path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-12-23Make log template and log level configurable.Daniil Baturin
2016-12-15Rename type Vyconf_config.vyconf_config to Vyconf_config.t for brevityDaniil Baturin
It's the only type it exports.
2016-12-14T210: Oops, missing exception handler. mandatory_field raises Missing_fieldDaniil Baturin
2016-12-14T210: Do not use the Result compatibility library, use built-in result type.Daniil Baturin
Use of the Result module from a compatibility library came from using Yojson for config parsing, which uses it for compatibility with older OCaml, since the ('a, 'b) result type appeared in Pervasives only in OCaml 4.03 All projects using vyconf library, however, by definition will be new projects, and will not have any reasons to use older compilers.
2016-12-14T210: use TOML for the vyconf config file.Daniil Baturin
Add an example of the file too.
2016-12-08Fix build for ocaml 4.03Daniil Baturin
Yojson now uses the Result.result type for its decoding functions instead of polymorphic variants.
2015-09-24Add minimal vyconfd config loader.Daniil Baturin