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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/ b/cloudinit/sources/
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a9150d..00000000
--- a/cloudinit/sources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-# vi: ts=4 expandtab
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd.
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
-# Author: Scott Moser <>
-# Author: Juerg Hafliger <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import cloudinit.UserDataHandler as ud
-import cloudinit.util as util
-import socket
-class DataSource:
- userdata = None
- metadata = None
- userdata_raw = None
- cfgname = ""
- # system config (passed in from cloudinit,
- # cloud-config before input from the DataSource)
- sys_cfg = {}
- # datasource config, the cloud-config['datasource']['__name__']
- ds_cfg = {} # datasource config
- def __init__(self, sys_cfg=None):
- if not self.cfgname:
- name = str(self.__class__).split(".")[-1]
- if name.startswith("DataSource"):
- name = name[len("DataSource"):]
- self.cfgname = name
- if sys_cfg:
- self.sys_cfg = sys_cfg
- self.ds_cfg = util.get_cfg_by_path(self.sys_cfg,
- ("datasource", self.cfgname), self.ds_cfg)
- def get_userdata(self):
- if self.userdata == None:
- self.userdata = ud.preprocess_userdata(self.userdata_raw)
- return self.userdata
- def get_userdata_raw(self):
- return(self.userdata_raw)
- # the data sources' config_obj is a cloud-config formated
- # object that came to it from ways other than cloud-config
- # because cloud-config content would be handled elsewhere
- def get_config_obj(self):
- return({})
- def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
- keys = []
- if 'public-keys' not in self.metadata:
- return([])
- if isinstance(self.metadata['public-keys'], str):
- return(str(self.metadata['public-keys']).splitlines())
- if isinstance(self.metadata['public-keys'], list):
- return(self.metadata['public-keys'])
- for _keyname, klist in self.metadata['public-keys'].items():
- # lp:506332 uec metadata service responds with
- # data that makes boto populate a string for 'klist' rather
- # than a list.
- if isinstance(klist, str):
- klist = [klist]
- for pkey in klist:
- # there is an empty string at the end of the keylist, trim it
- if pkey:
- keys.append(pkey)
- return(keys)
- def device_name_to_device(self, _name):
- # translate a 'name' to a device
- # the primary function at this point is on ec2
- # to consult metadata service, that has
- # ephemeral0: sdb
- # and return 'sdb' for input 'ephemeral0'
- return(None)
- def get_locale(self):
- return('en_US.UTF-8')
- def get_local_mirror(self):
- return None
- def get_instance_id(self):
- if 'instance-id' not in self.metadata:
- return "iid-datasource"
- return(self.metadata['instance-id'])
- def get_hostname(self, fqdn=False):
- defdomain = "localdomain"
- defhost = "localhost"
- domain = defdomain
- if not 'local-hostname' in self.metadata:
- # this is somewhat questionable really.
- # the cloud datasource was asked for a hostname
- # and didn't have one. raising error might be more appropriate
- # but instead, basically look up the existing hostname
- toks = []
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- fqdn = util.get_fqdn_from_hosts(hostname)
- if fqdn and fqdn.find(".") > 0:
- toks = str(fqdn).split(".")
- elif hostname:
- toks = [hostname, defdomain]
- else:
- toks = [defhost, defdomain]
- else:
- # if there is an ipv4 address in 'local-hostname', then
- # make up a hostname (LP: #475354) in format ip-xx.xx.xx.xx
- lhost = self.metadata['local-hostname']
- if is_ipv4(lhost):
- toks = "ip-%s" % lhost.replace(".", "-")
- else:
- toks = lhost.split(".")
- if len(toks) > 1:
- hostname = toks[0]
- domain = '.'.join(toks[1:])
- else:
- hostname = toks[0]
- if fqdn:
- return "%s.%s" % (hostname, domain)
- else:
- return hostname
-# return a list of classes that have the same depends as 'depends'
-# iterate through cfg_list, loading "DataSourceCollections" modules
-# and calling their "get_datasource_list".
-# return an ordered list of classes that match
-# - modules must be named "DataSource<item>", where 'item' is an entry
-# in cfg_list
-# - if pkglist is given, it will iterate try loading from that package
-# ie, pkglist=[ "foo", "" ]
-# will first try to load foo.DataSource<item>
-# then DataSource<item>
-def list_sources(cfg_list, depends, pkglist=None):
- if pkglist is None:
- pkglist = []
- retlist = []
- for ds_coll in cfg_list:
- for pkg in pkglist:
- if pkg:
- pkg = "%s." % pkg
- try:
- mod = __import__("%sDataSource%s" % (pkg, ds_coll))
- if pkg:
- mod = getattr(mod, "DataSource%s" % ds_coll)
- lister = getattr(mod, "get_datasource_list")
- retlist.extend(lister(depends))
- break
- except:
- raise
- return(retlist)
-# depends is a list of dependencies (DEP_FILESYSTEM)
-# dslist is a list of 2 item lists
-# dslist = [
-# ( class, ( depends-that-this-class-needs ) )
-# }
-# it returns a list of 'class' that matched these deps exactly
-# it is a helper function for DataSourceCollections
-def list_from_depends(depends, dslist):
- retlist = []
- depset = set(depends)
- for elem in dslist:
- (cls, deps) = elem
- if depset == set(deps):
- retlist.append(cls)
- return(retlist)
-def is_ipv4(instr):
- """ determine if input string is a ipv4 address. return boolean"""
- toks = instr.split('.')
- if len(toks) != 4:
- return False
- try:
- toks = [x for x in toks if (int(x) < 256 and int(x) > 0)]
- except:
- return False
- return (len(toks) == 4)