path: root/plugins/terminal
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-08[] pre-commit autoupdate (#291)pre-commit-ci[bot]
2023-01-25Add prettier and isort to pre-commit. (#270)Kate Case
2022-04-25updated references of base plugins to netcommon (#232)Sagar Paul
2022-04-04Create symmlinks for redirection of vyos modules (#244)GomathiselviS
2021-03-26Add regex to match the 'delete' failures (#134)GomathiselviS
2021-02-19Add support for single_user_mode (#123)Nilashish Chakraborty
2020-10-06Update terminal ansi_re (#87)Nathaniel Case
2020-07-23Remove ansi codes from terminal output (#69)GomathiselviS
2020-06-19Remove # pylint: skip-file usage (#47)0.0.4Paul Belanger
2020-06-17[VyOS]: update readme and add .rst files (#44)Rohit
2020-03-05Fix CI issuesGanesh B Nalawade
2020-03-05Fix vyos terminal length issueGanesh B Nalawade
2020-01-16Updated from network content collectorCaptTrews