path: root/src/
diff options
authorJohn Estabrook <>2025-03-18 10:09:48 -0500
committerGitHub <>2025-03-18 10:09:48 -0500
commit33cc7567d909c776d43ea6698267125ea1ec2f66 (patch)
tree5ffb797cf40f6a5ccbc16560d8b9d17ebab20e3b /src/
parent41cbac4d6467c8bd62eeb247d2e28efa359e4a1c (diff)
parent57f788f4dc1468807a2d78f7effbbaddcae6f36c (diff)
Merge pull request #15 from jestabro/commitd
T7121: Set up communication vyconfd to vyos-commitd
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7fc811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+(* send commit data to Python commit daemon *)
+open Vycall_message.Vycall_pbt
+open Vyconfd_config.Commit
+module CT = Vyos1x.Config_tree
+module IC = Vyos1x.Internal.Make(CT)
+module ST = Vyconfd_config.Startup
+module DF = Vyconfd_config.Defaults
+module FP = FilePath
+type t = {
+ ic: Lwt_io.input;
+ oc: Lwt_io.output;
+(* explicit translation between commit data and commit protobuf
+ * to keep the commit data opaque to protobuf message definition.
+ * The commit daemon updates the (subset of) commit data with
+ * results of script execution in init/reply fields.
+ *)
+let node_data_to_call nd =
+ { script_name = nd.script_name;
+ tag_value = nd.tag_value;
+ arg_value = nd.arg_value;
+ reply = None
+ }
+let call_to_node_data ((c: call), (nd: node_data)) =
+ match c.reply with
+ | None -> nd
+ | Some r -> { nd with reply = Some { success = r.success; out = r.out }}
+let commit_data_to_commit_proto cd =
+ { session_id = cd.session_id;
+ named_active = cd.named_active;
+ named_proposed = cd.named_proposed;
+ dry_run = cd.dry_run;
+ atomic = cd.atomic;
+ background = cd.background;
+ init = None;
+ calls = node_data_to_call cd.node_list;
+ }
+let commit_proto_to_commit_data (c: commit) (cd: commit_data) =
+ match c.init with
+ | None -> cd
+ | Some i ->
+ { cd with init = Some { success = i.success; out = i.out };
+ node_list =
+ call_to_node_data (List.combine c.calls cd.node_list);
+ }
+(* read/write message from/to socket *)
+let call_write oc msg =
+ let length = Bytes.length msg in
+ let length' = Int32.of_int length in
+ if length' < 0l then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad message length: %d" length) else
+ let header = Bytes.create 4 in
+ let () = EndianBytes.BigEndian.set_int32 header 0 length' in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.write_from_exactly oc header 0 4 in
+ Lwt_io.write_from_exactly oc msg 0 length
+let call_read ic =
+ let header = Bytes.create 4 in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic header 0 4 in
+ let length = EndianBytes.BigEndian.get_int32 header 0 |> Int32.to_int in
+ if length < 0 then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Bad message length: %d" length) else
+ let buffer = Bytes.create length in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ic buffer 0 length in
+ Lwt.return buffer
+(* encode/decode commit data *)
+let do_call client request =
+ let enc = Pbrt.Encoder.create () in
+ let () = encode_pb_commit request enc in
+ let msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc in
+ let%lwt () = call_write client.oc msg in
+ let%lwt resp = call_read client.ic in
+ decode_pb_commit (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes resp) |> Lwt.return
+(* socket management and commit callback *)
+let create sockfile =
+ let open Lwt_unix in
+ let sock = socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ let%lwt () = connect sock (ADDR_UNIX sockfile) in
+ let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Input sock in
+ let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Output sock in
+ Lwt.return { ic=ic; oc=oc; }
+let update session_data =
+ Lwt.return (commit_store session_data)
+let do_commit session_data =
+ let session = commit_data_to_commit_proto session_data in
+ let run () =
+ let sockfile = "/run/vyos-commitd.sock" in
+ let%lwt client = create sockfile in
+ let%lwt resp = do_call client session in
+ let%lwt () = Lwt_io.close client.oc in
+ update (commit_proto_to_commit_data resp session_data)
+ in @@ run ()
+(* test function *)
+let test_commit at wt =
+ let vc =
+ ST.load_daemon_config DF.defaults.config_file in
+ let () =
+ IC.write_internal at (FP.concat vc.session_dir vc.running_cache) in
+ let () =
+ IC.write_internal wt (FP.concat vc.session_dir vc.session_cache) in
+ let rt_opt =
+ ST.read_reference_tree (FP.concat vc.reftree_dir vc.reference_tree)
+ in
+ match rt_opt with
+ | Error msg -> print_endline msg
+ | Ok rt ->
+ let del_list, add_list =
+ calculate_priority_lists rt at wt
+ in
+ let commit_session =
+ { default_commit_data with node_list = del_list @ add_list }
+ in
+ do_commit commit_session