diff options
3 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/config/ b/cloudinit/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e40b2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# VyOS unattended installation module
+# Copyright (C) 2023 VyOS Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+"""VyOS Installation: Install VyOS unattendedly"""
+from logging import Logger
+from json import loads as json_loads
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import copy, rmtree
+from shlex import split as shlex_split
+from subprocess import run
+from textwrap import dedent
+from os import sync
+from psutil import disk_partitions
+from cloudinit import log as logging
+from import Cloud
+from cloudinit.util import get_cfg_by_path
+This module installs VyOS unattendedly.
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# VyOS definitions
+VERSION_FILE = '/usr/share/vyos/version.json'
+# a reserved space: 2MB for header, 1 MB for BIOS partition, 256 MB for EFI
+CONST_RESERVED_SPACE: int = (2 + 1 + 256) * 1024**2
+# define directories and paths
+DIR_INSTALLATION: str = '/mnt/installation'
+DIR_DST_ROOT: str = f'{DIR_INSTALLATION}/disk_dst'
+DIR_KERNEL_SRC: str = '/boot/'
+FILE_ROOTFS_SRC: str = '/usr/lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs'
+def get_version() -> str:
+ """Get running VyOS version id
+ Returns:
+ str: version id
+ """
+ version_file: str = Path(VERSION_FILE).read_text()
+ version_data = json_loads(version_file)
+ return version_data.get('version', 'version_unknown')
+def disk_cleanup(drive_path: str) -> None:
+ """Clean up disk partition table (MBR and GPT)
+ Zeroize primary and secondary headers - first and last 17408 bytes
+ (512 bytes * 34 LBA) on a drive
+ Args:
+ drive_path (str): path to a drive that needs to be cleaned
+ """
+ run(shlex_split(f'sgdisk -Z {drive_path}'))
+def parttable_create(drive_path: str, root_size: int) -> None:
+ """Create a hybrid MBR/GPT partition table
+ 0-2047 first sectors are free
+ 2048-4095 sectors - BIOS Boot Partition
+ 4096 + 256 MB - EFI system partition
+ Everything else till the end of a drive - Linux partition
+ Args:
+ drive_path (str): path to a drive
+ """
+ if not root_size:
+ root_size_text: str = '0'
+ else:
+ root_size_text: str = f'+{str(root_size)}K'
+ command: str = f'sgdisk -a1 -n1:2048:4095 -t1:EF02 -n2:4096:+256M \
+ -t2:EF00 -n3:0:{root_size_text} -t3:8300 {drive_path}'
+ run(shlex_split(command))
+ # update partitons in kernel
+ run(shlex_split(f'partx -u {drive_path}'))
+ sync()
+def filesystem_create(partition: str, fstype: str) -> None:
+ """Create a filesystem on a partition
+ Args:
+ partition (str): path to a partition (for example: '/dev/sda1')
+ fstype (str): filesystem type ('efi' or 'ext4')
+ """
+ if fstype == 'efi':
+ command = 'mkfs -t fat -n EFI'
+ run(shlex_split(f'{command} {partition}'))
+ if fstype == 'ext4':
+ command = 'mkfs -t ext4 -L persistence'
+ run(shlex_split(f'{command} {partition}'))
+def partition_mount(partition: str,
+ path: str,
+ fsype: str = '',
+ overlay_params: 'dict[str, str]' = {}) -> None:
+ """Mount a partition into a path
+ Args:
+ partition (str): path to a partition (for example: '/dev/sda1')
+ path (str): a path where to mount
+ fsype (str): optionally, set fstype ('squashfs', 'overlay', 'iso9660')
+ overlay_params (dict): optionally, set overlay parameters.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ if fsype in ['squashfs', 'iso9660']:
+ command: str = f'mount -o loop,ro -t {fsype} {partition} {path}'
+ if fsype == 'overlay' and overlay_params:
+ command: str = f'mount -t overlay -o noatime,\
+ upperdir={overlay_params["upperdir"]},\
+ lowerdir={overlay_params["lowerdir"]},\
+ workdir={overlay_params["workdir"]} overlay {path}'
+ else:
+ command = f'mount {partition} {path}'
+ run(shlex_split(command))
+def partition_umount(partition: str = '', path: str = '') -> None:
+ """Umount a partition by a partition name or a path
+ Args:
+ partition (str): path to a partition (for example: '/dev/sda1')
+ path (str): a path where a partition is mounted
+ """
+ if partition:
+ command: str = f'umount {partition}'
+ run(shlex_split(command))
+ if path:
+ command = f'umount {path}'
+ run(shlex_split(command))
+def disks_size() -> 'dict[str, int]':
+ """Get a dictionary with physical disks and their sizes
+ Returns:
+ dict[str, int]: a dictionary with name: size mapping
+ """
+ disks_size: dict[str, int] = {}
+ lsblk: str = run(shlex_split('lsblk -Jbp'),
+ capture_output=True).stdout.decode()
+ blk_list = json_loads(lsblk)
+ for device in blk_list.get('blockdevices'):
+ if device['type'] == 'disk':
+ disks_size.update({device['name']: device['size']})
+ return disks_size
+def find_disk() -> 'tuple[str, int]':
+ """Find a target disk for installation
+ Returns:
+ tuple[str, int]: disk name and size in bytes
+ """
+ # check for available disks
+ disks_available: dict[str, int] = disks_size()
+ if not disks_available:
+ return '', 0
+ for disk_name, disk_size in disks_available.copy().items():
+ # minimum 2 GB
+ if disk_size > 2147483648:
+ return disk_name, disk_size
+ return '', 0
+def prepare_tmp_disr() -> None:
+ """Create temporary directories for installation
+ """
+ dirpath = Path(DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ dirpath.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)
+def cleanup(mounts: 'list[str]' = [], remove_items: 'list[str]' = []) -> None:
+ """Clean up after installation
+ Args:
+ mounts (list[str], optional): List of mounts to unmount.
+ Defaults to [].
+ remove_items (list[str], optional): List of files or directories
+ to remove. Defaults to [].
+ """
+ # clean up installation directory by default
+ mounts_all = disk_partitions(all=True)
+ for mounted_device in mounts_all:
+ if mounted_device.mountpoint.startswith(DIR_INSTALLATION) and not (
+ mounted_device.device in mounts or
+ mounted_device.mountpoint in mounts):
+ mounts.append(mounted_device.mountpoint)
+ # add installation dir to cleanup list
+ if DIR_INSTALLATION not in remove_items:
+ remove_items.append(DIR_INSTALLATION)
+ if mounts:
+ for mountpoint in mounts:
+ partition_umount(mountpoint)
+ if remove_items:
+ for remove_item in remove_items:
+ if Path(remove_item).exists():
+ if Path(remove_item).is_file():
+ Path(remove_item).unlink()
+ if Path(remove_item).is_dir():
+ rmtree(remove_item)
+def grub_install(drive_path: str, boot_dir: str, efi_dir: str) -> None:
+ """Install GRUB for both BIOS and EFI modes (hybrid boot)
+ Args:
+ drive_path (str): path to a drive where GRUB must be installed
+ boot_dir (str): a path to '/boot' directory
+ efi_dir (str): a path to '/boot/efi' directory
+ """
+ commands: list[str] = [
+ f'grub-install --no-floppy --target=i386-pc \
+ --boot-directory={boot_dir} {drive_path} --force',
+ f'grub-install --no-floppy --recheck --target=x86_64-efi \
+ --force-extra-removable --boot-directory={boot_dir} \
+ --efi-directory={efi_dir} --bootloader-id="VyOS" \
+ --no-uefi-secure-boot'
+ ]
+ for command in commands:
+ run(shlex_split(command))
+def grub_configure(grub_dir: str, vyos_version: str,
+ boot_params: 'dict[str, str]') -> None:
+ """Configure GRUB
+ Args:
+ grub_dir (str): path to GRUB folder
+ vyos_version (str): VyOS version id
+ boot_params (dict[str, str]): boot parameters
+ """
+ if boot_params['console_type'] == 'kvm':
+ default_boot = 0
+ elif boot_params['console_type'] == 'serial':
+ default_boot = 1
+ grub_cfg_content: str = dedent(f'''
+ # load EFI video modules
+ if [ "${{grub_platform}}" == "efi" ]; then
+ insmod efi_gop
+ insmod efi_uga
+ fi
+ set default={default_boot}
+ set timeout=5
+ serial --unit={boot_params['serial_console_num']} --speed={boot_params['serial_console_speed']}
+ terminal_output --append serial console
+ terminal_input --append serial console
+ menuentry "VyOS { vyos_version } (KVM console)" {{
+ linux /boot/{ vyos_version }/vmlinuz boot=live rootdelay=5 noautologin net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 vyos-union=/boot/{ vyos_version } console=tty0
+ initrd /boot/{ vyos_version }/initrd.img
+ }}
+ menuentry "VyOS { vyos_version } (Serial console)" {{
+ linux /boot/{ vyos_version }/vmlinuz boot=live rootdelay=5 noautologin net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 vyos-union=/boot/{ vyos_version } console=ttyS{boot_params['serial_console_num']},{boot_params['serial_console_speed']}
+ initrd /boot/{ vyos_version }/initrd.img
+ }}
+ menuentry "VyOS { vyos_version } - password reset (KVM console)" {{
+ linux /boot/{ vyos_version }/vmlinuz boot=live rootdelay=5 noautologin net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 vyos-union=/boot/{ vyos_version } console=tty0 init=/opt/vyatta/sbin/standalone_root_pw_reset
+ initrd /boot/{ vyos_version }/initrd.img
+ }}
+ menuentry "VyOS { vyos_version } - password reset (Serial console)" {{
+ linux /boot/{ vyos_version }/vmlinuz boot=live rootdelay=5 noautologin net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 vyos-union=/boot/{ vyos_version } console=ttyS{boot_params['serial_console_num']},{boot_params['serial_console_speed']} init=/opt/vyatta/sbin/standalone_root_pw_reset
+ initrd /boot/{ vyos_version }/initrd.img
+ }}
+ ''')
+ grub_cfg_file = Path(f'{grub_dir}/grub.cfg')
+ grub_cfg_file.write_text(grub_cfg_content)
+def handle(name: str, cfg: dict, cloud: Cloud, _: Logger, args: list) -> None:
+ # check if installation is activated in config
+ install_activated: bool = get_cfg_by_path(cfg, 'vyos_install/activated',
+ False)
+ if not install_activated:
+'Installation is not activated in configuration')
+ return
+ # Find a version name to use later
+ image_name: str = get_version()
+ LOG.debug(f'version to be installed: {image_name}')
+ # define target drive
+ install_target, target_size = find_disk()
+ # add prefix to partitions
+ part_prefix: str = ''
+ for dev_type in ['nvme', 'mmcblk']:
+ if dev_type in install_target:
+ part_prefix = 'p'
+ install_target, target_size = find_disk()
+ f'system will be installed to {install_target} ({target_size} bytes)')
+ # define target rootfs size in KB (smallest unit acceptable by sgdisk)
+ rootfs_size: int = (target_size - CONST_RESERVED_SPACE) // 1024
+'rootfs size: {rootfs_size} bytes')
+ # create partitions
+ disk_cleanup(install_target)
+'disk cleaned')
+ parttable_create(install_target, rootfs_size)
+'partitin table created')
+ filesystem_create(f'{install_target}{part_prefix}2', 'efi')
+'efi filesystem created')
+ filesystem_create(f'{install_target}{part_prefix}3', 'ext4')
+'ext4 filesystem created')
+ # create directiroes for installation media
+ prepare_tmp_disr()
+'prepared temporary folders for installation')
+ # mount target filesystem and create required dirs inside
+ partition_mount(f'{install_target}{part_prefix}3', DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ f'partiton {install_target}{part_prefix}3 mouted to {DIR_DST_ROOT}')
+ Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi').mkdir(parents=True)
+ partition_mount(f'{install_target}{part_prefix}2',
+ f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi')
+ f'partiton {install_target}{part_prefix}2 mouted to {DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi'
+ )
+ # a config dir. It is the deepest one, so the comand will
+ # create all the rest in a single step
+ target_config_dir: str = f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/rw/opt/vyatta/etc/config/'
+ Path(target_config_dir).mkdir(parents=True)
+ # copy config
+ copy('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot', target_config_dir)
+ Path(f'{target_config_dir}/.vyatta_config').touch()
+'configuration copied from running system')
+ # create a persistence.conf
+ Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/persistence.conf').write_text('/ union\n')
+'root filesystem marked as persistent')
+ # copy system image and kernel files
+ for file in Path(DIR_KERNEL_SRC).iterdir():
+ if file.is_file():
+ copy(file, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/')
+'{file} installed into {DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/')
+ f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/{image_name}.squashfs')
+ f'{FILE_ROOTFS_SRC} installed into {DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/{image_name}.squashfs'
+ )
+ # install GRUB
+ grub_install(install_target, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/',
+ f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi')
+'GRUB installed')
+ # configure GRUB
+ boot_params: dict[str, str] = {
+ 'console_type':
+ get_cfg_by_path(cfg, 'vyos_install/boot_params/console_type',
+ 'kvm'),
+ 'serial_console_num':
+ get_cfg_by_path(cfg, 'vyos_install/boot_params/serial_console_num',
+ '0'),
+ 'serial_console_speed':
+ get_cfg_by_path(cfg,
+ 'vyos_install/boot_params/serial_console_speed',
+ '9600')
+ }
+ grub_configure(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/grub', image_name, boot_params)
+'GRUB configured')
+ # check if we need to disable Cloud-init
+ if get_cfg_by_path(cfg, 'vyos_install/ci_disable', False):
+'Disabling Cloud-init')
+ Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/rw/etc/cloud').mkdir(
+ parents=True)
+ Path(
+ f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/rw/etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled'
+ ).touch()
+ # umount filesystems and remove temporary files
+ cleanup(
+ [f'{install_target}{part_prefix}2', f'{install_target}{part_prefix}3'],
+ ['/mnt/installation'])
+'temporary resources freed up')
+ # check if we need to reboot
+ if get_cfg_by_path(cfg, 'vyos_install/post_reboot', False):
+ LOG.warn('Adding reboot trigger to postconfig script')
+ script_file = Path(
+ '/opt/vyatta/etc/config/scripts/vyos-postconfig-bootup.script')
+ script_file_data: str = script_file.read_text() + '\nsystemctl reboot\n'
+ script_file.write_text(script_file_data)
+ # sync just in case
+ sync()
diff --git a/config/cloud.cfg.d/10_vyos.cfg b/config/cloud.cfg.d/10_vyos.cfg
index d4415126..18595a3c 100644
--- a/config/cloud.cfg.d/10_vyos.cfg
+++ b/config/cloud.cfg.d/10_vyos.cfg
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ cloud_config_modules:
- vyos
- write_files
- vyos_userdata
+ - vyos_install
# The modules that run in the 'final' stage
cloud_final_modules: []
diff --git a/config/cloud.cfg.d/20_vyos_install.cfg b/config/cloud.cfg.d/20_vyos_install.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0083af68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/cloud.cfg.d/20_vyos_install.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Unattended installation
+# vyos_install:
+# activated: true # true - enable installer, false - disable. Default: false
+# post_reboot: true # true - reboot after installation, false - do not reboot. Default: false
+# ci_disable: true # true - disable cloud-init after installation, false - do not disable. Default: false
+# boot_params:
+# console_type: serial # type of console: kvm, serial. Default: kvm
+# serial_console_num: 1 # serial console number. Default: 0
+# serial_console_speed: 115200 # serial console speed. Default: 9600