path: root/osdep
diff options
authorAdam Ierymenko <>2015-04-06 15:14:54 -0700
committerAdam Ierymenko <>2015-04-06 15:14:54 -0700
commit488f5bf977887d1e2e744fbf1c027068bc4f7524 (patch)
treebde702347d23f8afff982409479d28141573a42d /osdep
parent197d272287d0e4160f945ce8896560c473a08c0d (diff)
More build fixes, and attic/ some stuff.
Diffstat (limited to 'osdep')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1204 deletions
diff --git a/osdep/EthernetTapFactory.hpp b/osdep/EthernetTapFactory.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4acb2369..00000000
--- a/osdep/EthernetTapFactory.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- * --
- *
- * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
- * are available at:
- *
- * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
- * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
- * LLC. Start here:
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "MAC.hpp"
-#include "NonCopyable.hpp"
-#include "Buffer.hpp"
-namespace ZeroTier {
-class EthernetTap;
- * Ethernet tap factory
- *
- * This serves up tap implementations for a given platform. It should never be
- * deleted until the Node using it is shut down, since doing so may invalidate
- * any tap devices it manages.
- *
- * Using a factory pattern will faciliatate packaging ZeroTier as a library,
- * as well as moving toward a design that makes unit testing the entire app
- * quite a bit easier.
- */
-class EthernetTapFactory : NonCopyable
- EthernetTapFactory() {}
- virtual ~EthernetTapFactory() {}
- /**
- * Create / open an Ethernet tap device
- *
- * On some platforms (Windows) this can be a time-consuming operation.
- *
- * Note that close() must be used. Do not just delete the tap instance,
- * since this may leave orphaned resources or cause other problems.
- *
- * @param mac MAC address
- * @param mtu Device MTU
- * @param metric Interface metric (higher = lower priority, may not be supported on all OSes)
- * @param nwid ZeroTier network ID
- * @param desiredDevice Desired system device name or NULL for no preference
- * @param friendlyName Friendly name of this interface or NULL for none (not used on all platforms)
- * @param handler Function to call when packets are received
- * @param arg First argument to provide to handler
- * @return EthernetTap instance
- * @throws std::runtime_error Unable to initialize tap device
- */
- virtual EthernetTap *open(
- const MAC &mac,
- unsigned int mtu,
- unsigned int metric,
- uint64_t nwid,
- const char *desiredDevice,
- const char *friendlyName,
- void (*handler)(void *,const MAC &,const MAC &,unsigned int,const Buffer<4096> &),
- void *arg) = 0;
- /**
- * Close an ethernet tap device and delete/free the tap object
- *
- * @param tap Tap instance
- * @param destroyPersistentDevices If true, destroy persistent device (on platforms where applicable)
- */
- virtual void close(EthernetTap *tap,bool destroyPersistentDevices) = 0;
-} // namespace ZeroTier
diff --git a/osdep/NativeSocketManager.cpp b/osdep/NativeSocketManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 797764ef..00000000
--- a/osdep/NativeSocketManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,989 +0,0 @@
- * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- * --
- *
- * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
- * are available at:
- *
- * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
- * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
- * LLC. Start here:
- */
-/* Native SocketManager for Windows and Unix */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "../node/Constants.hpp"
-#include "NativeSocketManager.hpp"
-#ifndef __WINDOWS__
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#endif // !__WINDOWS__
-// Uncomment to turn off TCP Nagle
-//#define ZT_TCP_NODELAY
-// Allow us to use the same value on Windows and *nix
-#define INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-#define CLOSE_SOCKET(s) ::closesocket(s)
-#define CLOSE_SOCKET(s) ::close(s)
-namespace ZeroTier {
-// Socket implementations
-class NativeSocket : public Socket
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- NativeSocket(const Type &t,SOCKET s) : Socket(t),_sock(s) {}
- SOCKET _sock;
- NativeSocket(const Type &t,int s) : Socket(t),_sock(s) {}
- int _sock;
- * Native UDP socket
- */
-class NativeUdpSocket : public NativeSocket
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- NativeUdpSocket(Type t,SOCKET s) : NativeSocket(t,s) {}
- NativeUdpSocket(Type t,int s) : NativeSocket(t,s) {}
- virtual ~NativeUdpSocket()
- {
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- ::closesocket(_sock);
- ::close(_sock);
- }
- virtual bool send(const InetAddress &to,const void *msg,unsigned int msglen)
- {
- if (to.isV6()) {
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- return ((int)sendto(_sock,(const char *)msg,msglen,0,to.saddr(),to.saddrLen()) == (int)msglen);
- return ((int)sendto(_sock,msg,msglen,0,to.saddr(),to.saddrLen()) == (int)msglen);
- } else {
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- return ((int)sendto(_sock,(const char *)msg,msglen,0,to.saddr(),to.saddrLen()) == (int)msglen);
- return ((int)sendto(_sock,msg,msglen,0,to.saddr(),to.saddrLen()) == (int)msglen);
- }
- }
- inline bool notifyAvailableForRead(const SharedPtr<Socket> &self,NativeSocketManager *sm,void (*handler)(const SharedPtr<Socket> &,void *,const InetAddress &,Buffer<ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN> &),void *arg)
- {
- InetAddress from;
- socklen_t salen = from.saddrSpaceLen();
- int n = (int)recvfrom(_sock,(char *)(,ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN,0,from.saddr(),&salen);
- if (n > 0) {
- buf.setSize((unsigned int)n);
- try {
- handler(self,arg,from,buf);
- } catch ( ... ) {} // handlers should not throw
- }
- return true;
- }
- inline bool notifyAvailableForWrite(const SharedPtr<Socket> &self,NativeSocketManager *sm)
- {
- return true;
- }
- * A TCP socket encapsulating ZeroTier packets over a TCP stream connection
- *
- * This implements a simple packet encapsulation that is designed to look like
- * a TLS connection. It's not a TLS connection, but it sends TLS format record
- * headers. It could be extended in the future to implement a fake TLS
- * handshake.
- *
- * At the moment, each packet is just made to look like TLS application data:
- * <[1] TLS content type> - currently 0x17 for "application data"
- * <[1] TLS major version> - currently 0x03 for TLS 1.2
- * <[1] TLS minor version> - currently 0x03 for TLS 1.2
- * <[2] payload length> - 16-bit length of payload in bytes
- * <[...] payload> - Message payload
- *
- * The primary purpose of TCP sockets is to work over ports like HTTPS(443),
- * allowing users behind particularly fascist firewalls to at least reach
- * ZeroTier's supernodes. UDP is the preferred method of communication as
- * encapsulating L2 and L3 protocols over TCP is inherently inefficient
- * due to double-ACKs. So TCP is only used as a fallback.
- */
-class NativeTcpSocket : public NativeSocket
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- NativeTcpSocket(NativeSocketManager *sm,SOCKET s,Socket::Type t,bool c,const InetAddress &r) :
- NativeTcpSocket(NativeSocketManager *sm,int s,Socket::Type t,bool c,const InetAddress &r) :
- NativeSocket(t,s),
- _lastActivity(Utils::now()),
- _sm(sm),
- _inptr(0),
- _outptr(0),
- _connecting(c),
- _remote(r) {}
- virtual ~NativeTcpSocket()
- {
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- ::closesocket(_sock);
- ::close(_sock);
- }
- virtual bool send(const InetAddress &to,const void *msg,unsigned int msglen)
- {
- return false; // message too big
- if (!msglen)
- return true; // sanity check
- Mutex::Lock _l(_writeLock);
- bool writeInProgress = ((_outptr != 0)||(_connecting));
- if ((_outptr + 5 + msglen) > (unsigned int)sizeof(_outbuf))
- return false;
- _outbuf[_outptr++] = 0x17; // look like TLS data
- _outbuf[_outptr++] = 0x03;
- _outbuf[_outptr++] = 0x03; // look like TLS 1.2
- _outbuf[_outptr++] = (unsigned char)((msglen >> 8) & 0xff);
- _outbuf[_outptr++] = (unsigned char)(msglen & 0xff);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<msglen;++i)
- _outbuf[_outptr++] = ((const unsigned char *)msg)[i];
- if (!writeInProgress) {
- // If no output was enqueued before this, try to send() it and then
- // start a queued write if any remains after that.
- int n = (int)::send(_sock,(const char *)_outbuf,_outptr,0);
- if (n > 0)
- memmove(_outbuf,_outbuf + (unsigned int)n,_outptr -= (unsigned int)n);
- if (_outptr) {
- _sm->_startNotifyWrite(this);
- _sm->whack();
- }
- } // else just leave in _outbuf[] to get written when stream is available for write
- return true;
- }
- inline bool notifyAvailableForRead(const SharedPtr<Socket> &self,NativeSocketManager *sm,void (*handler)(const SharedPtr<Socket> &,void *,const InetAddress &,Buffer<ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN> &),void *arg)
- {
- unsigned char buf[65536];
- int n = (int)::recv(_sock,(char *)buf,sizeof(buf),0);
- if (n <= 0)
- return false; // read error, stream probably closed
- unsigned int p = _inptr,pl = 0;
- for(int k=0;k<n;++k) {
- _inbuf[p++] = buf[k];
- if (p >= (int)sizeof(_inbuf))
- return false; // read overrun, packet too large or invalid
- if ((!pl)&&(p >= 5)) {
- if (_inbuf[0] == 0x17) {
- // fake TLS data frame, next two bytes are TLS version and are ignored
- pl = (((unsigned int)_inbuf[3] << 8) | (unsigned int)_inbuf[4]) + 5;
- } else return false; // in the future we may support fake TLS handshakes
- }
- if ((pl)&&(p >= pl)) {
- Buffer<ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN> data(_inbuf + 5,pl - 5);
- memmove(_inbuf,_inbuf + pl,p -= pl);
- try {
- handler(self,arg,_remote,data);
- } catch ( ... ) {} // handlers should not throw
- pl = 0;
- }
- }
- _inptr = p;
- return true;
- }
- inline bool notifyAvailableForWrite(const SharedPtr<Socket> &self,NativeSocketManager *sm)
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_writeLock);
- if (_connecting)
- _connecting = false;
- if (_outptr) {
- int n = (int)::send(_sock,(const char *)_outbuf,_outptr,0);
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (n == SOCKET_ERROR) {
- switch(WSAGetLastError()) {
- case WSAEINTR:
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- if (n <= 0) {
- switch(errno) {
-#ifdef EAGAIN
- case EAGAIN:
-#if defined(EWOULDBLOCK) && ( !defined(EAGAIN) || (EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN) )
-#ifdef EINTR
- case EINTR:
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- } else memmove(_outbuf,_outbuf + (unsigned int)n,_outptr -= (unsigned int)n);
- }
- if (!_outptr)
- sm->_stopNotifyWrite(this);
- return true;
- }
- unsigned char _inbuf[ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
- unsigned char _outbuf[ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN * 4];
- uint64_t _lastActivity; // updated whenever data is received, checked directly by SocketManager for stale TCP cleanup
- NativeSocketManager *_sm;
- unsigned int _inptr;
- unsigned int _outptr;
- bool _connecting; // manipulated directly by SocketManager, true if connect() is in progress
- InetAddress _remote;
- Mutex _writeLock;
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-// hack copied from StackOverflow, behaves a bit like pipe() on *nix systems
-static inline void winPipeHack(SOCKET fds[2])
- struct sockaddr_in inaddr;
- struct sockaddr addr;
- memset(&inaddr, 0, sizeof(inaddr));
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- inaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- inaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- inaddr.sin_port = 0;
- int yes=1;
- setsockopt(lst,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(char*)&yes,sizeof(yes));
- bind(lst,(struct sockaddr *)&inaddr,sizeof(inaddr));
- listen(lst,1);
- int len=sizeof(inaddr);
- getsockname(lst, &addr,&len);
- fds[0]=::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
- connect(fds[0],&addr,len);
- fds[1]=accept(lst,0,0);
- closesocket(lst);
-NativeSocketManager::NativeSocketManager(int localUdpPort,int localTcpPort) :
- SocketManager(),
- _whackSendPipe(INVALID_SOCKET),
- _whackReceivePipe(INVALID_SOCKET),
- _tcpV4ListenSocket(INVALID_SOCKET),
- _tcpV6ListenSocket(INVALID_SOCKET),
- _nfds(0)
- FD_ZERO(&_readfds);
- FD_ZERO(&_writefds);
- // Create a pipe or socket pair that can be used to interrupt select()
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- {
- winPipeHack(tmps);
- _whackSendPipe = tmps[0];
- _whackReceivePipe = tmps[1];
- u_long iMode=1;
- ioctlsocket(tmps[1],FIONBIO,&iMode);
- }
- {
- int tmpfds[2];
- if (::pipe(tmpfds))
- throw std::runtime_error("pipe() failed");
- _whackSendPipe = tmpfds[1];
- _whackReceivePipe = tmpfds[0];
- fcntl(_whackReceivePipe,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- }
- FD_SET(_whackReceivePipe,&_readfds);
- if (localTcpPort > 0) {
- if (localTcpPort > 0xffff) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("invalid local TCP port number");
- }
- { // bind TCP IPv6
- _tcpV6ListenSocket = ::socket(AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,0);
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (_tcpV6ListenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- {
- BOOL f;
- f = TRUE; ::setsockopt(_tcpV6ListenSocket,IPPROTO_IPV6,IPV6_V6ONLY,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = TRUE; ::setsockopt(_tcpV6ListenSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- u_long iMode=1;
- ioctlsocket(_tcpV6ListenSocket,FIONBIO,&iMode);
- }
- if (_tcpV6ListenSocket > 0) {
- {
- int f;
- f = 1; ::setsockopt(_tcpV6ListenSocket,IPPROTO_IPV6,IPV6_V6ONLY,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 1; ::setsockopt(_tcpV6ListenSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- fcntl(_tcpV6ListenSocket,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- }
-#endif // __WINDOWS__ / not __WINDOWS__
- struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
- memset(&sin6,0,sizeof(sin6));
- sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sin6.sin6_port = htons(localTcpPort);
- memcpy(&(sin6.sin6_addr),&in6addr_any,sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- if (::bind(_tcpV6ListenSocket,(const struct sockaddr *)&sin6,sizeof(sin6))) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to bind to local TCP port");
- }
- if (::listen(_tcpV6ListenSocket,1024)) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("listen() failed");
- }
- FD_SET(_tcpV6ListenSocket,&_readfds);
- }
- }
- { // bind TCP IPv4
- _tcpV4ListenSocket = ::socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (_tcpV4ListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- if (_tcpV4ListenSocket <= 0) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to create IPv4 SOCK_STREAM socket");
- }
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- {
- BOOL f = TRUE; ::setsockopt(_tcpV4ListenSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- u_long iMode=1;
- ioctlsocket(_tcpV4ListenSocket,FIONBIO,&iMode);
- }
- {
- int f = 1; ::setsockopt(_tcpV4ListenSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- fcntl(_tcpV4ListenSocket,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- }
- struct sockaddr_in sin4;
- memset(&sin4,0,sizeof(sin4));
- sin4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin4.sin_port = htons(localTcpPort);
- sin4.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- if (::bind(_tcpV4ListenSocket,(const struct sockaddr *)&sin4,sizeof(sin4))) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to bind to local TCP port");
- }
- if (::listen(_tcpV4ListenSocket,1024)) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("listen() failed");
- }
- FD_SET(_tcpV4ListenSocket,&_readfds);
- }
- }
- if (localUdpPort > 0) {
- if (localUdpPort > 0xffff) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("invalid local UDP port number");
- }
- { // bind UDP IPv6
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- SOCKET s = ::socket(AF_INET6,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
- if (s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- int s = ::socket(AF_INET6,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
- if (s > 0) {
- {
- int bs = 1048576;
- while (bs >= 65536) {
- int tmpbs = bs;
- if (setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(const char *)&tmpbs,sizeof(tmpbs)) == 0)
- break;
- bs -= 16384;
- }
- bs = 1048576;
- while (bs >= 65536) {
- int tmpbs = bs;
- if (setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,(const char *)&tmpbs,sizeof(tmpbs)) == 0)
- break;
- bs -= 16384;
- }
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- BOOL f;
- f = TRUE; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IPV6,IPV6_V6ONLY,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = FALSE; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = FALSE; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IPV6,IPV6_DONTFRAG,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = TRUE; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- int f;
- f = 1; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IPV6,IPV6_V6ONLY,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 1; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_DONTFRAG,&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_MTU_DISCOVER,&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IPV6,IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER,&f,sizeof(f));
- }
- struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
- memset(&sin6,0,sizeof(sin6));
- sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sin6.sin6_port = htons(localUdpPort);
- memcpy(&(sin6.sin6_addr),&in6addr_any,sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- if (::bind(s,(const struct sockaddr *)&sin6,sizeof(sin6))) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to bind to port");
- }
- _udpV6Socket = SharedPtr<Socket>(new NativeUdpSocket(Socket::ZT_SOCKET_TYPE_UDP_V6,s));
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- u_long iMode=1;
- ioctlsocket(s,FIONBIO,&iMode);
- fcntl(s,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- FD_SET(s,&_readfds);
- }
- }
- { // bind UDP IPv4
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- SOCKET s = ::socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
- if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to create IPv4 SOCK_DGRAM socket");
- }
- int s = ::socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
- if (s <= 0) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to create IPv4 SOCK_DGRAM socket");
- }
- {
- int bs = 1048576;
- while (bs >= 65536) {
- int tmpbs = bs;
- if (setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(const char *)&tmpbs,sizeof(tmpbs)) == 0)
- break;
- bs -= 16384;
- }
- bs = 1048576;
- while (bs >= 65536) {
- int tmpbs = bs;
- if (setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,(const char *)&tmpbs,sizeof(tmpbs)) == 0)
- break;
- bs -= 16384;
- }
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- BOOL f;
- f = FALSE; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = FALSE; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_DONTFRAGMENT,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = TRUE; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,(const char *)&f,sizeof(f));
- int f;
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 1; setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,(void *)&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_DONTFRAG,&f,sizeof(f));
- f = 0; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_MTU_DISCOVER,&f,sizeof(f));
- }
- struct sockaddr_in sin4;
- memset(&sin4,0,sizeof(sin4));
- sin4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin4.sin_port = htons(localUdpPort);
- sin4.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- if (::bind(s,(const struct sockaddr *)&sin4,sizeof(sin4))) {
- _closeSockets();
- throw std::runtime_error("unable to bind to port");
- }
- _udpV4Socket = SharedPtr<Socket>(new NativeUdpSocket(Socket::ZT_SOCKET_TYPE_UDP_V4,s));
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- u_long iMode=1;
- ioctlsocket(s,FIONBIO,&iMode);
- fcntl(s,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- FD_SET(s,&_readfds);
- }
- }
- _updateNfds();
- Mutex::Lock _l(_pollLock);
- _closeSockets();
-bool NativeSocketManager::send(const InetAddress &to,bool tcp,bool autoConnectTcp,const void *msg,unsigned int msglen)
- if (tcp) {
- SharedPtr<Socket> ts;
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_tcpSockets_m);
- std::map< InetAddress,SharedPtr<Socket> >::iterator opents(_tcpSockets.find(to));
- if (opents != _tcpSockets.end())
- ts = opents->second;
- }
- if (ts)
- return ts->send(to,msg,msglen);
- if (!autoConnectTcp)
- return false;
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- SOCKET s = ::socket(to.isV4() ? AF_INET : AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- if (s == INVALID_SOCKET)
- return false;
- { u_long iMode=1; ioctlsocket(s,FIONBIO,&iMode); }
- { BOOL f = TRUE; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&f,sizeof(f)); }
- int s = ::socket(to.isV4() ? AF_INET : AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- if (s <= 0)
- return false;
- if (s >= FD_SETSIZE) {
- ::close(s);
- return false;
- }
- fcntl(s,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- { int f = 1; setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&f,sizeof(f)); }
- bool connecting = false;
- if (::connect(s,to.saddr(),to.saddrLen())) {
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
- if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {
- return false;
- } else connecting = true;
- }
- ts = SharedPtr<Socket>(new NativeTcpSocket(this,s,Socket::ZT_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP_OUT,connecting,to));
- if (!ts->send(to,msg,msglen)) {
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_CLR(s,&_readfds);
- FD_CLR(s,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- return false;
- }
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l(_tcpSockets_m);
- _tcpSockets[to] = ts;
- }
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_SET(s,&_readfds);
- if (connecting)
- FD_SET(s,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- _updateNfds();
- whack();
- return true;
- } else if (to.isV4()) {
- if (_udpV4Socket)
- return _udpV4Socket->send(to,msg,msglen);
- } else if (to.isV6()) {
- if (_udpV6Socket)
- return _udpV6Socket->send(to,msg,msglen);
- }
- return false;
-void NativeSocketManager::poll(unsigned long timeout,void (*handler)(const SharedPtr<Socket> &,void *,const InetAddress &,Buffer<ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN> &),void *arg)
- fd_set rfds,wfds,efds;
- struct timeval tv;
- std::vector< SharedPtr<Socket> > ts;
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- SOCKET sockfd;
- int sockfd;
- Mutex::Lock _l(_pollLock);
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- memcpy(&rfds,&_readfds,sizeof(rfds));
- memcpy(&wfds,&_writefds,sizeof(wfds));
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- FD_ZERO(&efds);
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- // Windows signals failed connects in exceptfds
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- for(std::map< InetAddress,SharedPtr<Socket> >::iterator s(_tcpSockets.begin());s!=_tcpSockets.end();++s) {
- if (((NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr())->_connecting)
- FD_SET(((NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr())->_sock,&efds);
- }
- }
- tv.tv_sec = (long)(timeout / 1000);
- tv.tv_usec = (long)((timeout % 1000) * 1000);
- select(_nfds + 1,&rfds,&wfds,&efds,(timeout > 0) ? &tv : (struct timeval *)0);
- if (FD_ISSET(_whackReceivePipe,&rfds)) {
- char tmp[16];
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- ::recv(_whackReceivePipe,tmp,16,0);
- ::read(_whackReceivePipe,tmp,16);
- }
- if ((_tcpV4ListenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)&&(FD_ISSET(_tcpV4ListenSocket,&rfds))) {
- struct sockaddr_in from;
- socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from);
- sockfd = accept(_tcpV4ListenSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&from,&fromlen);
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (sockfd != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- if (sockfd > 0) {
- if (sockfd < FD_SETSIZE) {
- InetAddress fromia((const struct sockaddr *)&from);
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- try {
- _tcpSockets[fromia] = SharedPtr<Socket>(new NativeTcpSocket(this,sockfd,Socket::ZT_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP_IN,false,fromia));
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- { u_long iMode=1; ioctlsocket(sockfd,FIONBIO,&iMode); }
- { BOOL f = TRUE; setsockopt(sockfd,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&f,sizeof(f)); }
- fcntl(sockfd,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- { int f = 1; setsockopt(sockfd,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&f,sizeof(f)); }
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_SET(sockfd,&_readfds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- if ((int)sockfd > (int)_nfds)
- _nfds = (int)sockfd;
- } catch ( ... ) {
- CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd);
- }
-#ifndef __WINDOWS__
- } else {
- CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((_tcpV6ListenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)&&(FD_ISSET(_tcpV6ListenSocket,&rfds))) {
- struct sockaddr_in6 from;
- socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from);
- sockfd = accept(_tcpV6ListenSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&from,&fromlen);
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (sockfd != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- if (sockfd > 0) {
- if (sockfd < FD_SETSIZE) {
- InetAddress fromia((const struct sockaddr *)&from);
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- try {
- _tcpSockets[fromia] = SharedPtr<Socket>(new NativeTcpSocket(this,sockfd,Socket::ZT_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP_IN,false,fromia));
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- { u_long iMode=1; ioctlsocket(sockfd,FIONBIO,&iMode); }
- { BOOL f = TRUE; setsockopt(sockfd,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&f,sizeof(f)); }
- fcntl(sockfd,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- { int f = 1; setsockopt(sockfd,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char *)&f,sizeof(f)); }
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_SET(sockfd,&_readfds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- if ((int)sockfd > (int)_nfds)
- _nfds = (int)sockfd;
- } catch ( ... ) {
- CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd);
- }
-#ifndef __WINDOWS__
- } else {
- CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- NativeUdpSocket *usock = (NativeUdpSocket *)_udpV4Socket.ptr();
- if ((usock)&&(FD_ISSET(usock->_sock,&rfds))) {
- usock->notifyAvailableForRead(_udpV4Socket,this,handler,arg);
- }
- usock = (NativeUdpSocket *)_udpV6Socket.ptr();
- if ((usock)&&(FD_ISSET(usock->_sock,&rfds))) {
- usock->notifyAvailableForRead(_udpV6Socket,this,handler,arg);
- }
- }
- bool closedSockets = false;
- { // grab copy of TCP sockets list because _tcpSockets[] might be changed in a handler
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- if (!_tcpSockets.empty()) {
- ts.reserve(_tcpSockets.size());
- uint64_t now = Utils::now();
- for(std::map< InetAddress,SharedPtr<Socket> >::iterator s(_tcpSockets.begin());s!=_tcpSockets.end();) {
- NativeTcpSocket *tsock = (NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr();
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if ( ((now - tsock->_lastActivity) < ZT_TCP_TUNNEL_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) && (! ((tsock->_connecting)&&(FD_ISSET(tsock->_sock,&efds))) ) ) {
- if ((now - tsock->_lastActivity) < ZT_TCP_TUNNEL_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) {
- ts.push_back(s->second);
- ++s;
- } else {
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_CLR(tsock->_sock,&_readfds);
- FD_CLR(tsock->_sock,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- _tcpSockets.erase(s++);
- closedSockets = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(std::vector< SharedPtr<Socket> >::iterator s(ts.begin());s!=ts.end();++s) {
- NativeTcpSocket *tsock = (NativeTcpSocket *)s->ptr();
- if (FD_ISSET(tsock->_sock,&wfds)) {
- if (!tsock->notifyAvailableForWrite(*s,this)) {
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- _tcpSockets.erase(tsock->_remote);
- }
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_CLR(tsock->_sock,&_readfds);
- FD_CLR(tsock->_sock,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- closedSockets = true;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (FD_ISSET(tsock->_sock,&rfds)) {
- if (!tsock->notifyAvailableForRead(*s,this,handler,arg)) {
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- _tcpSockets.erase(tsock->_remote);
- }
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_CLR(tsock->_sock,&_readfds);
- FD_CLR(tsock->_sock,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- closedSockets = true;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (closedSockets)
- _updateNfds();
-void NativeSocketManager::whack()
- _whackSendPipe_m.lock();
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- ::send(_whackSendPipe,(const char *)this,1,0);
- ::write(_whackSendPipe,(const void *)this,1); // data is arbitrary, just send a byte
- _whackSendPipe_m.unlock();
-void NativeSocketManager::closeTcpSockets()
- {
- Mutex::Lock _l2(_tcpSockets_m);
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- for(std::map< InetAddress,SharedPtr<Socket> >::iterator s(_tcpSockets.begin());s!=_tcpSockets.end();++s) {
- FD_CLR(((NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr())->_sock,&_readfds);
- FD_CLR(((NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr())->_sock,&_writefds);
- }
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
- _tcpSockets.clear();
- }
- _updateNfds();
-void NativeSocketManager::_startNotifyWrite(const NativeSocket *sock)
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_SET(sock->_sock,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
-void NativeSocketManager::_stopNotifyWrite(const NativeSocket *sock)
- _fdSetLock.lock();
- FD_CLR(sock->_sock,&_writefds);
- _fdSetLock.unlock();
-void NativeSocketManager::_closeSockets()
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- if (_whackSendPipe != INVALID_SOCKET)
- ::closesocket(_whackSendPipe);
- if (_whackReceivePipe != INVALID_SOCKET)
- ::closesocket(_whackReceivePipe);
- if (_tcpV4ListenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
- ::closesocket(_tcpV4ListenSocket);
- if (_tcpV6ListenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
- ::closesocket(_tcpV6ListenSocket);
- if (_whackSendPipe > 0)
- ::close(_whackSendPipe);
- if (_whackReceivePipe > 0)
- ::close(_whackReceivePipe);
- if (_tcpV4ListenSocket > 0)
- ::close(_tcpV4ListenSocket);
- if (_tcpV4ListenSocket > 0)
- ::close(_tcpV6ListenSocket);
-void NativeSocketManager::_updateNfds()
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- SOCKET nfds = _whackSendPipe;
- int nfds = _whackSendPipe;
- if (_whackReceivePipe > nfds)
- nfds = _whackReceivePipe;
- if (_tcpV4ListenSocket > nfds)
- nfds = _tcpV4ListenSocket;
- if (_tcpV6ListenSocket > nfds)
- nfds = _tcpV6ListenSocket;
- if ((_udpV4Socket)&&(((NativeUdpSocket *)_udpV4Socket.ptr())->_sock > nfds))
- nfds = ((NativeUdpSocket *)_udpV4Socket.ptr())->_sock;
- if ((_udpV6Socket)&&(((NativeUdpSocket *)_udpV6Socket.ptr())->_sock > nfds))
- nfds = ((NativeUdpSocket *)_udpV6Socket.ptr())->_sock;
- Mutex::Lock _l(_tcpSockets_m);
- for(std::map< InetAddress,SharedPtr<Socket> >::const_iterator s(_tcpSockets.begin());s!=_tcpSockets.end();++s) {
- if (((NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr())->_sock > nfds)
- nfds = ((NativeTcpSocket *)s->second.ptr())->_sock;
- }
- _nfds = (int)nfds;
-} // namespace ZeroTier
diff --git a/osdep/NativeSocketManager.hpp b/osdep/NativeSocketManager.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db06d6a..00000000
--- a/osdep/NativeSocketManager.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- * --
- *
- * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
- * are available at:
- *
- * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
- * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
- * LLC. Start here:
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "../node/Constants.hpp"
-#include "../node/SharedPtr.hpp"
-#include "../node/Mutex.hpp"
-#include "../node/SocketManager.hpp"
-#include "../node/Socket.hpp"
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-#include <WinSock2.h>
-#include <WS2tcpip.h>
-#include <Windows.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/select.h>
-namespace ZeroTier {
-class NativeSocket;
-class NativeUdpSocket;
-class NativeTcpSocket;
- * Native socket manager for Unix and Windows
- */
-class NativeSocketManager : public SocketManager
- friend class NativeUdpSocket;
- friend class NativeTcpSocket;
- NativeSocketManager(int localUdpPort,int localTcpPort);
- virtual ~NativeSocketManager();
- virtual bool send(const InetAddress &to,bool tcp,bool autoConnectTcp,const void *msg,unsigned int msglen);
- virtual void poll(unsigned long timeout,void (*handler)(const SharedPtr<Socket> &,void *,const InetAddress &,Buffer<ZT_SOCKET_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN> &),void *arg);
- virtual void whack();
- virtual void closeTcpSockets();
- // Used by TcpSocket to register/unregister for write availability notification
- void _startNotifyWrite(const NativeSocket *sock);
- void _stopNotifyWrite(const NativeSocket *sock);
- // Called in SocketManager destructor or in constructor cleanup before exception throwing
- void _closeSockets();
- // Called in SocketManager to recompute _nfds for select() based implementation
- void _updateNfds();
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
- SOCKET _whackSendPipe;
- SOCKET _whackReceivePipe;
- SOCKET _tcpV4ListenSocket;
- SOCKET _tcpV6ListenSocket;
- int _whackSendPipe;
- int _whackReceivePipe;
- int _tcpV4ListenSocket;
- int _tcpV6ListenSocket;
- Mutex _whackSendPipe_m;
- SharedPtr<Socket> _udpV4Socket;
- SharedPtr<Socket> _udpV6Socket;
- fd_set _readfds;
- fd_set _writefds;
- volatile int _nfds;
- Mutex _fdSetLock;
- std::map< InetAddress,SharedPtr<Socket> > _tcpSockets;
- Mutex _tcpSockets_m;
- Mutex _pollLock;
-} // namespace ZeroTier