path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
43 files changed, 3161 insertions, 3310 deletions
diff --git a/src/adapter/ b/src/adapter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..304e74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+let () =
+ let path_list = Array.to_list (Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1))
+ in
+ let () =
+ if List.length path_list = 0 then
+ (Printf.printf "no path specified\n"; exit 1)
+ in
+ let handle =
+ let h = Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_init () in
+ if not (Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_in_config_session_handle h) then
+ (Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_free h;
+ Printf.printf "not in config session\n"; exit 1)
+ else Some h
+ in
+ let output =
+ match handle with
+ | Some h -> Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_delete_path h path_list
+ | None -> "missing session handle"
+ in
+ let ret =
+ if output = "" then 0
+ else 1
+ in
+ let () =
+ match handle with
+ | Some h -> Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_free h
+ | None -> ()
+ in
+ let () = print_endline output in
+ exit ret
diff --git a/src/adapter/ b/src/adapter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66bbfb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+(* Adapter load_config
+ *)
+open Vyos1x
+let read_config filename =
+ let ch = open_in filename in
+ let s = really_input_string ch (in_channel_length ch) in
+ let ct =
+ try
+ Ok (Parser.from_string s)
+ with Vyos1x.Util.Syntax_error (opt, msg) ->
+ begin
+ match opt with
+ | None -> Error msg
+ | Some (line, pos) ->
+ let out = Printf.sprintf "%s line %d pos %d\n" msg line pos
+ in Error out
+ end
+ in
+ close_in ch;
+ ct
+let read_configs f g =
+ let l = read_config f in
+ let r = read_config g in
+ match l, r with
+ | Ok left, Ok right -> Ok (left, right)
+ | Error msg_l, Error msg_r -> Error (msg_l ^ msg_r)
+ | Error msg_l, _ -> Error msg_l
+ | _, Error msg_r -> Error msg_r
+let args = []
+let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s <config> <new config>" Sys.argv.(0)
+let () = if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 then (Arg.usage args usage; exit 1)
+let () =
+let left_name = Sys.argv.(1) in
+let right_name = Sys.argv.(2) in
+let read = read_configs left_name right_name in
+let res =
+ match read with
+ | Ok (left, right) -> Vyos1x_adapter.load_config left right
+ | Error msg -> msg
+in Printf.printf "%s\n" res
diff --git a/src/adapter/ b/src/adapter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b631de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+let valid = ref false
+let format_out l =
+ let fl = List.filter (fun s -> (String.length s) > 0) l in
+ String.concat "\n\n" fl
+let is_valid v =
+ match v with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some _ -> false
+let valid_err v =
+ Option.value v ~default:""
+let () =
+ let path_list = Array.to_list (Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1))
+ in
+ let () =
+ if List.length path_list = 0 then
+ (Printf.printf "no path specified\n"; exit 1)
+ in
+ let legacy =
+ try
+ let _ = Sys.getenv "LEGACY_VALIDATE" in
+ true
+ with Not_found -> false
+ in
+ let no_set =
+ try
+ let _ = Sys.getenv "LEGACY_NO_SET" in
+ true
+ with Not_found -> false
+ in
+ let handle =
+ if legacy || not no_set then
+ let h = Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_init () in
+ if not (Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_in_config_session_handle h) then
+ (Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_free h;
+ Printf.printf "not in config session\n"; exit 1)
+ else Some h
+ else None
+ in
+ let valid =
+ if not legacy then
+ Vyos1x_adapter.vyconf_validate_path path_list
+ else
+ begin
+ let out =
+ match handle with
+ | Some h -> Vyos1x_adapter.legacy_validate_path h path_list
+ | None -> "missing session handle"
+ in
+ match out with
+ | "" -> None
+ | _ -> Some out
+ end
+ in
+ let res =
+ if not no_set && (is_valid valid) then
+ match handle with
+ | Some h ->
+ Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_set_path h path_list
+ | None -> "missing session handle"
+ else ""
+ in
+ let ret =
+ if (is_valid valid) && (res = "") then 0
+ else 1
+ in
+ let output = format_out [(valid_err valid); res] in
+ let () =
+ match handle with
+ | Some h -> Vyos1x_adapter.cstore_handle_free h
+ | None -> ()
+ in
+ let () = print_endline output in
+ exit ret
diff --git a/src/adapter/ b/src/adapter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5835f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+open Ctypes
+open Foreign
+let libvyatta = Dl.dlopen ~flags:[Dl.RTLD_LAZY] ~filename:""
+let cstore_init = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_cstore_init" (void @-> returning uint64_t)
+let cstore_free = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_cstore_free" (uint64_t @-> returning void)
+let in_session = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_in_session" (uint64_t @-> returning int)
+let cstore_set_path = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_set_path" (uint64_t @-> (ptr void) @-> size_t @-> returning string)
+let cstore_del_path = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_delete_path" (uint64_t @-> (ptr void) @-> size_t @-> returning string)
+let cstore_validate_path = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_validate_path" (uint64_t @-> (ptr void) @-> size_t @-> returning string)
+let cstore_legacy_set_path = foreign ~from:libvyatta "vy_legacy_set_path" (uint64_t @-> (ptr void) @-> size_t @-> returning string)
+let cstore_handle_init () = Unsigned.UInt64.to_int (cstore_init ())
+let cstore_handle_free h = cstore_free (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int h)
+let cstore_in_config_session_handle h = in_session (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int h) = 1
+let cstore_in_config_session () = cstore_in_config_session_handle (cstore_handle_init ())
+let cstore_set_path handle path =
+ let len = List.length path in
+ let arr = CArray.of_list string path in
+ cstore_set_path (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int handle) (to_voidp (CArray.start arr)) (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int len)
+let legacy_validate_path handle path =
+ let len = List.length path in
+ let arr = CArray.of_list string path in
+ cstore_validate_path (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int handle) (to_voidp (CArray.start arr)) (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int len)
+let legacy_set_path handle path =
+ let len = List.length path in
+ let arr = CArray.of_list string path in
+ cstore_legacy_set_path (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int handle) (to_voidp (CArray.start arr)) (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int len)
+let cstore_delete_path handle path =
+ let len = List.length path in
+ let arr = CArray.of_list string path in
+ cstore_del_path (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int handle) (to_voidp (CArray.start arr)) (Unsigned.Size_t.of_int len)
+let set_path_reversed handle path _len =
+ let path = List.rev path in
+ cstore_set_path handle path
+let delete_path_reversed handle path _len =
+ let path = List.rev path in
+ cstore_delete_path handle path
+module VC = Client.Vyconf_client_session
+let get_sockname =
+ "/var/run/vyconfd.sock"
+let vyconf_validate_path path =
+ let socket = get_sockname in
+ let token = VC.session_init socket in
+ match token with
+ | Error e -> Some e
+ | Ok token ->
+ let out = VC.session_validate_path socket token path in
+ let _ = VC.session_free socket token in
+ match out with
+ | Ok _ -> None
+ | Error e -> Some e
+open Vyos1x
+module CT = Config_tree
+module CD = Config_diff
+module ValueSet = Set.Make(String)
+let add_value handle acc out v =
+ let acc = v :: acc in
+ out ^ (set_path_reversed handle acc (List.length acc))
+let add_values handle acc out vs =
+ match vs with
+ | [] -> out ^ (set_path_reversed handle acc (List.length acc))
+ | _ -> List.fold_left (add_value handle acc) out vs
+let rec add_path handle acc out (node : CT.t) =
+ let acc = (Vytree.name_of_node node) :: acc in
+ let children = Vytree.children_of_node node in
+ match children with
+ | [] -> let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in
+ let values = data.values in
+ add_values handle acc out values
+ | _ -> List.fold_left (add_path handle acc) out children
+let del_value handle acc out v =
+ let acc = v :: acc in
+ out ^ (delete_path_reversed handle acc (List.length acc))
+let del_values handle acc out vs =
+ match vs with
+ | [] -> out ^ (delete_path_reversed handle acc (List.length acc))
+ | _ -> List.fold_left (del_value handle acc) out vs
+let del_path handle path out =
+ out ^ (cstore_delete_path handle path)
+let update_data (CD.Diff_cstore data) m =
+ CD.Diff_cstore { data with out = m; }
+let cstore_diff ?recurse:_ (path : string list) (CD.Diff_cstore res) (m : CD.change) =
+ let handle = res.handle in
+ match m with
+ | Added -> let node = Vytree.get res.right path in
+ let acc = (List.rev path) in
+ CD.Diff_cstore { res with out = add_path handle acc res.out node }
+ | Subtracted -> CD.Diff_cstore { res with out = del_path handle path res.out }
+ | Unchanged -> CD.Diff_cstore (res)
+ | Updated v ->
+ let ov = CT.get_values res.left path in
+ let acc = List.rev path in
+ match ov, v with
+ | [x], [y] -> let out = del_value handle acc res.out x in
+ let out = add_value handle acc out y in
+ CD.Diff_cstore { res with out = out }
+ | _, _ -> let ov_set = ValueSet.of_list ov in
+ let v_set = ValueSet.of_list v in
+ let sub_vals = ValueSet.elements (ValueSet.diff ov_set v_set) in
+ let add_vals = ValueSet.elements (ValueSet.diff v_set ov_set) in
+ let out = del_values handle acc res.out sub_vals in
+ let out = add_values handle acc out add_vals in
+ CD.Diff_cstore { res with out = out }
+let load_config left right =
+ let h = cstore_handle_init () in
+ if not (cstore_in_config_session_handle h) then
+ (cstore_handle_free h;
+ let out = "not in config session\n" in
+ out)
+ else
+ let dcstore = CD.make_diff_cstore left right h in
+ let dcstore = CD.diff [] cstore_diff dcstore (Option.some left, Option.some right) in
+ let ret = CD.eval_result dcstore in
+ cstore_handle_free h;
+ ret.out
diff --git a/src/adapter/vyos1x_adapter.mli b/src/adapter/vyos1x_adapter.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb40e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapter/vyos1x_adapter.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+open Vyos1x
+val cstore_handle_init : unit -> int
+val cstore_handle_free : int -> unit
+val cstore_in_config_session_handle : int -> bool
+val cstore_in_config_session : unit -> bool
+val cstore_set_path : int -> string list -> string
+val legacy_validate_path : int -> string list -> string
+val legacy_set_path : int -> string list -> string
+val cstore_delete_path : int -> string list -> string
+val set_path_reversed : int -> string list -> int -> string
+val delete_path_reversed : int -> string list -> int -> string
+val vyconf_validate_path : string list -> string option
+val load_config : Config_tree.t -> Config_tree.t -> string
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28cfcdd..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-type value_behaviour = AddValue | ReplaceValue
-exception Duplicate_value
-exception Node_has_no_value
-exception No_such_value
-exception Useless_set
-type config_node_data = {
- values: string list;
- comment: string option;
- inactive: bool;
- ephemeral: bool;
-} [@@deriving yojson]
-type t = config_node_data Vytree.t [@@deriving yojson]
-let default_data = {
- values = [];
- comment = None;
- inactive = false;
- ephemeral = false;
-let make name = Vytree.make default_data name
-let replace_value node path value =
- let data = {default_data with values=[value]} in
- Vytree.update node path data
-let add_value node path value =
- let node' = Vytree.get node path in
- let data = Vytree.data_of_node node' in
- let values = data.values in
- match (Vylist.find (fun x -> x = value) values) with
- | Some _ -> raise Duplicate_value
- | None ->
- let values = values @ [value] in
- Vytree.update node path ({data with values=values})
-let delete_value node path value =
- let data = Vytree.data_of_node @@ Vytree.get node path in
- let values = Vylist.remove (fun x -> x = value) data.values in
- Vytree.update node path {data with values=values}
-let set_value node path value behaviour =
- match behaviour with
- | AddValue -> add_value node path value
- | ReplaceValue -> replace_value node path value
-let set node path value behaviour =
- if (Vytree.exists node path) then
- (match value with
- | None -> raise Useless_set
- | Some v -> set_value node path v behaviour)
- else
- let path_existing = Vytree.get_existent_path node path in
- let path_remaining = Vylist.complement path path_existing in
- let values = match value with None -> [] | Some v -> [v] in
- Vytree.insert_multi_level default_data node path_existing path_remaining {default_data with values=values}
-let get_values node path =
- let node' = Vytree.get node path in
- let data = Vytree.data_of_node node' in
- data.values
-let get_value node path =
- let values = get_values node path in
- match values with
- | [] -> raise Node_has_no_value
- | x :: _ -> x
-let delete node path value =
- match value with
- | Some v ->
- (let values = get_values node path in
- if Vylist.in_list values v then
- (match values with
- | [_] -> Vytree.delete node path
- | _ -> delete_value node path v)
- else raise No_such_value)
- | None ->
- Vytree.delete node path
-let set_comment node path comment =
- let data = Vytree.get_data node path in
- Vytree.update node path {data with comment=comment}
-let get_comment node path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data node path in
- data.comment
-let set_inactive node path inactive =
- let data = Vytree.get_data node path in
- Vytree.update node path {data with inactive=inactive}
-let is_inactive node path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data node path in
- data.inactive
-let set_ephemeral node path ephemeral =
- let data = Vytree.get_data node path in
- Vytree.update node path {data with ephemeral=ephemeral}
-let is_ephemeral node path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data node path in
- data.ephemeral
-module Renderer =
- (* TODO Replace use of Printf with Format *)
- module L = List
- module S = String
- module PF = Printf
- module VT = Vytree
- module RT = Reference_tree
- (* Nodes are ordered based on a comarison of their names *)
- let compare cmp node1 node2 =
- let name1 = VT.name_of_node node1 in
- let name2 = VT.name_of_node node2 in
- cmp name1 name2
- let indentation indent level = S.make (level * indent) ' '
- let render_inactive data = if data.inactive then "#INACTIVE " else ""
- let render_ephemeral data = if data.ephemeral then "#EPHEMERAL " else ""
- let render_comment data indents =
- match data.comment with
- | None -> ""
- (* Trailing indentation for the rest of the material on the next line *)
- | Some c -> PF.sprintf "/*%s*/\n%s" c indents
- let render_tag = function
- | None -> ""
- | Some tag -> PF.sprintf "%s " tag
- let render_outer indents data name tag =
- [render_comment data indents ;
- render_inactive data;
- render_ephemeral data;
- render_tag tag;
- name]
- |> S.concat ""
- let render_values ?(valueless=false) values =
- let quote_if_needed s =
- try
- let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:"[\\s;{}#\\[\\]\"\']" s in
- Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" s
- with Not_found -> s
- in
- match values with
- | [] -> if valueless then ";" else "{ }"
- | [v] -> PF.sprintf "%s;" (quote_if_needed v)
- | _ as vs -> S.concat "; " ( quote_if_needed vs) |> PF.sprintf "[%s];"
- let render_inner_and_outer indents inner outer =
- if inner = ""
- (* Hidden or empty descendents yield empty nodes *)
- then PF.sprintf "%s%s { }" indents outer
- else PF.sprintf "%s%s %s" indents outer inner
- let render
- ?(indent=4)
- ?(reftree=None)
- ?(cmp=BatString.numeric_compare)
- ?(showephemeral=false)
- ?(showinactive=false)
- (config_tree:t)
- =
- let is_hidden data =
- (not showephemeral && data.ephemeral) ||
- (not showinactive && data.inactive)
- in
- let rec render_node level ?tag node =
- let data = VT.data_of_node node in
- let name = VT.name_of_node node in
- (* Hide inactive and ephemeral when necessary *)
- if is_hidden data then ""
- else
- let indents = indentation indent level in
- let outer = render_outer indents data name tag in
- let inner = (* Children are ignored if the node has values *)
- match data.values with
- | [] -> VT.children_of_node node |> render_children level
- | values -> render_values values
- in
- PF.sprintf "%s%s %s" indents outer inner
- and render_children level = function
- | [] -> "{ }"
- | children ->
- let indents = indentation indent level in
- let render_child node = render_node (level + 1) node in
- let rendered_children = render_child children |> S.concat "\n"
- in
- if rendered_children = "" then "{ }"
- else PF.sprintf "{\n%s\n%s}" rendered_children indents
- in
- (* Walks the reftree and config_tree side-by-side *)
- let rec render_node_rt level tag rt node =
- let data = VT.data_of_node node in
- let name = VT.name_of_node node in
- let rt_data = VT.data_of_node rt in
- let rt_name = VT.name_of_node rt in
- (* Hide inactive and ephemeral when necessary *)
- if is_hidden data then ""
- else
- (* TODO refactor this ugly approach*)
- let (outer_name, level', inner) =
- let open RT in
- let children = VT.children_of_node node in
- let ordered = rt_data.keep_order in
- match rt_data.node_type with
- | Tag ->
- ("", 0, render_children_rt level (Some name) ordered rt children)
- | Other ->
- (name, level, render_children_rt level None ordered rt children)
- | Leaf ->
- (name, level, render_values ~valueless:rt_data.valueless data.values)
- in
- let indents = indentation indent level' in
- let outer = render_outer indents data outer_name tag in
- (* Do not insert a space before ; for valueless nodes *)
- if rt_data.valueless then PF.sprintf "%s%s%s" indents outer inner
- else PF.sprintf "%s%s %s" indents outer inner
- and render_children_rt level tag ordered rt = function
- | [] -> "{ }"
- | children ->
- let is_tagged = BatOption.is_some tag in
- let indents = indentation indent level in
- let reorder nodes =
- if ordered then nodes
- else L.sort (compare cmp) nodes
- in
- let render_child node =
- let level' = if is_tagged then level else level + 1 in
- let node_reftree = VT.find rt (VT.name_of_node node) in
- (* If there is no reftree for a node, default to stand-alone *)
- match node_reftree with
- | Some rt' -> render_node_rt level' tag rt' node
- | None -> render_node level' ?tag node
- in
- let rendered_children = children
- |> reorder
- |> render_child
- |> S.concat "\n"
- in
- if rendered_children = "" then "{ }"
- else if is_tagged
- then rendered_children
- else PF.sprintf "{\n%s\n%s}" rendered_children indents
- in
- match reftree with
- | None -> render_node 0 config_tree
- | Some rt -> render_node_rt 0 None rt config_tree
- (* Rendering configs as set commands *)
- let render_set_path path value =
- let v = Printf.sprintf "\'%s\'" value in
- List.append path [v] |> String.concat " " |> Printf.sprintf "set %s"
- let rec render_commands ?(reftree=None) ?(alwayssort=false) path ct =
- let new_path = List.append path [Vytree.name_of_node ct] in
- let new_path_str = String.concat " " new_path in
- let data = Vytree.data_of_node ct in
- (* Get the node comment, if any *)
- let comment = BatOption.default "" data.comment in
- let comment_cmd = (if comment = "" then "" else Printf.sprintf "comment %s \'%s\'" new_path_str comment) in
- (* Sort child names, if required *)
- let child_names = Vytree.list_children ct in
- let child_names =
- begin
- match reftree with
- | Some rt ->
- if ((RT.get_keep_order rt path) && (not alwayssort)) then child_names
- else (List.sort BatString.numeric_compare child_names)
- | None ->
- if alwayssort then (List.sort BatString.numeric_compare child_names)
- else child_names
- end
- in
- (* Now handle the different cases for nodes with and without children *)
- match child_names with
- | [] ->
- (* This is a leaf node *)
- let values = String.escaped data.values in
- let cmds =
- begin
- match values with
- | [] ->
- (* Valueless leaf node *)
- String.concat " " new_path |> Printf.sprintf "set %s"
- | [v] ->
- (* Single value, just one command *)
- render_set_path new_path v
- | vs ->
- (* A leaf node with multiple values *)
- (render_set_path new_path) vs |> String.concat "\n"
- end
- in
- if comment_cmd = "" then cmds else Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s" cmds comment_cmd
- | children ->
- (* A node with children *)
- let children = (fun n -> Vytree.get ct [n]) child_names in
- let rendered_children = (render_commands ~reftree:reftree ~alwayssort:alwayssort new_path) children in
- let cmds = String.concat "\n" rendered_children in
- if comment_cmd = "" then cmds else Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s" cmds comment_cmd
-end (* Renderer *)
-let render = Renderer.render
-let render_at_level
- ?(indent=4)
- ?(reftree=None)
- ?(cmp=BatString.numeric_compare)
- ?(showephemeral=false)
- ?(showinactive=false)
- node
- path =
- let node =
- match path with
- | [] -> node
- | _ -> Vytree.get node path
- in
- let children = Vytree.children_of_node node in
- let child_configs = (render ~indent:indent ~reftree:reftree ~cmp:cmp ~showephemeral:showephemeral ~showinactive:showinactive) children in
- String.concat "\n" child_configs
-let render_commands ?(reftree=None) ?(alwayssort=false) ?(sortchildren=false) node path =
- let node =
- match path with
- | [] -> node
- | _ -> Vytree.get node path
- in
- let children =
- if sortchildren then Vytree.sorted_children_of_node (BatString.numeric_compare) node
- else Vytree.children_of_node node
- in
- let commands = (Renderer.render_commands ~reftree:reftree ~alwayssort:alwayssort path) children in
- String.concat "\n" commands
diff --git a/src/config_tree.mli b/src/config_tree.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 79426e3..0000000
--- a/src/config_tree.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-type value_behaviour = AddValue | ReplaceValue
-exception Duplicate_value
-exception Node_has_no_value
-exception No_such_value
-exception Useless_set
-type config_node_data = {
- values : string list;
- comment : string option;
- inactive : bool;
- ephemeral : bool;
-} [@@deriving yojson]
-type t = config_node_data Vytree.t [@@deriving yojson]
-val default_data : config_node_data
-val make : string -> t
-val set : t -> string list -> string option -> value_behaviour -> t
-val delete : t -> string list -> string option -> t
-val get_values : t -> string list -> string list
-val get_value : t -> string list -> string
-val set_comment : t -> string list -> string option -> t
-val get_comment : t -> string list -> string option
-val set_inactive : t -> string list -> bool -> t
-val is_inactive : t -> string list -> bool
-val set_ephemeral : t -> string list -> bool -> t
-val is_ephemeral : t -> string list -> bool
-(** Interface to two rendering routines:
- 1. The stand-alone routine, when [reftree] is not provided
- 2. The reference-tree guided routine, when [reftree] is provided.
- If an {i incomplete} reftree is supplied, then the remaining portion of the
- config tree will be rendered according to the stand-alone routine.
- If an {i incompatible} reftree is supplied (i.e., the name of the nodes of
- the reftree do not match the name of the nodes in the config tree), then the
- exception {! Config_tree.Renderer.Inapt_reftree} is raised.
- @param indent spaces by which each level of nesting should be indented
- @param reftree optional reference tree used to instruct rendering
- @param cmp function used to sort the order of children, overruled
- if [reftree] specifies [keep_order] for a node
- @param showephemeral boolean determining whether ephemeral nodes are shown
- @param showinactive boolean determining whether inactive nodes are shown
-val render :
- ?indent:int ->
- ?reftree:(Reference_tree.t option)->
- ?cmp:(string -> string -> int) ->
- ?showephemeral:bool ->
- ?showinactive:bool ->
- t ->
- string
-val render_at_level :
- ?indent:int ->
- ?reftree:(Reference_tree.t option)->
- ?cmp:(string -> string -> int) ->
- ?showephemeral:bool ->
- ?showinactive:bool ->
- t ->
- string list ->
- string
-val render_commands: ?reftree:(Reference_tree.t option) -> ?alwayssort:bool -> ?sortchildren:bool -> t -> string list -> string
diff --git a/src/curly_lexer.mll b/src/curly_lexer.mll
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e566a..0000000
--- a/src/curly_lexer.mll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-open Curly_parser
-exception Error of string
-rule token = parse
-| [' ' '\t' '\r']
- { token lexbuf }
-| '\n'
- { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
-| '"'
- { read_string (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
-| '''
- { read_single_quoted_string (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
-| "//" [^ '\n']+ '\n'
- { Lexing.new_line lexbuf ; token lexbuf }
-| "/*"
- { read_comment (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
-| '{'
-| '}'
-| '['
-| ']'
-| ';'
- { SEMI }
-| [^ ' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' '{' '}' '[' ']' ';' '#' '"' ''' ]+ as s
-| eof
- { EOF }
-| _
-{ raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "At offset %d: unexpected character.\n" (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf))) }
-and read_string buf =
- parse
- | '"' { STRING (Buffer.contents buf) }
- | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\'' { Buffer.add_char buf '\''; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | [^ '"' '\\']+
- { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- read_string buf lexbuf
- }
- | _ { raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "Illegal string character: %s" (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))) }
- | eof { raise (Error ("String is not terminated")) }
-and read_single_quoted_string buf =
- parse
- | ''' { STRING (Buffer.contents buf) }
- | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '\'' { Buffer.add_char buf '\''; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
- | [^ ''' '\\']+
- { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- read_single_quoted_string buf lexbuf
- }
- | _ { raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "Illegal string character: %s" (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))) }
- | eof { raise (Error ("String is not terminated")) }
-and read_comment buf =
- parse
- | "*/"
- { COMMENT (Buffer.contents buf) }
- | _
- { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
- read_comment buf lexbuf
- }
diff --git a/src/curly_parser.mly b/src/curly_parser.mly
deleted file mode 100644
index be5aadc..0000000
--- a/src/curly_parser.mly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- open Config_tree
- exception Duplicate_child of (string * string)
- (* Used for checking if after merging immediate children,
- any of them have duplicate children inside,
- e.g. "interfaces { ethernet eth0 {...} ethernet eth0 {...} }" *)
- let find_duplicate_children n =
- let rec aux xs =
- let xs = List.sort compare xs in
- match xs with
- | [] | [_] -> ()
- | x :: x' :: xs ->
- if x = x' then raise (Duplicate_child (Vytree.name_of_node n, x))
- else aux (x' :: xs)
- in
- aux @@ Vytree.list_children n
- (* When merging nodes with values, append values of subsequent nodes to the
- first one *)
- let merge_data l r = {l with values=(List.append l.values r.values)}
-%token <string> IDENTIFIER
-%token <string> STRING
-%token <string> COMMENT
-%token INACTIVE
-%token LEFT_BRACE
-%token SEMI
-%token EOF
-%start <Config_tree.t> config
- | (* empty *) { None }
- | c = COMMENT { Some (String.trim c) }
- | v = STRING
- { v }
- { v }
- | v = value { [v] }
- | LEFT_BRACKET; vs = separated_nonempty_list(SEMI, value); RIGHT_BRACKET
- { (List.rev vs) }
- | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL);
- name = IDENTIFIER; values = values; SEMI
- { Vytree.make_full {values=(List.rev values); comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} name []}
- | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL);
- name = IDENTIFIER; SEMI (* valueless node *)
- { Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} name [] }
- | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL);
- name = IDENTIFIER; LEFT_BRACE; children = list(node_content); RIGHT_BRACE
- {
- let node =
- Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} name [] in
- let node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node node);
- node
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name child dup)
- }
- | comment = opt_comment; inactive = boption(INACTIVE); ephemeral = boption(EPHEMERAL);
- name = IDENTIFIER; tag = IDENTIFIER; LEFT_BRACE; children = list(node_content); RIGHT_BRACE
- {
- let outer_node = Vytree.make_full default_data name [] in
- let inner_node =
- Vytree.make_full {default_data with comment=comment; inactive=inactive; ephemeral=ephemeral} tag [] in
- let inner_node = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt inner_node (List.rev children) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- let node = Vytree.adopt outer_node inner_node in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node inner_node);
- node
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s %s %s\" has two children named \"%s\"" name tag child dup)
- }
-node_content: n = node { n } | n = leaf_node { n } | n = tag_node { n };
-%public config:
- | ns = list(node); EOF
- {
- let root = make "root" in
- let root = List.fold_left Vytree.adopt root (List.rev ns) |> Vytree.merge_children merge_data in
- try
- List.iter find_duplicate_children (Vytree.children_of_node root);
- root
- with
- | Duplicate_child (child, dup) ->
- failwith (Printf.sprintf "Node \"%s\" has two children named \"%s\"" child dup)
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b6d0030..9ce36e5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ type vyconf_defaults = {
let defaults = {
- config_file = "/etc/vyconfd.conf";
+ config_file = "/etc/vyos/vyconfd.conf";
pid_file = "/var/run/";
socket = "/var/run/vyconfd.sock";
log_template = "$(date) $(name)[$(pid)]: $(message)";
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3b7156f..c28f055 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -33,12 +33,19 @@ let make basepath conf =
We do not try to check if they are readable at this point, it's just to fail early
if they don't even exist and we shouldn't bother trying
+let check_dir d =
+ if FU.test FU.Is_dir d then ()
+ else raise (Failure (Printf.sprintf "%s does not exist or is not a directory" d))
let test dirs =
- let check_dir d =
- if FU.test FU.Is_dir d then ()
- else raise (Failure (Printf.sprintf "%s does not exist or is not a directory" d)) in
let l = [dirs.components; dirs.validators; dirs.migrators;
dirs.component_definitions; dirs.interface_definitions] in
List.iter check_dir l; Ok ()
with Failure msg -> Error msg
+let test_validators_dir dirs =
+ try
+ check_dir dirs.validators; Ok ()
+ with Failure msg -> Error msg
diff --git a/src/directories.mli b/src/directories.mli
index 9a7a376..fb01f16 100644
--- a/src/directories.mli
+++ b/src/directories.mli
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ type t = {
val make : string -> Vyconf_config.t -> t
val test : t -> (unit, string) result
+val test_validators_dir : t -> (unit, string) result
diff --git a/src/dune b/src/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fef6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(include_subdirs unqualified)
+ (name vyconf_connect)
+ (public_name vyconf.vyconf-connect)
+ (modules vyconf_pbt message)
+ (libraries lwt lwt.unix lwt_log lwt_ppx ocaml-protoc fileutils ppx_deriving_yojson)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_deriving_yojson)))
+ (name vyconfd_config)
+ (modules vyconf_config session directories defaults)
+ (libraries vyos1x-config vyconf_connect toml sha
+ (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_yojson)))
+ (name client)
+ (public_name vyconf.vyconf-client)
+ (modules vyconf_client vyconf_client_session)
+ (libraries vyos1x-config vyconf_connect lwt lwt.unix lwt_log lwt_ppx ocaml-protoc toml sha
+ yojson ppx_deriving_yojson)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_deriving_yojson)))
+ (name vyconfd)
+ (public_name vyconfd)
+ (modules vyconfd startup version)
+ (libraries vyos1x-config vyconfd_config vyconf_connect)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx)))
+ (name vycli)
+ (public_name vycli)
+ (modules vycli)
+ (libraries client)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx)))
+ (name validate)
+ (public_name validate)
+ (modules validate)
+ (libraries client))
+ (alias protoc)
+ (mode promote)
+ (targets vyconf_pbt.mli)
+ (action
+ (chdir
+ %{project_root}
+ (progn
+ (run ocaml-protoc --ml_out src data/vyconf.proto)
+ (run mv src/ src/
+ (run mv src/vyconf.mli src/vyconf_pbt.mli)))))
+ (name vyos1x_adapter)
+ (public_name vyconf.vyos1x-adapter)
+ (libraries vyos1x-config vyconf.vyconf-client ctypes ctypes-foreign lwt lwt.unix lwt_log lwt_ppx)
+ (modules vyos1x_adapter)
+ (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_deriving_yojson)))
+ (name vy_set)
+ (public_name vy_set)
+ (libraries vyos1x_adapter vyconf.vyconf-client)
+ (modules vy_set))
+ (name vy_delete)
+ (public_name vy_delete)
+ (libraries vyos1x_adapter vyconf.vyconf-client)
+ (modules vy_delete))
+ (name vy_load_config)
+ (public_name vy_load_config)
+ (libraries vyos1x_adapter vyos1x-config)
+ (modules vy_load_config))
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3629f0d..d4cc374 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
Messages are preceded by a length header, four bytes in network order.
+(** Makes a hex dump of a byte string *)
+let hexdump b =
+ let dump = ref "" in
+ Bytes.iter (fun c -> dump := Char.code c |> Printf.sprintf "%s %02x" !dump) b;
+ !dump
let read ic =
let header = Bytes.create 4 in
@@ -12,14 +17,14 @@ let read ic =
if length < 0 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad message length: %d" length) else
let buffer = Bytes.create length in
let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 length in
- Lwt_log.debug (Util.hexdump buffer |> Printf.sprintf "Read mesage: %s") |> Lwt.ignore_result;
+ Lwt_log.debug (hexdump buffer |> Printf.sprintf "Read mesage: %s") |> Lwt.ignore_result;
Lwt.return buffer
let write oc msg =
let length = Bytes.length msg in
let length' = Int32.of_int length in
Lwt_log.debug (Printf.sprintf "Write length: %d\n" length) |> Lwt.ignore_result;
- Lwt_log.debug (Util.hexdump msg |> Printf.sprintf "Write message: %s") |> Lwt.ignore_result;
+ Lwt_log.debug (hexdump msg |> Printf.sprintf "Write message: %s") |> Lwt.ignore_result;
if length' < 0l then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad message length: %d" length) else
let header = Bytes.create 4 in
let () = EndianBytes.BigEndian.set_int32 header 0 length' in
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45789eb..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-type node_type = Leaf | Tag | Other
-type ref_node_data = {
- node_type: node_type;
- constraints: (Value_checker.value_constraint list);
- help: string;
- value_help: (string * string) list;
- constraint_error_message: string;
- multi: bool;
- valueless: bool;
- owner: string option;
- keep_order: bool;
- hidden: bool;
- secret: bool;
-type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t
-exception Bad_interface_definition of string
-exception Validation_error of string
-let default_data = {
- node_type = Other;
- constraints = [];
- help = "No help available";
- value_help = [];
- constraint_error_message = "Invalid value";
- multi = false;
- valueless = false;
- owner = None;
- keep_order = false;
- hidden = false;
- secret = false;
-let default = Vytree.make default_data "root"
-(* Loading from XML *)
-let node_type_of_string s =
- match s with
- | "node" -> Other
- | "tagNode" -> Tag
- | "leafNode" -> Leaf
- | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition
- (Printf.sprintf "node, tagNode, or leafNode expected, %s found" s))
-let load_constraint_from_xml d c =
- let aux d c =
- match c with
- | Xml.Element ("regex", _, [Xml.PCData s]) ->
- let cs = (Value_checker.Regex s) :: d.constraints in
- {d with constraints=cs}
- | Xml.Element ("validator", [("name", n); ("argument", a)], _) ->
- let cs = (Value_checker.External (n, Some a)) :: d.constraints in
- {d with constraints=cs}
- | Xml.Element ("validator", [("name", n)], _) ->
- let cs = (Value_checker.External (n, None)) :: d.constraints in
- {d with constraints=cs}
- | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Malformed constraint")
- in Xml.fold aux d c
-let data_from_xml d x =
- let aux d x =
- match x with
- | Xml.Element ("help", _, [Xml.PCData s]) -> {d with help=s}
- | Xml.Element ("valueHelp", _,
- [Xml.Element ("format", _, [Xml.PCData fmt]);
- Xml.Element ("description", _, [Xml.PCData descr])]) ->
- let vhs = d.value_help in
- let vhs' = (fmt, descr) :: vhs in
- {d with value_help=vhs'}
- | Xml.Element ("multi", _, _) -> {d with multi=true}
- | Xml.Element ("valueless", _, _) -> {d with valueless=true}
- | Xml.Element ("constraintErrorMessage", _, [Xml.PCData s]) ->
- {d with constraint_error_message=s}
- | Xml.Element ("constraint", _, _) -> load_constraint_from_xml d x
- | Xml.Element ("hidden", _, _) -> {d with hidden=true}
- | Xml.Element ("secret", _, _) -> {d with secret=true}
- | Xml.Element ("keepChildOrder", _, _) -> {d with keep_order=true}
- | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Malformed property tag")
- in Xml.fold aux d x
-let rec insert_from_xml basepath reftree xml =
- match xml with
- | Xml.Element (tag, _, _) ->
- let props = Util.find_xml_child "properties" xml in
- let data =
- (match props with
- | None -> default_data
- | Some p -> data_from_xml default_data p)
- in
- let node_type = node_type_of_string (Xml.tag xml) in
- let node_owner = try let o = Xml.attrib xml "owner" in Some o
- with _ -> None
- in
- let data = {data with node_type=node_type; owner=node_owner} in
- let name = Xml.attrib xml "name" in
- let path = basepath @ [name] in
- let new_tree = Vytree.insert reftree path data in
- (match node_type with
- | Leaf -> new_tree
- | _ ->
- let children = Util.find_xml_child "children" xml in
- (match children with
- | None -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no children" name))
- | Some c -> List.fold_left (insert_from_xml path) new_tree (Xml.children c)))
- | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "PCData not allowed here")
-let load_from_xml reftree file =
- let xml_to_reftree xml reftree =
- match xml with
- | Xml.Element ("interfaceDefinition", attrs, children) ->
- List.fold_left (insert_from_xml []) reftree children
- | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Should start with <interfaceDefinition>")
- in
- try
- let xml = Xml.parse_file file in
- xml_to_reftree xml reftree
- with
- | Xml.File_not_found msg -> raise (Bad_interface_definition msg)
- | Xml.Error e -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Xml.error e))
-(* Validation function *)
-let has_illegal_characters name =
- (** Checks if string name has illegal characters in it.
- All whitespace, curly braces, square brackets, and quotes
- are disallowed due to their special significance to the curly config
- format parser *)
- try Some (Pcre.get_substring (Pcre.exec ~pat:"[\\s\\{\\}\\[\\]\"\'#]" name) 0)
- with Not_found -> None
-(** Takes a list of string that represents a configuration path that may have
- node value at the end, validates it, and splits it into path and value parts.
- A list of strings is a valid path that can be created in the config tree unless:
- 1. It's a tag node without a child
- 2. It's a non-valueless leaf node without a value
- 3. It's a valueless node with a value
- 4. It's a non-valueless leaf node with garbage after the value
- 5. It's a non-leaf, non-tag node with a name that doesn't exist
- in the reference tree
- *)
-let rec validate_path validators_dir node path =
- let show_path p = Printf.sprintf "[%s]" @@ Util.string_of_list (List.rev p) in
- let rec aux node path acc =
- let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in
- match data.node_type with
- | Leaf ->
- (match path with
- | [] ->
- if data.valueless then (List.rev acc, None)
- else raise (Validation_error
- (Printf.sprintf "Node %s requires a value" (show_path acc) ))
- | [p] ->
- if not data.valueless then
- (if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, Some p)
- else raise (Validation_error data.constraint_error_message))
- else raise (Validation_error
- (Printf.sprintf "Node %s cannot have a value" (show_path acc)))
- | p :: ps -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is too long" (show_path acc))))
- | Tag ->
- (match path with
- | p :: p' :: ps ->
- (match (has_illegal_characters p) with
- | Some c -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Illegal character \"%s\" in node name \"%s\"" c p))
- | None ->
- if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then
- let child = Vytree.find node p' in
- (match child with
- | Some c -> aux c ps (p' :: p :: acc)
- | None -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p')))
- else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a valid child name for node %s" p (show_path acc))))
- | [p] -> if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, None)
- else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p))
- | _ -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc))))
- | Other ->
- (match path with
- | [] -> (List.rev acc, None)
- | p :: ps ->
- let child = Vytree.find node p in
- (match child with
- | Some c -> aux c ps (p :: acc)
- | None -> raise (Validation_error ((Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc))))))
- in aux node path []
-let is_multi reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.multi
-let is_hidden reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.hidden
-let is_secret reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.secret
-let is_tag reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- match data.node_type with
- | Tag -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_leaf reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- match data.node_type with
- | Leaf -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_valueless reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.valueless
-let get_keep_order reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.keep_order
-let get_owner reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.owner
-let get_help_string reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
-let get_value_help reftree path =
- let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in
- data.value_help
-let get_completion_data reftree path =
- let aux node =
- let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in
- (data.node_type, data.multi,
- in aux (Vytree.children_of_node @@ Vytree.get reftree path)
diff --git a/src/reference_tree.mli b/src/reference_tree.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 33813d5..0000000
--- a/src/reference_tree.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-type node_type = Leaf | Tag | Other
-type ref_node_data = {
- node_type: node_type;
- constraints: (Value_checker.value_constraint list);
- help: string;
- value_help: (string * string) list;
- constraint_error_message: string;
- multi: bool;
- valueless: bool;
- owner: string option;
- keep_order: bool;
- hidden: bool;
- secret: bool;
-exception Bad_interface_definition of string
-exception Validation_error of string
-type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t
-val default_data : ref_node_data
-val default : t
-val load_from_xml : t -> string -> t
-val validate_path : string -> t -> string list -> string list * string option
-val is_multi : t -> string list -> bool
-val is_hidden : t -> string list -> bool
-val is_secret : t -> string list -> bool
-val is_tag : t -> string list -> bool
-val is_leaf : t -> string list -> bool
-val is_valueless : t -> string list -> bool
-val get_keep_order : t -> string list -> bool
-val get_owner : t -> string list -> string option
-val get_help_string : t -> string list -> string
-val get_value_help : t -> string list -> (string * string) list
-val get_completion_data : t -> string list -> (node_type * bool * string) list
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 832bfe6..a8eccad 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-module CT = Config_tree
-module RT = Reference_tree
+module CT = Vyos1x.Config_tree
+module VT = Vyos1x.Vytree
+module RT = Vyos1x.Reference_tree
module D = Directories
exception Session_error of string
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ type world = {
type session_data = {
- proposed_config : Config_tree.t;
+ proposed_config : CT.t;
modified: bool;
conf_mode: bool;
changeset: cfg_op list;
@@ -36,12 +37,12 @@ let make world client_app user = {
let string_of_op op =
match op with
| CfgSet (path, value, _) ->
- let path_str = Util.string_of_list path in
+ let path_str = Vyos1x.Util.string_of_list path in
(match value with
| None -> Printf.sprintf "set %s" path_str
| Some v -> Printf.sprintf "set %s \"%s\"" path_str v)
| CfgDelete (path, value) ->
- let path_str = Util.string_of_list path in
+ let path_str = Vyos1x.Util.string_of_list path in
(match value with
| None -> Printf.sprintf "delete %s" path_str
| Some v -> Printf.sprintf "delete %s \"%s\"" path_str v)
@@ -63,52 +64,66 @@ let rec apply_changes changeset config =
| [] -> config
| c :: cs -> apply_changes cs (apply_cfg_op c config)
+let validate w _s path =
+ try
+ RT.validate_path D.(w.dirs.validators) w.reference_tree path
+ with RT.Validation_error x -> raise (Session_error x)
+let split_path w _s path =
+ RT.split_path w.reference_tree path
let set w s path =
- let path, value = RT.validate_path D.(w.dirs.validators) w.reference_tree path in
- let value_behaviour = if RT.is_multi w.reference_tree path then CT.AddValue else CT.ReplaceValue in
+ let _ = validate w s path in
+ let path, value = split_path w s path in
+ let refpath = RT.refpath w.reference_tree path in
+ let value_behaviour = if RT.is_multi w.reference_tree refpath then CT.AddValue else CT.ReplaceValue in
let op = CfgSet (path, value, value_behaviour) in
let config = apply_cfg_op op s.proposed_config in
{s with proposed_config=config; changeset=(op :: s.changeset)}
let delete w s path =
- let path, value = RT.validate_path D.(w.dirs.validators) w.reference_tree path in
+ let _ = validate w s path in
+ let path, value = split_path w s path in
let op = CfgDelete (path, value) in
let config = apply_cfg_op op s.proposed_config in
{s with proposed_config=config; changeset=(op :: s.changeset)}
let get_value w s path =
- if not (Vytree.exists s.proposed_config path) then
- raise (Session_error ("Path does not exist"))
- else if not (RT.is_leaf w.reference_tree path) then
+ if not (VT.exists s.proposed_config path) then
+ raise (Session_error ("Config path does not exist"))
+ else let refpath = RT.refpath w.reference_tree path in
+ if not (RT.is_leaf w.reference_tree refpath) then
raise (Session_error "Cannot get a value of a non-leaf node")
- else if (RT.is_multi w.reference_tree path) then
+ else if (RT.is_multi w.reference_tree refpath) then
raise (Session_error "This node can have more than one value")
- else if (RT.is_valueless w.reference_tree path) then
+ else if (RT.is_valueless w.reference_tree refpath) then
raise (Session_error "This node can have more than one value")
else CT.get_value s.proposed_config path
let get_values w s path =
- if not (Vytree.exists s.proposed_config path) then
- raise (Session_error ("Path does not exist"))
- else if not (RT.is_leaf w.reference_tree path) then
+ if not (VT.exists s.proposed_config path) then
+ raise (Session_error ("Config path does not exist"))
+ else let refpath = RT.refpath w.reference_tree path in
+ if not (RT.is_leaf w.reference_tree refpath) then
raise (Session_error "Cannot get a value of a non-leaf node")
- else if not (RT.is_multi w.reference_tree path) then
+ else if not (RT.is_multi w.reference_tree refpath) then
raise (Session_error "This node can have only one value")
- else CT.get_values s.proposed_config path
+ else CT.get_values s.proposed_config path
let list_children w s path =
- if not (Vytree.exists s.proposed_config path) then
- raise (Session_error ("Path does not exist"))
- else if (RT.is_leaf w.reference_tree path) then
+ if not (VT.exists s.proposed_config path) then
+ raise (Session_error ("Config path does not exist"))
+ else let refpath = RT.refpath w.reference_tree path in
+ if (RT.is_leaf w.reference_tree refpath) then
raise (Session_error "Cannot list children of a leaf node")
- else Vytree.children_of_path s.proposed_config path
+ else VT.children_of_path s.proposed_config path
-let exists w s path =
- Vytree.exists s.proposed_config path
+let exists _w s path =
+ VT.exists s.proposed_config path
-let show_config w s path fmt =
- let open Vyconf_types in
- if (path <> []) && not (Vytree.exists s.proposed_config path) then
+let show_config _w s path fmt =
+ let open Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt in
+ if (path <> []) && not (VT.exists s.proposed_config path) then
raise (Session_error ("Path does not exist"))
let node = s.proposed_config in
@@ -117,5 +132,5 @@ let show_config w s path fmt =
| Json ->
let node =
(match path with [] -> s.proposed_config |
- _ as ps -> Vytree.get s.proposed_config ps) in
+ _ as ps -> VT.get s.proposed_config ps) in
CT.to_yojson node |> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
diff --git a/src/session.mli b/src/session.mli
index 299f2ca..16d8e35 100644
--- a/src/session.mli
+++ b/src/session.mli
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
type cfg_op =
- | CfgSet of string list * string option * Config_tree.value_behaviour
+ | CfgSet of string list * string option * Vyos1x.Config_tree.value_behaviour
| CfgDelete of string list * string option
type world = {
- running_config: Config_tree.t;
- reference_tree: Reference_tree.t;
+ running_config: Vyos1x.Config_tree.t;
+ reference_tree: Vyos1x.Reference_tree.t;
vyconf_config: Vyconf_config.t;
dirs: Directories.t
type session_data = {
- proposed_config : Config_tree.t;
+ proposed_config : Vyos1x.Config_tree.t;
modified: bool;
conf_mode: bool;
changeset: cfg_op list;
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ exception Session_error of string
val make : world -> string -> string -> session_data
+val set_modified : session_data -> session_data
+val apply_changes : cfg_op list -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t
+val validate : world -> session_data -> string list -> unit
val set : world -> session_data -> string list -> session_data
val delete : world -> session_data -> string list -> session_data
@@ -36,4 +42,4 @@ val list_children : world -> session_data -> string list -> string list
val string_of_op : cfg_op -> string
-val show_config : world -> session_data -> string list -> Vyconf_types.request_config_format -> string
+val show_config : world -> session_data -> string list -> Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt.request_config_format -> string
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index cea5f02..db0d719 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let setup_logger daemonize log_file template =
(** Load the config file or panic if it fails *)
let load_daemon_config path =
- let result = Vyconf_config.load path in
+ let result = Vyconfd_config.Vyconf_config.load path in
match result with
| Ok cfg -> cfg
| Error err ->
@@ -41,7 +41,13 @@ let load_daemon_config path =
(** Check if appliance directories exist and panic if they don't *)
let check_dirs dirs =
- let res = Directories.test dirs in
+ let res = Vyconfd_config.Directories.test dirs in
+ match res with
+ | Ok _ -> ()
+ | Error err -> panic err
+let check_validators_dir dirs =
+ let res = Vyconfd_config.Directories.test_validators_dir dirs in
match res with
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error err -> panic err
@@ -61,6 +67,7 @@ let create_socket sockfile =
let backlog = 10 in
let%lwt sock = socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 |> Lwt.return in
let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.bind sock @@ ADDR_UNIX(sockfile) in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.chmod sockfile 0o775 in
listen sock backlog;
Lwt.return sock
@@ -75,11 +82,21 @@ let create_server accept_connection sock =
let load_config file =
let chan = open_in file in
- let config = Curly_parser.config Curly_lexer.token (Lexing.from_channel chan) in
+ let s = really_input_string chan (in_channel_length chan) in
+ let config = Vyos1x.Parser.from_string s in
Ok config
| Sys_error msg -> Error msg
- | Curly_parser.Error -> Error "Parse error"
+ | Vyos1x.Util.Syntax_error (opt, msg) ->
+ begin
+ match opt with
+ | None ->
+ let out = Printf.sprintf "Parse error: %s\n" msg
+ in Error out
+ | Some (line, pos) ->
+ let out = Printf.sprintf "Parse error: %s line %d pos %d\n" msg line pos
+ in Error out
+ end
(** Load the appliance configuration file or the fallback config *)
let load_config_failsafe main fallback =
@@ -99,10 +116,10 @@ let load_config_failsafe main fallback =
(* Load interface definitions from a directory into a reference tree *)
let load_interface_definitions dir =
- let open Reference_tree in
+ let open Vyos1x.Reference_tree in
let relative_paths = dir in
let absolute_paths =
- try Ok ( Util.absolute_path relative_paths)
+ try Ok ( Vyos1x.Util.absolute_path relative_paths)
with Sys_error no_dir_msg -> Error no_dir_msg
let load_aux tree file =
@@ -114,3 +131,10 @@ let load_interface_definitions dir =
| Error msg -> Error msg end
with Bad_interface_definition msg -> Error msg
+module I = Vyos1x.Internal.Make(Vyos1x.Reference_tree)
+let read_reference_tree file =
+ try
+ let reftree = I.read_internal file in
+ Ok reftree
+ with Sys_error msg -> Error msg
diff --git a/src/startup.mli b/src/startup.mli
index c32ddea..84fb99e 100644
--- a/src/startup.mli
+++ b/src/startup.mli
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ val panic : string -> 'a
val setup_logger : bool -> string option -> Lwt_log.template -> unit Lwt.t
-val load_daemon_config : string -> Vyconf_config.t
+val load_daemon_config : string -> Vyconfd_config.Vyconf_config.t
-val check_dirs : Directories.t -> unit
+val check_dirs : Vyconfd_config.Directories.t -> unit
+val check_validators_dir : Vyconfd_config.Directories.t -> unit
val create_socket : string -> Lwt_unix.file_descr Lwt.t
@@ -12,8 +14,10 @@ val create_server :
(Lwt_unix.file_descr * Lwt_unix.sockaddr -> unit Lwt.t) ->
Lwt_unix.file_descr -> unit -> 'a Lwt.t
-val load_config : string -> (Config_tree.t, string) result
+val load_config : string -> (Vyos1x.Config_tree.t, string) result
+val load_config_failsafe : string -> string -> Vyos1x.Config_tree.t
-val load_config_failsafe : string -> string -> Config_tree.t
+val load_interface_definitions : string -> (Vyos1x.Reference_tree.t, string) result
-val load_interface_definitions : string -> (Reference_tree.t, string) result
+val read_reference_tree : string -> (Vyos1x.Reference_tree.t, string) result
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4bbd96..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(** The unavoidable module for functions that don't fit anywhere else *)
-(** Find a child node in xml-lite *)
-let find_xml_child name xml =
- let find_aux e =
- match e with
- | Xml.Element (name', _, _) when name' = name -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- match xml with
- | Xml.Element (_, _, children) -> Vylist.find find_aux children
- | Xml.PCData _ -> None
-(** Convert a list of strings to a string of unquoted, space separated words *)
-let string_of_list ss =
- let rec aux xs acc =
- match xs with
- | [] -> acc
- | x :: xs' -> aux xs' (Printf.sprintf "%s %s" acc x)
- in
- match ss with
- | [] -> ""
- | x :: xs -> Printf.sprintf "%s%s" x (aux xs "")
-(** Convert a list of strings to JSON *)
-let json_of_list ss =
- let ss = (fun x -> `String x) ss in
- Yojson.Safe.to_string (`List ss)
-(** Convert a relative path to an absolute path based on the current working directory *)
-let absolute_path relative_path =
- FilePath.make_absolute (Sys.getcwd ()) relative_path
-(** Makes a hex dump of a byte string *)
-let hexdump b =
- let dump = ref "" in
- Bytes.iter (fun c -> dump := Char.code c |> Printf.sprintf "%s %02x" !dump) b;
- !dump
diff --git a/src/util.mli b/src/util.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c11d9e..0000000
--- a/src/util.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-val find_xml_child : string -> Xml.xml -> Xml.xml option
-val string_of_list : string list -> string
-val json_of_list : string list -> string
-val absolute_path : FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename
-val hexdump : bytes -> string
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b3b596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+open Client.Vyconf_client_session
+let path_opt = ref ""
+let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " [options]"
+let args = [
+ ("--path", Arg.String (fun s -> path_opt := s), "<string> Configuration path");
+ ]
+let get_sockname =
+ "/var/run/vyconfd.sock"
+let main socket path_list =
+ let token = session_init socket in
+ match token with
+ | Error e -> "Failed to initialize session: " ^ e
+ | Ok token ->
+ let out = session_validate_path socket token path_list
+ in
+ let _ = session_free socket token in
+ match out with
+ | Error e -> "Failed to validate path: " ^ e
+ | Ok _ -> "No error"
+let _ =
+ let () = Arg.parse args (fun _ -> ()) usage in
+ let path_list = Vyos1x.Util.list_of_path !path_opt in
+ let socket = get_sockname in
+ let result = main socket path_list in
+ let () = print_endline result in
+ exit 0
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa88f7b..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module F = Filename
-type value_constraint = Regex of string | External of string * string option
-exception Bad_validator of string
-let validate_value dir value_constraint value =
- match value_constraint with
- | Regex s ->
- (try
- let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:s value in true
- with Not_found -> false)
- | External (v, c) ->
- (* XXX: Using Unix.system is a bad idea on multiple levels,
- especially when the input comes directly from the user...
- We should do something about it.
- *)
- let validator = F.concat dir v in
- let arg = BatOption.default "" c in
- let safe_arg = Printf.sprintf "'%s'" (Pcre.qreplace ~pat:"\"" ~templ:"\\\"" arg) in
- let result = Unix.system (Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" validator safe_arg value) in
- match result with
- | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true
- | Unix.WEXITED 127 -> raise (Bad_validator (Printf.sprintf "Could not execute validator %s" validator))
- | _ -> false
-(* If no constraints given, consider it valid.
- Otherwise consider it valid if it satisfies at least
- one constraint *)
-let validate_any validators constraints value =
- let rec aux validators constraints value =
- match constraints with
- | [] -> false
- | c :: cs -> if validate_value validators c value then true
- else aux validators cs value
- in
- match constraints with
- | [] -> true
- | _ -> aux validators constraints value
diff --git a/src/value_checker.mli b/src/value_checker.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index d786f5e..0000000
--- a/src/value_checker.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-type value_constraint = Regex of string | External of string * string option
-exception Bad_validator of string
-val validate_value : string -> value_constraint -> string -> bool
-val validate_any : string -> value_constraint list -> string -> bool
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e00a4e3..1430a5a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-open Vyconf_client
-open Vyconf_types
+open Client.Vyconf_client
+open Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt
type op_t =
| OpStatus
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ type op_t =
| OpGetValue
| OpGetValues
| OpListChildren
+ | OpValidate
let token : string option ref = ref None
let conf_format_opt = ref "curly"
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ let args = [
("--list-children", Arg.Unit (fun () -> op := Some OpListChildren), "List children of the node at the specified path");
("--show-config", Arg.Unit (fun () -> op := Some OpShowConfig), "Show the configuration at the specified path");
("--status", Arg.Unit (fun () -> op := Some OpStatus), "Send a status/keepalive message");
+ ("--validate", Arg.Unit (fun () -> op := Some OpValidate), "Validate path");
let config_format_of_string s =
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ let output_format_of_string s =
| _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown output format %s, should be plain or json" s)
let main socket op path out_format config_format =
- let%lwt client = Vyconf_client.create ~token:!token socket out_format config_format in
+ let%lwt client = Client.Vyconf_client.create ~token:!token socket out_format config_format in
let%lwt result = match op with
| None -> Error "Operation required" |> Lwt.return
| Some o ->
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ let main socket op path out_format config_format =
match resp.status with
| Success -> Ok "" |> Lwt.return
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default "" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
| OpSetupSession ->
let%lwt resp = setup_session client "vycli" in
@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ let main socket op path out_format config_format =
| OpGetValues -> get_values client path
| OpListChildren -> list_children client path
| OpShowConfig -> show_config client path
+ | OpValidate -> validate client path
| _ -> Error "Unimplemented" |> Lwt.return
in match result with
@@ -81,8 +84,8 @@ let main socket op path out_format config_format =
| Error e -> let%lwt () = Lwt_io.write Lwt_io.stderr (Printf.sprintf "%s\n" e) in Lwt.return 1
let _ =
- let () = Arg.parse args (fun f -> ()) usage in
- let path = String.trim !path_opt |> Pcre.split ~pat:"\\s+" in
+ let () = Arg.parse args (fun _ -> ()) usage in
+ let path = Vyos1x.Util.list_of_path !path_opt in
let out_format = output_format_of_string !out_format_opt in
let config_format = config_format_of_string !conf_format_opt in
let result = (main !socket !op path out_format config_format) in exit result
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index db7d9c1..94348b2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-include Vyconf_pb
-include Vyconf_types
+include Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt
type t = {
sock: Lwt_unix.file_descr;
@@ -22,8 +21,8 @@ let create ?(token=None) sockfile out_format conf_format =
let open Lwt_unix in
let sock = socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let%lwt () = connect sock (ADDR_UNIX sockfile) in
- let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd Lwt_io.Input sock in
- let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd Lwt_io.Output sock in
+ let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Input sock in
+ let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Output sock in
Lwt.return {
sock=sock; ic=ic; oc=oc;
enc=(Pbrt.Encoder.create ()); closed=false;
@@ -43,11 +42,11 @@ let shutdown client =
let do_request client req =
let enc = Pbrt.Encoder.create () in
- let () = encode_request_envelope {token=client.session; request=req} enc in
+ let () = encode_pb_request_envelope {token=client.session; request=req} enc in
let msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc in
- let%lwt () = Message.write client.oc msg in
- let%lwt resp = client.ic in
- decode_response (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes resp) |> Lwt.return
+ let%lwt () = Vyconf_connect.Message.write client.oc msg in
+ let%lwt resp = client.ic in
+ decode_pb_response (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes resp) |> Lwt.return
let get_status client =
let req = Status in
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ let get_status client =
Lwt.return resp
let setup_session ?(on_behalf_of=None) client client_app =
- if BatOption.is_some client.session then Lwt.return (Error "Client is already associated with a session") else
+ if Option.is_some client.session then Lwt.return (Error "Client is already associated with a session") else
let id = on_behalf_of |> (function None -> None | Some x -> (Some (Int32.of_int x))) in
let req = Setup_session {client_application=(Some client_app); on_behalf_of=id} in
let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
@@ -64,7 +63,16 @@ let setup_session ?(on_behalf_of=None) client client_app =
(match resp.output with
| Some token -> Ok {client with session=(Some token)}
| None -> Error "setup_session did not return a session token!") |> Lwt.return
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default "Unknown error" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"Unknown error") |> Lwt.return
+let teardown_session ?(on_behalf_of=None) client =
+ let id = on_behalf_of |> (function None -> None | Some x -> (Some (Int32.of_int x))) in
+ let req = Teardown {on_behalf_of=id} in
+ let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
+ match resp.status with
+ | Success -> Ok "" |> Lwt.return
+ | Fail -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
let exists client path =
let req = Exists {path=path} in
@@ -72,33 +80,40 @@ let exists client path =
match resp.status with
| Success -> Lwt.return (Ok "")
| Fail -> Lwt.return (Error "")
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default "" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
let get_value client path =
let req = Get_value {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in
let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
match resp.status with
| Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default ""resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
let get_values client path =
let req = Get_values {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in
let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
match resp.status with
| Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default "" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
let list_children client path =
let req = List_children {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in
let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
match resp.status with
| Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default "" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
let show_config client path =
let req = Show_config {path=path; format=(Some client.conf_format)} in
let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
match resp.status with
| Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return
- | _ -> Error (BatOption.default "" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
+let validate client path =
+ let req = Validate {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in
+ let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
+ match resp.status with
+ | Success -> Lwt.return (Ok "")
+ | Fail -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
+ | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return
diff --git a/src/vyconf_client.mli b/src/vyconf_client.mli
index 8eaada8..0feb063 100644
--- a/src/vyconf_client.mli
+++ b/src/vyconf_client.mli
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type response = {
-val create : ?token:(string option) -> string -> Vyconf_types.request_output_format -> Vyconf_types.request_config_format -> t Lwt.t
+val create : ?token:(string option) -> string -> Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt.request_output_format -> Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt.request_config_format -> t Lwt.t
val get_token : t -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ val get_status : t -> response Lwt.t
val setup_session : ?on_behalf_of:(int option) -> t -> string -> (t, string) result Lwt.t
+val teardown_session : ?on_behalf_of:(int option) -> t -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
val exists : t -> string list -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
val get_value : t -> string list -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
@@ -38,3 +40,5 @@ val get_values : t -> string list -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
val list_children : t -> string list -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
val show_config : t -> string list -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
+val validate : t -> string list -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70a2a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+open Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt
+type op_t =
+ | OpSetupSession
+ | OpExists
+ | OpTeardownSession
+ | OpShowConfig
+ | OpValidate
+let config_format_of_string s =
+ match s with
+ | "curly" -> Curly
+ | "json" -> Json
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown config format %s, should be curly or json" s)
+let output_format_of_string s =
+ match s with
+ | "plain" -> Out_plain
+ | "json" -> Out_json
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown output format %s, should be plain or json" s)
+let call_op ?(out_format="plain") ?(config_format="curly") socket token op path =
+ let config_format = config_format_of_string config_format in
+ let out_format = output_format_of_string out_format in
+ let run =
+ let%lwt client =
+ Vyconf_client.create ~token:token socket out_format config_format
+ in
+ let%lwt result = match op with
+ | None -> Error "Operation required" |> Lwt.return
+ | Some o ->
+ begin
+ match o with
+ | OpSetupSession ->
+ let%lwt resp = Vyconf_client.setup_session client "vyconf_client_session" in
+ begin
+ match resp with
+ | Ok c -> Vyconf_client.get_token c
+ | Error e -> Error e |> Lwt.return
+ end
+ | OpExists -> Vyconf_client.exists client path
+ | OpTeardownSession -> Vyconf_client.teardown_session client
+ | OpShowConfig -> Vyconf_client.show_config client path
+ | OpValidate -> Vyconf_client.validate client path
+ end
+ in
+ Lwt.return result
+ in
+ run
+let session_init ?(out_format="plain") ?(config_format="curly") socket =
+ call_op ~out_format:out_format ~config_format:config_format socket None (Some OpSetupSession) []
+let session_free socket token =
+ call_op socket (Some token) (Some OpTeardownSession) []
+let session_validate_path socket token path =
+ call_op socket (Some token) (Some OpValidate) path
+let session_show_config socket token path =
+ call_op socket (Some token) (Some OpShowConfig) path
+let session_path_exists socket token path =
+ call_op socket (Some token) (Some OpExists) path
diff --git a/src/vyconf_client_session.mli b/src/vyconf_client_session.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98fa3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vyconf_client_session.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+type op_t =
+ | OpSetupSession
+ | OpExists
+ | OpTeardownSession
+ | OpShowConfig
+ | OpValidate
+val session_init : ?out_format:string -> ?config_format:string -> string -> (string, string) result
+val session_free : string -> string -> (string, string) result
+val session_validate_path : string -> string -> string list -> (string, string) result
+val session_show_config : string -> string -> string list -> (string, string) result
+val session_path_exists : string -> string -> string list -> (string, string) result
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7a87c1a..2640c9b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ type t = {
config_dir: string;
primary_config: string;
fallback_config: string;
+ reference_tree: string;
socket: string;
pid_file: string;
log_file: string option;
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ let empty_config = {
config_dir = "";
primary_config = "";
fallback_config = "";
+ reference_tree = "";
socket = "";
pid_file = "";
log_file = None;
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ let get_field conf tbl_name field_name =
(* NB: TomlLenses module uses "table" and "field" names for function names,
hence tbl_name and field_name
- TomlLenses.(get conf (key tbl_name |-- table |-- key field_name |-- string))
+ Toml.Lenses.(get conf (key tbl_name |-- table |-- key field_name |-- string))
let mandatory_field conf table field =
let value = get_field conf table field in
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ let mandatory_field conf table field =
let optional_field default conf table field =
let value = get_field conf table field in
- BatOption.default default value
+ Option.value value ~default:default
let load filename =
@@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ let load filename =
let conf = {conf with program_dir = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "program_dir"} in
let conf = {conf with primary_config = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "primary_config"} in
let conf = {conf with fallback_config = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "fallback_config"} in
+ let conf = {conf with reference_tree = mandatory_field conf_toml "appliance" "reference_tree"} in
(* Optional fields *)
let conf = {conf with pid_file = optional_field defaults.pid_file conf_toml "vyconf" "pid_file"} in
let conf = {conf with socket = optional_field defaults.socket conf_toml "vyconf" "socket"} in
diff --git a/src/vyconf_config.mli b/src/vyconf_config.mli
index ed30b35..1cfeffa 100644
--- a/src/vyconf_config.mli
+++ b/src/vyconf_config.mli
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ type t = {
config_dir: string;
primary_config: string;
fallback_config: string;
+ reference_tree: string;
socket: string;
pid_file: string;
log_file: string option;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dced0f..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1121 +0,0 @@
-[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
-type request_setup_session_mutable = {
- mutable client_application : string option;
- mutable on_behalf_of : int32 option;
-let default_request_setup_session_mutable () : request_setup_session_mutable = {
- client_application = None;
- on_behalf_of = None;
-type request_set_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable ephemeral : bool option;
-let default_request_set_mutable () : request_set_mutable = {
- path = [];
- ephemeral = None;
-type request_delete_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
-let default_request_delete_mutable () : request_delete_mutable = {
- path = [];
-type request_rename_mutable = {
- mutable edit_level : string list;
- mutable from : string;
- mutable to_ : string;
-let default_request_rename_mutable () : request_rename_mutable = {
- edit_level = [];
- from = "";
- to_ = "";
-type request_copy_mutable = {
- mutable edit_level : string list;
- mutable from : string;
- mutable to_ : string;
-let default_request_copy_mutable () : request_copy_mutable = {
- edit_level = [];
- from = "";
- to_ = "";
-type request_comment_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable comment : string;
-let default_request_comment_mutable () : request_comment_mutable = {
- path = [];
- comment = "";
-type request_commit_mutable = {
- mutable confirm : bool option;
- mutable confirm_timeout : int32 option;
- mutable comment : string option;
-let default_request_commit_mutable () : request_commit_mutable = {
- confirm = None;
- confirm_timeout = None;
- comment = None;
-type request_rollback_mutable = {
- mutable revision : int32;
-let default_request_rollback_mutable () : request_rollback_mutable = {
- revision = 0l;
-type request_load_mutable = {
- mutable location : string;
- mutable format : Vyconf_types.request_config_format option;
-let default_request_load_mutable () : request_load_mutable = {
- location = "";
- format = None;
-type request_merge_mutable = {
- mutable location : string;
- mutable format : Vyconf_types.request_config_format option;
-let default_request_merge_mutable () : request_merge_mutable = {
- location = "";
- format = None;
-type request_save_mutable = {
- mutable location : string;
- mutable format : Vyconf_types.request_config_format option;
-let default_request_save_mutable () : request_save_mutable = {
- location = "";
- format = None;
-type request_show_config_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable format : Vyconf_types.request_config_format option;
-let default_request_show_config_mutable () : request_show_config_mutable = {
- path = [];
- format = None;
-type request_exists_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
-let default_request_exists_mutable () : request_exists_mutable = {
- path = [];
-type request_get_value_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable output_format : Vyconf_types.request_output_format option;
-let default_request_get_value_mutable () : request_get_value_mutable = {
- path = [];
- output_format = None;
-type request_get_values_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable output_format : Vyconf_types.request_output_format option;
-let default_request_get_values_mutable () : request_get_values_mutable = {
- path = [];
- output_format = None;
-type request_list_children_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable output_format : Vyconf_types.request_output_format option;
-let default_request_list_children_mutable () : request_list_children_mutable = {
- path = [];
- output_format = None;
-type request_run_op_mode_mutable = {
- mutable path : string list;
- mutable output_format : Vyconf_types.request_output_format option;
-let default_request_run_op_mode_mutable () : request_run_op_mode_mutable = {
- path = [];
- output_format = None;
-type request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable = {
- mutable exclusive : bool;
- mutable override_exclusive : bool;
-let default_request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable () : request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable = {
- exclusive = false;
- override_exclusive = false;
-type request_envelope_mutable = {
- mutable token : string option;
- mutable request : Vyconf_types.request;
-let default_request_envelope_mutable () : request_envelope_mutable = {
- token = None;
- request = Vyconf_types.default_request ();
-type response_mutable = {
- mutable status : Vyconf_types.status;
- mutable output : string option;
- mutable error : string option;
- mutable warning : string option;
-let default_response_mutable () : response_mutable = {
- status = Vyconf_types.default_status ();
- output = None;
- error = None;
- warning = None;
-let rec decode_request_config_format d =
- match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
- | 0 -> (Vyconf_types.Curly:Vyconf_types.request_config_format)
- | 1 -> (Vyconf_types.Json:Vyconf_types.request_config_format)
- | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request_config_format"
-let rec decode_request_output_format d =
- match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
- | 0 -> (Vyconf_types.Out_plain:Vyconf_types.request_output_format)
- | 1 -> (Vyconf_types.Out_json:Vyconf_types.request_output_format)
- | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request_output_format"
-let rec decode_request_setup_session d =
- let v = default_request_setup_session_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.client_application <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_setup_session), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.on_behalf_of <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_setup_session), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.client_application = v.client_application;
- Vyconf_types.on_behalf_of = v.on_behalf_of;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_setup_session)
-let rec decode_request_set d =
- let v = default_request_set_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_set), field(1)" pk
- | Some (3, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.ephemeral <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.bool d);
- end
- | Some (3, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_set), field(3)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.ephemeral = v.ephemeral;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_set)
-let rec decode_request_delete d =
- let v = default_request_delete_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_delete), field(1)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_delete)
-let rec decode_request_rename d =
- let v = default_request_rename_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let to__is_set = ref false in
- let from_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.edit_level <- List.rev v.edit_level;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.edit_level <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.edit_level;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.from <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; from_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(2)" pk
- | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.to_ <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; to__is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (3, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(3)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !to__is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "to_" end;
- begin if not !from_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "from" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.edit_level = v.edit_level;
- Vyconf_types.from = v.from;
- Vyconf_types.to_ = v.to_;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_rename)
-let rec decode_request_copy d =
- let v = default_request_copy_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let to__is_set = ref false in
- let from_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.edit_level <- List.rev v.edit_level;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.edit_level <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.edit_level;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.from <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; from_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(2)" pk
- | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.to_ <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; to__is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (3, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(3)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !to__is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "to_" end;
- begin if not !from_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "from" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.edit_level = v.edit_level;
- Vyconf_types.from = v.from;
- Vyconf_types.to_ = v.to_;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_copy)
-let rec decode_request_comment d =
- let v = default_request_comment_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let comment_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_comment), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.comment <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; comment_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_comment), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !comment_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "comment" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.comment = v.comment;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_comment)
-let rec decode_request_commit d =
- let v = default_request_commit_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.confirm <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.bool d);
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.confirm_timeout <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(2)" pk
- | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.comment <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
- end
- | Some (3, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(3)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.confirm = v.confirm;
- Vyconf_types.confirm_timeout = v.confirm_timeout;
- Vyconf_types.comment = v.comment;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_commit)
-let rec decode_request_rollback d =
- let v = default_request_rollback_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let revision_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.revision <- Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d; revision_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rollback), field(1)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !revision_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "revision" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.revision = v.revision;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_rollback)
-let rec decode_request_load d =
- let v = default_request_load_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let location_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_load), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.format <- Some (decode_request_config_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_load), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.location = v.location;
- Vyconf_types.format = v.format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_load)
-let rec decode_request_merge d =
- let v = default_request_merge_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let location_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_merge), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.format <- Some (decode_request_config_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_merge), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.location = v.location;
- Vyconf_types.format = v.format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_merge)
-let rec decode_request_save d =
- let v = default_request_save_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let location_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_save), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.format <- Some (decode_request_config_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_save), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.location = v.location;
- Vyconf_types.format = v.format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_save)
-let rec decode_request_show_config d =
- let v = default_request_show_config_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_show_config), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.format <- Some (decode_request_config_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_show_config), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.format = v.format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_show_config)
-let rec decode_request_exists d =
- let v = default_request_exists_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_exists), field(1)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_exists)
-let rec decode_request_get_value d =
- let v = default_request_get_value_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_value), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.output_format <- Some (decode_request_output_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_value), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.output_format = v.output_format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_get_value)
-let rec decode_request_get_values d =
- let v = default_request_get_values_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_values), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.output_format <- Some (decode_request_output_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_values), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.output_format = v.output_format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_get_values)
-let rec decode_request_list_children d =
- let v = default_request_list_children_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_list_children), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.output_format <- Some (decode_request_output_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_list_children), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.output_format = v.output_format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_list_children)
-let rec decode_request_run_op_mode d =
- let v = default_request_run_op_mode_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- v.path <- List.rev v.path;
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_run_op_mode), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.output_format <- Some (decode_request_output_format d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_run_op_mode), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.path = v.path;
- Vyconf_types.output_format = v.output_format;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_run_op_mode)
-let rec decode_request_enter_configuration_mode d =
- let v = default_request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let override_exclusive_is_set = ref false in
- let exclusive_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.exclusive <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; exclusive_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_enter_configuration_mode), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.override_exclusive <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; override_exclusive_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_enter_configuration_mode), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !override_exclusive_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "override_exclusive" end;
- begin if not !exclusive_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "exclusive" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.exclusive = v.exclusive;
- Vyconf_types.override_exclusive = v.override_exclusive;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_enter_configuration_mode)
-let rec decode_request d =
- let rec loop () =
- let ret:Vyconf_types.request = match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request"
- | Some (1, _) -> (Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ; Vyconf_types.Status)
- | Some (2, _) -> Vyconf_types.Setup_session (decode_request_setup_session (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (3, _) -> Vyconf_types.Set (decode_request_set (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (4, _) -> Vyconf_types.Delete (decode_request_delete (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (5, _) -> Vyconf_types.Rename (decode_request_rename (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (6, _) -> Vyconf_types.Copy (decode_request_copy (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (7, _) -> Vyconf_types.Comment (decode_request_comment (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (8, _) -> Vyconf_types.Commit (decode_request_commit (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (9, _) -> Vyconf_types.Rollback (decode_request_rollback (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (10, _) -> Vyconf_types.Merge (decode_request_merge (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (11, _) -> Vyconf_types.Save (decode_request_save (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (12, _) -> Vyconf_types.Show_config (decode_request_show_config (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (13, _) -> Vyconf_types.Exists (decode_request_exists (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (14, _) -> Vyconf_types.Get_value (decode_request_get_value (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (15, _) -> Vyconf_types.Get_values (decode_request_get_values (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (16, _) -> Vyconf_types.List_children (decode_request_list_children (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (17, _) -> Vyconf_types.Run_op_mode (decode_request_run_op_mode (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (18, _) -> (Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ; Vyconf_types.Confirm)
- | Some (19, _) -> Vyconf_types.Configure (decode_request_enter_configuration_mode (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d))
- | Some (20, _) -> (Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ; Vyconf_types.Exit_configure)
- | Some (21, _) -> Vyconf_types.Teardown (Pbrt.Decoder.string d)
- | Some (n, payload_kind) -> (
- Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind;
- loop ()
- )
- in
- ret
- in
- loop ()
-let rec decode_request_envelope d =
- let v = default_request_envelope_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let request_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.token <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_envelope), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.request <- decode_request (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d); request_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_envelope), field(2)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !request_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "request" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.token = v.token;
- Vyconf_types.request = v.request;
- } : Vyconf_types.request_envelope)
-let rec decode_status d =
- match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
- | 0 -> (Vyconf_types.Success:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 1 -> (Vyconf_types.Fail:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 2 -> (Vyconf_types.Invalid_path:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 3 -> (Vyconf_types.Invalid_value:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 4 -> (Vyconf_types.Commit_in_progress:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 5 -> (Vyconf_types.Configuration_locked:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 6 -> (Vyconf_types.Internal_error:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 7 -> (Vyconf_types.Permission_denied:Vyconf_types.status)
- | 8 -> (Vyconf_types.Path_already_exists:Vyconf_types.status)
- | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "status"
-let rec decode_response d =
- let v = default_response_mutable () in
- let continue__= ref true in
- let status_is_set = ref false in
- while !continue__ do
- match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
- | None -> (
- ); continue__ := false
- | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
- v.status <- decode_status d; status_is_set := true;
- end
- | Some (1, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(1)" pk
- | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.output <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
- end
- | Some (2, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(2)" pk
- | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.error <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
- end
- | Some (3, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(3)" pk
- | Some (4, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
- v.warning <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
- end
- | Some (4, pk) ->
- Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(4)" pk
- | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
- done;
- begin if not !status_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "status" end;
- ({
- Vyconf_types.status = v.status;
- Vyconf_types.output = v.output;
- Vyconf_types.error = v.error;
- Vyconf_types.warning = v.warning;
- } : Vyconf_types.response)
-let rec encode_request_config_format (v:Vyconf_types.request_config_format) encoder =
- match v with
- | Vyconf_types.Curly -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Json -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
-let rec encode_request_output_format (v:Vyconf_types.request_output_format) encoder =
- match v with
- | Vyconf_types.Out_plain -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Out_json -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
-let rec encode_request_setup_session (v:Vyconf_types.request_setup_session) encoder =
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.client_application with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.on_behalf_of with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_set (v:Vyconf_types.request_set) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.ephemeral with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.bool x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_delete (v:Vyconf_types.request_delete) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_rename (v:Vyconf_types.request_rename) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.edit_level;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.from encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.to_ encoder;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_copy (v:Vyconf_types.request_copy) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.edit_level;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.from encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.to_ encoder;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_comment (v:Vyconf_types.request_comment) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.comment encoder;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_commit (v:Vyconf_types.request_commit) encoder =
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.confirm with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.bool x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.confirm_timeout with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.comment with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_rollback (v:Vyconf_types.request_rollback) encoder =
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint v.Vyconf_types.revision encoder;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_load (v:Vyconf_types.request_load) encoder =
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.location encoder;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_config_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_merge (v:Vyconf_types.request_merge) encoder =
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.location encoder;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_config_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_save (v:Vyconf_types.request_save) encoder =
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string v.Vyconf_types.location encoder;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_config_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_show_config (v:Vyconf_types.request_show_config) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_config_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_exists (v:Vyconf_types.request_exists) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_get_value (v:Vyconf_types.request_get_value) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.output_format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_output_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_get_values (v:Vyconf_types.request_get_values) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.output_format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_output_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_list_children (v:Vyconf_types.request_list_children) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.output_format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_output_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_run_op_mode (v:Vyconf_types.request_run_op_mode) encoder =
- List.iter (fun x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- ) v.Vyconf_types.path;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.output_format with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_request_output_format x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
-let rec encode_request_enter_configuration_mode (v:Vyconf_types.request_enter_configuration_mode) encoder =
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.Vyconf_types.exclusive encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.Vyconf_types.override_exclusive encoder;
- ()
-let rec encode_request (v:Vyconf_types.request) encoder =
- begin match v with
- | Vyconf_types.Status ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Setup_session x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_setup_session x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Set x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_set x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Delete x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (4, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_delete x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Rename x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (5, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_rename x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Copy x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (6, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_copy x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Comment x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (7, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_comment x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Commit x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (8, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_commit x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Rollback x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (9, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_rollback x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Merge x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (10, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_merge x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Save x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (11, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_save x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Show_config x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (12, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_show_config x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Exists x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (13, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_exists x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Get_value x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (14, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_get_value x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Get_values x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (15, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_get_values x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.List_children x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (16, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_list_children x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Run_op_mode x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (17, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_run_op_mode x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Confirm ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (18, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Configure x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (19, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request_enter_configuration_mode x) encoder;
- | Vyconf_types.Exit_configure ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (20, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Teardown x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (21, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- end
-let rec encode_request_envelope (v:Vyconf_types.request_envelope) encoder =
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.token with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.nested (encode_request v.Vyconf_types.request) encoder;
- ()
-let rec encode_status (v:Vyconf_types.status) encoder =
- match v with
- | Vyconf_types.Success -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Fail -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Invalid_path -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 2 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Invalid_value -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 3 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Commit_in_progress -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 4 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Configuration_locked -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 5 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Internal_error -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 6 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Permission_denied -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 7 encoder
- | Vyconf_types.Path_already_exists -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 8 encoder
-let rec encode_response (v:Vyconf_types.response) encoder =
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (1, Pbrt.Varint) encoder;
- encode_status v.Vyconf_types.status encoder;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.output with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (2, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.error with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (3, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- begin match v.Vyconf_types.warning with
- | Some x ->
- Pbrt.Encoder.key (4, Pbrt.Bytes) encoder;
- Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
- | None -> ();
- end;
- ()
diff --git a/src/vyconf_pb.mli b/src/vyconf_pb.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a1249c..0000000
--- a/src/vyconf_pb.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-(** vyconf.proto Binary Encoding *)
-(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
-val encode_request_config_format : Vyconf_types.request_config_format -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_config_format v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_output_format : Vyconf_types.request_output_format -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_output_format v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_setup_session : Vyconf_types.request_setup_session -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_setup_session v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_set : Vyconf_types.request_set -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_set v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_delete : Vyconf_types.request_delete -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_delete v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_rename : Vyconf_types.request_rename -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_rename v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_copy : Vyconf_types.request_copy -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_copy v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_comment : Vyconf_types.request_comment -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_comment v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_commit : Vyconf_types.request_commit -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_commit v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_rollback : Vyconf_types.request_rollback -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_rollback v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_load : Vyconf_types.request_load -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_load v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_merge : Vyconf_types.request_merge -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_merge v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_save : Vyconf_types.request_save -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_save v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_show_config : Vyconf_types.request_show_config -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_show_config v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_exists : Vyconf_types.request_exists -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_exists v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_get_value : Vyconf_types.request_get_value -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_get_value v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_get_values : Vyconf_types.request_get_values -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_get_values v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_list_children : Vyconf_types.request_list_children -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_list_children v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_run_op_mode : Vyconf_types.request_run_op_mode -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_run_op_mode v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_enter_configuration_mode : Vyconf_types.request_enter_configuration_mode -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_enter_configuration_mode v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request : Vyconf_types.request -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_request_envelope : Vyconf_types.request_envelope -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_request_envelope v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_status : Vyconf_types.status -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_status v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-val encode_response : Vyconf_types.response -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
-(** [encode_response v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
-(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
-val decode_request_config_format : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_config_format
-(** [decode_request_config_format decoder] decodes a [request_config_format] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_output_format : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_output_format
-(** [decode_request_output_format decoder] decodes a [request_output_format] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_setup_session : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_setup_session
-(** [decode_request_setup_session decoder] decodes a [request_setup_session] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_set : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_set
-(** [decode_request_set decoder] decodes a [request_set] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_delete : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_delete
-(** [decode_request_delete decoder] decodes a [request_delete] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_rename : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_rename
-(** [decode_request_rename decoder] decodes a [request_rename] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_copy : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_copy
-(** [decode_request_copy decoder] decodes a [request_copy] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_comment : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_comment
-(** [decode_request_comment decoder] decodes a [request_comment] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_commit : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_commit
-(** [decode_request_commit decoder] decodes a [request_commit] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_rollback : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_rollback
-(** [decode_request_rollback decoder] decodes a [request_rollback] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_load : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_load
-(** [decode_request_load decoder] decodes a [request_load] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_merge : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_merge
-(** [decode_request_merge decoder] decodes a [request_merge] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_save : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_save
-(** [decode_request_save decoder] decodes a [request_save] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_show_config : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_show_config
-(** [decode_request_show_config decoder] decodes a [request_show_config] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_exists : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_exists
-(** [decode_request_exists decoder] decodes a [request_exists] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_get_value : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_get_value
-(** [decode_request_get_value decoder] decodes a [request_get_value] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_get_values : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_get_values
-(** [decode_request_get_values decoder] decodes a [request_get_values] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_list_children : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_list_children
-(** [decode_request_list_children decoder] decodes a [request_list_children] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_run_op_mode : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_run_op_mode
-(** [decode_request_run_op_mode decoder] decodes a [request_run_op_mode] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_enter_configuration_mode : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_enter_configuration_mode
-(** [decode_request_enter_configuration_mode decoder] decodes a [request_enter_configuration_mode] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request
-(** [decode_request decoder] decodes a [request] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_request_envelope : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.request_envelope
-(** [decode_request_envelope decoder] decodes a [request_envelope] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_status : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.status
-(** [decode_status decoder] decodes a [status] value from [decoder] *)
-val decode_response : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> Vyconf_types.response
-(** [decode_response decoder] decodes a [response] value from [decoder] *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7fcc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1827 @@
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39-44"]
+type request_config_format =
+ | Curly
+ | Json
+type request_output_format =
+ | Out_plain
+ | Out_json
+type request_status = unit
+type request_setup_session = {
+ client_application : string option;
+ on_behalf_of : int32 option;
+type request_teardown = {
+ on_behalf_of : int32 option;
+type request_validate = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_set = {
+ path : string list;
+ ephemeral : bool option;
+type request_delete = {
+ path : string list;
+type request_rename = {
+ edit_level : string list;
+ from : string;
+ to_ : string;
+type request_copy = {
+ edit_level : string list;
+ from : string;
+ to_ : string;
+type request_comment = {
+ path : string list;
+ comment : string;
+type request_commit = {
+ confirm : bool option;
+ confirm_timeout : int32 option;
+ comment : string option;
+type request_rollback = {
+ revision : int32;
+type request_load = {
+ location : string;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_merge = {
+ location : string;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_save = {
+ location : string;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_show_config = {
+ path : string list;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_exists = {
+ path : string list;
+type request_get_value = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_get_values = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_list_children = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_run_op_mode = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_confirm = unit
+type request_enter_configuration_mode = {
+ exclusive : bool;
+ override_exclusive : bool;
+type request_exit_configuration_mode = unit
+type request =
+ | Status
+ | Setup_session of request_setup_session
+ | Set of request_set
+ | Delete of request_delete
+ | Rename of request_rename
+ | Copy of request_copy
+ | Comment of request_comment
+ | Commit of request_commit
+ | Rollback of request_rollback
+ | Merge of request_merge
+ | Save of request_save
+ | Show_config of request_show_config
+ | Exists of request_exists
+ | Get_value of request_get_value
+ | Get_values of request_get_values
+ | List_children of request_list_children
+ | Run_op_mode of request_run_op_mode
+ | Confirm
+ | Configure of request_enter_configuration_mode
+ | Exit_configure
+ | Validate of request_validate
+ | Teardown of request_teardown
+type request_envelope = {
+ token : string option;
+ request : request;
+type status =
+ | Success
+ | Fail
+ | Invalid_path
+ | Invalid_value
+ | Commit_in_progress
+ | Configuration_locked
+ | Internal_error
+ | Permission_denied
+ | Path_already_exists
+type response = {
+ status : status;
+ output : string option;
+ error : string option;
+ warning : string option;
+let rec default_request_config_format () = (Curly:request_config_format)
+let rec default_request_output_format () = (Out_plain:request_output_format)
+let rec default_request_status = ()
+let rec default_request_setup_session
+ ?client_application:((client_application:string option) = None)
+ ?on_behalf_of:((on_behalf_of:int32 option) = None)
+ () : request_setup_session = {
+ client_application;
+ on_behalf_of;
+let rec default_request_teardown
+ ?on_behalf_of:((on_behalf_of:int32 option) = None)
+ () : request_teardown = {
+ on_behalf_of;
+let rec default_request_validate
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
+ () : request_validate = {
+ path;
+ output_format;
+let rec default_request_set
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?ephemeral:((ephemeral:bool option) = None)
+ () : request_set = {
+ path;
+ ephemeral;
+let rec default_request_delete
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ () : request_delete = {
+ path;
+let rec default_request_rename
+ ?edit_level:((edit_level:string list) = [])
+ ?from:((from:string) = "")
+ ?to_:((to_:string) = "")
+ () : request_rename = {
+ edit_level;
+ from;
+ to_;
+let rec default_request_copy
+ ?edit_level:((edit_level:string list) = [])
+ ?from:((from:string) = "")
+ ?to_:((to_:string) = "")
+ () : request_copy = {
+ edit_level;
+ from;
+ to_;
+let rec default_request_comment
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?comment:((comment:string) = "")
+ () : request_comment = {
+ path;
+ comment;
+let rec default_request_commit
+ ?confirm:((confirm:bool option) = None)
+ ?confirm_timeout:((confirm_timeout:int32 option) = None)
+ ?comment:((comment:string option) = None)
+ () : request_commit = {
+ confirm;
+ confirm_timeout;
+ comment;
+let rec default_request_rollback
+ ?revision:((revision:int32) = 0l)
+ () : request_rollback = {
+ revision;
+let rec default_request_load
+ ?location:((location:string) = "")
+ ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
+ () : request_load = {
+ location;
+ format;
+let rec default_request_merge
+ ?location:((location:string) = "")
+ ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
+ () : request_merge = {
+ location;
+ format;
+let rec default_request_save
+ ?location:((location:string) = "")
+ ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
+ () : request_save = {
+ location;
+ format;
+let rec default_request_show_config
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
+ () : request_show_config = {
+ path;
+ format;
+let rec default_request_exists
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ () : request_exists = {
+ path;
+let rec default_request_get_value
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
+ () : request_get_value = {
+ path;
+ output_format;
+let rec default_request_get_values
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
+ () : request_get_values = {
+ path;
+ output_format;
+let rec default_request_list_children
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
+ () : request_list_children = {
+ path;
+ output_format;
+let rec default_request_run_op_mode
+ ?path:((path:string list) = [])
+ ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
+ () : request_run_op_mode = {
+ path;
+ output_format;
+let rec default_request_confirm = ()
+let rec default_request_enter_configuration_mode
+ ?exclusive:((exclusive:bool) = false)
+ ?override_exclusive:((override_exclusive:bool) = false)
+ () : request_enter_configuration_mode = {
+ exclusive;
+ override_exclusive;
+let rec default_request_exit_configuration_mode = ()
+let rec default_request (): request = Status
+let rec default_request_envelope
+ ?token:((token:string option) = None)
+ ?request:((request:request) = default_request ())
+ () : request_envelope = {
+ token;
+ request;
+let rec default_status () = (Success:status)
+let rec default_response
+ ?status:((status:status) = default_status ())
+ ?output:((output:string option) = None)
+ ?error:((error:string option) = None)
+ ?warning:((warning:string option) = None)
+ () : response = {
+ status;
+ output;
+ error;
+ warning;
+type request_setup_session_mutable = {
+ mutable client_application : string option;
+ mutable on_behalf_of : int32 option;
+let default_request_setup_session_mutable () : request_setup_session_mutable = {
+ client_application = None;
+ on_behalf_of = None;
+type request_teardown_mutable = {
+ mutable on_behalf_of : int32 option;
+let default_request_teardown_mutable () : request_teardown_mutable = {
+ on_behalf_of = None;
+type request_validate_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable output_format : request_output_format option;
+let default_request_validate_mutable () : request_validate_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ output_format = None;
+type request_set_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable ephemeral : bool option;
+let default_request_set_mutable () : request_set_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ ephemeral = None;
+type request_delete_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+let default_request_delete_mutable () : request_delete_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+type request_rename_mutable = {
+ mutable edit_level : string list;
+ mutable from : string;
+ mutable to_ : string;
+let default_request_rename_mutable () : request_rename_mutable = {
+ edit_level = [];
+ from = "";
+ to_ = "";
+type request_copy_mutable = {
+ mutable edit_level : string list;
+ mutable from : string;
+ mutable to_ : string;
+let default_request_copy_mutable () : request_copy_mutable = {
+ edit_level = [];
+ from = "";
+ to_ = "";
+type request_comment_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable comment : string;
+let default_request_comment_mutable () : request_comment_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ comment = "";
+type request_commit_mutable = {
+ mutable confirm : bool option;
+ mutable confirm_timeout : int32 option;
+ mutable comment : string option;
+let default_request_commit_mutable () : request_commit_mutable = {
+ confirm = None;
+ confirm_timeout = None;
+ comment = None;
+type request_rollback_mutable = {
+ mutable revision : int32;
+let default_request_rollback_mutable () : request_rollback_mutable = {
+ revision = 0l;
+type request_load_mutable = {
+ mutable location : string;
+ mutable format : request_config_format option;
+let default_request_load_mutable () : request_load_mutable = {
+ location = "";
+ format = None;
+type request_merge_mutable = {
+ mutable location : string;
+ mutable format : request_config_format option;
+let default_request_merge_mutable () : request_merge_mutable = {
+ location = "";
+ format = None;
+type request_save_mutable = {
+ mutable location : string;
+ mutable format : request_config_format option;
+let default_request_save_mutable () : request_save_mutable = {
+ location = "";
+ format = None;
+type request_show_config_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable format : request_config_format option;
+let default_request_show_config_mutable () : request_show_config_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ format = None;
+type request_exists_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+let default_request_exists_mutable () : request_exists_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+type request_get_value_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable output_format : request_output_format option;
+let default_request_get_value_mutable () : request_get_value_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ output_format = None;
+type request_get_values_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable output_format : request_output_format option;
+let default_request_get_values_mutable () : request_get_values_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ output_format = None;
+type request_list_children_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable output_format : request_output_format option;
+let default_request_list_children_mutable () : request_list_children_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ output_format = None;
+type request_run_op_mode_mutable = {
+ mutable path : string list;
+ mutable output_format : request_output_format option;
+let default_request_run_op_mode_mutable () : request_run_op_mode_mutable = {
+ path = [];
+ output_format = None;
+type request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable = {
+ mutable exclusive : bool;
+ mutable override_exclusive : bool;
+let default_request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable () : request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable = {
+ exclusive = false;
+ override_exclusive = false;
+type request_envelope_mutable = {
+ mutable token : string option;
+ mutable request : request;
+let default_request_envelope_mutable () : request_envelope_mutable = {
+ token = None;
+ request = default_request ();
+type response_mutable = {
+ mutable status : status;
+ mutable output : string option;
+ mutable error : string option;
+ mutable warning : string option;
+let default_response_mutable () : response_mutable = {
+ status = default_status ();
+ output = None;
+ error = None;
+ warning = None;
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Formatters} *)
+let rec pp_request_config_format fmt (v:request_config_format) =
+ match v with
+ | Curly -> Format.fprintf fmt "Curly"
+ | Json -> Format.fprintf fmt "Json"
+let rec pp_request_output_format fmt (v:request_output_format) =
+ match v with
+ | Out_plain -> Format.fprintf fmt "Out_plain"
+ | Out_json -> Format.fprintf fmt "Out_json"
+let rec pp_request_status fmt (v:request_status) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt ()
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_setup_session fmt (v:request_setup_session) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "client_application" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.client_application;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "on_behalf_of" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.on_behalf_of;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_teardown fmt (v:request_teardown) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "on_behalf_of" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.on_behalf_of;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_validate fmt (v:request_validate) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_set fmt (v:request_set) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ephemeral" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ephemeral;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_delete fmt (v:request_delete) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_rename fmt (v:request_rename) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "edit_level" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.edit_level;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "from" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.from;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "to_" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.to_;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_copy fmt (v:request_copy) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "edit_level" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.edit_level;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "from" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.from;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "to_" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.to_;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_comment fmt (v:request_comment) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "comment" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.comment;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_commit fmt (v:request_commit) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "confirm" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.confirm;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "confirm_timeout" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.confirm_timeout;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "comment" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.comment;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_rollback fmt (v:request_rollback) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "revision" Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32 fmt v.revision;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_load fmt (v:request_load) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "location" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.location;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_merge fmt (v:request_merge) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "location" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.location;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_save fmt (v:request_save) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "location" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.location;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_show_config fmt (v:request_show_config) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_exists fmt (v:request_exists) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_get_value fmt (v:request_get_value) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_get_values fmt (v:request_get_values) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_list_children fmt (v:request_list_children) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_run_op_mode fmt (v:request_run_op_mode) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_confirm fmt (v:request_confirm) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt ()
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_enter_configuration_mode fmt (v:request_enter_configuration_mode) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "exclusive" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.exclusive;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "override_exclusive" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.override_exclusive;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request_exit_configuration_mode fmt (v:request_exit_configuration_mode) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt ()
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_request fmt (v:request) =
+ match v with
+ | Status -> Format.fprintf fmt "Status"
+ | Setup_session x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Setup_session(@,%a)@]" pp_request_setup_session x
+ | Set x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Set(@,%a)@]" pp_request_set x
+ | Delete x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Delete(@,%a)@]" pp_request_delete x
+ | Rename x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Rename(@,%a)@]" pp_request_rename x
+ | Copy x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Copy(@,%a)@]" pp_request_copy x
+ | Comment x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Comment(@,%a)@]" pp_request_comment x
+ | Commit x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Commit(@,%a)@]" pp_request_commit x
+ | Rollback x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Rollback(@,%a)@]" pp_request_rollback x
+ | Merge x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Merge(@,%a)@]" pp_request_merge x
+ | Save x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Save(@,%a)@]" pp_request_save x
+ | Show_config x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Show_config(@,%a)@]" pp_request_show_config x
+ | Exists x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Exists(@,%a)@]" pp_request_exists x
+ | Get_value x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Get_value(@,%a)@]" pp_request_get_value x
+ | Get_values x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Get_values(@,%a)@]" pp_request_get_values x
+ | List_children x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>List_children(@,%a)@]" pp_request_list_children x
+ | Run_op_mode x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Run_op_mode(@,%a)@]" pp_request_run_op_mode x
+ | Confirm -> Format.fprintf fmt "Confirm"
+ | Configure x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Configure(@,%a)@]" pp_request_enter_configuration_mode x
+ | Exit_configure -> Format.fprintf fmt "Exit_configure"
+ | Validate x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Validate(@,%a)@]" pp_request_validate x
+ | Teardown x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>Teardown(@,%a)@]" pp_request_teardown x
+let rec pp_request_envelope fmt (v:request_envelope) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "token" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.token;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "request" pp_request fmt v.request;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+let rec pp_status fmt (v:status) =
+ match v with
+ | Success -> Format.fprintf fmt "Success"
+ | Fail -> Format.fprintf fmt "Fail"
+ | Invalid_path -> Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_path"
+ | Invalid_value -> Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_value"
+ | Commit_in_progress -> Format.fprintf fmt "Commit_in_progress"
+ | Configuration_locked -> Format.fprintf fmt "Configuration_locked"
+ | Internal_error -> Format.fprintf fmt "Internal_error"
+ | Permission_denied -> Format.fprintf fmt "Permission_denied"
+ | Path_already_exists -> Format.fprintf fmt "Path_already_exists"
+let rec pp_response fmt (v:response) =
+ let pp_i fmt () =
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "status" pp_status fmt v.status;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.output;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "error" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.error;
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "warning" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.warning;
+ in
+ Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt ()
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
+let rec encode_pb_request_config_format (v:request_config_format) encoder =
+ match v with
+ | Curly -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
+ | Json -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
+let rec encode_pb_request_output_format (v:request_output_format) encoder =
+ match v with
+ | Out_plain -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
+ | Out_json -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
+let rec encode_pb_request_status (v:request_status) encoder =
+let rec encode_pb_request_setup_session (v:request_setup_session) encoder =
+ begin match v.client_application with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.on_behalf_of with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_teardown (v:request_teardown) encoder =
+ begin match v.on_behalf_of with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_validate (v:request_validate) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.output_format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_set (v:request_set) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.ephemeral with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_delete (v:request_delete) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_rename (v:request_rename) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.edit_level encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.from encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.to_ encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_copy (v:request_copy) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.edit_level encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.from encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.to_ encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_comment (v:request_comment) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.comment encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_commit (v:request_commit) encoder =
+ begin match v.confirm with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.confirm_timeout with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.comment with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_rollback (v:request_rollback) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint v.revision encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_load (v:request_load) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.location encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ begin match v.format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_merge (v:request_merge) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.location encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ begin match v.format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_save (v:request_save) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string v.location encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ begin match v.format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_show_config (v:request_show_config) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_exists (v:request_exists) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_get_value (v:request_get_value) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.output_format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_get_values (v:request_get_values) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.output_format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_list_children (v:request_list_children) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.output_format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_run_op_mode (v:request_run_op_mode) encoder =
+ Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ) v.path encoder;
+ begin match v.output_format with
+ | Some x ->
+ encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_confirm (v:request_confirm) encoder =
+let rec encode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode (v:request_enter_configuration_mode) encoder =
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.exclusive encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.override_exclusive encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode (v:request_exit_configuration_mode) encoder =
+let rec encode_pb_request (v:request) encoder =
+ begin match v with
+ | Status ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder
+ | Setup_session x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_setup_session x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Set x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_set x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Delete x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_delete x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 4 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Rename x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_rename x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 5 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Copy x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_copy x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 6 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Comment x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_comment x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 7 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Commit x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_commit x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 8 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Rollback x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_rollback x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 9 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Merge x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_merge x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 10 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Save x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_save x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 11 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Show_config x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_show_config x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 12 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Exists x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_exists x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 13 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Get_value x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_get_value x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 14 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Get_values x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_get_values x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 15 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | List_children x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_list_children x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 16 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Run_op_mode x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_run_op_mode x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 17 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Confirm ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 18 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder
+ | Configure x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 19 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Exit_configure ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 20 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder
+ | Validate x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_validate x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 21 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | Teardown x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_teardown x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 22 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ end
+let rec encode_pb_request_envelope (v:request_envelope) encoder =
+ begin match v.token with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request v.request encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ ()
+let rec encode_pb_status (v:status) encoder =
+ match v with
+ | Success -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder
+ | Fail -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder
+ | Invalid_path -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 2 encoder
+ | Invalid_value -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 3 encoder
+ | Commit_in_progress -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 4 encoder
+ | Configuration_locked -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 5 encoder
+ | Internal_error -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 6 encoder
+ | Permission_denied -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 7 encoder
+ | Path_already_exists -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 8 encoder
+let rec encode_pb_response (v:response) encoder =
+ encode_pb_status v.status encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder;
+ begin match v.output with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.error with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ begin match v.warning with
+ | Some x ->
+ Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder;
+ Pbrt.Encoder.key 4 Pbrt.Bytes encoder;
+ | None -> ();
+ end;
+ ()
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
+(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
+let rec decode_pb_request_config_format d =
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
+ | 0 -> (Curly:request_config_format)
+ | 1 -> (Json:request_config_format)
+ | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request_config_format"
+let rec decode_pb_request_output_format d =
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
+ | 0 -> (Out_plain:request_output_format)
+ | 1 -> (Out_json:request_output_format)
+ | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request_output_format"
+let rec decode_pb_request_status d =
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> ();
+ | Some (_, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(request_status)" pk
+let rec decode_pb_request_setup_session d =
+ let v = default_request_setup_session_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.client_application <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_setup_session), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.on_behalf_of <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_setup_session), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ client_application = v.client_application;
+ on_behalf_of = v.on_behalf_of;
+ } : request_setup_session)
+let rec decode_pb_request_teardown d =
+ let v = default_request_teardown_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.on_behalf_of <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d);
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_teardown), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ on_behalf_of = v.on_behalf_of;
+ } : request_teardown)
+let rec decode_pb_request_validate d =
+ let v = default_request_validate_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_validate), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_validate), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ output_format = v.output_format;
+ } : request_validate)
+let rec decode_pb_request_set d =
+ let v = default_request_set_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_set), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.ephemeral <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.bool d);
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_set), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ ephemeral = v.ephemeral;
+ } : request_set)
+let rec decode_pb_request_delete d =
+ let v = default_request_delete_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_delete), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ } : request_delete)
+let rec decode_pb_request_rename d =
+ let v = default_request_rename_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let to__is_set = ref false in
+ let from_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.edit_level <- List.rev v.edit_level;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.edit_level <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.edit_level;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.from <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; from_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.to_ <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; to__is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !to__is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "to_" end;
+ begin if not !from_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "from" end;
+ ({
+ edit_level = v.edit_level;
+ from = v.from;
+ to_ = v.to_;
+ } : request_rename)
+let rec decode_pb_request_copy d =
+ let v = default_request_copy_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let to__is_set = ref false in
+ let from_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.edit_level <- List.rev v.edit_level;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.edit_level <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.edit_level;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.from <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; from_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.to_ <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; to__is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !to__is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "to_" end;
+ begin if not !from_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "from" end;
+ ({
+ edit_level = v.edit_level;
+ from = v.from;
+ to_ = v.to_;
+ } : request_copy)
+let rec decode_pb_request_comment d =
+ let v = default_request_comment_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let comment_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_comment), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.comment <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; comment_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_comment), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !comment_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "comment" end;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ comment = v.comment;
+ } : request_comment)
+let rec decode_pb_request_commit d =
+ let v = default_request_commit_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.confirm <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.bool d);
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.confirm_timeout <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.comment <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ confirm = v.confirm;
+ confirm_timeout = v.confirm_timeout;
+ comment = v.comment;
+ } : request_commit)
+let rec decode_pb_request_rollback d =
+ let v = default_request_rollback_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let revision_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.revision <- Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d; revision_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rollback), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !revision_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "revision" end;
+ ({
+ revision = v.revision;
+ } : request_rollback)
+let rec decode_pb_request_load d =
+ let v = default_request_load_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let location_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_load), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_load), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end;
+ ({
+ location = v.location;
+ format = v.format;
+ } : request_load)
+let rec decode_pb_request_merge d =
+ let v = default_request_merge_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let location_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_merge), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_merge), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end;
+ ({
+ location = v.location;
+ format = v.format;
+ } : request_merge)
+let rec decode_pb_request_save d =
+ let v = default_request_save_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let location_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_save), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_save), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end;
+ ({
+ location = v.location;
+ format = v.format;
+ } : request_save)
+let rec decode_pb_request_show_config d =
+ let v = default_request_show_config_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_show_config), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_show_config), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ format = v.format;
+ } : request_show_config)
+let rec decode_pb_request_exists d =
+ let v = default_request_exists_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_exists), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ } : request_exists)
+let rec decode_pb_request_get_value d =
+ let v = default_request_get_value_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_value), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_value), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ output_format = v.output_format;
+ } : request_get_value)
+let rec decode_pb_request_get_values d =
+ let v = default_request_get_values_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_values), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_values), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ output_format = v.output_format;
+ } : request_get_values)
+let rec decode_pb_request_list_children d =
+ let v = default_request_list_children_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_list_children), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_list_children), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ output_format = v.output_format;
+ } : request_list_children)
+let rec decode_pb_request_run_op_mode d =
+ let v = default_request_run_op_mode_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ v.path <- List.rev v.path;
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_run_op_mode), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_run_op_mode), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ ({
+ path = v.path;
+ output_format = v.output_format;
+ } : request_run_op_mode)
+let rec decode_pb_request_confirm d =
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> ();
+ | Some (_, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(request_confirm)" pk
+let rec decode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode d =
+ let v = default_request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let override_exclusive_is_set = ref false in
+ let exclusive_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.exclusive <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; exclusive_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_enter_configuration_mode), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.override_exclusive <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; override_exclusive_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_enter_configuration_mode), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !override_exclusive_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "override_exclusive" end;
+ begin if not !exclusive_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "exclusive" end;
+ ({
+ exclusive = v.exclusive;
+ override_exclusive = v.override_exclusive;
+ } : request_enter_configuration_mode)
+let rec decode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode d =
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> ();
+ | Some (_, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(request_exit_configuration_mode)" pk
+let rec decode_pb_request d =
+ let rec loop () =
+ let ret:request = match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request"
+ | Some (1, _) -> begin
+ Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ;
+ (Status : request)
+ end
+ | Some (2, _) -> (Setup_session (decode_pb_request_setup_session (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (3, _) -> (Set (decode_pb_request_set (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (4, _) -> (Delete (decode_pb_request_delete (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (5, _) -> (Rename (decode_pb_request_rename (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (6, _) -> (Copy (decode_pb_request_copy (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (7, _) -> (Comment (decode_pb_request_comment (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (8, _) -> (Commit (decode_pb_request_commit (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (9, _) -> (Rollback (decode_pb_request_rollback (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (10, _) -> (Merge (decode_pb_request_merge (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (11, _) -> (Save (decode_pb_request_save (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (12, _) -> (Show_config (decode_pb_request_show_config (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (13, _) -> (Exists (decode_pb_request_exists (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (14, _) -> (Get_value (decode_pb_request_get_value (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (15, _) -> (Get_values (decode_pb_request_get_values (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (16, _) -> (List_children (decode_pb_request_list_children (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (17, _) -> (Run_op_mode (decode_pb_request_run_op_mode (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (18, _) -> begin
+ Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ;
+ (Confirm : request)
+ end
+ | Some (19, _) -> (Configure (decode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (20, _) -> begin
+ Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ;
+ (Exit_configure : request)
+ end
+ | Some (21, _) -> (Validate (decode_pb_request_validate (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (22, _) -> (Teardown (decode_pb_request_teardown (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request)
+ | Some (n, payload_kind) -> (
+ Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind;
+ loop ()
+ )
+ in
+ ret
+ in
+ loop ()
+let rec decode_pb_request_envelope d =
+ let v = default_request_envelope_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let request_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.token <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_envelope), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.request <- decode_pb_request (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d); request_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_envelope), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !request_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "request" end;
+ ({
+ token = v.token;
+ request = v.request;
+ } : request_envelope)
+let rec decode_pb_status d =
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with
+ | 0 -> (Success:status)
+ | 1 -> (Fail:status)
+ | 2 -> (Invalid_path:status)
+ | 3 -> (Invalid_value:status)
+ | 4 -> (Commit_in_progress:status)
+ | 5 -> (Configuration_locked:status)
+ | 6 -> (Internal_error:status)
+ | 7 -> (Permission_denied:status)
+ | 8 -> (Path_already_exists:status)
+ | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "status"
+let rec decode_pb_response d =
+ let v = default_response_mutable () in
+ let continue__= ref true in
+ let status_is_set = ref false in
+ while !continue__ do
+ match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with
+ | None -> (
+ ); continue__ := false
+ | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin
+ v.status <- decode_pb_status d; status_is_set := true;
+ end
+ | Some (1, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(1)" pk
+ | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.output <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (2, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(2)" pk
+ | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.error <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (3, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(3)" pk
+ | Some (4, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin
+ v.warning <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d);
+ end
+ | Some (4, pk) ->
+ Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(4)" pk
+ | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind
+ done;
+ begin if not !status_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "status" end;
+ ({
+ status = v.status;
+ output = v.output;
+ error = v.error;
+ warning = v.warning;
+ } : response)
diff --git a/src/vyconf_pbt.mli b/src/vyconf_pbt.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da94655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vyconf_pbt.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+(** Code for vyconf.proto *)
+(* generated from "data/vyconf.proto", do not edit *)
+(** {2 Types} *)
+type request_config_format =
+ | Curly
+ | Json
+type request_output_format =
+ | Out_plain
+ | Out_json
+type request_status = unit
+type request_setup_session = {
+ client_application : string option;
+ on_behalf_of : int32 option;
+type request_teardown = {
+ on_behalf_of : int32 option;
+type request_validate = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_set = {
+ path : string list;
+ ephemeral : bool option;
+type request_delete = {
+ path : string list;
+type request_rename = {
+ edit_level : string list;
+ from : string;
+ to_ : string;
+type request_copy = {
+ edit_level : string list;
+ from : string;
+ to_ : string;
+type request_comment = {
+ path : string list;
+ comment : string;
+type request_commit = {
+ confirm : bool option;
+ confirm_timeout : int32 option;
+ comment : string option;
+type request_rollback = {
+ revision : int32;
+type request_load = {
+ location : string;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_merge = {
+ location : string;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_save = {
+ location : string;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_show_config = {
+ path : string list;
+ format : request_config_format option;
+type request_exists = {
+ path : string list;
+type request_get_value = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_get_values = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_list_children = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_run_op_mode = {
+ path : string list;
+ output_format : request_output_format option;
+type request_confirm = unit
+type request_enter_configuration_mode = {
+ exclusive : bool;
+ override_exclusive : bool;
+type request_exit_configuration_mode = unit
+type request =
+ | Status
+ | Setup_session of request_setup_session
+ | Set of request_set
+ | Delete of request_delete
+ | Rename of request_rename
+ | Copy of request_copy
+ | Comment of request_comment
+ | Commit of request_commit
+ | Rollback of request_rollback
+ | Merge of request_merge
+ | Save of request_save
+ | Show_config of request_show_config
+ | Exists of request_exists
+ | Get_value of request_get_value
+ | Get_values of request_get_values
+ | List_children of request_list_children
+ | Run_op_mode of request_run_op_mode
+ | Confirm
+ | Configure of request_enter_configuration_mode
+ | Exit_configure
+ | Validate of request_validate
+ | Teardown of request_teardown
+type request_envelope = {
+ token : string option;
+ request : request;
+type status =
+ | Success
+ | Fail
+ | Invalid_path
+ | Invalid_value
+ | Commit_in_progress
+ | Configuration_locked
+ | Internal_error
+ | Permission_denied
+ | Path_already_exists
+type response = {
+ status : status;
+ output : string option;
+ error : string option;
+ warning : string option;
+(** {2 Basic values} *)
+val default_request_config_format : unit -> request_config_format
+(** [default_request_config_format ()] is the default value for type [request_config_format] *)
+val default_request_output_format : unit -> request_output_format
+(** [default_request_output_format ()] is the default value for type [request_output_format] *)
+val default_request_status : unit
+(** [default_request_status ()] is the default value for type [request_status] *)
+val default_request_setup_session :
+ ?client_application:string option ->
+ ?on_behalf_of:int32 option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_setup_session
+(** [default_request_setup_session ()] is the default value for type [request_setup_session] *)
+val default_request_teardown :
+ ?on_behalf_of:int32 option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_teardown
+(** [default_request_teardown ()] is the default value for type [request_teardown] *)
+val default_request_validate :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_validate
+(** [default_request_validate ()] is the default value for type [request_validate] *)
+val default_request_set :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?ephemeral:bool option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_set
+(** [default_request_set ()] is the default value for type [request_set] *)
+val default_request_delete :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ unit ->
+ request_delete
+(** [default_request_delete ()] is the default value for type [request_delete] *)
+val default_request_rename :
+ ?edit_level:string list ->
+ ?from:string ->
+ ?to_:string ->
+ unit ->
+ request_rename
+(** [default_request_rename ()] is the default value for type [request_rename] *)
+val default_request_copy :
+ ?edit_level:string list ->
+ ?from:string ->
+ ?to_:string ->
+ unit ->
+ request_copy
+(** [default_request_copy ()] is the default value for type [request_copy] *)
+val default_request_comment :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?comment:string ->
+ unit ->
+ request_comment
+(** [default_request_comment ()] is the default value for type [request_comment] *)
+val default_request_commit :
+ ?confirm:bool option ->
+ ?confirm_timeout:int32 option ->
+ ?comment:string option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_commit
+(** [default_request_commit ()] is the default value for type [request_commit] *)
+val default_request_rollback :
+ ?revision:int32 ->
+ unit ->
+ request_rollback
+(** [default_request_rollback ()] is the default value for type [request_rollback] *)
+val default_request_load :
+ ?location:string ->
+ ?format:request_config_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_load
+(** [default_request_load ()] is the default value for type [request_load] *)
+val default_request_merge :
+ ?location:string ->
+ ?format:request_config_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_merge
+(** [default_request_merge ()] is the default value for type [request_merge] *)
+val default_request_save :
+ ?location:string ->
+ ?format:request_config_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_save
+(** [default_request_save ()] is the default value for type [request_save] *)
+val default_request_show_config :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?format:request_config_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_show_config
+(** [default_request_show_config ()] is the default value for type [request_show_config] *)
+val default_request_exists :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ unit ->
+ request_exists
+(** [default_request_exists ()] is the default value for type [request_exists] *)
+val default_request_get_value :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_get_value
+(** [default_request_get_value ()] is the default value for type [request_get_value] *)
+val default_request_get_values :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_get_values
+(** [default_request_get_values ()] is the default value for type [request_get_values] *)
+val default_request_list_children :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_list_children
+(** [default_request_list_children ()] is the default value for type [request_list_children] *)
+val default_request_run_op_mode :
+ ?path:string list ->
+ ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
+ unit ->
+ request_run_op_mode
+(** [default_request_run_op_mode ()] is the default value for type [request_run_op_mode] *)
+val default_request_confirm : unit
+(** [default_request_confirm ()] is the default value for type [request_confirm] *)
+val default_request_enter_configuration_mode :
+ ?exclusive:bool ->
+ ?override_exclusive:bool ->
+ unit ->
+ request_enter_configuration_mode
+(** [default_request_enter_configuration_mode ()] is the default value for type [request_enter_configuration_mode] *)
+val default_request_exit_configuration_mode : unit
+(** [default_request_exit_configuration_mode ()] is the default value for type [request_exit_configuration_mode] *)
+val default_request : unit -> request
+(** [default_request ()] is the default value for type [request] *)
+val default_request_envelope :
+ ?token:string option ->
+ ?request:request ->
+ unit ->
+ request_envelope
+(** [default_request_envelope ()] is the default value for type [request_envelope] *)
+val default_status : unit -> status
+(** [default_status ()] is the default value for type [status] *)
+val default_response :
+ ?status:status ->
+ ?output:string option ->
+ ?error:string option ->
+ ?warning:string option ->
+ unit ->
+ response
+(** [default_response ()] is the default value for type [response] *)
+(** {2 Formatters} *)
+val pp_request_config_format : Format.formatter -> request_config_format -> unit
+(** [pp_request_config_format v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_output_format : Format.formatter -> request_output_format -> unit
+(** [pp_request_output_format v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_status : Format.formatter -> request_status -> unit
+(** [pp_request_status v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_setup_session : Format.formatter -> request_setup_session -> unit
+(** [pp_request_setup_session v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_teardown : Format.formatter -> request_teardown -> unit
+(** [pp_request_teardown v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_validate : Format.formatter -> request_validate -> unit
+(** [pp_request_validate v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_set : Format.formatter -> request_set -> unit
+(** [pp_request_set v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_delete : Format.formatter -> request_delete -> unit
+(** [pp_request_delete v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_rename : Format.formatter -> request_rename -> unit
+(** [pp_request_rename v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_copy : Format.formatter -> request_copy -> unit
+(** [pp_request_copy v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_comment : Format.formatter -> request_comment -> unit
+(** [pp_request_comment v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_commit : Format.formatter -> request_commit -> unit
+(** [pp_request_commit v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_rollback : Format.formatter -> request_rollback -> unit
+(** [pp_request_rollback v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_load : Format.formatter -> request_load -> unit
+(** [pp_request_load v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_merge : Format.formatter -> request_merge -> unit
+(** [pp_request_merge v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_save : Format.formatter -> request_save -> unit
+(** [pp_request_save v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_show_config : Format.formatter -> request_show_config -> unit
+(** [pp_request_show_config v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_exists : Format.formatter -> request_exists -> unit
+(** [pp_request_exists v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_get_value : Format.formatter -> request_get_value -> unit
+(** [pp_request_get_value v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_get_values : Format.formatter -> request_get_values -> unit
+(** [pp_request_get_values v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_list_children : Format.formatter -> request_list_children -> unit
+(** [pp_request_list_children v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_run_op_mode : Format.formatter -> request_run_op_mode -> unit
+(** [pp_request_run_op_mode v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_confirm : Format.formatter -> request_confirm -> unit
+(** [pp_request_confirm v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_enter_configuration_mode : Format.formatter -> request_enter_configuration_mode -> unit
+(** [pp_request_enter_configuration_mode v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_exit_configuration_mode : Format.formatter -> request_exit_configuration_mode -> unit
+(** [pp_request_exit_configuration_mode v] formats v *)
+val pp_request : Format.formatter -> request -> unit
+(** [pp_request v] formats v *)
+val pp_request_envelope : Format.formatter -> request_envelope -> unit
+(** [pp_request_envelope v] formats v *)
+val pp_status : Format.formatter -> status -> unit
+(** [pp_status v] formats v *)
+val pp_response : Format.formatter -> response -> unit
+(** [pp_response v] formats v *)
+(** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *)
+val encode_pb_request_config_format : request_config_format -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_config_format v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_output_format : request_output_format -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_output_format v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_status : request_status -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_status v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_setup_session : request_setup_session -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_setup_session v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_teardown : request_teardown -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_teardown v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_validate : request_validate -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_validate v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_set : request_set -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_set v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_delete : request_delete -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_delete v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_rename : request_rename -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_rename v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_copy : request_copy -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_copy v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_comment : request_comment -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_comment v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_commit : request_commit -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_commit v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_rollback : request_rollback -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_rollback v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_load : request_load -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_load v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_merge : request_merge -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_merge v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_save : request_save -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_save v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_show_config : request_show_config -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_show_config v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_exists : request_exists -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_exists v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_get_value : request_get_value -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_get_value v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_get_values : request_get_values -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_get_values v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_list_children : request_list_children -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_list_children v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_run_op_mode : request_run_op_mode -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_run_op_mode v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_confirm : request_confirm -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_confirm v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode : request_enter_configuration_mode -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode : request_exit_configuration_mode -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request : request -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_request_envelope : request_envelope -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_request_envelope v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_status : status -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_status v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+val encode_pb_response : response -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit
+(** [encode_pb_response v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *)
+(** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *)
+val decode_pb_request_config_format : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_config_format
+(** [decode_pb_request_config_format decoder] decodes a [request_config_format] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_output_format : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_output_format
+(** [decode_pb_request_output_format decoder] decodes a [request_output_format] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_status : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_status
+(** [decode_pb_request_status decoder] decodes a [request_status] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_setup_session : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_setup_session
+(** [decode_pb_request_setup_session decoder] decodes a [request_setup_session] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_teardown : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_teardown
+(** [decode_pb_request_teardown decoder] decodes a [request_teardown] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_validate : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_validate
+(** [decode_pb_request_validate decoder] decodes a [request_validate] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_set : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_set
+(** [decode_pb_request_set decoder] decodes a [request_set] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_delete : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_delete
+(** [decode_pb_request_delete decoder] decodes a [request_delete] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_rename : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_rename
+(** [decode_pb_request_rename decoder] decodes a [request_rename] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_copy : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_copy
+(** [decode_pb_request_copy decoder] decodes a [request_copy] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_comment : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_comment
+(** [decode_pb_request_comment decoder] decodes a [request_comment] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_commit : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_commit
+(** [decode_pb_request_commit decoder] decodes a [request_commit] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_rollback : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_rollback
+(** [decode_pb_request_rollback decoder] decodes a [request_rollback] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_load : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_load
+(** [decode_pb_request_load decoder] decodes a [request_load] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_merge : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_merge
+(** [decode_pb_request_merge decoder] decodes a [request_merge] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_save : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_save
+(** [decode_pb_request_save decoder] decodes a [request_save] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_show_config : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_show_config
+(** [decode_pb_request_show_config decoder] decodes a [request_show_config] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_exists : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_exists
+(** [decode_pb_request_exists decoder] decodes a [request_exists] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_get_value : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_get_value
+(** [decode_pb_request_get_value decoder] decodes a [request_get_value] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_get_values : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_get_values
+(** [decode_pb_request_get_values decoder] decodes a [request_get_values] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_list_children : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_list_children
+(** [decode_pb_request_list_children decoder] decodes a [request_list_children] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_run_op_mode : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_run_op_mode
+(** [decode_pb_request_run_op_mode decoder] decodes a [request_run_op_mode] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_confirm : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_confirm
+(** [decode_pb_request_confirm decoder] decodes a [request_confirm] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_enter_configuration_mode
+(** [decode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode decoder] decodes a [request_enter_configuration_mode] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_exit_configuration_mode
+(** [decode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode decoder] decodes a [request_exit_configuration_mode] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request
+(** [decode_pb_request decoder] decodes a [request] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_request_envelope : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> request_envelope
+(** [decode_pb_request_envelope decoder] decodes a [request_envelope] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_status : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> status
+(** [decode_pb_status decoder] decodes a [status] binary value from [decoder] *)
+val decode_pb_response : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> response
+(** [decode_pb_response decoder] decodes a [response] binary value from [decoder] *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e5d50..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"]
-type request_config_format =
- | Curly
- | Json
-type request_output_format =
- | Out_plain
- | Out_json
-type request_setup_session = {
- client_application : string option;
- on_behalf_of : int32 option;
-type request_set = {
- path : string list;
- ephemeral : bool option;
-type request_delete = {
- path : string list;
-type request_rename = {
- edit_level : string list;
- from : string;
- to_ : string;
-type request_copy = {
- edit_level : string list;
- from : string;
- to_ : string;
-type request_comment = {
- path : string list;
- comment : string;
-type request_commit = {
- confirm : bool option;
- confirm_timeout : int32 option;
- comment : string option;
-type request_rollback = {
- revision : int32;
-type request_load = {
- location : string;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_merge = {
- location : string;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_save = {
- location : string;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_show_config = {
- path : string list;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_exists = {
- path : string list;
-type request_get_value = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_get_values = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_list_children = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_run_op_mode = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_enter_configuration_mode = {
- exclusive : bool;
- override_exclusive : bool;
-type request =
- | Status
- | Setup_session of request_setup_session
- | Set of request_set
- | Delete of request_delete
- | Rename of request_rename
- | Copy of request_copy
- | Comment of request_comment
- | Commit of request_commit
- | Rollback of request_rollback
- | Merge of request_merge
- | Save of request_save
- | Show_config of request_show_config
- | Exists of request_exists
- | Get_value of request_get_value
- | Get_values of request_get_values
- | List_children of request_list_children
- | Run_op_mode of request_run_op_mode
- | Confirm
- | Configure of request_enter_configuration_mode
- | Exit_configure
- | Teardown of string
-type request_envelope = {
- token : string option;
- request : request;
-type status =
- | Success
- | Fail
- | Invalid_path
- | Invalid_value
- | Commit_in_progress
- | Configuration_locked
- | Internal_error
- | Permission_denied
- | Path_already_exists
-type response = {
- status : status;
- output : string option;
- error : string option;
- warning : string option;
-let rec default_request_config_format () = (Curly:request_config_format)
-let rec default_request_output_format () = (Out_plain:request_output_format)
-let rec default_request_setup_session
- ?client_application:((client_application:string option) = None)
- ?on_behalf_of:((on_behalf_of:int32 option) = None)
- () : request_setup_session = {
- client_application;
- on_behalf_of;
-let rec default_request_set
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?ephemeral:((ephemeral:bool option) = None)
- () : request_set = {
- path;
- ephemeral;
-let rec default_request_delete
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- () : request_delete = {
- path;
-let rec default_request_rename
- ?edit_level:((edit_level:string list) = [])
- ?from:((from:string) = "")
- ?to_:((to_:string) = "")
- () : request_rename = {
- edit_level;
- from;
- to_;
-let rec default_request_copy
- ?edit_level:((edit_level:string list) = [])
- ?from:((from:string) = "")
- ?to_:((to_:string) = "")
- () : request_copy = {
- edit_level;
- from;
- to_;
-let rec default_request_comment
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?comment:((comment:string) = "")
- () : request_comment = {
- path;
- comment;
-let rec default_request_commit
- ?confirm:((confirm:bool option) = None)
- ?confirm_timeout:((confirm_timeout:int32 option) = None)
- ?comment:((comment:string option) = None)
- () : request_commit = {
- confirm;
- confirm_timeout;
- comment;
-let rec default_request_rollback
- ?revision:((revision:int32) = 0l)
- () : request_rollback = {
- revision;
-let rec default_request_load
- ?location:((location:string) = "")
- ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
- () : request_load = {
- location;
- format;
-let rec default_request_merge
- ?location:((location:string) = "")
- ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
- () : request_merge = {
- location;
- format;
-let rec default_request_save
- ?location:((location:string) = "")
- ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
- () : request_save = {
- location;
- format;
-let rec default_request_show_config
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None)
- () : request_show_config = {
- path;
- format;
-let rec default_request_exists
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- () : request_exists = {
- path;
-let rec default_request_get_value
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
- () : request_get_value = {
- path;
- output_format;
-let rec default_request_get_values
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
- () : request_get_values = {
- path;
- output_format;
-let rec default_request_list_children
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
- () : request_list_children = {
- path;
- output_format;
-let rec default_request_run_op_mode
- ?path:((path:string list) = [])
- ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None)
- () : request_run_op_mode = {
- path;
- output_format;
-let rec default_request_enter_configuration_mode
- ?exclusive:((exclusive:bool) = false)
- ?override_exclusive:((override_exclusive:bool) = false)
- () : request_enter_configuration_mode = {
- exclusive;
- override_exclusive;
-let rec default_request (): request = Status
-let rec default_request_envelope
- ?token:((token:string option) = None)
- ?request:((request:request) = default_request ())
- () : request_envelope = {
- token;
- request;
-let rec default_status () = (Success:status)
-let rec default_response
- ?status:((status:status) = default_status ())
- ?output:((output:string option) = None)
- ?error:((error:string option) = None)
- ?warning:((warning:string option) = None)
- () : response = {
- status;
- output;
- error;
- warning;
diff --git a/src/vyconf_types.mli b/src/vyconf_types.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 194d66c..0000000
--- a/src/vyconf_types.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-(** vyconf.proto Types *)
-(** {2 Types} *)
-type request_config_format =
- | Curly
- | Json
-type request_output_format =
- | Out_plain
- | Out_json
-type request_setup_session = {
- client_application : string option;
- on_behalf_of : int32 option;
-type request_set = {
- path : string list;
- ephemeral : bool option;
-type request_delete = {
- path : string list;
-type request_rename = {
- edit_level : string list;
- from : string;
- to_ : string;
-type request_copy = {
- edit_level : string list;
- from : string;
- to_ : string;
-type request_comment = {
- path : string list;
- comment : string;
-type request_commit = {
- confirm : bool option;
- confirm_timeout : int32 option;
- comment : string option;
-type request_rollback = {
- revision : int32;
-type request_load = {
- location : string;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_merge = {
- location : string;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_save = {
- location : string;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_show_config = {
- path : string list;
- format : request_config_format option;
-type request_exists = {
- path : string list;
-type request_get_value = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_get_values = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_list_children = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_run_op_mode = {
- path : string list;
- output_format : request_output_format option;
-type request_enter_configuration_mode = {
- exclusive : bool;
- override_exclusive : bool;
-type request =
- | Status
- | Setup_session of request_setup_session
- | Set of request_set
- | Delete of request_delete
- | Rename of request_rename
- | Copy of request_copy
- | Comment of request_comment
- | Commit of request_commit
- | Rollback of request_rollback
- | Merge of request_merge
- | Save of request_save
- | Show_config of request_show_config
- | Exists of request_exists
- | Get_value of request_get_value
- | Get_values of request_get_values
- | List_children of request_list_children
- | Run_op_mode of request_run_op_mode
- | Confirm
- | Configure of request_enter_configuration_mode
- | Exit_configure
- | Teardown of string
-type request_envelope = {
- token : string option;
- request : request;
-type status =
- | Success
- | Fail
- | Invalid_path
- | Invalid_value
- | Commit_in_progress
- | Configuration_locked
- | Internal_error
- | Permission_denied
- | Path_already_exists
-type response = {
- status : status;
- output : string option;
- error : string option;
- warning : string option;
-(** {2 Default values} *)
-val default_request_config_format : unit -> request_config_format
-(** [default_request_config_format ()] is the default value for type [request_config_format] *)
-val default_request_output_format : unit -> request_output_format
-(** [default_request_output_format ()] is the default value for type [request_output_format] *)
-val default_request_setup_session :
- ?client_application:string option ->
- ?on_behalf_of:int32 option ->
- unit ->
- request_setup_session
-(** [default_request_setup_session ()] is the default value for type [request_setup_session] *)
-val default_request_set :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?ephemeral:bool option ->
- unit ->
- request_set
-(** [default_request_set ()] is the default value for type [request_set] *)
-val default_request_delete :
- ?path:string list ->
- unit ->
- request_delete
-(** [default_request_delete ()] is the default value for type [request_delete] *)
-val default_request_rename :
- ?edit_level:string list ->
- ?from:string ->
- ?to_:string ->
- unit ->
- request_rename
-(** [default_request_rename ()] is the default value for type [request_rename] *)
-val default_request_copy :
- ?edit_level:string list ->
- ?from:string ->
- ?to_:string ->
- unit ->
- request_copy
-(** [default_request_copy ()] is the default value for type [request_copy] *)
-val default_request_comment :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?comment:string ->
- unit ->
- request_comment
-(** [default_request_comment ()] is the default value for type [request_comment] *)
-val default_request_commit :
- ?confirm:bool option ->
- ?confirm_timeout:int32 option ->
- ?comment:string option ->
- unit ->
- request_commit
-(** [default_request_commit ()] is the default value for type [request_commit] *)
-val default_request_rollback :
- ?revision:int32 ->
- unit ->
- request_rollback
-(** [default_request_rollback ()] is the default value for type [request_rollback] *)
-val default_request_load :
- ?location:string ->
- ?format:request_config_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_load
-(** [default_request_load ()] is the default value for type [request_load] *)
-val default_request_merge :
- ?location:string ->
- ?format:request_config_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_merge
-(** [default_request_merge ()] is the default value for type [request_merge] *)
-val default_request_save :
- ?location:string ->
- ?format:request_config_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_save
-(** [default_request_save ()] is the default value for type [request_save] *)
-val default_request_show_config :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?format:request_config_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_show_config
-(** [default_request_show_config ()] is the default value for type [request_show_config] *)
-val default_request_exists :
- ?path:string list ->
- unit ->
- request_exists
-(** [default_request_exists ()] is the default value for type [request_exists] *)
-val default_request_get_value :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_get_value
-(** [default_request_get_value ()] is the default value for type [request_get_value] *)
-val default_request_get_values :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_get_values
-(** [default_request_get_values ()] is the default value for type [request_get_values] *)
-val default_request_list_children :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_list_children
-(** [default_request_list_children ()] is the default value for type [request_list_children] *)
-val default_request_run_op_mode :
- ?path:string list ->
- ?output_format:request_output_format option ->
- unit ->
- request_run_op_mode
-(** [default_request_run_op_mode ()] is the default value for type [request_run_op_mode] *)
-val default_request_enter_configuration_mode :
- ?exclusive:bool ->
- ?override_exclusive:bool ->
- unit ->
- request_enter_configuration_mode
-(** [default_request_enter_configuration_mode ()] is the default value for type [request_enter_configuration_mode] *)
-val default_request : unit -> request
-(** [default_request ()] is the default value for type [request] *)
-val default_request_envelope :
- ?token:string option ->
- ?request:request ->
- unit ->
- request_envelope
-(** [default_request_envelope ()] is the default value for type [request_envelope] *)
-val default_status : unit -> status
-(** [default_status ()] is the default value for type [status] *)
-val default_response :
- ?status:status ->
- ?output:string option ->
- ?error:string option ->
- ?warning:string option ->
- unit ->
- response
-(** [default_response ()] is the default value for type [response] *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d79bda9..7c4caeb 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
open Lwt
-open Defaults
-open Vyconf_config
-open Vyconf_pb
-open Vyconf_types
+open Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt
+open Vyconfd_config.Defaults
+open Vyconfd_config.Vyconf_config
module FP = FilePath
+module CT = Vyos1x.Config_tree
+module Gen = Vyos1x.Generate
+module Session = Vyconfd_config.Session
+module Directories = Vyconfd_config.Directories
(* On UNIX, self_init uses /dev/random for seed *)
let () = Random.self_init ()
@@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ let make_session_token () =
let setup_session world req =
let token = make_session_token () in
let user = "unknown user" in
- let client_app = BatOption.default "unknown client" req.client_application in
+ let client_app = Option.value req.client_application ~default:"unknown client" in
let () = Hashtbl.add sessions token (Session.make world client_app user) in
{response_tmpl with output=(Some token)}
@@ -80,10 +84,10 @@ let exit_conf_mode world token =
in Hashtbl.replace sessions token session;
-let teardown_session token =
+let teardown token =
Hashtbl.remove sessions token;
- response_tmpl
+ {response_tmpl with status=Success}
with Not_found ->
{response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some "Session not found")}
@@ -93,9 +97,9 @@ let exists world token (req: request_exists) =
let get_value world token (req: request_get_value) =
- let () = (Lwt_log.debug @@ Printf.sprintf "[%s]\n" (Util.string_of_list req.path)) |> Lwt.ignore_result in
+ let () = (Lwt_log.debug @@ Printf.sprintf "[%s]\n" (Vyos1x.Util.string_of_list req.path)) |> Lwt.ignore_result in
let value = Session.get_value world (find_session token) req.path in
- let fmt = BatOption.default Out_plain req.output_format in
+ let fmt = Option.value req.output_format ~default:Out_plain in
let value_str =
(match fmt with
| Out_plain -> value
@@ -106,45 +110,52 @@ let get_value world token (req: request_get_value) =
let get_values world token (req: request_get_values) =
let values = Session.get_values world (find_session token) req.path in
- let fmt = BatOption.default Out_plain req.output_format in
+ let fmt = Option.value req.output_format ~default:Out_plain in
let values_str =
(match fmt with
- | Out_plain -> Util.string_of_list @@ (Printf.sprintf "\'%s\'") values
- | Out_json -> Util.json_of_list values)
+ | Out_plain -> Vyos1x.Util.string_of_list @@ (Printf.sprintf "\'%s\'") values
+ | Out_json -> Vyos1x.Util.json_of_list values)
in {response_tmpl with output=(Some values_str)}
with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
let list_children world token (req: request_list_children) =
let children = Session.list_children world (find_session token) req.path in
- let fmt = BatOption.default Out_plain req.output_format in
+ let fmt = Option.value req.output_format ~default:Out_plain in
let children_str =
(match fmt with
- | Out_plain -> Util.string_of_list @@ (Printf.sprintf "\'%s\'") children
- | Out_json -> Util.json_of_list children)
+ | Out_plain -> Vyos1x.Util.string_of_list @@ (Printf.sprintf "\'%s\'") children
+ | Out_json -> Vyos1x.Util.json_of_list children)
in {response_tmpl with output=(Some children_str)}
with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
let show_config world token (req: request_show_config) =
- let fmt = BatOption.default Curly req.format in
+ let fmt = Option.value req.format ~default:Curly in
let conf_str = Session.show_config world (find_session token) req.path fmt in
{response_tmpl with output=(Some conf_str)}
with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
+let validate world token (req: request_validate) =
+ try
+ let () = (Lwt_log.debug @@ Printf.sprintf "[%s]\n" (Vyos1x.Util.string_of_list req.path)) |> Lwt.ignore_result in
+ let () = Session.validate world (find_session token) req.path in
+ response_tmpl
+ with Session.Session_error msg -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some msg)}
let send_response oc resp =
let enc = Pbrt.Encoder.create () in
- let%lwt () = encode_response resp enc |> return in
+ let%lwt () = encode_pb_response resp enc |> return in
let%lwt resp_msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc |> return in
- let%lwt () = Message.write oc resp_msg in
+ let%lwt () = Vyconf_connect.Message.write oc resp_msg in
Lwt.return ()
-let rec handle_connection world ic oc fd () =
+let rec handle_connection world ic oc () =
- let%lwt req_msg = ic in
+ let%lwt req_msg = ic in
let%lwt req =
- let envelope = decode_request_envelope (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes req_msg) in
+ let envelope = decode_pb_request_envelope (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes req_msg) in
Lwt.return (Ok (envelope.token, envelope.request))
with Pbrt.Decoder.Failure e -> Lwt.return (Error (Pbrt.Decoder.error_to_string e))
@@ -157,7 +168,7 @@ let rec handle_connection world ic oc fd () =
| _, Status -> response_tmpl
| _, Setup_session r -> setup_session world r
| None, _ -> {response_tmpl with status=Fail; output=(Some "Operation requires session token")}
- | Some t, Teardown _ -> teardown_session t
+ | Some t, Teardown _ -> teardown t
| Some t, Configure r -> enter_conf_mode r t
| Some t, Exit_configure -> exit_conf_mode world t
| Some t, Exists r -> exists world t r
@@ -165,28 +176,29 @@ let rec handle_connection world ic oc fd () =
| Some t, Get_values r -> get_values world t r
| Some t, List_children r -> list_children world t r
| Some t, Show_config r -> show_config world t r
+ | Some t, Validate r -> validate world t r
| _ -> failwith "Unimplemented"
end) |> Lwt.return
let%lwt () = send_response oc resp in
- handle_connection world ic oc fd ()
+ handle_connection world ic oc ()
| Failure e ->
let%lwt () = Lwt_log.error e in
let%lwt () = send_response oc ({response_tmpl with status=Fail; error=(Some e)}) in
- handle_connection world ic oc fd ()
- | End_of_file -> "Connection closed" >>= return
+ handle_connection world ic oc ()
+ | End_of_file -> "Connection closed" >>= (fun () -> Lwt_io.close ic) >>= return
let accept_connection world conn =
let fd, _ = conn in
- let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd Lwt_io.Input fd in
- let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd Lwt_io.Output fd in
- Lwt.on_failure (handle_connection world ic oc fd ()) (fun e -> Lwt_log.ign_error (Printexc.to_string e));
+ let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Input fd in
+ let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Output fd in
+ Lwt.on_failure (handle_connection world ic oc ()) (fun e -> Lwt_log.ign_error (Printexc.to_string e)); "New connection" >>= return
let main_loop basepath world () =
let open Session in
- let log_file = BatOption.bind !log_file (fun s -> Some (FP.concat basepath s)) in
+ let log_file = Option.bind !log_file (fun s -> Some (FP.concat basepath s)) in
let%lwt () = Startup.setup_logger !daemonize log_file world.vyconf_config.log_template in
let%lwt () = Lwt_log.notice @@ Printf.sprintf "Starting VyConf for %s" world.vyconf_config.app_name in
let%lwt sock = Startup.create_socket (FP.concat basepath world.vyconf_config.socket) in
@@ -194,29 +206,33 @@ let main_loop basepath world () =
serve ()
let load_interface_definitions dir =
- let open Session in
- let reftree = Startup.load_interface_definitions dir in
+ let reftree = Gen.load_interface_definitions dir in
+ match reftree with
+ | Ok r -> r
+ | Error s -> Startup.panic s
+let read_reference_tree file =
+ let reftree = Startup.read_reference_tree file in
match reftree with
| Ok r -> r
| Error s -> Startup.panic s
let make_world config dirs =
- let open Directories in
let open Session in
- let reftree = load_interface_definitions dirs.interface_definitions in
- let running_config = Config_tree.make "root" in
+ (* the reference_tree json file is generated at vyos-1x build time *)
+ let reftree = read_reference_tree (FP.concat config.config_dir config.reference_tree) in
+ let running_config = CT.make "" in
{running_config=running_config; reference_tree=reftree; vyconf_config=config; dirs=dirs}
let () =
- let () = Arg.parse args (fun f -> ()) usage in
+ let () = Arg.parse args (fun _ -> ()) usage in
let vc = Startup.load_daemon_config !config_file in
let () = Lwt_log.load_rules ("* -> " ^ vc.log_level) in
let dirs = Directories.make !basepath vc in
- Startup.check_dirs dirs;
+ Startup.check_validators_dir dirs;
let world = make_world vc dirs in
let config = Startup.load_config_failsafe
(FP.concat vc.config_dir vc.primary_config)
(FP.concat vc.config_dir vc.fallback_config) in
let world = Session.{world with running_config=config} in
- let () = print_endline (Config_tree.render world.running_config) in @@ main_loop !basepath world ()
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4a32e..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-let rec find p xs =
- match xs with
- | [] -> None
- | y :: ys -> if (p y) then (Some y)
- else find p ys
-let rec remove p xs =
- match xs with
- | [] -> []
- | y :: ys -> if (p y) then ys
- else y :: (remove p ys)
-let rec replace p x xs =
- match xs with
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | y :: ys -> if (p y) then x :: ys
- else y :: (replace p x ys)
-let rec insert_before p x xs =
- match xs with
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | y :: ys -> if (p y) then x :: y :: ys
- else y :: (insert_before p x ys)
-let rec insert_after p x xs =
- match xs with
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | y :: ys -> if (p y) then y :: x :: ys
- else y :: (insert_after p x ys)
-let complement xs ys =
- let rec aux xs ys =
- match xs, ys with
- | [], _ -> ys
- | _, [] -> assert false (* Can't happen *)
- | p :: ps, q :: qs -> if p = q then aux ps qs
- else []
- in
- if List.length xs < List.length ys then aux xs ys
- else aux ys xs
-let in_list xs x =
- let x' = find ((=) x) xs in
- match x' with
- | None -> false
- | Some _ -> true
diff --git a/src/vylist.mli b/src/vylist.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 9135bf6..0000000
--- a/src/vylist.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a option
-val remove : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val replace : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val insert_before : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val insert_after : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val complement : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val in_list : 'a list -> 'a -> bool
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e2750..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-type 'a t = {
- name: string;
- data: 'a;
- children: 'a t list
-} [@@deriving yojson]
-type position = Before of string | After of string | End | Default
-exception Empty_path
-exception Duplicate_child
-exception Nonexistent_path
-exception Insert_error of string
-let make data name = { name = name; data = data; children = [] }
-let make_full data name children = { name = name; data = data; children = children }
-let name_of_node node =
-let data_of_node node =
-let children_of_node node = node.children
-let insert_immediate ?(position=Default) node name data children =
- let new_node = make_full data name children in
- let children' =
- match position with
- | Default -> new_node :: node.children
- | End -> node.children @ [new_node]
- | Before s -> Vylist.insert_before (fun x -> = s) new_node node.children
- | After s -> Vylist.insert_after (fun x -> = s) new_node node.children
- in { node with children = children' }
-let delete_immediate node name =
- let children' = Vylist.remove (fun x -> = name) node.children in
- { node with children = children' }
-let adopt node child =
- { node with children = child :: node.children }
-let replace node child =
- let children = node.children in
- let name = in
- let children' = Vylist.replace (fun x -> = name) child children in
- { node with children = children' }
-let replace_full node child name =
- let children = node.children in
- let children' = Vylist.replace (fun x -> = name) child children in
- { node with children = children' }
-let find node name =
- Vylist.find (fun x -> = name) node.children
-let find_or_fail node name =
- let child = find node name in
- match child with
- | None -> raise Nonexistent_path
- | Some child' -> child'
-let list_children node =
- (fun x -> node.children
-let rec do_with_child fn node path =
- match path with
- | [] -> raise Empty_path
- | [name] -> fn node name
- | name :: names ->
- let next_child = find_or_fail node name in
- let new_node = do_with_child fn next_child names in
- replace node new_node
-let rec insert ?(position=Default) ?(children=[]) node path data =
- match path with
- | [] -> raise Empty_path
- | [name] ->
- (let last_child = find node name in
- match last_child with
- | None -> insert_immediate ~position:position node name data children
- | (Some _) -> raise Duplicate_child)
- | name :: names ->
- let next_child = find node name in
- match next_child with
- | Some next_child' ->
- let new_node = insert ~position:position ~children:children next_child' names data in
- replace node new_node
- | None ->
- raise (Insert_error "Path does not exist")
-(** Given a node N check if it has children with duplicate names,
- and merge subsequent children's children into the first child by
- that name.
- While all insert functions maintain the "every child has unique name"
- invariant, for nodes constructed manually with make/make_full and adopt
- it may not hold, and constructing nodes this way is a sensible approach
- for config parsing. Depending on the config format, duplicate node names
- may be normal and even expected, such as "ethernet eth0" and "ethernet eth1"
- in the "curly" format.
- *)
-let merge_children merge_data node =
- (* Given a node N and a list of nodes NS, find all nodes in NS that
- have the same name as N and merge their children into N *)
- let rec merge_into n ns =
- match ns with
- | [] -> n
- | n' :: ns' ->
- if = n'.name then
- let children = List.append n.children n'.children in
- let data = merge_data n'.data in
- let n = {n with children=children; data=data} in
- merge_into n ns'
- else merge_into n ns'
- in
- (* Given a list of nodes, for every node, find subsequent children with
- the same name and merge them into the first node, then delete remaining
- nodes from the list *)
- let rec aux ns =
- match ns with
- | [] -> []
- | n :: ns ->
- let n = merge_into n ns in
- let ns = List.filter (fun x -> <> ns in
- n :: (aux ns)
- in {node with children=(aux node.children)}
-(* When inserting at a path that, entirely or partially,
- does not exist yet, create missing nodes on the way with default data *)
-let rec insert_multi_level default_data node path_done path_remaining data =
- match path_remaining with
- | [] | [_] -> insert node (path_done @ path_remaining) data
- | name :: names ->
- let path_done = path_done @ [name] in
- let node = insert node path_done default_data in
- insert_multi_level default_data node path_done names data
-let delete node path =
- do_with_child delete_immediate node path
-let rename node path newname =
- let rename_immediate newname' node' name' =
- let child = find_or_fail node' name' in
- let child = { child with name=newname' } in
- replace_full node' child name'
- in do_with_child (rename_immediate newname) node path
-let update node path data =
- let update_data data' node' name =
- let child = find_or_fail node' name in
- let child = { child with data=data' } in
- replace node' child
- in do_with_child (update_data data) node path
-let rec get node path =
- match path with
- | [] -> raise Empty_path
- | [name] -> find_or_fail node name
- | name :: names -> get (find_or_fail node name) names
-let get_data node path = data_of_node @@ get node path
-let exists node path =
- try ignore (get node path); true
- with Nonexistent_path -> false
-let get_existent_path node path =
- let rec aux node path acc =
- match path with
- | [] -> acc
- | name :: names ->
- let child = find node name in
- match child with
- | None -> acc
- | Some c -> aux c names (name :: acc)
- in List.rev (aux node path [])
-let children_of_path node path =
- let node' = get node path in
- list_children node'
-let sorted_children_of_node cmp node =
- let names = list_children node in
- let names = List.sort cmp names in
- (find_or_fail node) names
-let copy node old_path new_path =
- if exists node new_path then raise Duplicate_child else
- let child = get node old_path in
- insert ~position:End ~children:child.children node new_path
-let move node path position =
- let child = get node path in
- let node = delete node path in
- insert ~position:position ~children:child.children node path
diff --git a/src/vytree.mli b/src/vytree.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 451e130..0000000
--- a/src/vytree.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-type 'a t [@@deriving yojson]
-exception Empty_path
-exception Duplicate_child
-exception Nonexistent_path
-exception Insert_error of string
-type position = Before of string | After of string | End | Default
-val make : 'a -> string -> 'a t
-val make_full : 'a -> string -> ('a t) list -> 'a t
-val name_of_node : 'a t -> string
-val data_of_node : 'a t -> 'a
-val children_of_node : 'a t -> 'a t list
-val find : 'a t -> string -> 'a t option
-val find_or_fail : 'a t -> string -> 'a t
-val adopt : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
-val insert : ?position:position -> ?children:('a t list) -> 'a t -> string list -> 'a -> 'a t
-val insert_multi_level : 'a -> 'a t -> string list -> string list -> 'a -> 'a t
-val merge_children : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
-val delete : 'a t -> string list -> 'a t
-val update : 'a t -> string list -> 'a -> 'a t
-val rename : 'a t -> string list -> string -> 'a t
-val list_children : 'a t -> string list
-val get : 'a t -> string list -> 'a t
-val get_existent_path : 'a t -> string list -> string list
-val get_data : 'a t -> string list -> 'a
-val exists : 'a t -> string list -> bool
-val children_of_path : 'a t -> string list -> string list
-val sorted_children_of_node : (string -> string -> int) -> 'a t -> ('a t) list
-val copy : 'a t -> string list -> string list -> 'a t
-val move : 'a t -> string list -> position -> 'a t