path: root/docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst
diff options
authorRobert Göhler <>2024-02-27 21:12:27 +0100
committerGitHub <>2024-02-27 21:12:27 +0100
commita8d2dedab21b996f1aac86d360089a6dbc8e6963 (patch)
tree3e4357c0cfb3be4296891be8d9ef7e8ab57665e0 /docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst
parentdeb4e15e51e2b5f5b281f0e17961a5c10d036bfe (diff)
parent2c3553ef8828748fdbd4938f758e6bfb6170f869 (diff)
Merge pull request #1293 from aapostoliuk/ipoe-circinus
Rewritten the IPoE server documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst b/docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst
index ed4ade1a..5608c27c 100644
--- a/docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst
+++ b/docs/configuration/service/ipoe-server.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-.. include:: /_include/need_improvement.txt
.. _ipoe_server:
@@ -24,8 +22,9 @@ functionality as PPPoE, but in a less robust manner.
will restart the ppp daemon and will reset existing IPoE sessions,
in order to become effective.
+Configuring IPoE Server
IPoE can be configure on different interfaces, it will depend on each specific
situation which interface will provide IPoE to clients. The clients mac address
@@ -39,158 +38,417 @@ the configuration.
.. code-block:: none
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth2 mac 08:00:27:2f:d8:06
- set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'local'
- set service ipoe-server name-server ''
- set service ipoe-server name-server ''
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 client-subnet ''
+ set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ''
+ set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.100 mac 00:50:79:66:68:00
+ set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.101 mac 00:50:79:66:68:01
+ set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'local'
+ set service ipoe-server client-ip-pool IPOE-POOL range ''
+ set service ipoe-server default-pool 'IPOE-POOL'
+ set service ipoe-server gateway-address ''
+ set service ipoe-server interface eth1 mode 'l2'
+ set service ipoe-server interface eth1 network 'vlan'
+ set service ipoe-server interface eth1 vlan '100-200'
-The first address of the parameter ``client-subnet``, will be used as the
-default gateway. Connected sessions can be checked via the ``show ipoe-server
-sessions`` command.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication interface <interface> mac <MAC>
-.. code-block:: none
+ Creates local pppoe user with username=**<interface>** and
+ password=**<MAC>** (mac-address)
- vyos@vyos:~$ show ipoe-server sessions
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication mode <local | radius>
- ifname | called-sid | calling-sid | ip | ip6 | ip6-dp | rate-limit | state | uptime | sid
- -------+------------+-------------------+-------------+-----+--------+------------+--------+----------+------------------
- ipoe0 | eth2 | 08:00:27:2f:d8:06 | | | | | active | 00:45:05 | dccc870fd3134612
+ Set authentication backend. The configured authentication backend is used
+ for all queries.
+ * **radius**: All authentication queries are handled by a configured RADIUS
+ server.
+ * **local**: All authentication queries are handled locally.
+ * **noauth**: Authentication disabled
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server client-ip-pool <POOL-NAME> range <x.x.x.x-x.x.x.x | x.x.x.x/x>
-To configure IPv6 assignments for clients, two options need to be configured.
-A global prefix which is terminated on the clients cpe and a delegated prefix,
-the client can use for devices routed via the clients cpe.
+ Use this command to define the first IP address of a pool of
+ addresses to be given to l2tp clients. If notation ``x.x.x.x-x.x.x.x``,
+ it must be within a /24 subnet. If notation ``x.x.x.x/x`` is
+ used there is possibility to set host/netmask.
-IPv6 DNS addresses are optional.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server default-pool <POOL-NAME>
-.. code-block:: none
+ Use this command to define default address pool name.
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth3 mac 08:00:27:2F:D8:06
- set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'local'
- set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL delegate '2001:db8:1::/48' delegation-prefix '56'
- set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL prefix '2001:db8::/48' mask '64'
- set service ipoe-server default-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL
- set service ipoe-server name-server '2001:db8::'
- set service ipoe-server name-server '2001:db8:aaa::'
- set service ipoe-server name-server '2001:db8:bbb::'
- set service ipoe-server interface eth3 client-subnet ''
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server gateway-address <x.x.x.x/x>
+ Specifies address to be used as server ip address if radius can assign
+ only client address. In such case if client address is matched network
+ and mask then specified address and mask will be used. You can specify
+ multiple such options.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server interface <interface> mode <l2 | l3>
+ Set authentication backend. The configured authentication backend is used
+ for all queries.
+ * **l2**: It means that clients are on same network where interface
+ is.**(default)**
+ * **local**: It means that client are behind some router.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server interface <interface> network <shared | vlan>
+ Specify where interface is shared by multiple users or it is vlan-per-user.
+ * **shared**: Multiple clients share the same network. **(default)**
+ * **vlan**: One VLAN per client.
.. code-block:: none
- vyos@ipoe-server# run sh ipoe-server sessions
- ifname | called-sid | calling-sid | ip | ip6 | ip6-dp | rate-limit | state | uptime | sid
- -------+------------+-------------------+-------------+---------------------------------+-----------------+------------+--------+----------+------------------
- ipoe0 | eth3 | 08:00:27:2f:d8:06 | | 2001:db8::a00:27ff:fe2f:d806/64 | 2001:db8:1::/56 | | active | 01:02:59 | 4626faf71b12cc25
+ vyos@vyos:~$ show ipoe-server sessions
+ ifname | username | calling-sid | ip | rate-limit | type | comp | state | uptime
+ --------+----------+-------------------+-------------+------------+------+------+--------+----------
+ ipoe0 | eth1.100 | 00:50:79:66:68:00 | | | ipoe | | active | 00:04:55
+ ipoe1 | eth1.101 | 00:50:79:66:68:01 | | | ipoe | | active | 00:04:44
-The clients :abbr:`CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)` can now communicate via
-IPv4 or IPv6. All devices behind ``2001:db8::a00:27ff:fe2f:d806/64`` can use
-addresses from ``2001:db8:1::/56`` and can globally communicate without the
-need of any NAT rules.
-Automatic VLAN creation
+Configuring RADIUS authentication
-To create VLANs per user during runtime, the following settings are required on
-a per interface basis. VLAN ID and VLAN range can be present in the
-configuration at the same time.
+To enable RADIUS based authentication, the authentication mode needs to be
+changed within the configuration. Previous settings like the local users, still
+exists within the configuration, however they are not used if the mode has been
+changed from local to radius. Once changed back to local, it will use all local
+accounts again.
.. code-block:: none
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 network vlan
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 vlan-id 100
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 vlan-id 200
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 vlan-range 1000-2000
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 vlan-range 2500-2700
+ set service ipoe-server authentication mode radius
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius server <server> key <secret>
+ Configure RADIUS `<server>` and its required shared `<secret>` for
+ communicating with the RADIUS server.
-To use a RADIUS server for authentication and bandwidth-shaping, the following
-example configuration can be used.
+Since the RADIUS server would be a single point of failure, multiple RADIUS
+servers can be setup and will be used subsequentially.
+For example:
.. code-block:: none
- set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'radius'
- set service ipoe-server authentication radius server key 'password'
+ set service ipoe-server authentication radius server key 'foo'
+ set service ipoe-server authentication radius server key 'foo'
-Bandwidth Shaping
+.. note:: Some RADIUS severs use an access control list which allows or denies
+ queries, make sure to add your VyOS router to the allowed client list.
-Bandwidth rate limits can be set for local users within the configuration or
-via RADIUS based attributes.
+RADIUS source address
-Bandwidth Shaping for local users
+If you are using OSPF as IGP, always the closest interface connected to the
+RADIUS server is used. With VyOS 1.2 you can bind all outgoing RADIUS requests
+to a single source IP e.g. the loopback interface.
-The rate-limit is set in kbit/sec.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius source-address <address>
-.. code-block:: none
+ Source IPv4 address used in all RADIUS server queires.
+.. note:: The ``source-address`` must be configured on one of VyOS interface.
+ Best practice would be a loopback or dummy interface.
+RADIUS advanced options
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius server <server> port <port>
+ Configure RADIUS `<server>` and its required port for authentication requests.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius server <server> fail-time <time>
+ Mark RADIUS server as offline for this given `<time>` in seconds.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius server <server> disable
+ Temporary disable this RADIUS server.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius acct-timeout <timeout>
+ Timeout to wait reply for Interim-Update packets. (default 3 seconds)
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author server <address>
+ Specifies IP address for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author port <port>
+ Port for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius dynamic-author key <secret>
+ Secret for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA)
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius max-try <number>
+ Maximum number of tries to send Access-Request/Accounting-Request queries
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius timeout <timeout>
+ Timeout to wait response from server (seconds)
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius nas-identifier <identifier>
+ Value to send to RADIUS server in NAS-Identifier attribute and to be matched
+ in DM/CoA requests.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius nas-ip-address <address>
+ Value to send to RADIUS server in NAS-IP-Address attribute and to be matched
+ in DM/CoA requests. Also DM/CoA server will bind to that address.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius source-address <address>
+ Source IPv4 address used in all RADIUS server queires.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius rate-limit attribute <attribute>
+ Specifies which RADIUS server attribute contains the rate limit information.
+ The default attribute is `Filter-Id`.
+.. note:: If you set a custom RADIUS attribute you must define it on both
+ dictionaries at RADIUS server and client.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius rate-limit enable
+ Enables bandwidth shaping via RADIUS.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication radius rate-limit vendor
+ Specifies the vendor dictionary, dictionary needs to be in
+ /usr/share/accel-ppp/radius.
+Received RADIUS attributes have a higher priority than parameters defined within
+the CLI configuration, refer to the explanation below.
+Allocation clients ip addresses by RADIUS
+If the RADIUS server sends the attribute ``Framed-IP-Address`` then this IP
+address will be allocated to the client and the option ``default-pool`` within the CLI
+config is being ignored.
+If the RADIUS server sends the attribute ``Framed-Pool``, IP address will be allocated
+from a predefined IP pool whose name equals the attribute value.
+If the RADIUS server sends the attribute ``Stateful-IPv6-Address-Pool``, IPv6 address
+will be allocated from a predefined IPv6 pool ``prefix`` whose name equals the attribute value.
+If the RADIUS server sends the attribute ``Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool``, IPv6
+delegation pefix will be allocated from a predefined IPv6 pool ``delegate``
+whose name equals the attribute value.
+.. note:: ``Stateful-IPv6-Address-Pool`` and ``Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool`` are defined in
+ RFC6911. If they are not defined in your RADIUS server, add new dictionary_.
+User interface can be put to VRF context via RADIUS Access-Accept packet, or change
+it via RADIUS CoA. ``Accel-VRF-Name`` is used from these purposes. It is custom `ACCEL-PPP attribute`_.
+Define it in your RADIUS server.
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth2 mac 08:00:27:2f:d8:06 rate-limit download '500'
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth2 mac 08:00:27:2f:d8:06 rate-limit upload '500'
- set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'local'
- set service ipoe-server name-server ''
- set service ipoe-server name-server ''
- set service ipoe-server interface eth2 client-subnet ''
+Renaming clients interfaces by RADIUS
+If the RADIUS server uses the attribute ``NAS-Port-Id``, ppp tunnels will be
+.. note:: The value of the attribute ``NAS-Port-Id`` must be less than 16
+ characters, otherwise the interface won't be renamed.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool <IPv6-POOL-NAME> prefix <address>
+ mask <number-of-bits>
+ Use this comand to set the IPv6 address pool from which an l2tp client
+ will get an IPv6 prefix of your defined length (mask) to terminate the
+ l2tp endpoint at their side. The mask length can be set from 48 to 128
+ bit long, the default value is 64.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool <IPv6-POOL-NAME> delegate <address>
+ delegation-prefix <number-of-bits>
+ Use this command to configure DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation (RFC3633) on
+ l2tp. You will have to set your IPv6 pool and the length of the
+ delegation prefix. From the defined IPv6 pool you will be handing out
+ networks of the defined length (delegation-prefix). The length of the
+ delegation prefix can be set from 32 to 64 bit long.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server default-ipv6-pool <IPv6-POOL-NAME>
+ Use this command to define default IPv6 address pool name.
.. code-block:: none
- vyos@vyos# run show ipoe-server sessions
+ set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL delegate '2001:db8:8003::/48' delegation-prefix '56'
+ set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool IPV6-POOL prefix '2001:db8:8002::/48' mask '64'
+ set service ipoe-server default-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server extended-scripts on-change <path_to_script>
+ Script to run when session interface changed by RADIUS CoA handling
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server extended-scripts on-down <path_to_script>
+ Script to run when session interface going to terminate
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server extended-scripts on-pre-up <path_to_script>
+ Script to run before session interface comes up
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server extended-scripts on-up <path_to_script>
+ Script to run when session interface is completely configured and started
+Advanced Options
+Authentication Advanced Options
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication interface <interface> mac <MAC> vlan
+ <vlan-id>
+ VLAN monitor for automatic creation of VLAN interfaces for specific user on specific <interface>
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication interface <interface> mac <MAC> rate-limit
+ download <bandwidth>
+ Download bandwidth limit in kbit/s for user on interface `<interface>`.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server authentication interface <interface> mac <MAC> rate-limit
+ upload <bandwidth>
+ Upload bandwidth limit in kbit/s for for user on interface `<interface>`.
- ifname | called-sid | calling-sid | ip | ip6 | ip6-dp | rate-limit | state | uptime | sid
- -------+------------+-------------------+-------------+-----+--------+------------+--------+----------+------------------
- ipoe0 | eth2 | 08:00:27:2f:d8:06 | | | | 500/500 | active | 00:00:05 | dccc870fd31349fb
+Client IP Pool Advanced Options
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server client-ip-pool <POOL-NAME> next-pool <NEXT-POOL-NAME>
-* IPoE server will listen on interfaces eth1.50 and eth1.51
-* There are rate-limited and non rate-limited users (MACs)
+ Use this command to define the next address pool name.
-Server configuration
+Advanced Interface Options
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server interface <interface> client-subnet <x.x.x.x/x>
+ Specify local range of ip address to give to dhcp clients. First IP in range is router IP.
+ If you need more customization use `client-ip-pool`
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server interface <interface> external-dhcp dhcp-relay <x.x.x.x>
+ Specify DHCPv4 relay IP address to pass requests to. If specified giaddr is also needed.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server interface <interface> external-dhcp giaddr <x.x.x.x>
+ Specifies relay agent IP addre
+Global Advanced options
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server description <description>
+ Set description.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server limits burst <value>
+ Burst count
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server limits connection-limit <value>
+ Acceptable rate of connections (e.g. 1/min, 60/sec)
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server limits timeout <value>
+ Timeout in seconds
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server max-concurrent-sessions
+ Maximum number of concurrent session start attempts
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server name-server <address>
+ Connected client should use `<address>` as their DNS server. This
+ command accepts both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Up to two nameservers
+ can be configured for IPv4, up to three for IPv6.
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server shaper fwmark <1-2147483647>
+ Match firewall mark value
+.. cfgcmd:: set service ipoe-server snmp master-agent
+ Enable SNMP
.. code-block:: none
- set interfaces dummy dum1000 address
- set interfaces dummy dum1000 address 2001:db8::1/128
+ vyos@vyos:~$ show ipoe-server sessions
+ ifname | username | calling-sid | ip | rate-limit | type | comp | state | uptime
+ ----------+----------+-------------------+-------------+------------+------+------+--------+----------
+ eth1.100 | eth1.100 | 0c:98:bd:b8:00:01 | | | ipoe | | active | 03:03:58
- set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'IPoE'
- set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 50
- set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 51
+.. code-block:: none
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.50 mac 00:0c:29:b7:49:a7
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.50 mac 00:0c:29:f0:be:4c rate-limit download '5000'
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.50 mac 00:0c:29:f0:be:4c rate-limit upload '5000'
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.51 mac 00:0c:29:b7:49:a7 rate-limit download '50000'
- set service ipoe-server authentication interface eth1.51 mac 00:0c:29:b7:49:a7 rate-limit upload '50000'
- set service ipoe-server authentication mode 'local'
- set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL delegate 2001:db8:ffff::/48 delegation-prefix '56'
- set service ipoe-server client-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL prefix 2001:db8:fffe::/48 mask '64'
- set service ipoe-server default-ipv6-pool IPv6-POOL
- set service ipoe-server interface eth1.50 client-subnet ''
- set service ipoe-server interface eth1.50 mode 'l2'
- set service ipoe-server interface eth1.51 client-subnet ''
- set service ipoe-server interface eth1.51 mode 'l2'
- set service ipoe-server name-server ''
- set service ipoe-server name-server '2001:db8::1'
-Client configuration
+ vyos@vyos:~$ show ipoe-server statistics
+ uptime: 0.03:31:36
+ cpu: 0%
+ mem(rss/virt): 6044/101360 kB
+ core:
+ mempool_allocated: 148628
+ mempool_available: 144748
+ thread_count: 1
+ thread_active: 1
+ context_count: 10
+ context_sleeping: 0
+ context_pending: 0
+ md_handler_count: 6
+ md_handler_pending: 0
+ timer_count: 1
+ timer_pending: 0
+ sessions:
+ starting: 0
+ active: 1
+ finishing: 0
+ ipoe:
+ starting: 0
+ active: 1
+ delayed: 0
.. code-block:: none
- set interfaces ethernet eth0 mac '00:0c:29:b7:49:a7'
+ vyos@vyos:~$sudo journalctl -u accel-ppp@ipoe -b 0
- set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 50 address 'dhcp'
- set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 50 address 'dhcpv6'
- set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 50 dhcpv6-options pd 0 interface eth1 sla-id '1'
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:: recv [DHCPv4 Discover xid=55df9228 chaddr=0c:98:bd:b8:00:01 <Message-Type Discover> <Request-IP> <Host-Name vyos> <Request-List Subnet,Broadcast,Router,DNS,Classless-Route,Domain-Name,MTU>]
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: eth1.100: authentication succeeded
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: send [DHCPv4 Offer xid=55df9228 yiaddr= chaddr=0c:98:bd:b8:00:01 <Message-Type Offer> <Server-ID> <Lease-Time 600> <T1 300> <T2 525> <Router> <Subnet>]
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: recv [DHCPv4 Request xid=55df9228 chaddr=0c:98:bd:b8:00:01 <Message-Type Request> <Server-ID> <Request-IP> <Host-Name vyos> <Request-List Subnet,Broadcast,Router,DNS,Classless-Route,Domain-Name,MTU>]
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: ipoe: activate session
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: ipoe: no free IPv6 address
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: ipoe: session started
+ Feb 27 14:29:27 vyos accel-ipoe[2262]: eth1.100:eth1.100: send [DHCPv4 Ack xid=55df9228 yiaddr= chaddr=0c:98:bd:b8:00:01 <Message-Type Ack> <Server-ID> <Lease-Time 600> <T1 300> <T2 525> <Router> <Subnet>]
.. include:: /_include/common-references.txt
+.. _dictionary:
+.. _`ACCEL-PPP attribute`: \ No newline at end of file