path: root/tests/utils
diff options
authorƁukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak <>2017-09-04 10:27:07 +0200
committerusd-importer <>2017-09-04 09:38:24 +0000
commit185ceb32fea5d5c2a43d7b6ee2a40228489055f4 (patch)
tree2e1c9cc42510c4a922cf63fa265ec0e1945ec14b /tests/utils
parent43bdf9debe5377216aed0086bff2aad864f6ba82 (diff)
Import patches-unapplied version 2.2.16-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/artful-proposed
Imported using git-ubuntu import. Changelog parent: 43bdf9debe5377216aed0086bff2aad864f6ba82 New changelog entries: * New upstream release (LP: #1714299).
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/utils')
3 files changed, 486 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/tests/utils/ b/tests/utils/
index 0b92513..87bce8c 100644
--- a/tests/utils/
+++ b/tests/utils/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
+import errno as errno
import glob
import random
import string
@@ -64,6 +65,50 @@ class TestFileOperations(AgentTestCase):
+ def test_findre_in_file(self):
+ fp = tempfile.mktemp()
+ with open(fp, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(
+First line
+Second line
+Third line with more words
+ )
+ self.assertNotEquals(
+ None,
+ fileutil.findre_in_file(fp, ".*rst line$"))
+ self.assertNotEquals(
+ None,
+ fileutil.findre_in_file(fp, ".*ond line$"))
+ self.assertNotEquals(
+ None,
+ fileutil.findre_in_file(fp, ".*with more.*"))
+ self.assertNotEquals(
+ None,
+ fileutil.findre_in_file(fp, "^Third.*"))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ None,
+ fileutil.findre_in_file(fp, "^Do not match.*"))
+ def test_findstr_in_file(self):
+ fp = tempfile.mktemp()
+ with open(fp, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(
+First line
+Second line
+Third line with more words
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(fileutil.findstr_in_file(fp, "First line"))
+ self.assertTrue(fileutil.findstr_in_file(fp, "Second line"))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ fileutil.findstr_in_file(fp, "Third line with more words"))
+ self.assertFalse(fileutil.findstr_in_file(fp, "Not a line"))
def test_get_last_path_element(self):
filepath = '/tmp/abc.def'
filename = fileutil.base_name(filepath)
@@ -197,5 +242,75 @@ DHCP_HOSTNAME=test\n"
fileutil.update_conf_file(path, 'DHCP_HOSTNAME', 'DHCP_HOSTNAME=test')
patch_write.assert_called_once_with(path, updated_file)
+ def test_clean_ioerror_ignores_missing(self):
+ e = IOError()
+ e.errno = errno.ENOSPC
+ # Send no paths
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e)
+ # Send missing file(s) / directories
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e, paths=['/foo/not/here', None, '/bar/not/there'])
+ def test_clean_ioerror_ignores_unless_ioerror(self):
+ try:
+ d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ fd, f = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.close(fd)
+ fileutil.write_file(f, 'Not empty')
+ # Send non-IOError exception
+ e = Exception()
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e, paths=[d, f])
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(d))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(f))
+ # Send unrecognized IOError
+ e = IOError()
+ e.errno = errno.EFAULT
+ self.assertFalse(e.errno in fileutil.KNOWN_IOERRORS)
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e, paths=[d, f])
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(d))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(f))
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(d)
+ os.remove(f)
+ def test_clean_ioerror_removes_files(self):
+ fd, f = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.close(fd)
+ fileutil.write_file(f, 'Not empty')
+ e = IOError()
+ e.errno = errno.ENOSPC
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e, paths=[f])
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(f))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(f))
+ def test_clean_ioerror_removes_directories(self):
+ d1 = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ d2 = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ for n in ['foo', 'bar']:
+ fileutil.write_file(os.path.join(d2, n), 'Not empty')
+ e = IOError()
+ e.errno = errno.ENOSPC
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e, paths=[d1, d2])
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(d1))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(d1))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(d2))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(d2))
+ def test_clean_ioerror_handles_a_range_of_errors(self):
+ for err in fileutil.KNOWN_IOERRORS:
+ e = IOError()
+ e.errno = err
+ d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ fileutil.clean_ioerror(e, paths=[d])
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(d))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(d))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/utils/ b/tests/utils/
index 5f084a6..52674da 100644
--- a/tests/utils/
+++ b/tests/utils/
@@ -15,10 +15,16 @@
# Requires Python 2.4+ and Openssl 1.0+
+import os
import unittest
+from azurelinuxagent.common.exception import HttpError, \
+ ProtocolError, \
+ ResourceGoneError
import azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil as restutil
-from azurelinuxagent.common.future import httpclient
-from import AgentTestCase, patch, Mock, MagicMock
+from azurelinuxagent.common.future import httpclient, ustr
+from import *
class TestHttpOperations(AgentTestCase):
@@ -50,45 +56,163 @@ class TestHttpOperations(AgentTestCase):
self.assertEquals(None, host)
self.assertEquals(rel_uri, "None")
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_port')
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_host')
+ def test_get_http_proxy_none_is_default(self, mock_host, mock_port):
+ mock_host.return_value = None
+ mock_port.return_value = None
+ h, p = restutil._get_http_proxy()
+ self.assertEqual(None, h)
+ self.assertEqual(None, p)
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_port')
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_host')
+ def test_get_http_proxy_configuration_overrides_env(self, mock_host, mock_port):
+ mock_host.return_value = "host"
+ mock_port.return_value = None
+ h, p = restutil._get_http_proxy()
+ self.assertEqual("host", h)
+ self.assertEqual(None, p)
+ mock_host.assert_called_once()
+ mock_port.assert_called_once()
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_port')
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_host')
+ def test_get_http_proxy_configuration_requires_host(self, mock_host, mock_port):
+ mock_host.return_value = None
+ mock_port.return_value = None
+ h, p = restutil._get_http_proxy()
+ self.assertEqual(None, h)
+ self.assertEqual(None, p)
+ mock_host.assert_called_once()
+ mock_port.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_host')
+ def test_get_http_proxy_http_uses_httpproxy(self, mock_host):
+ mock_host.return_value = None
+ with patch.dict(os.environ, {
+ 'http_proxy' : '',
+ 'https_proxy' : ''
+ }):
+ h, p = restutil._get_http_proxy()
+ self.assertEqual("", h)
+ self.assertEqual(80, p)
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_host')
+ def test_get_http_proxy_https_uses_httpsproxy(self, mock_host):
+ mock_host.return_value = None
+ with patch.dict(os.environ, {
+ 'http_proxy' : '',
+ 'https_proxy' : ''
+ }):
+ h, p = restutil._get_http_proxy(secure=True)
+ self.assertEqual("", h)
+ self.assertEqual(443, p)
+ @patch('azurelinuxagent.common.conf.get_httpproxy_host')
+ def test_get_http_proxy_ignores_user_in_httpproxy(self, mock_host):
+ mock_host.return_value = None
+ with patch.dict(os.environ, {
+ 'http_proxy' : ''
+ }):
+ h, p = restutil._get_http_proxy()
+ self.assertEqual("", h)
+ self.assertEqual(80, p)
- def test_http_request(self, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection):
- mock_http_conn = MagicMock()
- mock_http_resp = MagicMock()
- mock_http_conn.getresponse = Mock(return_value=mock_http_resp)
- HTTPConnection.return_value = mock_http_conn
- HTTPSConnection.return_value = mock_http_conn
+ def test_http_request_direct(self, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection):
+ mock_conn = \
+ MagicMock(getresponse=\
+ Mock(return_value=\
+ Mock(read=Mock(return_value="TheResults"))))
- = Mock(return_value="_(:3| <)_")
+ HTTPConnection.return_value = mock_conn
- # Test http get
- resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "bar")
- self.assertNotEquals(None, resp)
- self.assertEquals("_(:3| <)_",
+ resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "/bar")
- # Test https get
- resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "bar", secure=True)
+ HTTPConnection.assert_has_calls([
+ call("foo", 80, timeout=10)
+ ])
+ HTTPSConnection.assert_not_called()
+ mock_conn.request.assert_has_calls([
+ call(method="GET", url="/bar", body=None, headers={})
+ ])
+ mock_conn.getresponse.assert_called_once()
self.assertNotEquals(None, resp)
- self.assertEquals("_(:3| <)_",
+ self.assertEquals("TheResults",
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.future.httpclient.HTTPSConnection")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.future.httpclient.HTTPConnection")
+ def test_http_request_direct_secure(self, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection):
+ mock_conn = \
+ MagicMock(getresponse=\
+ Mock(return_value=\
+ Mock(read=Mock(return_value="TheResults"))))
+ HTTPSConnection.return_value = mock_conn
+ resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "/bar", secure=True)
- # Test http get with proxy
- = Mock(return_value="_(:3| <)_")
- resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "bar", proxy_host="",
- proxy_port=23333)
+ HTTPConnection.assert_not_called()
+ HTTPSConnection.assert_has_calls([
+ call("foo", 443, timeout=10)
+ ])
+ mock_conn.request.assert_has_calls([
+ call(method="GET", url="/bar", body=None, headers={})
+ ])
+ mock_conn.getresponse.assert_called_once()
self.assertNotEquals(None, resp)
- self.assertEquals("_(:3| <)_",
+ self.assertEquals("TheResults",
- # Test https get
- resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "bar", secure=True)
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.future.httpclient.HTTPSConnection")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.future.httpclient.HTTPConnection")
+ def test_http_request_proxy(self, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection):
+ mock_conn = \
+ MagicMock(getresponse=\
+ Mock(return_value=\
+ Mock(read=Mock(return_value="TheResults"))))
+ HTTPConnection.return_value = mock_conn
+ resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "/bar",
+ proxy_host="", proxy_port=23333)
+ HTTPConnection.assert_has_calls([
+ call("", 23333, timeout=10)
+ ])
+ HTTPSConnection.assert_not_called()
+ mock_conn.request.assert_has_calls([
+ call(method="GET", url="http://foo:80/bar", body=None, headers={})
+ ])
+ mock_conn.getresponse.assert_called_once()
self.assertNotEquals(None, resp)
- self.assertEquals("_(:3| <)_",
+ self.assertEquals("TheResults",
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.future.httpclient.HTTPSConnection")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.future.httpclient.HTTPConnection")
+ def test_http_request_proxy_secure(self, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection):
+ mock_conn = \
+ MagicMock(getresponse=\
+ Mock(return_value=\
+ Mock(read=Mock(return_value="TheResults"))))
+ HTTPSConnection.return_value = mock_conn
- # Test https get with proxy
- = Mock(return_value="_(:3| <)_")
- resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "bar", proxy_host="",
- proxy_port=23333, secure=True)
+ resp = restutil._http_request("GET", "foo", "/bar",
+ proxy_host="", proxy_port=23333,
+ secure=True)
+ HTTPConnection.assert_not_called()
+ HTTPSConnection.assert_has_calls([
+ call("", 23333, timeout=10)
+ ])
+ mock_conn.request.assert_has_calls([
+ call(method="GET", url="https://foo:443/bar", body=None, headers={})
+ ])
+ mock_conn.getresponse.assert_called_once()
self.assertNotEquals(None, resp)
- self.assertEquals("_(:3| <)_",
+ self.assertEquals("TheResults",
@@ -115,6 +239,180 @@ class TestHttpOperations(AgentTestCase):
self.assertRaises(restutil.HttpError, restutil.http_get,
+ @patch("time.sleep")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil._http_request")
+ def test_http_request_retries_status_codes(self, _http_request, _sleep):
+ _http_request.side_effect = [
+ Mock(status=httpclient.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE),
+ Mock(status=httpclient.OK)
+ ]
+ restutil.http_get("")
+ self.assertEqual(2, _http_request.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(1, _sleep.call_count)
+ @patch("time.sleep")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil._http_request")
+ def test_http_request_retries_passed_status_codes(self, _http_request, _sleep):
+ # Ensure the code is not part of the standard set
+ self.assertFalse(httpclient.UNAUTHORIZED in restutil.RETRY_CODES)
+ _http_request.side_effect = [
+ Mock(status=httpclient.UNAUTHORIZED),
+ Mock(status=httpclient.OK)
+ ]
+ restutil.http_get("", retry_codes=[httpclient.UNAUTHORIZED])
+ self.assertEqual(2, _http_request.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(1, _sleep.call_count)
+ @patch("time.sleep")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil._http_request")
+ def test_http_request_raises_for_bad_request(self, _http_request, _sleep):
+ _http_request.side_effect = [
+ Mock(status=httpclient.BAD_REQUEST)
+ ]
+ self.assertRaises(ResourceGoneError, restutil.http_get, "")
+ self.assertEqual(1, _http_request.call_count)
+ @patch("time.sleep")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil._http_request")
+ def test_http_request_raises_for_resource_gone(self, _http_request, _sleep):
+ _http_request.side_effect = [
+ Mock(status=httpclient.GONE)
+ ]
+ self.assertRaises(ResourceGoneError, restutil.http_get, "")
+ self.assertEqual(1, _http_request.call_count)
+ @patch("time.sleep")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil._http_request")
+ def test_http_request_retries_exceptions(self, _http_request, _sleep):
+ # Testing each exception is difficult because they have varying
+ # signatures; for now, test one and ensure the set is unchanged
+ recognized_exceptions = [
+ httpclient.NotConnected,
+ httpclient.IncompleteRead,
+ httpclient.ImproperConnectionState,
+ httpclient.BadStatusLine
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(recognized_exceptions, restutil.RETRY_EXCEPTIONS)
+ _http_request.side_effect = [
+ httpclient.IncompleteRead(''),
+ Mock(status=httpclient.OK)
+ ]
+ restutil.http_get("")
+ self.assertEqual(2, _http_request.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(1, _sleep.call_count)
+ @patch("time.sleep")
+ @patch("azurelinuxagent.common.utils.restutil._http_request")
+ def test_http_request_retries_ioerrors(self, _http_request, _sleep):
+ ioerror = IOError()
+ ioerror.errno = 42
+ _http_request.side_effect = [
+ ioerror,
+ Mock(status=httpclient.OK)
+ ]
+ restutil.http_get("")
+ self.assertEqual(2, _http_request.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(1, _sleep.call_count)
+ def test_request_failed(self):
+ self.assertTrue(restutil.request_failed(None))
+ resp = Mock()
+ for status in restutil.OK_CODES:
+ resp.status = status
+ self.assertFalse(restutil.request_failed(resp))
+ self.assertFalse(httpclient.BAD_REQUEST in restutil.OK_CODES)
+ resp.status = httpclient.BAD_REQUEST
+ self.assertTrue(restutil.request_failed(resp))
+ self.assertFalse(
+ restutil.request_failed(
+ resp, ok_codes=[httpclient.BAD_REQUEST]))
+ def test_request_succeeded(self):
+ self.assertFalse(restutil.request_succeeded(None))
+ resp = Mock()
+ for status in restutil.OK_CODES:
+ resp.status = status
+ self.assertTrue(restutil.request_succeeded(resp))
+ self.assertFalse(httpclient.BAD_REQUEST in restutil.OK_CODES)
+ resp.status = httpclient.BAD_REQUEST
+ self.assertFalse(restutil.request_succeeded(resp))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ restutil.request_succeeded(
+ resp, ok_codes=[httpclient.BAD_REQUEST]))
+ def test_read_response_error(self):
+ """
+ Validate the read_response_error method handles encoding correctly
+ """
+ responses = ['message', b'message', '\x80message\x80']
+ response = MagicMock()
+ response.status = 'status'
+ response.reason = 'reason'
+ with patch.object(response, 'read') as patch_response:
+ for s in responses:
+ patch_response.return_value = s
+ result = restutil.read_response_error(response)
+ print("RESPONSE: {0}".format(s))
+ print("RESULT: {0}".format(result))
+ print("PRESENT: {0}".format('[status: reason]' in result))
+ self.assertTrue('[status: reason]' in result)
+ self.assertTrue('message' in result)
+ def test_read_response_bytes(self):
+ response_bytes = '7b:0a:20:20:20:20:22:65:72:72:6f:72:43:6f:64:65:22:' \
+ '3a:20:22:54:68:65:20:62:6c:6f:62:20:74:79:70:65:20:' \
+ '69:73:20:69:6e:76:61:6c:69:64:20:66:6f:72:20:74:68:' \
+ '69:73:20:6f:70:65:72:61:74:69:6f:6e:2e:22:2c:0a:20:' \
+ '20:20:20:22:6d:65:73:73:61:67:65:22:3a:20:22:c3:af:' \
+ 'c2:bb:c2:bf:3c:3f:78:6d:6c:20:76:65:72:73:69:6f:6e:' \
+ '3d:22:31:2e:30:22:20:65:6e:63:6f:64:69:6e:67:3d:22:' \
+ '75:74:66:2d:38:22:3f:3e:3c:45:72:72:6f:72:3e:3c:43:' \
+ '6f:64:65:3e:49:6e:76:61:6c:69:64:42:6c:6f:62:54:79:' \
+ '70:65:3c:2f:43:6f:64:65:3e:3c:4d:65:73:73:61:67:65:' \
+ '3e:54:68:65:20:62:6c:6f:62:20:74:79:70:65:20:69:73:' \
+ '20:69:6e:76:61:6c:69:64:20:66:6f:72:20:74:68:69:73:' \
+ '20:6f:70:65:72:61:74:69:6f:6e:2e:0a:52:65:71:75:65:' \
+ '73:74:49:64:3a:63:37:34:32:39:30:63:62:2d:30:30:30:' \
+ '31:2d:30:30:62:35:2d:30:36:64:61:2d:64:64:36:36:36:' \
+ '61:30:30:30:22:2c:0a:20:20:20:20:22:64:65:74:61:69:' \
+ '6c:73:22:3a:20:22:22:0a:7d'.split(':')
+ expected_response = '[HTTP Failed] [status: reason] {\n "errorCode": "The blob ' \
+ 'type is invalid for this operation.",\n ' \
+ '"message": "<?xml version="1.0" ' \
+ 'encoding="utf-8"?>' \
+ '<Error><Code>InvalidBlobType</Code><Message>The ' \
+ 'blob type is invalid for this operation.\n' \
+ 'RequestId:c74290cb-0001-00b5-06da-dd666a000",' \
+ '\n "details": ""\n}'
+ response_string = ''.join(chr(int(b, 16)) for b in response_bytes)
+ response = MagicMock()
+ response.status = 'status'
+ response.reason = 'reason'
+ with patch.object(response, 'read') as patch_response:
+ patch_response.return_value = response_string
+ result = restutil.read_response_error(response)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected_response)
+ try:
+ raise HttpError("{0}".format(result))
+ except HttpError as e:
+ self.assertTrue(result in ustr(e))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/utils/ b/tests/utils/
index 6f204c7..d182a67 100644
--- a/tests/utils/
+++ b/tests/utils/
@@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ class TestTextUtil(AgentTestCase):
password_hash = textutil.gen_password_hash(data, 6, 10)
self.assertNotEquals(None, password_hash)
+ def test_replace_non_ascii(self):
+ data = ustr(b'\xef\xbb\xbfhehe', encoding='utf-8')
+ self.assertEqual('hehe', textutil.replace_non_ascii(data))
+ data = "abcd\xa0e\xf0fghijk\xbblm"
+ self.assertEqual("abcdefghijklm", textutil.replace_non_ascii(data))
+ data = "abcd\xa0e\xf0fghijk\xbblm"
+ self.assertEqual("abcdXeXfghijkXlm",
+ textutil.replace_non_ascii(data, replace_char='X'))
+ self.assertEqual('', textutil.replace_non_ascii(None))
def test_remove_bom(self):
#Test bom could be removed
data = ustr(b'\xef\xbb\xbfhehe', encoding='utf-8')
@@ -94,6 +107,37 @@ class TestTextUtil(AgentTestCase):
"-----END PRIVATE Key-----\n")
base64_bytes = textutil.get_bytes_from_pem(content)
self.assertEquals("private key", base64_bytes)
+ def test_swap_hexstring(self):
+ data = [
+ ['12', 1, '21'],
+ ['12', 2, '12'],
+ ['12', 3, '012'],
+ ['12', 4, '0012'],
+ ['123', 1, '321'],
+ ['123', 2, '2301'],
+ ['123', 3, '123'],
+ ['123', 4, '0123'],
+ ['1234', 1, '4321'],
+ ['1234', 2, '3412'],
+ ['1234', 3, '234001'],
+ ['1234', 4, '1234'],
+ ['abcdef12', 1, '21fedcba'],
+ ['abcdef12', 2, '12efcdab'],
+ ['abcdef12', 3, 'f12cde0ab'],
+ ['abcdef12', 4, 'ef12abcd'],
+ ['aBcdEf12', 1, '21fEdcBa'],
+ ['aBcdEf12', 2, '12EfcdaB'],
+ ['aBcdEf12', 3, 'f12cdE0aB'],
+ ['aBcdEf12', 4, 'Ef12aBcd']
+ ]
+ for t in data:
+ self.assertEqual(t[2], textutil.swap_hexstring(t[0], width=t[1]))
if __name__ == '__main__':