path: root/src/validators/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/validators/')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/validators/ b/src/validators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c75f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/validators/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+type numeric_str = Number_string of string | Range_string of string
+type numeric_val = Number_float of float | Range_float of float * float
+type options = {
+ positive: bool;
+ nonnegative: bool;
+ allow_float: bool;
+ ranges: string list;
+ not_ranges: string list;
+ not_values: string list;
+ relative: bool;
+ allow_range: bool;
+ require_range: bool;
+let default_opts = {
+ positive = false;
+ nonnegative = false;
+ allow_float = false;
+ ranges = [];
+ not_ranges = [];
+ not_values = [];
+ relative = false;
+ allow_range = false;
+ require_range = false;
+let opts = ref default_opts
+let number_arg = ref ""
+let args = [
+ ("--non-negative", Arg.Unit (fun () -> opts := {!opts with nonnegative=true}), "Check if the number is non-negative (>= 0)");
+ ("--positive", Arg.Unit (fun () -> opts := {!opts with positive=true}), "Check if the number is positive (> 0)");
+ ("--range", Arg.String (fun s -> let optsv = !opts in opts := {optsv with ranges=(s :: optsv.ranges)}), "Check if the number or range is within a range (inclusive)");
+ ("--not-range", Arg.String (fun s -> let optsv = !opts in opts := {optsv with not_ranges=(s :: optsv.not_ranges)}), "Check if the number or range is not within a range (inclusive)");
+ ("--not-value", Arg.String (fun s -> let optsv = !opts in opts := {optsv with not_values=(s :: optsv.not_values)}), "Check if the number does not equal a specific value");
+ ("--float", Arg.Unit (fun () -> opts := {!opts with allow_float=true}), "Allow floating-point numbers");
+ ("--relative", Arg.Unit (fun () -> opts := {!opts with relative=true}), "Allow relative increment/decrement (+/-N)");
+ ("--allow-range", Arg.Unit (fun () -> opts := {!opts with allow_range=true}), "Allow the argument to be a range rather than a single number");
+ ("--require-range", Arg.Unit (fun () -> opts := {!opts with require_range=true; allow_range=true}), "Require the argument to be a range rather than a single number");
+ ("--", Arg.Rest (fun s -> number_arg := s), "Interpret next item as an argument");
+let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] <number>|<range>" Sys.argv.(0)
+let () = if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then (Arg.usage args usage; exit 1)
+let () = Arg.parse args (fun s -> number_arg := s) usage
+let check_nonnegative opts m =
+ if opts.nonnegative then
+ match m with
+ | Number_float n ->
+ if (n < 0.0) then
+ failwith "Number should be non-negative."
+ | Range_float _ ->
+ failwith "option '--non-negative' does not apply to a range value"
+let check_positive opts m =
+ if opts.positive then
+ match m with
+ | Number_float n ->
+ if (n <= 0.0) then
+ failwith "Number should be positive"
+ | Range_float _ ->
+ failwith "option '--positive does' not apply to a range value"
+let looks_like_number value =
+ try let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:"^(\\-?)[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?$" value in true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let is_relative value =
+ try let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:"^[+-][0-9]+$" value in true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let number_string_drop_modifier value =
+ String.sub value 1 (String.length value - 1)
+let get_relative opts t =
+ if opts.relative then
+ match t with
+ | Number_string s ->
+ if not (is_relative s) then
+ failwith "Value is not a relative increment/decrement"
+ else Number_string (number_string_drop_modifier s)
+ | Range_string _ ->
+ failwith "increment/decrement does not apply to a range value"
+ else t
+let number_of_string opts s =
+ if not (looks_like_number s) then Printf.ksprintf failwith "'%s' is not a valid number" s else
+ let n = float_of_string_opt s in
+ match n with
+ | Some n ->
+ (* If floats are explicitly allowed, just return the number. *)
+ if opts.allow_float then n
+ (* If floats are not explicitly allowed, check if the argument has a decimal separator in it.
+ If the argument string contains a dot but float_of_string didn't dislike it,
+ it's a valid number but not an integer.
+ *)
+ else if not (String.contains s '.') then n
+ (* If float_of_string returned None, the argument string is just garbage rather than a number. *)
+ else Printf.ksprintf failwith "'%s' is not a valid integer number" s
+ | None ->
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "'%s' is not a valid number" s
+let range_of_string opts s =
+ let rs = String.split_on_char '-' s |> String.trim |> (number_of_string opts) in
+ match rs with
+ | [l; r] -> (l, r)
+ | exception (Failure msg) ->
+ (* Some of the numbers in the range are bad. *)
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "'%s' is not a valid number range: %s" s msg
+ | _ ->
+ (* The range itself if malformed, like 1-10-20. *)
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "'%s' is not a valid number range" s
+let value_in_ranges ranges n =
+ let in_range (l, r) n = (n >= l) && (n <= r) in
+ List.fold_left (fun acc r -> acc || (in_range r n)) false ranges
+let value_not_in_ranges ranges n =
+ let in_range (l, r) n = (n >= l) && (n <= r) in
+ List.fold_left (fun acc r -> acc && (not (in_range r n))) true ranges
+let check_ranges opts m =
+ if opts.ranges <> [] then
+ let ranges = (range_of_string opts) opts.ranges in
+ match m with
+ | Number_float n ->
+ if not (value_in_ranges ranges n) then
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "Number is not in any of allowed ranges"
+ | Range_float (i, j) ->
+ if (not (value_in_ranges ranges i) ||
+ not (value_in_ranges ranges j)) then
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "Range is not in any of allowed ranges"
+let check_not_ranges opts m =
+ if opts.not_ranges <> [] then
+ let ranges = (range_of_string opts) opts.not_ranges in
+ match m with
+ | Number_float n ->
+ if not (value_not_in_ranges ranges n) then
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "Number is in one of excluded ranges"
+ | Range_float (i, j) ->
+ if (not (value_not_in_ranges ranges i) ||
+ not (value_not_in_ranges ranges j)) then
+ Printf.ksprintf failwith "Range is in one of excluded ranges"
+let check_not_values opts m =
+ let excluded_values = (number_of_string opts) opts.not_values in
+ if excluded_values = [] then () else
+ match m with
+ | Range_float _ -> Printf.ksprintf failwith "--not-value cannot be used with ranges"
+ | Number_float num ->
+ begin
+ let res = List.find_opt ((=) num) excluded_values in
+ match res with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> Printf.ksprintf failwith "Value is excluded by --not-value"
+ end
+let check_argument_type opts m =
+ match m with
+ | Number_float _ ->
+ if opts.require_range then Printf.ksprintf failwith "Value must be a range, not a number"
+ else ()
+ | Range_float _ ->
+ if opts.allow_range then ()
+ else Printf.ksprintf failwith "Value must be a number, not a range"
+let is_range_val s =
+ try let _ = Pcre.exec ~pat:"^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$" s in true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let var_numeric_str s =
+ match is_range_val s with
+ | true -> Range_string s
+ | false -> Number_string s
+let () = try
+ let s = var_numeric_str !number_arg in
+ let opts = !opts in
+ let s = get_relative opts s in
+ let n =
+ match s with
+ | Number_string r -> Number_float (number_of_string opts r)
+ | Range_string r -> let i, j = range_of_string opts r in
+ Range_float (i, j)
+ in
+ check_argument_type opts n;
+ check_nonnegative opts n;
+ check_positive opts n;
+ check_not_values opts n;
+ check_ranges opts n;
+ check_not_ranges opts n
+with (Failure err) ->
+ print_endline err;
+ exit 1