path: root/doc/mail.html
diff options
authorRene Mayrhofer <>2006-06-03 23:37:13 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2006-06-03 23:37:13 +0000
commit42424656e873ad0da564131dbffb4b82ed3347c9 (patch)
tree02b79fa4074fbdda73bb1953e4b54b6b918c3654 /doc/mail.html
parent996894ce26b9ea62e0881026c9cc5bc1b61abddc (diff)
Remove these files from the repository, because they get created during the
build (and removed by make clean).
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/mail.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/doc/mail.html b/doc/mail.html
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index 68b5d8cd8..000000000
--- a/doc/mail.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<TITLE>Introduction to FreeS/WAN</TITLE>
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-<A HREF="toc.html">Contents</A>
-<A HREF="ipsec.html">Previous</A>
-<A HREF="web.html">Next</A>
-<H1><A name="lists">Mailing lists and newsgroups</A></H1>
-<H2><A name="list.fs">Mailing lists about FreeS/WAN</A></H2>
-<H3><A name="projlist">The project mailing lists</A></H3>
-<P>The Linux FreeS/WAN project has several email lists for user support,
- bug reports and software development discussions.</P>
-<P>We had a single list on for several years (Thanks, folks!),
- then one list on, but now we've split into several lists:</P>
-<DT><A href="">
-<LI>The general list for discussing use of the software</LI>
-<LI>The place for seeking<STRONG> help with problems</STRONG> (but
- please check the<A href="faq.html"> FAQ</A> first).</LI>
-<LI>Anyone can post.</LI>
-<DT><A href="">bugs</A>
-<LI>For<STRONG> bug reports</STRONG>.</LI>
-<LI>If you are not certain what is going on -- could be a bug, a
- configuration error, a network problem, ... -- please post to the users
- list instead.</LI>
-<LI>Anyone can post.</LI>
-<DT><A href="">
-<LI><STRONG>Design discussions</STRONG>, for people working on FreeS/WAN
- development or others with an interest in design and security issues.</LI>
-<LI>It would be a good idea to read the existing design papers (see this<A
-href="intro.html#applied"> list</A>) before posting.</LI>
-<LI>Anyone can post.</LI>
-<DT><A href="">
-<LI>A<STRONG> low-traffic</STRONG> list.</LI>
-<LI><STRONG>Announcements</STRONG> about FreeS/WAN and related software.</LI>
-<LI>All posts here are also sent to the users list. You need not
- subscribe to both.</LI>
-<LI>Only the FreeS/WAN team can post.</LI>
-<LI>If you have something you feel should go on this list, send it to<VAR>
-</VAR>. Unless it is obvious, please
- include a short note explaining why we should post it.</LI>
-<DT><A href="">
-<LI>A<STRONG> low-traffic</STRONG> list.</LI>
-<LI><STRONG>Weekly summaries</STRONG> of activity on the users list.</LI>
-<LI>All posts here are also sent to the users list. You need not
- subscribe to both.</LI>
-<LI>Only the FreeS/WAN team can post.</LI>
-<P>To subscribe to any of these, you can:</P>
-<LI>just follow the links above</LI>
-<LI>use our<A href=""> web interface</A>
-<LI>send mail to<VAR> listname</VAR> with a
- one-line message body &quot;subscribe&quot;</LI>
-<P>Archives of these lists are available via the<A href="">
- web interface</A>.</P>
-<H4><A name="which.list">Which list should I use?</A></H4>
-<P>For most questions, please check the<A href="faq.html"> FAQ</A>
- first, and if that does not have an answer, ask on the users list. &quot;My
- configuration doesn't work.&quot; does not belong on the bugs list, and &quot;Can
- FreeS/WAN do such-and-such&quot; or &quot;How do I configure it to...&quot; do not
- belong in design discussions.</P>
-<P>Cross-posting the same message to two or more of these lists is
- discouraged. Quite a few people read more than one list and getting
- multiple copies is annoying.</P>
-<H4><A name="policy.list">List policies</A></H4>
-<P><STRONG>US citizens or residents are asked not to post code to the
- lists, not even one-line bug fixes</STRONG>. The project cannot accept
- code which might entangle it in US<A href="politics.html#exlaw"> export
- restrictions</A>.</P>
-<P>Non-subscribers can post to some of these lists. This is necessary;
- someone working on a gateway install who encounters a problem may not
- have access to a subscribed account.</P>
-<P>Some spam turns up on these lists from time to time. For discussion
- of why we do not attempt to filter it, see the<A href="faq.html#spam">
- FAQ</A>. Please do not clutter the lists with complaints about this.</P>
-<H3><A name="archive">Archives of the lists</A></H3>
-<P>Searchable archives of the old single list have existed for some
- time. At time of writing, it is not yet clear how they will change for
- the new multi-list structure.</P>
-<LI><A href="">Canada</A></LI>
-<LI><A href="">Holland</A></LI>
-<P>Note that these use different search engines. Try both.</P>
-<P>Archives of the new lists are available via the<A href="">
- web interface</A>.</P>
-<H2><A name="indexes">Indexes of mailing lists</A></H2>
-<P><A href="">PAML</A> is the standard reference for<STRONG>
- P</STRONG>ublicly<STRONG> A</STRONG>ccessible<STRONG> M</STRONG>ailing<STRONG>
- L</STRONG>ists. When we last checked, it had over 7500 lists on an
- amazing variety of topics. It also has FAQ information and a search
- engine.</P>
-<P>There is an index of<A href="">
- Linux mailing lists</A> available.</P>
-<P>A list of<A href="">
- computer security mailing lists</A>, with descriptions.</P>
-<H2><A name="otherlists">Lists for related software and topics</A></H2>
-<P>Most links in this section point to subscription addresses for the
- various lists. Send the one-line message &quot;subscribe<VAR> list_name</VAR>
-&quot; to subscribe to any of them.</P>
-<H3><A NAME="28_3_1">Products that include FreeS/WAN</A></H3>
-<P>Our introduction document gives a<A href="intro.html#products"> list
- of products that include FreeS/WAN</A>. If you have, or are
- considering, one of those, check the supplier's web site for
- information on mailing lists for their users.</P>
-<H3><A name="linux.lists">Linux mailing lists</A></H3>
-<LI><A href=""></A>, for Linux system administrators</LI>
-<LI><A href=""></A>, about Netfilter, which replaces IPchains
- in kernels 2.3.15 and later</LI>
-<LI><A href=""></A>, for people working on security
- audits of various Linux programs</LI>
-<LI><A href=""></A>, for discussion of issues common to
- all the half dozen projects working on secure Linux distributions.</LI>
-<P>Each of the scure distribution projects also has its own web site and
- mailing list. Some of the sites are:</P>
-<LI><A href="">Bastille Linux</A> scripts to
- harden Redhat, e.g. by changing permissions and modifying inialisation
- scripts</LI>
-<LI><A href="">Immunix</A> take a different approach,
- using a modified compiler to build kernel and utilities with better
- resistance to various types of overflow and exploit</LI>
-<LI>the<A href="glossary.html#NSA"> NSA</A> have contractors working on
- a<A href="glossary.html#SElinux"> Security Enhanced Linux</A>,
- primarily adding stronger access control mechanisms. You can download
- the current version (which interestingly is under GPL and not export
- resrtricted) or subscribe to the mailing list from the<A href="">
- project web page</A>.</LI>
-<H3><A name="ietf">Lists for IETF working groups</A></H3>
-<P>Each<A href="glossary.html#IETF"> IETF</A> working group has an
- associated mailing list where much of the work takes place.</P>
-<LI><A href=""></A>
-, the IPsec<A href="">
- working group</A>. This is where the protocols are discussed, new
- drafts announced, and so on. By now, the IPsec working group is winding
- down since the work is essentially complete. A<A href="">
- list archive</A> is available.</LI>
-<LI><A href="">IPsec policy</A>
- list, and its<A href=""> archive</A></LI>
-<LI><A href="">IP secure remote access</A>
- list, and its<A href="">
- archive</A></LI>
-<H3><A name="other">Other mailing lists</A></H3>
-<LI><A href=""></A> a low-traffic list with announcements of
- developments in privacy, encryption and online civil rights</LI>
-<LI>a VPN mailing list's<A href="">
- home page</A></LI>
-<H2><A name="newsgroups">Usenet newsgroups</A></H2>
-<A HREF="toc.html">Contents</A>
-<A HREF="ipsec.html">Previous</A>
-<A HREF="web.html">Next</A>