path: root/cloudinit/config
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-06cc_vyos: T6007: Run config migrations before Cloud-initzsdc
2023-12-29cc_vyos: T5862: Fixed network configurationzsdc
2023-12-15vyos_install: T5220: Fixed unbound variableszsdc
2023-10-27vyos_install: T5220: Added `cmdline_extra` optionzsdc
2023-10-11vyos_install: T5220: Removed excessive codezsdc
2023-10-11vyos_install: T5220: Fixed GRUB templatezsdc
2023-10-11vyos_install: T5220: Copy the whole config folder during installationzsdc
2023-08-17Merge pull request #65 from zdc/T5220-equuleuszdc
2023-06-23installer: T5220: Added unattended installerzsdc
2023-06-23cc_vyos: T2117: Backported changes from sagittazsdc
2023-02-16network: T5012: Added a new option for network-config controlzsdc
2023-01-27network-config: T4954: Fixed DNS settingszsdc
2023-01-03user-data: T4895: Fixed tag nodes processingzsdc
2022-05-03T4407: Applied workaround for network-config v2zsdc
2022-03-25T2117: Cloud-init updated to 22.1zsdc
2022-03-11interfaces: T4296: Deconfigure network config applied by Cloud-Initzsdc
2022-02-14docs: Add more details to runcmd docs (#1266)James Falcon
2022-02-14use PEP 589 syntax for TypeDict (#1253)Brett Holman
2022-02-10mounts: fix mount opts string for ephemeral disk (#1250)Chris Patterson
2022-02-04cc_salt_minion freebsd fix for rc.conf (#1236)Brett Holman
2022-02-04Add _netdev option to mount Azure ephemeral disk (#1213)Eduardo Otubo
2022-01-31Schema a d (#1211)Chad Smith
2022-01-28update ssh logs to show ssh private key gens pub and simplify code (#1221)Steve Weber
2022-01-27Include POST format in cc_phone_home docs (#1218)James Falcon
2022-01-21cc_rsyslog: fix typo in docstring (#1207)Louis Sautier
2022-01-18Single JSON schema validation in early boot (#1175)Chad Smith
2022-01-12Add new config module to set keyboard layout (#1176)maxnet
2022-01-10Remove 3.5 and xenial support (SC-711) (#1167)James Falcon
2022-01-10pylint: silence errors on compat code for old jsonschema (#1172)Paride Legovini
2022-01-06Don't throw exceptions for empty cloud config (#1130)Brett Holman
2022-01-04Update cc_ubuntu_advantage calls to assume-yes (#1158)John Chittum
2021-12-15Adopt Black and isort (SC-700) (#1157)James Falcon
2021-12-13Schema processing changes (SC-676) (#1144)James Falcon
2021-12-07Add miraclelinux support (#1128)Haruki TSURUMOTO
2021-12-06Add Strict Metaschema Validation (#1101)Brett Holman
2021-12-03Reorganize unit test locations under tests/unittests (#1126)Brett Holman prevent duplicate messages on console (#1081)dermotbradley
2021-11-22testing: monkeypatch system_info call in unit tests (SC-533) (#1117)James Falcon
2021-11-01Fix unhandled apt_configure case. (#1065)Brett Holman
2021-10-29Allow libexec for hotplug (#1088)James Falcon
2021-10-29Remove (deprecated) apt-key (#1068)Brett Holman Add configuration for controlling ssh-keygen output (#1083)dermotbradley
2021-10-27Add "install hotplug" module (SC-476) (#1069)James Falcon
2021-10-25Add module 'write-files-deferred' executed in stage 'final' (#916)Lucendio
2021-10-20Leave the details of service management to the distro (#1074)Andy Fiddaman fix private key group owner and permissions (#1070)Emanuele Giuseppe Esposito
2021-10-15testing: add get_cloud function (SC-461) (#1038)James Falcon
2021-10-08Use specified tmp location for growpart (#1046)jshen28
2021-10-07Allow comments in runcmd and report failed commands correctly (#1049)Brett Holman
2021-09-29Make wording for module frequency consistent (#1039)Nicolas Bock