path: root/azurelinuxagent/protocol
diff options
authorDaniel Watkins <>2016-09-13 16:11:47 +0100
committerusd-importer <>2016-09-14 10:39:12 +0000
commit5009a9d0f3606fc08a80ec0d59076d8dc48d2f25 (patch)
treead67eef74c5208178950db6ee28195e2137fa713 /azurelinuxagent/protocol
parent0f7cef5b52162d1ebb31a738bd8fc9febe1fbda6 (diff)
Import patches-unapplied version 2.1.5-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/yakkety-proposed
Imported using git-ubuntu import. Changelog parent: 0f7cef5b52162d1ebb31a738bd8fc9febe1fbda6 New changelog entries: * New upstream release (LP: #1603581) - d/patches/disable-auto-update.patch: - The new version introduces auto-updating of the agent to its latest version via an internal mechanism; disable this - d/patches/fix_shebangs.patch: - Dropped in favour of the dh_python3 --shebang option. - Refreshed d/patches/disable_udev_overrides.patch
Diffstat (limited to 'azurelinuxagent/protocol')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1731 deletions
diff --git a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/ b/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1bbdb..0000000
--- a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
-# Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
diff --git a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/ b/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a1656f..0000000
--- a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
-# Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
-import json
-import shutil
-import os
-import time
-from azurelinuxagent.exception import ProtocolError, HttpError
-from azurelinuxagent.future import httpclient, ustr
-import azurelinuxagent.conf as conf
-import azurelinuxagent.logger as logger
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.restutil as restutil
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.textutil as textutil
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.fileutil as fileutil
-from azurelinuxagent.utils.cryptutil import CryptUtil
-from azurelinuxagent.protocol.restapi import *
-BASE_URI = "http://{0}/Microsoft.Compute/{1}?api-version={2}{3}"
-TRANSPORT_PRV_FILE_NAME = "V2TransportPrivate.pem"
-TRANSPORT_CERT_FILE_NAME = "V2TransportCert.pem"
-#TODO remote workarround for azure stack
-MAX_PING = 30
-def _add_content_type(headers):
- if headers is None:
- headers = {}
- headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
- return headers
-class MetadataProtocol(Protocol):
- def __init__(self, apiversion=APIVERSION, endpoint=METADATA_ENDPOINT):
- self.apiversion = apiversion
- self.endpoint = endpoint
- self.identity_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint, "identity",
- self.apiversion, "&$expand=*")
- self.cert_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint, "certificates",
- self.apiversion, "&$expand=*")
- self.ext_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint, "extensionHandlers",
- self.apiversion, "&$expand=*")
- self.provision_status_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint,
- "provisioningStatus",
- self.apiversion, "")
- self.vm_status_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint, "status/vmagent",
- self.apiversion, "")
- self.ext_status_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint,
- "status/extensions/{0}",
- self.apiversion, "")
- self.event_uri = BASE_URI.format(self.endpoint, "status/telemetry",
- self.apiversion, "")
- def _get_data(self, url, headers=None):
- try:
- resp = restutil.http_get(url, headers=headers)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError(ustr(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.OK:
- raise ProtocolError("{0} - GET: {1}".format(resp.status, url))
- data =
- etag = resp.getheader('ETag')
- if data is None:
- return None
- data = json.loads(ustr(data, encoding="utf-8"))
- return data, etag
- def _put_data(self, url, data, headers=None):
- headers = _add_content_type(headers)
- try:
- resp = restutil.http_put(url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError(ustr(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.OK:
- raise ProtocolError("{0} - PUT: {1}".format(resp.status, url))
- def _post_data(self, url, data, headers=None):
- headers = _add_content_type(headers)
- try:
- resp = restutil.http_post(url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError(ustr(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.CREATED:
- raise ProtocolError("{0} - POST: {1}".format(resp.status, url))
- def _get_trans_cert(self):
- trans_crt_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- if not os.path.isfile(trans_crt_file):
- raise ProtocolError("{0} is missing.".format(trans_crt_file))
- content = fileutil.read_file(trans_crt_file)
- return textutil.get_bytes_from_pem(content)
- def detect(self):
- self.get_vminfo()
- trans_prv_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- trans_cert_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- cryptutil = CryptUtil(conf.get_openssl_cmd())
- cryptutil.gen_transport_cert(trans_prv_file, trans_cert_file)
- #"Install" the cert and private key to /var/lib/waagent
- thumbprint = cryptutil.get_thumbprint_from_crt(trans_cert_file)
- prv_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- "{0}.prv".format(thumbprint))
- crt_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- "{0}.crt".format(thumbprint))
- shutil.copyfile(trans_prv_file, prv_file)
- shutil.copyfile(trans_cert_file, crt_file)
- def get_vminfo(self):
- vminfo = VMInfo()
- data, etag = self._get_data(self.identity_uri)
- set_properties("vminfo", vminfo, data)
- return vminfo
- def get_certs(self):
- #TODO download and save certs
- return CertList()
- def get_ext_handlers(self):
- headers = {
- "x-ms-vmagent-public-x509-cert": self._get_trans_cert()
- }
- ext_list = ExtHandlerList()
- data, etag = self._get_data(self.ext_uri, headers=headers)
- set_properties("extensionHandlers", ext_list.extHandlers, data)
- return ext_list, etag
- def get_ext_handler_pkgs(self, ext_handler):
- ext_handler_pkgs = ExtHandlerPackageList()
- data = None
- for version_uri in ext_handler.versionUris:
- try:
- data, etag = self._get_data(version_uri.uri)
- break
- except ProtocolError as e:
- logger.warn("Failed to get version uris: {0}", e)
-"Retry getting version uris")
- set_properties("extensionPackages", ext_handler_pkgs, data)
- return ext_handler_pkgs
- def report_provision_status(self, provision_status):
- validata_param('provisionStatus', provision_status, ProvisionStatus)
- data = get_properties(provision_status)
- self._put_data(self.provision_status_uri, data)
- def report_vm_status(self, vm_status):
- validata_param('vmStatus', vm_status, VMStatus)
- data = get_properties(vm_status)
- #TODO code field is not implemented for metadata protocol yet. Remove it
- handler_statuses = data['vmAgent']['extensionHandlers']
- for handler_status in handler_statuses:
- try:
- handler_status.pop('code', None)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- self._put_data(self.vm_status_uri, data)
- def report_ext_status(self, ext_handler_name, ext_name, ext_status):
- validata_param('extensionStatus', ext_status, ExtensionStatus)
- data = get_properties(ext_status)
- uri = self.ext_status_uri.format(ext_name)
- self._put_data(uri, data)
- def report_event(self, events):
- #TODO disable telemetry for azure stack test
- #validata_param('events', events, TelemetryEventList)
- #data = get_properties(events)
- #self._post_data(self.event_uri, data)
- pass
diff --git a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/ b/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
deleted file mode 100644
index de6791c..0000000
--- a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
-# Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
-Copy and parse ovf-env.xml from provisioning ISO and local cache
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
-import azurelinuxagent.logger as logger
-from azurelinuxagent.exception import ProtocolError
-from azurelinuxagent.future import ustr
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.fileutil as fileutil
-from azurelinuxagent.utils.textutil import parse_doc, findall, find, findtext
-OVF_VERSION = "1.0"
-def _validate_ovf(val, msg):
- if val is None:
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to parse OVF XML: {0}".format(msg))
-class OvfEnv(object):
- """
- Read, and process provisioning info from provisioning file OvfEnv.xml
- """
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- if xml_text is None:
- raise ValueError("ovf-env is None")
- logger.verb("Load ovf-env.xml")
- self.hostname = None
- self.username = None
- self.user_password = None
- self.customdata = None
- self.disable_ssh_password_auth = True
- self.ssh_pubkeys = []
- self.ssh_keypairs = []
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- """
- Parse xml tree, retreiving user and ssh key information.
- Return self.
- """
- wans = WA_NAME_SPACE
- ovfns = OVF_NAME_SPACE
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- environment = find(xml_doc, "Environment", namespace=ovfns)
- _validate_ovf(environment, "Environment not found")
- section = find(environment, "ProvisioningSection", namespace=wans)
- _validate_ovf(section, "ProvisioningSection not found")
- version = findtext(environment, "Version", namespace=wans)
- _validate_ovf(version, "Version not found")
- if version > OVF_VERSION:
- logger.warn("Newer provisioning configuration detected. "
- "Please consider updating waagent")
- conf_set = find(section, "LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet",
- namespace=wans)
- _validate_ovf(conf_set, "LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet not found")
- self.hostname = findtext(conf_set, "HostName", namespace=wans)
- _validate_ovf(self.hostname, "HostName not found")
- self.username = findtext(conf_set, "UserName", namespace=wans)
- _validate_ovf(self.username, "UserName not found")
- self.user_password = findtext(conf_set, "UserPassword", namespace=wans)
- self.customdata = findtext(conf_set, "CustomData", namespace=wans)
- auth_option = findtext(conf_set, "DisableSshPasswordAuthentication",
- namespace=wans)
- if auth_option is not None and auth_option.lower() == "true":
- self.disable_ssh_password_auth = True
- else:
- self.disable_ssh_password_auth = False
- public_keys = findall(conf_set, "PublicKey", namespace=wans)
- for public_key in public_keys:
- path = findtext(public_key, "Path", namespace=wans)
- fingerprint = findtext(public_key, "Fingerprint", namespace=wans)
- value = findtext(public_key, "Value", namespace=wans)
- self.ssh_pubkeys.append((path, fingerprint, value))
- keypairs = findall(conf_set, "KeyPair", namespace=wans)
- for keypair in keypairs:
- path = findtext(keypair, "Path", namespace=wans)
- fingerprint = findtext(keypair, "Fingerprint", namespace=wans)
- self.ssh_keypairs.append((path, fingerprint))
diff --git a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/ b/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbd29ed..0000000
--- a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
-# Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
-import os
-import copy
-import re
-import json
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import azurelinuxagent.logger as logger
-from azurelinuxagent.exception import ProtocolError, HttpError
-from azurelinuxagent.future import ustr
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.restutil as restutil
-def validata_param(name, val, expected_type):
- if val is None:
- raise ProtocolError("{0} is None".format(name))
- if not isinstance(val, expected_type):
- raise ProtocolError(("{0} type should be {1} not {2}"
- "").format(name, expected_type, type(val)))
-def set_properties(name, obj, data):
- if isinstance(obj, DataContract):
- validata_param("Property '{0}'".format(name), data, dict)
- for prob_name, prob_val in data.items():
- prob_full_name = "{0}.{1}".format(name, prob_name)
- try:
- prob = getattr(obj, prob_name)
- except AttributeError:
- logger.warn("Unknown property: {0}", prob_full_name)
- continue
- prob = set_properties(prob_full_name, prob, prob_val)
- setattr(obj, prob_name, prob)
- return obj
- elif isinstance(obj, DataContractList):
- validata_param("List '{0}'".format(name), data, list)
- for item_data in data:
- item = obj.item_cls()
- item = set_properties(name, item, item_data)
- obj.append(item)
- return obj
- else:
- return data
-def get_properties(obj):
- if isinstance(obj, DataContract):
- data = {}
- props = vars(obj)
- for prob_name, prob in list(props.items()):
- data[prob_name] = get_properties(prob)
- return data
- elif isinstance(obj, DataContractList):
- data = []
- for item in obj:
- item_data = get_properties(item)
- data.append(item_data)
- return data
- else:
- return obj
-class DataContract(object):
- pass
-class DataContractList(list):
- def __init__(self, item_cls):
- self.item_cls = item_cls
-Data contract between guest and host
-class VMInfo(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, subscriptionId=None, vmName=None, containerId=None,
- roleName=None, roleInstanceName=None, tenantName=None):
- self.subscriptionId = subscriptionId
- self.vmName = vmName
- self.containerId = containerId
- self.roleName = roleName
- self.roleInstanceName = roleInstanceName
- self.tenantName = tenantName
-class Cert(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, name=None, thumbprint=None, certificateDataUri=None):
- = name
- self.thumbprint = thumbprint
- self.certificateDataUri = certificateDataUri
-class CertList(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- self.certificates = DataContractList(Cert)
-class Extension(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, name=None, sequenceNumber=None, publicSettings=None,
- protectedSettings=None, certificateThumbprint=None):
- = name
- self.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
- self.publicSettings = publicSettings
- self.protectedSettings = protectedSettings
- self.certificateThumbprint = certificateThumbprint
-class ExtHandlerProperties(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- self.version = None
- self.upgradePolicy = None
- self.state = None
- self.extensions = DataContractList(Extension)
-class ExtHandlerVersionUri(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- self.uri = None
-class ExtHandler(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, name=None):
- = name
- = ExtHandlerProperties()
- self.versionUris = DataContractList(ExtHandlerVersionUri)
-class ExtHandlerList(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- self.extHandlers = DataContractList(ExtHandler)
-class ExtHandlerPackageUri(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, uri=None):
- self.uri = uri
-class ExtHandlerPackage(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, version = None):
- self.version = version
- self.uris = DataContractList(ExtHandlerPackageUri)
-class ExtHandlerPackageList(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- self.versions = DataContractList(ExtHandlerPackage)
-class VMProperties(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, certificateThumbprint=None):
- #TODO need to confirm the property name
- self.certificateThumbprint = certificateThumbprint
-class ProvisionStatus(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, status=None, subStatus=None, description=None):
- self.status = status
- self.subStatus = subStatus
- self.description = description
- = VMProperties()
-class ExtensionSubStatus(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, name=None, status=None, code=None, message=None):
- = name
- self.status = status
- self.code = code
- self.message = message
-class ExtensionStatus(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, configurationAppliedTime=None, operation=None,
- status=None, seq_no=None, code=None, message=None):
- self.configurationAppliedTime = configurationAppliedTime
- self.operation = operation
- self.status = status
- self.sequenceNumber = seq_no
- self.code = code
- self.message = message
- self.substatusList = DataContractList(ExtensionSubStatus)
-class ExtHandlerStatus(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, name=None, version=None, status=None, code=0,
- message=None):
- = name
- self.version = version
- self.status = status
- self.code = code
- self.message = message
- self.extensions = DataContractList(ustr)
-class VMAgentStatus(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, version=None, status=None, message=None):
- self.version = version
- self.status = status
- self.message = message
- self.extensionHandlers = DataContractList(ExtHandlerStatus)
-class VMStatus(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- self.vmAgent = VMAgentStatus()
-class TelemetryEventParam(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, name=None, value=None):
- = name
- self.value = value
-class TelemetryEvent(DataContract):
- def __init__(self, eventId=None, providerId=None):
- self.eventId = eventId
- self.providerId = providerId
- self.parameters = DataContractList(TelemetryEventParam)
-class TelemetryEventList(DataContract):
- def __init__(self):
- = DataContractList(TelemetryEvent)
-class Protocol(DataContract):
- def detect(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_vminfo(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_certs(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_ext_handlers(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_ext_handler_pkgs(self, extension):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def download_ext_handler_pkg(self, uri):
- try:
- resp = restutil.http_get(uri, chk_proxy=True)
- if resp.status == restutil.httpclient.OK:
- return
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to download from: {0}".format(uri), e)
- def report_provision_status(self, provision_status):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def report_vm_status(self, vm_status):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def report_ext_status(self, ext_handler_name, ext_name, ext_status):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def report_event(self, event):
- raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/ b/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5ffe8..0000000
--- a/azurelinuxagent/protocol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1155 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
-# Copyright 2014 Microsoft Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
-import os
-import json
-import re
-import time
-import traceback
-import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
-import azurelinuxagent.conf as conf
-import azurelinuxagent.logger as logger
-from azurelinuxagent.exception import ProtocolError, HttpError, \
- ProtocolNotFoundError
-from azurelinuxagent.future import ustr, httpclient, bytebuffer
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.restutil as restutil
-from azurelinuxagent.utils.textutil import parse_doc, findall, find, findtext, \
- getattrib, gettext, remove_bom, \
- get_bytes_from_pem
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.fileutil as fileutil
-import azurelinuxagent.utils.shellutil as shellutil
-from azurelinuxagent.utils.cryptutil import CryptUtil
-from azurelinuxagent.protocol.restapi import *
-VERSION_INFO_URI = "http://{0}/?comp=versions"
-GOAL_STATE_URI = "http://{0}/machine/?comp=goalstate"
-HEALTH_REPORT_URI = "http://{0}/machine?comp=health"
-ROLE_PROP_URI = "http://{0}/machine?comp=roleProperties"
-TELEMETRY_URI = "http://{0}/machine?comp=telemetrydata"
-GOAL_STATE_FILE_NAME = "GoalState.{0}.xml"
-HOSTING_ENV_FILE_NAME = "HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml"
-SHARED_CONF_FILE_NAME = "SharedConfig.xml"
-CERTS_FILE_NAME = "Certificates.xml"
-P7M_FILE_NAME = "Certificates.p7m"
-PEM_FILE_NAME = "Certificates.pem"
-EXT_CONF_FILE_NAME = "ExtensionsConfig.{0}.xml"
-MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = "{0}.{1}.manifest.xml"
-TRANSPORT_CERT_FILE_NAME = "TransportCert.pem"
-TRANSPORT_PRV_FILE_NAME = "TransportPrivate.pem"
-PROTOCOL_VERSION = "2012-11-30"
-LONG_WAITING_INTERVAL = 15 # 15 seconds
-class WireProtocolResourceGone(ProtocolError):
- pass
-class WireProtocol(Protocol):
- """Slim layer to adapte wire protocol data to metadata protocol interface"""
- def __init__(self, endpoint):
- if endpoint is None:
- raise ProtocolError("WireProtocl endpoint is None")
- self.endpoint = endpoint
- self.client = WireClient(self.endpoint)
- def detect(self):
- self.client.check_wire_protocol_version()
- trans_prv_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- trans_cert_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- cryptutil = CryptUtil(conf.get_openssl_cmd())
- cryptutil.gen_transport_cert(trans_prv_file, trans_cert_file)
- self.client.update_goal_state(forced=True)
- def get_vminfo(self):
- goal_state = self.client.get_goal_state()
- hosting_env = self.client.get_hosting_env()
- vminfo = VMInfo()
- vminfo.subscriptionId = None
- vminfo.vmName = hosting_env.vm_name
- vminfo.tenantName = hosting_env.deployment_name
- vminfo.roleName = hosting_env.role_name
- vminfo.roleInstanceName = goal_state.role_instance_id
- vminfo.containerId = goal_state.container_id
- return vminfo
- def get_certs(self):
- certificates = self.client.get_certs()
- return certificates.cert_list
- def get_ext_handlers(self):
- logger.verb("Get extension handler config")
- #Update goal state to get latest extensions config
- self.client.update_goal_state()
- goal_state = self.client.get_goal_state()
- ext_conf = self.client.get_ext_conf()
- #In wire protocol, incarnation is equivalent to ETag
- return ext_conf.ext_handlers, goal_state.incarnation
- def get_ext_handler_pkgs(self, ext_handler):
- logger.verb("Get extension handler package")
- goal_state = self.client.get_goal_state()
- man = self.client.get_ext_manifest(ext_handler, goal_state)
- return man.pkg_list
- def report_provision_status(self, provision_status):
- validata_param("provision_status", provision_status, ProvisionStatus)
- if provision_status.status is not None:
- self.client.report_health(provision_status.status,
- provision_status.subStatus,
- provision_status.description)
- if is not None:
- thumbprint =
- self.client.report_role_prop(thumbprint)
- def report_vm_status(self, vm_status):
- validata_param("vm_status", vm_status, VMStatus)
- self.client.status_blob.set_vm_status(vm_status)
- self.client.upload_status_blob()
- def report_ext_status(self, ext_handler_name, ext_name, ext_status):
- validata_param("ext_status", ext_status, ExtensionStatus)
- self.client.status_blob.set_ext_status(ext_handler_name, ext_status)
- def report_event(self, events):
- validata_param("events", events, TelemetryEventList)
- self.client.report_event(events)
-def _build_role_properties(container_id, role_instance_id, thumbprint):
- xml = (u"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
- u"<RoleProperties>"
- u"<Container>"
- u"<ContainerId>{0}</ContainerId>"
- u"<RoleInstances>"
- u"<RoleInstance>"
- u"<Id>{1}</Id>"
- u"<Properties>"
- u"<Property name=\"CertificateThumbprint\" value=\"{2}\" />"
- u"</Properties>"
- u"</RoleInstance>"
- u"</RoleInstances>"
- u"</Container>"
- u"</RoleProperties>"
- u"").format(container_id, role_instance_id, thumbprint)
- return xml
-def _build_health_report(incarnation, container_id, role_instance_id,
- status, substatus, description):
- #Escape '&', '<' and '>'
- description = saxutils.escape(ustr(description))
- detail = u''
- if substatus is not None:
- substatus = saxutils.escape(ustr(substatus))
- detail = (u"<Details>"
- u"<SubStatus>{0}</SubStatus>"
- u"<Description>{1}</Description>"
- u"</Details>").format(substatus, description)
- xml = (u"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
- u"<Health "
- u"xmlns:xsi=\"\""
- u" xmlns:xsd=\"\">"
- u"<GoalStateIncarnation>{0}</GoalStateIncarnation>"
- u"<Container>"
- u"<ContainerId>{1}</ContainerId>"
- u"<RoleInstanceList>"
- u"<Role>"
- u"<InstanceId>{2}</InstanceId>"
- u"<Health>"
- u"<State>{3}</State>"
- u"{4}"
- u"</Health>"
- u"</Role>"
- u"</RoleInstanceList>"
- u"</Container>"
- u"</Health>"
- u"").format(incarnation,
- container_id,
- role_instance_id,
- status,
- detail)
- return xml
-Convert VMStatus object to status blob format
-def ga_status_to_v1(ga_status):
- formatted_msg = {
- 'lang' : 'en-US',
- 'message' : ga_status.message
- }
- v1_ga_status = {
- 'version' : ga_status.version,
- 'status' : ga_status.status,
- 'formattedMessage' : formatted_msg
- }
- return v1_ga_status
-def ext_substatus_to_v1(sub_status_list):
- status_list = []
- for substatus in sub_status_list:
- status = {
- "name":,
- "status": substatus.status,
- "code": substatus.code,
- "formattedMessage":{
- "lang": "en-US",
- "message": substatus.message
- }
- }
- status_list.append(status)
- return status_list
-def ext_status_to_v1(ext_name, ext_status):
- if ext_status is None:
- return None
- timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
- v1_sub_status = ext_substatus_to_v1(ext_status.substatusList)
- v1_ext_status = {
- "status":{
- "name": ext_name,
- "configurationAppliedTime": ext_status.configurationAppliedTime,
- "operation": ext_status.operation,
- "status": ext_status.status,
- "code": ext_status.code,
- "formattedMessage": {
- "lang":"en-US",
- "message": ext_status.message
- }
- },
- "version": 1.0,
- "timestampUTC": timestamp
- }
- if len(v1_sub_status) != 0:
- v1_ext_status['substatus'] = v1_sub_status
- return v1_ext_status
-def ext_handler_status_to_v1(handler_status, ext_statuses, timestamp):
- v1_handler_status = {
- 'handlerVersion' : handler_status.version,
- 'handlerName' :,
- 'status' : handler_status.status,
- 'code': handler_status.code
- }
- if handler_status.message is not None:
- v1_handler_status["formattedMessage"] = {
- "lang":"en-US",
- "message": handler_status.message
- }
- if len(handler_status.extensions) > 0:
- #Currently, no more than one extension per handler
- ext_name = handler_status.extensions[0]
- ext_status = ext_statuses.get(ext_name)
- v1_ext_status = ext_status_to_v1(ext_name, ext_status)
- if ext_status is not None and v1_ext_status is not None:
- v1_handler_status["runtimeSettingsStatus"] = {
- 'settingsStatus' : v1_ext_status,
- 'sequenceNumber' : ext_status.sequenceNumber
- }
- return v1_handler_status
-def vm_status_to_v1(vm_status, ext_statuses):
- timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
- v1_ga_status = ga_status_to_v1(vm_status.vmAgent)
- v1_handler_status_list = []
- for handler_status in vm_status.vmAgent.extensionHandlers:
- v1_handler_status = ext_handler_status_to_v1(handler_status,
- ext_statuses, timestamp)
- if v1_handler_status is not None:
- v1_handler_status_list.append(v1_handler_status)
- v1_agg_status = {
- 'guestAgentStatus': v1_ga_status,
- 'handlerAggregateStatus' : v1_handler_status_list
- }
- v1_vm_status = {
- 'version' : '1.0',
- 'timestampUTC' : timestamp,
- 'aggregateStatus' : v1_agg_status
- }
- return v1_vm_status
-class StatusBlob(object):
- def __init__(self, client):
- self.vm_status = None
- self.ext_statuses = {}
- self.client = client
- def set_vm_status(self, vm_status):
- validata_param("vmAgent", vm_status, VMStatus)
- self.vm_status = vm_status
- def set_ext_status(self, ext_handler_name, ext_status):
- validata_param("extensionStatus", ext_status, ExtensionStatus)
- self.ext_statuses[ext_handler_name]= ext_status
- def to_json(self):
- report = vm_status_to_v1(self.vm_status, self.ext_statuses)
- return json.dumps(report)
- __storage_version__ = "2014-02-14"
- def upload(self, url):
- #TODO upload extension only if content has changed
- logger.verb("Upload status blob")
- blob_type = self.get_blob_type(url)
- data = self.to_json()
- try:
- if blob_type == "BlockBlob":
- self.put_block_blob(url, data)
- elif blob_type == "PageBlob":
- self.put_page_blob(url, data)
- else:
- raise ProtocolError("Unknown blob type: {0}".format(blob_type))
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to upload status blob: {0}".format(e))
- def get_blob_type(self, url):
- #Check blob type
- logger.verb("Check blob type.")
- timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
- try:
- resp = self.client.call_storage_service(restutil.http_head, url, {
- "x-ms-date" : timestamp,
- 'x-ms-version' : self.__class__.__storage_version__
- })
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to get status blob type: {0}"
- u"").format(e))
- if resp is None or resp.status != httpclient.OK:
- raise ProtocolError(("Failed to get status blob type: {0}"
- "").format(resp.status))
- blob_type = resp.getheader("x-ms-blob-type")
- logger.verb("Blob type={0}".format(blob_type))
- return blob_type
- def put_block_blob(self, url, data):
- logger.verb("Upload block blob")
- timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
- try:
- resp = self.client.call_storage_service(restutil.http_put, url,
- data, {
- "x-ms-date" : timestamp,
- "x-ms-blob-type" : "BlockBlob",
- "Content-Length": ustr(len(data)),
- "x-ms-version" : self.__class__.__storage_version__
- })
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to upload block blob: {0}"
- u"").format(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.CREATED:
- raise ProtocolError(("Failed to upload block blob: {0}"
- "").format(resp.status))
- def put_page_blob(self, url, data):
- logger.verb("Replace old page blob")
- #Convert string into bytes
- data=bytearray(data, encoding='utf-8')
- timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
- #Align to 512 bytes
- page_blob_size = int((len(data) + 511) / 512) * 512
- try:
- resp = self.client.call_storage_service(restutil.http_put, url,
- "", {
- "x-ms-date" : timestamp,
- "x-ms-blob-type" : "PageBlob",
- "Content-Length": "0",
- "x-ms-blob-content-length" : ustr(page_blob_size),
- "x-ms-version" : self.__class__.__storage_version__
- })
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to clean up page blob: {0}"
- u"").format(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.CREATED:
- raise ProtocolError(("Failed to clean up page blob: {0}"
- "").format(resp.status))
- if url.count("?") < 0:
- url = "{0}?comp=page".format(url)
- else:
- url = "{0}&comp=page".format(url)
- logger.verb("Upload page blob")
- page_max = 4 * 1024 * 1024 #Max page size: 4MB
- start = 0
- end = 0
- while end < len(data):
- end = min(len(data), start + page_max)
- content_size = end - start
- #Align to 512 bytes
- page_end = int((end + 511) / 512) * 512
- buf_size = page_end - start
- buf = bytearray(buf_size)
- buf[0: content_size] = data[start: end]
- try:
- resp = self.client.call_storage_service(restutil.http_put, url,
- bytebuffer(buf), {
- "x-ms-date" : timestamp,
- "x-ms-range" : "bytes={0}-{1}".format(start, page_end - 1),
- "x-ms-page-write" : "update",
- "x-ms-version" : self.__class__.__storage_version__,
- "Content-Length": ustr(page_end - start)
- })
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to upload page blob: {0}"
- u"").format(e))
- if resp is None or resp.status != httpclient.CREATED:
- raise ProtocolError(("Failed to upload page blob: {0}"
- "").format(resp.status))
- start = end
-def event_param_to_v1(param):
- param_format = '<Param Name="{0}" Value={1} T="{2}" />'
- param_type = type(param.value)
- attr_type = ""
- if param_type is int:
- attr_type = 'mt:uint64'
- elif param_type is str:
- attr_type = 'mt:wstr'
- elif ustr(param_type).count("'unicode'") > 0:
- attr_type = 'mt:wstr'
- elif param_type is bool:
- attr_type = 'mt:bool'
- elif param_type is float:
- attr_type = 'mt:float64'
- return param_format.format(, saxutils.quoteattr(ustr(param.value)),
- attr_type)
-def event_to_v1(event):
- params = ""
- for param in event.parameters:
- params += event_param_to_v1(param)
- event_str = ('<Event id="{0}">'
- '<![CDATA[{1}]]>'
- '</Event>').format(event.eventId, params)
- return event_str
-class WireClient(object):
- def __init__(self, endpoint):
-"Wire server endpoint:{0}", endpoint)
- self.endpoint = endpoint
- self.goal_state = None
- self.updated = None
- self.hosting_env = None
- self.shared_conf = None
- self.certs = None
- self.ext_conf = None
- self.last_request = 0
- self.req_count = 0
- self.status_blob = StatusBlob(self)
- def prevent_throttling(self):
- """
- Try to avoid throttling of wire server
- """
- now = time.time()
- if now - self.last_request < 1:
- logger.verb("Last request issued less than 1 second ago")
- logger.verb("Sleep {0} second to avoid throttling.",
- self.last_request = now
- self.req_count += 1
- if self.req_count % 3 == 0:
- logger.verb("Sleep {0} second to avoid throttling.",
- self.req_count = 0
- def call_wireserver(self, http_req, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Call wire server. Handle throttling(403) and Resource Gone(410)
- """
- self.prevent_throttling()
- for retry in range(0, 3):
- resp = http_req(*args, **kwargs)
- if resp.status == httpclient.FORBIDDEN:
- logger.warn("Sending too much request to wire server")
-"Sleep {0} second to avoid throttling.",
- elif resp.status == httpclient.GONE:
- msg = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else ""
- raise WireProtocolResourceGone(msg)
- else:
- return resp
- raise ProtocolError(("Calling wire server failed: {0}"
- "").format(resp.status))
- def decode_config(self, data):
- if data is None:
- return None
- data = remove_bom(data)
- xml_text = ustr(data, encoding='utf-8')
- return xml_text
- def fetch_config(self, uri, headers):
- try:
- resp = self.call_wireserver(restutil.http_get, uri,
- headers=headers)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError(ustr(e))
- if(resp.status != httpclient.OK):
- raise ProtocolError("{0} - {1}".format(resp.status, uri))
- return self.decode_config(
- def fetch_cache(self, local_file):
- if not os.path.isfile(local_file):
- raise ProtocolError("{0} is missing.".format(local_file))
- try:
- return fileutil.read_file(local_file)
- except IOError as e:
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to read cache: {0}".format(e))
- def save_cache(self, local_file, data):
- try:
- fileutil.write_file(local_file, data)
- except IOError as e:
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to write cache: {0}".format(e))
- def call_storage_service(self, http_req, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Call storage service, handle SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE(503)
- """
- for retry in range(0, 3):
- resp = http_req(*args, **kwargs)
- if resp.status == httpclient.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
- logger.warn("Storage service is not avaible temporaryly")
-"Will retry later, in {0} seconds",
- else:
- return resp
- raise ProtocolError(("Calling storage endpoint failed: {0}"
- "").format(resp.status))
- def fetch_manifest(self, version_uris):
- for version_uri in version_uris:
- logger.verb("Fetch ext handler manifest: {0}", version_uri.uri)
- try:
- resp = self.call_storage_service(restutil.http_get,
- version_uri.uri, None,
- chk_proxy=True)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError(ustr(e))
- if resp.status == httpclient.OK:
- return self.decode_config(
- logger.warn("Failed to fetch ExtensionManifest: {0}, {1}",
- resp.status, version_uri.uri)
-"Will retry later, in {0} seconds",
- raise ProtocolError(("Failed to fetch ExtensionManifest from "
- "all sources"))
- def update_hosting_env(self, goal_state):
- if goal_state.hosting_env_uri is None:
- raise ProtocolError("HostingEnvironmentConfig uri is empty")
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), HOSTING_ENV_FILE_NAME)
- xml_text = self.fetch_config(goal_state.hosting_env_uri,
- self.get_header())
- self.save_cache(local_file, xml_text)
- self.hosting_env = HostingEnv(xml_text)
- def update_shared_conf(self, goal_state):
- if goal_state.shared_conf_uri is None:
- raise ProtocolError("SharedConfig uri is empty")
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), SHARED_CONF_FILE_NAME)
- xml_text = self.fetch_config(goal_state.shared_conf_uri,
- self.get_header())
- self.save_cache(local_file, xml_text)
- self.shared_conf = SharedConfig(xml_text)
- def update_certs(self, goal_state):
- if goal_state.certs_uri is None:
- return
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), CERTS_FILE_NAME)
- xml_text = self.fetch_config(goal_state.certs_uri,
- self.get_header_for_cert())
- self.save_cache(local_file, xml_text)
- self.certs = Certificates(self, xml_text)
- def update_ext_conf(self, goal_state):
- if goal_state.ext_uri is None:
-"ExtensionsConfig.xml uri is empty")
- self.ext_conf = ExtensionsConfig(None)
- return
- incarnation = goal_state.incarnation
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- EXT_CONF_FILE_NAME.format(incarnation))
- xml_text = self.fetch_config(goal_state.ext_uri, self.get_header())
- self.save_cache(local_file, xml_text)
- self.ext_conf = ExtensionsConfig(xml_text)
- def update_goal_state(self, forced=False, max_retry=3):
- uri = GOAL_STATE_URI.format(self.endpoint)
- xml_text = self.fetch_config(uri, self.get_header())
- goal_state = GoalState(xml_text)
- incarnation_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- if not forced:
- last_incarnation = None
- if(os.path.isfile(incarnation_file)):
- last_incarnation = fileutil.read_file(incarnation_file)
- new_incarnation = goal_state.incarnation
- if last_incarnation is not None and \
- last_incarnation == new_incarnation:
- #Goalstate is not updated.
- return
- #Start updating goalstate, retry on 410
- for retry in range(0, max_retry):
- try:
- self.goal_state = goal_state
- file_name = GOAL_STATE_FILE_NAME.format(goal_state.incarnation)
- goal_state_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), file_name)
- self.save_cache(goal_state_file, xml_text)
- self.save_cache(incarnation_file, goal_state.incarnation)
- self.update_hosting_env(goal_state)
- self.update_shared_conf(goal_state)
- self.update_certs(goal_state)
- self.update_ext_conf(goal_state)
- return
- except WireProtocolResourceGone:
-"Incarnation is out of date. Update goalstate.")
- xml_text = self.fetch_config(uri, self.get_header())
- goal_state = GoalState(xml_text)
- raise ProtocolError("Exceeded max retry updating goal state")
- def get_goal_state(self):
- if(self.goal_state is None):
- incarnation_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- incarnation = self.fetch_cache(incarnation_file)
- file_name = GOAL_STATE_FILE_NAME.format(incarnation)
- goal_state_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), file_name)
- xml_text = self.fetch_cache(goal_state_file)
- self.goal_state = GoalState(xml_text)
- return self.goal_state
- def get_hosting_env(self):
- if(self.hosting_env is None):
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), HOSTING_ENV_FILE_NAME)
- xml_text = self.fetch_cache(local_file)
- self.hosting_env = HostingEnv(xml_text)
- return self.hosting_env
- def get_shared_conf(self):
- if(self.shared_conf is None):
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), SHARED_CONF_FILE_NAME)
- xml_text = self.fetch_cache(local_file)
- self.shared_conf = SharedConfig(xml_text)
- return self.shared_conf
- def get_certs(self):
- if(self.certs is None):
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), CERTS_FILE_NAME)
- xml_text = self.fetch_cache(local_file)
- self.certs = Certificates(self, xml_text)
- if self.certs is None:
- return None
- return self.certs
- def get_ext_conf(self):
- if(self.ext_conf is None):
- goal_state = self.get_goal_state()
- if goal_state.ext_uri is None:
- self.ext_conf = ExtensionsConfig(None)
- else:
- local_file = EXT_CONF_FILE_NAME.format(goal_state.incarnation)
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), local_file)
- xml_text = self.fetch_cache(local_file)
- self.ext_conf = ExtensionsConfig(xml_text)
- return self.ext_conf
- def get_ext_manifest(self, ext_handler, goal_state):
- local_file = MANIFEST_FILE_NAME.format(,
- goal_state.incarnation)
- local_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), local_file)
- xml_text = self.fetch_manifest(ext_handler.versionUris)
- self.save_cache(local_file, xml_text)
- return ExtensionManifest(xml_text)
- def check_wire_protocol_version(self):
- uri = VERSION_INFO_URI.format(self.endpoint)
- version_info_xml = self.fetch_config(uri, None)
- version_info = VersionInfo(version_info_xml)
- preferred = version_info.get_preferred()
- if PROTOCOL_VERSION == preferred:
-"Wire protocol version:{0}", PROTOCOL_VERSION)
- elif PROTOCOL_VERSION in version_info.get_supported():
-"Wire protocol version:{0}", PROTOCOL_VERSION)
- logger.warn("Server prefered version:{0}", preferred)
- else:
- error = ("Agent supported wire protocol version: {0} was not "
- "advised by Fabric.").format(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
- raise ProtocolNotFoundError(error)
- def upload_status_blob(self):
- ext_conf = self.get_ext_conf()
- if ext_conf.status_upload_blob is not None:
- self.status_blob.upload(ext_conf.status_upload_blob)
- def report_role_prop(self, thumbprint):
- goal_state = self.get_goal_state()
- role_prop = _build_role_properties(goal_state.container_id,
- goal_state.role_instance_id,
- thumbprint)
- role_prop = role_prop.encode("utf-8")
- role_prop_uri = ROLE_PROP_URI.format(self.endpoint)
- headers = self.get_header_for_xml_content()
- try:
- resp = self.call_wireserver(restutil.http_post, role_prop_uri,
- role_prop, headers = headers)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to send role properties: {0}"
- u"").format(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.ACCEPTED:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to send role properties: {0}"
- u", {1}").format(resp.status,
- def report_health(self, status, substatus, description):
- goal_state = self.get_goal_state()
- health_report = _build_health_report(goal_state.incarnation,
- goal_state.container_id,
- goal_state.role_instance_id,
- status,
- substatus,
- description)
- health_report = health_report.encode("utf-8")
- health_report_uri = HEALTH_REPORT_URI.format(self.endpoint)
- headers = self.get_header_for_xml_content()
- try:
- resp = self.call_wireserver(restutil.http_post, health_report_uri,
- health_report, headers = headers)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to send provision status: {0}"
- u"").format(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.OK:
- raise ProtocolError((u"Failed to send provision status: {0}"
- u", {1}").format(resp.status,
- def send_event(self, provider_id, event_str):
- uri = TELEMETRY_URI.format(self.endpoint)
- data_format = ('<?xml version="1.0"?>'
- '<TelemetryData version="1.0">'
- '<Provider id="{0}">{1}'
- '</Provider>'
- '</TelemetryData>')
- data = data_format.format(provider_id, event_str)
- try:
- header = self.get_header_for_xml_content()
- resp = self.call_wireserver(restutil.http_post, uri, data, header)
- except HttpError as e:
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to send events:{0}".format(e))
- if resp.status != httpclient.OK:
- logger.verb(
- raise ProtocolError("Failed to send events:{0}".format(resp.status))
- def report_event(self, event_list):
- buf = {}
- #Group events by providerId
- for event in
- if event.providerId not in buf:
- buf[event.providerId] = ""
- event_str = event_to_v1(event)
- if len(event_str) >= 63 * 1024:
- logger.warn("Single event too large: {0}", event_str[300:])
- continue
- if len(buf[event.providerId] + event_str) >= 63 * 1024:
- self.send_event(event.providerId, buf[event.providerId])
- buf[event.providerId] = ""
- buf[event.providerId] = buf[event.providerId] + event_str
- #Send out all events left in buffer.
- for provider_id in list(buf.keys()):
- if len(buf[provider_id]) > 0:
- self.send_event(provider_id, buf[provider_id])
- def get_header(self):
- return {
- "x-ms-agent-name":"WALinuxAgent",
- "x-ms-version":PROTOCOL_VERSION
- }
- def get_header_for_xml_content(self):
- return {
- "x-ms-agent-name":"WALinuxAgent",
- "x-ms-version":PROTOCOL_VERSION,
- "Content-Type":"text/xml;charset=utf-8"
- }
- def get_header_for_cert(self):
- trans_cert_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- content = self.fetch_cache(trans_cert_file)
- cert = get_bytes_from_pem(content)
- return {
- "x-ms-agent-name":"WALinuxAgent",
- "x-ms-version":PROTOCOL_VERSION,
- "x-ms-cipher-name": "DES_EDE3_CBC",
- "x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert":cert
- }
-class VersionInfo(object):
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- """
- Query endpoint server for wire protocol version.
- Fail if our desired protocol version is not seen.
- """
- logger.verb("Load Version.xml")
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- preferred = find(xml_doc, "Preferred")
- self.preferred = findtext(preferred, "Version")
-"Fabric preferred wire protocol version:{0}", self.preferred)
- self.supported = []
- supported = find(xml_doc, "Supported")
- supported_version = findall(supported, "Version")
- for node in supported_version:
- version = gettext(node)
- logger.verb("Fabric supported wire protocol version:{0}", version)
- self.supported.append(version)
- def get_preferred(self):
- return self.preferred
- def get_supported(self):
- return self.supported
-class GoalState(object):
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- if xml_text is None:
- raise ValueError("GoalState.xml is None")
- logger.verb("Load GoalState.xml")
- self.incarnation = None
- self.expected_state = None
- self.hosting_env_uri = None
- self.shared_conf_uri = None
- self.certs_uri = None
- self.ext_uri = None
- self.role_instance_id = None
- self.container_id = None
- self.load_balancer_probe_port = None
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- """
- Request configuration data from endpoint server.
- """
- self.xml_text = xml_text
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- self.incarnation = findtext(xml_doc, "Incarnation")
- self.expected_state = findtext(xml_doc, "ExpectedState")
- self.hosting_env_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "HostingEnvironmentConfig")
- self.shared_conf_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "SharedConfig")
- self.certs_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "Certificates")
- self.ext_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "ExtensionsConfig")
- role_instance = find(xml_doc, "RoleInstance")
- self.role_instance_id = findtext(role_instance, "InstanceId")
- container = find(xml_doc, "Container")
- self.container_id = findtext(container, "ContainerId")
- lbprobe_ports = find(xml_doc, "LBProbePorts")
- self.load_balancer_probe_port = findtext(lbprobe_ports, "Port")
- return self
-class HostingEnv(object):
- """
- parse Hosting enviromnet config and store in
- HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml
- """
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- if xml_text is None:
- raise ValueError("HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml is None")
- logger.verb("Load HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml")
- self.vm_name = None
- self.role_name = None
- self.deployment_name = None
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- """
- parse and create HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml.
- """
- self.xml_text = xml_text
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- incarnation = find(xml_doc, "Incarnation")
- self.vm_name = getattrib(incarnation, "instance")
- role = find(xml_doc, "Role")
- self.role_name = getattrib(role, "name")
- deployment = find(xml_doc, "Deployment")
- self.deployment_name = getattrib(deployment, "name")
- return self
-class SharedConfig(object):
- """
- parse role endpoint server and goal state config.
- """
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- logger.verb("Load SharedConfig.xml")
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- """
- parse and write configuration to file SharedConfig.xml.
- """
- #Not used currently
- return self
-class Certificates(object):
- """
- Object containing certificates of host and provisioned user.
- """
- def __init__(self, client, xml_text):
- logger.verb("Load Certificates.xml")
- self.client = client
- self.cert_list = CertList()
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- """
- Parse multiple certificates into seperate files.
- """
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- data = findtext(xml_doc, "Data")
- if data is None:
- return
- cryptutil = CryptUtil(conf.get_openssl_cmd())
- p7m_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), P7M_FILE_NAME)
- p7m = ("MIME-Version:1.0\n"
- "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{0}\"\n"
- "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name=\"{1}\"\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
- "\n"
- "{2}").format(p7m_file, p7m_file, data)
- self.client.save_cache(p7m_file, p7m)
- trans_prv_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- trans_cert_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- pem_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), PEM_FILE_NAME)
- #decrypt certificates
- cryptutil.decrypt_p7m(p7m_file, trans_prv_file, trans_cert_file,
- pem_file)
- #The parsing process use public key to match prv and crt.
- buf = []
- begin_crt = False
- begin_prv = False
- prvs = {}
- thumbprints = {}
- index = 0
- v1_cert_list = []
- with open(pem_file) as pem:
- for line in pem.readlines():
- buf.append(line)
- if re.match(r'[-]+BEGIN.*KEY[-]+', line):
- begin_prv = True
- elif re.match(r'[-]+BEGIN.*CERTIFICATE[-]+', line):
- begin_crt = True
- elif re.match(r'[-]+END.*KEY[-]+', line):
- tmp_file = self.write_to_tmp_file(index, 'prv', buf)
- pub = cryptutil.get_pubkey_from_prv(tmp_file)
- prvs[pub] = tmp_file
- buf = []
- index += 1
- begin_prv = False
- elif re.match(r'[-]+END.*CERTIFICATE[-]+', line):
- tmp_file = self.write_to_tmp_file(index, 'crt', buf)
- pub = cryptutil.get_pubkey_from_crt(tmp_file)
- thumbprint = cryptutil.get_thumbprint_from_crt(tmp_file)
- thumbprints[pub] = thumbprint
- #Rename crt with thumbprint as the file name
- crt = "{0}.crt".format(thumbprint)
- v1_cert_list.append({
- "name":None,
- "thumbprint":thumbprint
- })
- os.rename(tmp_file, os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), crt))
- buf = []
- index += 1
- begin_crt = False
- #Rename prv key with thumbprint as the file name
- for pubkey in prvs:
- thumbprint = thumbprints[pubkey]
- if thumbprint:
- tmp_file = prvs[pubkey]
- prv = "{0}.prv".format(thumbprint)
- os.rename(tmp_file, os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), prv))
- for v1_cert in v1_cert_list:
- cert = Cert()
- set_properties("certs", cert, v1_cert)
- self.cert_list.certificates.append(cert)
- def write_to_tmp_file(self, index, suffix, buf):
- file_name = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
- "{0}.{1}".format(index, suffix))
- self.client.save_cache(file_name, "".join(buf))
- return file_name
-class ExtensionsConfig(object):
- """
- parse ExtensionsConfig, downloading and unpacking them to /var/lib/waagent.
- Install if <enabled>true</enabled>, remove if it is set to false.
- """
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- logger.verb("Load ExtensionsConfig.xml")
- self.ext_handlers = ExtHandlerList()
- self.status_upload_blob = None
- if xml_text is not None:
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- """
- Write configuration to file ExtensionsConfig.xml.
- """
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- plugins_list = find(xml_doc, "Plugins")
- plugins = findall(plugins_list, "Plugin")
- plugin_settings_list = find(xml_doc, "PluginSettings")
- plugin_settings = findall(plugin_settings_list, "Plugin")
- for plugin in plugins:
- ext_handler = self.parse_plugin(plugin)
- self.ext_handlers.extHandlers.append(ext_handler)
- self.parse_plugin_settings(ext_handler, plugin_settings)
- self.status_upload_blob = findtext(xml_doc, "StatusUploadBlob")
- def parse_plugin(self, plugin):
- ext_handler = ExtHandler()
- = getattrib(plugin, "name")
- = getattrib(plugin, "version")
- = getattrib(plugin, "state")
- auto_upgrade = getattrib(plugin, "autoUpgrade")
- if auto_upgrade is not None and auto_upgrade.lower() == "true":
- = "auto"
- else:
- = "manual"
- location = getattrib(plugin, "location")
- failover_location = getattrib(plugin, "failoverlocation")
- for uri in [location, failover_location]:
- version_uri = ExtHandlerVersionUri()
- version_uri.uri = uri
- ext_handler.versionUris.append(version_uri)
- return ext_handler
- def parse_plugin_settings(self, ext_handler, plugin_settings):
- if plugin_settings is None:
- return
- name =
- version =
- settings = [x for x in plugin_settings \
- if getattrib(x, "name") == name and \
- getattrib(x ,"version") == version]
- if settings is None or len(settings) == 0:
- return
- runtime_settings = None
- runtime_settings_node = find(settings[0], "RuntimeSettings")
- seqNo = getattrib(runtime_settings_node, "seqNo")
- runtime_settings_str = gettext(runtime_settings_node)
- try:
- runtime_settings = json.loads(runtime_settings_str)
- except ValueError as e:
- logger.error("Invalid extension settings")
- return
- for plugin_settings_list in runtime_settings["runtimeSettings"]:
- handler_settings = plugin_settings_list["handlerSettings"]
- ext = Extension()
- #There is no "extension name" in wire protocol.
- #Put
- =
- ext.sequenceNumber = seqNo
- ext.publicSettings = handler_settings.get("publicSettings")
- ext.protectedSettings = handler_settings.get("protectedSettings")
- thumbprint = handler_settings.get("protectedSettingsCertThumbprint")
- ext.certificateThumbprint = thumbprint
-class ExtensionManifest(object):
- def __init__(self, xml_text):
- if xml_text is None:
- raise ValueError("ExtensionManifest is None")
- logger.verb("Load ExtensionManifest.xml")
- self.pkg_list = ExtHandlerPackageList()
- self.parse(xml_text)
- def parse(self, xml_text):
- xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
- packages = findall(xml_doc, "Plugin")
- for package in packages:
- version = findtext(package, "Version")
- uris = find(package, "Uris")
- uri_list = findall(uris, "Uri")
- uri_list = [gettext(x) for x in uri_list]
- package = ExtHandlerPackage()
- package.version = version
- for uri in uri_list:
- pkg_uri = ExtHandlerVersionUri()
- pkg_uri.uri = uri
- package.uris.append(pkg_uri)
- self.pkg_list.versions.append(package)