path: root/linux/lib/libfreeswan/ttosa.3
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authorRene Mayrhofer <>2006-05-22 05:12:18 +0000
committerRene Mayrhofer <>2006-05-22 05:12:18 +0000
commitaa0f5b38aec14428b4b80e06f90ff781f8bca5f1 (patch)
tree95f3d0c8cb0d59d88900dbbd72110d7ab6e15b2a /linux/lib/libfreeswan/ttosa.3
parent7c383bc22113b23718be89fe18eeb251942d7356 (diff)
Import initial strongswan 2.7.0 version into SVN.
Diffstat (limited to 'linux/lib/libfreeswan/ttosa.3')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linux/lib/libfreeswan/ttosa.3 b/linux/lib/libfreeswan/ttosa.3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf918e108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux/lib/libfreeswan/ttosa.3
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+.TH IPSEC_TTOSA 3 "26 Nov 2001"
+.\" RCSID $Id: ttosa.3,v 1.1 2004/03/15 20:35:26 as Exp $
+ipsec ttosa, satot \- convert IPsec Security Association IDs to and from text
+ipsec initsaid \- initialize an SA ID
+.B "#include <freeswan.h>
+.B "typedef struct {"
+.ti +1c
+.B "ip_address dst;"
+.ti +1c
+.B "ipsec_spi_t spi;"
+.ti +1c
+.B "int proto;"
+.B "} ip_said;"
+.B "const char *ttosa(const char *src, size_t srclen,"
+.ti +1c
+.B "ip_said *sa);
+.B "size_t satot(const ip_said *sa, int format,"
+.ti +1c
+.B "char *dst, size_t dstlen);"
+.B "void initsaid(const ip_address *addr, ipsec_spi_t spi,"
+.ti +1c
+.B "int proto, ip_said *dst);"
+.I Ttosa
+converts an ASCII Security Association (SA) specifier into an
+.B ip_said
+structure (containing
+a destination-host address
+in network byte order,
+an SPI number in network byte order, and
+a protocol code).
+.I Satot
+does the reverse conversion, back to a text SA specifier.
+.I Initsaid
+initializes an
+.B ip_said
+from separate items of information.
+An SA is specified in text with a mail-like syntax, e.g.
+.BR esp.5a7@ .
+An SA specifier contains
+a protocol prefix (currently
+.BR ah ,
+.BR esp ,
+.BR tun ,
+.BR comp ,
+.BR int ),
+a single character indicating the address family
+.RB ( .
+for IPv4,
+.B :
+for IPv6),
+an unsigned integer SPI number in hexadecimal (with no
+.B 0x
+and an IP address.
+The IP address can be any form accepted by
+.IR ipsec_ttoaddr (3),
+e.g. dotted-decimal IPv4 address,
+colon-hex IPv6 address,
+or DNS name.
+As a special case, the SA specifier
+.B %passthrough4
+.B %passthrough6
+signifies the special SA used to indicate that packets should be
+passed through unaltered.
+(At present, these are synonyms for
+.B tun.0@
+.B tun:0@::
+but that is subject to change without notice.)
+.B %passthrough
+is a historical synonym for
+.BR %passthrough4 .
+These forms are known to both
+.I ttosa
+.IR satot ,
+so the internal representation is never visible.
+Similarly, the SA specifiers
+.BR %pass ,
+.BR %drop ,
+.BR %reject ,
+.BR %hold ,
+.BR %trap ,
+.BR %trapsubnet
+signify special ``magic'' SAs used to indicate that packets should be
+passed, dropped, rejected (dropped with ICMP notification),
+and trapped (sent up to
+.IR ipsec_pluto (8),
+with either of two forms of
+.B %hold
+automatically installed)
+These forms too are known to both routines,
+so the internal representation of the magic SAs should never be visible.
+.B <freeswan.h>
+header file supplies the
+.B ip_said
+structure, as well as a data type
+.B ipsec_spi_t
+which is an unsigned 32-bit integer.
+(There is no consistency between kernel and user on what such a type
+is called, hence the header hides the differences.)
+The protocol code uses the same numbers that IP does.
+For user convenience, given the difficulty in acquiring the exact set of
+protocol names used by the kernel,
+.B <freeswan.h>
+defines the names
+.BR SA_AH ,
+to have the same values as the kernel names
+.B <freeswan.h>
+also defines
+to have the value
+.BR 61
+(reserved by IANA for ``any host internal protocol'')
+to have the values 256-260 (in \fIhost\fR byte order) respectively.
+These are used in constructing the magic SAs
+(which always have address
+.BR ).
+.I satot
+encounters an unknown protocol code, e.g. 77,
+it yields output using a prefix
+showing the code numerically, e.g. ``unk77''.
+This form is
+.I not
+recognized by
+.IR ttosa .
+.I srclen
+parameter of
+.I ttosa
+specifies the length of the string pointed to by
+.IR src ;
+it is an error for there to be anything else
+(e.g., a terminating NUL) within that length.
+As a convenience for cases where an entire NUL-terminated string is
+to be converted,
+.I srclen
+value of
+.B 0
+is taken to mean
+.BR strlen(src) .
+.I dstlen
+parameter of
+.I satot
+specifies the size of the
+.I dst
+under no circumstances are more than
+.I dstlen
+bytes written to
+.IR dst .
+A result which will not fit is truncated.
+.I Dstlen
+can be zero, in which case
+.I dst
+need not be valid and no result is written,
+but the return value is unaffected;
+in all other cases, the (possibly truncated) result is NUL-terminated.
+.B <freeswan.h>
+header file defines a constant,
+which is the size of a buffer just large enough for worst-case results.
+.I format
+parameter of
+.I satot
+specifies what format is to be used for the conversion.
+The value
+.B 0
+(not the ASCII character
+.BR '0' ,
+but a zero value)
+specifies a reasonable default
+lowercase protocol prefix, lowercase hexadecimal SPI,
+dotted-decimal or colon-hex address).
+The value
+.B 'f'
+is similar except that the SPI is padded with
+.BR 0 s
+to a fixed 32-bit width, to ease aligning displayed tables.
+.I Ttosa
+for success and
+a pointer to a string-literal error message for failure;
+.I Satot
+.B 0
+for a failure, and otherwise
+always returns the size of buffer which would
+be needed to
+accommodate the full conversion result, including terminating NUL;
+it is the caller's responsibility to check this against the size of
+the provided buffer to determine whether truncation has occurred.
+There is also, temporarily, support for some obsolete
+forms of SA specifier which lack the address-family indicator.
+ipsec_ttoul(3), ipsec_ttoaddr(3), ipsec_samesaid(3), inet(3)
+Fatal errors in
+.I ttosa
+empty input;
+input too small to be a legal SA specifier;
+.B @
+in input;
+unknown protocol prefix;
+conversion error in
+.I ttoul
+.IR ttoaddr .
+Fatal errors in
+.I satot
+unknown format.
+Written for the FreeS/WAN project by Henry Spencer.
+The restriction of text-to-binary error reports to literal strings
+(so that callers don't need to worry about freeing them or copying them)
+does limit the precision of error reporting.
+The text-to-binary error-reporting convention lends itself
+to slightly obscure code,
+because many readers will not think of NULL as signifying success.
+A good way to make it clearer is to write something like:
+.B "const char *error;"
+.B "error = ttosa( /* ... */ );"
+.B "if (error != NULL) {"
+.B " /* something went wrong */"