path: root/src
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2 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7528def..9afc1f2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -33,12 +33,11 @@ let shutdown client =
let do_request client req =
let enc = Pbrt.Encoder.create () in
- let () = encode_request req enc in
+ let () = encode_request_envelope {token=client.session; request=req} enc in
let msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc in
let%lwt () = Message.write client.oc msg in
let%lwt resp = client.ic in
decode_response (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes resp) |> Lwt.return
let get_status client =
let req = Status in
@@ -46,12 +45,13 @@ let get_status client =
Lwt.return resp
let setup_session ?(on_behalf_of=None) client client_app =
+ if BatOption.is_some client.session then Lwt.return (Error "Client is already associated with a session") else
let id = on_behalf_of |> (function None -> None | Some x -> (Some (Int32.of_int x))) in
let req = Setup_session {client_application=(Some client_app); on_behalf_of=id} in
let%lwt resp = do_request client req in
match resp.status with
| Success ->
(match resp.output with
- | Some token -> Lwt.return (Ok token)
- | None -> failwith "setup_session did not return a token!")
+ | Some token -> Lwt.return (Ok {client with session=(Some token)})
+ | None -> failwith "setup_session did not return a session token!")
| _ -> Error (substitute_default "Unknown error" resp.error) |> Lwt.return
diff --git a/src/vyconf_client.mli b/src/vyconf_client.mli
index ff48d86..db9489d 100644
--- a/src/vyconf_client.mli
+++ b/src/vyconf_client.mli
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ val shutdown : t -> t Lwt.t
val get_status : t -> response Lwt.t
-val setup_session : ?on_behalf_of:(int option) -> t -> string -> (string, string) result Lwt.t
+val setup_session : ?on_behalf_of:(int option) -> t -> string -> (t, string) result Lwt.t