with
+ | None -> acc ^ "\n"
+ | Some r ->
+ match r.success with
+ | true -> acc ^ "\n"
+ | false -> acc ^ "\n" ^ r.out
+ in List.fold_left func "" c_data.node_list
+ in print_endline out
let show_commit_data at wt =
let vc =
Startup.load_daemon_config Defaults.defaults.config_file in
@@ -140,9 +188,9 @@ let show_commit_data at wt =
let del_list, add_list =
calculate_priority_lists rt at wt
- let sprint_commit_data acc s =
- acc ^ "\n" ^ (commit_data_to_yojson s |> Yojson.Safe.to_string)
+ let sprint_node_data acc s =
+ acc ^ "\n" ^ (node_data_to_yojson s |> Yojson.Safe.to_string)
- let del_out = List.fold_left sprint_commit_data "" del_list in
- let add_out = List.fold_left sprint_commit_data "" add_list in
+ let del_out = List.fold_left sprint_node_data "" del_list in
+ let add_out = List.fold_left sprint_node_data "" add_list in
del_out ^ "\n" ^ add_out
diff --git a/src/commit.mli b/src/commit.mli
index db91195..da97389 100644
--- a/src/commit.mli
+++ b/src/commit.mli
@@ -1,2 +1,37 @@
+type tree_source = DELETE | ADD
+type status = {
+ success : bool;
+ out : string;
+type node_data = {
+ script_name: string;
+ priority: int;
+ tag_value: string option;
+ arg_value: string option;
+ path: string list;
+ source: tree_source;
+ reply: status option;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+type commit_data = {
+ session_id: string;
+ named_active : string option;
+ named_proposed : string option;
+ dry_run: bool;
+ atomic: bool;
+ background: bool;
+ init: status option;
+ node_list: node_data list;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+val default_node_data : node_data
+val default_commit_data : commit_data
+val calculate_priority_lists : Vyos1x.Reference_tree.t -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> node_data list * node_data list
+val commit_store : commit_data -> unit
val show_commit_data : Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> string
diff --git a/src/dune b/src/dune
index 3998f1e..5e08579 100644
--- a/src/dune
+++ b/src/dune
@@ -22,6 +22,19 @@
yojson ppx_deriving_yojson)
(preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_deriving_yojson)))
+ (name vycall_message)
+ (public_name vyconf.vycall-message)
+ (modules vycall_pbt)
+ (libraries ocaml-protoc))
+ (name commitd_client)
+ (public_name vyconf.vycall-client)
+ (modules vycall_client)
+ (libraries vyos1x-config vyconfd_config vycall_message lwt lwt.unix lwt_log lwt_ppx ocplib-endian)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx)))
(name vyconfd)
(public_name vyconfd)
@@ -50,7 +63,6 @@
(preprocess (pps lwt_ppx)))
- (alias protoc)
(mode promote)
(targets vyconf_pbt.mli)
@@ -61,6 +73,17 @@
(run mv src/ src/
(run mv src/vyconf.mli src/vyconf_pbt.mli)))))
+ (mode promote)
+ (targets vycall_pbt.mli)
+ (action
+ (chdir
+ %{project_root}
+ (progn
+ (run ocaml-protoc --ml_out src data/vycall.proto)
+ (run mv src/ src/
+ (run mv src/vycall.mli src/vycall_pbt.mli)))))
(name vyos1x_adapter)
(public_name vyconf.vyos1x-adapter)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7fc811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+(* send commit data to Python commit daemon *)
+open Vycall_message.Vycall_pbt
+open Vyconfd_config.Commit
+module CT = Vyos1x.Config_tree
+module IC = Vyos1x.Internal.Make(CT)
+module ST = Vyconfd_config.Startup
+module DF = Vyconfd_config.Defaults
+module FP = FilePath
+type t = {
+ ic: Lwt_io.input;
+ oc: Lwt_io.output;
+(* explicit translation between commit data and commit protobuf
+ * to keep the commit data opaque to protobuf message definition.
+ * The commit daemon updates the (subset of) commit data with
+ * results of script execution in init/reply fields.
+ *)
+let node_data_to_call nd =
+ { script_name = nd.script_name;
+ tag_value = nd.tag_value;
+ arg_value = nd.arg_value;
+ reply = None
+ }
+let call_to_node_data ((c: call), (nd: node_data)) =
+ match c.reply with
+ | None -> nd
+ | Some r -> { nd with reply = Some { success = r.success; out = r.out }}
+let commit_data_to_commit_proto cd =
+ { session_id = cd.session_id;
+ named_active = cd.named_active;
+ named_proposed = cd.named_proposed;
+ dry_run = cd.dry_run;
+ atomic = cd.atomic;
+ background = cd.background;
+ init = None;
+ calls = node_data_to_call cd.node_list;
+ }
+let commit_proto_to_commit_data (c: commit) (cd: commit_data) =
+ match c.init with
+ | None -> cd
+ | Some i ->
+ { cd with init = Some { success = i.success; out = i.out };
+ node_list =
+ call_to_node_data (List.combine c.calls cd.node_list);
+ }
+(* read/write message from/to socket *)
+let call_write oc msg =
+ let length = Bytes.length msg in
+ let length' = Int32.of_int length in
+ if length' < 0l then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad message length: %d" length) else
+ let header = Bytes.create 4 in
+ let () = EndianBytes.BigEndian.set_int32 header 0 length' in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.write_from_exactly oc header 0 4 in
+ Lwt_io.write_from_exactly oc msg 0 length
+let call_read ic =
+ let header = Bytes.create 4 in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic header 0 4 in
+ let length = EndianBytes.BigEndian.get_int32 header 0 |> Int32.to_int in
+ if length < 0 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad message length: %d" length) else
+ let buffer = Bytes.create length in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 length in
+ Lwt.return buffer
+(* encode/decode commit data *)
+let do_call client request =
+ let enc = Pbrt.Encoder.create () in
+ let () = encode_pb_commit request enc in
+ let msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc in
+ let%lwt () = call_write client.oc msg in
+ let%lwt resp = call_read client.ic in
+ decode_pb_commit (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes resp) |> Lwt.return
+(* socket management and commit callback *)
+let create sockfile =
+ let open Lwt_unix in
+ let sock = socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ let%lwt () = connect sock (ADDR_UNIX sockfile) in
+ let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Input sock in
+ let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Output sock in
+ Lwt.return { ic=ic; oc=oc; }
+let update session_data =
+ Lwt.return (commit_store session_data)
+let do_commit session_data =
+ let session = commit_data_to_commit_proto session_data in
+ let run () =
+ let sockfile = "/run/vyos-commitd.sock" in
+ let%lwt client = create sockfile in
+ let%lwt resp = do_call client session in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.close client.oc in
+ update (commit_proto_to_commit_data resp session_data)
+ in @@ run ()
+(* test function *)
+let test_commit at wt =
+ let vc =
+ ST.load_daemon_config DF.defaults.config_file in
+ let () =
+ IC.write_internal at (FP.concat vc.session_dir vc.running_cache) in
+ let () =
+ IC.write_internal wt (FP.concat vc.session_dir vc.session_cache) in
+ let rt_opt =
+ ST.read_reference_tree (FP.concat vc.reftree_dir vc.reference_tree)
+ in
+ match rt_opt with
+ | Error msg -> print_endline msg
+ | Ok rt ->
+ let del_list, add_list =
+ calculate_priority_lists rt at wt
+ in
+ let commit_session =
+ { default_commit_data with node_list = del_list @ add_list }
+ in
+ do_commit commit_session
diff --git a/src/vycall_client.mli b/src/vycall_client.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8836f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vycall_client.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val test_commit : Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> unit
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cccb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39-44"]
+type status = {
+ success : bool;
+ out : string;
+type call = {
+ script_name : string;
+ tag_value : string option;
+ arg_value : string option;
+ reply : status option;
+type commit = {
+ session_id : string;
+ named_active : string option;
+ named_proposed : string option;
+ dry_run : bool;
+ atomic : bool;
+ background : bool;
+ init : status option;
+ calls : call list;
+let rec default_status
+ ?success:((success:bool) = false)
+ ?out:((out:string) = "")
+ () : status = {
+ success;
+ out;
+let rec default_call
+ ?script_name:((script_name:string) = "")
+ ?tag_value:((tag_value:string option) = None)
+ ?arg_value:((arg_value:string option) = None)
+ ?reply:((reply:status option) = None)
+ () : call = {
+ script_name;
+ tag_value;
+ arg_value;
+ reply;
+let rec default_commit
+ ?session_id:((session_id:string) = "")
+ ?named_active:((named_active:string option) = None)
+ ?named_proposed:((named_proposed:string option) = None)
+ ?dry_run:((dry_run:bool) = false)
+ ?atomic:((atomic:bool) = false)
+ ?background:((background:bool) = false)
+ ?init:((init:status option) = None)
+ ?calls:((calls:call list) = [])
+ () : commit = {
+ session_id;
+ named_active;
+ named_proposed;
+ dry_run;
+ atomic;
+ background;
+ init;
+ calls;
+type status_mutable = {
+ mutable success : bool;
+ mutable out : string;
+let default_status_mutable () : status_mutable = {
+ success = false;
+ out = "";
+type call_mutable = {
+ mutable script_name : string;
+ mutable tag_value : string option;
+ mutable arg_value : string option;
+ mutable reply : status option;
+let default_call_mutable () : call_mutable = {
+ script_name = "";
+ tag_value = None;
+ arg_value = None;
+ reply = None;
+type commit_mutable = {
+ mutable session_id : string;
+ mutable named_active : string option;
+ mutable named_proposed : string option;
+ mutable dry_run : bool;
+ mutable atomic : bool;
+ mutable background : bool;
+ mutable init : status option;
+ mutable calls : call list;
+let default_commit_mutable () : commit_mutable = {
+ session_id = "";
+ named_active = None;
+ named_proposed = None;
+ dry_run = false;
+ atomic = false;
+ background = false;
+ init = None;
+ calls = [];
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Formatters} *)
+let rec pp_status fmt (v:status) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "success" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.success;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "out" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.out;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_call fmt (v:call) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "script_name" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.script_name;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "tag_value" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.tag_value;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "arg_value" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.arg_value;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "reply" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_status) fmt v.reply;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_commit fmt (v:commit) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "session_id" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.session_id;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "named_active" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.named_active;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "named_proposed" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.named_proposed;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "dry_run" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.dry_run;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "atomic" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.atomic;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "background" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.background;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "init" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_status) fmt v.init;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "calls" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list pp_call) fmt v.calls;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
+let rec encode_pb_status (v:status) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.success encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.out encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_call (v:call) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.script_name encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ begin match v.tag_value with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.arg_value with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.reply with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_status x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 4 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_commit (v:commit) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.session_id encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ begin match v.named_active with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.named_proposed with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.dry_run encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 4 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.atomic encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 5 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.background encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 6 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ begin match v.init with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_status x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 7 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_call x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 8 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.calls encoder;
+ ()
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
+let rec decode_pb_status d =
+ let v = default_status_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let out_is_set = ref false in
+ let success_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.success <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; success_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(status), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.out <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; out_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(status), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !out_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "out" end;
+ begin if not !success_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "success" end;
+ ({
+ success = v.success;
+ out = v.out;
+ } : status)
+let rec decode_pb_call d =
+ let v = default_call_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let script_name_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.script_name <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; script_name_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(call), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.tag_value <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(call), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.arg_value <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(call), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (4, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.reply <- Some (decode_pb_status (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d));
+ end
+ | Some (4, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(call), field(4)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !script_name_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "script_name" end;
+ ({
+ script_name = v.script_name;
+ tag_value = v.tag_value;
+ arg_value = v.arg_value;
+ reply = v.reply;
+ } : call)
+let rec decode_pb_commit d =
+ let v = default_commit_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let background_is_set = ref false in
+ let atomic_is_set = ref false in
+ let dry_run_is_set = ref false in
+ let session_id_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.calls <- List.rev v.calls;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.session_id <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; session_id_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.named_active <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.named_proposed <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (4, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.dry_run <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; dry_run_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (4, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(4)" pk
+ | Some (5, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.atomic <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; atomic_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (5, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(5)" pk
+ | Some (6, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.background <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; background_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (6, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(6)" pk
+ | Some (7, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.init <- Some (decode_pb_status (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d));
+ end
+ | Some (7, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(7)" pk
+ | Some (8, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.calls <- (decode_pb_call (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) :: v.calls;
+ end
+ | Some (8, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(commit), field(8)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !background_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "background" end;
+ begin if not !atomic_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "atomic" end;
+ begin if not !dry_run_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "dry_run" end;
+ begin if not !session_id_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "session_id" end;
+ ({
+ session_id = v.session_id;
+ named_active = v.named_active;
+ named_proposed = v.named_proposed;
+ dry_run = v.dry_run;
+ atomic = v.atomic;
+ background = v.background;
+ init = v.init;
+ calls = v.calls;
+ } : commit)
diff --git a/src/vycall_pbt.mli b/src/vycall_pbt.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c8bd20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vycall_pbt.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+(** Code for vycall.proto *)
+(* generated from "data/vycall.proto", do not edit *)
+(** {2 Types} *)
+type status = {
+ success : bool;
+ out : string;
+type call = {
+ script_name : string;
+ tag_value : string option;
+ arg_value : string option;
+ reply : status option;
+type commit = {
+ session_id : string;
+ named_active : string option;
+ named_proposed : string option;
+ dry_run : bool;
+ atomic : bool;
+ background : bool;
+ init : status option;
+ calls : call list;
+(** {2 Basic values} *)
+val default_status :
+ ?success:bool ->
+ ?out:string ->
+ unit ->
+ status
+(** [default_status ()] is the default value for type [status] *)
+val default_call :
+ ?script_name:string ->
+ ?tag_value:string option ->
+ ?arg_value:string option ->
+ ?reply:status option ->
+ unit ->
+ call
+(** [default_call ()] is the default value for type [call] *)
+val default_commit :
+ ?session_id:string ->
+ ?named_active:string option ->
+ ?named_proposed:string option ->
+ ?dry_run:bool ->
+ ?atomic:bool ->
+ ?background:bool ->
+ ?init:status option ->
+ ?calls:call list ->
+ unit ->
+ commit
+(** [default_commit ()] is the default value for type [commit] *)
+(** {2 Formatters} *)
+val pp_status : Format.formatter -> status -> unit
+(** [pp_status v] formats v *)
+val pp_call : Format.formatter -> call -> unit
+(** [pp_call v] formats v *)
+val pp_commit : Format.formatter -> commit -> unit
+(** [pp_commit v] formats v *)
+(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
+val encode_pb_status : status -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_status v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_call : call -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_call v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_commit : commit -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_commit v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
+val decode_pb_status : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> status
+(** [decode_pb_status decoder] decodes a [status] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_call : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> call
+(** [decode_pb_call decoder] decodes a [call] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_commit : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> commit
+(** [decode_pb_commit decoder] decodes a [commit] binary value from [decoder] *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bef607f..5fbd716 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ type t = {
program_dir: string;
config_dir: string;
reftree_dir: string;
+ session_dir: string;
primary_config: string;
fallback_config: string;
reference_tree: string;
+ running_cache: string;
+ session_cache: string;
socket: string;
pid_file: string;
log_file: string option;
@@ -24,9 +27,12 @@ let empty_config = {
program_dir = "";
config_dir = "";
reftree_dir = "";
+ session_dir = "";
primary_config = "";
fallback_config = "";
reference_tree = "";
+ running_cache = "";
+ session_cache = "";
socket = "";
pid_file = "";
log_file = None;
@@ -63,10 +69,13 @@ let load filename =
let conf = {conf with data_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "data_dir"} in
let conf = {conf with config_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "config_dir"} in
let conf = {conf with reftree_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "reftree_dir"} in
+ let conf = {conf with session_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "session_dir"} in
let conf = {conf with program_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "program_dir"} in
let conf = {conf with primary_config = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "primary_config"} in
let conf = {conf with fallback_config = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "fallback_config"} in
let conf = {conf with reference_tree = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "reference_tree"} in
+ let conf = {conf with running_cache = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "running_cache"} in
+ let conf = {conf with session_cache = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "session_cache"} in
(* Optional fields *)
let conf = {conf with pid_file = optional_field defaults.pid_file conf_toml "vyconf" "pid_file"} in
let conf = {conf with socket = optional_field defaults.socket conf_toml "vyconf" "socket"} in
diff --git a/src/vyconf_config.mli b/src/vyconf_config.mli
index dad574c..9b6b283 100644
--- a/src/vyconf_config.mli
+++ b/src/vyconf_config.mli
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ type t = {
program_dir: string;
config_dir: string;
reftree_dir: string;
+ session_dir: string;
primary_config: string;
fallback_config: string;
reference_tree: string;
+ running_cache: string;
+ session_cache: string;
socket: string;
pid_file: string;
log_file: string option;