path: root/tests/
diff options
authorBen Howard <>2014-02-14 11:55:14 -0700
committerusd-importer <>2014-02-17 18:03:31 +0000
commit3e535e3f3b9b1e44ed9e2394821a4f4799c8245b (patch)
tree83c66978db367943a2f8fe17b6921ad894c40b1f /tests/
parentb10340ae4082fc4904a41f90d4b4e6d2179ef2ff (diff)
Import patches-unapplied version 2.0.3-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/trusty-proposed
Imported using git-ubuntu import. Changelog parent: b10340ae4082fc4904a41f90d4b4e6d2179ef2ff New changelog entries: * Update to latest upstream version 2.0.3 (LP: #1249052). - use python-setuptools to do installation, dropping the {pre,post}insts - dropped the walinuxagent-datasaver packages as no longer needed. - use packaged default configuration file by default. * Include patches from 1.3.x series - debian/patches/disable_provisioning.patch: disable provisioning features infavor of WALinuxAgent cloud-init support. - debian/patches/disable-udev-rules.patch: disable UDEV rule mangling * Include default Cloud-init configuration - configures Cloud-init to use the default Azure Datasource
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11510b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import platform
+import socket
+import fcntl
+import struct
+import array
+import re
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import random
+import string
+import threading
+from time import ctime, sleep
+import imp
+# waagent has no '.py' therefore create waagent module import manually.
+TestingVersion = "$CommitBranch:future$|$LastCommitDate:2013-04-16 15:52:17 -0700$|$LastCommitHash:7ad7c643b2adbac40b1ea4a5b6eb19f0fe971623$"
+class WaagentTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Test cases for waagent
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """
+ Check for root permissions.
+ Check Distro is supported.
+ Create a waagent.conf file.
+ """
+ waagent.LoggerInit('/var/log/waagent.log','/dev/console')
+ if not self.AmIRoot():
+ raise Exception('I need to run as root')
+ DistroName=platform.dist()[0]
+ self.failUnless(hasattr(waagent,DistroName+'Distro') == True,DistroName+' is not a supported linux distribution.')
+ waagent.MyDistro=getattr(waagent,DistroName+'Distro')()
+ # set up /etc/waagent.conf
+ with open('/etc/waagent.conf','wb') as f:
+ f.write(waagent.WaagentConf)
+ f.close()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """
+ Remove test resources.
+ This is a stub
+ """
+ pass
+ def AmIRoot(self):
+ """
+ Check that our uid is root.
+ """
+ return 'root' in waagent.RunGetOutput('id')[1]
+ def writetothelog(self,id):
+ """
+ Convienence function.
+ Used by testTwoLogWritingThreads()
+ Write 'start', sleep for id seconds and
+ write 'end' to the logfile.
+ """
+ waagent.Log(str(id)+' start ')
+ sleep(id)
+ waagent.Log(str(id)+' end ')
+ def noop(self,arg2):
+ """
+ Set a method to noop() to prevent its operation.
+ """
+ pass
+###############Astract Distro - Concrete Distro Tests##############
+ def testMyDistroMemberVariables(self):
+ """
+ Ensure that required Distro properties are not None.
+ """
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.agent_service_name is not None , 'MyDistro.agent_service_name must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.selinux is not None , 'MyDistro.selinux must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.ssh_service_name is not None , 'MyDistro.ssh_service_name must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.ssh_config_file is not None , 'MyDistro.ssh_config_file must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.hostname_file_path is not None , 'MyDistro.hostname_file_path must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.dhcp_client_name is not None , 'MyDistro.dhcp_client_name must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.requiredDeps is not None , 'MyDistro.requiredDeps must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.init_script_file is not None , 'MyDistro.init_script_file must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.agent_package_name is not None , 'MyDistro.agent_package_name must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.fileBlackList is not None , 'MyDistro.fileBlackList must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.agent_files_to_uninstall is not None , 'MyDistro.agent_files_to_uninstall must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile is not None , 'MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsFile must not be None'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine is not None , 'MyDistro.grubKernelBootOptionsLine must not be None'
+ def testMyDistro_restartSshService(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.restartSshService()
+ """
+ cmd = 'service '+ waagent.MyDistro.ssh_service_name + ' status'
+ sshpid=string.rsplit(waagent.RunGetOutput(cmd)[1],' ',1)
+ waagent.MyDistro.restartSshService()
+ assert sshpid is not string.rsplit(waagent.RunGetOutput(cmd)[1],' ',1),'ssh server pid is unchanged.'
+# def testMyDistro_checkPackageInstalled(self):
+# """MyDistro can check if WaLinuxAgent package is installed"""
+# assert waagent.MyDistro.checkPackageInstalled(waagent.MyDistro.agent_package_name) != 0, waagent.MyDistro.agent_package_name+' is Not Installed.'
+# def testMyDistro_checkPackageUpdateable(self):
+# """MyDistro can check if WaLinuxAgent package is updateable to new version."""
+# assert waagent.MyDistro.checkPackageUpdateable(waagent.MyDistro.agent_package_name) == 0 , waagent.MyDistro.agent_package_name+' is not updateable.'
+ def testMyDistro_isSelinuxSystem(self):
+ """
+ MyDistro can perform Selinux operations.
+ Test MyDistro.isSelinuxSystem, if true then also test:
+ MyDistro.isSelinuxRunning
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce
+ MyDistro.setSelinuxContext
+ """
+ selinux=waagent.MyDistro.isSelinuxSystem()
+ if selinux:
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.isSelinuxRunning(), 'Selinux not running.'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce(0), 'Unable to call setenforce(0).'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.setSelinuxContext('./','unconfined_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0'), 'Unable to set Selinux context.'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.setSelinuxEnforce(0), 'Unable to call setenforce(1).'
+ else:
+ print 'Selinux not installed. - skipping Selinux tests'
+ def testMyDistro_load_unload_ata_piix(self):
+ """
+ Attempt to insert and remove ata_piix.ko
+ by calling MyDistro.load_ata_piix
+ and MyDistro.unload_ata_piix.
+ """
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.load_ata_piix() == 0, 'Unable to load ata_piix.ko.'
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.unload_ata_piix() == 0, 'Unable to unload ata_piix.ko.'
+ def testMyDistro_publishHostname(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.publishHostname
+ on success, the distro dependent config
+ contains the hostname, but currently
+ this test suceeds if the config files were written
+ without error.
+ """
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.publishHostname('LENG') == 0, 'Error setting hostname to LENG.'
+# def testMyDistro_registerAgentService(self):
+# assert waagent.MyDistro.registerAgentService() == 0, 'Unable to register agent as service.'
+ def testMyDistro_setHostname(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.setHostname.
+ Successfull if hostname is changed.
+ Reset hostname when finished.
+ """
+ code,oldname = waagent.RunGetOutput('hostname')
+ waagent.MyDistro.setHostname('HOSTNAMETEST')
+ code,newname = waagent.RunGetOutput('hostname')
+ assert 'HOSTNAMETEST' == newname.strip(), 'Unable to set hostname.'
+ waagent.MyDistro.setHostname(oldname)
+ def testMyDistro_checkDependencies(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.checkDependencies succeeds
+ """
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.checkDependencies() == 0 , 'Dependency Check failed.'
+ def testMyDistro_startAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.startAgentService.
+ """
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.startAgentService() == 0, 'Unable to start ' + waagent.MyDistro.agent_service_name
+ def testMyDistro_stopAgentService(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.stopAgentService.
+ """
+ assert waagent.MyDistro.stopAgentService() == 0, 'Unable to stop ' + waagent.MyDistro.agent_service_name
+ def testMyDistro_deleteRootPassword(self):
+ """
+ Test MyDistro.deleteRootPassword.
+ Restore the shadow file to previous state when finished.
+ """
+ #copy the shadow
+ waagent.Run('cp /etc/shadow /etc/shadow.keep')
+ waagent.MyDistro.deleteRootPassword()
+ assert waagent.Run('grep LOCK /etc/shadow') == 0 , 'Error removing root password.'
+ # put shadow back
+ waagent.Run('mv /etc/shadow.keep /etc/shadow')
+ def testFindIn_AppendTo_RemoveFrom_LinuxKernelCmdline(self):
+ """
+ Test LinuxKernelCmdline operations.
+ Search for 'splish=splash' in the kernel boot options, expect fail.
+ Add 'splish=splash'. Search for splish=splash expect success.
+ Remove 'splish=splash', confirm splish=splash absent
+ """
+ m=waagent.FindInLinuxKernelCmdline('splish=splash')
+ assert not m, '"splish=splash" was found before i put it there!!! edit it to remove "splish=splash" please.'
+ waagent.AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline('splish=splash')
+ m=waagent.FindInLinuxKernelCmdline('splish=splash')
+ assert m, 'AppendToLinuxKernelCmdline failed, "splish=splash" still not found.'
+ waagent.RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline('splish=splash')
+ m=waagent.FindInLinuxKernelCmdline('splish=splash')
+ assert not m, 'RemoveFromLinuxKernelCmdline failed, "splish=splash" still found.'
+###############Generic waagent tests##############
+ def testLogFile(self):
+ """
+ Write a random number with waagent.Log() and read it back.
+ """
+ rnds=str(random.random())
+ waagent.Log('testLogFile: '+rnds)
+ found = rnds in (open('/var/log/waagent.log','rb').read())
+ assert found,'Unable to find '+rnds+' in /var/log/waagent.log'
+ def testFindReplaceStringInFile(self):
+ """
+ Test file/string operations using
+ string literals and regular expressions.
+ Tests:
+ FindStringInFile
+ ReplaceStringInFile
+ """
+ fn='/tmp/junk'
+ if os.path.exists(fn):
+ os.remove(fn)
+ sp='splish splash'
+ yb='yabba dabba do'
+ open(fn,'wb').write(sp+' I was taking a bath.')
+ m=waagent.FindStringInFile(fn,sp)
+ assert m is not None,'waagent.FindStringInFile() Failed: '+sp+' not found in ' + fn + '.'
+ src=r'^(.*)('+sp+')(.*)$'
+ rpl=r'\1 '+sp+'\2 '+yb+' \3'
+ waagent.ReplaceStringInFile(fn,src,rpl)
+ m=waagent.FindStringInFile(fn,yb)
+ assert m is not None,'waagent.ReplaceStringInFile() Failed: '+yb+' not found in ' + fn + '.'
+ def testGetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback(self):
+ """
+ Test GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback.
+ Fail if iface is 'lo'
+ """
+ addr='null'
+ iface=waagent.GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()[0]
+ addr=waagent.GetFirstActiveNetworkInterfaceNonLoopback()[1]
+ assert len(iface)>1,'Interface name too short'
+ assert iface is not 'lo','Loopback Interface was returned'
+ print 'iface=' + iface + ' addr=' + addr
+ def testTwoLogWritingThreads(self):
+ """
+ Test that two threads writing to the same log
+ function do not block or scramble messages.
+ TODO - there is no check for success !!!
+ """
+ for j in range(5):
+ t1=threading.Thread(target=self.writetothelog,args=(4,))
+ t2=threading.Thread(target=self.writetothelog,args=(2,))
+ t1.start()
+ t2.start()
+ t1.join()
+ t2.join()
+ def testCertificatesParse(self):
+ """
+ TODO - need cert xml from test...
+ """
+ pass
+ def testSharedConfigParse(self):
+ """
+ Test SharedConfig().Parse returns without error.
+ """
+ assert waagent.SharedConfig().Parse(SHAREDCONFIG), 'Error parsing SharedConfig.xml'
+ def testOvfEnvParse(self):
+ """
+ Test OvfEnv().Parse returns without error.
+ """
+ assert waagent.OvfEnv().Parse(OVFXML) is not None , 'Failed to Parse ovfxml'
+ def testOvfEnvProcess(self):
+ """
+ We expect the /var/lib/waagent/Certificates.p7m file exists.
+ Test ovfenv.Process() return other than None.
+ """
+ assert os.path.exists('/var/lib/waagent/Certificates.p7m') , 'We expect the /var/lib/waagent/Certificates.p7m file exists.'
+ waagent.WaAgent = waagent.Agent()
+ ovfenv=waagent.OvfEnv().Parse(OVFXML)
+ waagent.WaAgent.EnvMonitor = waagent.EnvMonitor()
+ assert ovfenv.Process() is None , 'Failed to Process ovfxml'
+ waagent.Run("userdel -f -r myUserName")
+ def testAgentProvision(self):
+ """
+ TODO - Test Provision in non-fabric environment
+ """
+ waagent.verbose = True
+ waagent.WaAgent = waagent.Agent()
+ waagent.WaAgent.EnvMonitor = waagent.EnvMonitor()
+ waagent.Config = waagent.ConfigurationProvider()
+ # we cant report our role unless we have one.
+ waagent.WaAgent.ReportRoleProperties=self.noop
+ err=waagent.WaAgent.Provision()
+ assert err == None, 'Provision Failed error ' + str(err)
+OVFXML="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Environment xmlns="" xmlns:oe="" xmlns:wa="" xmlns:xsi="">
+ <wa:ProvisioningSection><wa:Version>1.0</wa:Version><LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet xmlns="" xmlns:i=""><ConfigurationSetType>LinuxProvisioningConfiguration</ConfigurationSetType><HostName>egub13-vm</HostName><UserName>myUserName</UserName><UserPassword>mypassword</UserPassword><DisableSshPasswordAuthentication>false</DisableSshPasswordAuthentication><SSH><PublicKeys><PublicKey><Fingerprint>2D97B25D49B98ECC90BF1600D66D68799CFB361E</Fingerprint><Path>/home/myUserName/.ssh/authorized_keys</Path></PublicKey></PublicKeys></SSH></LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet></wa:ProvisioningSection>
+ <wa:PlatformSettingsSection><wa:Version>1.0</wa:Version><PlatformSettings xmlns="" xmlns:i=""><KmsServerHostname></KmsServerHostname></PlatformSettings></wa:PlatformSettingsSection>
+<SharedConfig version="" goalStateIncarnation="1">
+ <Deployment name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3" guid="{ce5a036f-5c93-40e7-8adf-2613631008ab}" incarnation="2">
+ <Service name="MyVMRoleService" guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
+ <ServiceInstance name="db00a7755a5e4e8a8fe4b19bc3b330c3.1" guid="{d113f4d7-9ead-4e73-b715-b724b5b7842c}" />
+ </Deployment>
+ <Incarnation number="1" instance="MachineRole_IN_0" guid="{a0faca35-52e5-4ec7-8fd1-63d2bc107d9b}" />
+ <Role guid="{73d95f1c-6472-e58e-7a1a-523554e11d46}" name="MachineRole" settleTimeSeconds="10" />
+ <LoadBalancerSettings timeoutSeconds="0" waitLoadBalancerProbeCount="8">
+ <Probes>
+ <Probe name="MachineRole" />
+ <Probe name="55B17C5E41A1E1E8FA991CF80FAC8E55" />
+ <Probe name="3EA4DBC19418F0A766A4C19D431FA45F" />
+ </Probes>
+ </LoadBalancerSettings>
+ <OutputEndpoints>
+ <Endpoint name="MachineRole:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" type="SFS">
+ <Target instance="MachineRole_IN_0" endpoint="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" />
+ </Endpoint>
+ </OutputEndpoints>
+ <Instances>
+ <Instance id="MachineRole_IN_0" address="">
+ <FaultDomains randomId="0" updateId="0" updateCount="0" />
+ <InputEndpoints>
+ <Endpoint name="a" address="" protocol="http" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
+ <LocalPorts>
+ <LocalPortRange from="80" to="80" />
+ </LocalPorts>
+ </Endpoint>
+ <Endpoint name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteAccess.Rdp" address="" protocol="tcp" isPublic="false" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
+ <LocalPorts>
+ <LocalPortRange from="3389" to="3389" />
+ </LocalPorts>
+ </Endpoint>
+ <Endpoint name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.RemoteForwarder.RdpInput" address="" protocol="tcp" isPublic="true" loadBalancedPublicAddress="" enableDirectServerReturn="false" isDirectAddress="false" disableStealthMode="false">
+ <LocalPorts>
+ <LocalPortRange from="20000" to="20000" />
+ </LocalPorts>
+ </Endpoint>
+ </InputEndpoints>
+ </Instance>
+ </Instances>
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ s=unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(WaagentTestCases)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(s)
+ # import cProfile
+ #'unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(s)','profile.out')