path: root/tests/unittests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-03-31tests: update OpenNebula and Digital Ocean to not rely on host interfaces.Scott Moser
2017-03-30net: in netplan renderer delete known image-builtin content.Scott Moser
2017-03-27GCE: Search GCE in ds-identify, consider serial number in check.Scott Moser
2017-03-24Fix filesystem creation when using "partition: auto"Jonathan Ballet
2017-03-22advertise network config v2 support (NETWORK_CONFIG_V2) in features.Scott Moser
2017-03-21Fix unit test when running in a system deployed with cloud-init.Scott Moser add network config v2 parsing and renderingRyan Harper
2017-03-17net: add renderers for automatically selecting the renderer.Scott Moser
2017-03-17render_network_state: switch arguments around, do not require targetScott Moser
2017-03-17support 'loopback' as a device type.Scott Moser
2017-03-07net: support both ipv4 and ipv6 gateways in sysconfig.Lars Kellogg-Stedman
2017-03-07net: do not raise exception for > 3 nameserversLars Kellogg-Stedman
2017-02-17flake8: fix flake8 complaints in previous commit.Scott Moser
2017-02-17net: correct errors in cloudinit/net/sysconfig.pyLars Kellogg-Stedman
2017-02-14apply the runtime configuration written by ds-identify.Scott Moser
2017-01-25Fix eni rendering of multiple IPs per interfaceRyan Harper
2017-01-24tests: remove executable bit on test_net, so it runs, and fix it.Scott Moser
2017-01-24tests: No longer monkey patch httpretty for python 3.4.2Scott Moser
2017-01-24Add 3 ecdsa-sha2-nistp* ssh key types now that they are standardizedLars Kellogg-Stedman
2017-01-24reset httppretty for each testLars Kellogg-Stedman
2017-01-20EC2: Do not cache security credentials on diskAndrew Jorgensen
2017-01-17OpenStack: Use timeout and retries from config in get_data.Lars Kellogg-Stedman
2017-01-11Get early logging logged, including failures of cmdline url.Scott Moser
2016-12-22LICENSE: Allow dual licensing GPL-3 or Apache 2.0Jon Grimm
2016-12-21Fix config order of precedence, putting kernel command line over system.Wesley Wiedenmeier
2016-12-19network: add ENI unit test for statically rendered routes.Scott Moser
2016-12-19user-groups: fix bug when groups was provided as string and had spacesScott Moser
2016-12-11CloudSigma: Fix bug where datasource was not loaded in local search.Scott Moser
2016-12-02Replace usage of sys_netdev_info with read_sys_netJoshua Harlow
2016-12-02fix problems found in python2.6 test.Joshua Harlow
2016-11-22tests: fix assumptions that expected no eth0 in system.Scott Moser
2016-11-22net/cmdline: Consider ip= or ip6= on command line not only ip=Scott Moser
2016-11-22Improve formatting for ProcessExecutionErrorWesley Wiedenmeier
2016-11-22flake8: fix trailing white spaceScott Moser
2016-11-22cloudinit/config/ Remove repos before addingBrent Baude
2016-11-22Azure: No longer rely on walinux agent.Scott Moser
2016-11-22disk_setup: Use sectors as unit when formatting MBR disks with sfdisk.Daniel Watkins
2016-11-18Add activate_datasource, for datasource specific code paths.Scott Moser
2016-11-07pyflakes: fix issue with pyflakes 1.3 found in ubuntu zesty-proposed.Scott Moser
2016-11-01dmidecode: Allow dmidecode to be used on aarch64Robert Schweikert
2016-11-01AliYun: Add new datasource for Ali-Cloud ECSkaihuan.pkh
2016-10-24unittests: do not read system /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.dScott Moser
2016-10-20Add support for snap create-user on Ubuntu Core images.Ryan Harper
2016-10-19OpenNebula: replace 'ip' parsing with usage.Scott Moser
2016-10-19Fix python2.6 things found running in centos 6.Scott Moser
2016-10-19Move user/group functions to new ug_util fileJoshua Harlow
2016-10-07tests: silence the Cheetah UserWarning about NameMapper C version.Scott Moser
2016-10-04unittests: fix use of mock 2.0 'assert_called' when running make checkRyan Harper
2016-09-29lxd: Update network config for LXD 2.3Stéphane Graber
2016-09-29DigitalOcean: use meta-data for network configruationBen Howard