path: root/src/charon/config/peer_cfg.h
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1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/charon/config/peer_cfg.h b/src/charon/config/peer_cfg.h
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index 000000000..63c87674c
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+++ b/src/charon/config/peer_cfg.h
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+ * @file peer_cfg.h
+ *
+ * @brief Interface of peer_cfg_t.
+ *
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Martin Willi
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter
+ * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef PEER_CFG_H_
+#define PEER_CFG_H_
+typedef enum dpd_action_t dpd_action_t;
+typedef enum cert_policy_t cert_policy_t;
+typedef struct peer_cfg_t peer_cfg_t;
+#include <library.h>
+#include <utils/identification.h>
+#include <config/traffic_selector.h>
+#include <config/proposal.h>
+#include <config/ike_cfg.h>
+#include <config/child_cfg.h>
+#include <sa/authenticators/authenticator.h>
+#include <sa/authenticators/eap/eap_method.h>
+ * Certificate sending policy. This is also used for certificate
+ * requests when using this definition for the other peer. If
+ * it is CERT_NEVER_SEND, a certreq is omitted, otherwise its
+ * included.
+ *
+ * @ingroup config
+ *
+ * @warning These definitions must be the same as in pluto/starter,
+ * as they are sent over the stroke socket.
+ */
+enum cert_policy_t {
+ /** always send certificates, even when not requested */
+ /** send certificate upon cert request */
+ /** never send a certificate, even when requested */
+ * enum strings for cert_policy_t
+ *
+ * @ingroup config
+ */
+extern enum_name_t *cert_policy_names;
+ * @brief Actions to take when a peer does not respond (dead peer detected).
+ *
+ * These values are the same as in pluto/starter, so do not modify them!
+ *
+ * @ingroup config
+ */
+enum dpd_action_t {
+ /** DPD disabled */
+ /** remove CHILD_SAs without replacement */
+ /** route the CHILD_SAs to resetup when needed */
+ /** restart CHILD_SAs in a new IKE_SA, immediately */
+ * enum names for dpd_action_t.
+ */
+extern enum_name_t *dpd_action_names;
+ * @brief Configuration of a peer, specified by IDs.
+ *
+ * The peer config defines a connection between two given IDs. It contains
+ * exactly one ike_cfg_t, which is use for initiation. Additionally, it contains
+ * multiple child_cfg_t defining which CHILD_SAs are allowed for this peer.
+ * @verbatim
+ +-------------------+ +---------------+
+ +---------------+ | peer_cfg | +---------------+ |
+ | ike_cfg | +-------------------+ | child_cfg | |
+ +---------------+ | - ids | +---------------+ |
+ | - hosts | 1 1 | - cas | 1 n | - proposals | |
+ | - proposals |<------| - auth info |-------->| - traffic sel | |
+ | - ... | | - dpd config | | - ... |-+
+ +---------------+ | - ... | +---------------+
+ +-------------------+
+ @endverbatim
+ *
+ * @b Constructors:
+ * - peer_cfg_create()
+ *
+ * @ingroup config
+ */
+struct peer_cfg_t {
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the name of the peer_cfg.
+ *
+ * Returned object is not getting cloned.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return peer_cfg's name
+ */
+ char* (*get_name) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the IKE version to use for initiating.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return IKE major version
+ */
+ u_int (*get_ike_version)(peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the IKE config to use for initiaton.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return the IKE config to use
+ */
+ ike_cfg_t* (*get_ike_cfg) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Attach a CHILD config.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @param child_cfg CHILD config to add
+ */
+ void (*add_child_cfg) (peer_cfg_t *this, child_cfg_t *child_cfg);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create an iterator for all attached CHILD configs.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return an iterator over all CHILD configs.
+ */
+ iterator_t* (*create_child_cfg_iterator) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Select a CHILD config from traffic selectors.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @param my_ts TS for local side
+ * @param other_ts TS for remote side
+ * @param my_host host to narrow down dynamic TS for local side
+ * @param other_host host to narrow down dynamic TS for remote side
+ * @return selected CHILD config, or NULL if no match found
+ */
+ child_cfg_t* (*select_child_cfg) (peer_cfg_t *this, linked_list_t *my_ts,
+ linked_list_t *other_ts, host_t *my_host,
+ host_t *other_host);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get own ID.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return own id
+ */
+ identification_t* (*get_my_id)(peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get peers ID.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return other id
+ */
+ identification_t* (*get_other_id)(peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get own CA.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return own ca
+ */
+ identification_t* (*get_my_ca)(peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get peers CA.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return other ca
+ */
+ identification_t* (*get_other_ca)(peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Should be sent a certificate for this connection?
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return certificate sending policy
+ */
+ cert_policy_t (*get_cert_policy) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the authentication method to use to authenticate us.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return authentication method
+ */
+ auth_method_t (*get_auth_method) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the EAP type to use for peer authentication.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return authentication method
+ */
+ eap_type_t (*get_eap_type) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the max number of retries after timeout.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return max number retries
+ */
+ u_int32_t (*get_keyingtries) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the lifetime of a IKE_SA.
+ *
+ * If "rekey" is set to TRUE, a lifetime is returned before the first
+ * rekeying should be started. If it is FALSE, the actual lifetime is
+ * returned when the IKE_SA must be deleted.
+ * The rekey time automatically contains a jitter to avoid simlutaneous
+ * rekeying.
+ *
+ * @param this child_config
+ * @param rekey TRUE to get rekey time
+ * @return lifetime in seconds
+ */
+ u_int32_t (*get_lifetime) (peer_cfg_t *this, bool rekey);
+ /**
+ * @brief Should a full reauthentication be done instead of rekeying?
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return TRUE to use full reauthentication
+ */
+ bool (*use_reauth) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the DPD check interval.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return dpd_delay in seconds
+ */
+ u_int32_t (*get_dpd_delay) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief What should be done with a CHILD_SA, when other peer does not respond.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ * @return dpd action
+ */
+ dpd_action_t (*get_dpd_action) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a virtual IP for the local peer.
+ *
+ * If no virtual IP should be used, NULL is returned. %any means to request
+ * a virtual IP using configuration payloads. A specific address is also
+ * used for a request and may be changed by the server.
+ *
+ * @param this peer_cfg
+ * @param suggestion NULL, %any or specific
+ * @return clone of an IP, %any or NULL
+ */
+ host_t* (*get_my_virtual_ip) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a virtual IP for the remote peer.
+ *
+ * An IP may be supplied, if one was requested by the initiator. However,
+ * the suggestion is not more as it says, any address may be returned, even
+ * NULL to not use virtual IPs.
+ *
+ * @param this peer_cfg
+ * @param suggestion NULL, %any or specific
+ * @return clone of an IP to use
+ */
+ host_t* (*get_other_virtual_ip) (peer_cfg_t *this, host_t *suggestion);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a new reference.
+ *
+ * Get a new reference to this peer_cfg by increasing
+ * it's internal reference counter.
+ * Do not call get_ref or any other function until you
+ * already have a reference. Otherwise the object may get
+ * destroyed while calling get_ref(),
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ */
+ void (*get_ref) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ /**
+ * @brief Destroys the peer_cfg object.
+ *
+ * Decrements the internal reference counter and
+ * destroys the peer_cfg when it reaches zero.
+ *
+ * @param this calling object
+ */
+ void (*destroy) (peer_cfg_t *this);
+ * @brief Create a configuration object for IKE_AUTH and later.
+ *
+ * name-string gets cloned, ID's not.
+ * Virtual IPs are used if they are != NULL. A %any host means the virtual
+ * IP should be obtained from the other peer.
+ * Lifetimes are in seconds. To prevent to peers to start rekeying at the
+ * same time, a jitter may be specified. Rekeying of an SA starts at
+ * (rekeylifetime - random(0, jitter)).
+ *
+ * @param name name of the peer_cfg
+ * @param ike_version which IKE version we sould use for this peer
+ * @param ike_cfg IKE config to use when acting as initiator
+ * @param my_id identification_t for ourselves
+ * @param other_id identification_t for the remote guy
+ * @param my_ca CA to use for us
+ * @param other_ca CA to use for other
+ * @param cert_policy should we send a certificate payload?
+ * @param auth_method auth method to use to authenticate us
+ * @param eap_type EAP type to use for peer authentication
+ * @param keyingtries how many keying tries should be done before giving up
+ * @param lifetime lifetime before deleting an SA
+ * @param rekeytime lifetime before rekeying an SA
+ * @param jitter range of random to substract from rekeytime
+ * @param use_reauth sould be done reauthentication instead of rekeying?
+ * @param dpd_delay after how many seconds of inactivity to check DPD
+ * @param dpd_action what to do with CHILD_SAs when detected a dead peer
+ * @param my_virtual_ip virtual IP for local host, or NULL
+ * @param other_virtual_ip virtual IP for remote host, or NULL
+ * @return peer_cfg_t object
+ *
+ * @ingroup config
+ */
+peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg_create(char *name, u_int ikev_version, ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg,
+ identification_t *my_id, identification_t *other_id,
+ identification_t *my_ca, identification_t *other_ca,
+ cert_policy_t cert_policy, auth_method_t auth_method,
+ eap_type_t eap_type, u_int32_t keyingtries,
+ u_int32_t lifetime, u_int32_t rekeytime,
+ u_int32_t jitter, bool use_reauth,
+ u_int32_t dpd_delay, dpd_action_t dpd_action,
+ host_t *my_virtual_ip, host_t *other_virtual_ip);
+#endif /* PEER_CFG_H_ */