path: root/tests/cloud_tests/images/
diff options
authorScott Moser <>2017-12-05 17:05:29 -0500
committerScott Moser <>2017-12-05 17:05:29 -0500
commit47016791ca5e97d80e45d3f100bc4e5d0b88627d (patch)
tree70f9e5bad3b136abeecd6399b077c82a81953220 /tests/cloud_tests/images/
parent7acc9e68fafbbd7c56587aebe752ba6ba8c8a3db (diff)
tests: consolidate platforms into specific dirs
This groups up each test platform into its own directory rather than having files spread between four different directories for one platform. Platforms tend to be worked on one at a time and so having the platforms together makes more sense than apart.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cloud_tests/images/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cloud_tests/images/ b/tests/cloud_tests/images/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5caeba41..00000000
--- a/tests/cloud_tests/images/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-"""LXD Image Base Class."""
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-from cloudinit import util as c_util
-from tests.cloud_tests.images import base
-from tests.cloud_tests.snapshots import lxd as lxd_snapshot
-from tests.cloud_tests import util
-class LXDImage(base.Image):
- """LXD backed image."""
- platform_name = "lxd"
- def __init__(self, platform, config, pylxd_image):
- """Set up image.
- @param platform: platform object
- @param config: image configuration
- """
- self.modified = False
- self._img_instance = None
- self._pylxd_image = None
- self.pylxd_image = pylxd_image
- super(LXDImage, self).__init__(platform, config)
- @property
- def pylxd_image(self):
- """Property function."""
- if self._pylxd_image:
- self._pylxd_image.sync()
- return self._pylxd_image
- @pylxd_image.setter
- def pylxd_image(self, pylxd_image):
- if self._img_instance:
- self._instance.destroy()
- self._img_instance = None
- if (self._pylxd_image and
- (self._pylxd_image is not pylxd_image) and
- (not self.config.get('cache_base_image') or self.modified)):
- self._pylxd_image.delete(wait=True)
- self.modified = False
- self._pylxd_image = pylxd_image
- @property
- def _instance(self):
- """Internal use only, returns a instance
- This starts an lxc instance from the image, so it is "dirty".
- Better would be some way to modify this "at rest".
- lxc-pstart would be an option."""
- if not self._img_instance:
- self._img_instance = self.platform.launch_container(
-, self.config, self.features,
- use_desc='image-modification', image_desc=str(self),
- image=self.pylxd_image.fingerprint)
- self._img_instance.start()
- return self._img_instance
- @property
- def properties(self):
- """{} containing: 'arch', 'os', 'version', 'release'."""
- properties =
- return {
- 'arch': properties.get('architecture'),
- 'os': properties.get('os'),
- 'version': properties.get('version'),
- 'release': properties.get('release'),
- }
- def export_image(self, output_dir):
- """Export image from lxd image store to (split) tarball on disk.
- @param output_dir: dir to store tarballs in
- @return_value: tuple of path to metadata tarball and rootfs tarball
- """
- # pylxd's image export feature doesn't do split exports, so use cmdline
- c_util.subp(['lxc', 'image', 'export', self.pylxd_image.fingerprint,
- output_dir], capture=True)
- tarballs = [p for p in os.listdir(output_dir) if p.endswith('tar.xz')]
- metadata = os.path.join(
- output_dir, next(p for p in tarballs if p.startswith('meta-')))
- rootfs = os.path.join(
- output_dir, next(p for p in tarballs if not p.startswith('meta-')))
- return (metadata, rootfs)
- def import_image(self, metadata, rootfs):
- """Import image to lxd image store from (split) tarball on disk.
- Note, this will replace and delete the current pylxd_image
- @param metadata: metadata tarball
- @param rootfs: rootfs tarball
- @return_value: imported image fingerprint
- """
- alias = util.gen_instance_name(
- image_desc=str(self), use_desc='update-metadata')
- c_util.subp(['lxc', 'image', 'import', metadata, rootfs,
- '--alias', alias], capture=True)
- self.pylxd_image = self.platform.query_image_by_alias(alias)
- return self.pylxd_image.fingerprint
- def update_templates(self, template_config, template_data):
- """Update the image's template configuration.
- Note, this will replace and delete the current pylxd_image
- @param template_config: config overrides for template metadata
- @param template_data: template data to place into templates/
- """
- # set up tmp files
- export_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util_')
- extract_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cloud_test_util_')
- new_metadata = os.path.join(export_dir, 'new-meta.tar.xz')
- metadata_yaml = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'metadata.yaml')
- template_dir = os.path.join(extract_dir, 'templates')
- try:
- # extract old data
- (metadata, rootfs) = self.export_image(export_dir)
- shutil.unpack_archive(metadata, extract_dir)
- # update metadata
- metadata = c_util.read_conf(metadata_yaml)
- templates = metadata.get('templates', {})
- templates.update(template_config)
- metadata['templates'] = templates
- util.yaml_dump(metadata, metadata_yaml)
- # write out template files
- for name, content in template_data.items():
- path = os.path.join(template_dir, name)
- c_util.write_file(path, content)
- # store new data, mark new image as modified
- util.flat_tar(new_metadata, extract_dir)
- self.import_image(new_metadata, rootfs)
- self.modified = True
- finally:
- # remove tmpfiles
- shutil.rmtree(export_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(extract_dir)
- def _execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Execute command in image, modifying image."""
- return self._instance._execute(*args, **kwargs)
- def push_file(self, local_path, remote_path):
- """Copy file at 'local_path' to instance at 'remote_path'."""
- return self._instance.push_file(local_path, remote_path)
- def run_script(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Run script in image, modifying image.
- @return_value: script output
- """
- return self._instance.run_script(*args, **kwargs)
- def snapshot(self):
- """Create snapshot of image, block until done."""
- # get empty user data to pass in to instance
- # if overrides for user data provided, use them
- empty_userdata = util.update_user_data(
- {}, self.config.get('user_data_overrides', {}))
- conf = {'user.user-data': empty_userdata}
- # clone current instance
- instance = self.platform.launch_container(
-, self.config, self.features,
-, image_desc=str(self),
- use_desc='snapshot', container_config=conf)
- # wait for cloud-init before boot_clean_script is run to ensure
- # /var/lib/cloud is removed cleanly
- instance.start(wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=True)
- if self.config.get('boot_clean_script'):
- instance.run_script(self.config.get('boot_clean_script'))
- # freeze current instance and return snapshot
- instance.freeze()
- return lxd_snapshot.LXDSnapshot(
- self.platform,, self.config,
- self.features, instance)
- def destroy(self):
- """Clean up data associated with image."""
- self.pylxd_image = None
- super(LXDImage, self).destroy()
-# vi: ts=4 expandtab