path: root/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2b9f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+module VT = Vyos1x.Vytree
+module CT = Vyos1x.Config_tree
+module CD = Vyos1x.Config_diff
+module RT = Vyos1x.Reference_tree
+module FP = FilePath
+type tree_source = DELETE | ADD
+let tree_source_to_yojson = function
+ | DELETE -> `String "DELETE"
+ | ADD -> `String "ADD"
+type status = {
+ success : bool;
+ out : string;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+type node_data = {
+ script_name: string;
+ priority: int;
+ tag_value: string option;
+ arg_value: string option;
+ path: string list;
+ source: tree_source;
+ reply: status option;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+let default_node_data = {
+ script_name = "";
+ priority = 0;
+ tag_value = None;
+ arg_value = None;
+ path = [];
+ source = ADD;
+ reply = Some { success = false; out = ""; };
+type commit_data = {
+ session_id: string;
+ named_active : string option;
+ named_proposed : string option;
+ dry_run: bool;
+ atomic: bool;
+ background: bool;
+ init: status option;
+ node_list: node_data list;
+} [@@deriving to_yojson]
+let default_commit_data = {
+ session_id = "";
+ named_active = None;
+ named_proposed = None;
+ dry_run = false;
+ atomic = false;
+ background = false;
+ init = Some { success = false; out = ""; };
+ node_list = [];
+let lex_order c1 c2 =
+ let c = Vyos1x.Util.lex_order c1.path c2.path in
+ match c with
+ | 0 ->
+ begin
+ match c1.tag_value, c2.tag_value with
+ | Some t1, Some t2 -> Vyos1x.Util.lexical_numeric_compare t1 t2
+ | _ -> 0
+ end
+ | _ as a -> a
+module CI = struct
+ type t = node_data
+ let compare a b =
+ match compare a.priority b.priority with
+ | 0 -> lex_order a b
+ | _ as c -> c
+module CS = Set.Make(CI)
+let owner_args_from_data p o =
+ let oa = Pcre.split o in
+ let owner = FilePath.basename (List.nth oa 0) in
+ if List.length oa < 2 then owner, None
+ else
+ let var = List.nth oa 1 in
+ let res = Pcre.extract_all ~pat:"\\.\\./" var in
+ let var_pos = Array.length res in
+ let arg_value = Vyos1x.Util.get_last_n p var_pos
+ in owner, arg_value
+let add_tag_instance cd cs tv =
+ CS.add { cd with tag_value = Some tv; } cs
+let get_node_data rt ct src (path, cs') t =
+ if Vyos1x.Util.is_empty path then
+ (path, cs')
+ else
+ if (VT.name_of_node t) = "" then
+ (path, cs')
+ else
+ let rpath = List.rev path in
+ (* the following is critical to avoid redundant calculations for owner
+ of a tag node, quadratic in the number of tag node values *)
+ if CT.is_tag_value ct rpath then
+ (path, cs')
+ else
+ let rt_path = RT.refpath rt rpath in
+ let priority =
+ match RT.get_priority rt rt_path with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some s -> int_of_string s
+ in
+ let owner = RT.get_owner rt rt_path in
+ match owner with
+ | None -> (path, cs')
+ | Some owner_str ->
+ let (own, arg) = owner_args_from_data rpath owner_str in
+ let c_data = { default_node_data with
+ script_name = own;
+ priority = priority;
+ arg_value = arg;
+ path = rpath;
+ source = src; }
+ in
+ let tag_values =
+ match RT.is_tag rt rt_path with
+ | false -> []
+ | true -> VT.list_children t
+ in
+ let cs =
+ match tag_values with
+ | [] -> CS.add c_data cs'
+ | _ -> List.fold_left (add_tag_instance c_data) cs' tag_values
+ in (path, cs)
+let get_commit_set rt ct src =
+ snd (VT.fold_tree_with_path (get_node_data rt ct src) ([], CS.empty) ct)
+(* for initial consistency with the legacy ordering of delete and add
+ queues, enforce the following subtlety: if a path in the delete tree is
+ an owner node, or the tag value thereof, insert in the delete queue; if
+ the path is in a subtree, however, insert in the add queue - cf. T5492
+let legacy_order del_t a b =
+ let shift c_data (c_del, c_add) =
+ let path =
+ match c_data.tag_value with
+ | None -> c_data.path
+ | Some v -> c_data.path @ [v]
+ in
+ match VT.is_terminal_path del_t path with
+ | false -> CS.remove c_data c_del, CS.add c_data c_add
+ | true -> c_del, c_add
+ in
+ CS.fold shift a (a, b)
+let calculate_priority_lists rt at wt =
+ let diff = CD.diff_tree [] at wt in
+ let del_tree = CD.get_tagged_delete_tree diff in
+ let add_tree = CT.get_subtree diff ["add"] in
+ let cs_del' = get_commit_set rt del_tree DELETE in
+ let cs_add' = get_commit_set rt add_tree ADD in
+ let cs_del, cs_add = legacy_order del_tree cs_del' cs_add' in
+ List.rev (CS.elements cs_del), CS.elements cs_add
+let commit_store c_data =
+ let out =
+ let func acc nd =
+ match nd.reply with
+ | None -> acc ^ "\n"
+ | Some r ->
+ match r.success with
+ | true -> acc ^ "\n"
+ | false -> acc ^ "\n" ^ r.out
+ in List.fold_left func "" c_data.node_list
+ in print_endline out
+let show_commit_data at wt =
+ let vc =
+ Startup.load_daemon_config Defaults.defaults.config_file in
+ let rt_opt =
+ Startup.read_reference_tree (FP.concat vc.reftree_dir vc.reference_tree)
+ in
+ match rt_opt with
+ | Error msg -> msg
+ | Ok rt ->
+ let del_list, add_list =
+ calculate_priority_lists rt at wt
+ in
+ let sprint_node_data acc s =
+ acc ^ "\n" ^ (node_data_to_yojson s |> Yojson.Safe.to_string)
+ in
+ let del_out = List.fold_left sprint_node_data "" del_list in
+ let add_out = List.fold_left sprint_node_data "" add_list in
+ del_out ^ "\n" ^ add_out