path: root/test
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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 3f702ed..812a28c 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -22,7 +22,14 @@ let test_remove_nonexistent test_ctct =
assert_equal (remove (fun x -> x = 3) xs) [1; 2; 4]
(* Replacing an element works *)
+let test_replace_element_existent test_ctxt =
+ let xs = [1; 2; 3; 4] in
+ assert_equal (replace ((=) 3) 7 xs) [1; 2; 7; 4]
+(* Attempt to replace a nonexisten child rauses an exception *)
+let test_replace_element_nonexistent test_ctxt =
+ let xs = [1; 2; 3] in
+ assert_raises Not_found (fun () -> replace ((=) 4) 7 xs)
let suite =
"VyConf list tests" >::: [
@@ -30,6 +37,8 @@ let suite =
"test_find_nonexistent" >:: test_find_nonexistent;
"test_remove_existent" >:: test_remove_existent;
"test_remove_nonexistent" >:: test_remove_nonexistent;
+ "test_replace_element_existent" >:: test_replace_element_existent;
+ "test_replace_element_nonexistent" >:: test_replace_element_nonexistent;
let () =