diff options
authorRene Mayrhofer <>2008-07-23 18:31:10 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2008-07-23 18:31:10 +0000
commitdf2cac106cc19e3b8961545a73b1967420cfb860 (patch)
parent28b1253a360f2615e5818eb6fa7d2019ab17d2b5 (diff)
- Document some example configurations.
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index cde9f038e..2dc3a5831 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -34,4 +34,91 @@ shipped with openswan, both for 2.4 and 2.6 series kernels. Please install
either the linux-patch-openswan or the openswan-modules-source packages and
follow their respective README.Debian files when you want to use KLIPS.
- -- Rene Mayrhofer <>, Sun, Jul 09 12:31:00 2006
+3) Getting Started
+For connecting two Debian boxes using this strongswan package, the
+simplest connection block on each side would look something like this:
+On host A, use
+conn to_hostb
+ left=%defaultroute
+ leftcert=hosta.pem
+ rightcert=hostb.pem
+ keyexchange=ikev2
+ type=transport
+ auto=add
+On host B, use
+conn to_hosta
+ left=%defaultroute
+ leftcert=hostb.pem
+ rightcert=hosta.pem
+ keyexchange=ikev2
+ type=transport
+ auto=add
+This assumes that the respective hostnames and can be resolved and that the internal hostnames are hosta
+and hostb (and thus installing the strongswan package created the certificates
+hosta.pem and hostb.pem, respectively).
+Then the certificates (and not the private keys!) need to be exchanged between
+the hosts, e.g. with
+ scp /etc/ipsec.d/certs/hosta.pem
+ scp /etc/ipsec.d/certs/
+from host A. The IPSec transport connection (that is, no subnets behind these
+hosts that should be tunneled) can be started from either side using
+"ipsec up to_hostb" (e.g. from host A).
+Note that this example explicitly uses IKEv2 due to its nicer error messages.
+A more complicated example is to connect a "roadwarrior" (e.g. laptop)
+to an internal network wbile it is behind another NAT. On the gateway
+side, i.e. for the internal network the roadwarrior should connect to,
+the configuration block could look something like this:
+conn roadwwarrior
+ left=%defaultroute
+ leftcert=gatewayCert.pem
+ rightcert=laptopCert.pem
+ rightrsasigkey=%cert
+ leftrsasigkey=%cert
+ auto=add
+ leftsubnet=
+ rightsubnetwithin=
+ right=%any
+ compress=yes
+ type=tunnel
+ dpddelay=30
+ dpdtimeout=120
+ dpdaction=clear
+On the laptop side, you could use something along the lines:
+conn %default
+ rightrsasigkey=%cert
+ leftrsasigkey=%cert
+ authby=rsasig
+ leftcert=laptopCert.pem
+ leftsendcert=always
+ leftsubnet=
+ dpddelay=30
+ dpdtimeout=120
+ dpdaction=clear
+ esp=aes128-sha1
+ ike=aes128-sha1-modp2048
+conn esys
+ left=%defaultroute
+ rightsubnet=
+ rightcert=gatewayCert.pem
+ auto=add
+Then load these new configuration blocks on both sides using "ipsec reload"
+and, on the laptop, start the tunnel with "ipsec up mynetwork".
+These configuration blocks assume host names "gateway" and "laptop" and an
+inner subnet of
+-- Rene Mayrhofer <>, Sun, Jul 09 12:31:00 2006