diff options
-rw-r--r--roles/vmware/tasks/main.yml (renamed from roles/vmware-ova/tasks/main.yml)12
-rw-r--r--roles/vmware/templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2 (renamed from roles/vmware-ova/templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2)32
-rw-r--r--roles/vmware/tests/inventory (renamed from roles/vmware-ova/tests/inventory)0
-rw-r--r--roles/vmware/tests/test.yml (renamed from roles/vmware-ova/tests/test.yml)0
-rw-r--r--roles/vmware/vars/main.yml (renamed from roles/vmware-ova/vars/main.yml)0
10 files changed, 161 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index c25157b..c67e234 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,12 +32,18 @@ You need to copy the ISO image with VyOS to /tmp/vyos.iso before running ansible
ansible-playbook qemu.yml
-- VMware
+- VMware Cloud-init
ansible-playbook vmware.yml -e vyos_vmware_private_key_path=path_to_private_key
+- VMware simple ova
+ ```
+ ansible-playbook vmware.yml -e vyos_vmware_private_key_path=path_to_private_key -e cloud_init=false -e ovf_template=simple
+ ```
- Microsoft Hyper-V
@@ -136,4 +142,4 @@ You need to copy the ISO image with VyOS to /tmp/vyos.iso before running ansible
-e custom_packages=true
- ``` \ No newline at end of file
+ ```
diff --git a/qemu.yml b/qemu.yml
index 4c58863..05445cc 100644
--- a/qemu.yml
+++ b/qemu.yml
@@ -5,31 +5,45 @@
vyos_platform: QEMU
vyos_format: qcow2
- vyos_qemu_img: "/tmp/vyos-{{ vyos_version }}{{ ci_tag | default() }}-qemu.qcow2"
+ vyos_qemu_img: "/tmp/vyos-{{ vyos_version }}{{ ci_tag | default() }}-{{vyos_disk_size}}G-qemu.qcow2"
vyos_output_img: "{{ vyos_qemu_img }}"
cloud_init: "false"
cloud_init_ds_string: "{{ cloud_init_ds | default('NoCloud,ConfigDrive,None') }}"
cloud_init_ds_list: "{{ cloud_init_ds_string.split(',') }}"
- roles:
- - install-packages
- - load-modules
- - download-iso
- - mount-iso
- - get-version
- - create-disk
- - setup-root-partition
- - install-image
- - mount-root-fs
- - install-config
- - install-grub
- - install-persistence-conf
- - install-cloud-init-wrapper
- - install-guest-agent-wrapper
- - install-custom-packages-wrapper
- - fstrim
- - unmount-pre
- - create-pxe-archive
- - unmount-all
- - qemu-qcow2
- - cleanup-ending
- - release
+ tasks:
+ - block:
+ - include_role:
+ name: '{{ roleinputvar }}'
+ loop:
+ - install-packages
+ - load-modules
+ - download-iso
+ - mount-iso
+ - get-version
+ - create-disk
+ - setup-root-partition
+ - install-image
+ - mount-root-fs
+ - install-config
+ - install-grub
+ - install-persistence-conf
+ - install-cloud-init-wrapper
+ - install-guest-agent-wrapper
+ - install-custom-packages-wrapper
+ - fstrim
+ - unmount-pre
+ - create-pxe-archive
+ - unmount-all
+ - qemu-qcow2
+ - cleanup-ending
+ - release
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: roleinputvar
+ rescue:
+ - include_role:
+ name: '{{ roleinputvar }}'
+ loop:
+ - unmount-pre
+ - unmount-all
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: roleinputvar
diff --git a/raw.yml b/raw.yml
index 77f90fb..ffeaa84 100644
--- a/raw.yml
+++ b/raw.yml
@@ -5,31 +5,45 @@
vyos_platform: QEMU
vyos_format: raw
- vyos_qemu_raw_img: "/tmp/vyos-{{ vyos_version }}{{ ci_tag | default() }}-qemu.raw"
+ vyos_qemu_raw_img: "/tmp/vyos-{{ vyos_version }}{{ ci_tag | default() }}-{{vyos_disk_size}}G-qemu.raw"
vyos_output_img: "{{ vyos_qemu_img }}"
cloud_init: "false"
cloud_init_ds_string: "{{ cloud_init_ds | default('NoCloud,ConfigDrive,None') }}"
cloud_init_ds_list: "{{ cloud_init_ds_string.split(',') }}"
- roles:
- - install-packages
- - load-modules
- - download-iso
- - mount-iso
- - get-version
- - create-disk
- - setup-root-partition
- - install-image
- - mount-root-fs
- - install-config
- - install-grub
- - install-persistence-conf
- - install-cloud-init-wrapper
- - install-guest-agent-wrapper
- - fstrim
- - unmount-pre
- - create-pxe-archive
- - unmount-all
- - qemu-raw
- - cleanup-ending
- - release
+ tasks:
+ - block:
+ - include_role:
+ name: '{{ roleinputvar }}'
+ loop:
+ - install-packages
+ - load-modules
+ - download-iso
+ - mount-iso
+ - get-version
+ - create-disk
+ - setup-root-partition
+ - install-image
+ - mount-root-fs
+ - install-config
+ - install-grub
+ - install-persistence-conf
+ - install-cloud-init-wrapper
+ - install-guest-agent-wrapper
+ - fstrim
+ - unmount-pre
+ - create-pxe-archive
+ - unmount-all
+ - qemu-raw
+ - cleanup-ending
+ - release
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: roleinputvar
+ rescue:
+ - include_role:
+ name: '{{ roleinputvar }}'
+ loop:
+ - unmount-pre
+ - unmount-all
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: roleinputvar
diff --git a/roles/install-config/templates/config.boot.j2 b/roles/install-config/templates/config.boot.j2
index 852905e..b02c07e 100644
--- a/roles/install-config/templates/config.boot.j2
+++ b/roles/install-config/templates/config.boot.j2
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ system {
ntp {
- server ""
- server ""
- server ""
+ server ""
+ server ""
+ server ""
config-management {
commit-revisions 100
diff --git a/roles/vmware-ova/tasks/main.yml b/roles/vmware/tasks/main.yml
index 0146a15..f62c83f 100644
--- a/roles/vmware-ova/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/vmware/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,48 @@
- name: Convert raw to vmdk
command: qemu-img convert -f raw "{{ vyos_raw_img }}" -O vmdk -o adapter_type=lsilogic "{{ vyos_vmware_tmp_vmdk }}"
- name: Fix vmdk with open-vmdk
command: vmdk-convert "{{ vyos_vmware_tmp_vmdk }}" "{{ vyos_vmware_vmdk }}"
- name: Delete temporary image
path: "{{ vyos_vmware_tmp_vmdk }}"
state: absent
- name: Get vmdk_file_size
shell: du --bytes "{{ vyos_vmware_vmdk }}" | cut -f1
register: vmdk_file_size
- name: Get vmdk_populated_size
shell: vmdk-convert -i "{{ vyos_vmware_vmdk }}"
register: result
- name: Set vmdk_populated_size
vmdk_populated_size: "{{ (result.stdout | from_json).used }}"
- name: Generate OVF
become: false
src: templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2
dest: "{{ vyos_vmware_ovf }}"
- name: Generate MF
shell: openssl sha1 "{{ vyos_vmware_vmdk | basename }}" "{{ vyos_vmware_ovf | basename }}"
chdir: /tmp
register: result
- name: Create MF
become: false
dest: "{{ vyos_vmware_mf }}"
content: "{{ result.stdout }}"
- name: Converting the OVF to signed OVA
become: false
- command: "ovftool --compress=9 --privateKey={{ vyos_vmware_private_key_path }} {{ vyos_vmware_ovf }} {{ vyos_vmware_ova }}"
+ command: "ovftool --privateKey={{ vyos_vmware_private_key_path }} {{ vyos_vmware_ovf }} {{ vyos_vmware_ova }}"
- name: Delete temporary files for VMware
path: "{{ item }}"
diff --git a/roles/vmware-ova/templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2 b/roles/vmware/templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2
index 7f58678..81a9b3a 100644
--- a/roles/vmware-ova/templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2
+++ b/roles/vmware/templates/vyos_vmware_image.ovf.j2
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<ovf:Description>LAN network</ovf:Description>
+ {%- if ovf_template|default('ci') != 'simple' -%}
<Info>List of profiles</Info>
<Configuration ovf:default="true" ovf:id="1CPU-512MB">
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
<Description ovf:msgid="Large.description">Large hardware profile - 8 vCPUs, 32 GB RAM</Description>
+ {%- endif -%}
<vmw:IpAssignmentSection ovf:required="false" vmw:protocols="IPv4 IPv6" vmw:schemes="ovfenv dhcp">
<Info>Supported IP assignment schemes</Info>
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
<Category>Appliance user Settings</Category>
+ {%- if ovf_template|default('ci') != 'simple' -%}
<Property ovf:key="password" ovf:password="true" ovf:qualifiers="MinLen(8)" ovf:type="string" ovf:userConfigurable="true" ovf:value="">
<Label ovf:msgid="Password.label">Password</Label>
<Description ovf:msgid="Password.description">The password for the appliance &apos;vyos&apos; account. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length.</Description>
@@ -95,6 +98,7 @@
<Label>Cloud-init User-Data</Label>
<Description>User-Data, encoded with base64.</Description>
+ {%- endif -%}
<ProductSection ovf:class="vm" ovf:required="false">
<Info>VM specific properties</Info>
@@ -104,17 +108,18 @@
- <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="96" ovf:version="6" vmw:osType="debian8_64Guest">
+ <OperatingSystemSection ovf:id="96" ovf:version="6" vmw:osType="{{ vmware_guest }}">
<Info>The operating system installed</Info>
- <Description>Debian GNU/Linux 8 (64-bit)</Description>
+ <Description>Debian GNU/Linux {{ debian_release }} (64-bit)</Description>
<VirtualHardwareSection ovf:required="false" ovf:transport="com.vmware.guestInfo">
<Info>Virtual Hardware Requirements</Info>
<vssd:ElementName>Virtual Hardware Family</vssd:ElementName>
- <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-11</vssd:VirtualSystemType>
+ <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-{{ 11 if debian_release == 8 else 13 }}</vssd:VirtualSystemType>
+ {%- if ovf_template|default('ci') != 'simple' -%}
<Item configuration="1CPU-512MB">
<rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
<rasd:Description>Number of virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
@@ -166,6 +171,24 @@
+ {%- else -%}
+ <Item>
+ <rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
+ <rasd:Description>Number of virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
+ <rasd:ElementName xmlns:rasd="">1 virtual CPU</rasd:ElementName>
+ <rasd:InstanceID xmlns:rasd="">1</rasd:InstanceID>
+ <rasd:ResourceType>3</rasd:ResourceType>
+ <rasd:VirtualQuantity>1</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
+ </Item>
+ <Item>
+ <rasd:AllocationUnits>byte * 2^20</rasd:AllocationUnits>
+ <rasd:Description>Memory Size</rasd:Description>
+ <rasd:ElementName xmlns:rasd="">4 GB of memory</rasd:ElementName>
+ <rasd:InstanceID xmlns:rasd="">2</rasd:InstanceID>
+ <rasd:ResourceType>4</rasd:ResourceType>
+ <rasd:VirtualQuantity>4096</rasd:VirtualQuantity>
+ </Item>
+ {%- endif -%}
<rasd:Address xmlns:rasd="">0</rasd:Address>
<rasd:ElementName xmlns:rasd="">SCSI Controller 0 - VMware Paravirtual SCSI</rasd:ElementName>
@@ -217,7 +240,6 @@
<vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="cpuHotAddEnabled" vmw:value="true"/>
<vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="memoryHotAddEnabled" vmw:value="true"/>
- <vmw:ExtraConfig ovf:required="false" vmw:key="" vmw:value="TRUE"/>
-</ovf:Envelope> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/roles/vmware-ova/tests/inventory b/roles/vmware/tests/inventory
index 878877b..878877b 100644
--- a/roles/vmware-ova/tests/inventory
+++ b/roles/vmware/tests/inventory
diff --git a/roles/vmware-ova/tests/test.yml b/roles/vmware/tests/test.yml
index 58552e3..58552e3 100644
--- a/roles/vmware-ova/tests/test.yml
+++ b/roles/vmware/tests/test.yml
diff --git a/roles/vmware-ova/vars/main.yml b/roles/vmware/vars/main.yml
index 598f592..598f592 100644
--- a/roles/vmware-ova/vars/main.yml
+++ b/roles/vmware/vars/main.yml
diff --git a/vmware.yml b/vmware.yml
index 8daccf2..00e2daf 100644
--- a/vmware.yml
+++ b/vmware.yml
@@ -11,24 +11,40 @@
cloud_init: "true"
cloud_init_ds_string: "{{ cloud_init_ds | default('OVF,None') }}"
cloud_init_ds_list: "{{ cloud_init_ds_string.split(',') }}"
- roles:
- - install-packages
- - load-modules
- - download-iso
- - mount-iso
- - get-version
- - create-disk
- - setup-root-partition
- - install-image
- - mount-root-fs
- - install-config
- - install-grub
- - install-persistence-conf
- - install-cloud-init-wrapper
- - fstrim
- - unmount-pre
- - unmount-all
- - install-open-vmdk
- - vmware-ova
- - cleanup-ending
- - release
+ vmware_guest: debian10_64Guest
+ debian_release: 10
+ tasks:
+ - block:
+ - include_role:
+ name: '{{ roleinputvar }}'
+ loop:
+ - install-packages
+ - load-modules
+ - download-iso
+ - mount-iso
+ - get-version
+ - create-disk
+ - setup-root-partition
+ - install-image
+ - mount-root-fs
+ - install-config
+ - install-grub
+ - install-persistence-conf
+ - install-cloud-init-wrapper
+ - fstrim
+ - unmount-pre
+ - unmount-all
+ - install-open-vmdk
+ - vmware
+ - cleanup-ending
+ - release
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: roleinputvar
+ rescue:
+ - include_role:
+ name: '{{ roleinputvar }}'
+ loop:
+ - unmount-pre
+ - unmount-all
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: roleinputvar