diff options
3 files changed, 72 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/data/vyconf.proto b/data/vyconf.proto
index 5e77581..1849cd4 100644
--- a/data/vyconf.proto
+++ b/data/vyconf.proto
@@ -124,11 +124,17 @@ message Request {
enum Status {
FAIL = 1;
message Response {
required Status status = 1;
optional string output = 2;
- repeated string errors = 3;
- repeated string warnings = 4;
+ optional string error = 3;
+ optional string warning = 4;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2c532fb..8c41426 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -204,19 +204,25 @@ type request =
type status =
| Success
| Fail
+ | Invalid_path
+ | Invalid_value
+ | Commit_in_progress
+ | Configuration_locked
+ | Internal_error
+ | Permission_denied
type response = {
status : status;
output : string option;
- errors : string list;
- warnings : string list;
+ error : string option;
+ warning : string option;
and response_mutable = {
mutable status : status;
mutable output : string option;
- mutable errors : string list;
- mutable warnings : string list;
+ mutable error : string option;
+ mutable warning : string option;
let rec default_request_config_format () = (Curly:request_config_format)
@@ -456,20 +462,20 @@ let rec default_status () = (Success:status)
let rec default_response
?status:((status:status) = default_status ())
?output:((output:string option) = None)
- ?errors:((errors:string list) = [])
- ?warnings:((warnings:string list) = [])
+ ?error:((error:string option) = None)
+ ?warning:((warning:string option) = None)
() : response = {
- errors;
- warnings;
+ error;
+ warning;
and default_response_mutable () : response_mutable = {
status = default_status ();
output = None;
- errors = [];
- warnings = [];
+ error = None;
+ warning = None;
let rec decode_request_config_format d =
@@ -979,6 +985,12 @@ let rec decode_status d =
match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
| 0 -> (Success:status)
| 1 -> (Fail:status)
+ | 2 -> (Invalid_path:status)
+ | 3 -> (Invalid_value:status)
+ | 4 -> (Commit_in_progress:status)
+ | 5 -> (Configuration_locked:status)
+ | 6 -> (Internal_error:status)
+ | 7 -> (Permission_denied:status)
| _ -> failwith "Unknown value for enum status"
let rec decode_response d =
@@ -986,8 +998,6 @@ let rec decode_response d =
let rec loop () =
match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
| None -> (
- v.warnings <- List.rev v.warnings;
- v.errors <- List.rev v.errors;
| Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> (
v.status <- decode_status d;
@@ -1004,14 +1014,14 @@ let rec decode_response d =
Protobuf.Decoder.Failure (Protobuf.Decoder.Unexpected_payload ("Message(response), field(2)", pk))
| Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> (
- v.errors <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.errors;
+ v.error <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
loop ()
| Some (3, pk) -> raise (
Protobuf.Decoder.Failure (Protobuf.Decoder.Unexpected_payload ("Message(response), field(3)", pk))
| Some (4, Pbrt.Bytes) -> (
- v.warnings <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.warnings;
+ v.warning <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
loop ()
| Some (4, pk) -> raise (
@@ -1339,6 +1349,12 @@ let rec encode_status (v:status) encoder =
match v with
| Success -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
| Fail -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
+ | Invalid_path -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 2 encoder
+ | Invalid_value -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 3 encoder
+ | Commit_in_progress -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 4 encoder
+ | Configuration_locked -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 5 encoder
+ | Internal_error -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 6 encoder
+ | Permission_denied -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 7 encoder
let rec encode_response (v:response) encoder =
Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
@@ -1351,14 +1367,22 @@ let rec encode_response (v:response) encoder =
| None -> ();
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.errors;
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (4, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.warnings;
+ (
+ match v.error with
+ | Some x -> (
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ )
+ | None -> ();
+ );
+ (
+ match v.warning with
+ | Some x -> (
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key (4, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ )
+ | None -> ();
+ );
let rec pp_request_config_format fmt (v:request_config_format) =
@@ -1552,14 +1576,20 @@ let rec pp_status fmt (v:status) =
match v with
| Success -> Format.fprintf fmt "Success"
| Fail -> Format.fprintf fmt "Fail"
+ | Invalid_path -> Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_path"
+ | Invalid_value -> Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_value"
+ | Commit_in_progress -> Format.fprintf fmt "Commit_in_progress"
+ | Configuration_locked -> Format.fprintf fmt "Configuration_locked"
+ | Internal_error -> Format.fprintf fmt "Internal_error"
+ | Permission_denied -> Format.fprintf fmt "Permission_denied"
let rec pp_response fmt (v:response) =
let pp_i fmt () =
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 1;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field "status" pp_status fmt v.status;
Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field "output" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.output;
- Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field "errors" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.errors;
- Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field "warnings" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.warnings;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field "error" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.error;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field "warning" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.warning;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
diff --git a/src/vyconf_pb.mli b/src/vyconf_pb.mli
index abcb12d..d42e6df 100644
--- a/src/vyconf_pb.mli
+++ b/src/vyconf_pb.mli
@@ -119,12 +119,18 @@ type request =
type status =
| Success
| Fail
+ | Invalid_path
+ | Invalid_value
+ | Commit_in_progress
+ | Configuration_locked
+ | Internal_error
+ | Permission_denied
type response = {
status : status;
output : string option;
- errors : string list;
- warnings : string list;
+ error : string option;
+ warning : string option;
@@ -266,8 +272,8 @@ val default_status : unit -> status
val default_response :
?status:status ->
?output:string option ->
- ?errors:string list ->
- ?warnings:string list ->
+ ?error:string option ->
+ ?warning:string option ->
unit ->
(** [default_response ()] is the default value for type [response] *)