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diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/azure.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/azure.rst
index 559011ef..f73c3694 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/azure.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources/azure.rst
@@ -57,6 +57,52 @@ in order to use waagent.conf with cloud-init, the following settings are recomme
+The following configuration can be set for the datasource in system
+configuration (in `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg` or `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/`).
+The settings that may be configured are:
+ * **agent_command**: Either __builtin__ (default) or a command to run to getcw
+ metadata. If __builtin__, get metadata from walinuxagent. Otherwise run the
+ provided command to obtain metadata.
+ * **apply_network_config**: Boolean set to True to use network configuration
+ described by Azure's IMDS endpoint instead of fallback network config of
+ dhcp on eth0. Default is True. For Ubuntu 16.04 or earlier, default is False.
+ * **data_dir**: Path used to read metadata files and write crawled data.
+ * **dhclient_lease_file**: The fallback lease file to source when looking for
+ custom DHCP option 245 from Azure fabric.
+ * **disk_aliases**: A dictionary defining which device paths should be
+ interpreted as ephemeral images. See cc_disk_setup module for more info.
+ * **hostname_bounce**: A dictionary Azure hostname bounce behavior to react to
+ metadata changes.
+ * **hostname_bounce**: A dictionary Azure hostname bounce behavior to react to
+ metadata changes. Azure will throttle ifup/down in some cases after metadata
+ has been updated to inform dhcp server about updated hostnames.
+ * **set_hostname**: Boolean set to True when we want Azure to set the hostname
+ based on metadata.
+An example configuration with the default values is provided below:
+.. sourcecode:: yaml
+ datasource:
+ Azure:
+ agent_command: __builtin__
+ apply_network_config: true
+ data_dir: /var/lib/waagent
+ dhclient_lease_file: /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases
+ disk_aliases:
+ ephemeral0: /dev/disk/cloud/azure_resource
+ hostname_bounce:
+ interface: eth0
+ command: builtin
+ policy: true
+ hostname_command: hostname
+ set_hostname: true
Userdata is provided to cloud-init inside the ovf-env.xml file. Cloud-init
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/instancedata.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/instancedata.rst
index 634e1807..5d2dc948 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/instancedata.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/instancedata.rst
@@ -90,24 +90,46 @@ There are three basic top-level keys:
The standardized keys present:
-| Key path | Description | Examples |
-| v1.cloud_name | The name of the cloud provided by metadata | aws, openstack, azure, |
-| | key 'cloud-name' or the cloud-init datasource | configdrive, nocloud, |
-| | name which was discovered. | ovf, etc. |
-| v1.instance_id | Unique instance_id allocated by the cloud | i-<somehash> |
-| v1.local_hostname | The internal or local hostname of the system | ip-10-41-41-70, |
-| | | <user-provided-hostname> |
-| v1.region | The physical region/datacenter in which the | us-east-2 |
-| | instance is deployed | |
-| v1.availability_zone | The physical availability zone in which the | us-east-2b, nova, null |
-| | instance is deployed | |
+| Key path | Description | Examples |
+| v1._beta_keys | List of standardized keys still in 'beta'. | [subplatform] |
+| | The format, intent or presence of these keys | |
+| | can change. Do not consider them | |
+| | production-ready. | |
+| v1.cloud_name | Where possible this will indicate the 'name' | aws, openstack, azure, |
+| | of the cloud this system is running on. This | configdrive, nocloud, |
+| | is specifically different than the 'platform' | ovf, etc. |
+| | below. As an example, the name of Amazon Web | |
+| | Services is 'aws' while the platform is 'ec2'.| |
+| | | |
+| | If no specific name is determinable or | |
+| | provided in meta-data, then this field may | |
+| | contain the same content as 'platform'. | |
+| v1.instance_id | Unique instance_id allocated by the cloud | i-<somehash> |
+| v1.local_hostname | The internal or local hostname of the system | ip-10-41-41-70, |
+| | | <user-provided-hostname> |
+| v1.platform | An attempt to identify the cloud platform | ec2, openstack, lxd, gce |
+| | instance that the system is running on. | nocloud, ovf |
+| v1.subplatform | Additional platform details describing the | metadata (,|
+| | specific source or type of metadata used. | seed-dir (/path/to/seed-dir/), |
+| | The format of subplatform will be: | config-disk (/dev/cd0), |
+| | <subplatform_type> (<url_file_or_dev_path>) | configdrive (/dev/sr0) |
+| v1.public_ssh_keys | A list of ssh keys provided to the instance | ['ssh-rsa AA...', ...] |
+| | by the datasource metadata. | |
+| v1.region | The physical region/datacenter in which the | us-east-2 |
+| | instance is deployed | |
+| v1.availability_zone | The physical availability zone in which the | us-east-2b, nova, null |
+| | instance is deployed | |
Below is an example of ``/run/cloud-init/instance_data.json`` on an EC2
@@ -117,10 +139,75 @@ instance:
"base64_encoded_keys": [],
- "sensitive_keys": [],
"ds": {
- "meta_data": {
- "ami-id": "ami-014e1416b628b0cbf",
+ "_doc": "EXPERIMENTAL: The structure and format of content scoped under the 'ds' key may change in subsequent releases of cloud-init.",
+ "_metadata_api_version": "2016-09-02",
+ "dynamic": {
+ "instance-identity": {
+ "document": {
+ "accountId": "437526006925",
+ "architecture": "x86_64",
+ "availabilityZone": "us-east-2b",
+ "billingProducts": null,
+ "devpayProductCodes": null,
+ "imageId": "ami-079638aae7046bdd2",
+ "instanceId": "i-075f088c72ad3271c",
+ "instanceType": "t2.micro",
+ "kernelId": null,
+ "marketplaceProductCodes": null,
+ "pendingTime": "2018-10-05T20:10:43Z",
+ "privateIp": "",
+ "ramdiskId": null,
+ "region": "us-east-2",
+ "version": "2017-09-30"
+ },
+ "pkcs7": [
+ "ICJkZXZwYXlQcm9kdWN0Q29kZXMiIDogbnVsbCwKICAibWFya2V0cGxhY2VQcm9kdWN0Q29kZXMi",
+ "IDogbnVsbCwKICAicHJpdmF0ZUlwIiA6ICIxMC40MS40MS45NSIsCiAgInZlcnNpb24iIDogIjIw",
+ "bGluZ1Byb2R1Y3RzIiA6IG51bGwsCiAgImluc3RhbmNlVHlwZSIgOiAidDIubWljcm8iLAogICJh",
+ "Y2NvdW50SWQiIDogIjQzNzUyNjAwNjkyNSIsCiAgImF2YWlsYWJpbGl0eVpvbmUiIDogInVzLWVh",
+ "ZDIiLAogICJwZW5kaW5nVGltZSIgOiAiMjAxOC0xMC0wNVQyMDoxMDo0M1oiLAogICJyZWdpb24i",
+ "Tz6n1A8/zU1AzFj0riNQORw2MAkGByqGSM44BAMELjAsAhRNrr174y98grPBVXUforN/6wZp8AIU",
+ ],
+ "rsa2048": [
+ "ImJpbGxpbmdQcm9kdWN0cyIgOiBudWxsLAogICJpbnN0YW5jZVR5cGUiIDogInQyLm1pY3JvIiwK",
+ "ICAiYWNjb3VudElkIiA6ICI0Mzc1MjYwMDY5MjUiLAogICJhdmFpbGFiaWxpdHlab25lIiA6ICJ1",
+ "cy1lYXN0LTJiIiwKICAia2VybmVsSWQiIDogbnVsbCwKICAicmFtZGlza0lkIiA6IG51bGwsCiAg",
+ "CQQxIgQgkYz0pZk3zJKBi4KP4egeOKJl/UYwu5UdE7id74pmPwMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEA",
+ "dC3uIGGNul1OC1mJKSH3XoBWsYH20J/xhIdftYBoXHGf2BSFsrs9ZscXd2rKAKea4pSPOZEYMXgz",
+ "lPuT7W0WU89N3ZKviy/ReMSRjmI/jJmsY1lea6mlgcsJXreBXFMYucZvyeWGHdnCjamoKWXkmZlM",
+ "mSB1gshWy8Y7DzoKviYPQZi5aI54XK2Upt4kGme1tH1NI2Cq+hM4K+adxTbNhS3uzvWaWzMklUuU",
+ "fmkjI2pNRB8spc0k4UG4egqLrqCz67WuK38tjwAAAAAAAA=="
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "Tsw6h+V3WnxrNVSXBYIOs1V4j95YR1mLPPH45XnhX0/Ei3waJqf7/7EEKGYP1Cr4PTYEULtZ7Mvf",
+ "+xJpM50Ivs2bdF7o0c4vnplRWe3f06NI9pv50dr110j/wNzP4MZ1pLhJCqubQOaaBTF3LFutgRrt",
+ "r4B0mN3p7EcqD8G+ll0="
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "meta-data": {
+ "ami-id": "ami-079638aae7046bdd2",
"ami-launch-index": "0",
"ami-manifest-path": "(unknown)",
"block-device-mapping": {
@@ -129,31 +216,31 @@ instance:
"ephemeral1": "sdc",
"root": "/dev/sda1"
- "hostname": "",
+ "hostname": "",
"instance-action": "none",
- "instance-id": "i-04fa31cfc55aa7976",
+ "instance-id": "i-075f088c72ad3271c",
"instance-type": "t2.micro",
- "local-hostname": "",
- "local-ipv4": "",
- "mac": "06:b6:92:dd:9d:24",
+ "local-hostname": "",
+ "local-ipv4": "",
+ "mac": "06:74:8f:39:cd:a6",
"metrics": {
"vhostmd": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
"network": {
"interfaces": {
"macs": {
- "06:b6:92:dd:9d:24": {
+ "06:74:8f:39:cd:a6": {
"device-number": "0",
- "interface-id": "eni-08c0c9fdb99b6e6f4",
+ "interface-id": "eni-052058bbd7831eaae",
"ipv4-associations": {
- "": ""
+ "": ""
- "local-hostname": "",
- "local-ipv4s": "",
- "mac": "06:b6:92:dd:9d:24",
+ "local-hostname": "",
+ "local-ipv4s": "",
+ "mac": "06:74:8f:39:cd:a6",
"owner-id": "437526006925",
- "public-hostname": "",
- "public-ipv4s": "",
+ "public-hostname": "",
+ "public-ipv4s": "",
"security-group-ids": "sg-828247e9",
"security-groups": "Cloud-init integration test secgroup",
"subnet-id": "subnet-282f3053",
@@ -171,16 +258,14 @@ instance:
"availability-zone": "us-east-2b"
"profile": "default-hvm",
- "public-hostname": "",
- "public-ipv4": "",
+ "public-hostname": "",
+ "public-ipv4": "",
"public-keys": {
"cloud-init-integration": [
- "ssh-rsa
- AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDSL7uWGj8cgWyIOaspgKdVy0cKJ+UTjfv7jBOjG2H/GN8bJVXy72XAvnhM0dUM+CCs8FOf0YlPX+Frvz2hKInrmRhZVwRSL129PasD12MlI3l44u6IwS1o/W86Q+tkQYEljtqDOo0a+cOsaZkvUNzUyEXUwz/lmYa6G4hMKZH4NBj7nbAAF96wsMCoyNwbWryBnDYUr6wMbjRR1J9Pw7Xh7WRC73wy4Va2YuOgbD3V/5ZrFPLbWZW/7TFXVrql04QVbyei4aiFR5n//GvoqwQDNe58LmbzX/xvxyKJYdny2zXmdAhMxbrpFQsfpkJ9E/H5w0yOdSvnWbUoG5xNGoOB
- cloud-init-integration"
+ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDSL7uWGj8cgWyIOaspgKdVy0cKJ+UTjfv7jBOjG2H/GN8bJVXy72XAvnhM0dUM+CCs8FOf0YlPX+Frvz2hKInrmRhZVwRSL129PasD12MlI3l44u6IwS1o/W86Q+tkQYEljtqDOo0a+cOsaZkvUNzUyEXUwz/lmYa6G4hMKZH4NBj7nbAAF96wsMCoyNwbWryBnDYUr6wMbjRR1J9Pw7Xh7WRC73wy4Va2YuOgbD3V/5ZrFPLbWZW/7TFXVrql04QVbyei4aiFR5n//GvoqwQDNe58LmbzX/xvxyKJYdny2zXmdAhMxbrpFQsfpkJ9E/H5w0yOdSvnWbUoG5xNGoOB cloud-init-integration"
- "reservation-id": "r-06ab75e9346f54333",
+ "reservation-id": "r-0594a20e31f6cfe46",
"security-groups": "Cloud-init integration test secgroup",
"services": {
"domain": "",
@@ -188,16 +273,22 @@ instance:
+ "sensitive_keys": [],
"v1": {
+ "_beta_keys": [
+ "subplatform"
+ ],
"availability-zone": "us-east-2b",
"availability_zone": "us-east-2b",
- "cloud-name": "aws",
"cloud_name": "aws",
- "instance-id": "i-04fa31cfc55aa7976",
- "instance_id": "i-04fa31cfc55aa7976",
- "local-hostname": "ip-10-41-41-70",
- "local_hostname": "ip-10-41-41-70",
- "region": "us-east-2"
+ "instance_id": "i-075f088c72ad3271c",
+ "local_hostname": "ip-10-41-41-95",
+ "platform": "ec2",
+ "public_ssh_keys": [
+ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDSL7uWGj8cgWyIOaspgKdVy0cKJ+UTjfv7jBOjG2H/GN8bJVXy72XAvnhM0dUM+CCs8FOf0YlPX+Frvz2hKInrmRhZVwRSL129PasD12MlI3l44u6IwS1o/W86Q+tkQYEljtqDOo0a+cOsaZkvUNzUyEXUwz/lmYa6G4hMKZH4NBj7nbAAF96wsMCoyNwbWryBnDYUr6wMbjRR1J9Pw7Xh7WRC73wy4Va2YuOgbD3V/5ZrFPLbWZW/7TFXVrql04QVbyei4aiFR5n//GvoqwQDNe58LmbzX/xvxyKJYdny2zXmdAhMxbrpFQsfpkJ9E/H5w0yOdSvnWbUoG5xNGoOB cloud-init-integration"
+ ],
+ "region": "us-east-2",
+ "subplatform": "metadata ("
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/network-config-format-v1.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/network-config-format-v1.rst
index 3b0148ca..9723d689 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/network-config-format-v1.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/network-config-format-v1.rst
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Valid keys for ``subnets`` include the following:
- ``address``: IPv4 or IPv6 address. It may include CIDR netmask notation.
- ``netmask``: IPv4 subnet mask in dotted format or CIDR notation.
- ``gateway``: IPv4 address of the default gateway for this subnet.
-- ``dns_nameserver``: Specify a list of IPv4 dns server IPs to end up in
+- ``dns_nameservers``: Specify a list of IPv4 dns server IPs to end up in
- ``dns_search``: Specify a list of search paths to be included in